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3   1223   90039    1088 


Of.  tti.  momafcuc  $  Co. 

309  to  317  market  Street 

M-k  i! 





Plain  and 

*  •  «  61a 



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Encaustic  « 


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917.94    S22  6-  821494 


Form  3427 

tj       shown  in  this 

the  tiling  and 
mantels  in  which 

l  by 

m.  u>.  mom. 

faience  and  Roman  Brick  f ireplaCCS 

flaents  for  the  Taultless  Turman  Boilers 

«  «  « 




rOfflClS^teAfiY  ST  y 





Scientific,     Sanitary  °  and  -  Modern  -  Plumbing 

Specifications  Furnished  and  Estimates  Given 
All  Work  Guaranteed 


RED  1294 

SHOP    AND    SHOW    ROOM  : 

506  Geary  Street,  San  Francisco. 

Q&  ery 
















Army  and  Navy 



The  Names,  Addresses,  Reception  LXr/s  and 
Country  Residences  of 
Prominent  Families 

....     ARRANGED     ALPHABETICALLY     .... 


Pictu       "ue  and  Artistic  Homes  and  Modern  Buildings  J* 

£•  Personnel  of  the  Press     J>     S>     Theatre  Diagrams 

Also  a  List  of  Club  Members  giving  Business  Addresses 
Permanent  Guests  of  the  Leading  Hotels 

San  Francisco  Street  and  Avenue  Guide     v** 

•>*     Ladies'  Shopping  Guide,  Etc.,  Etc. 

Season  of  1896-07 

COPYRIGHTED.     1896 


Price,  Five  Dollars 


CHAS.  C.  HOAG,  Editor  and  Publisher 
225  Post  Street 






Thomas  Day  Company 


(/Veer/-  3rd  St) 

:-  Mission  St 




^  Electric 



( y  A    N    D  H     I      A    f)    f\    A  UNIQUE    DESIGNS    MADE    TO    ORDER 





Following  the  custom  among:  refined 
people,  we  have  published  a  BLUE  BOOK 
for  the  last  nine  years  that  has  been  re- 
cognized by  the  press,  influential  citizens, 
and  the  leading-  business  men  as  reliable 
and  authentic.  What  was  at  one  time  thought  to  be  a  use- 
less expenditure  of  money  in  publishing  a  Classified  Society 
List,  has  changed  to  such  an  extent  that  our  prominent 
people  regard  the  BLUE  BOOK  as  a  necessity  in  every  refined 
home,    iiii^^i^j'ii^i 

As  a  community  we  occupy  an  enviable  position  in  the  sister- 
hood of  States,  and  our  many  attractions  for  residence  and 
exclusive  association  have  received  the  unqualified  praise  of 
noted  travelers  and  prominent  personages  of  the  world,  and  we 
have  gained  a  wide  reputation  for  politeness  and  hospitality.  <* 

We  have  added  several  new  features  to  the  BLUE  BOOK  in 
ornamental  and  artistic  pictures  in  the  classification  and  head- 
ings. A  number  of  private  residences  are  shown,  which  gives 
an  index  of  the  attractive  and  luxurious  Californian  homes. 
No  expense  or  labor  has  been  spared  to  make  the  work  accu- 
rate, reliable,  and  a  ready  reference  for  those  who  belong  to  the 
literary  and  social  clubs  and  to  the  business  organizations.  J*  «s* 

We  acknowledge  the  valuable  assistance  rendered  us  by  society 
people,  and  we  believe  we  have  the  full  indorsement  of  those 
who  are  capable  of  a  close  and  critical  judgment,  in  pronouncing 
this  work — in  make-up,  arrangement,  typography,  and  care- 
ful scrutiny  superior  to  any  other  of  the  kind  published  in 
the  United  States.      J-      &&<$•&<£&£•&<$• 

The  publisher. 

PREvt-  ■  Tns  E.  D.  Taylov 

I  .       Nakl. 

Paper  »  Bone«stell  6r 

ACRE.3  &-*  Will:- 

-  Coajt  Alv.  6*  Po 

Great  Reduction  in  Telephone  Rates 



Individual  Service  Long  Distance  Telephones  from  $7   50  to  $5  50 

With  charge  for  city  switching 
Party  Wire  Sen-ice  with  Long  Distance  Telephones,     4  50  to     2   50 

With  charge  for  city  switching 


Individual  Service  Dong  Distance  Telephones, 
Party  Wire  Service  Long  Distance  Telephones. 
Kitchen  Telephones,       - 

No  charge  for  city  switching. 

6   50 

5  50  to     2   50 

1   75 


L.    H.   JACOBI 

Contract  Agent 

216  Bush  Street,  San  Francisco 

. . .  Send  Your  Telegrams  by  Telephone . . 

You  can  easily  send  50  words  in  half  a  minute 
and  get  immediate  answers 


San  Jose, 
San  Rafael, 
Sacramento,       Y 
Stookton,  Yn 

Los  Angeles,     Y\ 

1     minute, 


15  Cents 






CITIES , 33-192 


ADDITIONAL  LIST  (Too  late  for  Classification) 26-29 

Alameda 137-142 

Belmont 162 

Berkeley 145-147 

Los  Angeles 178-181 

Menlo  Park 158 

Oakland 121-136 

Palo  Alto 160-161 

Redwood  City, 162 

Ross  Valley 171 

Sacramento 174-175 

San  Carlos 162 

San  Diego 182-183 

San  Francisco 33-116 

San  Jose 151-157 

San  Mateo 159-160 

San  Rafael 165-169 

Santa  Barbara 181-182 

Santa  Cruz 163 

Sausalito 170-171 

Stockton 176-177 

U.  S.  Army  (Pac.  Div.) 187-190 

U.  S.  Navy   (Mare  Island) 191-192 


Athenian   Club 250-251 

Bohemian   Club 217-224 

Burlingame  Country   Club 236-237 

Cal.  Chapter  Daughters  of  Am.  Rev 252 

Calfornia  Pioneers 252 

Cercle  Francais 245-246 

Concordia  Club 247-249 

California  Jockey  Club 172 

Corinthian  Yacht  Club 252 

Cosmos  Club 230-232 

Country   Club 246 

Dartmouth  College  Alumni  Ass'n 251 

Deutscher  Verein 243-244 

Deutsches  Altenheim 244 

Harvard  Club  of  San  Francisco 251 

Horse  Show  Association 251 

Merchants'  Club 232-235 

Olympic  Club 2o2 

Pacific  Coast  Jockey  Club 172 

Phi  Delta  Phi  Club 251 

Pacific  Coast  Women's  Press  Ass'n 2o2 

JOHN  G.  ILS  &  CO. 


Kearny  Street 

San  Francisco 


French  Cooking  Ranges, 
Broilers  and  <£•  <£  <£> 
Carving  Tables.  J>     J- 

Bakers'  aiv]  Confectioners' 

A.    DKCOt  RTIEIX,    SR. 

Ice  Cream  Moulds  and 

Paper  Novelties  for  Table  Use. 

A.  Decourtieix,  Jr. 


CHOICE   .... 



Orders  called  for  and  delivered  free 

With  special  facilities   for  supplying  Delicacies  to 
Families,  also  Hotels  and  Restaurants 

Stalls  I,  to  H).  Pacific  Fruit  Market 

529  Merchant  and  536  Clay  Street 

Between  Montgomery  and  Sansome 
and  Clay  and  Washington 



CONTEXTS.  (Continued) 

Pacific-Union  Club 211-215 

Pacific  Yacht  Club 246 

Press  Club  of  San  Francisco 241-242 

San  Francisco  Art  Ass'n 237-239 

San  Francisco  Verein 246.  252 

San  Francisco  Yacht  Club 252 

Union   League  Club 239-240 

University  Club 225-229 

Yale  Alumni  Association 246 


Irving  Institute 254 

Fagen's.  Miss  Mabel  R.,  School 255 

Moore's.  Miss  Elizabeth.  School 255 

Magnolia  Hall 255 

West's.  Miss,  School 255 

Ziska  Institute 255 


Argonaut.  The 284 

Daily  Examiner,  The 284 

Daily    Report,    The 280-281 

Evening  Post.   The 276-277 

New  Bulletin,  The 278-279 

Oakland  Tribune 286 

Pacific  Town  Talk 285 

San  Francisco  Call,  The 274-275 

San   Francisco   Chronicle 272-273 

San   Francisco  News   Letter 282-283 

San  Jose  Daily  Mercury 150 

Traveler.  The 164 

Wasp,  The 284 

Wave,  The 284 


Alexandria.    The 316-317 

Bella  Yista  Hotel,  The 302-303 

Beresford  Hotel.  The 310-311 

California  Hotel.  The 294-296 

El  Monte  Hotel 1S4 

Hotel  Del  Monte 303-304 

Hotel  Pleasanton 299-300 

Hotel    Rafael 166 

Hotel  Rafael  ( Summer  Guests) 165-167 

Hotel  Savoy 306-307 

Mount  View.  The 308 

Napa  Soda  Springs Opp.  302 

Occidental    Hotel 297-298 

Oliver  Hotel,  The 308-309 

Renton  Hotel.  The 301 

Stewart    Hotel.    The 314-315 

Sutherland    Hotel,    The 311-312 

Tavern  of  Castl .  Crag.  The 302-303 

Palace  Hotel 290-293 


Belvedere  (A  Night  in  Venice) 339 

California  Hotel  (Interior  View) 296 

Concordia  Club  Building 349 


JLivingston    jenks, 

97/ Site  S/Suiieitn<j,         San  Jranct'sco 

Portrait  and  Landscape  Artist 


«  Studio  « 

121    POST  STREET 
ROOM    52 



4 12  COnnEMML  STc 

TELEPHON  E   NO.   423_ 

WM.  T.  ROSS 

Reading  Voice  Action  Recitation 

Oratory  Drama 


Cor.  Market  and  Taylor  Streets, 

San  Francisco 

Office  and  Elocution  Parlors: 

Rooms:  70,  71,  and  72.  4th  Floor 
Hours:  Day  and  Evening 

Physical  and  Voice  Culture.  Specialties 

Instruction  strictly  private  or  in  class 

fjtF~  \  <>ii  :es   Tested,  and  advice  given  free  of 

Louis  Roederer 

Three  Kinds  of  Equal  Excellence 

Carte  Blanche,  a  rich  wine 
Chrand  Vim  8ee>  a  dry  wine 
Brut,  an  exceedingly  dry  wine 
The  Highest  Grade  in  the  world 

Macondray  Bros.  &  eockard 

Sole  Agents  for  the  I'acific  Coast 
124  Sansome  Street  San  Francisco 

Telephone  Main  1713 

City  Agents  Beaver  Hill  Coal 

W.  G.  Stafford  &  Co. 


217-221   EAST  STREET 
Between  Howard  and  Folsom  Sts. 
Telephone  Main  495  SAN   FRANCISCO 


By  WILLIAM  T.  ROSS.  A.  M. 
The  Baker  <!!?  Taylor  Co..  New  York 
Pa  vol.  Upham  df  Co.,  San  Francisco, 


12  mo,    Cloth    378   Pages,    Elegantly    Bound. 
Price,  51.25    Special  rates  to  Teachers 

and  Schools. 
Address,   W.  T.   ROSS, 


Sixth  Edition  just  issued. 


Early  in  January,  The 
Lace  House,  (D.  Samuels) 
will  remove  to  its  new 
quarters  corner  Grant 
Avenue  and  Sutter. — The 
finest  store  of  the  kind  in 
the  State. 
New  Stock  and  everything 


field  and 

Importer  of  ... 


Under  Masonic  Temple, 

San  Francisco,  Cal. 

CONTEXTS.  (Continued.)  11 

Hellman.  I.   W.   (Residence) 325 

Hobart  Residence 323 

Huntington.  H.  E.  (Residence) 325 

Mau.  Mrs.  H.  Albert  (Residence^ 327 

Mount  Olivet  Cemetery 341 

McMurray.  Robert  ( Residence) 327 

Pease.  R.    H.   (Residence) 331 

Phelan  Building 345 

Pacific  Mutual  Life  Building 343 

Towne.  Mrs.  A.   X.   (Residence) 329 

Parrott    Building 362 

Spreckels  Building 366 

Safe  Deposit  Building 364 

Wenban  Building.  The 333 

Y.  M.  C.  A.  Ass'n  Building 337 


Banks 351 

Chronicle  Building  Directory 357 

Crocker  Building  Directory 358 

Dentists 377 

Insurance 355 

Mills  Building  Directory 360 

Pacific  Mutual   Building   Directory 342 

Phelan  Building   Directory 344 

Physicians 367 

Real   Estate 348 

Spreckels   Building   Directory 366 

Parrott  Building  Directory 362 


The  Blue  Book  contains  a  correct  diagram  of  the  seats  and  boxes  in 
each  of  the  principal  theaters  in  San  Francisco,  and  will  be  found  to 
be  of  great  assistance,  not  only  in  the  purchase,  but  also  in  the  llocat- 
ing  of  your  seats,  thereby  obviating  much  trouble  and  confusion. 

Baldwin  Theater.  Orchestra  and   Dress  Circle 385 

Baldwin  Theater.  Balcony 386 

Columbia  Theater.  Orchestra  and  Dress  Circle 393 

Columbia  Theater.  Balcony 395 

Alcazar  Theater,  Orchestra  and  Dress  Circle 398 

Morosco's  Grand  Opera  House.  Main  Floor 400 

Morosco's   Grand  Opera  House.   Balcony  and   Dress   Circle. ..  .400 

Xew  California  Theater,  Orchestra 389 

X'ew  California.  Balcony 391 

Orpheum.  The  Main   Floor 399 

Tivoli  Opera  House.  Main  Floor 397 

Tivoli  Opera  House.  Balconv 39S 



Branch:  359  Devisadero  Street,  corner  Oak. 

A.  V.  HENKO 

Upholsterer  and  Carpet  Layer 

Steam  Carpel  Beating,  Kattre — <■»  and  Shades 
8116  FILLMORK  STREET,  near  California.  S.  P.  Telephone  West  4lv 


Additional  List 27-2S 

Abbott.    William    M 346 

Abraham.   Max 392 

Abrams.    Dr.    Albert 370 

Acres  .v  Williams 10 

Adler,    Dr.    Albert  S 373 

Agua  Caliente  Springs  Land  Co 30 

Alcazar  Theater 399 

Alden.    Dr.    Bertram    F 371 

Alexander.   L.  &  M..  &  Co 116 

Alexandri.    The    316-317 

Allardt.    G.    F 72 

Allen,   Charles   R 385 

Allen.   Mrs.   Dr 216 

American    Biscuit   Co 61 

American  Brewing  Co Opp.   225 

American  S.   S.   Line 411 

American    Central    Insurance    Co 356 

American  Tract  Society 344 

Anglo-Californian  Bank 352 

Argonaut.   The 284 

Army  and  Navy 185-192 

Art  Association,  S.  F 237 

Athenian  Club.   The 250-251 

Augur,  Dr.  George  J 136 

Aux   Villes   de   France    et   d'Amerique,  392 

Auzerais,    J.    E 354 

Ayres  College 148 

Baldwin.   Dr.   S.   C 375 

Baldwin  Theater 385-387 

Ballou,    Addie   L 332 

Bank    of    California 352 

Bank   of  British   North   America 352 

Bank  of  San  Jose.  The 354 

Bankers'    Life  Association 364 

Banks,   The   Leading 351 

Barbat,    Dr.   J.    Henry 369 

Barker,    Frank    326 

Barnard,  A 88 

Barthelet,    A 328 

Barr.    Mrs.    F 18 

Bartlett    Springs    Co 412 

Bazan.    Dr.    F 373 

Beans.   T.   Ellard 354 

Beck,   Dr.   H.   M 373 

Beede,    Dr.    \V.    M.    S 371 

Bella  Vista  Hotel,   The 302-303 

Bellows.    Walter   Clark       330 

Bemis,  Charles  C 398 

Bennett's    Butter    Depot 390 

Benson,   John   A 342 

Beresford    Hotel,    The 310-311 

Berkshire   Hotel,    The 313 

Berlin,    F.    A 365 

Bernstein  &  Curzons 326 

Bertheau,   Cesar 356 

Bette.    H 387 

Betts.    Mme.    A 328 

Berwin   &    Gassnor 18,    394 

Bianchi.    E 117 

Bibo,    Newman    &    Ikenberg 410 

Bickel.    Homer   T 342.    348 

Bistrup.    William 346 

Bliss.    Charles 256 

Bliss.    Dr.    F.    A 378 

Boericke,    Dr.    William 374 

Boeseke,  Dr.   B.  C 397 

Bohemian    Club 217-224 

Boltz.   Clymer  &  Co 326 

Bonestell.  Chesley  K 88 

Booth.    A.    G 365 

Bouche  Sec.  Champagne 381 

Bonner,   E.    C 359 

Bourne,    Mrs.     L.    C 117 

Bowman.     Dr.    C.    H 378,    392 

Bowman,    Dr.    Amy 378,392 

Brandt,    M.    G 3S8 

Breen.    Miss    Emelie   L 330 

Brennan.    Dr.    T.    F 363.372 

Brennan,    O.    M 299-300 

Bresse.   G.    L..    &   Co 142 

Brinckerhoff,   Dr.   G.   Erwin 136 

Bristol,    Mrs.   C.    E 324 

Brittain.    J.    N 409 

Brooks-Follis   Electric  Co 408 

Brown  &  Metzner 4<i7 

Brownell.    James    S 72,    408 

Brundage,    Dr.    N 391 

Brunt.    W.    N 340 

Bryant,   Dr.    E.   R 374 

Bryant.   Dr.   W.    A 379 

Buckland,   Dr.  Owen 369 

Bucknall,    Dr.    George   J 368 

Bulletin,    The    Evening 278-279 

Bureau  of  Labor  Statistics 410 

Burke.    Dr.    W.    P 370 

Burlingame     Country     Club 236-237 

Burlingame  Restaurant 396 

Burlington    Route 412 

Burnham,    Dr.    Clark   J 373 

Busch   &   Wocker 

Byington,    Dr.    F.    S 368 

Byington,    Lewis   F 88 

Cahill.   B.    J.    S 215 

California    and   Japan   Trading    Co..    ..395 
Cal.  Chapter  Daughters  of  Am.  Rev.   .  .252 

California    Electrical   Works 408 

California   Fig   Syrup   Co 186 

California    Fireworks   Co 339 

California   Gas    Fixture   Co 318 

California    Hotel 294-296 

California    Hotel    (Interior    Views)..     ..296 



California   Jockey   Club 172 

California  Safe  Deposit  and   Trust  Co.  .352 

California    Theater 389-39] 

California   Pioneers    262 

Call.    The    San    Francisco 274-l:T". 

Callandreau.    Dr.   Jules 367 

Canfield,    C.    L 412 

Canney.    Dr.    F.    G 374 

Campbell.    .Miss    H.    J 340 

Capelle.    Robert 411 

Carbone  &  Co.    . .   Opp.   Inside   Back  Cover 

Carion.  Georges 71 

Carlson,   Dr.   C.   Hadley 370 

Carmany,    John    \\" 213-252 

Carter    &    Co 249 

Casati.    Mine.    A 330 

Center.    Alexander 412 

Central    Park    Grounds 112 

Cercle.   Francais 245-246 

Chamberlain.    Mrs.    H 310-312 

Chapman.    I.    F 342 

Chicago    Woolen    Mills 336 

C nickering.    Thomas.      &    Gregory,    and 

Gerstle  &  Sloss SS 

Chretien.    John    M 386 

Chronicle.    The    San    Francisco..     ..272-27:1 

Chronicle  Building  Directory 357 

Church.    Rev.    Edward    B 254 

Clark.    Dr.    Edward   S 370 

Clark.   Dr.  G.    Waverley 328 

Cluett.   Coon  &   Co 

Chicago.  Mil.  &  St.   Paul  R.   R 412 

Cluness.    Dr.    W.    R 367 

Cluness.    Dr.    \Y.    R..    Jr 367 

Columbia   Theater 393.    395 

Columbian    Banking    Co 354 

Compagnie  Generale  Transatlantique   ..411 
ComptoirXational  d'Eseompte  de  Paris.. 354 

Concordia    Club 247-249 

Connecticut    Fire    Insurance    Co 355 

Continental  Bldg.   &  Loan  Assn   .    .320.  356 

Cook.    Thomas,    &   Son 249 

Cool.   Dr.    Russell   H 377 

Cool.    Dr.    W.    P 37^ 

Cooney.    M 344 

Cooper.    Dr.    C.    E 369 

Cooper   Leo 346 

Cordell.    E.    C lis 

Cornwall.   Dr.   Frank 370 

Corinthian    Yacht    Club 252 

Cortelyou.    P.    L 391 

Corticelli    Silks 407 

Cosmos    Club 230-2:'.2 

Country   Club 24i; 

Toxhead   &  Coxhead 288 

Cranz.    Frank    H 379 

Crocker    Building    Directory :::,s-T,:i 

Croeker-Woolworth    Xat.    Bank 352 

Curry.  M.  0 117,348 

Curtin's  Detective  Agency 365 

Curtis.   John   M __ 


D  Ancona,    Dr.    A.    A 367 

Daily    Report,    The 280-281 

Danziger.    Dr.    G.    A 377 

Dartmouth   College    Ass*n 251 

Davis.    Dr.    W.    E 117,    338 

Davoust  &  Groppengiesser   ..   Bet.  96  &  97 

Day.    James   B 365 

Day.    Thomas.   Co...    .(Front   of   Book!     4 

Day  wait.    Dr.    G.    W 371 

Dean.   Peter 410 

Deane.    Dr.    Louis   C 368 

Decortieux.    A..    &    Son 8 

De  Corval.  Dr.  L 368 

De    La    Montanya.    J 411 

De   Lucis.    Dr.    A 363.    372 

Delmas    &    Shortridge 359 

Delger.   E.   F 304 

Del  Monte   Milling  Co 409 

Denson  &    De  Haven 361 

Dentists 377 

Derby.  Dr.   A.  T 377 

Derby-Zinns.    Mme 385 

De   Saville.    C 32 

Deutscher   Yerein 243-244 

Deutsches    Altenheim -44 

Deutz   &    Geldermann   (Champagne) 407 

Dickinson.   John  H 88 

Dinkelspiel   &   Gesford 357 

Donohoe-Kelly    Banking    Co 353 

Donovan.    Miss   E.,    Millinery 334 

Donovan,    Miss    Jennie 183 

Doychert.    Charles   L 381 

Dozier.    Dr.    Ch.    A 369 

Dresel.    Dr.    Gustav 359.    373 

Droger.    Henry   C 388 

Drucker  .Dr.  George  I :;7S 

Dryselius   &   Co 391 

Dudley.    Dr.    F.    Wilburn 371 

Duhem.   Auguste 399 

Dunbar.    Dr.   L.   L 377 

Duisenberg.    Augusta    W "- 

Dunn.     Dr.     Martin    J 378 

Dunne.  Peter  F 88 

Eaton.    William    R 392 

Edmondson.    Miss   C.    P 255 

Eggers,   Mrs.  O.   A 365 

Eisen,    Dr.    E.    G 344. 

Ell-ins.     A.     M 348 

El    Monte    Hotel 184 

Erhardt.    Dr.    Paul    C 379 

Euterpe   Quartette    330 

Evening   Post.    The 276-277 

Examiner.    The    Daily 284 

Fahnestock,   G.    D 411 

Fagen,    Miss    Mabel    R 255 

Parr.  Albert  1 320 

Fay.    Miss    Rosamond 338 

Fidelity    Mutual    Aid    Association 356 



First    National    Bank 353 

First    National    Bank    (Safe   Deposit). .  .353 

Fischer,   S.    E..   &   Co 288 

Fisher,    Will    E 348 

Fisher   &    Co 410 

Fitzgerald.    E.    L 410 

Fletcher.    Dr.   Thomas 377 

Flamant.    J.    Guillaume 400 

Flam m.    George 388 

Flinn.    John    W 338 

Flournoy,    John 361 

Flynn    &   Co 390 

Foley.    Annie    E 149 

Forbes.    A.   B.,   <£-   Son 346 

Ford.   C.    W.    H..    &  Co.;    224 

Ford,   Tirey   L 358 

Fox  &   Gray 342 

Frank.   M.   E 340 

French    Bank 354 

Fugazi.  J.    F.,   &  Co 411 

Galvan.    Dr.    Thomas 363,    372 

Gallwey.    Dr.    John 370 

Gamage.    Jule    C 71 

Garber   &   Garber 117 

Gardner.   Dr.   R.   C 379 

Garter   &   Campbell 363 

Gedge,    Dr.     H.    Edward 379 

Gerberding,    A 346 

Gere.    Dr.    George    G 376 

German  Savings  Bank 354 

Gibbons.     Dr.    Henry,    Jr 367 

Gier.    Theo..    Co Bet.    96   &   97 

Gilliam,    R.    F 88 

Gillespie.    W.    W 118 

Glaser,   Dr.   E.   F 369 

Golden    Gate    Champagne    Co 215 

Goodall,    Perkins   &    Co 411 

Goodban,    Frank  E 412 

Goss,    Dr.    Alice    M 375 

Grant,    A.    A 357 

Grant,    Mrs.    A.    F 330 

Grandmougin,    P.    C 394 

Gray,    Mrs    Ernestine 330 

Green,    Milton   J 359 

Greer's    Washing    Ammonia 116 

Greven.    Joseph 394 

Grossman,    Dr.    Edward   L 340 

Grubb.   Miss  Rosa 341 

Gruenhagen's 340 

Oullck    At    Wetherbee 336,    412 

Oundlach-Bundschu  Wine  Co Opp.  240 

Gunnison,  Booth  &  Bartnett 365 

Gump,    S.    &   G 407 

Haas.   George,   &  Son 344 

Hardy.   J.   R.,   &   Co 334 

Hamburg-Ameircan   Line 411 

Hanover    Fire    Insurance    Co 356 

Harding's    Law    and    Collection    Co 71 

Harris  Louis 390 

Harrold,    Belcher  &   Allen 71 

Harrold,    Miss  M.    E 390 

Hart,    William    H.    H 346 

Hart  &   Cleary 357 

Hart  &   Wooster 356,    357 

Hartwell,    Mitchell   &    Willis 25 

Hasler,    Mme.    A 400 

Harvard     Club 251 

Harvey,    Dr.    W.    A 376 

Haslehurst,    Dr.    A.    0 378 

Hawkins.    Dr.    George    W 387 

Haupt,    Oscar 358 

Hay,  Dr.  William  G 373 

Henderson.    Dr.    Joseph   J 309 

Henko,    A.    V 9.322 

Henley,    S.    Homer 117 

Herrmann.    C.   &   Co 410 

Hesseltine.    B.    L 346 

Hesthal,    Mrs.    A 306-307 

Highton,    Henry   E 361 

Highwarden.    Mrs.    S.    Julia 336 

Hilbert   Bros Opp.   225 

Hill,     Dr.     Albert 379 

Hirsch    &    Kahn 443 

Hirschkowitz,    Dr.   L 371 

Hirschman        A 1(1  .409 

Hoefler,    Ludwig    M 72 

Hoffmeyer.    Volmer    A.    H 117 

Hoflich,     Max 382 

Hornberg,    A.    P 443 

Horse  Show  Association 251 

Hotel    Bella   Vista 302-303 

Hotel   Del    Monte 304-305 

Hotel    Pleasanton 299-300 

Hotel   Rafael 166 

Hotel    Rafael    (Summer    Guests).  ..  .165-167 

Hotel   Savoy 306-307 

Hotel   Stewart 314-315 

Houston,    Dr.    I.    M 376 

Howland    &    Lonergan 412 

Hunsaker,    Dr.    H.    W '..376 

Hurd,    George    B.,    &    Co 381 

Husted,    Dr.    G.    B 379 

Hutt,    H.    D 118 

Ideal    Shirts opp    49.     148 

lis.    John   G.,    &   Co 8 

Insurance 355 

Introduction 5 

Irving  Institute 251 

Ito.    Sotomi    &    Co 346 

Jackson's   Napa   Soda   Springs Opp.    302 

Jenks,   Livingston 12 

Jesse  Moore-Hunt  Co.,    The 326 

Johnson.    Mrs.    M.    R 388 

Johnson,    R.    E 72,    288 

Jones,    Dr.    H.    Isaac 372 

Jorgensen,    Chris :!44 

Judson    Dynamite   and    Fuse    Co 409 

Juvenile    Dressmaking    Parlors 340 



Kahn  &  Herzog 411 

Kastendieck,    Dr.    J 374 

Kelleher,    Alfred    J 235 

Kelly.   Dr.   E.   E 369 

Kenyon,    Dr.    Charles    G 368 

Kern    &    Eibach 332 

Kerr,    David    H 406 

Kent,    Thomas    E opp.49,    118 

Keyes,    Alexander    D 357 

Khouri.    Khalil 118 

Kilgarif   &    Beaver 356 

King,  Moss  &  Co. . 144 

Kinghorn-Jones,    J.    Alfred 340 

Kingwell,    Frank    1 363 

Kirk.    Will    B 408 

Kirkpatrick,     John    C 290-293 

Kirkpatrick  Thomas 324 

Kirkwood,    W.   A 88 

Knight  &  Heggerty 362 

Knowlton.    Dr.    J.    S 344.    37S 

Kobicke,     Dr.     Sophie    B 375 

Kocour,    Ad 399 

Kollofrath.  Edm 288 

Kohler   &    Chase 87,    412 

Korn,    Eugene 410 

Kroetz,    Dr.    Mary    M 338 

Kreutzmann,    Dr.    H 367 

Kugeler,    Dr.    Henry 369 

Lafontaine,    Dr.    Emma    C 338 

Langdon,    Walter    G 224 

Laton,    Charles   A 355 

Lawton,   E.  J Opp.   Title   Page       2 

Leach,    Mary    1 308-309 

Lawton    &    Co 400 

Leavitt,   W.    C 356 

Leffler,    Dr.    J 371 

Lee,  Arthur  Stanley 18 

Lee,    Dr.    S.    1 375 

Lenzen,  Theodore 149 

Levison,    Dr.    Amelia 375 

Levy,   Sam  N 224 

Lewis,    John   M 342 

Likens,    Dr.    J.    W 378 

Lind.    John 229 

Liliencrantz,    Dr.    A 363,    369 

Linotype 380 

Linforth,  Walter  H 88 

Locher.     F.    Jos 229 

London   &   Lancashire   Ins.    Co 

Inside    Back    Cover 

London,    Paris   and    American   Bank 354 

Lorini,    Dr.   Raffaele 18 

Lloyd's  Plate  Glass  Ins.   Co 356 

Loaiza,    W.,    &   Co 356 

Loughborough,    A.     H 357 

Lovelace,    Dr.   Arthur 367 

Lucy,    Roscoe    Warren 394 

Lukens,    E.   G 409 

Lucchesi,    R.    A 71 

Ludlow,   Dr.   W.   B 136 

Lucas   Detective   Agency 362 

Lundy   Furniture    Co 409 

Lund,    J.    W 386 

Lyon,    M.    J 288 

Macdonald,    Wm Inside   Back   Cover 

Macondray    Bros.    &    Lockard 10.210 

Mackintosh,    D.    &    Co 407 

Magnolia    Hall 255 

Main   &   Winchester 389 

Maison    A.    Truffert 392 

Makins  &   Co 334 

Manning.     Dr.    Guy    E 374 

Mansfield,   Dr.   I.    L.    R 375 

Martin,    A.    W.,    &  Co 118 

Martin,    Dr.   George  H 374 

Martin,   Dr.   W.    A 370 

Massachusetts   Mutual   Life   Ins.    Co 388 

Martin,    William   C 340 

Mattner,    Dr.    E.    H 372 

Mayer.    Chas..    Jr 346 

Maxwell,    George  H 72 

McArthur,    W.    D 400 

Mayer.  Dr.  Oscar  J 386 

McCarthy,  E.  Avery 348 

Mayo,    Henry   B 72,    117 

McCargar,    Dr.    Richard 379 

McCarthy  Co.,   The 348 

McCone,   Dr.  James  F 371 

McKisick,  L.  D 72 

McLane,   Chas.    A 356,    361 

McChesney,     M.    W.,    &     Sons 408 

McCoy,     H.    J 

McKee,    Dr.    A.   B 

McMenomy,   J.    H 

McMichael,    H.    M.    J 

McNear,   G.   W 

Meineke,    Chas.    &    Co 

...27,  407,  and  under  Clubs,  212-251 

McNeill,    D.    R 142 

Merchants'    Club 232-235 

Miller,   Dr.    C.    N 376 

Merrill-Miller   College 363 

McNair  &  Somers • 344 

Meyer,    F 38S 

Mihran,    M.    B ™" 

Mills    Building    Directory.. 360-361 

Montgomery    &    Co 392,    410 

Moore,    Arthur   W 407 

Montague,    W.    W.,    &    Co 

Inside   Front  Cover   and   411 

Mount    Olivet    Cemetery    Ass'n 341 

Moore's,   Miss  Elizabeth,    School 255 

Mowry,    Lyman   1 88 

Mount   View,    The 308 

Morse,   Dr.   John   F 367 

Moody's    Tailor    System 340 

Morffew,    Dr.    Thomas 377 

Moraga    Land    Association 357 




Morosco's  Grand  Opera   House 400 

.Mulligan.    Dr.    A.    P 71 

Mutual    Life    Ins.    Co.    of    New    York... 346 

Murdock.    E.   F..   &  Co 358 

Mutual  Reserve   Fund   Life   Ass'n 391 

Mutual    Savings    Bank 354 

Xahl,    Perham    W 406 

Napa   Soda   Springs Opp.   302 

Nichols,    A.    C.    &   Co 381 

Xeuhaus  &  Co 387 

New    Bulletin.    The 278-279 

Xeustadter   Bros 409 

New    York  Life   Ins.    Co 356,   361 

News   Letter,   The   San  Francisco.  .282,   283 

North   German   Fire   Ins.    Co 355 

North    German    Lloyd    S.    S.    Co 411 

Northwestern    Life   Association 366 

Oakland   Tribune.    The 286 

Oakley,    C.    M 391 

Occidental   Hotel,   The 297-298 

O'Brien.   Mrs.   N 338 

Ohrwall,    H 338 

Oliver  Hotel,  The   308-309 

Olympic    Club.    The 252 

Orpheum   Theater 399 

Otis,    Frank 361 

Pacific  Auction  House 338 

PacifiV    Ammonia    Bottling    Co 116 

Pacific    Improvement   Co 304,    305 

Pacific    Storage    Warehouse 326 

Pacific    Mutual    Bldg.    Directory 312 

Pacific   Yacht   Club 246 

Pacific   Coast  Women's   Press   Ass'n 252 

Pacific    Coast    Steamship    Co 411 

Pacific    Mail    Steamship   Co 411 

Pacific   Coast  Jockey   Club 172 

Pacific  Telephone   &  Tel.   Co 6 

Pacific  Mutual  Life  Insurance  Co.. 342,  356 

Pacific    Surety    Co 355 

Pacific    Transfer   Co Ill 

Pacific    Town    Talk 285 

Pacific-Union  Club 211 

Pacific  Yacht  Club 246 

Pasmore,    H.    B 330 

Palace    Hotel 290-293 

Palatine   Insurance  Co 355 

Palmer,    Dr.    George    H 374 

Palmer.  John  Brooks..    .  .■ 72 

Parcells,    Frank   M 332 

Parker.    C.    M.    T 388 

Parrott    Building   Directory 362 

Parsons.  T.  J 409 

Paterson.    Van   R 72 

Penn.   Mutual  Life  Ins.  Co 356.   357 

Perry,  A.  B..  &  Co 324 

Pescia,    Dr.    Joseph 370 

Peterson.    Dr.    A.    C 374 

Pfister,    J.    J.,    Knitting   Co 412 

Perry.    Xewell,    Ph.    B 14  4 

Phillips.    L.    Ernst 72 

Phillips.   A 354 

Phelan    Building   Directory 344,   345 

Physicians'    Directory    367 

Piccirillo.     Prof.     F.     1) 328 

Pleasanton    Hotel.    The 299-300 

Pillsbury.    Evans    S 359 

Plise,  A.   E.,  &  Co 318 

Plumel,    J.    F 

Pollitz.    Edward,   &  Co 407 

Post.    The    Evening 276-277 

Pope   Mfg.   Co 144 

Priest    &    Shrieve 318 

Powell.  Howell  A 365,392 

Provident  Saw  Life  Assurance  Society. 342 

Powers.    Dr.    George    H 368 

Port    Costa    Mills 409 

Press    Club 241 

Pratt.   Miss  E.   D , 340 

Prussian    Nat.    Ins.    Co 356 

Pratt.    George    C 342 

Queen   Insurance  Co 355 

Quigg,     Miss    M.     B 390 

Ramsey,  W.   H 216 

Rathjen   Bros 148 

Reed,   Mrs.   E.   E 394 

Redfern  House 32 

Red   Star   Line 411 

Richards,    Dr.    C.    W 377 

Report.    The    Daily 280-281 

Richards,    John    E 359 

Renton   Hotel,   The 301 

Richards,    Mrs.    A.    L 386 

Rio    Grande    Western    Railway 412 

Rinne.    Dr.    Fred'k    A 373 

Riordan,    T.    D 365 

Roberts.   G.    F 322 

Robinson,    A.    W 348 

Robinson,   Dr.    Luke 368 

Robinson,    Dr.    Frank    B 368 

Rodgers  &   Paterson 72 

Rosaia.    E..    &    Co 235 

Rosenthal,    Fannie Opp.    49 

Russian-Turkish        Oriental        Tobacco 

Co Opp.    49 

Ross.  Wm.   T 10    392 

Ross.    Thomas    P 288 

Rouleau,    O.    A 365 

Royal   Insurance  Co 355 

Salcido,    Miss   M.    G 336 

San   Francisco  Verein 246 

S.   F.    Steam  Beating  and  Ren.   Works. 407 

San    Francisco    Art   Association 237 

San   Francisco  District  Telegraph   Co. ..143 
Safe  Deposit  Vaults  (First  Nat.   Bank)   353 

Safe  Deposit  Building 364 

Samuels,  D. :  Lace  House      10 



Safe    Deposit    Vaults,    California 352 

San    Francisco    Breweries..     ..Hack    Cover 
San  Francisco  Laundry..    ..Front  of  Book 

San     Francisco    Call '.. 274-275 

San     Francisco    Chronicle 272-275 

San    Francisco    Savings    Union 352 

San  Francisco  News  Letter 282-283 

Sanborn.    \V.    D 412 

San  Jose    Daily   Mercury 150 

San    Jose    Safe    Deposit     Bank   of   Sav- 
ings  354 

Sancho,    Prof.    J 322 

Sather  Banking  Co 353 

Sands.    John    A 363 

Saunders.    Dr.    Bertha    A 375 

Savoy     Millinery 381 

Savings  and  Loan   Society 354 

Savoy   Hotel 306-307 

Schmitt,    Jacob 334 

Schmidt,   Val 408 

Scott  and  Van  Arsdale  Lumber  Co 410 

Selfridge,    Dr.    Grant 359 

Schimmel     &     Stover 305 

Selling,    Dr.   Nathalie 375 

Sellschopp,   W.,    &   Co 388 

Sherwood   &    Sherwood    ...Opp.    225    &   407 

Sheehan.    John    F.,    Jr 359 

Schimmel   A 216 

Sherman,   Mrs.    F.   C 340 

Savant-Jerome,    Dr.    F.    S 338 

Sitgreaves,    Mrs.    Beverly 340 

Shumate,    Dr.    Thomas   E 373 

Schweinfurth,   Albert  C 28S 

Shiels.    Dr.    George    F 367 

Searby's    Pharmacy 408 

Sherman,    Clay  &  Co 26 

Shreve   &   Co 409 

Siebe    Shoe   Co Opp.    48 

Stauf   &    Cooper 407 

Scheubner,    William 396 

Sieberst,    Dr.    W.    H 377 

Sierra   Lumber   Co 410 

Slattery,    M.    J 341! 

Sins.    Fat    &   Co 382 

Singer  Mfg.  Co 412 

Sloane.    W.    &   J..    &    Co 409 

Snedaker.    W.    II 412 

Sonnenfeld's 410 

Smith    Premier    Typewriter 116 

Southard.    Dr.     W.    F 368,    389 

Smith.    C.    A 117 

Spencer.    F.    \\\.    Co 31S 

Spencer.    I).    A 356 

Sta^rd,  w.  c  &  Co 10 

Sterling    Cycle    Works 381 

Sperry   Flour  Co 32,  409 

Stone.    B.    L 142 

Stone.  C.   B lia.k  Cover 

St.   George      Vineyard   Co opp.  119 

Sitgreaves,   Mrs.    Beverly 340 

Speyer,    Walter 355 

Spreckels    Building 366 

Slinkey,   J.    E 184 

Spottiswood,     Dr.    John    J 369 

Starr    Mills 409 

Stamper,  Frances 400 

Sresovich,    Luke   G.,    &  Co 408 

Steele-Brown,    Mrs.    Nettie 388 

Steiger    &    Kerr 393,    411 

Stephens.    Dr.    W.    B 272 

Stewart    Hotel,    The 314-315 

Studebaker  Bros.    Mfg.   Co 120 

Sutherland.    The 311-212 

Sutton.   Albert 288,   364 

Swain,    Edward   R 359 

Street  and  Avenue   Guide 19-25 

St.   Paul   F.   &  M.   Ins.   Co 356 

Syrup  of   Figs 1x1; 

St.    Clair,    Harry 252 

Swedish    Medical    Gymnastic    Institute. 338 

Tavern    of    Castle    Crag 304-305 

Tay,   George    H.,    Co 411 

Tallant  Banking  Co 353 

Telephone   Co 6 

Terrill,    Dr.    George    M 367 

Terry,    Dr.    Wallace    1 373 

Thornton,    Dr.    P.    H 21:2 

Tivoli   Opera    House 397-39S 

Thors   Photographic    Co 326 

Traveler.    The 164 

Treyer,    Dr.    E.    J 377 

Tracy,   Mrs.    A.    F 302-303 

Traverse,    Dr.    A.    W 344 

Turkish    Rug    Co 390 

Turner,  J.   N 361 

Truffert.    Maison   A 392 

Tuehler.    Dr.   A.    S 376 

Tuchler,     Dr.    Anna    M 376 

Trittenbach.    G 344 

Truman,    I.   J 354 

Tuska.    Wal.    J 3or, 

Table   of  Contents 7-11 

Taylor,    E.    D..    Co Opp.    221 

Underwood,   Dr.   Maro   F 375 

Union   Trust   Co 252 

Union    League    Club 239-240 

Union    Mutual    Life    Ins.    Co 256 

United   Carriage   Co m 

University    Club 225-229 

Up-to-Date    Hairdressing   Parlors 183 

Vaccari.    Dr.    Vincenzo 372 

Val.     Schmidt's     Pharmacy ins 

Vecki.    Dr.   Victor 372 

Vance.    Effle    Scott 363 

Van    Trees,    Frank 359 

Ville  de  Paris 408 

Verdier,    G..    &   Co 408 

Vignier,    A 324,    407 

Vowinckel,    Dr.    F.    W 370 


Walter.    L.    M 

Wasp.    The 

Weed,    F.    F 

Washington    Life    Ins.    Co 

Wells.    Fargo    &    Co.'s    Bank 


Weil.    Dr.    Conrad 373 

Wenban   Building.  The 333 

Welch,    Miss    Kate 390 

Wesson's  Circulating   Library 338 

West.    Miss    Mary    B 255 

Westchester  Fire  Insurance  Co 356 

Western     Mailing    Bureau 344 

White.    Dr.  L.  L 377 

Wilcox.    Dr.    Walter    1 379 

Williamson.    Dr.  John  M 370 

Witter.    Willis   G 361 

Wills.    M.     E.    (Modiste) 337 

Wise.    B 332 

Wise.   Wallace  A 395 

Woodward.    Dr.    A.    P 371 

Woodworth.    Fred 88,   360 

Worth.    Dr.    Sidney 374 

Weber    Mfg.    Co 287 

Western    Fuse    and    Explosives    Co 409 

Walker.    J.    Alexander 332 

Wallace.    Robert 322 

Washington    Life    Ins.    Co 365 

Watt,   Rolla  V 355 

Wave,   The    284 

Welsbach    Incandescent    Lights 118 

Wheeler    &    Wilson    Mfg.    Co 242 

Wheelock    &   Co 

West  Coast  Adv.   &  Pub.  Co. 

Whaite,     R 

Wilson,    Mrs.   L.    E 

Wright   &    Sanders 

X-Ray    Laboratory 

Yale    Alumni    Association.... 





Ziska    Institute 255 


Formerlv  cutter  and  fitter  with  H.  Liebes  &  Co. 


From  London,  Kngland 


Fashionable  Furriers... 

Sealskin  Garments  Made  to  Order 

Repairing  and   Remodelling   at  very  131    POjT   o  /  he L.  h.  I  , 

Moderate  Prices  ROOM    17 

Take  Klevator  SAN    FRANCISCO 

Telephone  Grant  72 


Consultation    Hours  at  Office,    10  to  12  A.  M. 

Arthur  Stanley  Eee,  m.  D. 

Telephone  East  262  (Winterberg) 
At  Residence,    2720  SACRAMENTO  ST. 


8  to  9  A.  M.,    1  to  2  P.  M., 

7  toS  p.  Mr. 

ROOM  23                                              Hours  9  to  12  a   m 

Telephone  Steiner  2141 

First  Premium  Awarded  at  Mechanics' 
Fair  1868,  1869  and  1871 

FM3>.  Po  !M 





Repairing  and  Ke-Covering  Canes  Mounted  and 

a  Specialty.  Repaired 

Also  Repairing  of  Ladies  Fans. 


Street  and  Avenue  Guide. 

To  THE    ReSIDENXE    PORTION'    OF   THE    ClTV    OF    SAX    FrAXCISCO. 

Explanatory.— On  any  street  the  relative  location  of  any  house  in  the 
residence  portion  of  San  Francisco  is  found  hy  running  down  the  column 
of  figures,  which  are  the  numbers  at  the  crossing  of  streets  that  intersect 
it.  For  example,  to  find  1S20  Pine  street,  it  will  be  seeu  that  it  is  between 
Gough  and  Octavia,  and  on  right  hand  side  (all  even  numbers  being  on 
right  hand  side,  commencing  from  Market  street).  Again,  1719  Jones  is 
eighteen  blocks  from  Market,  between  Broadway  and  Yallejo;  it  being  an 
odd  number,  is  on  left  side  of  street. 

NOTE.— Each  block  is  allowed  100  numbers.  The  cross  streets  which  have  no  bearing  on  num- 
bers have  been  omitted.  The  even  numbers  only  are  shown,  the  odd  numbers  being  on  opposite  side 
of  the  street. 

Ash bury. 

Bet.  Masonic  Ave 
and  Clayton  from 
Fulton  South. 


Between  Broderick 
and  Lyon  from 
Haight  north. 

E.  side. 

Haight  2 

Page  100 

Oak 200 

Fell 300 

Hayes 400 

Grove 500 

Fulton 600 

McAllister 700 

Golden  Gate  ave.  800 


Geary 1300 

Post 1400 

Sutter 1500 

Bush  1600 

Pine 1700 

California  1800 

Sacramento  1900 

Clay 2000 

Washington 2100 

Jackson  2200 

Pacific  avenue  . .  .2300 

Broadway 2400 

Vallejo 3500 


Between  Mission 
and  Valencia  from 
Twenty-first  south. 

W.  tide. 

Twenty-first 2 

Twenty-second  . .  100 

Twenty-third  ....  200 

Twenty-fourth   ..  300 

Twenty-fifth  ....  400 

Twenty-sixth  ....  500 


Between  Pacificand 
Vallejo  from  the 
bay  west. 

A",  side. 

Powell   800 

Mason 900 

Taylor 1000 

Jones 1100 

Leavenworth  ....  1200 

Hyde 1300 

Larkin 1400 

Polk 1500 

Van  Ness  avenue. 1600 

Franklin 1700 

Gough 1800 

Octavia 1900 

Laguna 2000 

Buchanan 2100 

Webster 2200 

Fillmore  2300 

Steiner 2400 

Pierce 2500 

Scott 2600 

Devisadero 2700 

Broderick 2800 

Baker 2900 


Between  Devisade'o 
and      Baker     from 
Waller  north. 

Waller   2 

Haight 100 

Page 200 

oak 300 

Fell 400 

Hayes 500 

Grove 600 

Fulton 700 

McAllister   800 

i  ;  olden  Gate  ave.  900 

Turk   1000 

Eddy 1100 

Ellis    1200 

OFamll  1300 

Geary 1400 

Post 1500 

Sutter 1600 

Bush 1700 

Pine 1800 

California 1900 

Sacramento 2000 

Clay 2100 

Washington 2200 

Jackson 2300 

Pacificavenue  ...2400 

Broadway 2500 

Vallejo 2600 

Green 2700 

Union 2800 

Filbert 2900 

Greenwich 3000 

Lombard 3100 

Chestnut 3200 

Francisco 3300 


Between    Harrison 

and  Brannan  from 

the  bay  southwest. 

A*.  II'. 

Fremont  300 

First   400 

Second 500 


Between  Laguna 
and  Webster  from 
Market  west. 

E.  side. 

Hermann 100 

Waller 200 

Haight  300 


Oik 500 

Fell 600 

Hayes 700 

Grove 800 

Fulton 900 

McAllister 1000 

Golden  Gate  av  . .  1100 

Turk 1200 

Eddy 1300 

Ellis 1400 

O'Farrell 1500 

Geary 1600 

Post 1700 

Sutter 1800 

Bush 1900 

Pine 2000 

California 2100 

Sacramento 2200 

Clay 2300 

Washington 2400 

Jackson 2500 

Pacific  avenue 2600 

Broadway 2700 

Vallejo 2800 

Green 2900 

Union 3000 

Filbert  3100 

Greenwich   3200 

Lombard 3300 


Between  Sutter  and 
Pine  from  Market 

y.  side. 

Stockton 600 

Powell  700 

Mason   800 

Taylor 900 

Jones  1000 

Leavenworth 1100 

Hyde 1200 

Larkin   1300 

Polk 1400 

Van  Xessavenue.1500 

Franklin   1600 

Gough 1700 

<  Ictavia 1800 

Laguna 1900 

Buchanan 2000 

Webster 2100 

Fillmore  2200 

Steiner 2300 

Pierce 2400 



.Scott 2500 

Devisadero 2600 

Bioderick 2700 

Baker 2800 

Lyon 2900 


Between  Pine  and 
Sacramento  from 
Market  west. 


Stockton  800 

Powell  900 

Mason 1000 

Taylor 1100 

Jones 1200 

Leavenworth  . . .  .1300 

Hyde 1400 

Larkin  1500 

Polk   1600 

Van  Ness  avenue. 1700 

Franklin  1800 

Gough  1900 

Octavia 2000 

Laguna 2100 

Buchanan 2200 

Webster 2300 

Fillmore  2400 

Steiner 2500 

Pierce 2600 

Scott 2700 

Devisadero 2800 

Broderick 2900 

Baker 3000 

Lyon 3100 


Between  Mission 
and  Howard  from 
Fifteenth  south. 

W.  side. 

Sixteenth 100 

Seventeenth 200 

Eighteenth 300 

Nineteenth  400 

Twentieth 500 

Twenty-first 600 

Twenty-second  ..  700 

Twenty-third 800 

Twenty-fourth ...  900 

Twenty-fifth 1000 

Twenty-sixth  . . .  .1100 

<  hostnnt. 

Between  Lombard 
and  Francisco  from 
Sansome  west. 

N.  side. 

Kearny. 100 

Dupont 200 

Stockton 300 

Powell 400 

Mason  500 

Taylor 600 

Jones  700 

Leavenworth ....  800 

Hyde 900 

Larkin  1000 


Between  Sacramen- 
to and  Washington 
from  the  bay  west. 
N.  side. 

Stockton 900 

PoweU 1000 

Mason  1100 

Taylor 1200 

Jones  1300 

Leavenworth 1400 

Hyde 1500 

Larkin   1C0O 

Polk 1700 

Van  Ness  avenue .  1800 

Franklin 1900 


Laguna 2200 

Buchanan 2300 

Webster 2400 

Fillmore 2500 



Scott 2800 

Devisadero 2900 

Broderick 3000 

Baker 3100 

Lyon 3200 

Central  avenue  ..3300 

Walnut 3400 

Laurel 3500 


Between  Scott  and 
Broderick  from  Rid- 
ley north. 

E.  side. 

Waller 100 

Haight 200 

Page 300 

Oak 400 

Fell 500 

Hayes 600 

Grove 700 

Fulton 800 

McAllister 900 

Golden  Gate  ave.1000 

Turk 1100 

Eddy 1200 

Ellis 1300 

O'FarreU 1400 

Geary 1500 

Post 1600 

Sutter 1700 

Bush 1800 

Pine 1800 

California 2000 

Sacramento 2100 

Clay 2200 

Washington 2300 

Jackson 2400 

Pacific  avenue  . .  .2500 
Broadway 2600 


Between  Guerrero 
and  Church  from 
Market  south. 

W.  side. 
Twenty-first  .....  800 
Twenty-second  ..  900 

Twenty-third 1000 

Twenty-fourth...  1100 


Between  Turk  and 
Ellis  from  Market 

N  side. 

Jones 300 

Leavenworth  ....  400 

Hyde 500 

Larkin  600 

Polk 700 

Van  Ness  avenue.  800 

Franklin  900 

Gough 1000 

Octavia 1100 

Laguna 1200 

Buchanan 1300 

Webster 1400 

Fillmore 1500 

Steiner 1600 

Pierce 1700 

Scott 1800 

Devisadero 1900 


Between  Sevente'th 
and  Nineteenth  im 
Harrison  west. 


Between  Tenth  and 
Twelfth  from  Mar- 
ket southeast. 

W.  side. 

Market 2 

Mission 100 

Howard 200 

Folsom 300 


Between  Eddy  and 
O'FarreU  from  Mar- 
ket west. 

iV.  side. 

Taylor 300 

Jones 400 

Leavenworth  ....  500 

Hyde 600 

Larkin  700 

Polk 800 

Van  Ness  avenue.  900 

Franklin  1000 

Gough 1100 

Octavia 1200 

Laguna 1300 

Buchanan 1400 

Webster 1500 

Fillmore   1600 

Steiner 1700 

Pierce 1800 

Scott 1900 

Devisadero 2000 


Between  Oak  and 
Hayes  from  Market 

N.  side. 

Polk 2 

Van  Ness  avenue.  100 

Franklin  200 

Gough  300 

Octavia 400 

Laguna 500 

Buchanan 600 

Webster 700 

Fillmore 800 

Steiner 900 

Pierce 1000 

Scott 1100 

Devisadero 1200 

Broderick 1300 

Baker 1400 


Between  Union  and 
Greenwich  from 
Front  west. 

A.  side. 

Dupont 500 

Stockton  600 

Powell  700 

Mason 800 

Taylor 900 

Jones 1000 

Leavenworth  ....1100 

Hyde 1200 

Larkin  1300 

Polk 140C 

Van  Ness  avenue .  1500 

Franklin  1600 

Gough 1700 

Octavia 1800 

Laguna 1900 

Buchanan 2000 

Webster 2100 

Fillmore   2200 

Steiner 2300 


Between  Webster 
and  8teiner  from 
Ridley  north. 

E.  side. 

Ridley 2 

Hermann 100 

Waller  200 

Haight 300 

Page 410 

Oak 500 

Fell 600 

Hayes 700 

Grove 800 

Fulton 900 

McAllister 1000 

Golden  Gate  ave.  1100 

Turk 1200 

Eddy 1300 

Ellis 1400 

O'FarreU 1500 

Geary 1600 

Post 1700 

Sutter 1800 

Bush 1900 

Pine 2000 

California 2100 

Sacramento 2200 

Clay 2300 

Washington 2400 

Jackson 2500 

Pacific  avenue... 2600 

Broadway 2700 

Vallejo 2800 

Green 2900 

Union 3000 

Filbert 3100 

Greenwich 3200 

Lombard 3300 

Chestnut 3400 

Francisco 3500 


Between  Fourteenth 
and  Sixteenth  from 
Harrison  west. 

If.  side. 

Harrison 2 

Folsom 100 


Howard 200 


Mission  300 

Valencia 400 

Guerrero 500 

Dolores 600 

Church 700 

Sanchez 800 

Noe 900 

Castro 1000 


Between  Howard 
and  Harrison  from 
the  bay  southwest 
to  Thirteenth 
thence  south. 

N.  side. 
Fremont  400 



Fourteenth 200 

Fifteenth 300 

Sixteenth 400 

Seventeenth  ... 

Eighteenth 600 

Nineteenth  .   . 

Twentieth 800 

Twenty  first 900 

Twenty-second. .  .1000 
Twenty-third  ...1100 
Twenty-fourth   ..1200 


Between  Waller  and 
Page  from  Market 

A  side. 

Cough 2 

Oetavia 100 

Laguna 900 

Buchanan 300 

Webster 400 

Fillmore 500 

Steiuer 600 

Pierce 700 

Scott 800 

Devisadero 90) 

Broderick 1000 

Baker 1100 

Lyon 1200 

Lott 1300 

Masonic  avenue  .1400 

Ashbury 1500 

Clayton 1600 

Cole 1700 

Shrader 1800 


Between  Fell  f>nd 
Grove  from  Market 

If.  side. 

Larkin   2 

Polk )00 

Van  Ness  avenue.  200 

Franklin  300 

Gough 4i  0 

Oetavia 500 

Laguna 600 

Buchanan 700 

Webster 800 

Fillmore 900 



Scott 1200 1S00 

Broderick 1400 

Eaker 15C0 

Lyon 1600 

Lott 1700 

Masonic  avenue  .1800 

Ashbury 1200 

Clayton 2000 

Cole 2100 

Shrader 2200 

Between  Folsom 
and  Bryant  from 
the  bay  south  west  to 
Fourteenth;  thence 

X.  ride. 



Second 600 

Third : 

Fourth  800 

Fifth 900 

Sixth 1000 

Seventh   1100 

Eighth  1200 

Ninth 13i>0 

Tenth 1400 

Eleventh  1500 

Twelfth 1600 

Fourteenth 1700 

I    Fifteenth 1800 

El  Dorado 

Sixteenth 19  0 

Santa  Clara 

Seventeenth 2000 


Eighteenth 2100 


Nineteenth 2200 


Twentieth 2300 

Twenty-fust 2400 

Twenty-second . .  2500 
Twenty  third  ....2600 
Twenty-fourth...  270O 

Twenty-fifth 2800 

Twenty-sixth  ...2900 


Between  Mission 
and  Folsom  from 
the  bay  southwest 
to  Thirteenth 
thence  south. 

X.  ride 

Fourth 800 

Fifth    900 

Sixth 1000 

Seventh 1100 

Eighth 1210 

Ninth 13C0 

Tenth  1400 

Eleventh 1500 

Twelfth       1600 

Thirteenth 1700 

Fourteenth 1800 

Fifteenth 1900 

Sixteenth 2000 

Seventeenth 2100 

Eighteenth  ....     22 

Nineteenth 2300 

Twentieth 2400 

Twenty-first 2500 

Twenty-second. .  .2600 
Twenty-third  2700 
Twenty  fourth   ..2800 

Twenty-fifth S900 

Tweutj-si\th 3000 


Between  Leaven- 
worth and  Larkin 
from  Mc  Allister 

McAllister   ...  ..      2 

Tyler 1     I 

Turk - 

Eddy 300 


0 Tan-ell  500 

Geary 600 

Post 700 

Sutter 800 

Bush 900 

Pine 1C00 

California 1100 

Sacramento 1200 


Washington 1400 

Jackson 1500 

Pacific  avenue  ...  1  i"1 
Broadway 1700 

Vallejo 1800 

Green 1900 

Union 2000 

Filbert 2100 

Greenwich  2200 

Lombard 2300 


Between  Washing- 
ton and  Pacific  from 
the  bay  west, 

.v.  side, 

Powell   900 

M    -  on 1000 

Taylor 1100 

Jones 1200 

Leavenu  orth 1300 

Hyde 1400 

Larkin  1500 

Polk 1600 

Van  Ness  avenue .  1700 

Franklin  1800 

Gough 1900 

Oetavia 2000 

Laguna 2100 

Buchanan 2200 

Webster 2300 

Fillmore 2400 



Scott 27 



Baker .300) 

Lyon 3100 

Central  aveuue  ..3200 


Between  Taylor  and 
Leavenworth  from 
Market  north. 

E  ride. 
Golden  Gate  ave.  100 

Turk 200 

Eddy 300 

Ellis 400 

OTarrell 500 

Geary 6  0 

Post 700 

Sutter 800 

Bush 900 

Pine 1000 

California 1100 

Sacramento 1200 

Clay 1300 

Washington 1400 

Jackson 1500 

Pacific   1600 

Broadway 'TOO 

Vallejo 1800 

Green  19  0 

Union 20C0 

Filbert 21C0 


Lombard 23  0 

Chestnut 2400 


Between  Oetavia 
and  Buchanan  irom 
Market  north. 

E  *i'f-- 

Grove 700 

Fulton 800 

McAllister  900 

Golden  Gate  ave. — ■ 


Eddy 1200 

Ellis 1300 

OTarrell 1400 

Geary 1500 

Post 1600 

Sutter 1700 

Bush 1800 

Pine 1900 

California 20C0 



Washington 2300 

Jackson  2400 

Pacific  aveuue  . .  .2500 

Broadway 2600 


Green 2800 

Union 2900 


Between  Hyde  and 
Polk  from  Market 

E  side. 

McAllister   300 

Golden  Gate  ave.  400 

Turk 500 

Eddy 600 

Ellis 700 

OFarrell 800 

Geary 900 

Post 1000 

Sutter 1100 

Bush 1200 

Pine 1300 

California 1400 

Sacramento 1500 

Clay 1600 

Washington 1700 

JacKaon 1800 

Pacific  aveuue. .  .1P00 

B-oadway 2f00 

Vailejo 2100 

Green 2200 

Union 2300 

Filbert 24(0 

Greenwich   2500 

I  ombard 2600 

Chestnut 27a 

Between  Jones  and 
Hjile  from  McAllis- 
ter north. 

E.  side. 

McAllister 2 

Golden  Gate  ave.  100 

Turk 200 

Eddy 300 

Ellis -00 

OTarrell 500 

Geary   600 

Post 700 

Sutter 800 

Bush 900 

Pine   1C00 

California 1100 

Sacramento i20v 

Clay 1300 

Washington HOC 

Jackson 1500 

Pacific  avenue  . .  .Io00 

Broadway 1700 

Vallejo 1800 

Green 1900 

Union 2000 

Filbert 2100 

Greeuwich 2200 

Lombard 2300 

Chestnut  2400 

Francisco 2500 




Between  Greenwich 
and  Chestnut  frum 
the  bay  west. 

A*,  side 

Stockton 500 

Powell   600 

Mason 700 

Taylor 800 

Jones 900 

Leavenworth  ....  1000 


From  the  bay  south- 


Between  Powell 
anil  Taylor  from 
Market  north. 

E-  side. 

O'Farrell  300 

Geary 400 

Post 500 

Sutter 600 

Bush  700 

Pine 800 

California 900 

Sacramento 1 000 

Way 1100 

Washington 1200 

Jackson  1300 

Pacific  avenue  . .  .1400 

Broadway 1500 

Vallejo 1600 

Green 1700 

Union 1800 

Filbert   l'.tOO 


Between  Fulton 
and  Golden  Gate 
ave.  from  Market 

N.  side. 

Leavenworth 100 

Hyde 200 

Larkin   300 

Polk 400 

Van  Ness  avenue.  500 

Franklin    600 

Gough 700 

Octavia   800 

Lagiuia 900 

Buchanan  1000 

Webster 1100 

Fillmore   1200 

Steiner  1300 

Pierce 14(0 

Scott       1500 

Devisadero 1600 

Broderick 1700 

Baker.     . 1S00 


Between  Market 
and  Howard  from 
the  hay  southwest  to 
Thirteenth  thence 

A    II- 

Sixth  1000 

Seventh 1100 

Eighth 1200 

Ninth 1300 

Tenth    1400 

Eleventh  1500 





Fourteenth 1800 

Fifteenth 1900 

Sixteenth  ...2000 

Seventeenth 2100 

Eighteenth 2200 

Nineteenth 2300 

Twentieth 2400 

Twenty-first 2500 

Twenty-second. .  .2600 


Between  Sansome 
and  Kearny  from 
Market  north. 

E.  side. 

Market 2 

Sutter 100 

Bush 200 

Pine 300 

California 400 

New     Montgom- 
ery,   bet    Second 
and  Third  fm  Mar- 
ket SE  to  Howard 
W.  side 

Market 2 

Mission  100 


and  Twentieth  from 
Harrison  west. 

A~  side. 

Harrison 2 

Folsom 100 


Howard 200 


Mission 300 

Valencia 400 

Guerrero 500 

Dolores  600 

Church 700 

Sanchez 800 

Noe  900 

(.'astro 1000 

Diamond 1100 


Between        Eighth 
ami     Tenth     from 
Market  southeast. 
W  side 

Market 2 

Mission   100 

Howard 200 

Folsom 300 

Harrison 400 

Kryaut 500 

Bramiau   600 


Between  Ellis  and 
Geary  from  Market 

A*,  side. 

Jones   500 

Leavenworth 600 

Hyde 700 

Larkin 8ll0 

folk    900 

Van  NYss  avenue.  1000 

Franklin 1100 

Gough 1200 

Octavia 1300 

Lagutia 1400 

Buchanan  1500 

Webster 1600 

Fillmore 1700 

Steiner 1800 

Pie-ie 1900 


Between  P"ge  and 
Fell  frou  Market 

A"  side. 
Van  Ness  ave  ...      2 

Franklin   .   100 

Gough 200 

Octavia 300 

Laguna 400 

Buchanan 500 

Webster 600 

Fillmore .700 

Steiner 800 

Pierce 900 

Scott 1000 

Devisadero 1100 

Broderick 1200 




Masonic  avenue. . 






Between  Gough 
and  Laguna  from 
Market  north 

E.  side. 

Market 2 

Haight 100 

Page  200 

Oak 300 

Fell 400 

Hayes 500 

Grove 600 

Fulton 700 

McAllister 800 

Golden  Gate  ave. 

Eddy 1100 

Ellis 1200 

O'Farrell 1300 

Geary 1400 

Post 1500 

Sutter 1600 

Bush  1700 

Pine I860 

California  1900 


Washington  ...   .2200 

Jackson 2300 

Pacific  ave aue  . .  .2400 

Broadway 2500 

Vallejo  2600 

( ireen 2700 

Union 2800 

Filbert 2900 

Greenwich 3000 

Lombard  .    ..  MC0 

Chestnut 3200 

Francisco 3300 

Pacific     Avenue. 

A',  tide. 

Larkin   1500 

Polk 1600 

Van  Ness  avenue.  1700 

Franklin    181 II 

Gough 1900 

Octavia 2000 

Laguna 2100 

Buchanan 2200 

Webster 2300 

Fillmore   2400 

Steiner 2500 

Pierce 2600 

Scott 2700 

Devisadero 2800 

Broderick 2900 

Baker 3000 

Lyon 3100 

Central  ave 3200 


Between  Haight 
and  Oak  from  Mar- 
ket west 

A',  side. 

Franklin  2 

Gough 10) 

Octavia 200 

Laguna 300 

Buchanan 400 

Webster 500 

Fillmore  600 

Steiner 700 

Pierce 800 

Scott 900 

Devisadero 1000 

Broderick 1100 

Baker 1200 

Lynn 1300 

Lott 1400 


Between  Steiner 
and  Scott  from 
Waller  north. 

E.  side. 

Waller   2 

Haight 100 

Page  200 

Oak 300 

Fell  400 


Fulton  700 

McAllister  800 

Golden  Gate  ave .  900 

Turk   1000 

Eddy 1100 

Kilis 1200 

O'Farrell 1300 

Geary   . 

Post 1500 

Sutter 1600 

Bush  1700 

Pine 1800 

California 1300 

Sicrameuto 2000 


Jackson  23C0 

Pacific  avenue  .  .2400 

Broadway  2500 

Vallejo  2600 

Green 2700 

Union 2800 

Filbert 2900 


Between  Bush  and 
i  laUfornia  fm  Mar- 
ket west. 

A',  aide. 

Stockton 700 


Powell  800 

Mason 900 

Taylor 1000 

Jones 1100 

Leavenworth 1200 

Hyde 1390 

Larkin 1400 

Polk 1500 



Van  Nesg  avenue .  1600 

Franklin  1700 

Hough 1800 

Octavia MOO 

Laguua 2000 

Buchanan 2100 

Webster 2200 

Fillmore 2300 

Steiner 2400 

Pierce 2500 

Scott 2600 

Devisadero 2700 

Broderick 2800 

Baker 2900 

Lyon 3000 


Between  Larkin  and 
Van  Ness  ave.  from 
Market  north. 

E.  side 

Turk  600 

Eddy 700 

Ellis 800 

O'Farrell 900 

Geary 1000 

Post 1100 

Sutter 1200 

Bush 1300 

Pine 1400 

California  1500 

Sacramento 1600 

Clay 1700 

Washington 1800 

Jackson  1900 

Pacific  avenue  . .  .2000 

Broadway 2100 

Vallejo 2200 

Green 2300 

Union 2400 

Filbert 2500 

Greenwich 2600 

Lombard 2700 


Between  Geary  and 
Sutter  from  Market 

N  side 

Mason 500 

Taylor 600 

Jones  700 

Leavenworth  .   . .  800 

Hyde 900 

Larkin 1000 

Polk   HCO 

Van  Ness  avenue.  1200 

Franklin 1300 

Gongta 1400 

Octavia 1500 

Laguna    1CC0 

Buchanan 1700 

Webster 1800 

Fillmore   1900 

Steiner 2000 

Pierce 2100 

Scott 2200 

Devisadero 2300 

Broderick 2400 


Between  Stockton 
and  Mason  from 
Market  north. 

F.  fide. 

O'Famll 200 


Pout 4  0 

Sutter "   0 

Bush  0v0 

Pine 700 

California 800 

Sacramento 900 

Clay 1000 

Washington 1100 

Jaskson 1200 

Pacific  avenue  . .  .1300 

Broadway 1400 

Vallejo 1500 

Green 1C0O 


Filbert 1800 

Greenwich 1900 

Lombard 2000 


Between  California 
and  Clay  from  Mar- 
ket west. 

N.  side. 

Powell  1000 

Mason  1100 

Taylor 1200 

Jones 1300 

Leavenworth  ....  1400 

Hyde 1500 

Larkin  1600 

Polk 1700 

Van  Ness  avenue  .1800 

Franklin 1900 

Gough 2000 

Octavia 2100 

Laguna 2200 

Buchanan 2300 

Webster 2400 

Fillmore  2500 

Steiner 2600 

Pierce 27CO 

Scott 2800 

Devisadero 2900 

Broderick 3000 

Baker 3100 

Lyon 3200 


Between  Tierce  and 
Devisadero  from 
Ridley  north 

E.  side. 

Ridley 2 

Waller  100 

Haight 200 

Page   300 

Oak 400 

Fell 500 



Fulton   800 

McAllister 900 

Golden  Gate  ave.  1000 

Turk  11(0 

Eddy 12C0 

Ellis 1300 

O'Farrell 1400 


Post I6C0 

Sutter 1700 

Bush 1800 

Pine 1900 

California  2000 

Sacramento 21C0 



Jackson 2400 

Pacific  avenue  . .  .2500 

Broadway  2600 

Vallejo 2700 

Green 2800 

Union 2900 

Filbert 3000 


Between  Sixteenth 

and         Eighteenth 

from  Harrison  West. 

N.  ridt . 

Mission 300 

Valencia  400 

Mission  avenue  . . 

Guerrero 500 

Dolores 600 

Church 700 

Sanchez 800 

Noe 900 

Castro 1000 

Diamond 1100 


Between  Howard 
and  Folsom  from 
Fourteenth  south. 

Hr.  sidr. 

Sixteenth 200 

Seventeenth 300 

Eighteenth 400 

Nineteenth 500 

Twentieth 600 

Twenty -first 700 

Twenty-second...  800 

Twenty-third 900 

Twenty-fourth  ...1000 

Twenty-fifth 1100 

Twenty-sixth  ....1200 


Between  Fifteenth 
and  Seventeenth 
from  Harrison  west. 


Between  Fillmore 
and  Pierce  lroiu 
Ridley  north. 

E.  tide. 

Ellis 1400 

O'Farrell 1500 

Geary 1600 

Post 1700 

Sutter 1800 

Bush 1900 

Pine 2000 

California 2100 

Sacramento 2200 

Clay 2300 

Washington 2400 

Jackson 2500 

Pacific  avenue. .  .2600 


Between  Dupont 
and  Powell  from 
Market  north 

E.  side. 

Market 2 

O'Farrell 100 

Geary 200 

Post 300 

Sutter 400 

Bush 500 

Pine 600 

California  700 

Sacramento 800 

Clay 900 

Washington 1000 

Jackson  1100 

Pacific  avenue  . .  .1200 

Broadway 13C0 

Vallejo lino 

Green 1500 

Union 1600 

Filbert 1700 

Greenwich 18(H> 

Lombard 1900 

Chestnut 2000 


Between  Post  and 
Bush  from  Market 

N.  side. 

Powell  500 

Mason 600 

Taylor 700 

Jones   800 

Leavenworth 900 

Hyde 1000 

Larkin   1100 

Polk   1200 

Van  Ness  avenue .  1300 

Franklin 1400 

Gough 1500 

Octavia 1600 

Laguna 1700 

Buchanan 1800 

Webster 1900 

Fillmore   2000 

Steiner 2100 

Pierce 2200 

Scott 2300 

Devisadero 2400 

Broderick 2500 

Baker 2600 


Between  Mason  and 
Jones  from  Market 

E.  side 

Eddy 200 

Ellis 300 

O'Farrell 403 

Geary   500 

Post 600 

Sutter 700 

Bush 800 

Pine 900 

California  .      ...  1000 

Sacramento 1100 

Clay 1200 

Washington 13C0 

Jackson 1400 

Pacific  avenue.  . .  .1500 

Broadway 1600 

Vallejo 1700 

Green 1800 

Union 1900 

Filbert 2000 

Greenwich 2100 

Lombard 2200 


Between  Ninth  and 
Eleventh  from  Mar- 
ket southeast. 


Between  Twelfth 
and        Fourteenth 

from  Mission  south- 

Treat  Avenue. 

Between       Folsom 
and  Harrison  from 
Thirteenth  smith. 
IF.  side. 

Twentieth 700 

Twenty-first 800 

Twenth-second  ..  900 
Twenty-third  ....1000 
Twenty  fourth  ...1100 




Between       Golden 
Gate  ave  and  Eddy 
from  Market  west. 
A",  side. 

Leavenworth 300 

Hyde 400 

Larkin   500 

Polk 600 

Van  Nubs  avenue.  700 

Franklin 800 


Uguna 1100 

Buchanan 1200 

Webster 1300 

Fillmore 14U0 

Steiner 1500 

Pierce 1600 

Scott 1700 

Devisadero 1800 


Between  Eleventh 
and  Thirteenth 
from  Mission  south- 

s.  ir. 

Mission 2 

Howard 100 

Folsom 200 


Between  Nineteenth 

and  Twenty- First, 

from  Harrison  west. 

K.  side. 

Church 700 

Sanchez 800 

Noe 900 

Castro 1000 

Diamond 1100 

Twenty -Eighth. 

Betw'n  Duncan  and 
Valley  from  old 
San  Jose  Road 

Twenty -Fiftii. 

Between  Twenty- 
fourth  and  Twenty- 
sixth  from  Potrero 
ave.  west. 


Between  Twentieth 
and  Twenty-second 
from  Potrero  ave. 

Ar.  side. 

Harrison 600 

Folsom 700 

Howard 800 

Mission  ....(loon)  900 

Valencia  11(0 

Guerrero 1200 

<  liattanooga 

Sanchez  1400 

Twenty  -Fourth. 

Between  Twenty- 
third  and  Twenty- 
fifth  from  Potrero 

an-,  west. 

Twenty  -Second. 

;:.  tween  Twenty- 
Bret  and  Twenty- 
third  from  I'otrero 
ave.  west. 


Between  Army  and 
Duncan  fin  old  San 
Jose  Koad  west. 


Between  Twenty- 
fifth  and  Army  from 
York  west. 

Twenty -Third. 

Between  Twenty- 
second  and  Twenty- 
fourth  from  Potrei  o 
ave.  west. 

A',  side. 
Potrero  avenue  . .      2 

Hampshire 100 

York 200 

Bryant  avenue . . .  300 

Columbia 400 

Alabama 500 

Harrison 600 

Folsom 700 

Howard 800 

Mission   900 

Valencia 1000 

Guerrero 1100 

Dolores 12  0 

Church 1300 

Sanchez 1400 

Noe 1500 

Castro 1600 

Diamond 1700 


Between  Green  and 
Filbert  from  Front 

A',  side. 

Stockfon 600 

Powell   700 

Mason 800 

Taylor 900 

Jones  1000 

Leavenworth 1100 

Hyde 1200 

Larkin 1300 

Polk 1400 

Van  Ness  avenue. 1500 

Franklin   1600 

Gougfa 1700 

Octavia 1800 

Laguna  1900 

Buchanan 2000 

Webster 2100 

Fillmore   2200 

Steiner  2300 

Pierce 2400 

Scott 2500 


Between  Guerrero 
and  Mission  from 
Market  south. 

W.  side. 

Ridley 200 

Fourteenth 300 

Fifteenth 400 

Sixteenth    500 

Seventeenth 600 

Eighteenth  700 

Nineteenth 800 

Twentieth  .  900 

Twenty-first  1000 

Twenty-second.  ..1100 
Twenty-third  ....  1200 
Twenty-fourth  . .  >  3(  0 

Twenty-fifth unit 

Twenty-sixth  .. 


Between  Broadway 
and  Green  from  the 
bay  west. 

N.  side. 

Stockton 700 

Powell   800 

Mason 900 

Taylor 1000 

Jones 1100 

Leavenworth 1200 

Hyde 1300 

Larkin   1400 

Polk 1500 

Van  Ness  avenue .  1600 

Franklin 1700 

Gough 1800 

Octavia 1900 

Laguna 2000 

Buchanan 2100 

Webster 2200 

Fillmore 2300 

Steiner 2400 

Pierce 2500 

S:;ott 2600 

Devisadero 2700 

Broderick 2800 

Baker 2900 

Van   ST  ess  Av- 

Between  Polk  and 
Franklin  from  Mar- 
ket north. 

E.  side. 

Market 2 

Fell  100 

Hayes 200 

Grove  300 

Fulton 400 

McAllister  500 

Golden  Gate  ave.  600 

Turk  700 

Eddy 800 

Ellis 900 

O'Farrell 1000 

Geary 1100 

Post 1200 

Sutter 1300 

Bush 1400 

Pine 1500 

California 1600 

Sacramento 1700 

Clay 1800 

Washington 1900 

Jackson 2000 

Pacific  avenue  . .  .2100 

Broadway 2200 

Vallejo 2300 

Green 2400 

Union 2500 


Between  Ridley  and 
Haight  fn  nn  Market 

A*,  side. 

Octavia 2 

Laguna 100 

Buchanan 200 

Webster 300 

Fillmore   400 

Steiner 500 

Pierce  coo 

Scott  700 

Devisadero 800 

Broderick  900 

Lott 1200 

Masonic  avenue.  .1300 
Ashbury 1400 

Clayton   1500 

Cole 1600 

Shrader  1700 


Between  Clay  and 
Jackson  from  the 
bay  west. 

A",  side. 

Stockton 900 

Powell   1000 

Mason 1100 

Taylor 1200 

Jones   1300 

Leavenworth 1400 

Hyde 1500 

Larkin   1600 

Polk 1700 

Van  Ness  avenue .  1800 

Franklin 1900 

Octavia 2100 

Laguna   2200 

Buchanan 2300 

Webster   2400 

Fillmore    2500 

Scott 2800 

Devisadero 2900 

Broderick 3000 

Baker 3100 

Lyon 3200 

Central  avenue  ..3300 

Walnut 3400 

Laurel 3500 

Locust   3600 

Spruce.   3700 

Maple 3800 

Cherry   3900 


Between  Buchanan 
and  Fillmore  from 
Kate  north. 

E.  side 

Kate   2 

Waller 100 

Haight 200 

Page     300 

Oak 400 

Fell 500 

Hayes 600 

Grove 700 

Fulton   800 

McAllister   900 

Golden  Gate  ave.1000 

Turk   1100 

Eddy 1200 

Ellis 13C0 

O'Farrell 1400 

Geary 1500 

Post 1600 

Sutter 1700 

Bush 1800 

Pine 1900 

California  2000 

Sacramento 2100 

Clay 2200 

Washington  ..   ..2300 

Jackson 2400 

Pacific  avenue  .    .2500 

Broadway 2600 

Vallejo 2700 

Green 2800 

Union 2900 

Filbert 3000 

Greenwich 3100 

Lombard 3200 




100  GOOD  CARDS,  From  Plate,  75  Cts        «£        Old  Price  $1.00 

100  BEST  CARDS,  From  Plate,  $1.00        J*        Old  Price  $1.50 


Successors  to  DODGE  BROS. 
Fine  Stationery  Books  and  Stationery 

225  POST  ST.,  near  Stockton  107  MONTGOMERY  ST. 

Telephone  Grant  g  C.  BEACH'S  OLD  STAND 

*o  <^>o«o<o*^> 

Stamped  on  Pine  Writing  Papers  at 
Prices  Huch  Lower  Than  rormerlv. 


<C^  <^  O  •  O  *0  'Civ 

Our  Book  Store,   107  MONTGOMERY  STREET 

/\n  me  latest  BOOKS.   Standard  works 

Gift  Boons,  Bibles,  Praver  Books  and  Hvmnals, 
Juvenile  Boohs,  Games,  Magazines,  &c. 

<Zy yCo-y^coCoA,  ^l  /    <x  yUccot^  Ji^JLa^  £^^4   etc*.  Cy        ^O — - 
4^-c^xA^   y*-i^c    J<rv    OsCC      rLe.    ftU^e6<*.<L<M    OL+.cJ     cl^Cz^J-, 

JirCuud  \/4'a*,o     Vo-*^   /ot^c^cj leU yCuo.    #V -tea   ■Jt&£&&, 

/     i.   i  /  /    ',  7  ,    *! 

»4    He.    4t4*r*  sfblt.  yOcM^ccjl^  Ac'a^0  *r£xbC    ^ 

Additional  List 




Unless  otherwise  specified,  the  address  is  San  Francisco. 

Ames.    Mr.   &    Mrs.   Pelhani   W. — Miss   Elizabeth,    Mr.   Worthington,    1312 

i  aylor.   Tuesday. 
Bailey.  Mrs.  M..  Miss.  Miss  Dollie,  Miss  Agnes;  1001  Fillmore.     1.  3  Mon. 
Betts.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  S.;  C.  W.;  702  Sutter.     Tuesday. 
Blodgett.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  A.;  605  O'Farrell.     2nd  and  4th  Thursday. 
Bresse.  G.  L. ;  151S  Franklin 
Brown.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas,  Miss  Lizzie,  Miss  Grace,  Miss  Fannie;  1019 

Bush.     (Tel.  East  692.)     Tuesday 
Bryan.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wni.  J.:  1822  Pine.     (Tel.  Pine  311.)    Wednesday. 
Bull.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  B.;  William  and  San  Pablo  Ave.,  Oakland,  Cal. 

Caglieri.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George:  1022  Filbert.     Tuesday. 

Caglieri,  Dr.  Guido  E.;  1022  Filbert.     Tuesday 

Carter,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  J.:  Occidental  Hotel.     Monday. 

Cline,  Walter  H.;  899  Pine. 

Corran,  W.  H.  L.:  728  Sutter 

Cooper.  Mr.  &  Mrs.   F.   T..  Haywards. 

Cumberson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  E. ;  1318  Jackson.     Tuesday. 

Curry,  M.  O.;  Murphy  Building,  1236  Market. 

Daywalt,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  G.  W. :  207  Larkin. 

De  Bruhl.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  J..  Arthur,  Jesse;  California  Hotel.    Tuesday. 

De  Leon,  B.  N.;  615  Taylor. 

Doychert,  Mrs.  Julius  I..  Miss  Ernie  M. ;  1720  Sutter.    1st  and  3d  Monday. 

Doychert,  Charles  L. ;  1720  Sutter.     Santa  Cruz. 

Fay,  Miss  Rosamond;  531  Taylor. 

Gedge,  Dr.  H.  Edward,  22  Donohoe  Bldg.,  1170  Market  street. 

Gillespie,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  W.;  1800  O'Farrell.    Tuesday. 

Graves,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  W.:  2235  Howard. 

Gottig,  Mrs.  L.,  Miss,  899  Pine. 

Hamm,  Wm.;  Occidental  Hotel. 

Herzog.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph,  Miss  Bertha.  Henry  J.:  1207  Eddy.     Friday. 

Highton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  E. ;  Palace  Hotel.    Monday. 

Hough.  Mr.  J.  F.,  Miss  Ella.  Miss  Pauline;  899  Pine. 

Hornberg,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  P.:  813  Bush. 

Husted.  Dr.  G.  B.;  223  Leavenworth. 

Hutchinson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Randall:  830  Post.    Thursday. 

Jones.  Dr.  C.  E. ;  1136  Guerrero. 

Johnson,  Mrs    M.  R. ;  410  Leavenworth.  Thursday. 

Kerr.  Mr.  David.  Miss  Virginia,  Miss  Emily,  Miss  Blanche,  David  H.;  3233 

Twentv-first.     1st  and  2nd  Thursday 
Koeding,  Charles;  1616  Steiner.     (Tel.  Steiner  1261.) 
Lackmann.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry:  1214  Leavenworth. 
Ladd,  Mrs.  N.  S.  A.,  Mr.  Horace  S.:  2309  Jackson.    Thursday. 
Lee,  Dr.  Arthur  Stanley;  222  Post. 
Lee,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  H.;  625  Golden  Gate  Ave.     2d  Thursday. 

28  ADDITIONAL   LIST— Continued. 

Lee,  Dr.  Arthur  Stanley,  222  Post  street 

Lee,  Dr.  Sarah  I.,  Franklin  P.  L.;  1910  Webster. 

Levy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jesse  M.:  2912  Jackson.     (Tel.  Pine  2331.)     Friday. 

Lewitt,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  B.;  500  Van  Ness  Ave.     2d  and  4th  Thursday. 

Liebes,  Julien;  2225  Post.     (Tel.  Steiner  1251.) 

Litchfield,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  M.;  1020  Page.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 

Llewellyn,  Mrs.  W.  H.;   Occidental  Hotel. 

Loaiza,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.,  Miss  Lola,  Miss  Ampero.  Luis,    Fernando;    1217 

Washington.    2nd  and  4th  Tuesday. 
Loewe,  Mrs  Henrietta;  830  McAllister.     (Tel.  Pine  2101.) 
Loaiza.   Mr.    and    Mrs.  W.,    Miss    Lola,  Miss  Amparo  C,  Y.  W.,  F.;   1217 
Lockard,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  S. :  1228  Bush.     Thursday. 
Lundborg.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  A.  W.,  Miss  Irving;  1918  Sacramento.     Thurs. 
Lucas,  Albert  E.,  617  Parrott  Building.     Res.  Tel.  White  941. 

Mack,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lawrence,  Miss  S.,  Wilfred;  908  O'Farrell.    3,  4  Tues. 

MacNichol,  Mrs.  J.  C;  1422  Fulton.    3d  and  4th  Friday. 

McLeod,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.;  910  Lombard.     (Tel.  Sutter  1071.)     1,  2,  3  Thurs. 

McFarland.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  L. ;  627a  Ellis.    Thursday. 

McNair,  William  W. ;  Alexandria  Hotel. 

McNeil,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  A.;  784  Van  Ness  Ave.    (Tel.  East  630.)    1,3  Tuesday. 

Mann,  Dr.  C.  S..  Mrs.  E.  O.;  The  Westminster.  614  Sutter.     1,  3  Thursday. 

Martin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  P.;  3346  Washington.     (Tel.  Pine  3091.) 

Martin,  William  J.:  600  Bush.    (Tel.  Black  2391.) 

Mever.  Mr.  F.,  address  72  Flood  Building. 

Millard.  F.  C:  525  Harrison.     (Tel.  Main  5167.) 

Montgomery,  Miss  Annie,  Miss  Hazel;  1801  Leavenworth.     (Tel.  East  594.) 

Newell,  Lewis  Perry;  1214  Leavenworth.    Saturday  p.  m. 

Parcells,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  O.  P.;  Frank  M..  Charles  E.;  1409  Webster.  Oakland. 

Phillips,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  E..  Miss  Anita;  Wendell.     1st  Wednesday. 

Prescott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.:  1320  Eighth  Ave.,  Oakland. 

Plumel,  Mr.  J.  F.,  700  Jones  street. 

Rinne.  Dr.  Frederick  A..  108  Stockton  street. 

Salhinger,  I.;  Occidental  Hotel. 

Schroeder.  Miss  N. ;  1214  Leavenworth 

Slack,  Judere  and  Mrs.  Charles  W. :  1737  Sutter.     1st.  and  ?ud  Friday. 

Simnson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  a.m.:   2010  Pacific  Ave.     2nd  and  3rd  Friday. 

Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  P.;  1115  Castro.    1st  and  3rd  Friday. 

Snreckels,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R"d->lnh:  2548  Jackson.     (Tel.  Pine  4201.) 

Stone,  Leonard:  Hotel  St.  Nicholas. 

Stakes,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Pbarlps  F!..  Bernard;  1059  Jackson.  Oakland. 

Pnllivan.  Mr.  Daniel  T..  438  California   strcpt. 

Schmidt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  H.  R.,  2627  California. 

Treyer,  Dr.  Edmond  J.,  22  Geary  street. 

Turner,  Mr.  J.  N.,  38  Mills  Bldg.,  5th  floor.     Tel.  Main  5917. 

Thornton,  Mr.  Harry  M.,  Miss  Dorothy;  899  Pine. 

Van  Wyck,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  L.,  Miss  Gertrude,  Miss  Edna;  2424  Steiner.  Fr. 

Volkman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  M. ;  2202  Jones. 

Von  Goltzheim.  Baron  and  Baroness;  1411  Webster. 

Von  Schroder,  Baron  and  Baroness  J.  H. ;  1321  Sutter.     Eagle  Rancho. 

Walter,  Mr.   L.  M.,  2917  Bush  street. 

Webster,  Reginald  M.;  2005  Fillmore.     Del  Monte. 

Welsh,  Mrs.  Charles,  Miss,  Charles  E.;  705  Chestnut.     Thursday. 

Wenban,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S. ;  1920  Van  Ness  Ave.    2d  and  4th  Friday. 

Whaite,  Mr.  and  Mrs.Rene;  728  Fell. 

Withrow,  Mrs.  K.  H.,  Miss  Marie,  Miss  Eva;  1216  Jones.     Thursday. 

Whitcomb,  Frank  R.;  900  Pine. 

DEUTZ    &.    GELDERMAN,    Ay,   France. 


A.    DE    LUZE    &    FlLS,    Bordeaux,  France. 


C.  MAREY    &    LlGER-BELAIR,    Nuits,  France. 


G.    M.    PABSTMANN    SOHN,    Mainz,  Germany. 


HAUSSMANN,    JR.,    Traben,  (o.m.)  Germany. 


Duff  Gordon  &  Co.,  port  st.  mary-s,  Spain. 


D.  M.    FEUERHEERD,    JR.,    &.    CO.,  Oporto,  Portugal. 


BOORD    &    SON,   London,  England. 

RUM  SHRUB,  Etc,  Etc 

I.    A.    I.    NOLET,    Schiedam,  Holland. 


L.    FUNKE,    JR.,    New  York,   N.  Y. 


MOORE   &   SINNOTT,    Philadelphia,  Penn. 

"gibson  rye"  whisky 

Greenbrier  Dist.  Co.,,  ky. 

"r.  b.  hayden"  whisky 

Charles  Meinecke  &  Co. 


Telephone  1918  SAN    FRANCISCO  314  Sacramento  St. 

SWFIK    mt»   W1NTEK    KES6RT 


A        A 

A        A 

flQM/j  Q/1LIENTE 

fl~—      g,         5ON0M/I  VALLEY,  OIL 


j*     >    WARM  SULPHUR  SPRINGS    „*    «•* 


Hotel   Re-modelled   and   Re-furnished.        Everything  New  and   Elegant. 



Address,  AGUA  CALIENTE  SPRINGS,  Agua  Caliente,  Sonoma  Co.,  Cat. 

Patent ■ 

P        <KOL.UI-^ 


Mil  ill 

Always  Reliable 

.  AND  .... 


.,..-..-<^„-~.---  -V.V-.Yf,,^-,-,.. 

Uniform  in  Quality 



he  MonareA  of 

§,reakfas+ foods 



edfern  Rouse 



j  I  \  23 1  Post  Street 

Ladies'  Tailor 
and  Habit  Maker 

The  acknowledged  reputat'on  of  the 
REDFERX  HOUSE  is  a  guaranty  that 
every  garment  supplied  from  that  estab- 
lishment is  made  in  the  latest  style,  from 
the  finest  goods,  with  the  very  best  possi- 
ble workmanship. 

This  House  has  for  many  years  been 
celebrated  for  the  style  and  cut  of  its 

Riding  Habits,  Walking  Suits, 

Jackets,  Ulsters  and   Divided   Skirts 

which  are  equally  adapted  to  horsa-back 

riding,  walking  or  bicycling. 

In  order  to  meet  the  times  the  whole 
scale  of  prices  has  recently  been  revised 
and  thoroughly  reorganized. 



Our  Society 
.Blue  Book 

Tlie  Fashionable  Private  Address  Directory 
of  the  Pacific  Coast  — 1896-97 -. 

O'  . 

Containing  the  names,  addresses,  reception 
days  and  country  residences  of  the  leading 
families  of  California,  compiled  in  strict 
alphabetical  order  to  facilitate  reference  to 
the  address  of  particular  persons    .    .    .    . 

Names  too  late  for  classification,  see 

Additional  List  in  front 

part  of  Hook 


Abbott,  George;  Pacific-Union  Club.     Cambridge,  Mass. 
Abbott,  Charles  H.;  1632  Vallejo.     (Tel.  Sutter  131.) 
\bbott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  Leonard.  Jr.;  2411  Pierce.     Friday. 
Abbott,   Augustus;    Bohemian    Club.     Sacramento. 

Abbott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William,  Miss,  Miss  Susie  S.;  311  Haight.     Thursday. 
Abbott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  M.;  1012  1-2  Seventeenth.     2d  and  4th  Tuesday. 
Abrams,   Dr.   Albert;   784   Geary.    (Tel.   East   188.) 

Ackerman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  L.;  Baldwin  Hotel.     (Tel.  Bush  24.)     Mon. 
Ackerman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  L.;  2202  Jackson.      (Tel.    West   828.) 
Adam,   L.    Douglass;   2037    Taylor. 
Adams,   Charles  F. ;   1910    Hyde. 
Adams,  John  Q.;  1223  Pine. 

Adams,   Mrs.    L.    E.;   2424   Pacific   Ave.     Friday. 
Adams,   Edward   Mills;    508    Montgomery,  res.  1318  California. 
Adams,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  S.;  Miss  Ella;  E.  D.;  L.  S.,  Jr.;   825  Bush.  Thurs. 
Adams,  Lieut.  Thomas  R.,  U.  S.  A.,  Presidio. 

Adams,   Mr.   and    Mrs.    William   J.,  Charles;  Menlo   Park,  San  Mateo  Co. 
Adie,   Mrs.    Mary,    Miss    Ellen;    2012  Pine.     Thursday. 
Adler,   Dr.    Albert  S.;    1113    Sutter.  (Tel.  East  590.) 
Ager,  Captain  John  E.;  324  Bartlett. 

Agar,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  G.;  California  Hotel.     Menlo  Park. 
Ahlers,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  C;   1102  Eddy.      Tuesday. 


Aitken,  Judge  and  Mrs.  John  R.,  Miss  Lillian  M.:  425  Schrader.     Tuesday. 
Alberger,  Col.  and  Mrs.  \V.  C,  Miss,  Miss  M.  T.;  2221  Pacific  Avp. 
Albertson.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  A.;  Hotel   Pleasanton.     Monday. 
Alden,  Dr.  Bertram  F.:  2207  Post.     (Tel.  Pine  3251.) 
Alden,   Mrs.  V.;  2207  Post.     (Tel.   Pine  3251.) 

Aldrich,  Mrs.  L..  Miss..  William  F.,  Stuart.;    1515   Washington.      Tuesday. 
Alexander,   Leo  E.,   Michael  S.;   1020  Van  Ness  Ave. 
Allen.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  R.,  Miss  Gertrude;  130  9th.     Oakland. 
Allardt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  F.;  1127  Linden.    Oakland. 
Allen.  Mr.  and   Mrs.   Edgar  L.:  2924  California.      ((Tel.    Pine   2341.) 
Allen,    Mr.   and    Mrs.    Edward   T.;   2204  Jackson.     (Tel.  West  582.)   Friday. 
Allen.   Mr.  and   Mrs.  Frank  H..  Miss  Jessie:   124   Laurel.       Wednesday. 
Allen.   Judge    and    Mrs.    James   M.;  Palace  Hotel.       Menlo  Park. 
Allison,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  David  E.;  David  E.  Jr.;  Edward  R. ;  2112  Broadway. 
Allmond,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  H.;   533  Ellis. 

Allyne.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  W.:  N.  W.  cor.  Gough  and  Green.     1st  Wednesday. 
Alsip.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edwin  K.,  The  Misses.     2919  California.    Tuesday. 
Alverson,   W.  W.;    The  Oliver.   899  Pine. 

Alvord.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William;  2200  Broadway.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Ames,    Miss    Dottie;    2131    Green.    Friday.       (in  Nov.  Jan.  and  Feb.) 
Ames,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edwin  E.,  Edwin    M.:    1217    Buchanan.       Wednesday. 
Ames,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fisher;  1414  California.     Friday. 

Ames,  Mr.   and   Mrs.   Frank  H.;  717  Fillmore.      (Tel.    Steiner    1017.)    Fri. 
Ames,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  M. ;  1024  Clay. 
Ames,  George  E. ;  George  E.,  Jr.;  3010  Clay. 

Ames.   Mr.  and  Mrs.  Howard  C,  C.H. ;   44    Oak.     Thursday.     Monterey. 
Ames,  Mr.  and   Mrs.  Pelham  W. ;  Miss  Alice    Bradford;  Miss    Elizabeth 
Gardiner,      Worthington;       1312  Tavlor.     (Tel.   Main  5539.)       Tuesdav. 
Amphlett.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Richard  M.;  3323    Clay.      (Tel.    Pine   2051.) 
Anderson,   Captain   and   Mrs.   Andrew.   Miss   Minnie,    Harry   A.;    119   Capp. 
Anderson,   Dr.   and   Mrs.   J.    A..    Miss    Ivy,   Miss  Jessamine.   Miss   Violet; 

1039  Twentieth.     (Tel.   Mission  161.)     Wednesday. 
Anderson,  Mr.   and  Mrs.  Nels,   Miss  Eva   C;    2826    Howard.     Thursday. 
Anderson,    Mr.    and    Mrs.    Thomas:   2209  Devisadero.     1st  and  3rd  Thurs. 
Anderson,    William    H.;    2915    California. 

Anderson.   Dr.   and   Mrs.   Winslow;   603    Sutter.      (Tel.   Main   5572.)   Tues. 
Andres,    Mr.   and    Mrs.    George    S.:   1910  Vallejo.     (Tel.  West  985.) 
Andrade.   Mr.   and  Mrs.   G.,   Miss  Eloisa:  656  Folsom.     Thursday. 
Andros,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Milton.  Miss  Helen:  2321  Broadway.     Friday. 
Andruss,   Mr.    and    Mrs.    George  H.;  2936U  California.       Tuesday. 
Angus,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  S.;  1518  Broderick. 

Anspacher,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.;  2604  Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  Steiner  591.)     Friday. 
Archibald.  James  F.  J.;  Bohemian  Club.     (Tel.   Main  1158.) 
Arguello,   Miss;  912   Bush.     1st   and  3rd  Tues.  Ash  and  Second,  San  Diego. 
Arnold,  Mrs.  Austin:   Austin;  413  Van  Ness  Ave.     Thursday. 
Arnold.  Mr.  and   Mrs.  George  S.,  Miss:    Hotel   Del   Monte.   Monterey. 
Arnold.   Mr.   and   Mrs.   Cyrus  M. ;  1011   Haight.        Wednesday. 
Arnold,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Dennis.  The  Misses;  530  Sutter.  (Tel.  Main  439.) 
Arnett,   Mr.   and  Mrs.  John;  2507  Washington. 
Artsimovich,   Vladimir,    Russian    Consul;    Pacific-Union    Club. 
Ashburner,  Mrs.  William;  1014  Pine. 

\she,  Mrs.  Caroline  L..  Miss  Elizabeth  H..   A.   Sidney;      2315   Sacramento. 
Ashe,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Gaston  M.;  2315  Sacramento.    Friday.    Watsonville. 
Ashe,   R.  Porter;  Bohemian   Club. 

Ashe  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  L.:   1005  Leavenworth.     Thursday. 
Ashton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  F.;  1606  Larkin.     Tuesday. 
Ashworth,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas:  806  McAllister.     1st  Thursday. 
Atherton,    Mr.   and   Mrs.    Faxon   D.;  Menlo  Park,  San  Mateo  Co. 
Atkins,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  C,  L.  G.  F.,  Chester,  Dr.  Milton;  1348  Hyde. 


Atkinson.  Miss  Kate  M.:  1032  Broadway.     Tuesday. 

Atkinson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  T..  Miss  Maud.   Miss  Ella  R..  Edgar   Lyon:  1444 

McAllister.     (Tel.  West  934)     1st  and  3rd    Wednesday. 
Audenried.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  A.:   2512  Washington. 
Austin.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph:  320  Page.  1st  and  3rd  Thursday. 
Avery.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Dean  R..  Miss  J.   Marian.     William:     70S     Broderick. 
Avery,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  H.:  Occidental   Hotel.    1st   and  3rd    Monday. 
Avy.  Mrs.  Albina:  Miss  A.:  310  Lombard. 

Axton.  Mr.  and  Mrs.   Henry.  Dr.   Frederick  R.:    Til    Franklin.     Thursday. 
Aver,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Washington.  Mi^s  Mabel:   1622  Clay.  1st  and  2nd  Thur. 

Babccck.    Mr.   and  Mrs.   William:    San   Rafael. 

Babcock.    Harry:    Pacific-Union    Club.       San  Rafael. 

Babcock,  John  P.:    The  Colonial. 

Babin.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Landry  C.  Miss  Marie.  X.  C:  241a  Washington.     Tues. 

Babiu,  Pelrnas  C:  776  Clayton. 

Bach.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles.  Miss  Helene.     Miss     Marguerite.  Miss     Elsie: 

15S3  Folscm.     1st  and  3rd  Friday     Ross  Valley. 
Bacheller.   Mr.  and   Mrs.   Willis  E.:  819   Hyde.      1st  Wednesday. 
Bachman.   Mrs.   David   S..   Lawrence,  Samuel    X..    Walter    X.:    1S14    Yallejo. 
Bachman.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  S..  David  S.:  2323  Devisadero.     Wednesday. 
Bachman.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  X.  S..  Miss:    1814  Yallejo.     (Tel.  West   155.)  Wed. 
Bachman.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.:    1509  Gough.     2d.  3d  and  4th  Tuesday. 
Bachman.  Miss  Beatrice.  Arthur:  1st  and   2nd  Thursday. 
Backman.   Dr.  G.  S.:  42"   Geary. 

Backus.  Gen.  and  Mrs.  Samuel  W. :  The  California.     Monday. 
Backus.  Morgan:   522  Golden  Gate  Ave. 
Bacon.    Miss    Alice   M.:    1311   Taylor. 

Bacon.   Mr.  and  Mrs.  Gaston  E.:    2)345  Sacramento.  (Tel.  West  3.) 
Badlam.  Mr.  and  Mrs.   Alexander:  1024  Franklin.     (Tel.  East   510.)  Friday. 
Baggett.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  T.;  Miss  Xellie    Rose:  St.  Nicholas  Hotel. 
Baggs.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.:  3330  Washington.     (Tel.  West  863.     Friday. 
Bagley.  Mrs.  Angelina  D..  Mis*  Adele.  David  B..  W.  T.:  2S  Liberty.     Wed. 
Bagley.  W.   H:  California  Hotel. 
Bailey.  Mr.  and   Mrs.  Charles  H.:  226   Fair  Oaks. 

Bailey.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  D..  Florence  M..  M.  D. :  1915  Franklin.     Friday. 
Bailey.  Mrs.  M..  Miss.  Miss  Dollie.  Miss  Agnes:  1001  Fillmore.     Friday. 
Bainbridge.  Dr.  J.  C:   101  Grant   Ave.      (Tel.    Grant    517.) 
Baird.  Mrs.  B.  H.:  Byron.  Contra  Costa  Co. 

Baird,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  W.:  612  Oak.     2nd  3rd  and  4th  Wednesday. 
Baker.   Mr.  and  Mrs.   Abijah:   Hotel  Pleasanton.  (Tel.  Main  370.)     Monday. 
Baker.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  F..  Miss  Florence:  2002  Bush. 
Baker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  J.:  X.  W.   cor.   25th   and   Shotwell. 
Baker.   Mrs.   Helen:    1882  Washington.     (Tel.   West  45.)   Thursday. 
Baker.   Mr.   and   Mrs.   Wakefield:    173s  Broadwav.   (Tel.   Hvde   1761.)  Thurs. 
Baldwin.   Mrs.   A.    R..   A.   R..   Jr.:    2235  Washington.     (Tel.  Pine  31.)  Friday. 
Baldwin  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  S.:  2231  Washington.      (Tel.   Steiner   2271.)    Wed. 
Baldwin.  Mr.  and  Mrs.   Barry.   Miss:  1515  Scott.     (Tel.  Pine  1251.)  2nd  Wed. 
Baldwin.  Mr.  and   Mrs.  Barry.  Jr.:  1515   Scott.     (Tel.   Pine  1251.)   2nd   Wed. 
Baldwin.   Mr.   and   Mrs.   Charles   A.:  S.  W.  cor.  Van  Xess  and  Washington. 
Baldwin.   Mr.   and   Mrs.  E.  J.:  1217  California.     Thursday.     Santa     Anita. 
Baldwin.  Judge  and  Mrs.  F.  T.:  Palace  Hotel.     Monday.      Stockton. 
Baldwin.  George  C. :  Hotel  Savoy. 

Baldwin.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  O.  D..  Mis*  Blanche.  O.  R.:  3700  Washington.     Wed. 
Baldwin.  Mrs.   M.  Y.:  Occidental  Hotel.     Monday. 
Baldwin.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick  P.:  1521'1  Geary.     Tuesday. 
Balfour.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert.  Miss  Agatha:   Liverpool.  England. 
Ball.  A.   Everett:  1100  Yan  Xess  Ave. 
Ball,  William  K. :  Hotel  Savoy. 


Ballard,   Irving   T.;    2330   Jackson. 

Ballard,  Dr.  Laura  A.  S.;  610  Hyde.  (Tel.  East  306.)  1st  and  3rd  Monday. 

Ballard,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Stow;  610  Hyde.     1st  and  3d  Monday. 

Bancroft,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.   L.,  Miss  Alberta,   Prank     Watts,  Bert     Howe; 

1605  Franklin.    1st  Thursday.     Walnut  Creek. 
Bancroft,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  E.;2425  Green.     Friday. 
Bancroft,   Mr.  and   Mrs.   George  H. ;  Ramona  Heights,  Riverside. 
Bandmann,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  J.;  2215  Broadway.     2nd  and  4th  Friday. 
Bandmann.    Mr.   and   Mrs.    Julius;   514  Lombard.     Wednesday. 
Banner.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Marcus;  1002  Van  Ness  Ave.     (Tel.  Steiner  2261.) 
Barbat,   Dr.  and  Mrs.   J.   Henry;  1412  Folsom.     (Tel.  Mint  221.)  Thursday. 
Barnard.  Archibald;  1306  Polk. 

Barbat.   Dr.  William   B.;   1412   Folsom.   (Tel.   Mint  221.) 
Barbee,  Mrs.  Emma  H.,  Miss  Lizzie,  Frank   F. ;   1090   Union.      Monday. 
Barbier.    Mrs.   Nellie;    830    Church.  Thursday. 
Barbier.  Miss  Lorena;  1115  Geary.     Thursday.     San  Pablo. 
Barbier,  Howard  F. ;  1014  Gearv. 

Barkan.    Dr.    Adolph;    1808   Gough.  (Tel.  Main  1183.) 
Barker,   Frank;   232  Stockton.   (Tel.  Mam  1285.) 
Barker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  G. ;  The  Colonial.     Thursday. 
Barkley,  William  H.,  Frank;  2104  Green. 
Barnard  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  B.;   1117  Washington. 
Barnes,  Gen.   and   Mrs.   William   H.  L.;    821  Sutter.     (Tel.   East  24.) 
Barnes,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  S.;   2018  Devisadero.     (Tel.   Steiner  3561.) 
Barnes,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  L.  C;  104  Webster. 
Barnes,   Mr.   and  Mrs.   William  P.,  Miss    Bessie;    8180   Geary. 
Barnett,  A.  T.;  1413  Scott. 
Barnett,  Robert  K. ;  Hotel   Pleasanton. 
Barnum,  Alexander  M.;  St.  Nicholas  Hotel. 
Barrett,   Charles   L. ;   Occidental  Hotel.     Sausalito. 
Barrett,  Miss  N.;    919   Pine. 

Barrett,  Dr.  John  S.;  1324  Golden  Gate  Ave.  (Tel.  Pine  51.) 
Barriolhet,   Mrs.    Henry;   Palace   Hotel.       San  Mateo. 
Barrie,  Mr.  and  Mrs.   Alexander  C;  1124  Guerrero.     1st  and  3rd  Wed. 
Barron,   Mrs.   Edward;   Palace   Hotel.     Mayfield  Park,  Mayfield. 
Barrows,  William  H.;  1420  Hayes. 
Barry,  Judge  Joseph  E.;  88  Ash  Ave. 
Barstow,  Mrs.  George;  927  Pine. 
Barth,  Philip;    Palace   Hotel. 

Bartnett,  Walter  J.;  University  Club,  or  S.  W.  cor.  Point  Lobos  and  15th. 
Barton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John,  Miss  Grace,  W.  F.;   Palace  Hotel.     Monday. 
Barton,  Benjamin   F. ;  908  Pine. 
Bass,  Dr.  Frederick;  2012%  Union. 
Bass,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  J.;  845  Fifteenth. 
Bassett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  C;  Menlo  Park,  San  Mateo  Co. 
Bassett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  E.;  1010    Fifteenth. 

Bastheim,   Mr.   and   Mrs.   J.,   Arthur  J;  2126  California.   (Tel.   Pine  3831.) 
Batchelder,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  A.;  2915  California.  (Tel.  West  933.)  Fri. 
Bateman,   Dr.    Frank   L.;    The  Berkshire,  711  Jones. 
Bates,  Maj.,  A.  E.,  U.  S.  A.;   Pacific-Union  Club. 
Bates,  Miss  Mary  D.;  1619  Washington.  (Tel.  East  233.)  Friday. 
Bates,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Dudley  C,  Miss  Laura,  Miss  Bernice  P.,  Miss  E.  Ger- 
trude, George  W.;  1705  Octavia.  (Tel.   West  196.)  Friday. 
Bates,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  E.;  2725  Clay.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Bates,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  D. :  2932  Clay.     (Tel.  West  724.)  Friday. 
Bauer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Emile,  Miss  Ivy;  1838  Geary.    1st  and  3rd  Wednesday. 
Bauer,    Mr.    and    Mrs.    Samuel;    1408  Fillmore.     4th   Friday. 
Baum,  Mrs.  J.,  Miss  Mabel,  Benjamin  J.;  1626  Octavia.    1st  and  2nd  Friday. 
Baum,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  R.  W.;  719  Scott.    (Tel.  West   938.) 


Baxter.   Mrs.   ML   A..   Miss  Josephine:  2302  Fillmore. 

Bayer.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph:   1703   Geary.     2nd  and  4th  Wednesday. 

Bayne.   Mr.   and    Mrs.   Richard:    1525  Washington.     Wednesday. 

Bazan.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  F. :  776  Geary.  Belvedere. 

Bazet.  Dr.  and   Mrs.   Louis:  Phelan  Building. 

Beale.    Truxtoin:    Pacific-Union    Club.       Menlo  Park. 

Beard.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Derrell:  Napa.  Cal. 

Beamish.  Mr.  and   Mrs.   Percy:  2130  Howard.    2nd  and  4th  Friday. 

Beatty.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  C.  H.  T.:Palace  Hotel.     Monday. 

Beatty.  Judge  and  Mrs.  William  H.:  1417a  Post. 

Beaver.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred  H.:    1401  Taylor.    (Tel.    Hyde   1811.)   Tuesday. 

Beaver.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  W..   Miss.    Miss   Kate.    Miss  Ethel:    1300  Tav 

lor.    (Tel.    Sutter    1811.)   Tuesday. 
Beazley.    Frank    C:    316    California.     Saratoga. 
Beck.   Dr.   Henry   ML;   622   Post. 
Beck.    Mrs.    Robert:    Hotel    Stewart.  Thursday. 
Beck.   F.  E.:  Anglo-Californian  Bank. 
Beck.   Mrs.  Ruth  ML;  1716  Bush.  2ndand  4th   Tuesday. 
Be  Dell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William:  2727  Jackson.     (Tel.  Pine  921. i 
Bee.  Frank  ML;  The  Plymouth.  952  Bush. 

Bee.  Mrs.  S.  Louise:   The  Plymouth. 9-52   Bush.     Thursday.       Martinez. 
Bee.  Everett  X.:    University  Club,  or  952  Bush. 

Beede.   Dr.   and   Mrs.   W.   ML   S.:  The  Wenban.   Gut;   Sutter.     Monday. 
Beel.    Sigmund:   1925    California. 
Beers.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  B.:  914  Pine.  Thursday. 
Beers.  Mis.  Hiram  W. ;  Occidental  Hotel.     Monday.     St.  Helena. 
Behlow.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  J..  Charles  J..  E.:  1Su7  Octavia.     Thursdav. 
Behre.  Mr.  and   Mrs.  E.  J..  Frederick:    SI 6   Page. 

Belcher.  Judge  and  Mrs.  Edward  A.:   2030  Scott.     3rd  and  4th  Thursdav. 
Belcher.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  I.  S.:   94S  Haight.     (Tel.  West  79 yi 
Belden.   Mr.  and   Mrs.   Charles   A.:  2004   Gough.      (Tel.   Sutter   1301.) 
Bell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  Franklin:  The  Colonial.     Thursdav. 
Bell.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  H. :  2202  Fillmore.     2d  and  4th  Thursdav. 
Bell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.   Nathan  L.:  1513  Grove. 
Bell.  Dr.  William  T. :  243$  California.     (Tel.  Steiner  2181.) 
Bellows.  Mr.  and  Mrs.   E.:  California  Hotel.     Monday. 
Belshaw.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  ML;  Seven  Gables.   Antioeh.     1st   and   2nd   Fri. 
Belshaw.   Mr.  and   Mrs.   M.   W. :    1626   Jackson. 
Bemis.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  C.  Miss  Angie  C. :  Miss  Elizabeth  A.:    Miss 

Mary   E..   Miss  Julia   F. :  419  Bryant.      Friday. 
Bendel.  Col.  Herman:  3  California,     res.  Oakland. 
Bender.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles.  Miss:  1407  Washington. 
Benedict.   Mr.  and   Mrs.  Harry  G. :  114  McAllister. 
Benjamin.   Mr.  and   Mrs.  A.   F. :    2712  Pine.     1st  and  3rd  Wednesday. 
Benjamin.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  J.:  Belvedere.     1st  and  2d  Thursday. 
Bennett.  Mrs.  A.   A..   Miss  Alba:    1217  California.     Thursday. 
Bennett.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C:  3410  Washington.     1st  and  2d  Friday. 
Bennett.   Mrs.    F.   T.:  1720  Baker.   Tuesday. 
Bennett.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George:  1931  Sutter.     Thursday. 
Benne't.   Mr.   and    Mrs.  John;   415   Baker.     1st   and   3rd   Thursday. 
Benson.  John:   ^":.   Soekton. 

Benson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  A.:  The  Wenban.  606  Sutter.     Thursday. 
Benson.  Lieut,  ami  Mrs.  Harry  <".-  Th^  Presidio.     Friday. 
Benson.  Mr.   and   Mrs.   P.   F..   Misses:   2"ls   Bush.     Wednesday. 
Bent.  Lieut.  Charles  L.:  U.  S.  A.  Angel   Island. 
Bent.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  F.:  The  Wenban.  606  Sutter.     Thursdav. 
Benton.  Miss  Hellen:  304  Turk. 

Benyaurd.     Lieut.  Col.     William    H.  H.:  U.  S.  A.  Pacific-Union  Club. 
Bergerot.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  A..  Miss  Marie  C.  P.  A.:   14  Hollis.     Monday. 


Bergin,   Thomas  I.:    2012  Jackson. 
Berlin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  A.;   The  Oliver.     Thursday. 
Berlin,  Charles  H.;   314  Cherry. 
Bermingham.  John,  John  Jr.;  611  Chestnut. 
Berry.   Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fulton  G. ;  Fresno. 
Berry,    Thomas   C. ;  202   California,  res.  Ross  Valley. 
Berry,  T.   B.:   120  Sutter,   res.    Ross  Valley. 
Berry,    Dr.   William  L. :  1001  Guerrero. 

Berson.  Mr.   and   Mrs.  G..   Maurice,  Adolphe.  Mrs.  A.;  982  Post. 
Bert.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Eugene  F.;  62  Thirteenth.     1st  Wednesday. 
Bertheau.   Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cesar;    2112  Vallejo.     2nd  and  4th  Tuesday. 
Bertheau.  Max  A.;  2416   Gough. 
Bernard.  Mr.  John  F. :  11  Oak  Grove  Ave. 

Berton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  A.;  817  Mason.   (Tel.  Main   5177.)   Thursday. 
Bertz.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jacob.  Miss  Grace;  2215  Fillmore.     1st  and  3rd  Tues. 
Berwin.   Charles;    611   Post. 

Berwin.  Mr.  P..  Miss  Bertha,  Miss  Rosa;  1320  Golden  Gate  Ave.    Wednesday. 
Beveridge.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.,  Miss  A.;  729  Ashbury.  Wednesday. 
Bianchi.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.;  305  Larkin.     2nd  Wednesday. 
Bibo.  Mr.  and  Mrs.   Nathan,   Miss  Luna;  1515  Vallejo.     3rd  and  4th  Mon. 
Bickel.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Homer  T.:  1166  Tenth.    Oakland.    Friday. 
Bigelov,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  C  Miss  Romola;  1300  McAllister.     1.  2.  3  Tuesday. 
Bigelow.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  F.:  2603  California.     Wednesday.     San   Rafael. 
Biggs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Marion  Jr.,  Miss  Anna,   Eddy;   1125   Eighteenth.   Wed. 
Biggs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Harry  C;  1600  Pierce. 

Bigley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  H.,  Miss  Ella  T.,  Miss  Jane  A.;  729  Fillmore. 
Billings,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  E.;  1612  Clay.  Tuesday.     Mill  Valley. 
Bingham.   Mr.   and   Mrs.   Henry;  1501  Golden   Gate  Ave.   (Tel.   Steiner  851.) 
Birdsall,  Dr.  Fred  W.;  1634  Sacramento.     (Tel.  Sutter  111.) 
Bishop,  Hon.  Charles  R. ;    Occidental  Hotel.      Honolulu,  H.  I. 
Bishop,  Mr.  and  Mrs.   Ira.;    1600  Fell.     (Tel.  Pine  211.)  Tuesday.  Oakland. 
Bishop.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  B.,  James  H.  T.  P.;  2309  Washington.     Tues. 
Bishop.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Francis  A.,  Miss  Edith;   720  Central  Ave. 
Bissinger,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel;  1601  Scott.     (Tel.  Steiner  801.)     Friday. 
Bissinger,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.;  1918  Jackson.     (Tel.  West  969.) 
Biven.  Mr.  and  Mis.  John  F. ;  904  Oak.     (Tel.  West  767.) 
Bixler,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  David;  S.  W.  cor.  Union  and  Pierce.     2,  3,  4  Friday. 
Blach,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Charles.  Miss  Rosa.  Bert:  1319  Ellis.     (Tel.  Pine  81.) 
Black,   Frank   M.:    1324   Octavia. 

Black,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alfred  P.:  1316  Green.     Wednesday. 
Black.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  M.;  221  Broderick. 
Black.   Miss  S.   E.;    406  Sutter.  • 
Black.  Dr.  James  A.;  (Tel.  Main  1338.) 

Blackwood.   Mrs.  Elizabeth  T.,  Harry  T.;  2002  Pacific  Ave. 
Blackmore,    Miss   Josephine;  2840   Jackson. 

Blair,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  S.  M.;  Miss  Jennie,  W.  S.:  1315  Van  Ness.     Thurs. 
Blake,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Alfred  E.;  525  Ellis.     (Tel.  Sutter  751.)    Monday. 
Blake,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  E.;   42  Belvedere. 

Blake,  Mrs.  Charles  E.;  Miss  Marguerite;  Miss  Jessie;   1614  Geary.     Thurs. 
Blake,  Mrs.  Charles  M.;  630  Sutter.  1st  and  3rd  Thursday. 
Blake,    Mrs.    Lizzie;    1130   Jackson.  Thursday. 
Blake  .Mrs.  M.  B.,  Maurice  C;  808  Hyde.     Thursday. 
Blake,  Dr.  Charles  R.;  1844  Geary.     (Tel.  West  376.) 
Blake,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Sherman  T. ;  Berkeley. 

Blakeman.  Mr.  and   Mrs.   T.   Z. :  Miss   Leontine;  1607  Gough.     Monday. 
I'.lakeney.    Maj.    Thomas   J.;   3006%  Sacramento. 
Blanc-hard.   Mr.  and   Mrs.  .J.   ,M.:  723   Golden  Gate  Ave.     Thursday. 
Blanchard,   Mr.  and   Mrs.   Henry   P..  Miss  Lizzie,  Miss  Bertha,  Henry  P.  Jr., 
John  O.,  Berkeley,  Cal.;  2009  Jackson.     Friday. 


Blanchard,    Miss    Julia;    1900   Broadway.     Friday. 

Blanding,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Gordon.  Miss  Susie,  Tevis:   1900  Franklin.     Thurs. 

Blaskower,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M..  Herbert  C;  -Mil  Jackson.     Wednesday. 

Blethen,   Mr.   and   Mrs.   Clark,    Miss:  1718    Washington. 

Blethen,    Clement;    The    Colonial. 

Blethen,  Capt.  J.  H.,  Miss;  518  Devisadero.     Wednesday. 

Bliss,   Mr.    and    Mrs.    Charles;   3114  Washington.     Thursday. 

Bliss,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  D.,  Richard:  1597  Pacific  Ave.     Monday. 

Bliss,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  F.  A.;  2601  Sacramento. 

Block,  Mr.   and   Mrs.   James   N. :   2323   Pacific  Ave. 

Blodgett.   Mr.  and  Mrs.   E.  A.:   1213  Laguna.     2nd  and  1th  Thursday. 

Bloomer.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  G.,  Miss  Augusta  A.;  630  Page.     Wednesday. 

Blow.   Mr.   and   Mrs.   A.   W.;  714   Bush. 

Blum,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.:  1422  Post.  2nd  3rd  and  4th  Tuesday. 

Blunt,  Lieut,  and  Mrs.  A.  C. :  Fort  Mason. 

Boalt,  Judge  and  Mrs.  John  H.;  Palace   Hotel.     Cloverdale. 

Boardman.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  C,  Samuel   H..   T.     Danforth;    1750     Franklin. 

(Tel.    Sutter   501.)  Tuesday  in   Nov.  Jan.  and  Mar. 
Boardman,  Mr.   and   Mrs.  George  C.Jr. ;  1750  Franklin. 
Boardman,  Mr.  and  Mis.  J.  W.;   315  Laurel. 
Boericke,    Dr.    and    Mrs.    William.:  1812  Washington.     Friday. 
Boeseke,   Dr.  B.  C;  Y.   M.   C.   A.,   Building,  208  Mason. 
Bogart,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Orlando  H.,  Miss  Mave:  1006  Pine.  Wednesdav. 
Bogart.  Mr.   and   Mrs.  W.   F.;  830  Haight.     (Tel.   West   226.)   Wednesday. 
Boggs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John,   Miss,   Frank  S.,   (Stockton)     Hotel     Richelieu. 
Boland,   Mr.   and  Mrs.   P.;  1023   Bush.     Wednesday. 
Bolte,  Miss  Jeanne;  2297  Sacramento.     Friday. 
Bond,  Dr.  and  Mrs.   Fred  T.:  213  Geary.    (Tel.    Red   2041.) 
Bonestell,   Mr.  and   Mrs.  Cutlar  L.;  512  Stockton. 
Bonestell.   Mr.   and   Mrs.   Louis   H.;  512  Stockton. 
Bonestell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chesley  K. ;  512  Stockton. 
Bonestell,    Mr.    and   Mrs.   John    T.:  1113  Bush.     Thursday. 
Bonestell,  Mr.   and  Mrs.  Robert  Gray;    San  Mateo. 
Bonnell,    Mrs.   Edwin,    Henry,   Edwin;  1709  Gough.    Friday. 
Bonner,  Mr.  and   Mrs.   Charles  G. :   1114   Post.   Y\Tednesday. 
Bonner,  Miss  Edna   C,   Ernest  C:  1106  Gough.     1st  Friday. 
Bonner,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John.  Miss  Geraldine;   1900   Vallejo. 
Bonta,   Walter  G.;   324  Jones. 
Bonny,  George,   Bruce;    Pacific-Union  Club. 

Booker.  Mr.  and  Mrs.   George  E.,   Miss  Edith  H.  G. :  2215  Steiner.  Thurs. 
Boole,  Miss  Lilla  L. ;  300  Laurel,   cor.   Washington.      1st   Thursday. 
Boomer.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.   H..  Alexander  R.,  Preston  H.,  Fletcher  W.:  1300 

Page.     (Tel.  Pine  11.)  1st  and  2nd  Tuesday.     Boise  C. 
Boone,   Mr.   and   Mrs.   John   L. :  626   Twenty-first.      Wednesday. 
Booth,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  G.;  2510  Washington.     (Tel.  Steiner  1631.)  Friday. 
Bristol,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  E.;  Columbian  Building. 
Borden,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ivey  L. ;  1501  Van  Ness  Ave. 

Borden.  Mrs.  Juliet  K.;  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Rhodes:  Miss  Helena:  2128  Pine.  Fri. 
Borel.   Mr.   and   Mrs.   Antoine.   Miss  Chonita.   Miss     Sophie;      606  Stockton. 

(Tel.   Main   5653.)   Thursday. 
Borland,    Mrs.   Margaret,   Miss  Nellie,  Miss     May;     1724     O'Farrell.     (Tel. 

Wesl    572.)    Tuesday. 
Borland.  James  EL;  728  Sutter. 

Boruck,    Mrs.   Marcus   D. :     105   Clayton.     1st  and  3rd  Tuesday. 
Bosqui,  Mr.  ami  Mrs.  Edward,  Miss  Laura,  F.  I...  Daniel  I).:  Ross  Valley. 
Bosworth,  Mr.  and  Mrs.   11.   M.,   Paul   II..   George     W.:    1136     Twenty-third. 
Bothin.  Mr.  and   Mis.   H.   I-:.:  1630  Jackson.     Friday.     Ross   Valley. 
Bourdette.   Mr.   John   W..Miss   Minnie,  Miss  Kan-  L.:  311  Van  Ness  Ave. 
Bourke.    Mr.    and    Mrs.    .1.    F. ;  SausalitO. 


Bourn,  Mrs.  W.  B.;  Miss  Ida;  Miss  Maud;  Miss  May;  2030  Broadway.    Wed. 

Bouvier,  Mr.  and   Mrs.  Alfred;  2524  Broadway.     (Tel.  West  556.)  1st  Fri. 

Bourn,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  B.;  2620  Buchanan.     (Tel.  Steiner  1171)  Wed. 

Bovee,   Mrs.   Wm.    H.,     711     Jones.  Tuesday. 

Bowden,   Mrs.    Elizabeth;  2123   Jackson.     Thursday. 

Bowen,  Dr.  Amy  G. ;  1425  California.    (Tel.  East  707.)     Thursday  Evening. 

Bowen,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  J.;  Miss,  Miss  Edith;  2018  Franklin.     Friday. 

Bowen,   Miss   Julia;  1819  California. 

Bowen,    Mr.    and    Mrs.    Charles    R.;    Oakland. 

Bowers,  A.  B.;  Palace  Hotel. 

Bowers,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Geo.  E.;  422a  Page.     4th  Thursday. 

Bowers,  Mrs.  G.  W.;  2610  Jackson    (Tel.  West  162.) 

Bowers,  Mr.  and  Mrs.William  F.;  919  Central  Ave.    (Tel.  West  410.)     Tues. 

Bowie,  Allan  St.  John;    Miss  Jessie;    Dr.   Robert   I.;  1909  Jackson. 

Bowie,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Augustus  J.:   Miss  Bessie;  1913  Clay.     Friday. 

Bowman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  F. ;  Miss  F.  Agnes;  Miss  Elsie;  Miss  Bessie 
A.;  3198  Pacific  Avenue.     (Tel.  Pine  3261.)     2d  Friday. 

Bowman,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  F.  A.;   2526  Bush.     Tuesday. 

Bowman,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  H. ;  1236  Market. 

Bowman,  Mrs.  F.  J.;  Miss  Hattie;  J.  Percy;  Robert  B. ;  832  California.  Thur. 

Bowman,  Miss  Meda;  610  Hyde.    1st  and  3d  Monday. 

Bowman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  S. ;  1830  Sutter. 

Boyd,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alexander;  Miss  McGregor  M.;  H.  St.  Clair;  2020  Wash- 
ington.    (Tel.  Pine  521.)     1st  and  3d  Friday. 

Boyd,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Colin  M.;  Occidental  Hotel.    1st  Tuesday. 

Boyd,  Mr.  Grant;  Miss  Nellie  G. ;  307  Haight.    Wednesday. 

Boyes,  Dr.  William;  Dr.  Herbert  D.;  700  Broderick.    Oakland. 

Boyd,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Geo.  D.;    Pacific  Ave.  and  Steiner.    Friday. 

Boyd,  James  T.;   Pacific  Union  Club. 

Boyd,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  S.  A.;  Mrs.  R.  F.;  1800  O'Farrell.    1st  and  3d  Tuesday. 

Boyd,  Dr.  Samuel  G.;  140  Geary.    (Tel.  Main  5445.) 

Boyle,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  F.;  2027  Vallejo.  (Tel.  West  430.) 

Boynes,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  S.;  710  Geary.     Friday. 

Boysen,  Edward  C;   Miss  Minnie;  1813  Lyon.    Wednesday. 

Boysen,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Thomas;   Palace  Hotel.     1st  and  3rd  Monday. 

Brackett,  Frank  O.;  2216  Van  Ness  Ave.    San  Diego. 

Bradford,  Mrs.  Mary  I.;  Wagner;  2221  Larkin. 

Bradford,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank;   1221  Jones.    Monten  v. 

Bradford,  Charles  P.;   1221  Jones. 

Bradford,  Brodie  M.;   504  Taylor. 

Bradley,  Mrs.  E.   P.;  Hotel  Wentworth.     Monday. 

Bradley,   Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.   Weller;     6y2   Hyde.  Tuesday. 

Bradbury,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  L. ;  1719  Pacific  Avenue.    1st  and  3d  Friday. 

Bradshaw,  Miss  Sue  Ella;    702  Powell.    Wednesday. 

Bragg,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert;  Miss;  John  S. :  215  Castro.    1st  and  3d  Wed. 

Branch,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  C;  3009  Sacramento.    Wednesday.    Modesto. 

Brand,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ernest;   Miss  Lottie;  Arthur;   1924  Broadway.     Wed 

Brandt.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Maurice;   2213    Van  Ness  Ave.     (Tel.  Sutter  2052.) 

Brandenstein,  M.  J.;  2005  Franklin.     (Tel.  East  180.) 

Brandenstein,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.;  S.  W.  cor.  Cal.  and  Gough.     (Tel.  West  102.) 

Brandenstein,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.;  S.  W.  cor.  Cal.  and  Gough.    (Tel.  West  102  ) 

Brandt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  I.  B.  L.;  1713  Bush.    2d  Wednesday. 

Brandt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Noah;  1027  O'Farrell.    2d  and  4th  Thursday. 

Brastow,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  D. ;  1116  Hvde.    Thursday. 

Braverman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis;  1016  Eddy.     (Tel.  Pine  1021.)     Thursday 

Braverman,  Sigmund;    1219  Fulton. 

Bray,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  Edward;  St.  Nicholas  Hotel.    Thursday. 

Breen,  Miss  Emily  L.;  131  Post. 


Bresse.  George  L. :  1518  Franklin. 

Breeze.  Mrs.   ihomas;  Miss:  William  P.;  Thomas  H.:  1330  Sutter.  Thursday. 

Brennan.  Owen  M.:  Hotel  Pleasanton.  800  Sutter.    (Tel.  Main  370.) 

Brennan.  Dr.  Ihomas  P.;  Hotel  Pleasanton.     (Tel.  Black  1181.) 

Breon.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Paul:   2026  Calf.    1st  and  3d  Thursdav.  (Tel.  W.  124.) 

Breeden.  H.  C:  University  Club. 

Brewer.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  B.  B.:  Miss  Libbie;  William  W.;  1219  Jones.   Wed. 

Breyfogle.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  E.  S.:  Palace  Hotel.    Now  Abroad. 

Bridger.  Mrs.:  Misses:  Robert  R.:  Thomas  J.:  Albert  J.:  839  Castro.  Friday. 

Briggs.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edgar:  Albert  A.:  Pan  S.:  till  Page.    2d  and  4th  Thur. 

Briggs.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Owen  \V. :  1600  Taylor.    (Tel.  Hyde  91.) 

Brigham.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  B.:   2202  Broadway.    Thursday. 

Brisac.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Benore  F. :  2518  Sacramento.    1st  and  3d  "Tuesday. 

Brison.  Wm.  M.:  1304%  Larkin. 

Bristol.  Mrs.  J.  K.:  Miss  Helen  G.:  Miss  Maud  K.:   798  Van  Ness  Ave.  Mon. 

Brittain.  J.  C;  J.  X.:  620  Sutter. 

Brittan.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  X.  J.:  Pacific  Union  Club.   San  Carlos.  San  Mateo  Co. 

Brittan.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  G.:  2713  Sacramento. 

Brcemmel.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  G.  B.:  25<*i   California. 

Bromley.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  A.:  314  Ellis.     Gilroy. 

Brcmley.  Geo.  T.:  141S  Washington. 

Brooks.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E..  Miss  Alice.  Miss  Myrtle;    1725  Sutter.     Friday. 

Brooks.  Dr.  Jos.  S. :  426  Sutter. 

Brooks.  Mrs.  Franklin  W. :  Franklin  V.;   Hotel  Bella  Vista.    Thursdav 

Brooks.  William  A.:  333  O'Farrell. 

Brooks.  Dr.  W.  E.;   603  Sutter.     Oakland. 

Brooks.  Samuel  H.:  Miss  Maggie:  Miss  Lucy:  Sam.  H.  Jr.:  1935  Clav.  Thur. 

Brctherton.  Mrs.  Thomas  W.:  1,20  Fillmore.     1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 

Brotherton.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert:  1721  Vallejo.     (Tel.  West  198.) 

Brown.  Mrs.  A.  P.:  Burlingame  Park.  San  Mateo  Co. 

Brown.  Mrs.  Annie  M.:  Miss  A.  M.:  1908  Sutter.     Thursday. 

Brov%-n.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.:  2202  California.    San  Leandro. 

Brown.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Calvin  il".  S.  X..  retired):  710  Capp. 

Brown.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Calvin  D. :  813  Valencia. 

Brown.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  :  Bernard  C:  Isidor  I.:  H.  H.  1143  Geary 

Brown.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  Elwood:  3201  Pacific  Ave.     2d.  3d  and  4:h  Friday 

Brown.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  E.:   2S37  Jackson. 

Brown.  Henry  A.:  Dr.  Charlotte  B.;   Dr.  Adelaide:  Dr.   Philip  King-  1212 

Sutter.     (Tel.  Hyde  391.)     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 
Brown.  James  P.;  Lick  House. 

Brown.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  DalzelL  2112  Green.     Thursday. 
Brown.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J  .X.:  X.  W.  cor.  Jackson  and  Pierce.     Friday. 
Brown.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  Q. :  Hotel  Bella  Vista.     Thursday. 
Brown.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jchn  Q..  Jr.:  Hotel  Bella  Vista.     Thursday. 
Brown.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.:  Miss;  H.:  I4»'i>  Sutter.     (Tel.  Hyde  1291.)     Friday. 
Brown.  Mrs.  Mary  Mann:   2222  Clay.     1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 
Brown.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  H.:  903  Treat  Avenue.     Thursday. 
Brown.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas:  Miss  Lizzie.  Miss  Grace:  Miss  Fannie-   1019 

Ei>'  692.)     Tuesday. 
Brown.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  S.;  426  Ellis.     Thursday. 
Brown.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  L. :  >;,  ;.  Van  Xess  Ave.     2nd  and  3rd  Thursday 
Brown,   Ralph:   S39  Post.     (Tel.   Hyde  1361.) 
Brown.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ralph:  Hotel  Pleasanton. 
Brown.  Mrs.  Nettie  Steele:  322  McAllister. 

Brown.  William  E.:  Mrs.  Windsor  L.  2016  California.     (Tel.  Wesl   92.)  Fry 
Brown.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  G. :  2tl26  Howard.     Wednesday. 
Brown,  Gen.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  H.:   Occidental  Hotel.     Monday. 
Browne.  Ross  E. :  Occidental  Hotel. 


Brownell,  Miss  Alice;  2421  Fillmore.    Tuesday. 

Brownell,  James  S.;  132  Market. 

Brownstone,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jacob;  1230  Post.    1st  Monday.    Coronado  Beach. 

Bruce,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert;  Miss  Janet;  Miss  Bertie;  2546  Jackson.    Fr'dy. 

Bruguiere.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  A.;  Emil.  A.  J.;  Peder  S.;  1800  Franklin.     (Tel. 

East  692.)     Tuesday.     Tuesday. 
Brumagim,  Stuart  M.;  Wells,  Fargo  &  Co.'s  Bank,  Palermo. 
Brun,   Dr.   Louis  E.;    607  Sutter. 
Brune,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  August;  2223  Geary. 
Brune,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  A.  E.;  1596  Fulton.    (Tel.  Pine  241.) 
Brune.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry;  824  Grove.     1st  and  3d  Tuesday. 
Brunt,  Mrs.  W.  N.;  Walter  N.;  2623  Folsom.    Tuesday. 
Bryan,  Captain  and  Mrs.  Wm.  J.     (Tel.  Pine  311.)     Wednesday. 
Bryan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  V. ;  1822  Pine.     2d  and  4th  Wednesday. 
Brvan.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  J.;  Jesse  C;  1214  Laguna. 

Br'vant,  Mrs.  A.  E.,  Miss,  Miss  Helen;  1225  Guerrero.  2d  and  4th  Wednesday. 
Bryant.  Mrs.  A.  J.;  Miss;  2727  Clay.    1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Brvant.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  B.,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Calhoun;  2916  Clay.     Tuesday. 
Bryant,  Dr.  Edgar  R. ;  The  Berkshire,  711  Jones.     (Tel.  Main  5773.) 
Bryant,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  H.:   2313  Sutter.     (Tel.  Pine  651.)     Tuesday. 
Bryant,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  August;  820  Sutter.     Thursday.     Mill  Valley. 
Bryant,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  F. ;  1819  Webster. 

Buck,  Mrs.  C.  W.,  Miss  Lillie,  Miss  Carrie;  711  Jones.     Monday. 
Buck,  Ralph  S.;  207  Larkin.    (Tel.  West  158.) 
Buchanan,  A.  G.;  Occidental  Hotel. 

Buckbee,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  A.,  Miss  Annie,  Samuel  G.;  2009  California.     Fri. 
Buckbee,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Spencer  C;  1124  Bush.     Thursday.     (Tel.  East  355.) 
Buckingham,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  E. ;  2808  Jackson.    1st  and  2d  Friday. 
Buckingham,  Miss  Edith  D.;    1016  Franklin.     1st  and  2d  Tuesday. 
Buckingham,  Mrs.  Elise  P.;  Palace  Hotel.     Monday. 

Buckingham,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  H.;  1213  Sutter.     Tuesday.  (Tel.  E.  296.) 
Buckingham,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  P.;  1912  Washington.     1st  and  4th  Friday. 
Buckingham,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  H.;  Hotel  Pleasenton. 
Buckland,  Dr.  Owen;  610  Mason.    (Tel.  East  108.) 
Buckley,   Dr.    and    Mrs.    C.   F.,    Miss   Gertrude,    Miss   Grace,   Miss   Violet; 

811  O'Farrell.     Thursday.     Berkeley. 
Buckley,   Mrs.    E.    P.,   Miss   Florence;    520   Lombard.     2,   3,    4   Tuesday. 
Buckley,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Vincent  P.;  1203   Jackson,  cor.  Taylor.     Tuesday. 
Bucknall,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Geo.  J.;  1121  Laguna.    Thursday.    (Tel.  West  338.) 
Budd,  Gov.  and  Mrs.  James  H.;  California  Hotel.     Sacramento. 
Buffandeau,  Mme.  Laura;  Miss  Eva  A.,  Eugene;   1715  Broadway.     Friday. 
Bufford,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel  F.;   Miss  Alice  S.:  1814  Sutter.    Wednesday. 
Bull,  Mrs.  Alpheus;  N.  W.  cor.  Francisco  and  Leavenworth,      Belmont. 
Bull.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alpheus,  Jr.;  3230  Jackson.    1st  and  3d  Thursday. 
Bull,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Franklin  P.;  1417  Scott. 
Bull,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  M.;  3230  Jackson.     (Tel.  Pine  1091.) 
Bullard,  Mrs.  Emma;   Miss  Grace:  Miss  Gertrude;  1324  Washington. 
Bundschu.   Mr.   and   Mrs.   Charles,   Miss;   125   Chestnut.     (Tel.   Main   1889.) 

2d  and  3d  Wednesday. 
Bunker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chas.  D. ;  1321  Guerrero. 
Buker,  Dr.  Robert  E.;630  Sutter.     (Tel.  Red  1071.) 

Bunker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  M.;   Hotel  Bella  Vista.    Last  Thursday. 
Bunnell,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Edwin;  2202y2  Devisadero.    1st  and  3d  Tuesday. 
Bunnell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  S.;  Dwight  Way,  Berkeley. 
Burd,  Mi-,  and  Mrs.  William:  Hotel  St.  Nicholas.    Monday. 
Burdell,,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  B.;  Novato,  Marin  Co.    Burdell's  Station. 
Burdick,  George  R.;   Miss  Fannie;  1519  Scott. 
Burgess,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  O.  O.;  329  Geary.     Friday.    (Tel.  Red  891.) 


Burgin,    Mrs.    Kate:  Miss:  Miss  Kate;    Miss  Agnes:  J.  Fred;     801  Golden 

Gate  Ave.     Friday. 
Burke.  Mrs.  Ethelbert':  824  Powell.    Friday. 
Burgess.  Lieut.  Louis  R.;   U.  S.  A.  Presidio. 

Burke.  Martin  J.:  Pacific  Union  Club.    La  Siesta  Ranch.  Menlo  Park. 
Burke.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  P.:  Altruria.  Sonoma  Co.   Mon..  Wed.,  Fri.  and  Sun. 
Burling.  Mrs.  L.  H. :  Miss  Mary  H.:   1920  Broadway.    Wednesday. 
Burling.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  B.:  2621    Rush. 

Burling.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  W. :  Miss  Blanche;  Hotel  Bella  Vista.    Thurs. 
Burnell.   Mr.   and   Mrs.   M.;  Hotel  Bella   Vista.     Thursdav. 
Burneston,   Mrs.  Fannie:    830  Church.    Thursdav.    Mill  Valley. 
Burnett.  Mrs.  A.  S.:  Miss;  R.  D.:  Lieut.  J.  c.    1824  Pacific  Ave.    Thursday 
Burnett.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  W.:  Miss  Jennie  P.:  638  Haight. 
Burnett.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  M.:  1713  Larkin.  Friday. 

Burnett.    Mr.  and   Mrs.   W.   C.   Miss.   Miss  G.   A..   Lester:    1916   Broadwav 
Burnham.  Dr.  and  Mis.  Clark  J.:  936  Haight.  Tuesdav.    (Tel.  West  416.)" 
Burns.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  M.:  Miss  Daisy:  1506  Washington.   2d  and  4th  Tues. 
Burns.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Daniel  M.:  Miss  Rowena  A.:   2113  Octavia     Thursdav 
Burns.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  O.;   2120  Pacific  Ave.    Wednesday. 
Burns.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Isidore:  404  Van  Xess  Ave.     Thursdav. 
Burns.  Mrs.  M.  A.:  Occidental  Hotel.-  Monday.     Glen  Ellen.     Burn's  Villa 
Burns.  Owen;  Occidental   Hotel.    Burn's  Villa. 
Burr.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edmund  C. :  1722  Vallejo.    (Tel.  East  649.) 
Burr,  Mr.  and  Mis.  Clarence  C;   1400  Filbert,  cor.  Van  Xess  Ave. 
Burr.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Amos:  Miss  Grace:  Miss  Emogene;  10  Montgomery 
Burton.  Col.  and  Mrs.  George  H.;  2111  Pacific  Ave.    (Tel.  Pine  1671.) 
Burrows.  A.:  Grass  Valley. 

Burson.  Mrs.   L.  J.:  1001    Bush.    (Tel.   Sutter  1281.) 
Busch.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H.:  Miss:  Miss  Alice:  Will  H.:   311  Frederick 
Busch.  Peter  V.:    3918  Sacramento. 
Bush.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  G. :  1512  Octavia.    Friday. 
Bush.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  T.:  614  O'Farrell.    2d  and  4th  Wednesday 
Bush,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  P.:  431  Ellis.     Santa  Cruz. 
Bush.  Walter  X.:  George:  Hotel  Bella  Vista. 

Bushnell.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  George  E.;  928  Sutter.    (Tel.  Hyde  161.)    Wednesday 
Busteede.  Miss  Anna  C:  630  Market. 

Butler.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  B. ;  2101  Pacific  Avenue.     (Tel.  West  29S  )     Friday 
Butler.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred  S.:  Miss  Alice  M.:  Fred  P.:  2426  Jackson     Mond'y" 
Butler.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  E.:  Ross  Valley,  Marin  Co. 
Butler.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  W. :  Miss  Mary  Morgan:  2305  Howard    Thursdav 
Butler.  P.  F.:  Miss:  SIS  Eddy.    Wednesday. 

Butterfield.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  W.;  1426  Page.     1st  Wednesday.     Glen  Ellen 
Butterfield.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.:  Palace  Hotel.     Menlo  Park* 
Butterworth.  Mr.  T.  C:  27  Haight.     Thursday.     Belmont 
Byington.  Dr.  F.  S.:   14  Grant   Ave. 

Byington.  Mrs.  C.  Miss  K.  L..  Miss  C.  M..  L.  F.:   1412  Post.     1    3  Thursday 
Byrne.  Mrs.  K.  L.:  Miss  Ethel:   703  Hayes.  Friday. 
Byrne.  J.  W:  Pacific  Union  Club.     Los  Angeles. 

Cabaniss.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  H.;  1212  Geary.    1st  and  2d  Thursday 
Cabrera.   Miss.   Miss   Eugenia,   Ernest:   920  Van  Ness  Ave.     2d   Tuesday 
Cabrera.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward:  920  Van  Ness  Ave.     2d  Tuesday 
Cachot,  Dr.  Maximilian  A.:  Miss  Mary  A.-  207  Taylor. 
Cadenasso,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.;  928  Broadway.    Tuesday. 
Cadman,  John  O.:  307  California.    Oakland. 
Caduc,  Mrs.  Mary  ('.;  Hotel  Bella  Vista.     Thursdav. 
Cahn,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  I.:  1120  Post.    (Tel.  Sutter  331.) 
Cahen.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis;  1917  Franklin,     del.  Easl   128.) 


Cahill.  Edward  J.;  Grand  Hotel. 

Cahill,  B.  J.  S.;  1208  Clay. 

Oalegaris,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.;  Miss  Anita;  Emil;  Arnold;  814  Lombard.   Thurs. 

Call,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  W. ;  Miss  Rose;  Miss  Emma;   1231  Washington. 

Callaghan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  W.;  Alameda. 

Callaghan.  Mrs.  D.;  The  Misses;  Authur  V.;  Daniel  J.;   830  Eddy.     Wed. 

Callandreau,  Dr.  Jules;  403  Powell.     (Tel.  Main  5371.) 

Caldwell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Angus  B.;  1501B  Larkin. 

Cambron,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Carrol;  201  Front.    1st  and  3d  Friday. 

Cameron.  George  T. ;  James  H.:  The  Berkshire,  711  Jones. 

Cameron,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  H.;  1517  Baker.     Wednesday. 

Campbell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alexander,  Jr. ;  725  Union.     Tuesday. 

Campbell,  Charles  P.;  1320  Jackson. 

Campbell.  Donald  Y.;  530  California,    res.  Oakland. 

Campbell.  Mr.  E.  L.;  Occidental  Hotel.    Palo  Alto,  San  Mateo  Co. 

Campbell,  Mrs.  Lucy  J.;  Charles  J.;  George  D.;  771  Pierce. 

Campbell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  J.;  1310  Hyde.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 

Campbell.  R.  H.;  1222  Steiner. 

Campbell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  C;  2619  Buchanan.    (Tel.  West  94.) 

Campe,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry;  Harry  M. :  20  Devisadero. 

Campbell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  C;  1820  Turk.    1st  and  3d  Monday. 

Canfield,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  L.;  California  Hotel.    Monday. 

Canney,  Dr.  and  Mrs    F.  G.;  Wenban  Bldg.;  606  Sutter.     (Tel.  Main  1848.) 

Cantelow,  Mrs.  Wm. ;  Miss;   Maxwell  C;  H.  Clair;  1326  Page.     Thursday. 

Cannon,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  M.;  501  Geary.     1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 

Capelle,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert;  Hotel  Savoy.    Monday. 

Capwell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  C;  2010  Sutter.      1st  Tuesday.     Cazadero. 

Card,  Dr.  Edgerton  F.;  2406  Sutter.     (Tel.  Pine  3801.) 

Carey,  Gen.  John  T. ;  104  Sutter. 

Carey,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Julian  E.;  2603  Steiner.     (Tel.  Pine  2581.) 

Carleton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  B.;  SI 7  Hyde.     Oroville. 

Carlson,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C.  Hadley;  2761  Bush.     (Tel.  Pine  571.)    Wednesday. 

Carmany,  Mr.  John  W. ;  Miss;  1109  Franklin.     2d  and  4th  Tuesday. 

Carmody,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Arthur  F.;   1613  Larkin.     Friday. 

Carolan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James;  Miss  Emily;  Miss  Genevieve;  Herbert  E.; 

Edgar;  1714  California.     (Tel.  West  244.)     Tuesday. 
Carolan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  J.;  Burlingame,  San  Mateo  Co. 
Carpy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chas.;  2632  California.     (Tel.  West  588.)    San  Jose. 
Carr,  Miss  Mary;  Hotel  Bella  Vista.     Thursday.     Alameda,  Lemore. 
Carr,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  B. ;  1st  and  3d  Wednesday.     Bakersfield. 
Carrigan,  Miss;  William  L. ;  2513  Sacramento.     (Tel.  West  771.) 
Carrigan,  Louis  R. ;  San  Rafael. 

Carrigan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Andrew;  2028  Bush.     (Tel.  Pine  1101.) 
Carrillo,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Miguel;  Miss  Alice;  1829  Pine.     1st  and  3d  Wed. 
Carroll,  Miss;   The  Colonial.     Thursday.     Sacramento. 
Carroll,   Mrs.  Richard  T.,  Miss,   Miss   Gertie;    1520  Van  Ness  Ave.     (Tel. 

Sutter  2031.)     Thursday.     Bay  View  Ranch. 
Carroll,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  R. ;  1520  Van  Ness  Ave.     San  Jose. 
t';n'son,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  B.;  1927  Geary.     Wednesday. 
Carter,  Mrs.  Helen  C;  1414  Taylor.    Tuesday. 
Carter,  Mrs.  Helen;  1849  Jackson.    1st  Thursday. 
Carter,  Miss  Jean  W.;  841  California.    2d  and  4th  Tuesday. 
Carv,  James  C;  Miss;  James  H.;  810  Chestnut.     Friday. 
Case,  Rev.  and  Mrs.  W.  W.;  212  Powell.     (Tel.  Black  1131.) 
Casebolt,  Miss  Henrietta;  1911  Pine.     Wednesday.     Santa  Barbara. 
Casey.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.;  1329  Sutter.     (Tel.  East  381.)     Thursday. 
Casey.  .Miss  M.  E.;  2712  California.  (Tel.  Steiner  1791.) 
Casserly,  Mrs.  Teresa;  Miss;  John  B.;  2123  Buchanan.    (Tel.  West  316.) 


Cassell,  Mrs.  John  F. ;  2515  Gough.     Friday. 

Castelazo,  Arthur;  Miss  Lucretia;  419  Ellis. 

Castle,  Mrs.  Frederick;    Miss  Eva;    Miss  Hilda;   Arthur   B.;   2489  Jackson. 

Castle,  Mrs.  M.;  Neville  H.;   2201  Washington.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 

Castner,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  A.;  Miss  Alice  B. ;  813  Haight.     Thursday. 

Caswell,  Mrs.  E.  E.;   The  Berkshire.  711  Jones. 

Caswell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  W. ;  1921  Sacramento.     Tuesday. 

Caswell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  H.;  418  Bartlett.    Thursday. 

Cator,  Miss  Marie;  2432  Jackson.     Wednesday. 

Catton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  M.;  Mrs.  Annie  M.;  1417  Taylor. 

Cavagnaro,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F. ;  Miss  Christina;  Miss  F.;  Carlo;  2618  Gough. 

Cavagnaro,  Miss  Rose;  Joseph  F. ;  1010  Broderick.     Tuesday. 

Cehrian.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  C;   1801  Octavia.     (Tel.  West  333.)     Wednesday. 

Center.  Mr.  and  Mrs.   Alexander;    Miss  Bessie;    Alexander  G. ;  S.  W.  cor. 

Fillmore  and  Vallejo.     (Tel.  West  561.)    Wednesday. 
Center,  John;  723  Sixteenth,  cor.  Shotwell. 

Chadbourne,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  S.:  1106  Bush.     (Tel.  East  290.)     Thursday. 
Chalmers,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  William  P.;  1404  Page.     (Tel.  Pine  131.) 
Chamberlain,  Mrs.   H.;  Hotel  Beresford.     (Tel.  Main  713.)     Monday. 
Chamberlain,  Miss  Charlotte  L. ;  Miss  Helen  R. ;  Hotel  Beresford.    Monday. 
Chambers,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  C;  2220  Sacramento.     (Tel.  West  350.) 
Chandler,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Richard  D. :  897  Chestnut.     Wednesday. 
Chapin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  E.;  1406  Hyde.    1st  and  2nd  Friday. 
Chapin.  Mr.  Wm.  C. ;  Miss  Eugenie  B.;  The  Colonial.     Thursday. 
Chapman,  James  B. ;  Charles;  812  Hyde. 
Chapman,  Mrs.  A.  E. ;  814  California. 
Chapman,  E.  W. ;  Occidental  Hotel.    Greenwood,  Cal. 
Chapman,  Stephen  G,;  Hotel  Savoy. 

Chapman,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  S.  E.;  Miss  Rose:  Miss  Ida;  1021  Valencia. 
Chapman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wilfrid  B.;  1123  California.     (Tel.  East  77.)     Tues. 
Chapman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H.;    1031  Twentieth.     Thursday.     El  Verano. 
Chapman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  S.;  Palace  Hotel.     Monday. 
Chappell,  J.  J.;  Cosmos  Club.    Menlo  Park. 
Chartrey,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Raoul:  2S23  Jackson.     Friday. 
Chase,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  M.;  2700  California. 

Chase,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Horace  B. ;  401  California.    Stag's  Leap,  Napa  Valley. 
Chase,  Quincy  A.;  30  O'Farrell.     res.  Oakland. 
Cherry,  Miss  Addie;  Miss  Jennie  C. ;  Edwin:  1304  Pine.    Tuesday. 
Cheesman,  Mrs.   Morton;  1907  Pacific  Avenue.     (Tel.   West  845.)     Friday. 
Cheney,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  F.;  906  Polk.     (Tel.  East  7.)     1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Chesebrough,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.;  2428  Jackson.     (Tel.  West  90.)     Friday. 
Chevassus,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward;  2321  Scott. 
Childs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George;  222  Fair  Oaks. 
Chismore,  Dr.  George;  705  Sutter.     (Tel.  East  425.) 
Chown,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  G.;  828  Powell.    Friday. 
Chretien,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  M.;  804  Bush.     (Tel.  East  249.)     Tuesday. 
Christensen,  Maj.  and  Mrs.  Charles;  Centre  St.,  San  Rafael. 
Christie,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H.;  Palace  Hotel. 
Christal,  Dr.  John;  612  Hyde.     (Tel.  Hyde  2011.) 
Church,  Rev.  and  Mrs.  Edward  B. :  1036  Valencia. 
Church,  Rev.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  H.;  731  California,     res.  Oakland. 
Church,  Seymour  R. ;  402  Geary. 

Church,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  R.;  1016  Franklin.    (Tel.  East  169.)     Tuesday. 
Clark,  Mrs.  Caroline  A.;  7S1  Sutter.     Tuesday. 
Clark,  Dr.  G.  Waverly,  24  Sixth.     (Tel.  Jessie  541.) 
Clark,  Mrs.  Charlotte;  Edward  K.;   2119  California.     (Tel.  West  720.) 
Clark,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Fessenden;  Hotel  St.  Nicholas.     Monday. 
Clark,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  Curran;  2518  Broadway.     (Tel.  Pine  1981.)     Thurs. 


Clark.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  C;  241  Castro.    Thursday. 

Clark.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  W.;  2231  Y\Tashington.    (Tel.  West  329.)    Wednesday. 

Clark.  Major  Frederick  A.;  1011  Green. 

Clark.  Miss  F. :  Van  Ness  Seminary,  1849  Jackson. 

Clark.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George;  1327  Sutter.     1st  Thursday.     Larkspur. 

Clark.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  G.:  William  R.  P.;  1101  Green.   2d  and  4th  Friday. 

Clark.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Warren  D.:  1732  Broadway.     (Tel.  West  346.) 

Clark.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  F. :  521  Van  Ness  Ave.     (Tel.  South  260.)     Thurs. 

Clark,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  B.  F.:  Miss  Ethel;  Miss  Rowena;  1009  Sutter.     Wed. 

Clarke.  Thomas  Percy;  2130  Howard. 

Clayton.  Mrs.  Charles;  Hotel  Pleasanton.     Monday. 

Cleary,   Mr.   and    Mis.   P..   Miss.     Miss  Alice.   Miss    Regina   F..   Frank   C; 
2919  Howard.     Wednesday. 

Clement,  Col.  Lyman  H.;  1001  Pine.    Thursday. 

Clement.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  N. ;  Miss  Ida;  Jabish;  Walter  0.;  Occidental. 

Clement.  Dr.  R.  Herbert:  730  Sutter.     (Tel.  Main  5476.) 

Clement,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Roswell  P.;   400  Central  Ave.     2d  Tuesday. 

Clements.  Mrs.  G. :  2028  Green.    Wednesday. 

Cleveland.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  W.;  1201  Sutter.    (Tel.  East  411.) 

Cleveland.  Dr.  Marcia  B.;  1201  Sutter. 

Clifton.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry.  431  Turk.     (Tel.  Hyde  53.)     Wednesday. 

Clinch,  Mrs.  Charles  G.:  Charles  G..  Jr.:  2310  Buchanan.     Friday. 

Clinton,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C.  A.;  N.  E.  cor.  Howard  and  Twenty-first. 

Cockrill,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  B.;  617  Eddy.     Wednesday. 

Clough,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  L.;  2021  Webster.     1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 

Clough,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank:  404  Ellis. 

duff.  Major  and  Mrs.  Wm.;  1916  Vallejo.     (Tel.  West  69.)     Last  Friday. 

Cluness.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  R. ;  Miss;  Miss  Mabel;  Hotel  Pleasanton.     (Tel. 
Hyde  1401.)    Monday. 

Cluness,  Dr.  W.  R..  Jr.;  office,  406  Sutter.     (Tel.  Main  1669.) 

Clunie,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Andrew  J.:  115  Delong  Avenue.     Wednesday. 

Clunie,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  J.;  904  Devisadero.     Thursday. 

Cochrane,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  E.  O.:  326  Larkiu.     Monday. 

Cockroft,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis  F.;   114  Montgomery.     Oakland. 

Code.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  A.:  1705  Oak.    1st  and  3d  Thursday. 

Code,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Philip  D.:  Miss;   Philip,  Jr.:  Charles  H.;  W.  Field:  T. 
Kimball;  940  Valencia.     Wednesday. 

Coffin,  Mrs.  D.  B.;  1614  Post. 

Coffin.  Mrs.  M.  E.;  Miss  Helen:  Frank  M.:  919  Post.    (Tel.  East  29.) 

Coffroth.  James  W.;  444  Fulton. 

Cofran,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  W.  G.;  1126  Hyde.     (Tel.  East  215.)  Tuesday. 

Cohen.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Herman;  Miss  Alice;   2411  Octavia.     (Tel.  Pine  931.) 

Coit,  Mrs.  Lillie  H.;   Palace  Hotel.     Monday.     Larkmead. 

Colburn,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  L. :  .Miss  Maye  F. :  1117  Hyde.     Thursday. 

Cole.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  T.;  1719  Geary.     (Tel.  Steiner  691.)     Tuesday. 

Cole.  Mrs.  Edward  F. :  1106  Gough.     1st  Friday. 

Cole,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  P.;  Miss  Bessie;  2615  Buchanan. 

Cole,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Nathaniel  P.;  The  Misses;  Charles;  1120  O'Farrell.   Mon. 

Cole,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  R.  Beverly:  826  Sutter.    (Tel.  Sutter  1401.) 

Cole,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thos.;  Miss  A.  W.;  Rudolph  Y.;  2405  Octavia.     Friday. 

Coleman.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Gano:  Miss  Lulu:  485  Haight.     Tuesday. 

Coleman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Barry;  Miss  Sophie  G. ;  Miss  Hill;  Du  Pont,  Bohem- 
ian Club.     Tuesday. 

Coleman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles;  Miss  Martha;  Dr.  R.  C;  1606  Post.    Mon'y. 

Coleman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Evan  J.;   1450  Sacramento.     (Tel.  East  120.)     Tues. 

Coleman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward,  N.  W.  cor.  Franklin  and  California. 

Coleman,  James  V.;  Palace  Hotel. 

Coleman,  John  C;  1834  California.     (Tel.  East  462.) 


Coleman.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  L.;  Burlingame,  San  Mateo  Co. 

Collins.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  W. :  1815  Eddy. 

Collinson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  M.:  720  Broderick.    Wednesday. 

Colman.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles:  1504  Post.     1st,  2d  and  3d  Tuesday. 

Colnon.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  L.;  809  Haight. 

Comte    Mr.  A..  Jr.;  Miss  Pauline:  104  Guerrero.    Thursday. 

Condict.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Elliot:  620  Sutter.     Thursday. 

Conev.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alexander  K.;  1522  Post. 

Conkling,  Mrs.  David:  D.  Lloyd:  2211  Franklin.     2.1  and  3d  Friday. 

Connell.Miss  Eleanora:  Miss  Mollie:  Miss  Jessie  E.:  1404  California.    Wed. 

Connellv,  Mrs.  Emma:  Miss:   2719  Pacific  Avenue. 

Connelly    Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  J.:  632  Haight.  (Tel.  Steiner  681.)  Wednesday. 

Conner.' Mrs.  Julia  W.,  Miss.  Albert  E..  John  L.:   2019  Broderick.     Friday. 

Connor    Fred  W.;  2019  Broderick.     (Tel.  Steiner  2111.) 

Conrad    Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  G. :  2007  California.     1st  and  4th  Tuesday. 

Conway,  Mrs.  Margaret  F..  Miss  Maggie.  Miss  Kat^.  Joseph  P.:  523  Eddy. 

Conwell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  S  :  26  McAllister. 

Cook  Judge  and  Mrs.  Carroll:  1500  Larkin.     (Tel.  Sutter  361.)     Friday. 

Cook.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Elisha  V.  S..  Elisha.  Mrs.  Elisha;  S.  E.  cor.  Sixteenth 

and  Hoffman  Ave.     Wednesday. 
Cook.  Mrs.  H.  N.:  Miss  Ethel:  Milton  H.:  2118  Union.     (Tel.  Pine  3381.) 
Cook.  Mrs.  Isabella:  109  Murphy  Building. 

Cooke.  Mrs.  Wm.  B.:  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  B  :  522  O'Farrell.     Wednesday. 
Cool.  Dr.   Russell  H.:  300  Stockton. 
Cool.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  P.:  22  Kearny.    Wednesday. 
Coon.  Frederick  H.:  1805  California. 

Coonev.  Judge  and  Mrs.  M.:   Miss  Agnes  F. :  Miss  Teresa:  James  J:    Wil- 
liam M.:  422  Fell.     Friday 
Coombs.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  L.:   The  Colonial.     Thursday. 
Cormack.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  F.:  2508  Folsom. 
Coope.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  F. :   704  Powell. 

Cooper    Mr   and  Mrs.  G.  D.;  2009  Buchanan.     (Tel.  West  06.)     Wednesday. 
Cooper.'  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C.  E.;  823  Sutter.     (Tel.  East  505.)     Friday. 
Cooper,  Leo.:  St.  Nicholas  Hotel. 

Cooper   Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  B.  H.;  J.  B.  R.:  1926  Octavia.    Wednesday. 
Cooper'.  Mrs.  Sarah  B.:  Miss  Harriet:  1902  Vallejo.     (Tel.  West  127.)     Fr'y. 
Copsev.  Dr.  A.  N.:  21   Powell. 

Corbin.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William.     Thursday.     Lakeview.  Cal. 
Corbitt,  William:  Palace  Hotel.     San  Mateo. 

Corbus.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  T..  Miss.  Miss  Sarah.  Adam:  1503  Jones.     Tuesday. 
Cornwall,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Frank.  Miss:  San  Rafael.     Wednesday. 
Cornwall.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.  B.:  Bruce;  S.  E.  cor.  Buchanan  and  Page.    Tues. 
Cortez.  Mme.  Marie:   Hotel  Bella  Vista. 

Corwin.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  B.;  2604  Howard.     1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 
Corwin.  Miss  Grace;  H.  G.:  25  Hill. 
Cosgrave.  Miss  Millicent:  Miss  Kirby:  J.  OHara;  J.  Kirby:  Desmond  De  L; 

2108  Post.     1st,  2d  and  3d  Wednesday. 
Costa,  Jose:  1512  Broadway. 

Costello.  Augustine  J.;   1033  Golden  Gate  Avenue. 
Costello,  James  M.:  1808  Bush. 
Costello,  Mr.  Stephen  V.:  720  Valencia. 
Costello,  WTilliam;  923  Grove. 
Costigan.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  J.:  3034  California. 
Cotton.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Aylett  R.;  1615  Jackson.    1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Coulson.  Dr.  Nat  T.:  Murphy  Building.  1236  Market. 
Coulson.  Capt.  and  Mrs.  Washington  C:  Hotel  Pleasanton.    Monday. 
Coulter.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robt.:  1921  Clay.     Thursday. 
Coulter,  Winfield  W.;  1721  Broadway. 


Cousins,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  J.;  3348  Clay.     (Tel.  West  449.)     Wednesday. 

Couture.   Dr.  and   Mrs.  A.   N.;  328   Twenty-ninth.     Tuesday   evening. 

Cowie,  Wallace  M.;  2  Fair  Oaks. 

Cowles,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Paul;  2518  Union.    1st  and  2d  Friday. 

Cowles,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel  W.;  135  Twelfth.     (Tel.  Mint  71.)     Tuesday. 

Cowles,  William  Northrope;   Bohemian  Club  or  Crocker  Building. 

Cox,  Alexander  M. ;  508  Jersey. 

Cox.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Earnest  A.;  2816  Clay.     (Tel.  Pine  2891.) 

Cox,  Dr.  Rosamond  L;  Miss  Sarah;  426  Post.     (Tel.  Red  91.)    Wednesday. 

Coxhead.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Almeric  W.  S. ;  Ernest  A.;  2421  Green.     Friday. 

Craig,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Campbell  W.;  William  M.;  1312  Jones.    Monday. 

Craig.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William;  Miss  Lela;  William  B.:  J.  Early;  James  F.; 
2517  Washington.    Friday. 

Craig.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lee  D. :  27011-  Howard. 

Crane,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alma  L.:  The  Oliver,  S99  Pine.     Thursday. 

Crane,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lemuel  P.;  1324  Page.     Wednesday. 

Crane,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Douglas  B.;  106  Baker.     2d  and  4th  Thursday. 

Crane,  Henry  A.;  Miss  Alice  F.;  Miss  Annie  C:  Miss  Elizabeth  A.;  Charles 
W.;  2316  Clay.    Tuesday. 

Cranz,  Dr.  F.  H. ;  433  Eddy. 

Crawford,  Mr.  ard  Mrs.  J.F. ;  1437  Pacific  Avenue. 

Crawford,  J.  J.;  24  Fourth,  Pioneer  Building,    res.  Alameda. 

Creighton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  P.;  813  Capp.     Thursday. 

Crepaux,  Prof.  Louis;  607  Ellis. 

Creswell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Harry  T. ;  2101  Devisadero,  cor.  Sacramento. 

Crim,  Mrs.  Maria  L. ;  George  S. ;  2330  Howard. 

Crim,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  H.;  Miss  Grace;  W.  H.,  Jr.;  Samuel;  2526  Howard. 

Crittenden,  C.  S.;  714  Ashbury. 

Crocker,  Col.  Chas.  F.;  Miss  Mary;  Miss  Jennie  A.;  Charles  Templeton; 
915  Leavenworth.     (Tel.  Main  5245.) 

Crocker,  Mrs.  Clark  W..  Miss  Julia  M.;  1609  Sutter.     Thursday. 

Crocker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  J.;  2301  Laguna.     (Tel.  West  341.)     Friday. 

Crocker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George;  1100  California.     (Tel.  Main  5250.) 

Crocker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  S.;  Charles  H.;  California  Hotel.     Monday. 

Crocker,  Mrs.  John  H.;  1632  Broadway. 

Crocker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Nathan;  1912  Bush.     (Tel.  Pine  251.) 

Crocker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  H.;  1150  California.     (Tel.  East  194.)    Tuesday. 

Crockett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  B.:  2029  California.     (Tel.  West  484.)     Friday. 

Cronise,  Mr.  Clement;  1926  Pine. 

Crooks,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jonathan  J. :  Hotel  Richelieu. 

Crosby,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Geo.  H.;  1724  Broadway    (Tel.  Hyde  831.)    Thursday. 

Cross,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  W.;   718  Waller.     (Tel.  West  579.)     Thursday. 

Cross,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  R.;  Miss  H.;  S01  Haight.    1st  and  3d  Monday. 

Cross,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James;  2534  Mission.    (Tel.  Blue  501.) 

Cross,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  G.;  3146  Twenty-second. 

Crossett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  F.,  Miss  Lucia,  James  H.;  239  San  Jose  Ave. 

Crothers,  R.  A.;  Miss  Jennie;  1018  Bush.     (Tel.  East  331.) 

Crowell,  Mrs.  E.  A.;  Miss;  Walter  H.;  1603  Larkin.    (Tel.  Sutter  611.)  Wed. 

Crowley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.;  Miss  Daisy;  Miss  Josie;  Miss  Kate;  1629  Sacra- 
mento.    (Tel.  East  96.)    Sausalito. 

Crux,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  A.;  2715  Pine.    2d  and  4th  Tuesday. 

Cudworth,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.W.;  Miss  Lizzie;  J.  Judson;  2420  Fillmore.    Wed. 

Culp,  Mrs.  Sophie  V.;  2824  Clay.    Wednesday. 

Culp,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  S.;  2824  Clay.    Wednesday. 

Culver,  C.  A.;  224  Bush.    Oakland. 

Culver,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  H.;  1111  Clay.     (Tel.  East  479.)     Thursday. 

Cumberson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  E.;  304  Sacramento,    res.  Oakland. 

Cummings,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  E. ;  421  Hyde.    Tuesday. 

Good    Fitting,    Stylish    Shoes 

are  necessary  adjuncts  to  a 
Lady's  wardrobe.  The  effect 
of  the  most  expensive  toilet 
may  be  ruined  by  an  ill-fit- 
ting boot. 

A  Well  Dressed  Foot  is  a  sure 

mark  of  the  Gentlewoman. 

FIT   ««    a* 


Three  very  desirable  points  in  a  shoe,  all 
will  be  found  in  SIEBE'S  BEST;  and  one 
more — Durability. 

The  fin  de  siecle  woman  cannot  afford  to  make  mistakes  in  her  Foot- 
wear, and  she  will  not  if  she  wears  our  stylish,  up-to-date  shoes. 

Ask  your  dealer  for  them.  Do  not 
accept  other  makes,  which  they  may 
claim  are"  Just  as  Good."     . 

For  sale  by  all  first  class  retail  dealers  on  the  Pacific  Coast. 


Manufacturers  of 

21-31  Jessie  St., 



Russian-Turkish     <£• 
Oriental  Tobacco  Co* 


Constantinople,  Egypt,  Syria,  Russia,  «  « 
Trance  and  Ftavana  «  Strictly  pure  mixtures 
to  suit,  for  either  Pipe  or  Cigarettes  «  «  « 


Cigars,  Cigarettes,  Pipes,  Smokers'  Articles 

of  all  kinds  «**««« 

Parisian  and  American  novelties  «  «  *  « 


Ittild  Oriental  Flower  Cigarettes,  •  «  *  * 
Especially  for  Cadies  «««««« 


foreign  tobaccos  and  fjavana  Cigars  «  « 

Russian  and  Turkish  Cigarettes  «  *  «  «  « 

Under  Personal  Supervision  and  Control  of  <£  <£  J*      This  Business  was  Established  in  1876 

j*annie   {Rosenthal 

4/8  77/ ontg ornery  St.    •  •  near  Ca/iYorn/a  .  .     San  Francisco,    Cat. 


Rooms  /6,  //,  /<?,  ig 


14  GRANT  AVE., 

over  "City  of  Paris' 



312    MONTGOMERY    ST.,    (Sales  Room) 

597    MISSION    ST.,    (Factory)  SAN  FRANCISCO,  CAL. 


Cummings.  Dr.  Jude  E.:  1402  Bush.    (Tel.  East  149.) 

Cummins.    Mr.   and    .Mrs.   John   T.:   2657    Howard.      Thursday. 

Cunningham.  Mr.  and  .Mrs.  A.   ^.-  2517%  Sacramento.    I'd  and  3rd  Tuesday. 

Cunningham.   Mrs.   M.   H.;  John:   2518   Broadway.     (Tel.  West   176.) 

Cunningham.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  .1.  M.:  2829   Pacific  Av.  .     Friday. 

Cunningham.   Mrs.   Robert    B.:   .Miss    Lottie;   1939   Clay.     Friday. 

Curlett.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William.     San  Rafael. 

Currev.  Judge  and  Mrs.  John:  Palace  Hotel.     Monday. 

Currier.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C.  B.:  921  Geary.     (Tel.  Hyde  32.) 

Currier.   Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.   Parker;  Miss  Marie;    2509  Pacific  Ave.     Friday. 

Currey.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Montgomery.  Miss  Frances:  1819  Octavia. 

Curtaz,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Benjamin;  324  Scott.     (Tel.  Pine  331.) 

Curtaz.  Mrs.  Agatha:   Oscar  H.:  50  Barrlett. 

Curtaz,  Mr.  and  .Mrs.  Henry  J.;  231S  Steiner.     Wednesday. 

Curtin.  John;  410  Safe  Deposit  Building. 

Curtis,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  H.  L. :  920  Ellis.     (Tel.  Hyde  1901.)  Wednesday. 

Curtis.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  Marvin:  Miss  Helen  C;  2518  Union.     Friday. 

Curtis.  Marvin;  1610  Lyon. 

Curtis.  Jonathan:  2731  Clay. 

Curtis.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  P  :   1542  Pagp.     2d  and  4th  Thursday. 

Curtis.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  M.     2321   Webster.     Friday. 

Curtis.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  H..  922a  Sutter.     (Tel.  Hyde  2161.) 

Cuitis.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  G.:  2623  Laguna.     (Tel.  West  431.)     Friday. 

Curtiss,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred.  Miss  Gipser:  1016  Larkin. 

dishing.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Clinton:  636  Sutter.    San  Rafael. 

Cushins.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Sidney  B.:  San  Rafael. 

Cutler.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Elijah  B.:  2203  Webster.     (Tel.  West  502.) 

Cutler.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alfred  D. :  3540  Clay.     (Tel.  pine  2801.) 

Cutlar.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Roger:  808  Sutter. 

Cutter.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  B.:  2209  Webster.     'Tal.  West  502.)     Friday. 

Cutter.  Horace  F.:  Pacific-Union  Club. 

Cutter.  Mrs.  B.  B.:  2611  California.     (Tel.  Pine  2301.)     9*  and  4th  Friday. 

Cuthbertson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  J.:  2243  Market. 

Daingerfield.  Mrs.  William  P.:  Judge  William  R.:   712  Sutter.     1st  Thurs. 
Dallam.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  B.;  Miss  Ella;  Miss  Anna:  Fred  B.:  1735  Sutter. 

Thursday.     Oakland. 
Dalton.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank;  N.  W.  cor.  Twenty-sixth  and  Fair  Oaks. 
Dalton.  William  H.:  Ben.  C;  42  Oak. 
Dalton.  Mr.  and  .Mrs.  Thomas  B.;   2510  Clay. 
Dalv,  Judge  and  Mrs.  J.  C:  California  Hotel. 
Daly.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  H.:  2313  Clay.     (Tel.  West  373.) 
Daliemand.  Mr.  and  .Airs.  Albert:    2211  Buchanan.     (Tel.  West  424.) 
Dam.  Cleveland  L. :  2924  California. 
Dameron.  J.  P.:  2729  Larkin. 

D'Ancona.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Arnold  D. :  1022  Sutter.     (Tel.  Sutter  2561.)     Tues. 
D'Ancona.  Dr.  Arnold  A.:  office  606  Sutter,  res.  2116  Devisadero. 
Danforth.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edwin:  Miss  Fanny;  2027  Broadway.     Friday. 
Danforth.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  P.:  1S16  Vallejo.     (Tel.  West  S27.     Friday. 
Danziger.  Dr.  G.  A.:  22  Geary. 

Danglada.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  I.:  2021  Broderick.     (Tel.  West  348.)    Tuesday. 
Danglada.  A.  F.:  1811  Baker.    (Tel.  West  291.) 

Daniel.  Mrs.  John;  Miss  May  W.;  Miss  L.;  John.  Jr.:  2013  Polk.     Saturday. 
Daniels,  Sam  Houston:  Miss  Josephine:  1321   Leavenworth.     Tuesday. 
Dannenbaum.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.;  1630  Octavia.     (Tel.  Pine  3851.) 
Dannenbaum.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.:   1457  Franklin.     (Tel.  Sutter  101.) 
Dannenbaum.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.:  1807  Pine.     (Tel.  Pine  751.) 
Dare,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  T.:  25  Hill.    Thursday. 
Darling.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  L. :   2820  Folsom.     Tuesday. 


Davidson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  B. ;  Miss  Delia;  Hotel  Pleasanton. 

Davies,  Arthur;  441  Golden  Gate  Avenue. 

Davis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ansley  G. ;  1605  Scott.     (Tel.  West  104.)    Wednesday. 

Davis,  Mrs.  A.  M. ;  1911  Pacific  Avenue.    Friday.    Mill  Valley. 

Davis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Andrew  M.;  1722  Pine.    (Tel.  West  498.)    Wednesday. 

Davis,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C.  B.;  Miss  Mary  E.;  Wednesday.    St.  Helena. 

Davis,  Charles  L. ;  Cosmos  Club. 

Davis,  Dr.  Edward  L. ;  The  Berkshire,  711  Jones. 

Davis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Eugene  G. ;  res.  Belvedere. 

Davis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  A.;  1722  Pine.     (Tel.  West  498.)     Monday. 

Davis,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  George  E.:  730  Sutter.     (Tel.  Hyde  221.) 

Davis,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  George  W.;  633  Sutter.     1st  and  3d  Tuesday. 

Davis,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  C;  Miss  Florence;   Miss  Eloise;  Harold  E. ;  S. 

E.  cor.  Scott  and  Green.     (Tel.  Steiner  811.)     3d  and  4the  Friday. 
Davis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  L.;   2108  Vallejo.     (Tel.  Pine  1131.) 
Davis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  H. ;  2621  California.    (Tel.  West  973.) 
Davis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Horace;  1800  Broadway.     (Tel.  Hyde  461.) 
Davis,  Mrs.  John  B.  F.;   Miss  H.  B.;  Miss  G.  E.;  Miss  A.  M.;  Winfield  S.; 

Ross  Valley,  Marin  Co.    Wednesday. 
Davis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  W.;  1635  Sacramento.     (Tel.  Hyde  1771.)    Thurs. 
Davis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.;  Miss  Flora;  Miss  Tena;  Milton  M. ;  2321  California. 

Thursday.    Monterey. 
Davis,  Mrs.  Mary  Draper;  Miss  Maggie  C. ;  John  F.;  Edward  A.;  2323  Sacra- 
Davis,  Lieut.  Milton  F. ;  4th  Cavalry,  V.  S.  A.;  Presidio. 
Davis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Percy  L. ;  Miss  Lillie;  316  Walnut.    Wednesday. 
Davis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Reason  G.;  2126  Vallejo. 

Davis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  J.:  2517  Broadway.    (Tel.  Pine  3711.)  1st  and  3d  Frid. 
Davis,  Mrs.  R.  S.  W.;  Arthur  E.;  Charles  W.;  130  Ridley.    Friday. 
Davis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Willis  E.;   2501  Scott.     (Tel.  West  347.) 
Davis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  H.;  Miss  Jessie;  Howard  Carlton;  Dr.  William 

E.;  1742  Fell. 
Davis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Richard  W. ;  The  Colonial. 
Davis,  Dr.  W.  L.;  139  Post. 
Davis,  Dr.  William  E.;  115  Powell. 

Day,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  B.;  1522  California.     Thursday. 
Day,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert. 
Davison,  James  W. ;  900  Powell. 

Daywalt,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  G.  W.;  2123  Jackson.     (Tel.  Pine  3291.)     Thursday. 
Deakin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred  H.    Berkeley.    1st  and  2d  Wednesday. 
Deacon,  Mr.  and   Mrs.  William;    Miss    Lizzie;   Miss    Fannie;  James;   811 

Deal,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  E.  F.;  Miss;  2702  Sacramento.     (Tel.  West  452.)  Frid. 
Dean,  Miss  Frances  A.;  1215  Sutter. 
Dean,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  O. ;  1003  Twenty-first. 

Dean,  Mrs.  Eliza  A.;  Annie  E.;   B.  Douglas;  James  W.;  3406  Clay.     Friday. 
Dean,  Miss  Ethel;  1920  Van  Ness  Ave.     Cortez,  Nevada. 
Dean,  Miss  Flora  Grace,  Miss  Ethel:  1920  Van  Ness  Ave.    2d  and  4th  Friday. 
Dean,  Peter,  Miss  Sara,  Robert  A.,  C.  Dudley,  Benjamin  S. ;  Hotel  Bella 

Vista.     Thursday.     "Clitheroe  Cottage,".     Belvedere. 
Dean,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  E.,  Miss,  Walter  L.;  Palace  Hotel.     (Tel.  Main 

1195.)     Monday. 
Deane,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C.  T.;  1003  Sutter.     (Tel.  East  33.)     Wednesday. 
Deane,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Tenison;   1003  Sutter.     (Tel.  East  33.)     Wednesday. 
Deane,  Dr.  Louis  C;  606  Sutter.     (Tel.  Main  5392.)     Sunny  Slope. 
Deane,  Mrs.  M.,  Miss  M.;  1933  California.     1st  and  3d  Thursday.     "Meadow 

Lands,"  San  Rafael. 
Deane,  J.  J.;  1933  California. 
Deane,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  A.;  1817  Pine.     1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 


Deardorff,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  A.  G.;  SOI  Scott.     (Tel.  Pme  3371.)     Friday. 

De  Chantreau,  Dr.  J.  D.;  607  Sutter.     (Tel.  Main  5741.) 

Decker,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  W.,  Miss  Ethel;  Thursday.     Palo  Alto. 

Decker,  Mrs.  P.;  2127  Pacific  Ave.    (Tel.  West  665.)     Friday.     Del  Monte. 

De  Corval,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Emile  L. ;     51S  Lombard.     1st  and  3d  Tuesday. 

(Tel.  Black  2221.)     San  Jose. 
Decourtieux,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.;  817  Union. 

Decourtieux,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.,  Jr.:  2219  California.     1st,  3d  and  5th  Friday. 
De  Cuenca,  Mrs.  Laura  M.     Hotel  Mirimar. 

Deering.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  J.;  1st  and  3d  Friday.     Residence,  San  Rafael. 
Deering,  James  H.,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Henry,  Jr.,     Miss  Annie,  Frank  P.; 

423  Baker.     Thursday. 
De  Greaver,  Mrs.  Josephine;  11121/^  Hyde.    2d,  3d  and  4th  Tuesday. 
De  Guigne,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Christian;  517  Sutter. 
De  Haven,  Judge  John  J.;  St.  Nicholas  Hotel. 
De  Lamare,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  J.;  Hotel  Bella  Vista.     Thursday. 
De  la  Montanya,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.,  Miss  Jennie,  James,  Jr.;    1510  Taylor. 

Last  Tuesday. 
De  Laveaga,  M.  A.;  228  Geary.     (Tel.  East  208.) 

Delger,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  F.,  Miss  Pearl  Gladys;  N.  E.  cor.  Twenty- 
fifth  and  Fair  Oaks.     1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 
Delmas,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  M.,  Miss  Antinette,  Paul;  2201  Fulton.     (Tel.  Pine 

211.)     Tuesdav.     Casa  Delmas,  Santa  Clara  Co. 
De  Marville,  Dr.  H.  B.:  2S02  California.     (Tel.  Pine  2641.) 
Deming,  Halleck  V.  P.;  714  Ellis. 

Deming,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  G.,  Miss.  Horace  A.;  225  Page. 
Denicke,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  A.;  Miss,  Frederick;  1000  Mason,  cor.  Sacramento. 

Tel.  Black  371.)     Thursday. 
Denigan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas,  Miss  Florence,  Edward  C;   1715  Octavia. 

(Tel.  West  400.)    Friday. 
Denman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James,  Miss  May,  William;  2199  Devisadero. 
Dennison,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  E.;  3712  Clay.     (Tel.  Pine  3511.) 
De  Lucis,  Dr.  A.;  418  Montgomery  Ave. 

De  Noon,  Mrs.  C;  2024  Jackson.     (Tel.  West  993.)     3d  and  4th  Friday. 
Denver,  Mrs.  M.  W. ;  Hotel  Stewart,  1101  Pine.     1st  and  2d  Thursday. 
Denson,  Judge  and  Mrs.  S.  C,  Miss  Laura.  Henry  B. :  2900  Jackson. 
De  Ojeda,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Francisco:  503  Devisadero. 
Depew,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chas.  M.:  308  San  Jose  Ave. 
De  Pue,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edgar  J.;  2311  Scott.     (Tel.  West  832.) 
De  Ruyter,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  E.     Residence,  Sausalito. 
De  Sabla,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Eugene,  Jr.:  40  California.     (Guatemala. 

Tel.  West  400.)     Friday. 
De  Saville.  Mrs.  C;  2S09  Pine. 
Derby,  Dr.  A.  T. ;  640  Golden  Gate  Ave. 

Decalso,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Luke,  Luke  M..  Tames  R. ;  1922  Howard.     Santa  Rosa. 
Detrick,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  E.,  Jr..  Henry  L..  Charles  R.;  2709  Laguna.     (Tel. 

West  508.) 
De  Troost,  George;  320  Sansome.     Residence  Golden  Gate,  Cal. 
Deuprey,  Mr.   and   Mrs.  E.  N..  Miss   Anna.   Hillyer:  N.  W.  cor.  Clay  and 

Laurel.     (Tel.  West  137.)     Wednesday. 
D'Evelyn,  Dr.  F.  W.:  405  Powell.     (Tel.  Main  5185.) 

De  Vecchi,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Paolo;   1717  Jackson.     (Tel.  East  124.)     Friday. 
De  Voe,  Mrs.  B.  O. ;  1118  Sacramento.     Wednesday. 

De  Witt,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  T.  Byron;  It'i"'    lackson.  Wednesday.    San  Rafael. 
Dexter,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  CiilxTt    David  IL;  652  Waller.     Tuesday. 
De  Young.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  H.;  1919  California.     (Tel.  West  315.)     1st  and 

3d  Tuesday. 
Dibbern,  J.  Henry;  44  Geary. 




and  Mrs. 



and  Mrs. 



and  Mrs. 



and  Mrs. 



and  Mrs. 



and  Mrs. 

Dibble,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  C;  1812  Vallejo.     Friday. 

Dickinson,  Gen.  and  Mrs.  John  H.,  Reginald  H.;  Palace  Hotel. 

Dickenson,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  L.,  Miss;  2115  California.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 

Dickie,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  W. ;  San  Mateo. 

Dickson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  W.;  423  Cole,  cor.  Page. 

Dickson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.,  Miss  Ethel;  N.  W.  cor.  Baker  and  Haight.     (Tel. 

West  54.)     2d  and  4th  Thursday.     Braemar,  Santa  Clara  Co. 
Diggins,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Byron;  2416  Sutter.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Diggles,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  J.;  321  Van  Ness  Ave.     Palo  Alto. 
Dillingham,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank.     2517  Fillmore.     Friday. 
Dillon,  Miss  K.   M. ;  1329  Sutter.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 
Dillon,  Mrs.  Nano,  Miss,  Miss  Mary.     California  Hotel. 
Dillon,  Mrs.  T.  I.;  2027  Sacramento.    (Tel.  West  509.)    Thursday. 
Dimond,  Henry  P.;  405  Clayton. 

Dimond,  Harry  W. ;   Bohemian   Club.     Del   Monte. 

Dimond,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  R.;  2204  Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  West  48.)     Friday. 
Dinkelspiel,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  G.  W. ;  2101  Pacific  Ave.     1st  Tuesday. 
Dinkelspiel,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.,  Miss  Henry,  Samuel;    1300    Octavia.     (Tel. 

East  161.) 
Dittenhoefer,  Dr.  Tillie;  1137  Geary. 
Dixon,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel  W.;  1009  Larkin.     Thursday. 

Thomas  H.;  3011   California.     2d  and  4th  Tuesday. 
Wilbur  G.,  Miss  Florence  Julia;  2013  Bush.     Friday. 
L.  L.,  Miss  Emily  G.;  1424  Bush.      Tuesday. 
Abner;   1315  Gough. 
Miles  B.,  A.  C;  513  Taylor.     Tuesday. 
Henry  L.;  2015  Franklin.     (Tel.  West  609.) 
Dodge,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jared  S.     Residence  Redwood  City. 
Dodge,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Washington;  Occidental  Hotel.     (Tel.  Black  741.) 
Dodge,  Mr.  and  Mrs.   Zinas  U.;  2229   Sutter.     Tuesday. 
Doe,   Bartlett;    St.   Nicholas   Hotel. 
Doe,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  F.;  2000  Laguna. 
Doe,  Charles  W.;  1941  Clay. 
Doe,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  P.;  2002  Laguna. 
Doe,  Mrs.  John  S.;  Hotel  St.  Nicholas. 

Doherty,  Mrs.  John,  Miss  Violet;  2000  Steiner.     (Tel.  West  9.)     Monday. 
Doherty,  Miss  L.  Mildred;  1840  California.  2d  and  4th  Tuesday.  Santa  Cruz. 
Dohrmann,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  F. ;  2217  Sacramento.     1st  Wednesday. 
Dohrmann,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  W.,  A.  B.  C,  F.  W.,  Jr.,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  William 

F.;   1310  Jones.     Tuesday. 
Dohrmann,  C,  Julius;  2609  Pine. 

Dolbeer,  John,  Miss  Bertha;  828  Lombard.     (Tel.  East  255.) 
Donahue,  Mrs.  Peter;  2112  Pacific  Ave.     Wednesday. 
Donahue,  Peter  J.;  Bohemian  Club. 

Donald,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  C;  2028  Steiner.     2d  and  4th  Fridav. 
Donaldson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  A.;  2828  Washington.     2d  and  4th  Friday. 
Donnell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Arthur  C;   California  Hotel.     Belvedere. 
Donnels,  Mrs.  Mary  E. ;  9C5  Masonic  Ave.     Tuesday. 
Donnels,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Albert  T.     Residence  Alameda. 
Donnels,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Horace  C;  965  Masonic  Ave.     2d  and  4th  Tuesday. 
Donohoe,  Mrs.  E.  Edward;  2117  Pacific  Ave.    (Tel.  West  549.)    Friday. 
Donohoe,  Mr.  and  Jos.  A.,  Jr.;  2120  Broadway.     (Tel.  West  549.)     Friday. 
Donner,  Miss  Jennie;  1921  Sacramento.     Tuesday. 
Donzel,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  J.;  41  Fair  Oaks.     Friday. 
Donovan,  Miss  E.;  1515  Polk. 

Doolan,  Thomas,  Miss  Lulu,  Francis  T.,  Loretto;  1424  Mission.     Thursday. 
Doolan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Richard  P.;  1424  Mission.     (3d  and  4th  Thursday. 
Doolittle,  Mr.  Ira  A.;  Hotel  St.  Nicholas.     1630  Market.     (Tel.    South  632.) 


Doolittle.  Mr.  James  H.;  Hotel  St.  Nicholas. 

Dore.  Mrs.  Elizabeth.  Miss  Ruby:   2009  Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  Pine  1481.) 

Dorn.  M.  A.;  St.  Nicholas  Hotel. 

Dornin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Geo.  D..  Miss  Julia.  Miss  Alice;  "Oakmead."  Fulton 
P.  O..  Sonoma  Co. 

Dorr.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  L.  L.,  Miss.  William  R.:    1115  Hyde.     (Tel.  East  204.) 

Dorsey.  Mrs.  J.  W.:  "Crows  Nest."  Belvedere.     1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 

Dougliertv.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  M..  Miss  Ada  M.:  1920  Jackson. 

Doughty/Mrs.  John,  Mrs.  C.  E.,  Walter  V:  150S  Leavenworth.     Tuesday. 

Doutv.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  S..  Miss:  San  Mateo.     Thursday. 

Dow."  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Geo.  E..  William  H;   1801  Laguna.     (Tel.  West  404.) 

Dowling.  Thomas  H.:  722  Bay. 

Doxey.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm..  Wm.  J.:  Hawthoime;  704  Ashbury.     Y\Tednesday. 

Dovle,   Mrs.    E.   M.:  1016   Seventeenth.     Thursday. 

Doyle.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry.  Miss.  Miss  Bessie,  E.  J..  W.  A.,  Henry,  Jr.;  2206 
California.     Wednesday.     San  Mateo. 

Doyle.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  T.:  Menlo  Park. 

Dovle,  John  J.:  416  Pine.     Cupertino. 

Dozier.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  A.;  42S  Ellis.  (Tel.  Hyde  1651.)  1st  and 
3d  Wednesday. 

Dresel,  Dr.  Gustav;  511  Devisadero.     (Tel.  Pine  101.) 

Drinkhouse.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  A.,  Miss  Lulu,  Miss  Hilda,  John  A.,  Jr.,  Fred- 
erick R.;  2502  Broadway.     Friday. 

Drexler.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  P.;  1603  Van  Ness  Ave.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 

Dreyfuss,  Mrs.  C.  Miss  Minnie  F. :  606  Leavenworth. 

Drevpoleher.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm..  Miss  Emma;  632  Post.     Y\>dnesday. 

Drevpoleher.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  S.;  2010  Sutter.     1st  and  3d  Monday. 

Driffield.  V.  Carris;   1125  Leavenworth.     Sausalito. 

Droger,  Henry  C;  213  1-2  Post. 

Dross.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert:  1716  Pacific  Ave. 

Drown,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Albert  N..  Miss  Bernie,  Archer  C.  Willard  N.;  2550 
Jackson.     (Tel.  Steiner  1741.) 

Drucker.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  George  I.; Donohoe  Building.     (Tel.  South  784.) 

Drucker.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  August;  1422  Fulton.     3d  and  4th  Friday. 

Druffet.  Mrs.  Frank  H.;  1235  Hyde.     2d  and  4th  Thursday. 

Dubedat,  Eugene.  Edward:  2003  Franklin. 

Duboce,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Victor  D.;  1S35  Scott.     (Tel.  West  811.)     1st  Tuesday. 

Duckett.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C.  S.:   1703  Post.     Thursday. 

Duffy,  Mrs.  A.  M..  Miss,  James  W.:  1944  California.     Tuesday. 

Dugan,  Mrs.  Emma  F.,  Miss  Adela  E.,  Herbert  F..  Charles;  632  Sutter. 

Dudley,  Dr.  F.  W.:  Y.  M.  C.  A.  Building.     208  Mason. 

Duggan.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  B.,  Joseph  B.;  829  O'Farrell.     Tuesday. 

Dunbar.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Luis  Lane,  Stuart:  606  Sutter.  (Tel.  Main  5474.)  Fri- 
day.   Residence  Belvedere. 

Duisenberg.  Mrs.  M.,  Miss  A.  N..  Virginia  R.;  3216  Jackson.     Wednesday. 

Duncan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hilarion.  Miss  Marion:  1823  lurk.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 

Duncan.  James  H.;  399  Buena  Vista  Ave. 

Duncan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William:    1501   Jones. 

Dunn.  Dr.  Martin  J.:  Phelan  Building.    Residence  Berkeley. 

Dunn.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James,  Miss  Jane,  Miss  Polly.  Ritchie  L. :  1218  Hyde. 
1st  and  2d  Tuesday. 

Dunne,  Mrs.  Peter,  Peter  F..  Joseph  J.:    2111  Broderick.     (Tel.  West  406.) 

Dunning.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  P.:  2529  California.     (Tel.  West  63.) 

Dunphy,  Mrs.  William.  Miss  Jennie.  James  C:  2122  Washington.  (Tel. 
West  489.)    Cupertino. 

Dunphy.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  H,  Charles,  Robert.;  San  Mateo.     Tuesday. 

Dunsmuir,  Alexander;  Bohemian   Club.     Residence   Victoria,   B.  C. 

Dunsmuir,  James.    Residence  Victoria,  B.  C. 


Dupuy,  Rev.  E.  J.:  1110  Powell. 

Durand,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  A.,  Miss  Gabrielle;  503  Devisadero.  Tel. 
West  349.) 

Durbrow,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  K.,  Miss  Katharine,  Charles  J.;  1615  Washington. 

Durbrow,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Elbridge:  1706  Buchanan.     Friday. 

Durbrow,  Mrs.  Joseph.  Harry;   1124  Bush.     (Tel.  East  355.)     Thursday. 

Durden,  Miss  Florence  A.;  Hotel  St.  Nicholas. 

Durden,  Henry  S.;  1720  Union. 

Dutton.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  W.;  733  Bush.     (Tel.  East  533.) 

Dutard.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hyppolite;  2616  Buchanan.     (Tel.  Pine  2971.)     Friday. 

Dutton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Warren,  Warren:  1328  California. 

Dutton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel  E.,  Miss  Louise;  2511  Sacramento.  (Tel. 
West  402.)     Friday. 

Dutton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Win.  J.,  Miss  Mollie,  Miss  Gertrude,  Harry  S.,  Wm. 
Grayson;  952  Bush.     (Tel.  Sutter  2141.)     Thursday.     Sonoma." 

Du  Val.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  S.;  1012  Pine.     (Tel.  East  528.)     Thursday. 

Dwight.  Mrs.  C.  E.;  1104  Devisadero.     Friday. 

Dwyer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  R.,  Miss  Beatrice,  Richard  B.;  518  Devisadero. 
Wednesday.     Ricorda  Vista,  San  Gabriel. 

Dyer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Richard  W.,  Miss  Nettie,  George  H.,  R.  W.;  1613  Fill- 
more.    Tuesday. 

Eagan,  Maj.  and  Mrs.  C.  P.,  U.  S.  A.,  Charles  E. ;  1007  Leavenworth. 
Eagar,   Dr.   and   Mrs.   A.   T.,   Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  C;    1615   Lvon.     (Tel. 

Pine  531.)     2d  and  4th  Wednesday. 
Eagleson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  G. ;  Hotel  Savoy. 
Eagleson,  Robert;  824  Geary. 

Earl,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Daniel  W.,  Eugene;    2121  Laguna.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Earl,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  O.;  2440  Jackson. 

Earle,  Miss  Susan  A.,  Miss  C,  Miss  Nita;  Hotel  Bella  Vista.     Thursday. 
Earle,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  H.,  Miss  Helen  F.;  Miss  Louisa  D. ;  1720  O'Farrell. 
Eastland,  Mrs.  Joseph  G. ;  Palace  Hotel.     Monday.     Mill  Valley,  Marin  Co. 
Easton,  Mrs.  A.  M.;  915  Leavenworth.     Thursday.     Castle  Crag. 
Easton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ansel;  Residence  Millbrae,  Cal. 
Easton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Geo.,  George  D.,  Arthur;  2608  California.     (Tel.  West 

185.)     1st  and  3d  Tuesday. 
Easton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  W.;  1928  Sutter.     2d  and  4th  Thursday. 
Easton,  Langdon  C;  1906  Bush. 

Easton.  Mrs.  O.  W.,  Miss  E.  B. ;  1816  Steiner.     Tuesday. 
Easton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wendell;  2201   Scott.     (Tel.  West  557.)     Friday. 
Eaton,  Mr.  and  Mrs  F.  W.,  Lieut.  Ward;  Russell  L.;  1024  Pine.     (Tei.  East 

303.)     San  Mateo. 
Eaton,  Mrs.  Hester  A.;  1514  1-2  Pacific  Ave.     Thursday. 
Eaton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  R. ;  110  De  Long  Ave.     Friday. 
Ebbets,  Arthur  M.,  Miss,  Miss  Ann  E.,  Arthur  S.;   1401  Jones.     Tuesday. 
Eberh&rd,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Geo.  F. ;  832  Grove.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 
Ebner,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  Wendell;  1138  Fulton.     Thursday. 
Bckart,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  R.,  Miss,  W.  R.,  Jr.,  Charles  F.;  3014  Clay.     (Tel. 

West  66.)     1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Eckley,  Miss  Fanny;  Eckley  Station,  Contra  Costa  Co. 
Edelsten,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ernest,  Miss  Ernestine,  Miss  Olive;    2431    Larkin. 

Tuesday.     Los  Angeles. 

Eddy,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Earl  D.     Wednesday. 

Eddy,  ('apt.  and  Mrs.  R.  A.;  Palace  Hotel.     Monday. 

Edgerton,  .Mrs.  Francis  15.;  100]   Leavenworth.     (Tel.  Sutter  1061.) 

Edwards,  George  D. ;  1121   Laguna. 

Edwards,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  W.;   1105  Franklin.     2d  and  3d  Thursday. 


Edwards,    Mr.    and    Mrs.    John    G.,    Miss    Annette;    714    Broderick.     (Tel. 

Steiner  241.) 
Edwards.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  B.,  Elven  E. ;  317  Lyon.     (Tel.  Steiner  601.)     1st 

Tuesday.     Cazadero. 
Edwards,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William,  Wm.  M.  A.;  1407  Gough. 
Eells,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alexander  G.,  Hobart  K.;  1168  Haight. 
Eells,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  P.,  Miss;  Residence  Ross  Valley. 
Eells,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  S.,  Miss  Lulu  M.;  2508  Folsom. 
Eggers,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  H.;  1130  Eddy.     Friday.     Fresno. 
Eggers,  Mrs.  O.  A.;  312  Haight. 

Ehrman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph;  2511  Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  West  529.) 
Ehrman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.,  Sidney,  A.  L.,  Myer;  1823  Clay.     (Tel.  Sutter  205.) 
Ehrman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  W.;    2016  Van  Ness  Ave.     (Tel.  East  670.)     1st 

and  last  Friday. 
Eidenmueller,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  C;  630  Green.     (Tel.  Black  231.) 
Eisen,  Mrs.  Babette,  Miss  Ada,  Miss  Alice;  2014  Central  Ave.     1st  and  3d 

Friday.     Alameda.     San  Rafael. 
Eisen,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  E.  G.;  1323  Guerrero.     1st  and  3d  Thursday.    Mill  Valley. 
Eisenhuth,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  W.:  778  Clayton.     1st  Thursday. 
Eisner,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  S.;   1800  Pierce.     (Tel.  Pine  2521.)     Thursday. 
Elder,  R.  Bruce;  Hotel  St.  Nicholas.     Monday.     Cornwall,  N.  Y. 
Elder,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  Paul;  2715  Buchanan.     (Tel.  Pine  1561.)     Friday. 
Eldridge,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  R. ;  1415  Fulton.     Wednesday. 
Eldridge,  Oliver,  Miss;  615  Sutter.     (Tel.  Main  5482.) 
Elkus,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.,  Charles,  Edward  M. ;  2328  Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  Pine 

3861.)     Sacramento. 
Eliot,  Joseph  B. ;  Chronicle  Office. 

Ellert,  Hon.  and  Mrs.  L.  R.;  1015  Webster.     1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 
Ellicott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  W.;  Hotel  Richelieu.     Monday. 
Ellinwood,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C.  N.;  S.  E.  cor.  Pacific  Ave.  and  Devisadero.     (Tel. 

West  984.)     Tuesday. 
Elliott,  John;  134  Haight. 
Elliott,  Mrs.  W.  L.,  Miss  K.  B.,  Miss  Frances  V.,  Miss  Mary  B.,  George  B.; 

1827  Sacramento.     (Tel.  Hyde  61.)     Friday. 
Ellis,  Mrs.  Leila;  Miss  Rowland  B.;  836  Sutter.    Wednesday. 
Ellis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  T.;  Palace  Hotel.     Marysville,  Cal. 
Ellsworth,  Oliver;  Mills  Building.     Niles,  Cal. 
Ellsworth,  T.,  Miss;  411  Broderick. 
Elmore,  John  M. ;  828  Geary. 

Eloesser,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Arthur;  1808  Gough.     2d  and  4th  Thursday. 
Emanuel,  Mrs.  Lewis,  Joseph  L. ;  1916  Pacific  Ave. 

Emeric,   Mr.  and   Mrs.   Henry  F. ;  1115  Geary.     Thursday.     San  Pablo. 
Emery,  Rev.  and  Mrs.  John  A.;  130  Page.     (Tel.  Pine  441.) 
Emmal,  Joseph  B.,  The  Misses,  Joseph  B.  J.;  2663  Howard.     Alameda. 
Emmons,  Elmer  S.;  3714  Sacramento. 
Engelberg,   Mr.  and   Mrs.   E.  A.;    1429  Sacramento. 
English,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  F.;  2417  Howard.     (Tel.  Mission  85.) 
Erhardt,  Dr.  Paul  C:  504  Shrader. 

Eppinger,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Herman;  1707  Octavia.     (Tel.  Steiner  251.) 
Eppinger,   Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.,   I.  Peck;    2240  Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.   West  397.) 
Erskine,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Melville  C;  2623  California.     (Tel.  Steiner  3091.) 
Erskine,  W.  W.;  2530  Pine. 
Esberg,  Mrs.  M.,  Alfred  I.;  2211  Pacific  Ave. 
Espinosa.  Mrs.  J.  B..  Miss  N.;  2326  Clay. 

Estee,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Morris  M.,  Miss;  2291  Sacramento.     Friday. 
Ethell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  W. ;  726  Geary- 
Elthinger,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  B.;  1909  Van  Ness  Ave.     (Tel.  East  344.) 
Eustis,  D.  F.;  Hotel  Pleasanton. 


Evans,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  J.;  1832  Green.     2d  and  4th  Thursday. 

Evans.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chester  H.,  C.  Willard;  825  Capp.     Belvedere. 

Evans,  J.  W.:  1021  Market.     Residence  East  Oakland. 

Evans,   Judge   and    Mrs.    P.;   241C.    Washington.     Tel.    Pino    2771.)     2d.    3d 

(Tel.  South  686.) 
Everding,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John,  John,  Jr.;  2116  Mason. 

Ewell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edwin  Chapin;  16U5  Scott.     2d  and  4th  Wednesday. 
Ewing.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel  M.;   2907  Bush. 

Eyre.  Col.  and  Mrs.  E.  E.,  Miss  Mary,  Robert;  Palace  Hotel.     Menlo  Park. 
Eyre.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  L.;  Menlo  Park. 
Eyre,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Percy  P.     Menlo  Park. 

Faison,  Lieut.  S.  L.,  U.  S.  A.;  California  Hotel.     Beneeia  Barracks,  Cal. 

Fahnestock,  Mr.  Gates  D. ;  Pacific-Union  Club. 

Fagen,  Miss  Mabel  R. ;  427  Sutter. 

Falkenstein,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.,  Miss;  Hotel  Baltimore.     Monday. 

Fallon,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  J.;  432  Oak.     Thursday. 

Falls,  Mrs.  Dollie,  William  Frank:  The  Berkshire,  711  Jones.     Monday. 

Fargo,  Calvin  F. ;  Pacific-Union  Club. 

Farnham,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John,  Miss  Mary,  J.  Walter,  Frank  B.;  934  Union. 

Farnsworth,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  L..  Miss  Lotta,  Silas  B. ;  125  Golden  Gate  Ave. 

Farnsworth,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  P.;  3019  Washington.     (Tel.  West  393.) 

Farquharson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.,  Miss,  Charles  D.,  D.  F. ;  801  Van  Ness  Ave. 

Farrell,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  P.  J.  H.;  Palace  Hotel.     (Tel.  Grant  91.)     Monday. 

Farren,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  W.,  Miss,  Miss  Agnes,  John  W.,  Jr.,  Andrew  J.: 

500  Harrison.     2d  and  4th  Wednesday. 
Farnum,  Dr.  Charles  E.;  2536  Market.     (Tel.  Mission  149.) 
Faull,   Mrs.  John  A.,   Miss   Lulu,   Miss   Rose,   Miss   Sophie,   John   A.,   Jr.; 

St.  Helena. 
Faymonville,  Bernard:  2409  Broadway.     (Tel.  Steiner  1981.) 
Featherstone,  Mrs.  Mary,  Miss  Lillian;  Miss  Marion,  John  N.;   1805  Jones. 
Fechteler,  Lieut,  and  Mrs.  A.  F. ;  San  Rafael. 
Fehleisen,  Dr.  F.;  Hotel  Richelieu. 
Feist,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.;  Occidental  Hotel:  Monday. 
Feeney,  Miss  Mary;  2506  Fillmore.     3d  and  4th  Thursday. 
Feigenbaum,  Mrs.  B.,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lionel,  Julius;  505  Van  Ness  Ave.     2d 

and  3d  Wednesday. 
Feldmann.   Mr.   and   Mrs.   Louis,  Miss,   Miss   Tillie.   Louis,   Jr.;   641   Shot- 
well.     1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 
Felton,  Hon.  Charles  N.,  Charles  N.  Jr.:  Pacific-Union  Club.     Menlo  Park. 
Fennimore,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Watson  D.:  1430  Post.     (Tel.  Hyde  981.)     2d  and 

4th  Thursday. 
Ferguson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ernest  M.;  1104  Market. 
Ferral,  Judge  and  Mrs.  Robert;   2518  California.     Friday. 
Ferris,  John  W.,  Miss  H.;  917  Pine.     Thursday. 
Ferrer,  Mr.   and  Mrs.   Manuel   Y.,  Miss  Eugenie,   Miss   Amelia.   Alfred   J.. 

Richard.  Ferdinand;  1810  Pine.     Friday.     Guatemala. 
Ferry,  A.  C;  628  Sutter. 

Feuchtwanger,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  S.;  1720  Pine.     (Tel.  East  661.) 
Field,  George  R. ;  Hotel  Savoy. 

Field,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alfred   F...  Alfred  G.:  2733  Clay. 
Field,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  A.:   1407  Guerrero. 
Field,    Mr.    and    Mrs.    Hampton    S.,    Miss   Sallie.    Hamilton    S.;    Hotel    St. 

Nicholas.     2d  and  last  Tuesday. 
Field,  Dr.  Edna  R.,  Charles  L.;  1230  Geary.     (Tel.   Hyde  1  151.) 
Firben,  Rev.  Thomas;  1201  Taylor.     (Tel,  Sutter  1621.) 
Fife,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  S.;  1201  California.     (Tel.  East  276.)     Tuesday. 


Fillmore,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  A.,  Miss  Jessie;    Occidental  Hotel.     1st,  2d  and 

3d  Monday. 
Fileher,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  A..  Miss  Irma,  Auburn  C;  218  Turk. 
Filmer,  Mr.  William;  336  Jersey. 
Filmer,  Mr.  and  Airs.  John;  336  Jersey.     Thursday. 
Filmer.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  P.;  Tli'A  Pell.     Wednesday. 
Filmer.   Mr.   and   Mrs.  George;  714   Sanchez.     Thursday. 
Finger.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.;  504  Shrader. 
Finciley,  Mrs.  Thomas.  Miss  Mamie,  Miss  Edith,  Miss  Louise,  Frank  B.; 

1910  Gough.   .  Friday. 
Finley,  Mrs.  M.  J.,  Miss  Mary  C,  Miss  Jennie  C,  Peter  J.;  S.  E.  cor.  Fran- 
cisco and  Leavenworth.     2d  and  4th  Friday. 
Finnie,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  F.;  1907  Union.     (Tel.  Pine  3741.)     Friday. 
Firth,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  K. ;  724  Turk.     Wednesday. 
Fisk.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Arthur  G.;  700  Hayes.     1st  and  3d  Tuesday. 
Fish,  Mrs.  Jennie  F.,  Jerome  F.,  Henry:  2500  Pacific  Ave.  3d  and  4th  Friday. 
Fish,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  F. ;  Hotel  Bella  Vista.     Thursday. 
Fisher.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  A.,  Miss  Emma;  2230  Broadway.     (Tel.  Stei- 

ner  421.)     1st  and  2d  Friday.     Del  Monte. 
Fisher,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  E..  Miss  Josie.  Miss  Flora,  Miss  Clarissa;  2628 

California.     Thursday. 
Fisher,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  H..  Miss  Kate.  Edward;  310  San  Jose  Ave. 
Fisher,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Philip  I.;  1610  Washington.     (Tel.  Hyde  611.) 
Fisher,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Will  E.;  1210  Sutter.     (Tel.  Sutter  311.)     2d  and  4th 

Tuesday.     Santa  Rosa. 
Fiske,  Dr.  and  Mrs.   Henry  M.,  Mrs.  R.  G.;    2100  Bush.     (Tel.  West  132) 
Fitch,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  H.;  1528  Clay. 
Fitch,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  K .,  Miss:  703  Bush.     Thursday 
Fitch,  Mrs.  H.  A.;  1326  Washington. 
Fitzgibbon,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Maurice;  2007  Howard. 
Fitzgibbon,  Dr.  James  G.;  638  Valencia. 
Fitzgibbon.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Gerald  J.,  Miss  Marcella,  Miss  Lizzie-  204  Haight 

(Tel.  West  435.) 

Fitzhugh,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  M.;  2519  Broadway.     (Tel.  West  445)     1st  and 

3d  Friday. 
Fitzgerald.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  L:  2821   Pine.     Thursday.     Berkeley 
Fitzgerald.  General  and  Mrs.  W.  F.,  Miss  Helen  Knapp;   2226  California 

Thursday.     Sacramento. 
Fitzsimmons,  Colonel  and  Mrs.  W.  C;  Hotel  Bella  Vista.     Thursday. 
Flack.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  D.,  Miss  Minnie;  2900  Folsom.     Thursday 
Flagg.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  C,  Miss  Enid:  The  Berkshire.  711  Jones.     Monday 
Flaglor.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Amasa  P.,  Miss  Lillie,  Miss  Blanche.  Frank  A  ■  326 

Haight.     Wednesday. 
Fleishha.  ker.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.,  Herbert,  Mortimer;  2110  California      (Tel 

West   107.) 
Fleishman,  Mrs.  B.  M.,  .Miss.  Frederick,  Samuel  G.;  726  Grove      (Tel   West 

776.)     2d  and  4th  Friday. 

Flesher.    Dr.   and  Mrs.   F.   G.;   666   Haight.     (Tel.   East   101  )     2d    and   4th 

Fletcher.  Artemus  T.:  1020  Pine. 
Fletcher,  David  M.;  1630  Octavia. 

Fletcher,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas:  218  Noe.     2d  and  4th  Monday 
Flint,  Mr.  and   Mrs.  B.  P.,  Miss:    1121    Hyde.     (Tel.   Sutter  591  )     1st  and 

3d  Thursday.     Santa  Cruz. 
Flood.  Alvah  H.,  Miss  R.  Nina,  Dr.  A.  M..  Fred  H.;  9  Beaver 
Flood.   Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  W.;   508  Webster. 

Flood.  Mrs.  J.  C.  Miss  Jennie:  1010  California.  (Tel.  East  230.)  Menlo  Park 
Flood,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  L;  1010  California.     (Tel.  East  230.)     Mma    Cal' 


Flournoy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John;  1829  Clay.  (Tel.  Sutter  921.)  2d  and  4th 

Floyd,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.;  2515  Sacramento.     Wednesday. 

Flynn.   Mr.   Thomas  E.;   513   Market. 

Foley,  Edward  T.;  Alameda. 

Foley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  J.;  110  De  Long  Ave.,  Ashbury  Heights.    2d  Monday. 

Folger.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Daniel  W. ;  1916  Franklin. 

Follis,  Mr.  R.  H.,  Miss  Lillian,  Clarence,  Fred  F.,  James  H.;  2230  Wash- 
ington.    (Tel.  West  789.)     Thursday.     San  Rafael. 

Folsom,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Albert;  2918  Sacramento.     Wednesday. 

Folsom,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  A.;  1509  Jackson.     Thursday. 

Folsom,  George  S.;  Cosmos  Club. 

Folsom,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  T. ;  Hotel  Bella  Vista.     2d  and  4th  Thursday. 

Folsom,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  R. ;  Hotel  Bella  Vista.     Thursday.     Sausalito. 

Fonda,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  P. ;  3714  Sacramento.     2d  and  4th  Thursday. 

Fonda,  Wm.  T.,  Miss  Bessie,  Henry  S.;  3011  Sacramento. 

Fontana,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  J.,  Miss  Maggie  M.,  Mark  E.,  Ronald  D.;  745 
Francisco.     (Tel.  Main  5764.) 

Foorman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.,  I.  S.;  2022  California.     (Tel.  Pine  3751.) 

Foote,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  S.;  2129  Green.     (Tel.  West  170.)     1st  and  2d  Friday. 

Foote,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  S.,  Jr.;  1921  Sacramento. 

Foote,   General   Lucius  H.;    Bohemian   Club. 

Forbes,  Mrs.  Alexander,  Miss  Kate,  Miss  Edith;  2604  Jackson.     San  Rafael. 

Forbes,  Andrew  B.,  Cleveland;  29  Essex.     (Tel.  Main  1118.) 

Forbes,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Stanly;  2614  Scott.     Friday. 

Ford,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alfred  B.     Wednesday.     "Fairseat,"  San  Mateo. 

Ford,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  W.  R.     Los  Angeles. 

Ford,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Tirey  L.;  1503  Steiner.  (Tel.  Pine  1261.)  2d  and 
4th  Wednesday. 

Forman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  B. ;  2010  Washington.     (Tel.  Steiner  521.) 

Foreman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.;  1514  Jones.     Thursday. 

Forman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Sands  W.,  Miss;  Occidental  Hotel.     Monday. 

Forrest,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  D..  Miss  M.  L. ;  1525  Golden  Gate  Ave.     Tuesday. 

Forster,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edwin  L.,  Miss  Florence  Claire;  2325  Howard.  1st 
and  3d  Friday.     Belvedere. 

Forst,  Ernst  H.;  2303  Devisadero. 

Fortmann,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  F.;   1007  Gough.     (Tel.  Pine  2751.) 

Fottrell,  Dr.  M.  J.:  2217  Fillmore.  (Tel.  West  734.) 

Forsyth.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert;  1304  Leavenworth.     (Tel.  Sutter  1931.) 

Forsyth,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  C;  1316  Fulton.     Wednesday. 

Forsyth,  General  James  W.,  U.  S.  A.;  Pacific-Union  Club. 

Fortriede,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry;  919  Howard.     Wednesday. 

Foster,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Arthur  W.     Friday.    Fair  Hill,  San  Rafael. 

Foster,  George  H.,  Miss.;  1st  and  3d  Friday.     San  Rafael. 

Foster,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Newton  H. ;  209  Walnut.     (Tel.  West  774.) 

Foster,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.;  Hotel  Pleasanton.     Monday. 

Foulks,  Mrs.  Margaret,  George  H.,  William  C;  811  Pine. 

Foulkes,  Mrs.  M.  K.,  Miss  May,  Miss  Margaret,  Dr,  William  B. ;  2500  Wash- 
ington.   (Tel.  Pine  2541.) 

Foute,  Rev.  and  Mrs.  R.  C,  George  de  K. ;  2123  California.     Tuesday. 

Fowler,  William  Hy.  C;  1118  Leavenworth. 

Fox,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  M.;   2933  Jackson.     Thursday. 

Fox,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C.  W.;  Baldwin  Hotel.     Monday. 

Francis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  B.;  Palace  Hotel.     Monday. 

Francis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  M.,  Miss  Mildred,  Miss  Ethel;  1st  Monday. 

Frank,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  A.;  2001  Van  Ness  Ave.     (Tel.  East  380.)     Friday. 

Frank,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  P.     Portland,  Or. 

Frank,  M.  E.;  1613  Scott. 


Frank.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Win.;  1910  Washington.     Friday. 

Frank.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis  J.:  Palace  Hotel:   Monday. 

Franks.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George.     The  Colonial.     2d  and  3d  Wednesday. 

Fraser.  Dr.  E.  J..  Miss  Emma;  S23B  Sutter. 

Frazier.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  L.;  1902  Broderick.     (Tel.  West  752.) 

Fratinger.  Mrs.  A.  M.;  817  Eddy.     Wednesday. 

Frazer.  Dr.  '1  homas;   the  Berkshire.  711  Jones. 

Freeman.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  C:  3034  Washington. 

Freeman.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  M.:   2610  California.     (Tel.  Pine  971.) 

Freeman.   Mr.   and    Mrs.   Allen   G. :   Palace   Hotel.     Monday. 

Fredericks,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  E.:  The  Baldwin.     Sausalito. 

Fredericks.  Mr.  Joseph.  Miss  Ada:  606  Sutler.     Monday. 

Fredrick.  Dr.  M.  W.:  131  Post. 

Fredrick.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.:      2506  California.     1st  Tuesdav. 

Freese.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  C:  S12  Fell.    1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 

French.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  J..  Frank  S.,  Harold:  1617  Jackson.     Friday. 

French.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Hayes  C.  Miss  Vida  C:  63$  Twenty-first.     Friday. 

French.  Mrs.  S..  Miss.  Miss  Alice.  M;ss  Ida.  Walter  E.:  1S11   Pine. 

French.  Mrs.  J.  M     Miss  Rietta.  Goerge  L.:  332  Haight.    1st.  3d  Thursday. 

Fretwell.   Mr.   and   Mrs.  Edwin;    2112   Green. 

Freud.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Richard.  Martin  Hayes:  93S  Geary.     Monday. 

Friedlander.  Miss  Fannie.  Miss  May.  T.  Cary:  1913  Clay.     (Tel.  West  36.) 

Friedlander.  S.  H..  Miss  Alice  G.:  2olS  Buchanan.     (Tel  Fine  25510     Monday 

Friedlander.  Joseph:  916  Bush. 

Fried  rich.  Robert  A.;  Union  League  Club. 

Friele.  Capt.  and  Mrs.  D.  E. :  Palace  Hotel.     Monday.     Steamer  Peru. 

Friend.  Mrs.  A.  C:   24o5  Octavia.     (Tel.  West  290.) 

Fries.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William:  1S14  Washington.     (Tel.  East  3S3.)     Friday. 

Frink.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  W. :  Hotel  Pleasanton.     Tuesday. 

Frink.   Dr.    and   Mrs.    George   K.:    47   Post.     Tuesday. 

Fritz.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Eugene  X..  Miss  Dollie:  100  Frederick.  1st  and  2d  Tues. 

Frisbie.  Dr.  Edward  G.:  1922  Sutter.     (Tel.  West  387.) 

Froelich.  Christian:  Pacific-Union  Club. 

Frolich.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Theodore  H.:  146  Fulton. 

Frost.    Mrs.   A.   W.:    1S22    Pine.     Wednesday. 

Frost.  Alfred  S.:  1223  O'Farrell. 

Frowenfeld.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.:  2411  Jackson.     (Tel.  West  737.) 

Fry.  Colonel  and  Mrs.  J.  D.:  1812  Jackson.     (Tel.  East  1.)     Friday. 

Fry.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert:  2510  Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  West  477.1     Wednesday 

Fry.  Willis  B.:  231  Crocker  Building. 

Fuendeling.  Rev.  Edward  J.:  705  Bush.     (Tel.   USD 

Fugazi.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  F. :    5  Montgomery  Ave. 

Fulda.  Mrs.  Caroline.  C.  Edward:  170S  Sacramento. 

Fulda.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  R.:  102  Ellis.     (Tel.  South  308.) 

Fuller.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  H.:  2020  Point  Lobos  Ave. 

Fuller,  Mrs.  Margaret  H..  Miss  Xellie.  Miss  Bertha.  F.  W. :  S39  O'Farrell. 

Fuller.  Colonel  and  Mrs.  Jesse  B. :  California  Hotel.     Res.  Marysville,  Cal. 

Fuller.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  P.:  839  O'Farrell.     (Tel.  East  80.)  " 

Fuller.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  George  W. :   2306  California.     (Tel.  Pine  2931.) 

Fulton.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William:  241 8  Washington.     1st  and  3d  Friday 

Fullerton.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  W.:  528  Eddy. 

Funge.  W.  W..  Jr.:  72"  Hayes. 

Gabbs.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Milton  F. :  2519B  California.     1st  and  3d  Thursday 
Gagin.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  H.:  1119  Hyde. 

Gage.  Mr.  William  S..  William  S..  Jr.:  822  Bush.     (Tel.  Sutter  951.) 
Gallatin.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Albert.  Albert.  Jr.:  X.  W.  cor.  Jackson  and  Scott. 
(Tel.  West  51.)     1st  and  3d  Friday. 


Gallick,  Mrs.  F.,  Miss  Freda;  414  Buchanan.     Wednesday. 

Galloway,  Mrs.  W..  Miss  Martha,  \Vm.  T.;  2203  Devisadero.     (Tel.  West  122.) 

uallwey,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  John;  1331  Leavenworth.     (Tel.  East  574.)     1st  and 

2d  Thursday. 
Galpin,  Mr.  ana  Mrs.  Philip  G.     Wednesday.     Berkeley. 
Galvm,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  J.:  299  Hyde.    (Tel.  Hyde  1381.)    Wednesday. 
Galvan  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas;  Hotel  Langham.     2d  and  4th  Thursday. 
Gamble,  James  M. ;  919  Valencia. 

Gamble,  Mrs.   Sara  B.;    Van  Ness  Seminary;   1849  Jackson.     Thursday. 
Gambitz,  Mrs.  K.,  Miss  Natalie,  Miss  Lillie,  Dr.  Milton  R.;  1427  Oak. 
Ganz,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.;   1400  Sutter.     (Tel.  East  374.) 
Garber,  Judge  Eugene  R. ;  Palace  Hotel. 
Gardet,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Victor;  1513  Webster.     1st  Tuesday. 
Gardner,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  M.;  2512  Washington.     (Tel.  West  677.) 
Gardner,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Robert;  612  Steiner.     (Tel.  Pine  3651.)     Friday. 
Gamage,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jule  C;  33  Pleasant  Ave.     4th  Tuesday. 
Gantner,  Mrs.  Nanetta,  J.  Oscar,  Frederick;  1220  O'Farrell. 
Gassner,  L.;  224  1-2  O'Farrell. 
Gedge,  Dr.  H.  E.;  1122  Jackson. 

Gercke,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William,  The  Misses,  Fritz;  1001  California. 
Gesford,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  C;   1810  Eddy.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 
Gilliam,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Reuben  Ferdinand;  1301  Sacramento.     Friday. 
Garnett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis  A.,  William  H.,  Edgar  M.,  K.  Porter;  35  Essex. 
Garniss,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  R.;  1224  Pine.     (Tel.  Sutter  231.)     Thursday. 
Garratt,  Mr.   and   Mrs.  Benjamin  F.;    1307   Guerrero. 
Garratt,  Mrs.  W.  T.,  Milton  D.   (Oakland),  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  T.,  Jr.; 

1720  Washington.     Monday. 
Garwood,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  William  T.;   301  Sutter.     (Tel.  Grant  505.) 
Gaudin,  Fred;  1322  Webster. 

Gauld,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  G.;  2901  Jackson,  Tuesday. 
Gavigan,  Dr.  W.  James;  28  Geary. 
Gedge,  Dr.  Donald  Mc;  1222  Pine.     (Tel.  East  295.) 
Gehrels,  Miss  Etta;  102  Bartlett.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 
Gerald,  E.  F. ;  Pacific  Union  Club.    Residence,  1524  Chestnut,  Alameda. 
Gerberding,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Albert;  2815  Scott.     (Tel.  Pine  811.)     Friday. 
Gere,  Dr.  and  Mrs,  George  G.;  310  Scott.     (Tel.  Steiner  101.)     Wednesday. 
Gerst,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.,M  iss  Maybelle;  1400  McAllister.    (Tel.  West  35.)    1st 

and  3d  Thursday.     Livermore. 
Gerstle,  Mr.  and   Mrs.  William   L. ;   2100  Washington.     Friday. 
Gerstle,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L,  Miss  Bella  F.;  1517  Van  Ness  Ave.     (Tel.  East  311.) 

Friday,  except  1st.     "Violet  Terrace,"  San  Rafael. 
Gerstle,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Marcus  L. ;  2100  Washington.     Friday. 
Getz,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph,  Barry;  930  Ellis.    2d  Friday. 
Getz,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis,  Miss  Maud,  Miss  Daisy,  Miss  Lillian  R.,  Milton  E. ; 

1105  Laguna. 
Ghisselin,  Dr.  James  T.;  Occidental  Hotel. 
Gibbons,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Henry,  Jr.,  Miss,  Miss  Margery,  Mr.  Morton  R.;  920 

Polk.     1st,  2d  and  3d  Mondays. 
Gibbs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  E.,  Miss  Mary  P.,  Miss  Lena  I.,  Miss  Helen, 

Miss  Virginia,  George;    833  Post.     Tuesday. 
Gibbs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  V.  S.,  Miss  Martha.  Harry  T.;  722  Post.     San  Rafael. 
Gibbs,  Mrs.  F.  A.;  431  Bartlett.     (Tel.  Mission  116.)     1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 
dibits,  Mrs.  George  W.;  2622  Jackson.     (Tel.  Pine  1451.)     Wednesday. 
Oibbs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Stacy  Wilbur;  2116  Central  Ave.     Tuesday. 
Gibson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  A.;  647  Haight.     2d  and  4th  Thursday. 
Gibson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  D.  K.;  327  Market.     Residence  Fruitvale. 
Gibson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  F. ;  912  Dolores. 
Giesting,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  G.,  Miss  Lavinia;  1928  Pine.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 


Gilliland.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Adam.     Tuesday.     Residence  Fruitvale. 

Gillette.  .Mrs.  Mary;  The  Berkshire,  711  Jones.  Monday. 

Gillespie.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  \Y.  W.:   1800  O'Farrel.     Tuesday. 

Gilmore.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  H..  Miss:  2032  Bush.     Monday. 

Gilson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Livingston.     Palace  Hotel.     Monday. 

Girvin.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Richard  D.:  Hotel  Richelieu.     Residence  Menlo  Park. 

Giselman.  Mr.  and   Mrs.   Win.  A..  Miss  Grace  A.:  1720  Golden  Gate  Ave. 

(Tel.  Pine  851.)     2d  and  4th  Thursday. 
Giusti.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  J.:  161S  Fell    (Tel.  Steiner  3631.)     Thursday. 
Glaser.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  F.:   1001  Bush.     2d  and  4th  Wednesday. 
Glass,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis;  Miss  Frances:  Richard:  1415  Jones.    Thursday. 
Glenn,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alexander  G.:  Fruitvale.     Tuesday. 
Glenn,  John  Q.:  215  Market.     Residence  Fruitvale. 
Goad.  William  F.:  Miss  M.  Aiieen:    Miss    Genevieve:  Miss    Harriet:  2000 

Washington,  cor.  Gough.     (Tel.  West  S2.I     Wednesday. 
Godfrey.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  H.:  1312   Leavenworth.     Tuesday. 
Godley".  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Montgomery:  Jesse:  Philip  L.:  Montgomery.  Jr.;  1818 

Sacramento.     (Tel.  Sutter  1221.)     Thursday. 
Goewey.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  M.:  Miss  Gertrude:  Charles  H.:  Frank  B.:  J. 

Monroe:  300  Page.     (Tel.  Steiner  1321.     Tuesday.     Monterey. 
Golcher.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  C:  105  Broderick. 

Golcher.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  J.:  Miss:  712  Cole.     1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 
Goldberg.  Mr.  and   Mrs.  J.:  1807  Broadway.     iTel.  West   851.) 
Goldman.   Mrs.  Hattie;    1203  Devisadero. 

Goldstone.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  B.:   414  Buchanan.    Wednesday. 
Gonzalez.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  B..  Louis  G.,  Antone  G.:  1122  OFarrell.     Thurs. 
Goodall.  Capt.  and  Mrs.  Charles:    Miss  Tinnie:  Harry  W.:  S.  E.  cor.  Mc- 
Allister and  Pierce.     (Tel.  West  S54.>    San  Mateo. 
Gooding.  Mrs.  M.  A.:  Wednesday.     San  Carlos.  San  Mateo  Co. 
Goodloe.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Paul  T.:  121'!  Jackson. 
Goodman,  T.  H.:  Hotel  St.  Nicholas.     Del.  Monte. 

Goodrich.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Elliott  D.:    Hotel  Savoy.     2nd  and  3d  Monday. 
Gordon.  Cutbert  P.:  1714  Clay. 
Gordon.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Philip  K.:  170S  Octavia. 
Gorham.  Daniel:  1621  Clay.     (Tel.  Sutter  22S1.) 
Gorham.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wesley  T.:  1>24  Vallejo.     Friday. 
Goss.  Dr.  Alice  M.:  741  Sutter.     (Tel.  East  421.) 
Gottlob.  J.  J..  Miss  Annie  F..  Joseph:  3  1-4  Monroe.     3d  Tuesday. 
Gould.  Mai.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  O. :  Miss  Carrie  L.:    Harry    Folsom:  904    Van 

Ness  Ave.     (Tel. East  476.)  Tuesday.     Arcadia.  Glenwood. 
Gove,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Andrew  J.:  Miss  Alice:  Wm.  R.:  925  Vallejo. 
Graham.  Mrs.  A.  B.:  Miss  Bessie:  Edward  Y.:  Harry  B.;  The  Renton.  712 

Graham.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chalmers  A.:  132  Castro.     Thursday. 
Graham.  Donald  de  V.:  Bohemian  Club,  or  1105  Hydp. 
Graham.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  D. :  109  De  Long  Ave. 
Graham.  Miss  Laura  H.:  1132  Jackson.     Wednesday. 
Graham.  Dr.  Gilbert  F.;  609  Sutter. 
Graham.  Harrington.  B.:  600  Bush. 
Graham.  Alexander  E.:  Berkeley. 

Graham.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  D.:   2127  Bush.     Wednesday. 
Granniss.  Col.  and  Mrs.  George  W.:  2611  Pacific  Ave.    Wednesday. 
Grant,  Angus  A.:  Daniel  G.:  Palace  Hotel. 

Grant.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Adam:  Joseph  D.:  1112  Bush.     (Tel.  East  356.)    Thurs. 
Grant.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  \\\:  Mis-  Fannie:  Charles  F. :  2nl7  Lyon.     (Tel. 

West  365.)     Thursday.     Mill  Valley. 
Grant.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  F.:  N.  K.  cor.  Bush  and  Jones.     Thursday. 
Grant.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  M.:  Miss  Mabel ■  2847  Fillmore.     1st  and  3d  Thurs. 


Grant,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William;  2216  Steiner.     (Tel.  Steiner  2211.) 

Grant,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  C;  Miss  Mary;  212  Pine.     "El  Nido",  Napa  Valley. 

Gran,  Professor  and  Mrs.  L.  H.;  35  Eleventh.     Monday. 

Graves,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  C;  Jefferson  James;  Walker  C,  Jr.;  Rector  C; 
2131  Howard.     2d  and  4th  Wednesday.     Fresno. 

Graves,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hiram  T.;  1424y2  Park  St.,  Alameda. 

Gray,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Clarence  Harlow;  Oakland.    1st  and  3d  Monday. 

Gray,  Edward  P.;  2212  Hyde. 

Gray,  George  E.;  Miss  Anna;  George  Vernon;  1115  Bush.     (Tel.  Sutter  191.) 

Gray,  George  F. ;  825  California.     (Tel.  Black  2191.) 

Gray,  Mrs.  Henry,  Miss  Helen,  Henry;  717  Fillmore.     Friday. 

Gray,  James  L. ;  534  Bush. 

Gray,  John  H.;  122  Scott. 

Gray,  Richard;  236  San  Jose  Avenue. 

Gray,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Edward;  2506  Clay. 

Gray,  Capt.  William  J.;  2417  Pacific  Avenue. 

Gray,  Mrs.  Matthias;  1108  Green.    Friday. 

Gray,  M.  King;  U.  S.  A.,  Presidio. 

Gray,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  S.;   "'Sceine  Tract",  Berkeley. 

Green,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  E.;  2601  Fillmore.     (Tel.  West  166.) 

Green,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred  H.;  res.  Sausalito.    Monday. 

Green,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  E.;  1719  McAllister.     (Tel.  West  799.) 

Green,  Mrs.  Julia  B.;  The  Berkshire,  711  Jones.    Monday. 

Green,  Mrs.  Duff;  Miss  Floride;  Hotel  Bella  Vista.     Thursday. 

Green,  Gen.  and  Mrs.  William  S.,  Miss  Rae;  808  Van  Ness  Ave.     Friday. 

Greenbaum,  Mrs.  S.,  Miss  I.,  Miss  A.,  William  L.,  Dr.  Lawrence;  1026  Ellis. 
Tuesday.    Napa  Soda  Springs. 

Greenblatt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.;  847  Golden  Gate  Ave. 

Greene,  Gen.  Oliver  D.,  U.  S.  A.;  Pacific  Union  Club. 

Greenebaum,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alfred;  1617  Vallejo.     (Tel.  Hyde  131.)     Friday. 

Greenebaum,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Emil;  1914  Pacific  Ave. 

Greenebaum,  M.  and  Mrs.  Jacob;   Miss  Millie;  Miss  Alice;  2100  Van  Ness 
Ave.     (Tel.  East  440.) 

Greenebaum,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Sis.;  Miss  May  B.;  Leon  S.;  1806  Pacific  Ave. 
(Tel.  East  30.)     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 

Greenebaum,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William:  S.  W.  cor.  California  and  Gough. 

Greenlaw,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Mayo  A.:  819  Market.     2d  and  4th  Thursday. 

Greenway.  Edward  M.:  50  Nevada  Block  or  Hotel  Pleasanton. 

Greenwood,  Fred.  A.;  Bohemian  Club. 

Greer,  Miss  Anna  P.:   Miss  Mary  M.;   1216  Hvde.     Tuesday. 

Greer,  Robert  P.:  1634  Sacramento.     St.  Louis.  Mo. 

Gregoire,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis;  816  Capo.    Tuesday. 

Gregory,  Mrs.  J.  N. :  2012  Broad wa v.     (Tel.  Steiner  3221.)     Sausalito. 

Gregory!  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  E.:  666  Haight.     2d  and  4th  Wednesday. 

Hreven,  Joseph:  122  Murphv  Buildine.  1236  Market. 

Griffith.  Mrs.  Millen;  Miss  Jennie:  Miss  Carrie;  Miss  Alice;  569  Harrison. 

Orim,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alonzo  M. ;  3026  Washington. 

Griswold,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Norman  W.;  Miss;  H.  Watson;  Malvern  Hill,  Ken- 
wood, Sonoma  Co. 

Gross,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Carl  C;  1835  Sacramento.     1st  and  2nd  Friday. 

Grossman,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  E.  G.;  1310  Page.    4th  Tuesday. 

Grow,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  A.;  2510  Fillmore.     (Tel.  Steiner  901.)    Friday. 

Grubb,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  I.  R.  D.;  2127  Broderick.     (Tel.  West  800.)     Monday. 

(huenhagen,  Mr.  C.  H.;  Miss  Charlotte;  Miss  Alberta;  2312  Gough.    Thurs. 

Gruenhagen,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  G.;  The  Stewart.     Thursday. 

Grunsky,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  E.;  3006  Clay.     2d  and  4th  Friday. 

Gump,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Gustav;  3014  Washington.     (Tel.  West  278.) 

Gump,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Solomon,  Alfred  S.,  Abraham  L.;  1224  Geary.     Tuesday. 


Gundlach,  Miss;  Miss  Bertha;  Henry  R.;  125  Chestnut.     (Tel.  Main  1889.) 

2d  and  3d  Wednesday.     Rhinefarm,  Sonoma. 
Gunn,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Benjamin  M.;  2511  Scott.     2d  and  4th  Friday. 
Gunn,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  O'B.;  1833  Clay.     (Tel.  West  318.)     Friday. 
Gunnison,  A.  J.;  1603  Van  Ness  Ave. 

Gutcher.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William,  Miss  Gladye,  Mildred;   1522  Geary. 
Gutte,  Isador;  217  Leavenworth.     Yacht  Chrispa,  Sausalito. 
Guyett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Rod.  G.;   1104  Devisadero.     Friday. 
Gutzkow.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick;  18  Columbia  Square.    Wednesday. 
Gwin,  Mrs.  M.  E.,  Miss  Carrie;  1450  Sacramento.     (Tel.  East  120.) 
Gwin.  Alexander  M.;  505  Post. 
Gwin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  M.;  Miss  Mary  Belle;  2268  Franklin.    Wednes. 

Hass,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George:  Miss  Maud;  George  W.;  612  Ellis.    1st  Wednes. 

Hass,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William:  2007  Franklin.     (Tel.  West  266.) 

Habenicht,  Mi-,  and  Mrs.  F.,  Miss  Emma,  Miss  Lulu,  George  N.;   1321  Pine. 

(Tel.  East  511.)     Wednesday. 
Hadenfeldt.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles:  The  Misses;  H.  D.;  922  Fillmore.    Wed. 
Hadley,  Mr.  and  Mr.  Frederick  W. ;  518  Capp. 
Hagar,  George;  Colusa,  Cal. 

Hager,  Mrs.  John  S. ;  Miss;   Miss  Alice;  Miss  Ethel;  1815  Gough.     Wednes. 
Haggin,  Mr.  James  B. ;  Mills  Building.     New  York. 
Haggin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis  T. ;  Residence  Oakland. 
Haile,  Richard  C:  Davis  R.;  2207  Post. 

Haight.  Mr.  Henry  H.;   206  Sansome.     Residence  Oakland. 
Haight,  Mrs.  W.  A.;  710  Leavenworth.     (Tel.  Hyde  1961.) 
Haines,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Byron  W.;  Occidental  Hotel.     2d  and  4th  Monday. 
Haker,  William:   Miss  Susie;  William,  Jr.:  2117  California. 
Haldan.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  B.:  1523  Sacramento.     (Tel.  East  137.)   Thurs. 
Hale,  Mrs.  J.  P.;  Occidental  Hotel.    Monday.     Mountain  Veiw. 
Hale,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  O.  A.;  California  Hotel,     res.  San  Jose. 
Hale,  Mrs.  Prudence  D. ;  Prentis  C. ;   Rueben  B.;  2308  Washington. 
Hale,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  J.;   1408  Golden  Gate  Ave.     (Tel.  West  813.)     Thurs. 
Hall,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cofran  I.;  1143  Valencia. 
Hall.  George  E.  P.;  1911  Webster.     Burlingame. 
Hall,  Mrs.  Charles  O. ;  Maurice  A.:  1911  Webster.     Burlingame. 
Hall,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  A.;  428  Ellis.    (Tel.  Hyde  1651.)     1st  and  3d  Wed. 
Hall,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  E. :  The  Colonial. 

Hall.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  C;  3412  Washington.     (Tel.  West  67.)     Wednesday. 
Hall,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Milton  R.:  3007  Jackson.    2d  and  3d  Friday. 
Hall,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  H.:  Miss  Anna  H.;  324  Haight.    Redlands,  Cal. 
Hall,  Mrs.  Charles  0.,  George  E.  P.,  Mr.  Maurice;   1911  Webster. 
Hallett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  H  ;  Palace  Hotel.    Monday. 
Hallett.  William  H.:  Palace  Hotel. 

Hallidie.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  S.:  1032  Washington.     (Tel.  West  1056.) 
Halsey,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.;  2421  Washington. 
Halsey,  Mr.  A.:  Miss  C;  1298  Van  Ness  Avenue. 
Halsted,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  L. ;  James  L.,  Jr.:  John  B.:  1104  Fulton. 
Halsted.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William:  1102  Fulton.     Wednesday. 
Hamilton.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alexander.  Miss,  Miss  Edna.  William  H,  J.  Ral- 

ton;  2609  California. 
Hamilton,  Claude  T.;  Cosmos  Club.     "The  Hutch,"  Sausalito. 
Hamilton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  F. ;  Hay  wards,  Cal. 
Hamilton,  James  T. ;  914  Broderick. 
Hamilton.  Judge  and   Mrs.  Noble;    .Miss  Nettie;  Mr.  and   Mrs.  Edwin  H. ; 

1317  Octavia.     Friday.     Sausalito. 
Hamilton,  Mrs.  Robert  M.;  Miss;  Miss  Leila;  Alexander;  Robert.  Jr.;   1015 

California.     (Tel.  Main  735.)     Tuesday. 




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that  "  AMERICAN  "  biscuits  are 
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Hamilton.   Mr.   and   Mrs.   William,    Miss  Mabel  Claudia.   William  T.;   504 

Baker.    Friday. 
Hamilton.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  B.:  1420  Post. 
Hamlin.  Miss  Sarah  D.:  1849  Jackson.     1st  Thursday. 
Hammer.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick  H.:  110  Guerrero.    Wednesday. 
Hammer.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  H.:  203:'  Sacramento.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Hammersley.  George  H.:  1312  Pine. 

Hammersmith.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  A.:   2830  Bush.    1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Hare.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Elias  C. :  Miss  Eva:   510  San  Jose  Ave. 
Harkness,  Dr.  Harvey  W. ;  Pacific  Union  Club. 
Harlan.  Mrs.  M.  J.:   Miss  Laura  M.;  Fred  F.:   Occidental  Hotel. 
Harmes.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  T.:  Miss  Belle:  Oak  Knoll.  Sausalito.    Friday. 
Harmon.  Edward  X.:  San  Mateo. 

Harmon.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel  H.:  Occidental  Hotel.     Monday. 
Hammon.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  H.:  31  Scott.     Thursday. 
Hammond.  John:  Miss  Emily  S.;   Manton  E.:   714  Geary. 
Hammond.  Rev.  John  D.:  1037  Market.     Berkelev. 

Hammond.  Gen.  Richard  P.:  Bohemian  Club:   833  Bush.     San  Rafael. 
Hancock.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  J.:  928  Broderick.     Tuesday. 
Hanify.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  R.:   Mis-;:  H.:  2314  Devisadero.     Tuesday. 
Hanlon.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  F. :  1627  Tackson.     Tuesdav. 
Hanlon.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D..  Miss  E..  Miss  J..  D.  M.:  1027  Jackson.     Tuesday. 
Hanlon.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  F. :   2903  Folsom.     Fruitvale. 
Hanlon.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  D. :  315  Cherry.    Thursday. 
Hannigan.  Rev.  J.  B.:  1100  Franklin. 

Hanson.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  George  F.:  2534  Mission    (Tel.  Blue  501.)     Thursday. 
Hanson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles:   1208  Van  Ness  Ave.     (Tel.  Sutter  1721.) 
Hansen.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  R.:  Charles  R..  Jr.:  110%  Geary.     (Tel.  485.) 
Haraszthy.  Arpad.:  Charles  J.:  1917  Webster.    Esparto.  Yolo  Co. 
Harcourte.  James  M.:  420  California. 
Harding.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  T.:  905  Sutter.     Wednesday. 

Hardins.  Mrs.  Margaret  M.  G. :  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  M.:  1413  Taylor.     Tues. 
Harding.  Dr.  William  C:   Miss  Hattie;  Ray:  500  Sutter.     (Tel.  Main  53.,>.) 
Hardistv.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  B.  M.L.:  Hotel  Stewart.    Thursday. 
Hardy.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William-  The  Berkshire.  711  Jones. 
Hardy.  Mr.  J.   R.:  24<»5  Oetavia. 
Hargis.  Lionel  D.:   1015  Ellis. 

Harrington.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  B.:  1118  ^ncramento.     1st  and  3d  Tuesday. 
Harris,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis:  2118' ._.  Bush.    2nd  Tuesday. 
Harris.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  W.:  232<,  California.     (Tel.  West  273.) 
Harris.  Gen.  X.  H.:  Pacific  Union  Club. 
Harrison.  Judge  and  Mrs.  Ralph  C:   Richard  C:  Philip  J.:  Robert  W.;  919 

Pine.     (Tel.  Main  5105.)     Thursday. 
Harrison,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Randolph  H.:  2505  Washington.    Friday. 
Harrison.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  Greer:  Miss;  Miss  M.  L.:  Miss  Ethel  G.:  Miss 

Ellie.  J.  H.:  2507   Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  West  304.)    2d  and    1th  Friday. 
Harrold.  John  F.:  Miss  May  E.:  Miss  Helen  A.:  Xew  York. 
Harron.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  O.:  2122  California.     2d  and  3d  Friday. 
Hart.  Gen.  and  Mrs.  A.  L.:  Miss  Mamie:  A.  L..  Jr.:  Fred  B.:  Hotel  Bertel- 

ing.  714  Bush. 
Hart.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  H.:  Berkeley. 
Hart,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  H.:  114  Powell.     Ben  Lomond. 
Hart.  James  W.:  Pacific  Union  Club. 
Hart.  Jerome  A.:  Pacific-Union  Club.     Country  Club. 
Hart.  Mis.  .1.:   Miss  Carrie:  2123  Pine     Wednesday. 
Hart.  Miss  Susie;   Miss  Cora:  24  Clinton  Park.     Wednesday. 
Hart    Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  H.;  1891    Page.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Hartwell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William   H.:   753  Eighteenth.     Wednesday. 


Harvey,  Capt.  F.  W.;  824  Fell. 

Harvey,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Downey;  2262  Franklin.  (Tel.  Sutter  1081.)  Wed. 
Harvey,  Mrs.  Josephine;  Miss  Ella  L. ;  Kelton;  1634  Broadway.  Thursday. 
Harvey,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  William  A.;  Miss  Emma;  Walter  C;  211  Taylor.    (Tel. 

Jessie  81.)     Thursday. 
Harwood,  Miss  Jean;  1818  Sacramento.     (Tel.  Sutter  1221.)    Thursday. 
Has,  Brouch  Joseph;  438  Montgomery,  Tamalpias  Station,  Marin  Co. 
Haskell,  Mr.  and    Mrs.  D.  H.;    Miss;  S.  E.  cor.  California    and    Webster. 
Haskell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Dudley;  1607  Baker. 

Haskell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  L.;  2219  Van  Ness  Ave.    1st  and  3d  Thursday. 
Haslehurst,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  A.  O.:  Hotel  Bella  Vista.    2d  and  4th  Tuesday. 
Hassell,  J.  J,;  Hotel  Savoy.     Mountain  View. 
Hasson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  F.  C;    Thursday.    San  Rafael. 
Hastie,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  H. ;  431  Turk.    Wednesday. 
Hastings,  Mrs.  C.  F.  D. ;  2723  Jackson.    (Tel.  Steiner  921.) 
Haswell,  Charles  H.;  Jr.;  Pacific-Union  Club. 

Hatch,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick  A.;  79  Central  Ave.,  near  Haight.  Monday. 
Hatch,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  James  H.;  Dr.  Herbert  W.;  Dr.  Harry  L. ;  1011  Pine. 

(Tel.  East  144.)     Thursday. 
Hatch,  Miss  Mary  P.;  Hotel  Bella  Vista.     Thursday. 
Hathaway,  Miss  M.  P. ;  Mr.  Edmund  V. ;  2123  Sacramento.    Friday. 
Hathaway,  William  R.;  The  Berkshire,  711  Jones. 
Haupt,  Oscar;  The  Oliver,  899  Pine. 

Haven,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  E.;  1109  Bush.    Belvedere. 
Havens,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  I.;  2833  Howard. 

Havens,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  R. ;    Miss  Ella  M.;  Howard;  1811   Laguna. 
Havens,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  B.:  Occidental  Hotel.    Vernon  Heights,  Oak. 
Havens,  Mrs.  Mary;   Palace  Hotel.     Monday. 
Haviland,  Mrs.  John  T.;  2101  Van  Ness  Ave.     (Tel.  East  452.) 
Hawes,  Col.  Alexander  G. ;  Bohemian  Club. 
Mrs.  Alexander  G. ;  Abroad. 

Hawks,  Harry  D. ;  J.  Lawrence;  1514  Larkin.    Underclyffe,  Belvedere. 
Hawley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  J.;  2216  Devisadero. 
Hawkins,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  George  W.;  George  W.,  Jr.;  2809  Pine. 
Hawley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  H.;  919  Jones.     (Tel.  Sutter  41.) 
Hay,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Paul  B.;  2305  Howard.     Thursdav. 
Hay,  Dr.  William  G.;    108  Stockton.     (Tel.  Red  1101.) 
Hayes,  Charles  E. ;  2615  Laguna.     Del  Monte. 

Hayes,  Mrs.  G.  R.  B.;    2513  Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  Pine  1801.)    Wednesday. 
Hayes,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  E. ;  Miss  Stella;  Miss  Florence;  Hotel  Baltimore. 
Hayman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Al.;  Baldwin  Hotel.    New  York. 
Hayne,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Duncan;  San  Mateo,  Cal. 
Hayne,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  Y. ;  San  Mateo,  Cal. 

Heacock,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  E.;  Miss  Augusta  F.;  1223  Jones.     Tuesday. 
Head,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Addison  E.;  1105  Taylor.     (Tel.  East  432.) 
Head,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edwin  L. ;  1206  Masonic  Ave.    1st  and  3d  Tuesday. 
Heald,  E.  P.;  511  Eddy.     Napa. 

Mem-field,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D. ;  Harold;  Garniss;  San  Rafael.    1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Heatley,  Mr.  Edward  D. ;  121  Chestnut. 
Hearst,  Mrs,  Phoebe;  Palace  Hotel.    Washington,  D.  C. 
Hearst,  William  R.;  Pacific-Union  Club.     New  York. 

Hayes,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  R.,  Miss,  Mr.  C.  E. ;  2615  Laguna.     Friday. 
Heath,  Mrs.  M.  E. ;  Miss  Virginia  D.;   Miss  Roberta  Lee;  William  R. ;   2293 

Sacramento.     Tuesday. 
Heathcote,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Basil;  San  Rafael.     Friday. 
Heazelton,  George;  801    Leavenworth. 
Hebbard,  Judge  and  Mrs.  J.  C.  B.;  912  Devisadero.    1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 


Hecht,  Mrs.  Isaac;  Miss;  Bert  R. ;  2100  Washington.     2d  and  4th  Friday. 

Hecht,  Col.  and  Mrs.  M.  H.;  Miss;  2100  Washington.     Friday. 

Hedger,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  A.;  H.  H.:   1608  Golden  Gate  Ave. 

Hegler,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  H.;   Fred  A.;  Fdwin  C;   228  Haight.     Monday. 

Heggerty,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  J.:  1906  Webster.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 

Heller.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  S.;  1801  California.     (Tel.  West  159.) 

Heller.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M..  Jr.;  1915  Van  Ness  Ave.     (Tel.  Hyde  141.) 

Hellman.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  I.  W.;  I.  W.,  Jr.:  Miss;  1801  Franklin. 

Hellmann.  Horace  G.;   Bohemian  Club. 

Hellmann,  Richard:  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  H.;  1829  Pacific  Ave. 

Henarie,  D.  V.  B.:  1008  Haight. 

Henderson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  C:  1809  Folsom.     (Tel.  Mission  168.)    Wednes. 

Henderson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John;  2515  Sutter. 

Henderson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.   John   H.;  1010  Post.     Wednesday. 

Henderson,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  J.;  1033  Ellis.     Wednesday. 

Hendrickson.  William;  2330  Pacific  Ave. 

Hendrickson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William.  Jr.:  601  Stockton. 

Hendy.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  J. ;  102  Bartlett.    1st  and  3d  Thursday. 

Hendy,  John  H. ;  650  Broderick. 

Henley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  E.;  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  Homer;  Charles  O.;  514  Eddy. 

Henley,  Hon.  and  Mrs.  Barclay;  Miss  Gwinette;  2131  Green.     Friday. 
Henshall,  William  A.;  204  McAllister. 

Henshelwood,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  R.;  1920  Washington. 
Henzel,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  L. ;  2252  Bush.     Tuesday. 
Hereford.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  S.:  1401  Van  Ness  Ave.     Wednesday. 
Hergert,  Gustav  L.;  304  Battery.     Residence  Oakland. 
Hermann.  Mrs.  Lucien;  1920  Broadway.     Friday. 
Herold.  Mrs.  A.;  Roderick;  Hugo;  1716  Bush. 

Herold,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Rudolph,  Jr.;  143  Haight.    (Tel.  Pine  2701.)    Wed'y. 
Heron,  Mrs.  James;  3001  Jackson. 

Herrin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  F.;  2530  Broadway.     1st  Friday. 
Herrmann.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Conrad;  2021  Sacramento. 

Herrmann,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George;   Hotel  Plymouth,  952  Bush.     Thursday. 
Hermann,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Oscar;  25  Baker.     (Tel.  West  58.)    Friday. 
Herrmann,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William;  912  Bush.    2d  and  4th  Wednesday. 
Hervey,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  R. ;  2432  Jackson.     Thursday. 
Herzstein.  Dr.  M.;  801  Sutter.     (Tel.  East  252.) 

Hess,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick:  Frederick,  Jr.:  821  California.    Tuesday. 
Hesthal,  Mrs.  A.:  Hotel  Savoy.     (Tel.  Main  1236.) 
Hesseltine.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  B.  L. ;  1710  Sacramento. 
Hewes.  Mr.  David;  Occidental  Hotel.     Menlo  Park. 

Hewlett,  Mrs.  Frederick;   1429  Van  Ness  Ave.     Talcoa  Lodge.  Napa  Co. 
Heyman,  Henry;  623  Eddy.     Bohemian  Club. 
Heynemann,  Alexander:  1715  Bush.    (Tel.  West  889.) 
Heynemann,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Milton;  2026  Bush.     Friday. 

Heynemann,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Manfred  H.;  2110  Broadway.     (Tel.  Pine  2721.) 
Hey  wood,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  A.;  709  Bush.     Thursday. 
Hey  wood,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Franklin:  1440  Hayes. 
Hilbert,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  H.;  1121  Steiner.    4th  Thursday. 
Higgins,  Mrs.  A.  E.,  Miss  Libbie,  Maurice;  2321  Jackson.     1st.  3d  Thursday. 
Higgins,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Marvin  R. ;   Hotel  Wenban.     2d  and  4th  Monday. 
Hiester,  Mrs.  Amos  C,  William  A.;   2641   Howard.     (Tel.  Mission  54.) 
Highton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  E. :  Baldwin  Hotel.     Monday. 
Hildebrandt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  C:  2711  Pine.     (Tel.  Pine  21.1 
Hill,  Dr.  Albert;  906  Market. 

Hill,  Dr.  Ed.  E.;  South  Broderick  and  Buena  Vista  Ave.     (Tel.  Pine  2821.) 
Hill,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  B.:  2816  Sacramento.     2d  and  4th  Thursday. 


Hill,  Miss;  1413  Clay.     Wednesday. 

Hill.  Mr,  and  Mrs.  H.  L.;  N.  W.  cor.  Laguna  and  Sacramento.     (Tel.  hast 

407.)     Thursday. 
Hill    Dr.  and  Mrs.  James  D.;  922  Sutter.     Thursday. 
Hill'  Mr    and  Mrs.  Morgan;  The  California  (when  in  San  Francisco.) 
Hill'  Dr   and  Mrs.  Thomas  L.;  1609  Gough.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 
Hind,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  R.,  Miss  E.  M.,  Miss  M.  E.,  George  V.;  2398 

Hines,  F.  H.;  Baldwin  Hotel. 

Hiller,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  D.  Albert;  1011  Sutter.     (Tel.  East  227.) 
Hiller,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Herman  F.,  Herman  P.,  Jr.;  1509  Steiner.     Wednesday. 
Hills,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  W.;  2201  Broderick.     (Tel.  West  358.) 
Hillyer,  Miss  Hellen:  N.  E.  cor.  Clay  and  Laurel.     Wednesday. 
Hinkle,  Mrs.  J.  B.;  2823  Pine.     3d  and  4th  Friday. 
Hinckley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  W.;  1221  California.     (Tel.  Sutter  1311.) 
Hinckley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick  W.;  1221  California. 
Hindes,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  B.:  726  Powell. 
Hindes,  Stetson  G.;    1719  Larkin. 
Hinds,  Harry  S.;  615  Fell.     (Tel.  West  76.) 
Hinkle,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  S.;  404  Ellis.     Monday. 
Hinton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Eugene  H.;  1716  Vallejo.     (Tel.  Sutter  1971.) 
Hinman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.;  1500  Polk. 

Hinz,  J.  F.,  Miss  Marie;  238  Bartlett.     (Tel.  Blue  431.)     1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Hirschfelder,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  O.;  1326  Geary.     (Tel.  East  42.) 
Hirschler,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  David;  2125  Broadway.     Thursday  and  Friday. 
Hirsch,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alphonse;  1102  Jackson.     1st  Wednesday. 
Hirsch,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles;  1819  Washington.     (Tel.  East  342.) 
Hirschman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.,  Miss  Birdif,  Marion  A.;  1717  Broadway. 
Hirschkowitz,  L. ;  336  O'Farrell.     (Tel.  East  549.) 
Hitchcock,  Miss  Helen  M.,  Miss  Grace  B.,  John  L.;  1010  Powell. 
Hitchcock,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  W.;  911  Jones.     Tuesday. 
Hittell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  H.,  Miss  Catherine,  Carlos;  808  Turk.     Friday. 
Hoag,  Charles  C;  Palace  Hotel;  Blue  Book  Office,  225  Post  St. 
Hoag,  Jared  C,  Jared  J.;  California  Hotel,  or  225  Post. 
Hoag,  O.  H.,  Jr.;  225  Post  St.     Santa  Rosa. 

Hobart,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  S.;  Van  Ness  Ave.  and  Washington. 
Hobart,  Miss  Jessie;  "Beaulieu,"  Santa  Clara  Co. 
Hobart,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  W.,  Miss;  3016  Sacramento. 
Hobbs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick;  913  Jones.     Thursday. 
Hobbs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred  F. ;  913  Jones. 

Hobbs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hiram  H.,  Miss  Jennie,  Miss  Anna;  1708  Geary. 
Hobbs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  K.  C,  Miss;  30  Liberty.     Wednesday. 
Hobson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  W.;  1424B  Washington.     Monday. 
Hoburg,  Mrs.  Frank  T. ;  431  Bartlett.     1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 
Hochstadter,  William  S.,  Jackson  E.;  1322  Sutter.    (Tel.  Sutter  11.) 
Hodghead,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  D.  A.;  3341  Twenty-second.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Hoefler,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ludwig  M.;  130  Haight.     (Tel.  Pine  2321.) 
Hoey,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John;   1315  Devisadero.     Thursday. 
Hoffman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Southard,  Miss,  Miss  Alice,  Southard,  Jr.,  Ogden, 

John;  1626  Sacramento.     (Tel.  Hyde  111.)     San  Rafael. 
Hoffmeyer,  V.  A.  H.;  26  O'Farrell. 

Hogan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Howard  H.;  1114  Haight.     Thursday. 
Hoge,  Miss  Blanche,  Miss  Octavia:  Palace  Hotel.     Monday. 
Hogg,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James;   2620  Buchanan.     Friday. 
Hohwiesner,  Mr.  and   Mrs.   Frederick;  2706  Sacramento. 
Holbrook,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C,  Miss,  Henry  M.;  1901  Van   Ness  Ave.     (Tel. 

East  173.)     Friday.     Menlo  Park. 
Holbrook,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  H.,  Charles  H.,  Jr.;  1906  Pierce. 


Holcombe.  Walter  G.,  Miss  E.  A.,  Royal  A..  Cecil  J.;  1915  Sacramento. 

Holden,  Professor  Edward  S. ;  Mount  Hamilton,  San  Jose,  Cal. 

Holden,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel  P.,  The  Misses;  2133  Vallejo.     Tuesday. 

Holladay.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  W..  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Burke:  N.  E.  cor.  Clay  &  Octavia. 

Holland.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  L. ;  1326  Hayes.     Thursday. 

Hollis,  Mrs.  Sarah  E..  Miss  Mabel;  711  Jones. 

Holman.   Mr.   and   Mrs.   Alfred;    1712  Octavia. 

Holmes,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  E.;  209  Castro.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 

Holmes.  Mr.  and   Mrs.   Henry  T.;  1922   Pine. 

Holmes.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Howard  C;  3019  Sacramento.     1st  and  2d  Thursday. 

Holmes,  Mr.  Milo  P.:  1722  Turk. 

Holmes.  Miss  Ruth  R. ;  3009  Buchanan.     Friday. 

Holt,  Mrs.  Agnes  V.:  2036  Scott.     (Tel.  Pine  551.)     Friday. 

Holway,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  B..  Miss;  2727  Clay.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 

Hood.  Mrs.  E.  A.;  1414  California. 

Hood,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred  H. ;  2215  Broadway.     Friday. 

Hood.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William;  512  Van  Ness  Ave.     3d  and  4th  Wednesday. 

Hooker.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  G..  Miss  Jennie.  Mr.   and  Mrs.  C.  Osgood; 

917   Bush.     (Tel.    Sutter   811.)     Thursday.     Seattle. 
Hooper.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  A.:  Alameda. 

Hooper,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  P..  Arthur  A.;  2741  California.   (Tel.  West  775.) 
Hooper,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  W.:   1300  Jones.     (Tel.  East  439.) 
HooDer.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  A..  Miss  May  M..  Miss  Alice  M.,  Miss  Jessie 

A..  Albert  C:  2201  Laguna.     (Tel.  West  6S6.)     1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Hooper.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  G.;  2702  Laguna.     (Tel.  West  695.)     Thursday. 
Hooper.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ralph  B.;  1413A  Clay.     (Tel.  Hyde  871.)     Thursday. 
Hooper.   Major  and   Mrs.  Wm.  B.,  Miss  Rose,  Selden   Stuart;    Occidental 

Hotel.     (Tel.  Red  741.)     1st  Monday. 
Hopkins,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  W.,  Miss;  2<>31  California.     Friday. 
Hopkins,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  W..  Miss  Lillian  V..  Miss  Florence,  George 

W.,  Jr.;  226  Seventeenth.     Thursday. 
Hopkins.  Mrs.  Emily  B. ;  S.  E.  cor.  Clay  and  Buchanan. 
Hopkins.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Timothy;   Palace  Hotel.     Monday.     Menlo  Park. 
Hopkins,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  E.;  1411  Hyde.     (Tel.  East  672.)     Tuesday. 
Horr.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Obed;  2207  Webster.     1st  and  last  Friday. 
Horsburgh.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  David  W.,  James  J.;  1517  Washington. 
Horton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  H.;  2110  Devisadero.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 
Horton.  Mrs.  P.  B.,  Miss  Minnie,  Miss  Mattie  Louise;  1619  Clay.     1st  and 

3d  Wednesday.     (Tel.  East  472.)     San  Rafael. 
Horton.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  L.,  Miss  Mabel,  Mortimer:  1033  Ellis. 
Hosmer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  A.;  2018  Baker. 

Hotaling,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Anson  P.,  Richard  M.,  Frederick  C:  1776  California. 
Hotaling,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Anson  P.;  Jr.;  1904  Franklin.     Friday. 
House,   Mr.   and  Mrs.  Arthur   L.;   2821    Sacramento.     Friday. 
Houseworth,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Harrison,  Frederick  A.,  Thomas;  2019  Sacra- 
mento.    1st  and  3d  Thursday. 
Houghton.  Gen.  and  Mrs.  James  F.,  Miss  M.  B..  Harry  B.;  1818  California. 
Houghton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  S. :  121".  Harrison.     Oakland. 
Houghton,  Stephen  C;  905  Bush. 
Houghton.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  E..  Miss  Meda  E.,  Miss  Bertha   H..  Edward  T.; 

1910  Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  Pine  791.)     1st.  2d  and  3d  Friday. 
Housset.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Leon.     Paris.  Prance. 
Houston,  Albert  J.;  828  Haight. 
Houston.  Mr.  and   Mrs.  Frederick  K.;   1340  Hyde. 
Houston.  Dr.  ami  Mrs.  I.  M.;  707  Sutter.     (Tel.  Sutter.  2171.) 
Houston.  Mrs.  Mattie  P.:  2232  Broadway. 
Hovev.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chester  L.:  2002  Broadway. 
Hovcv,    Mr.  and   Mrs.   Samuel   D.;  The  Wenban,  606  Sutter. 


Hovev.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  T.;  2715  Sacramento.     Friday. 

Howard,  Mr.  and  .Mrs.  Frederick  P.;  2008  Washington.     (Tel.  Pine  3661.) 

Howard'  Professor  and   Mrs.   C.   E.;   810  Ellis.     Thursday. 

Howard   Charles  Webb;  Pacific-Union  Club.     1206  Alice,  Oakland. 

Howard.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  H.:  2500  Pacific  Ave.     Friday.     (Tel.  Pine  1221.) 

Howard.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  H..  Miss  Frances  S..  Wm.  O.  M.,  Edward  W.; 

Sunday.     San  Mateo. 
Howarth.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  F.;  29  Laurel.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Howe.  Mr.  and  Mrs.   Albert  M.:  1320  Washington. 
Howe.  James  Hamilton:  308  Post.     Pacific-Union  Club. 
Rowland,  Clarence  A.:  724  Market. 

Howland.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  F. :  Wednesday.     Alameda. 
Howland.  Mrs.  Robert  M.,  Miss,  Miss  Louise;  1900  Devisadero.     Friday. 
Hoyt.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward;  2899  Jackson.     1st  and  4th  Wednesday. 
Hovt',  Dr.  Fletcher  S.:  131  Post.     Alameda. 

Hubbell.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  George  R.:  2339  Pine.     (Tel.  West  987.) 
Huber.  Valentine;   420  Eddy.     (Tel.  East  681.) 
Huddleston,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hugh:  Palace  Hotel.     Monday. 
Hudson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Horace  R.;  1611  Washington.     Saturday. 
Hueter,  Ernest  L. ;  18  Ellis. 

Huff.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  C:  2415  Green.     Thursday. 

Huff,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  B.,  Miss  Evelyn  B..  Miss  Edith  F. :  2203  Webster. 
Huffman.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  H.;  2100  Broadway.     (Tel.  Steiner  2971.) 
Hug,  Mrs.  Henrietta,  Miss  Annie,  Charles  A.;  1525  Sutter. 
Hughes.  Lieut.  C.  F..  U.  S.  N.;  California  Hotel.     U.  S.  S.  Albatross. 
Hughes!  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  C.  Miss  Beatrice:  1321  Clay.     Thursday. 
Hughes.  Mrs.  F.  M.,  Miss  Emily.  Miss  Fannie,  Miss  Gertrude,  Edward  O.; 

806  Bush.     (Tel.  Main  5756.)     1st  and  3d  Thursday.     Denver.  Col. 
Hughes,  Dr.  Jerome  A.;  502  Sutter. 
Hughes,  Samuel  F. ;  Hotel  Savoy.     Napa  Soda  Springs. 

Hugill.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ashton  C:  1517  Clay.     Tuesday. 

Huie.  Mrs.  S.  E..  Miss.  Miss  Sallie,  W.  H.  T.,  Robert  B..  George  W.,  Edward 
M.;   2910  Jackson.     Friday. 

Hulse,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  David  A.;   815  Church.     2d  and  4th  Wednesday. 

Hultberg.  Dr.  F.  L.;  1224  Page. 

Hultberg.  Miss  Mattie.  Miss  Sophie;  1224  Page.     Thursday. 

Hume,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank;  Palace  Hotel.     Oakland. 

Hume,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hugh;  Belvedere. 

Humphrey-Smith,  Mrs.  Louise;  741  Sutter.     2d  and  4th  Friday  evening. 

Humphreys,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  P.,  Miss,  W.  P..  Jr.:  816  Chestnut. 

Hunsaker.  Dr.  H.  W.;  114  Geary.     (Tel.  Grant  511.) 

Hunt.   Charles  F.;  2416  Pine. 

Hunt,  Charles  W.;  710  Mason. 

Hunt.  Mrs.  H.  B..  Miss  Emma;   1715  Geary.     (Tel.  Pine  651.)     Thursday. 

Hunt,  Judge  and  Mrs.   John,  Jr.;  1703  Octavia. 

Hunt.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  B.;  506B  Hayes.     Tuesday.     Mill  Valley. 

Hunt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  Elliott;  417  Larkin.     Mill  Valley. 

Huntington,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Collis  P.:  1020  California.     23  Broad,  N.  Y. 

Huntington,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  E..  Miss;  2840  Jackson.     1st  and  2d  Friday. 

Huntington,  Mr.   and  Mrs.  Willard   V.;   1012  Van   Ness   Avenue. 

Huntsman,   Mrs.   George   H.,  The   Misses;    824   Sutter.     Thursday. 

Hutchins,   Dr.  and   Mrs.  Chauncey  B.,  Miss  Reed,  John   Power;    1106  Van 
Ness  Ave.     (Tel.  East  490.)     Monday.     Menlo  Park. 

Hutchings,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  M.;   1301  Sacramento.     Tuesday. 

Hutchinson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Eli  I.:  419  California.     Concord,  Cal. 
Hutchinson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick  W.;  2514  Clay.     Friday.     Mill  Valley. 

Hutchinson.  Hiram  T.:  2504  California. 

Hutchinson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  S.,  Miss  Kate  F.;  1910  Howard. 

Harrold,  Belcher  &  Allen 


600  Sutter  Street  Antique  Mahogany  Furniture 

Wenban  Building  Draperies  and  Upholstery 

Wood    Mantels   and    Furniture   from   Special    Designs 

DR.   A.   P.   MULLIGAN 
Physician  and  Surgeon 

Office  Hours:  Office  and  Residence: 

Until  1"  a.  m.  307   Golden   Gate   Avenue 

-  t0  4  and  "  r"  T:  :;"  P-   m"  San   Francis,,, 

Sundays  11  to  12 

Telephone  Jessie    ll.'l 


L  COLONICS  J  -"■■-      «"'trf 

The  rashion  is  to  have  a  Stamp  Collection 

Rare  Postage  Stamps 
— — — for  Collectors 


.Main   Office   in    Paris:  Office:  31S  Kearny  Street 

83    Rue    Lemereier  P.   O.    Box  2U,7 



:',o:i   .Montgomery   Street 

Law  and  Collection  Office 

Best  of  References    Given  Upon  Application 

Richard    A.     Luccrjesi 

Studio  rsk^  OCfl] 

No.  1616  California  Street  *  lififinfnrfp 

Pianoforte    pupils    will    also    be    taught    on   the      "Virgil      Clavier"    at      Mr.      Lncchesi's 



Ludwig  M.  Hoefler 


532    Market   St. 

Room  42 
Hobart  Bldar.    S.  F. 


Tropes  signal  Men 


91-92  Supreme  Court  Bldg 

305  I. ARK IX   ST.. 
San  Francisco,     -     -    Cal. 

R.   E.  JOHNSON       I 

Civil  Engineer  / 

Reports,  Surveys*  Estimates  j 
made  on  Engineering 



Hutchinson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph:   Mills  Building.     Palo  Alto,  Cal. 

Hyde,  Mr.  and   Mrs.   F.   A..  Miss  Florence;  2012  Pacific  Ave.     Thursday. 

Hyde,  Mrs.  M.  B.;  1849  Jackson.     Thursday. 

Hyde,  Mrs.  George;  719  Geary.     (Tel.  East  520.) 

Hyman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  \\\:    1946  California.     (Tel.  West  106.) 

lis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George;  1306  Jones.     1st  and  3d  Tuesday. 

Ireland,  Mrs.  William,  Oscar  B.,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  Jr.;  827  Post. 

Irvine,  Mrs.  James;  Occidental  Hotel.     Monday. 

Irvine,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James;  308  Page.     1st  and  3d  Wednesdav. 

Irving,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel  C;  1523  Scott.     Thursday. 

Irwin,  James  N.   H.;  268  Golden  Gate  Ave.     San  Jose. 

Isaacs,   William  B.;    1428   Post.     (Tel.   Sutter  981.) 

Ives.  Mrs.  E.  J.,  Miss  Florence:   2220  Washington.     Friday. 

Ives,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Stephen  D.;    Friday.     Alameda. 

Jack,  Mrs.  A.  H.;   Hotel  Savoy.     Tuesday.     "Monte  Vista,"  Stockton. 
Jackson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  W.,  Miss,  Miss  Alice;  2701  California. 
Jackson,  Miss  C.  C;  2014  Van  Ness  Ave.     1379  Eighth  Ave.,  East  Oakland. 
Jackson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  H.;  Hotel  St.  Nicholas.     Napa  Springs. 
Jackson,  Lieut,  and  Mrs.  George  E.  Gresley,  R.  N.  (retired),  George  William; 

604  Castro.     Monday 
Jackson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  H.  T.;  308  Haight.     Wednesday.     Napa  Springs. 
Jackson,  Mrs.  and  Mrs.  John,   Miss  Edith;  330  1-2  Seventeenth. 
Jackson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  G. ;  911  Sutter. 

Jackson,  Col.  and  Mrs.  J.  P.,  Miss  Lucy  May,:  Stanley  H. ;  720  Sutter. 
Jacobs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  L. ;  Mill  Valley,  Marin  Co. 
Jacobs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  H.,  Miss  Carrie;  2101  Pacific  Ave.     Wednesday 
Jacobs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  I.;  2018  Webster.     (Tel.  West  84.)     Thursday. 
Jacobs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Julius,  Miss  Florence,  Lester  M. ;  1114  Octavia. 
Jacoby,  Franz.  Miss  Theresa;  2916 A  Sacramento.     (Tel.  West  1009) 
Jacques,  Mrs.  C.  E..  Thomas  G. ;  Hotel  St.  Nicholas. 
James,   Mr.   and  Mrs.  Jefferson  G.:  2131   Howard.     Wednesday. 
James,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Nathaniel,  Miss  Nathalie;  721  Ashbury.     1st  Thursday. 
Janes.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  T.  I.;  816  McAllister.     (Tel.  Pine  941.)     4th  Thursday! 
Jansen,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick,  2506  1-2  Sutter.     Wednesday. 
Jarboe,  Mrs.  John  R.     Abroad. 

Jarboe,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Paul  R. ;   Hotel  Richelieu.     San  Mateo. 
Jardine,  Mr.  and   Mrs.  William  Harvey;  1121   Laguna.     Thursday. 
Jaynes,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank;  952  Bush. 
Jellison,  Arthur  M.;  1836  Eddy. 

Jeffery,   Dr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  A.;   1019  Hayes.     1st  Thursdav. 
Jenkel,  John  R.  A.;  224  Grove. 

Jenks,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  George  H.,  J.  Shepard;  620  Sutter.     (Tel.  Black  701.) 
Jenks,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lingston;  2319  Scott. 
Jenkins,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Will  A.;  918  Hyde.     Tuesday. 
Jennings,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  A.;  2105  Devisadero.     Thursday. 
Jennings,  Miss  Rebecca,  James  H.,  Jr.;  1210  Sutter.     2d  and  4th  Tuesday. 
Jennings,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  B.;  Hotel  St.  Nicholas. 
Jennings,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  M.;  The  Oliver,  899  Pine.     3d  Wednesday. 
Jennings,   Mr.  and   Mrs.  Thomas.   Miss  Abigail,  George.  Thomas,  Jr.;    935 

Fifteenth.     (Tel.  Mission  137.)     Friday. 
Jennings,  Mr.  and   Mrs.  C.   P.:    3112  Clay. 

Jessup,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  D.;   134  Liberty.     1st  and  3d  Fridav. 
Jewett,  Mr.  and  .Mrs.  .1.   H.;  931   Hush.     (Tel.  Sutter  1001.)      1st   Thursday. 
Jobson,  Mr.  and  .Mrs.  Wm.  G.,  Miss  Gertie;    1029  Dolores.   1st.  3d  Thursday. 
Johnson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick  S.;  3214  Jackson.     (Tel.  West  cut.) 
Johnson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George;  2504  Washington.     Wednesday. 


Johnson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  R.;   1901  Baker.     (Tel.  West  857.) 

Johnson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  S.;  San  Rafael. 

Johnson.  Mrs.  George  A.,  Shirley  W.;  1314  Scott.     Friday. 

Johnson.  Mr.  Jacob  C;  1519  Van  Ness  Ave. 

Johnson.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  D.;  1627  Sacramento.     Friday. 

Johnson.  Mrs.  S.  B.;  The  Colonial.     (Tel.  East  99.)     Thursday. 

Johnson.   Mrs.   W.  C,  Miss  H.;  1220  Folsom.     Thursday. 

Johnson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  C:  344  Post. 

Johnston.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel;  234  Haight.     Hotel  Bertling. 

Johnston.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel  P.;  714  Bush.     1st  Thursday. 

Johnstone.  Dr.  Ernest  K.;  108  Stockton.     (Tel.  Main  1568.) 

Joliffe    Mrs.  W.  H.,  Miss  Harriet  Howard,  Wm.  Howard;  2015  Pacific  Ave. 

Jonas.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Maurice  G.;  2019  Pine.     (Tel.  Steiner  2431.) 

Jones.  Dr.  H.  Isaac:  222  Post.     (Tel.  Grant  101.) 

Jones,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Clinton:  30  Montgomery.     Thursday. 

Jones.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  C;  2902  California.     Wednesday. 

Jones.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  H. ;  108  McAllister.     Monday. 

Jones.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hugh  B. :  618  Willard.     Friday. 

Jones.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  G.;  208  Valencia.     Wednesday. 

Jones,  Senator  and  Mrs.  John  P.:  Palace  Hotel.     Monday.     Santa  Monica. 

Jones,  Mrs.  Llewellyn,  Miss  Grace  L.;  1450  Franklin.     Friday. 

Jones,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Michael  P.:  1121  Pine.     (Tel.  East  405.)     Thursday. 

Jones,  Dr.  Philip  M.:   67  Crocker  Building. 

Jones.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  H.;  2112  Steiner.     1st  and  3d  Tuesday. 

Jones,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Webster;  California  Hotel. 

Jones,  Winfield  S.,  Miss  Kathlene.  W.  Brooks;  1313  Hyde. 

Jordan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  C:  553  Harrison.     (Tel.  Black  171.) 

Jordan,  Mr.  and   Mrs.  William  H.,  Miss  Alice  L.;  1118  Gough. 

Jorgensen,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chris.  A.;  1629  McAllister.     Wednesday. 

Josselyn.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles;  Woodside.  San  Mateo  Co. 

Josselyn,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  M.;  San  Rafael. 

Jost    Charles,  William  R..  Charles,  Jr..  Frederick,  Joseph;   1108  Post. 

Jouett.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  H.;  2022  Pine.     (Tel.  Steiner  141.) 

Jouillin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Amedee:  1603  Fillmore.     Thursday. 

Jourden.  John  P.,  Miss  J.  E.;  2525  Howard:  Friday. 

Joy,  Edwin  W.;  1324  Fulton.  Cor.  Broderick.     (Tel.  West  628.) 

Jovaux.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  B.,  Miss  Beatrice,  Albert;  1308  Leavenworth. 

Judah.  Mrs.  E.  E.;  823  Fillmore.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 

Judah.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  R.,  Floyd  S.,  Chester  A.:  823  Fillmore. 

Judis.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alphonse;   2016  Buchanan.     (Tel.  Steiner  1231.) 

Judson,  Raymond  H.,  Augustus;  1124  Hyde. 

Kaehler,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  A.  E.;  1821  Eddy.     Last  Tuesday. 

Kahman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  August;  1721  Broderick.     1st  and  2d  Thursday. 

Kahn,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  H.;  2026  Steiner.     1st  Monday. 

Kahn.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry;  2524  Pine.     (Tel.  Pine  2711.) 

Kahn.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  S.  S.;  1410  Fillmore.     (Tel.  West  272.) 

Kalloch,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  I.  M.;  1316  Masonic  Ave.     Thursday. 

Kastendieck,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.;  1023  Post.     (Tel.  East  688.)     Wednesday. 

Kase,  Thomas  K.;  703  Sutter. 

Kast.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.   S.;    1112  Guerrero.     Thursday. 

Katten    Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.:  716  Steiner.     (Tel.  Pine  1841.)     1st,  3d  Thursday. 

Kaufman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Julius  M.;   2824  Pine.     (Tel.  Pine  3172.) 

Kauffman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Leon;  2406  Washington. 

Kaufman,  Mrs.  Rosalie,  Miss  Laura,  Miss  Emma,  Miss  Jessie,  Charles  H., 

Walter  W.:  1521  Jackson.     Friday. 
Kavton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  Harold;  3925  California.     Last  Wednesday. 
Keane,  Mrs.  Mary  J.;  340  Page.     2d  and  4th  Wednesday. 


Kearney,  M.  Theo. ;  Palace  Hotel.     Fresno. 

Keeler.  Mrs.  J.  M..  Addison  Starr.:  2303  Scott.     (Tel.  Pine  3331.)     Friday. 

Keenan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Bernard  P..  Miss  Ala,  Joseph  B.,  Thomas  R.;  1210 

Clay.     1st  and  2d  Tuesday. 
Keeney.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.   M.,  Miss  Ethel:  2423  Fillmore.     (Tel.  Pine  841.) 
Keeney.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  James  \V.;  2220  Clay.     (Tel.  Pine  3321.)     Fridav. 
Keil.  Hugo  D. :  252S   Mission.     (Tel.   Blue  361.) 

Keith,  J.  H.,  Miss  Alma  E.,  Miss  Jet:  2624  California.     1st  and  3d  Tuesday. 
Keith.   Mrs.  W.   H.  A.,   Miss  Eliza   D.,  Wm.    H.:  1538  Eddv.     Tuesday. 
Kelleher.   Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alfred  J..   Alfred   Galtoa;    2324  Clay. 
Kellogg,  Norman  B.:  725  Pine. 

Kellogg.  Mrs.  Calvin  \Y.;  20o9  O'Farrell.     (Tel.  Steiner  3001.) 
Kellogg.  Mr.  and  Mis.  Fred  S.;   2205  Fillmore. 
Kellogg.  Levi  M.,  Miss:  Hotel  Pleasanton. 

Kellogg.  Mr.  and  Mrs.   M.  B.:    2424  Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  West  133.)     Friday. 
Kellogg,  Sheldon  G. ;  157  Octavia. 

Kelley.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alfred  R..  Miss  Renie;  2195  Devisadero.     1st  Friday 
Kelly.  Dr.  E.  E.;  The  Stewart.  439  Ellis.     (Tel.  Hyde  1111.) 
Kelly.  James  R.,   Miss.  Miss   Irene:  309   Leavenworth.     Wednesday. 
Kelton,  Miss  Ella:  1634  Broadway.     Thursday. 
Kemp,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  A.;  3257  Twenty-first     Wednesday. 
Kennedy.  Mrs.  Mary  J.;  1226  Page.     Tuesday. 

Kennedy.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward.  Miss;  2700  Howard.  Thursday. 
Kennedy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  F.,  Arthur  J.,  Harry  A.:  1727  Pine. 
Kentfield.  Mrs.  John.  Frank  C:  333  Fremont.  (Tel.  Main  1457.) 
Kentfield.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  E.;  331  Fremont. 

Kenyon.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C.  G. :  901  Sutter.     (Tel.  East  315.)     Thursday. 
Kerr,  Mr.  David.  Miss  Virginia.  Miss  Emily,  Miss  Blanche.  David   H  •  3433 

Twenty-first.     1st  and  2d  Thursday. 
Kerr.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  W. :  1738  Golden  Gate  Ave.     Friday. 
Kerr.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  Watt:  1200  Van  Ness  Ave.     (Tel.  Sutter  146) 
Kerrigan,  Miss  Kate.   Judge   Frank  H.;    918  Hyde. 
Keyes.  Frank  H.:  700  Jones. 

Keyes.  Winfield  S..  Miss  A.  C.  Alex  D. :  915  Van  Ness  Ave.     Thursday. 
Kilburn.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Paris.  1117  Hyde.     (Tel.  East  943.) 
Kilgarif.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  M.     Sausalito. 
Kimball,  Col.  and  Mrs.  Amos.  U.  S.  A.;  3203  Pacific    \ve 
Kimball.  Roy  T.:  1230  Geary. 

King.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick  R.,  Percy.  Joseph:  Laureldean.  Belmont  Co 
King,  Mr.  and   Mrs.  Henry  L. :  2001  California. 

King.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  L..  Jr.;  1804  Octavia.     1st  and  3d  Tuesdav 
King,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred  L. ;  The  Colonial.     Thursday. 
King,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  J.,  George  S.;  Hotel  St.  Nicholas.     Monday. 
King,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Homer  S..  Frank  B.:    1001   Leavenworth.     Thursday 
Kington-Jones,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.   Alfred.  Miss  Ethel,  Miss    \nnie     Frank- 

920  Central  Ave. 
Kingsbury,  Frank;  410  Post. 

Kingston,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Paul  F. :  712  Ashbury.     Friday.     The  Palmes 
Kinne.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  Mason;  Occidental  Hotel.     2d  and  3d  Monday 
Kinsey.  Griffith  J..  Mrs.  A.  G. :  801   Leavenworth.     Paso  Robles. 
King-well,  Mr.  and  Mis.  Vincent  T..  Miss  Mae  L.,  Mr.  Frank  I      Mill  Valley 
Kingwell,   Dr.  J.   J.;  32  O'Farrell. 
Knapp.  Miss  Helen;  2226  California.    Thursday. 
Kip.   Mr.   and    Mrs.   William   I.,   Miss    Kip,    Miss   Mary   B..  Rev.   W.   I..  Jr 

Hotel  Richelieu. 
Kirk,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  YY.;  2200  Pine.     2d  and  4th  Thursday 
Kirk.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Will  B.;  2200  Pine.     2d  and  4th  Thursday. 
Kirketerp,  Christian.  .Miss  Emilie.  Wm.  C;   1017  Bush.     (Tel.   Hyde  1661.) 


Kirkham,  Lieut.  George  W.,  U.  S.  A.:  California  Hotel. 

Kirkpatrick,  Mr.  and  -Mrs.  Thomas;  1013  Steiner.     1st  and  2d  Thursday, 

Kirkpatrick.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  C. ;  Palace  Hotel.     Thursday. 

Kirkwood,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  A..  Miss  Irene:  2540  Howard.     Thursday. 

Kitchell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  G.;  1101  Pine.     Thursday. 

Kittle.  Mrs.  N.  G.,  Wm.  S.,  Nicholas  G..  John  G.;  S.  W.  cor.  Steiner  and 
Pacific   Ave.     (Tel.   West   191.)     Friday.     Ross  Valley. 

Kittle.  Mrs.  H.  de  Witt;  Ross  Valley.  Marin  Co. 

Kittredge.  Mrs.  I.  H.,  Miss  Edith:  2519  Bush. 

Kleinhans.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John.  Miss  Lucy,  Miss  Ida,  Albert;  640  Fell. 

Kline.  Will  H.;  501  Geary. 

Knight,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel,  2106  Van  Ness  Ave.     Tuesday.     Menlo  Park. 

Knight.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  A..  Charles  C. ;  2209  Buchanan. 

Knights.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  R.;  210  Frederick.     (Tel.  Steiner  341.) 

Knighton,  Robert,  Robert,  Jr.;  Cosmos  Club.    North  Andover,  Mass. 

Knoderer,  Theodore  C;  1217  Clay. 

Knowland,  Joseph;  22  California.     Alameda. 

Knox.  Mrs.  C.  C,  William  M..  Newton  B.:  21  Eleventh.     2d,  3d  Wednesday. 

Knox,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  T.,  Miss  Edith,  Miss  Caroline,  Miss  Emily, 
G.  J.;  526  Guerrero.     1st  Monday. 

Knox,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  R.:  3130  Washington.     Tuesday. 

Knudsen,  C.  N.;  408  Sanchez. 

Kobicke,  Dr.  Sophie  B.;   334  Guerrero. 

Koehncke,  Miss  Edith;  300  Castro.     Wednesday. 

Koenig,  Frank;  626  Geary.    1st  Wednesday. 

Korn,  Eugene;  1707  Octavia. 

Kolb,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  A.;  1910  Baker.     Thursday.     Geyserville. 

Kohl,  Mrs.  W.,  Miss  Mamie  E.,  Charles,  C.  F.;  Palace  Hotel. 

Kohlberg    Mr.  and  Mrs.  Manfred  S..  Miss  Emma;   1040  Golden  Gate  Ave. 

Kohler,  Mrs.  E.,  Miss  C,  Charles;  2416  Gough.     (Tel.  Sutter  461.) 

Kohler,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry.  Miss  Anna  M. ;  807  Sutter. 

Koster,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred  J.;  1497  Masonic  Ave.     1st  Wednesday. 

Koster,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  A. ;  2  Columbia  Square.     Watsonville,  Cal. 

Koster,  John  L.;  1736  Golden  Gate  Ave.     (Tel.  West  682.) 

Kreling.  Mrs.  John:  906  Eddy.     Tuesday. 

Kruttschmitt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.;  1714  Van  Ness  Ave.     (Tel.  East  921.) 

Kreutzmann.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Henry;  Miss  Elizabeth  (in  Europe),  Miss  Hen- 
rietta Mr.  Henry:  1018  Sutter. 

Kroetz,  Dr.  Mary  M.,  Mr.  Louis  C,  Mr.  George  E.;  207  Leavenworth. 

Kugeler,  Dr.  Henry;   1065  Howard.     (Tel.  South.  63.) 

Kynnersley,  J.  R.,  Miss  Daisy,  Miss  Mary;  Waldo  Point,  Marin  Co. 

Lachman,  Henry;    2216  California. 

Lacoste,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  F.;  3340  Clay.     (Tel.  West  645.) 

Lacy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  B.  T.,  Miss  Annie,  Miss  Margaret;  615  Chestnut. 

Laidlaw,  Col.  and  Mrs.  R.  D. ;  2440  Jackson.     Friday.     Sausalito. 

Lafontaine,  A.  J..  Dr.  Emma;  1328  Jackson. 

Laist,  Theodore.  F. ;  S.  E.  cor.  Washington  and  Jones. 

Lake,  Miss  Mary. 

Lake,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred  B. ;  2214  Webster.     Wednesday. 

Lake,  Mrs.  Myra  C,  Myra:  1905  Pacific  Ave.     Tuesday. 

Lamar,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Peter  E.;  215  Capp.     Thursday. 

Lamberton,  Miss,  Charles  H..  Lewis;  1608  Larkin.     Wednesday. 

Landers.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John,  Miss  Pearl  P.;  2522  Octavia.     Thursday. 

Landers,  Miss  Mabel  F.,  Walter  G.;  1313  Taylor.     Wednesday. 

Lane,  Mr.  and   Mrs.   Franklin  K.;   1714  Pacific  Ave.     Thursday. 

Lane,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick  J.;  1711  California.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 

Lane,  Mr.  C.  M.,  Miss  Maud  A.,  G.  Whitfield;  1602  Vallejo. 


Lane,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Levi  C;  2302  Clay.     Friday. 

Lane,  Dr.  Lucia  M.;  1214  Hyde.     (Tel.  Hyde  661.) 

Langdon,  Walter  G.;  109  California.     Residence  Oakland. 

Langhorne,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  P.;  2419  Pacific  Ave. 

Langhorne,  John  D.,  John  D.,  Jr.;  1714  Market. 

Lansing,  Mrs.  G.  L.,  Mrs.  M.  R.;  1935  Pacific  Ave.     1st  and  2d  Friday. 

Larzelere,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Leigh  R.;  Hotel  Pleasanton.     2d,  4th  Monday. 

Latham,  Mrs.  J.  K.  S.,  Miss,  Miss  Florence;  2001  California.   2d,  4th  Friday. 

Latham,  Frank  B. ;  14  Sansome.     Residence  San  Anselmo,  Marin  Co. 

Latham,  Mrs.  M.  S.,  Milton  S.;  1104  Post.     Del  Monte. 

Lathrop,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ariel.     Abroad. 

Lathrop,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  G.;  2703  California.     (Tel.   Pine  1791.) 

Lathrop,  Leland  S.;  2703  California.     (Tel.  Pine  1791.) 

Lathrop,  Harry  C;  S.  W.  cor.  California  and  Powell. 

Latimer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  P.;  1819A  McAllister.     Wednesday. 

Laton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  A.;  Palace  Hotel.     Monday.     (Tel.  Main  405.) 

Latson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  P.;  2540  Howard.     Wednesday. 

Laumeister,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  S.;  119  Twelfth.     (Tel.  Jessie  481.) 

Lawler,  Judge  and  Mrs.  Frank  W.;  634  Waller.     Thursday. 

Lawlor,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  M.,  Miss  Lillie  J.,  William  J.;  2409  Webster. 

Lawrie,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  D.;  Hotel  Oliver,  899  Polk.     Thursday. 

Lawton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  J.:  7  Belvedere.     Wednesday. 

Lawlor,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  P.;  California  Hotel.     Monday. 

Lawton,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  J.  P.;  310  Haight      2d  and  4th  Wednesday. 

Lawver,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  M.;  2805  Washington.     Tuesday.     (Te'..  Main  5510.) 

Leach,  Mrs.  Mary  I.;  The  Oliver.  899  Pine.     Thursday. 

Leake,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  S.;  Palace  Hotel.     Res.  3009  Clay.     (Tel.  Pine  2961.) 

Leavitt,  William  C;  419  California. 

Lebenbaum,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis:   1522  O'Farrell. 

Le  Breton,  Charles  P. ;  230  Dolores. 

Le  Breton,  Mrs.  Julia,  Edward  J.;  1414  Sutter. 

Le  Count,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  P.,  Miss  Susie;  739  Post.     Sausalito. 

Lederer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles;  2102  Bush. 

Lee,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John;  San  Mateo. 

Lee,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  H. :  625  Golden  Gate  Ave.     2d  hursday. 

Lee,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  H.,  Willet  B.;  206  Haight.     2d  and  4th  Friday. 

Lee,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  Jr.;  614  Steiner. 

Lee,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  Eugene;  2524  Gough.     2d  and  4th  Friday. 

Lees,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  I.  W.,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick  W.;  1022  Pine.     Thurs. 

Lefner,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  John;  114  Geary.     Tel.  Grant  509.)     Wednesday. 

Fe  Fevre,  Dr.  J.  P.;  Hotel  St.  Nicholas. 

Leggett,  Joseph,  Miss  Gertrude  E.;  918  Dolores. 

Lehigh,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  F.,  Wm.  F..  James  V.;   The  Beresford.     Monday. 

Liebert,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  G..  Miss  Emma;  330  Oak.     Friday. 

Leighton,  John  B.:  2407  Octavia. 

Lemman,  Mrs.  Mary  J.,  George  H..  Win.  T.;  2126  Jackson.     (Tel.  Pine  351.) 

Lemon,  Mrs.  Isabelle;  The  Berkshire  711  Jones.     Monday. 

Lent,  Mrs.  F.;  699  Polk.     (Tel.  East  451.) 

Lent,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  eGorge  H.:   2229  Washington.     Wednesday. 

Lent,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  M.,  Eugene:  699  Polk.     (Tel.  East  541.) 

Le  Roy,  Georges,  Eugene;  311  Montgomery. 

Lester,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Winthrop  E.:  cor.  Van  Ness  Ave.  and  Washingt on. 

Levison,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jacob  B.;  1517  Van  Ness  Ave.     Friday,  except  first. 

Leventritt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.;  1732  Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  West  766.)    4th  Friday. 

Levingston,  Dr.  Marc;  215  Kearney. 

Lcvinson,  Mrs.  Rosalie,  Dr.  Amelia;  7:12  Sutter.     Wednesday  evening. 

Levison,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M..   .Miss  Alma.  Dr.  Charles  G.;    2409  Washington. 

Levison,  .Mr.  and  Mrs.  .1..  Miss  Hattie,  Miss  Evelyn,  Miss  Beckie:  1818  Post. 

Levy,  Sam  N.,  Benjamin;  1203  Devisadein. 


Levy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  M.,  Miss  Dahlia;  1302  Post.     (Tel.  Sutter  2091.)     1  Fri. 

Levy,  Mrs.  Jules;  The  Richelieu.     1st  and  3d  Monday. 

Levy,  Judge  and  Mrs.  Walter  H.;  1816  Pacific  Ave.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 

Lewald,  Sanford  G.,  Miss  Belle  C;  2434  Jackson.     Friday. 

Lewis,  Mrs.  A.  J.,  Miss;    California  Hotel.     Monday. 

Lewis,  Mrs.  Emma  E.  D. ;  2024  Jackson.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 

Lewis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Oscar,  Miss,  Howard ;  2608  Sacramento. 

Lewis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm;  1296  Van  Ness  Ave.     (Tel.  East  62.) 

Lewis,  Miss  Sadie  J.;  1849  Jackson.     Thursday. 

Lewitt,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  B. ;  500  Van  Ness  Ave.;  4th  Thursday. 

Libby,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Dorville,  Dorville,  Jr.;  520  Twenty-first,  cor  Capp. 

Liddle,  R.,  Mrs.  Clara  A.,  Harold,  George  K.;  329  Fell. 

Liebes,  Herman,  Kecrge;  1714  Van  Ness  Ave. 

Liebes,  Mrs.  I.,   Miss  Elsie,  Miss    Leonie,   Isaac,  Benjamin,  Philip;     2723 

Pacific  Ave.     2d  and  4th  Wednesday. 
Liebes,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Sidney:  402  Lott.     (Tel.  Steiner  211.)     4th  Monday. 
Likens,  Dr.  J.  W.;  14  Murphy  Building,  1236  Market. 

Lilenthal,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ernest  R.;  1510  Van  Ness  Ave.     (Tel.  East  351.) 
Lilenthal,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Philip  N.,  Miss  Victoria;   1805  Franklin. 
Lincoln,  Mrs.  Jerome,  Miss  Ethel.  Jerome  B.;  555  Harrison.     Wednesday. 
Lindley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Curtis  H. ;  2217  California.     Thursday. 
Lindsay,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  N. ;   1114  Post.     Wednesday. 
Lindsey,  Miss  A.  G.,  Miss  C;  The  Martinette,  Mondav. 
Linforth,  Mrs.  E.  H.,  Miss  Maud  C,  Walter  H.;  718A  Twenty-first. 
Lion,  Rev.  and  Mrs.  Edgar  J.;  832  Fulton. 
Lippman,   George  W.;  2828  Washington. 
Lissak,  Louis  S.  S. ;  Palace  Hotel. 
Lisser,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis;  1241  Franklin.     Friday. 
Litchfield,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  M. ;  1241  Page.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 
Little,  Mrs.  J.  T.,  Miss  C.  Grace;  2515  Gough.     Thursday. 
Little,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  H.;   311   Scott.     Thursday. 
Little,  Miss  Dillie  E. ;  2127  Bush.     Wednesday. 
Littlefield,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  H.;  1209  Buchanan. 
Littlefield,  Ivory  F.;   615  Mason. 
Livingston,  James  M.,  Miss  Gertrude,  Miss  Alice,  Miss  Florence,  Howard; 

2640  Pacific   Ave.     (Tel.   Pine   1901.) 
Locke,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  L. ;  2230  Broadway.     1st  and  2d  Friday. 
Loewe,  Mr.  Henrietta;   830  McAllister.     (Tel.  Pine  2101.) 
Lloyd,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert;  2015  Golden  Gate  Ave.     Monday. 
Lloyd,  Reuben  H.;  1010  Folsom.     (Tel.  South  17.) 
Llewellyn,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.,  Miss  Lola,  Miss  Amparo  C,  Y.  W.,  F.;   1217 

Washington.     (Tel.  Sutter  291.)     2d  and  4th  Tuesday. 
Lockhard,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  S.;  1228  Bush.     Thursday. 
Lofstad,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  N.;  730  Turk. 

Logan,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Milburn  H.;  770  Oak.     Wednesday.     (Tel.  West  265.) 
Lohse,  Mrs.  John  F.,  Miss;  Belvedere,  Marin  Co. 
Lohse,  Nicholas,  Miss  Lulu;  111  A  Franklin.     (Tel.  Jessie  291.) 
Loler,  Mrs.  E.,  Miss;  Hotel  Pleasanton.     Monday. 
Lombard,  Charles  H.;  1519  Webster.     Thursday. 
Long,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  Hatel,  Hubert  C;  Sutherland.     Monday. 
Long,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lucius  J.;   The  Colonial.     Thursday. 
Long,  Mr.  and  Mrs.;  1500  Washington.     2d  and  4th  Tuesday. 
Long,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Seely  F.;  21  Buena  Vista  Ave.     Wednesday. 
Longstreet,  Mrs.  M.  W.;  Palace  Hotel.     Monday. 
Lonigo,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  E.  V.,  Miss  Victoria,  Miss  Helen,  Loomis,  Mrs.  George; 

Occidental,  Sonoma  Co.,  Cal.     Thursday. 
Lord,  Mrs.  Fannie  E.;  952  Bush.     (Tel.  Hyde  2141.) 
Lorini,  Dr.  Raffaele;  2720  Sacramento. 
Lorini,  Miss  Agatha  Lucia;  2720  Sacramento.     Thursday. 


Loryea.  Mrs.  E.  S..  George  L.:   2524  California. 

Lougee.  Mr.  and  Mrs.   F.   \Y.;  3402  Clay.     (Tel.  Steiner  3771.) 

Loughborough.    Mr.     and    Mrs.    A.    H.,    Miss     Fannie.   A.   Z..    George     A.; 

1100  O'Farrell.     (Tel.  Sutter  1911.)     Thursday. 
Louit.  Mme.  Louise;  1017  Sutter.     Saturdav   afternoon. 
Love.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  L. :  28  Glen  Park   Ave.     YVednesdav. 
Love.   Mrs.  Josie  S.:  1714  Clay.     1st   and   3d   Wednesday. 
Lovelace.    Dr.  and    Mrs.    Arthur  S.:   1104A   Devisadero.     (Thursday. 
Lovell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Mansfield:  Occidental  Hotel.     San  Lorenzo. 
Lovell.  Mrs.  Hathaway:  Hotel  Plasanton.     1st  and  2d  Monday. 
Low.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joel  B.:  709  Broderick.     (Tel.  Steiner  2191.) 
Low.  Judge  and  Mrs.  Charles  A.:  710  Pine. 
Low.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Josiah  O.;  2031  Pacific  Ave. 

Lowenberg.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  I..  Albert  J.;  609  Van  Ness  Ave.     Thursdav. 
Lowenthal.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  s.:    2220  Sacramento.     (Tel.  West  947.)     Mon. 
Lowry.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  J.:  2002  Pacific  Ave.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Lowry.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  J..  Miss.  Miss  Agnes.  Miss  Isabel:   848  Van  Ness 

Ave.     1st  and  3d  Tueday. 
Lowry.  Dr.  E.  N. :  The  Colonial.     (Tel.  East  99.) 
Loyall.  Miss  Camilla:   2315  Sacramento.     Friday. 
Luce.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  George  J.:  910  Market. 

Luce.  Mr.  and  Mrs.     George  W.;  2119  Broadwav.     (Tel.  Hvde  2041.) 
Lucien.  D.  G.:   424  Post. 

Lucas.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  E.:  300  Castro.     Wednesday. 
Lucy.  Professor  Roscoe  Warren:  944  Valencia. 
Lucke.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ben  H.:  1333  Golden  Gate  Ave.     Thursday. 
Lucchesi.  Professor  Richard  A.:  1010  California. 

Ludovici.  F.  Woldemar.  Miss  Frieda.  Miss  Alice  E..  Julius.  L.  M..  W.  Oscar; 
2305  Fillmore.     Owl's  Wood.  Corte  Madera. 

Lugsdin.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jay.  Miss  Flora:  Palace  Hotel.     Monday. 
Lund.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry.  Henry,  Jr.;  1914  Washington.     Wednesday. 
Lundborg.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  A.  YV.  Miss,  living:  1918  Sacramento.     Thur. 
Lundstrom.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  K.  A.:  1312  Seventeenth.     Thursdav. 
Lutgens.  A.  C:  1403  Golden  Gate  Ave. 
Lutz.  William  E. :  2733  California. 

Lussey.  Miss  Florence:  415  Baker.     1st  and  3d  Thursdav. 
Lux.  Dr.  Fred  W:  1214  Vallejo. 

Lyford.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Benjamin.     Strawberry  Point.  Marin.  Co. 
Lyle.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  S.:   Hotel  St.  Nicholas. 
Lyle.  Miss  Martha  Sinclair:  Occidental  Hotel.     Monday. 
Lyman.  Miss  Isabel:  712  Capp. 

Lynch,  Mrs.  E.  Judson;  Hotel  St.  Nicholas.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 
Lynch.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  W.;  1330  Washington.    Friday. 
Lyon,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  J.:  1105  Franklin.     3d  Monday. 
Lyons.  Mrs.  Envilie.  H.  G..  E.  G. :  2<>22  Bush.     Tuesday. 

Mac-Crellish.  Mrs.  Frederick;  907  Pine.     Thursday. 

MacDougall.  Mrs.  R.  A..  Miss  E.  Florence.  Wm.  O.:  19  Glen  Park   Ave 

MacDonald.  Dr.  G.  Childs:  1906  Laguna.     (Tel.  Pine  2461.) 

Mac-Donald.  Col.  and  Mrs.  William.  Burns:  2219  Scott.     (Tel.  West  539.) 

Macdonough.  William  O'Brien:  Fniversity  Club. 

Mack,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Adolph;  2215  Buchanan.     (Tel.  Pine  221.) 

Mack,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lawrence,  Miss,  S..  Wilfred :9080  O'Farrell.  3,  4  Tues. 

Mackay.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D..  Mrs.  Maud.  Robert  G.;  1419  Washington.     Friday. 

Mackenzie,  Rev.  and  Mrs.  Robert.  Miss:  2021  California.     Tuesday. 

MacLean.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  D..  Miss  Celia.  Miss  Sibyl,  Don:  1714  Ellis.     Tues. 

MacMonagle.  Dr.  and   Mrs.  Beverly:   1311    Hyde.     (Tel.  East  535.) 

Maiondray.  Faxon  A.     Menlo  Park. 

Macondray.  Miss  M.  L.:   1001  Pine.     Thursday. 


Macondray,  William;    922B  Sutter.     Menlo  Park. 
Macondray,  Horatio  N. ;  Kobe.  Japan. 

Madden,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  M.;   1334  Clay.     (Tel.  Hyde  1931.) 
Madden,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jerome,  Miss  Eva  E.,  Lieut.  John  F.,  Fifth  U.  S. 

Infantry,  U.  S.  A.;  2709  Sacramento.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Madden.  T.  P.;  Occidental  Hotel. 
Madison.  Mrs.  S.  E. ;  1515  Sacramento.     Thursday. 

Madison,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  D.;  2515  Broadway.     (Tel.  West  836.)     Fri. 
Maddox,  C.  H.;  104  Baker. 

Maddux.   Mrs.   M.   L.,  Miss  Lulu;  3009  Sacramento.     1st.  2d   and  3d  Wed. 
Magee.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  A..  Jr.:  1413  Hyde.     (Tel.  Hyde  1271.) 
Magee,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas,  Jr.;  Hotel  Richelieu.     Etnemere,  Fruitva'.e. 
Maguire,  George  E.;  516  Van  Ness  Ave. 

Maguire.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  Appleton:  The  California.     Monday. 
Mahan.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  H.,  Miss  Addie;  2001  Eddy.     Thursday. 
Mahon,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank;  2006  Washington.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 
Mahony,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  J.:  1150  Fulton.     Tuesday.     Menlo  Park. 
Main,  Mr.  Charles;  Palace  Hotel. 

Maldonado,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  E.;  2006  California.     1st  and  2d  Tuesday. 
Mallon.  John,  Peter  L. ;  2508  Sacramento. 

Manassi,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Nathan,  Miss  Carrie:  714  Franklin.     Tuesday. 
Mancusi,  Joseph;  210  Powell. 

Mandlebaum,  Mrs.  Louisa,  P.;  2202  Jackson.     (Tel.  West  828.) 
Mandel,  Mr.   and  Mrs.  E. ;  Hotel  Richelieu. 

Mangels,  Mrs.  Claus.  Miss  Agnes,  J.  H.;  2518  Howard.  (Tel.  Mission  21.) 
Manheim,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  S.:  1410  Fillmore.  (Tel.  West  272.)  2.  4  Thur. 
Mann,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Azro  L.,  Robert  L.,  Mrs.  Mary  Mann-Brown:  222  C^v. 
Mann,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  M.:  3414  Washington.  Thursday.  (Tel.  Pine  1521.) 
Mann,  Dr.  C.  S.,  Mrs.  E.  O.:  The  Westminster,  614  Sutter.  1.  2  Thursday. 
Mann,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  F.  P.,  Miss  Leila  A..  Frederick  P.;  2417  Webster,  cor. 

Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  Pine  2621.)     Tuesday. 
Mann,  Mrs.,  Charles  H.:  2444  Howard.     Tuesday. 
Mann,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  R.:  2011  California.     (Tel.  Steiner  1281.) 
Manning,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Guy  E.:  754  Oak.     (Tel.  West  894.)     Wednesday. 
Manning,  Horatio  S.;  East  Oakland. 

Mansfield,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  I.  L.  R.,  E.  L.;  400  Golden  Gate  Ave.    Thursday. 
Manson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Marsden;  2010  Gough.     Wednesday. 
Mantle.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Byron  G.,  M.  Sheldon;  309  Jones.     Monday. 
Marble,  Charles;  1501B  Larkin 
Marceau,  Col.  Theodore  C;  826  Market. 
Marcus,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.;  2223  Sutter.    1st  Thursday. 
Marcuse,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  M.:   2226  Washington.     2d  and  3d  Monday. 
Marcy,  William;  California  Hotel. 

Margo.  Mrs.  Mary,  Miss:  2821A  Sacramento.     2d  and  4th  Friday. 
Margo.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  A.;  709  Bush.    1st  and  3d  Thursday. 
Marriott.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick:  Alameda.     Tuesday. 

Marsh,  Miss  Elsie  N.:  2020  Broadway.     1st  and  3d  Friday.     (Tel.  West  727.) 
Marsh,  J.  Alfred;  Hotel  Bella  Vista. 
Marsh,  Mrs.  E.  B.,  Miss  Elsie:  Eecleston:  907  Pine. 
Marsh,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  F.;  2507  Howard. 
Marshall,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Benjamin:  924  Sutter.     (Tel.  Sutter  421.) 
Marshall,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  H.;  96  Devisadero.     1st  and  3d  Monday. 
Marshutz.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  C,  Miss  Laura:  1918  Vallejo.     2d,  4th  Tuesday. 
Marston.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  W. :  2811  Jackson.     (Tel.  West  574.) 
Martel,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  L.,  Miss  Adele,  Louis  S..  Alfred  C;  2613  Buchanan. 
Martin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  E.:  The  Colonial.     Thursday.     Oakland. 
Martin,  Mr.  and  rs.  J.  P.;  3316  Washington.     (Tel.  Pine  3091.) 
Martin.  William  J.:  600  Bush.     Tel.  Black  2391.) 
.Martin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Arthur  A.;  Friday.     Rustic  Hill,  Mill  Valley. 


Martin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Albert  H.;  3484  Clay.     1st  and  2d  Thursday. 

.Martin.  Arthur  W.;  118  Geary. 

Martin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Camilo.     Friday. 

Martin.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  George  H.;  Palace  Hotel.     2d  and  4th  Monday. 

Martin,   Mrs.   Edward.   Peter  D.,  Walter  S.,   Andrew   1).;   2112   Pacific  Ave. 

Martin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  S. ;  G25  Union. 
Martin.  Mrs.  Henry;  Hotel  Richelieu. 

Martin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Ross,  Miss,  Miss  Ina:  2918  Howard.     1st  Tuesday. 
Martin,  Lesley;  14  Qrant  Ave. 
Martin,  William,  2220  Van  Ness  Ave. 
Martin,  William;  2914  California. 

Martin,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  William  A.;  824  Fell.     (Tel.  West  709.)     1,  2  Friday. 
Martin,  William  C;  1005  Buchanan. 
Martin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.   H.;   Palace  Hotel.     Monday. 
Martin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  .1.:  Thursday.     Baden. 

Martinez,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Felipe;  900  Powell.     (Tel.  Black  2321.)     Tuesday. 
Martinez.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  Henry  F. ;  2109  Pacific  Ave. 
Marvin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  W.;   1812  Larkin. 
Marvin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Harvey  E.;  1910  Devisadero. 

Marvin.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wni.  YV.,  Miss  Lila  1...;  Eastland,  Mill  Valley.    Wed. 
Marwedel,  C.  F.;  2011  Bush. 
Marwedel.  Charles  W.;  2422  Union. 
Mayre,  George  T.,  Jr.;  Occidental  Hotel. 
Mason.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  N.  H.  A.;  836  Turk. 
Masten,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  M. :  Alameda. 

Masten,  N.  K.,  Miss  Alice,  Louis  C.  H.;  2218  Clay.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Massie,  Dr.  H.  C;  231  Post. 

Mathews,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Harvey;  1501  Jackson.     Thursday. 
Mathews,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  E.,  Victor  E. :  841  California.      2,  4  Tuesday. 
Mathews,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.;  1129  Mvrtle.     Wednesday.     Oakland. 
Mathews,  Mrs.  Rebecca.  Miss;  2116  Golden  Gate  Ave. 
Mathews,  George  S.;  2111  Golden  OaLe  Ave. 
Mathieu,  Mr  and  Mrs.  Julien.  Jr.:  Oakland.     Sausalito. 
Mathieu,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Francis  L. :  1715  Larkin.     Friday.     Sausalito. 
Mathieu,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Julien,  Jr.:  Oakland.     Sausaiito. 
Matthews,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ambrose  P.;   Palace  Hotel.    Monday. 
Matthews,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick  C;  110  Liberty.     Wednesday. 
Mattner,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  E.  H.;  505  Van  Ness  Ave.     (Tel.   Mint  531.)     Wed. 
Mau,  Mrs.  H.   Mbert.  Miss  Julia.  A'-thur  H.  C.  Edward  C;   2215  Broadway. 
Mau.  Mr.  and   Mrs.  Wm.  F. ;  1327  Sutter.     1st  Thursday. 
Mauldin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hugh:   Hotel  Bella  Vista.     Thursday. 
Mauzv,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Elmer  R.:  2617  Pine. 

Mauzv,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Byron:  1125  O'Farrell.     (Tel.  Hvde  261.)     1.  3  Tuesday. 
Maxwell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  H.:  Maxwelton.  Sonoma  Co. 
Maxwell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  D..  Miss  Elsie  W. ;  3d  Thursday.     Belvedere. 
May,  Miss  Lizzie  G.,  George  S.:  1313  Taylor.     2d  and  4th  Wednesday. 
Mayer,  Albert  M.  S.;  306  Leavenworth. 

Mayer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles.  Jr.:  921  Fillmore.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 
Mayer,  Dr.  Oscar  J.:  216  Sutter.     (Tel.  Black  SOL) 

Mayer,  Col.  and  Mrs.  Samuel  D.:  Hotel  Wenban.  606  Sutter.     Thursday. 
Maves.  Mrs.  Mary  A.:  1721   Broderick.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 
Maynadier,  Maj.  and  Mrs.  W.  M..  lT.  S.  A.:  Hotel  Savoy.     Monday. 
Maynard,,  Mrs.  George.  Miss  Eva.  Miss  Lena,  Miss  Sallie;   2268  Franklin. 
Maynard,  James;   The  Lorraine. 
Mayo,  H.  B. ;  240  Montgomery. 

Mays,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Win.  H.;   903  Sutter.     (Tel.  East   104.)     Wednesday. 
McAfee,  L.  C;  622  Sutter. 
McAfee,  C.  William;   2921  California.     (Tel.   Pine  781.) 


McAfee,  Mrs.  T.  C;  The  Colonial.     Thursday. 

McAllister,  Mrs.  Hall,  Miss;  cor.  Pine  and  Buchanan.     (Tel.  Pine  1231.) 

McAllister,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Eliott;  2127  Pacific  Ave.     Ross  Station,  Marin  Co. 

McAllister,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hall;  2422  Fillmore.     (Tel.  Steiner  841.) 

McAllister,  Judge  Ward;  Pacific-Union  Club. 

McBean,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.  McG.,  Miss;  1360  Market,  or  Pacific-Union  Club. 

McBride,  J.  I.;   2534  Mission. 

McCargar,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Richard;  913  Powell. 

McCarthy,  Mrs.  H.,  Miss  Lizzie,  Eugene,  William  N. ;    525  O'Farrell. 

McCarthy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  Avery;  2716  Scott.     (Tel.  Pine  1991.)     Friday. 

McChesney,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  W. ;  Waikiki,  Hawaiian  Islands. 

McChesney,  Robert  W.;  204  Front,  Alameda. 

McChesney,  George  G.;  204  Front,  Alameda. 

McClung,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  W.;  2412  Webster.     Friday. 

McCone,  Dr.  and   Mrs.  James  F.;  1132  Sutter.     (Tel.   Sutter  631.)    Wed. 

McCoppin,  Hon.  and  Mrs.  F. ;  Hotel  Pleasanton.     1st,  2d  and  3d  Monday. 

McConnell,  Dr.  Edward  G. ;  703  Sutter.     (Tel.  East  425.) 

McCormick,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  T.,  St.  John,  E.  S.;  1831  Vallejo.    1st  Tues. 

McCoy,  Henry  J.:   Y.  M.  C.  Assiciation  Building,  Berkeley. 

McCormick,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  H.,  E.  B.,  W.  Holt,  Jr.;  1715  Larkin.  Friday. 

McCreery,  Mrs.  Andrew  B. :  Palace  Hotel.     New  York. 

McCutchen,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  J.;  Ross  Valley. 

McDonald,  Mrs.  D.  L.,  Miss  Laura,  Miss  Blythe,  DeWitt  L.;  2122  Pine.  Tues. 

McDonald,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  Jasper:  1701  Gough.     (Tel.  Pine  3231.) 

McDonald,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  James  M.;  912  Union. 

McDougall,   Barnett,    Miss   Nellie,    Charles   C,    George   B..    Benjamin   G. ; 

721  Devisadero. 
McDowell.  Miss  Ada;  1310  Page.     4th  Tuesday. 
McElroy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Andrew,  Miss;  715  McAllister. 

McElroy,  James,  Miss  Annie,  Miss  Emma,  Miss  Jennie,  Miss  Minnie,  James; 
3107  Washington. 

McElroy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  R. :  616  Haight. 

McElroy,  Mr.  Mrs.  R. ;  S.  W.  cor.  Buchanan  and  Haight.     Thursday. 

McElroy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  D.;  122  Chattanooga. 

McEnerney,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Garrett  W. :  415  Shrader. 

McEwen,  Mrs.  J.  A.,  Miss  Susie;  1619  Clav.     Wednesday. 

McEwen,  Miss  Mary,  Miss  Eleanor  G.;  1318  Jones.     Thursday. 

McFadyen,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  A.;  1730  Page.     2d  and  4th  Monday. 

McFarland,  Judge  and  Mrs.  T.  B..  Miss  Jennie:  2241  Jackson.     1,  3  Friday. 

McGary,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward,  Edward,  Jr..  James  F.:  1036  Mission.     Thur. 

McGauley,  Mrs.  Julia  F.,  Miss  Julie  C.  James  F.;  2423  Green.     Monday. 

McGavin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  J.;  2602  California.     San  Rafael. 

McGill,  Dr.  A.  B.;  919  Post.    (Tel.  Hyde  1841.) 

McGill,  Henry  M.;  1733  Broadway. 

McGilvray,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  B.:  1332  Bush. 

McGlauflin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  W. ;  Alameda. 

McGlynn,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Peter  J.;  2424  Leavenworth. 

McGowan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  A.;  1922  Vallejo.     Tuesday. 

McKee,  Dr.  Albert  B.;  1819  Webster.    Office  533  Sutter.     (Tel.  Red  841.) 

McKee,  Mrs.  John;  300  Laurel.     (Tel.  West  884.) 

McKee,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  Dempter:  300  Laurel.    (Tel.  West  884.)    1st  Thur. 

McKee,  Miss  Daisy  L.,  Lester  H.  F.;  2043  Pine.     Tuesday. 

McKellops,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  H.  L. ;  411  Leavenworth.     Tuesday. 

McKenna,  Judge  and  Mrs.  Joseph,  Miss:  2264  Franklin.     (Tel.  East  671.) 

McKinley,  Miss;  2003  California.     2d  and  4th  Thursday. 

McKinstry,  Judge  and  Mrs.  E.  W.,  Miss  Laura,  J.  C;  1237  O'Farrell. 

McKittrick,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H.;The  Meadows   Bakersfield. 

McKisick,  Lewis;  Hotel  St.  Nicholas. 

McLaine,  Mrs.  Laughlin,  Miss  Carrie;  2226  Clay.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 


MicLane,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chas.  A.;  521  Devisadero.    2d  Tuesday. 

McLaTen,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Norman:  2416  Fillmore. 

McLean,  Mrs.  Carrie  B.:  2920  Washington.     (Tel.  Steiner  3271.) 

McLean,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  R.  A.:  N.  W.  cor.  Pacific  Ave.  and  Devisadero.     Fri. 

McLaughlin,  Maj.  and  Mrs.  Frank,  Miss  A.  L.;  Palace  Hotel.     Tuesdav. 

McLellan,  Mrs.  M.  C.  Miss  M.  P..  Miss  M.  B..  Miss  M.  G..    E.  W..    L.    E., 

Win.  S..  G.  B. ;  171"  Washington.     1st  and  3d  Thursday.     Mabelgra. 
McLennan.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  P.;   17)15  Clay.     (Tel.  East  394.)     Tuesday. 
.Mi-Mahan.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Calvin  C;  31  Essex:  Seminary  Park. 
McMahan.  Mrs.  L.  E..  James  E.;  1332  Buchanan. 

McMichael,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  M.  J.;  Channing  and  Piedmont  Ways.  Berkeley. 
.McMillan.  Robert.  Miss  Jennie.  Miss  Emma:    500  Thirteenth.     1,   3  Wed. 
McMullen,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank:  1511  Jones.     Tuesday. 
McMullin.  Mrs.  George  O..  Miss  Mamie.  George  O..  Thurlow:  1104  Post. 
McMullin,  Wm.  J.:  Russ  House. 

McMullin.  Mrs.  Thurlow.  Latham:  1252  California.     (Tel.  Sutter  701.)    Tues. 
McMurray,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R. :  2106  Pacific  Ave.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 
MeMurray.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William:  2926  1-2  Folsom.     1st  and  3d  Monday. 
McNab.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Gavin:  Occidental  Hotel.     Monday. 
McNeil.  Miss:  1019  California.    Tuesdav. 

McNeil,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  H.;  2211  Van  Ness  Ave.     Friday. 
McNulty,  Mrs.  Charles  A.:  1252  California.     (Tel.  Sutter  701.)     Tuesday. 
McNutt,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  F.,  Miss  Ruth.  Maxwell    C,  W.    Fletcher.    Jr.: 

1805  California.     (Tel.  East  88.)     Tuesday. 
McPherson,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Maynard,  Miss  Belle  F.,  Wm. :  2502  Fillmore.    Fri. 
McQuesten,  Mrs.  M.  A.,  Miss  E.  P.:  1618  Jackson.     Friday. 
McQuesten.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  A. :  1618  Jackson. 

Mead,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lewis  R. :  The  Colonial.     Thursday.     Byron  Springs. 
Mead,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter:  1828  Vallejo.     Wednesday. 
Mead,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  H..  Miss  Susette:    2405  Octavia.     Tuesday. 
Mearns,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George,  George  S. :  1412  Octavia.    Thursday. 
Meckfessel,  W.  B.;  905  Steiner. 

Mee.  Mrs.   James;  1894  Broadway.     (Tel.   West  165.) 
Meertief.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.:  2125  Jackson.     (Tel.  Steiner  3461.) 
Meinecke.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles,  Miss  I..  Miss  Minnie:  Freiburg,  Germany. 
Meinecke,  Dr.  Emile;  Heidelburg.  Germany. 
Melczer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph:  Alameda.     Saturday. 
Melczer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.     Tuesday.     Terracina  Heights.  Redlands. 
Mellersh.  Thomas:  1814  Buchanan. 

Melliss.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  Ernest:  1335  Leavenworth.     1st  and  2d  Tuesday. 
Melone,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Drury:  Palace  Hotel.     Oak  Knoll.  Napa  Co. 
Melrose,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kenneth,  Miss  Mamie:  2517  Octavia. 
Mendell,  Col.  and  Mrs.  George  H.,  George  H..  Jr.,  Harry.  John  A.;  2310  Clay. 
Menton,  William  H. ;  305  Larkin. 

Menzies,  Miss  Sarah,  Stewart;  318  Lombard.     Friday. 
Meredith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Beniamin  E.:  Murmar  Hotel,  703  Geary.     Wed. 
Merki,  Professor  Louis:  1045  1-2  Valencia. 
Merrill,  Mrs.  K.  M.,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  W.:  149  Hancock. 

Merrill.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  F.,  Miss.  John  S.:   1732  Washington.     Friday. 
Merritt,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  George  W.,  J.  D.:   814  Sutter.    Thursday. 
Merten,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  August  F. ;  2010  Golden  Gate  Ave. 
Merry,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  L.,  Miss  Mae.  Miss  Blanche,  Miss  Alice.     2030 

Pacific  Ave.     Friday.     Sausalito. 
Mesick,  Mrs.  M.  A.,  Miss  Mamie:  Hotel  Pleasanton.     Monday. 
Meeser,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Nat.  T..  Miss  Marie  (!..  Xat.  T..  Jr.:  California  Hotel. 
Messersmith.  E.  Turner:  1101  Pine. 
Metzner.  William,  1231  Guerrero. 

Meyer,  Mr.  Emmanuel,  Miss  Lea:  632  Post.     3d  Monday. 
Meyer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Daniel;  1827  California.     (Tel.  West  360.) 


Meyer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.,  Miss  R. ;  1730  Pine.     Thursday,  except  last. 

Meyer,  Mr.  and  Mrs    H.  L.  E.;  2724  Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  West  7.) 

Meyer,  Mrs.  Dr.  Paul;  1219  Polk. 

Meyer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Leopold  C. ;  916  Van  Ness  Ave.     1st  and  3d  Monday. 

Mezes,  Mrs.  Julia  J.,  Sidney  Edward;  2610  Webster. 

Mezzara,  Mme.  Amelia;  1222  Pine.    ■Saturday. 

Michael,  M.  F. ;  University  Club. 

Miohels,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L. ;  Hotel  Richelieu.     1st,  2d  and  3d  Monday. 

Michalitschke,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.,  The  Misses;  2102  California. 

Middleton,  Lieut. -Col.  Johnson  V.  D.,  U.  S.  A.;   Hotel  Richelieu. 

Middleton,  V.  D.,  Lieutenant. -Col.  Surgeon,  U.  S.  A.;  Hotel  Richelieu. 

Middleton,  Samuel  P.;  725  Webster. 

Middleton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John;   2431  Green.     (Tel.  West  1002.)     Friday. 

Mier,  Richard  J.;   1223  Waller. 

Miles,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  H.;  481  Valencia.     Wednesday. 

Miles,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  David  E.,  Miss  Ethel;  2104  Van  Ness  Ave.     Thursday. 

Miles,  Lieut. -Col.  and  Mrs.  Evan,  U.  S.  A.;  Benecia  Barracks,  Cal. 

Millar,  Dr.  James  B.  F. ;  2611 A  Sacramento. 

Miller,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  E. ;  819  Guerrero.     Friday. 

Miller,  Dr.  Charles  N.;  Spreckels  Building.     Alameda. 

Miller,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  G.  Everett;  510A  Turk. 

Miller,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry;  34  Essex.     (Tel.  Main  437.)     Gilroy. 

Miller,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  John  A.;  1018  Valencia.     Wednesday. 

Miller,  John  Henry;  Cosmos  Club. 

Miller,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel:  845  Fifteenth.     Yosemite  Valley. 

Miller,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  S. ;  919A  Jones.     Tuesday.     Sonoma. 

Mills,  Miss,  Edgar  J.;  2322  Devisadero.     Menlo  Park. 

Mills,  Edward.  518  Fell. 

Mills,  Mrs.  Flora  A.,  Miss  Caroline,  Simeon  X.;  1920  Van  Ness  Ave.  2,  4  Fri. 

Mills,  D.  O. ;  Palace  Hotel.     (Abroad.)     Millbrae  and  New  York. 

Mills,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  H.,  Miss  Delia;    2800  Jackson.     Thursday. 

Mills,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  L.   B.;    1918  Sutter. 

Millzner.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  S. :  ThP  Mir'r-ar,  703  Geary.     Roselawn  Ross  Val. 

Milnes,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  W.;   504  Cole.     1st  Thursdav. 

Milroy,  Robert  B.;   403  Fillmore. 

Milton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  S..  Miss.  W.  R. ;  511  Post. 

Milton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  S.,  Jr.:  511  Post. 

Miner,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H..  Miss,  Allan  B.;  2025  California.     Friday. 

Miner,  Frank  G. ;  The  California. 

Minetti,  Professor  and  Mrs.  G.:  727  O'Farrell. 

Minner,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  H.,  Miss  Alice,  Bert,  Willis;  2241  Howard.  Tues. 

Minson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  T. ;  508  Devisadero.     2d  and  4th  Thursday. 

Mintzer.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.:   2901   California.     (Tel.  West  697.)     Tuesday. 

Mitchell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  H.:  213  Dorland.     2d  and  4th  Thursdav. 

Mitchell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  H. ;  Hotel  Sutherland.     Monday,  except  1st  and  2d. 

Mitchell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  .M.:  813  Grove. 

Mitchell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Harold  D..  Miss:  1505  Taylor.    Tuesday. 

Mitchell.  Dr.  J.  B.:  1524  California.     (Tel.  Putter  2191.) 

Mitchell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  S.,  Miss  Ruth:  838  Guerrero.    3d  Thursday. 

Mitchell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  B.:  Alameda.     3d  Thursdav. 

Mizner,  Mrs.  L.  B. ;   Occidental  Hotel.     Stag's  Leap,  Napa  Co. 

Mizner,  Edgar  A.:  Bohemian  Club. 

Mizner,  Lansing;  University  Club. 

Mizner.  Dr.  William  G.,  Addison  C.  Wilson.  Benicia:  Parrott  Building. 

Moale.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  G. :  526  Harris™.     Thursday.     Menlo  Park. 

Mohun,  Dr.  C.   C:  1817  Eddv.     (Tel.  Pine  2381.) 

MoWa,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  J..  Miss.  Andrew  T  •  850  Vnn  Ness  Ave.     1st  Tim" 

Moliere,  Dr.  Jam**  w.-  406  Sutter.     (Tel.  Main  1190.) 

Monaco,  Paul;  120  Sutter. 


Montague.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  W.,  Miss  Wright;  1103  Bush.     Thursday. 

Montealegre,  Carlos  F.,  Miss  Maria  T.,  Francisco  G.,  Herman;  512  Sutter. 

Monteagle,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  F.:  2516  Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  Pine  451.)    Friday. 

Montgomery,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  D.  W.;  112-1  Sutter.  (Tel.  East  191.)    1,  3  Friday. 

Montpellier.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A..  Miss  Louise;  2011  Buchanan.     1st  Tuesday. 

Moody.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick  S.:  Burlingame,  Cal. 

Moody,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  L.,  Miss.  Miss  Mai,  Miss  Eva;  821  Lombard. 

Mooney.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Squire  V.;   1727  Page. 

Moore,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  C;  1226  Page.     1st  and  2d  Thursday. 

Moore,  Ralph  H.;  University  Club. 

Moore,    Mr.    and    Mrs.    Alfred    S..    Pierre    Coswall;    S.    E.    cor.    Page   and 

Buchanan.     Tuesday,  except  first.     Belvedere. 
Moore,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Austin  D.,  Miss  Miriam:  2607  California. 
Moore,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Arthur  W.;  2520  Pacific  Ave.     Friday. 
Moore.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  A.:  2607  California.     (Tel.  West  870.)     Friday. 
Moore.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  C;  1444  McAllister      1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 
Moore,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C.  W. ;  140<t  Van  Ness  Ave.     (Tel.  East  588.)    Friday. 
Moore.  Mrs.  E..  Miss  Elizabeth  B.;  Haight.     Wednesday. 
Moore.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  A.;  916  Union.     Alameda. 
Moore,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James:  1903  Baker. 

Moore,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  J.;  1722  Washington.     (Tel.  Sutter  851.1 
Moore,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  H.;  2126  Vallejo.     Friday. 
Moore,  Percy  P.;  2605  California.     (Tel.  West  830.) 

Moore,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel  E.:  2934  California.     Friday.    San  Rafael. 
Mooser.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis  H.;  1928A  Golden  Gate  Ave.     Wednesday. 
Mooser.  Mrs.  Wm„  Miss  Alice,  Charles  E.;  2709  Pierce.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Mooser.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William,  Jr.;  2815  Pierce.    Friday. 
Morffew,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas:  1725  Pine.     (Tel.  Sutter  1121.)     Friday. 
Morgan.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cosmo;  Oakland. 
Morgan,    Edwin    D.,    Miss    Alicia    M.,    Miss    Laura    R..    Miss   Susie    D.,    J. 

Marshall;    2312  Clay.     Prescott.  Ariz. 
Morgan,  Mrs.  George  R.;  514  Eddy.       1st  Thursday. 
Morgan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Percy  T.;  2213  Buchanan.     (Tel.  West  95.) 
Morgan.  Miss  E.  O.;  409  Mason.     Thursday. 

Morgan    Rev.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  P.  B..  Miss  E..  H.;  409  Mason.     Thursday. 
Morgan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  S.;  Miss  Ella:  Frederick  C;  909  Twenty-fifth. 
Morgan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wiliam  P.;  Miss  Ella;  Miss  Theresa;  Horace  W.;  2211 

Clay.     (Tel.  West  222.)     Friday. 
Morgan.  Wm.  J.;  Miss  Maud;  Baldwin  Hotel. 
Moroney.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Frank;  710  Steiner. 

Morosco,  Walter;  Harry:  Leslie:  Oliver:  Grand  Opera  House.    Fruitvale. 
Mi  rrell.  Mrs.  Paul:  Miss:  Mins  Grace;  706  Taylor.    Tuesday. 
Morris,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  R. :  Miss  Alzadia;  18231/.  Green.    Wednesday. 
Morris.  Samuel  F. :  1112%  Hyde. 

Morrison,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alexander  F.:  2717  Pine.     (Tel.  Pine  961.) 
Morrison,  Mrs.  Margaret  A.;    Miss;  Miss    Florence  P.:  Miss    Mollie:  2525 

Pine.    Friday. 
Morrison,  Miss  Tda:  Hotel  Lenox.    Thursday. 

Morrow.  Robert  P.:  Robert  H.:  916  Leavenworth.     (Tel.  Sutter  491.) 
Morrow.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  G.:   Sausalito.     Tuesday. 
Morrow,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  C:  1602  Vallejo     2d  and  3d  Friday. 
Morrow,  Judge  and  Mrs.  William  W.;  Miss  Eleanor;  San  Rafael. 
Morrow,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  H.:  2823  Pine.     3d  and  4th  Friday.     San  Rafael. 
Morse,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Geo.   I). :   The  Baldwin. 

M  >rse,  Capt.  ami  Mrs.  H.  G.;  Palace  Hotel.     Monday.    Stmr.    •Alameda." 
Morse,  I.  11:  1  115  Clay. 

Morse.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  John  F.:  2522  Pine.     (Tel.  West  533.)    1st  and  2d  Thurs. 
Mortee,  Miss  Mary  E.;  28  Liberty.     1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 


Morton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  C;  Miss  May  W.;  Julius  W.;  2014  Pierce.  Fry. 

Morton,  Mrs.  Laura  E. ;  Miss  Mary  M. ;  1819  Webster. 

Morton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  D. ;  310  Ellis.     (Tel.  South  681.)    1st  ,3d  Tues. 

Morton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  J. ;  The  Colonial.    Thursday.    Sausalito. 

Morton    Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Hatfield:  1320  Golden  Gate  Ave.     1st  Wednesday. 

Morton.  Mr  and  Mrs.  William  R. ;  1180  O'Farrell.     (Tel.  Sutter  261.) 

Moses.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  S.:  Palace  Hotel.     Monday. 

Moss,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Mora;  2423  California.     (Tel.  West  978.)    1st,  2d  Tues. 

Mott.  Baldwin  E.;  1520  Vallejo. 

Moulder,  Mrs.  A.  J.;  Miss  Charlotte;  Hamilton  L. ;  812  Bush.    Thursday. 

Moulder,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Augustus  B.;  2119  California.    Tuesday. 

Moulton,  Mrs.  A.  W. ;  1632  Vallejo.    Friday. 

Moulton.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  F.;  Redwood  City.    Wednesday. 

Moulton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Irving  F.;  2017  Hyde.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 

Mouser,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  D.;  1418  Grove.    Tuesday  and  Thursday. 

Mowrv,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lyman  I.;  1719  Oak.    1st  and  3d  Tuesday. 

Musaus,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  P.;   1124  McAllister. 

Mudgett,  James  G.;  Palace  Hotel. 

Mulcahy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Richard  E.;  Hotel  Savoy.     Monday. 

Mulford,  Thos.  W. ;  2602  Pacific  Ave. 

Muller,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  August  H.;  N.  E.  cor.  Twenty-eighth  and  Dolores. 

Muller',  Mr.  and    Mrs.  Christian;  Miss  Edith;  Miss    Adeline;   218    Haight. 

Mulligan,  Mrs.  M.  M.,  Miss  Florence  L. ;  307  Golden  Gate  Ave. 
Mulligan,  Dr.  A.  P. ;  307  Golden  Gate  Ave.    Santa  Rosa. 
Mullins,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  F.;  Miss  Alice  M.;  Miss  Maud;  1809  Gough. 

2d  and  4th  Friday. 
Mullin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  A.;  2203  Broderick.    1st  and  3d  Tuesday. 
Mundy,  James  H.;  2117  Broderick.     (Tel.  Pine  2111.) 
Munith,  Miss  Bertha;  2014  Van  Ness  Ave. 
Murdoch,  W.  C. ;  Pacific-Union  Club. 
Murdock,  Robert  B. :  660  Broderick. 
Murdock.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  F.;  117  Perry. 
Murdock,  Charles  A. ;  2710  Scott. 

Murphy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Daniel  T.;  1601  Van  Ness  Ave. 
Murphy,  Judge  Daniel  J.;  119  Liberty. 
Murphy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Eugene  P.;  1304  Guerrero. 
Murphy,  James  T.;  Bohemian  Club.    San  Jose. 
Murphy,  P.  W. ;  Pacific-Union  Club.    San  Louis  Obispo. 
Murphy,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  R.  W. ;  Miss;  Robert  W.,  Jr.;  1601  Gough.    Wed'sday. 
Murphy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  G.,  The  Misses;  San  Rafael. 
Murray,  Miss  Grace  A.;  1509  Washington.    2d  and  4th  Friday. 
Muzzy,  Mrs.  H.  R.;  2122  Pacific  Ave.    1st  and  3d  Thursday. 
.Myer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  W. ;  517  Baker.     1st  and  3d  Thursday.     Santa  Clara. 
Myers,  Mrs.  A.-  Lawrence:  1400  McAllister.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 
Myrick,  Judg    and  Mrs.  Milton  H. ;  3345  Broadway.    Monday.     Santa  Cruz. 

Nager,  Mrs.  S. ;  Miss  Emily;  H.  I.;  1023  Buchanan.    Thursday. 

Nagle,  Mr.  Charles  G.,  Miss  Clara  G. :  34  Eureka.     Wednesday. 

Naphtaly.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph;  Samuel  F.;  1364  Post.    (Tel.  West  30.)  Wed. 

Nash,  Herbert  C:  S.  W.  cor.  Powell  and  California.     (Tel.  East  44.) 

Nash,  Joseph;  3100  Pacific  Ave. 

Nash.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H.;  Miss;  Jay  T.;  412%  Post.    1st  Saturday. 

Nason,  R.  N.;  912  Twenty-second. 

Nation,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  B.;  Hotel  Baltimore. 

Nathan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  S.;   1238  O'Farrell.     1st  Saturday. 

Naunton,  Richard  H.;  221  Sansome. 

Neal,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  W.;  332  Haight.    1st  and  3d  Thursday. 




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Nelson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  L.;   712  O'Farrell.     1st  and  3d  Tuesday. 

Nelson.  Miss  Therese  E.:  2821   Pine.     Thursday. 

Nesfield,  Mrs.  D.  W.;  1501  Pacific  Ave.    Friday. 

Ne -smith.  Jenks  F.:  Occidental  Hotel. 

Neuburger,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Gustave;  1628  Octavia. 

Neumann.  Dr.  Leopold:  Rudolph:  822  Sutter.    San  Rafael. 

Neuhaus.  Christian  H.:  548  Howard. 

Neustadter.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  David:   1701   Van  Ness  Ave.     (Tel.  East  45.) 

Neustadter.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jacob  H.:  17m  Van  Ness  Ave.     (Tel.  East  45.) 

Neville.  Mrs.  S.  A.:  The  Berkshire.  711  Jones.    Monday. 

Nevills.  Captain  and  Mrs.  W.  A.:  Palace  Hotel.    Monday. 

Nevin.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  B.:  710  Central  Ave.    Friday. 

Newell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  David;  5  Pearl. 

Newell.  Marshall  A.:  1603  Larkin.     (Tel.  Sutter  611.) 

N<  whall,  Mi.  and  Mrs.  E.  W.;  San  Rafael. 

Newhall.  Mrs.  H.  M.:  Walter  S.:  George  A.:  1299  Van  Ness  Ave.    4th  Friday. 

Newhall.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  Mayo:  1206  Post.     (Tel.  East  301.)    Friday. 

Newhcuse.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Oscar:  29o6  Jackson.     (Tel.  Steiner  3681.) 

Nfewlands,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James.  Miss  Bessie.  James  Jr.:  2902  Clay. 

Newlands.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Francis  G.:  Palace  Hotel.     Reno.  New 

Newman.  Mr.  Benjamin:   1816  Sacramento.     (Tel.  Sutter  61.) 

Newman.  Mrs.  George:  Miss  Hilda:  Harry  C:  120  Lyon. 

Newman.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  J.:  232o  Clay.     (Tel.  Steiner  1501.) 

Newman.  Dr.  Avron:  120  Lyon. 

Newton.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Morris.  Palace  Hotel.     Moscow  Cottage.  Sonoma  Co. 

Newton,  Miss  Alice  M.:  313  Broderick.     2nd  and  4th  Tuesday. 

Nichols.  Mrs.  Ellen  V\".;  Miss  Belle:   Miss  Grace:  Mr.  Chas.  C:  2522  Pacific 

Ave.     Friday. 
Nicholson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel  H.:  1105  Golden  Gate  Ave.     Monday. 
Nicholson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  A.  S.:  51 S  Baker. 
Nickel.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Le  Roy:  Menlo  Park. 

Nickelsburg.  Mi.  and  Mrs.  S.:   1911  Sacramento.     (Tel.  Sutter  321.) 
Niebaum.  Mr.  Gustave:  1201  Hyde.     (Tel.  East  70.) 
Nieto.  Rev.  and  Mrs.  J.:  1719  Bush. 

Nippert.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Paul  M.:  118  Devisadero.     Thursday.     Duncan  Mills. 
Nightingale.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.:  Miss  Georgie:   Dr.  John:  300  Haight.     Wed. 
Nightingale.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  B.:  300  Haight.    Wednesday.     Valley  Farm. 
Noble.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Francis  L.  H.:  2628  Steiner.     (Tel.  West  257.) 
Noble.  Dr.  H.  D.:  733  Bush. 

Noble.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hamden  H..  Miss:  1*12  Pine.     (Tel.  Wesl  442.)     Friday. 
Noble.  Lieut.  R.  H.:  U.  S.  A.:  Benecia  Barracks.  Cal. 
Noble.  Patrick:  518  Lyon. 
Nokes.  Mrs.  Cornela  L.:   1023  Washington. 
Nolan.  James  C:  1329  Golden  Gate  Ave. 
Nolan.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Patrick   F..  Miss  Kittie  L..  Hiss  Gertrude,  William: 

1428  Golden  Gate  Ave.     (Tel.  West   .".)     Thursday. 
Norcross.  Daniel:  Hotel  St.  Nicholas. 
Nordman.  Adolph:  4u7  Powell. 
Nordman.  Harry:  248  Second  Ave. 
Norris.  Frank:  ls22  Sacramento.     (Tel.  Hydp  1221.) 
Norris,  Reginald;  1223  Pine. 
Norris.  Mrs.  William:  927  Bush.  Thursday. 
Northon.  Mr.  James  H.:  ill  !  Devisadero. 
Norton.  Mr.  and  Mis.  G.  N\:  2111  Washington. 
Norton.  Mrs.  W.  K. :  Miss:  u711  California.     Tuesday. 
Norwood,  Mrs.  YY.  B.,  Miss:  2741   California.     Tuesday. 
Nugent.  Rev.  John  F. ;  32"  Harrison. 


Nuttal,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  R.  K.;  1819  Jackson.     (Tel.  Pine  181.)    Wednesday. 
Nutting,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C;  Miss  Grace  F.;  Ada  M.;  Geo.  C. ;  1521  Golden  Gate 
Ave.     2d  and  4th  rI  hursday. 

Oakley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  M.;  326  Larkin.    Wednesday. 

O'Brien,  Dr.  A.  P.;  1217  Bush.     (Tel.  East  612.) 

O'Brien,  Mrs.  E.  M.;  1016  Seventeenth. 

O'Brien.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James;  1320  Geary.    (Tel.  West  704.)    Thursday. 

O'Brien,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  I.;  1358  Post.     (Tel.  West  481.) 

O'Brien.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  V.;  Victor  L. ;  Belvedere. 

O'Byrne,  Col.  and  Mrs.  John;  George;  Charles  S. ;  300  Fair  Oaks.    Thursday. 

O'Callaghan,    Mrs.    Margaret;    Miss   Maggie;  Daniel    J.;    Charles    F. ;   108 

Twelfth.     Tuesday. 
O'Connell,  Daniel  C;  Redwood  City. 

O'Connell,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  J.  J.;  U.  S.  A.;  Miss;  Angel  Island. 
O'Connor,  Mr.  Cornelius;  Miss;    Miss  Maud;  Miss    Cecelia;    William;  825 

O'Farrell.     (Tel.  East  261.)     Wednesday. 
O'Donnell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  E.;  102  Baker.    Tuesday. 
O'Farrell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  J.;  1016  Post. 
O'Kane,  Mrs.  M.  E.:  Frank  G.;  1114  O'Farrell.    Thursday. 
O'Kane,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  D.;  2119  Broadwav.    1st  and  3d  Friday. 
O'Shaughnessy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  M.;  Mill  Valley.    Thursday. 
O'Sullivan,  Mrs.  M.  A.;  Miss;  Miss  Nellie:  Joseph  A.;  1025  Bush.    Tuesday. 
O'Sullivan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  CD.;  1025  Bush. 
Oakley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  M. ;  326  Larkin.    Wednesday. 
Odell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  N. ;  2711  Buchanan.     (Tel.  Steiner  1561.) 
Oelrichs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Herman;  1120  Pine.    (Tel.  East  34.)    Newport,  R.  I. 
Oesting,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Paul;  704  Broderick.     (Tel.  Pine  2191.)    Thursday. 
Ogden,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  L. ;  2411  Pierce.     Friday. 
Okell,  Charles  J.;  Alameda. 

Oliver.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  B.  P.;  1800  Golden  Gate  Ave.     (Tel.  Pine  2511.) 
Oppenheimer.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry;  Miss  Minnie;  1116  Sutter.     Tuesday. 
Orear,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Horace,  John  W.;   118  Liberty.     Tuesday. 
Orella,  Dr.  F.  R.;  406  Sutter.    (Tel.  Black  1591.) 
Orena,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G. ;  Miss  Serena;  Miss  Acacia;  Orestes  J.;  729  Geary. 

(Tel.  East  596.)    Wednesday.     Los  Alamos. 
Orton,  Ira  D. ;  1415  McAllister. 

Osborn.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Russell  W.;  2810  Clay.    1st.  2d  and  3d  Wednesday. 
Osmont,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  M..  Miss  Adelia;  Hotel  Pleasanton.  Monday. 
Otis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James;  1729  Broadway.     Wednesday. 
Otis.  Mrs.  Lucy;  Charles  L. ;  1900  Washington. 

Oulton.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Gerald  H.;  2641  Howard.  2d  and  3d  Wednesday. 
Overacker,  Dr.  Kate;  606  Sutter.  (Tel.  Black  1811.)  Monday  Evening. 
Overend,  Dr.  Edmund  J.;  305  Larkin. 

Overton,  Mrs.  S.  M.,  Victor  G.,  Robert  H.,  Charles  P.,  Elias  P.:  1414  Geary. 
Owen,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  J.;  Miss  Alice:  Frank  L. ;  2101  California.  Tuesday. 
Oxnard,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert;  1827  Clay.     (Tel.  Hyde  351.)    Friday. 

Paddock,  Charles  J.:  2311  Broderick.     (Tel.  West  850.) 

Page,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Arthur;  Belvedere. 

Page,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles;  2518  Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  Steiner  451.)     Wed. 

Page,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.;  2ul  Buchanan.     Wednesday.     Napa  Soda  Springs. 

Page,  Miss  Meta,  William  D.:   2004  Bush.     San  Rafael. 

Pague,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  F.  C;  835  Devisadero.    Monday. 

Paige,  Mr.  ami  .Mrs.  Cutler;  Hotel  Richelieu.     Blithedale. 

Painter,  .Miss  Phoebe;  Miss;  David  S.:  Edward  E. :  711  Taylor.     Thursday. 

Painter,  .Mrs.  J.  B. ;  Jackson.     Coyote  Valley,  Lake  County. 

Painter,  Walter  M.;  Jerome;  Oscar;  1828  Clinton  Ave.,  Alameda. 


Palache,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.;  Miss;  Miss  [da;  Thomas  H.;  900  Eddy.    Wed. 

Palmer,  Dr.  and  Mrs.    George  H.;  Miss    Mary  W. ;  Miss     Gertrude     John 
Brooks;  W.  E.  cor.  Jackson  and  Eteiner.    (Tel.  West  189.)    Friday. 

Palmer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.;  824  Powell.     3d  and  4th  Friday.     Belvedere. 

Palmer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  E. ;  Fruitvale.    Wednesday. 

Palmer,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  George  H.,  Miss    Mary    W.,  Miss    Gertrude,    John 
Brooks;  W.  E.  cor.  Jackson  and  Steiner.     (Tel.  West  189.)     Friday. 

Palmieri,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  C:  1518  Powell.    Wednesday. 

Pancoast,  Dr.  F.;  6  O'Farrell. 

Pardee,  S.  C;  Hotel  Pleasanton. 

Pardy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William;  ?vliss  Maud  S.:  Will  Stanley;  2516  California. 

Parent,  Dr.  Charles  T.;  636  Sutter. 

Pariser,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  A.;  Miss  Ida;  Miss  Edith;  Alfred  D.;  Montague 
H.;  Alameda.     Tuesday. 

Parker,  Mr.  Charles  T.;  3006  Sacramento. 

Parker,  E.  L.;  Stafford  H.;  226S  Franklin. 

Parker,  C.  M.  T.;  The  Denniston,  945  Valencia. 

Parker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  J.;  The  Denniston,  945  Valencia.    1st  and  3d  Thurs. 

Parker,  Chas  H.;  1601  Taylor,  cor.  Broadway. 

Parcells,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  B.,  Frank    M.,  Charles  E.;  1396    Harrison,  Oak- 
land.    Thursday. 

Parker,  Mrs.  Mary  B.;  Miss  Jeane;  1320  Jones.    Tuesday. 

Parker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  M.  T.;  945  Valencia.  1st  and  3rd  Thursday. 

Parker,  Mrs.  M.  W. ;  404  Van  Ness  Ave. 

Parker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.G. ;  Miss  Gertrude;  Harrison  M.;  115  Second  Ave. 

Parkhurst,  Mr.  John  W.;  Alameda. 

Parr,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  E.;  1193  Park  Ave.,  Alameda.     Thursday. 

Parrish,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ellis  H.;  705  Pierce.    1st  and  3d  Tuesday. 

Parrott,  Mrs.  A.  M.;  517  Sutter.     (Tel.  Main  1311.) 

Parrott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John;  517  Sutter.     "Bay wood,"  San  Mateo  Co. 

Parrott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis  B.;  1913  Franklin.     (Tel.  West  15.) 

Parrott,  Mrs.  Tiburcio;  1803  Broadway.    (Tel.  Pine  411.)    1st  and  4th  Friday. 

Parson,  Dr.  Edward;  422  Parrott  Building.     (Tel.  Pine  411.)     Thursday. 

Parsons,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  J.,  Miss  Alma:  905  Steiner.  (Tel.  West  689.)  Thurs. 

Partridge,  Miss  Ella  C;  The  Berkshire,  711  Jones.     Monday. 

Partridge,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George,  Miss  Jennie,  Miss  Alice,  Miss  Nellie;  512 
Twenty-first.     Monday. 

Partridge,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John;  2526  Washington.     (Tel.  West  568.)    Friday. 

Pasmore,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  B.;  1424  Washington.     Friday. 

Paterson,  Judge  and  Mrs.  Van  R.,  Miss  Kelsey,  Miss  Marjorie;  2530  Wash- 
ington.   Friday. 

Patterson,  Miss  Isabella;  Miss  Martha;  1039a  Dolores.  Eastland,  Marin  Co. 

Patton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  H.;  309  Steiner. 

Patton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  L.;  2500  Broadway.     (Tel,  Pine  41.) 

Patton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  Jasper,  N. ;  505  Cole.     Friday. 

Paul,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Almarin  B.:  Miss  Jennie  A.;  Miss  Florence  K.,  Almarin 
B.,  Jr.:  1032  Broadway.     Tuesday.     Shasta  County. 

Paulsen.  Mrs.  Blanca:  1310  Jones.     Tuesday. 

Pawlicki,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  L.,  Dr.  Casimer  F..  Thaddeus  R.;    1119  Van    Ness 
Ave.     Thursday. 

Paxton,  Charles  E.;  2336  Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  Steiner  3031.) 

Payne,  Dr.    and  Mrs.  Clyde  S.;  731  Sutter.     (Tel.  Hyde  551.)     Thursday. 

Payne,  S.  W.;  819  California. 

Payne,  Dr.  Robert  E.;  2826  California. 

Payne,  Dr.  Redmond  \\\:  Dr.  Eugene  R.:  731   Sutter.     (Tel.  Hyde  551.) 

Payne,  Mr.  and  Mis.  Theodore  F.;  1409  Sutter.     (Tel.  Hyde  101.)    Thursday. 

Payne,  Warren  R.:   Bohemian  Club,  or  811  Hush. 

Payot,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry;  Palace  Hotel.    Monday. 


Payot,  Leonce  L.:  922  Ellis. 

Payson,  Mrs.  A.  H.;  517  Sutter.     Thursday.     Menlo  Park. 

Peabody,  Miss  L.  B. ;  28  Liberty.     1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 

Pease,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Luman  S.,  Miss;  1401  Sutter.     (Tel.  Sutter  2221.)     Thur. 

Pease,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  H.,  Miss  M;  2600  Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  West  105.)     Fri. 

Peel.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Jonathan  M.;  503  Capp.     2d  and  4th  Thursday. 

Peery,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  S. :  1203  Buchanan.    Thursday. 

Peirce.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph,  J.  Warren;  502  Geary. 

Peixotto,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.,  Miss  Jessica,  Ernest  C.  Sidney  Z.,  Edgar  D. ; 

1626  Sutter.     (Tel.  West  865.) 
Pelton.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  C.  Jr.;   840  Grove.     Wednesday.     Belvedere. 
Pendleton.  Mrs.  M.  E.;  912  Bush.     'Tel.  Sutter  1921.)     2d  and  3d  Friday. 
Pennell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  C. :  1414  Taylor.     Tuesday. 
Pennell.  Henry  E.,  Thomas  M.;  1702  Larkin. 
Perkins,  Mrs.  Frank,  Miss  Celia;   1415  Jones.     Thursday. 
Perine,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  M.;  1441  McAllister.     Thursday.     Templeton. 
Percy.  John  A.:  406  Sutter.     San  Jose. 
Perkins.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel:  1454  Franklin. 
Perkins.  Samuel  H.:  502  Geary. 

Perkins,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  F.;  2202  1-2  Devisadero. 
Perkins.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Willis  T.:  614  Sutter.     Mondav. 

Perrault.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Julian,  Miss  Grace,  Dr.  Julian  T.;  1400  Jackson.     Fri. 
Perrin,  Mrs.  E.  B..  Miss  Adele,  Robert;  Palace  Hotel. 

Perry,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  B..  Miss  Laura:  425  Baker.     1st  and  2d  Wednesday. 
Perry,  John.  Jr.;  Hotel  Pleasanton.     San  Rafael. 
Perry,  Dr.  Alfred  W.;  2711  Sacramento.     (Tel.  Pine  3062.) 
Perry,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  O.  Belvedere;  Columbian  Banking  Company.' 
Perutz,  Alfred;  1915  Broderick.     Sweeny  Rancho,  Menla  Park. 
Pescia,  Dr.   and  Mrs.  Joseph:   1429  Mason.    (Tel.  Main  1444.)     1,  3  Thur. 
Peters,  Mrs.  Charles  R.;  1120  Hyde.     (Tel.  East  176.)     Thursday. 
Peter,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Frank:  2715  Scott.     1st  and  2d  Wednesday. 
Peterson,  Charles;  Pacific-Union  Club. 

Peterson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  S.,  Walter  A.;  529  Fell.     Tuesday. 
Peterson,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Alfred  C;  1504  Fell.     1st  Thursday. 
Peterson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  G.;  Belvedere.     2d  and  4th  Friday. 
Peterson,   Mr.  Frank  B.,  Miss  Carrie:  1716   Van   Ness  Ave.     Friday. 
Peterson,  Capt.  S.  B.,  Seabury  B.;   1716  Van  Ness  Ave.     (Tel.  East  676.) 
Pew,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  W. :  Belvedere. 
Phelan,  Dr.  A.  E.;  632  Post. 

Phelan,  Mrs.  J.,  Miss  Mary  L.;  S.  W.  cor.  Valencia  and  Seventeenth.     Mon. 
Phelan,  Hon.  James  D.;  S.  W.  cor.  Valencia  and  Seventeenth. 
Phelps,  Mr.  Alanson  H.;  1510  Jones. 

Phelps,  Miss  Mary,  Miss  V.,  Louis  J.:  313  Devisadero.     Wednesday. 
Phelps,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  R. ;  2135  Pine.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Phelps,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Timothy  Guy;  Friday.     San  Carlos,  San  Mateo  Co. 
Phelps,  William  S.,  William  H.:   1511  Jones.     (Tel.  East  367.) 
Phillips,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  E..  Miss  Anita,  Wendell;  162S  Ellis.     Wednesday. 
Phillips,  A.;  122  Sansome,  or  Pacific-Union  Club. 
Phillips,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  H.;  1620  Fell.     (Tel.  Pine  2591.) 
Phillips,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  K.;  1817  O'Farrell. 
Pichoir.  Henrv;  Pacific-Union  Club. 
Pickett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.;  7219  Clay.     Wednesday. 
Pickens,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  R. :  1922  Buchanan. 

Pickering.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick  M.:  2444  Jackson.  (Tel.  West  420.) 
Pickering.  Mrs.  Loring;  1018  Hush.  (Tel.  Fast  331.)  Thursday.  Niles. 
Pi. ice.  11-nrv:  72x  Montgomery.     Oakland. 

Pierce.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ira,  Miss  Sophie  G.;  1730  Jackson.    1,  3  Friday. 
Pierson,  Frank  W.;  1334  Washington. 


Pierson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Arthur  B.;  2310  Broderick. 

Pierson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lawrence  H.;  1628  Vallejo.     Friday. 

Pierson.  Mr.  and  Mrs  Wm.  M.,   Fred    H.:  2211    Nan  Ness  Ave.     Friday. 

Pike,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  B.  D. ;  1915  Pierce.     (Tel.  Pine  3064.)     2d  and  3d  Friday. 

Pillsbury,  Evans  S.,  Miss,  Horace  D. ;  Palace  Hotel.     (Tel.  Main  5553.)     Man. 

Pippy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  H.:  627  Webster.     (Tel.  Steiner  3361.)     Thurs. 

Pischl,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Kaspar;  1308  Jones.     (Tel.  Sutter  841.)     Last  Friday. 

Pisses,  Albert,  Eugene  D.,  Emil  M. ;  1709  California. 

Pitman,  Francis  H.:  S36  Turk. 

Pixley,  Mrs.  F.  M.;  Union  and  Fillmore.     (Tel.  Pine  1211.)     Friday. 

Place,  Miss  Lillie  E. ;  34  Essex.     Gilroy. 

Plageman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  F.,  Miss  M.,  Henry  P.,  Oscar,  Robert;  1040  Page. 

Plato,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Arthur  M.;  618  Golden  Gate  Ave.     1st  Thursday. 

Piatt,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  L. ;  712  Steiner.    1st  and  3d  Tuesday.     Sausalito. 

Piatt,  Horace  G.;  Pacific-Union  Club. 

Plise,  Mr.  A.  E.;  328  Eddy. 

Plum,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  M.,  Jr..  Miss;  23  Scott.     2d  and  4th  Wednesday. 

Plum.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  M.;  215  Fell. 

Plummer,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Richard  H.;  Hotel  Pleasanton.    (Tel.  East  340.) 

Poett,  Henry  W.;  Hotel  Pleasanton. 

Polhemus,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward,  Miss  M.;  181 S  Pine.     1st  and  2d  Thur. 

Polhemus,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  B..  Miss  Mamie;  N.  W.  cor.  California  and 
Buchanan.     Thursday. 

Polastri,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Richard  S.;  San  Mateo. 

Pollard,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas;  208  Haight.     Wednesday. 

Pollock,  Miss  Adelaide;  909  Broderick.     1st  and  last  Tuesday. 

Pokrantz,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  L.  F.;  1816  Bush.     Thursday. 

Pollock,  Mr.  Alfred  H. ;  Sacramento. 

Pomerov,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  N. :  1327  Leavenworth. 

Pond.  Hon.  and  Mrs.  E.  B.,  S.  N. ;   1019  California.     (Tel.  Red  1421.)     Tues. 

Pond,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  J.;  1407  Hvde.     (Tel.  East  956.) 

Poniatowski,  Prince  and  Princess  Andre;   1150  California.    Tuesday. 

Ponton  d'Arce,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lucas,  Miss  M.,  S.  P.;    120  Devisadero. 

Poole,  Mrs.  I.  Lawrence;  1726  Broadway.     Wednesday.     San  Rafael. 

Pott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred  S.:  1614  Fell.     (Tel.  Pine  3631.)     San  Jose. 

Pope,  Mrs.  A.  J.,  Miss  Mary  E.;  1601  Van  Ness  Ave.     (Tel.  East  82.)     Friday. 

Pope,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  A.;  272S  Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  West  749.)     Friday. 

Porter,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  C;  1601  Golden  Gate  Ave.     Thursday. 

Porter,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Abell  W.;  3344  Clov. 

Porter,  Miss  Catherine;  35  Scott.    2d  and  4th  Wednesday. 

Porter,  Miss  Florence,  Miss  Lizzie;  123  Pierce.     Wednesday. 

Porter,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  K. ;  1213  Jones.     Tuesday.     San  Fernando. 

Post,  Dr.  Charles  E.:  The  Oliver,  899  Pine. 

Potter,  Jessie  S.;  2232  Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  West  267.) 

Poulsen,  Mrs.  Edna  Snell,  Miss  Sarah  D.:   1849  Jackson.     1st  Thursday. 

Powell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  A.;  207  Sansome.    921  Myrtle,  Oakland. 

Powers,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  H.;   810  Central  Ave.     2d  and  3d  Friday. 

Powers,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  George  H..  Miss  Katherine,  G.  Herman;  1409  Leaven- 
worth.    (Tel.  West  664.)     Tuesday. 

Powers,  Dr.  Florence,  D'Arcy;  6  Mercantile  Library  Building. 

Pracht,  Mme.  Julie  B..  Miss  Preciosa  L.;  2322  Washington.     Tuesday. 

Pratt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  C;   Hotel  Rafael,  San  Rafael.     Wednesday. 

Pratt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  Haraden;  1510  Lombard.     1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 

Pratt,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  E.  W.:  610  Polk.     Lsl  and  3d  Wednesday. 

Pratt,  Gen.  and  Mrs.  W.  H..  Miss,  Miss  Bessie;  1917  Vallejo.     Friday. 

Pray,  Mrs.  A.  B. ;  Van  Ness  Seminary,  is  lit  Jackson.     Thursday. 

Pr<  dd(  y.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  T.:  637  Haight.     Thursday. 

Prendergast,  Very  Rev.  J.  J.;  1100  Franklin. 


Presson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  R.;  The  Renton,  712  Sutter.     Thursday. 

Prescott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  W. ;  Palace  Hotel.     Monday. 

Pressley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  B.;  312  Haight.     Monday. 

Preston,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  F.,  Miss  Isabel  H.;  Hotel  Richelieu. 

Preston,  Otis  J.;  526  Lyon. 

Priber,    Mr.    and    Mrs.    E.    C;    29    Scott.    (Tel.    West    678.)     2,    4    Friday. 

Price,  Dr.  Thomas,  Miss,  Miss  Anna,  Arthur  Faraday ;  2525  Broadway.    Fri. 

Prindle,   Mrs.   Alice  M.,   Miss  Bessie:   1419  Van   Ness   Ave.     Friday. 

Prindle,  Mr.  and   Mr.  Frank   M.:    1419  Van  Ness  Ave.     Friday. 

Prindle,  Mrs.  Ida  F.;  1812  Laguna.     Wednesday. 

Pritchard.   Mrs.  M.  G.,   Mrs.   Ygnacia    Gambia,    Miss    Linda,   M.    G.;  2523 

Octavia.     Wednesday. 
Proll,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William;  1523  Larkin.     2d  Wednesday. 
Proll,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  R.  B.;  2710  California.     1st  and  3d  Tuesday. 
Proctor,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John,  John  W.;  401  Buchanan.     Thursday. 
Provines,  Judge  and  Mrs.  R.  R. ;  1212  Washington.     Monday. 
Putnam,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel  O.;  1012  Washington. 
Putnam,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Clarence  B.;   3020  Clay.     2d  and  4th  Tuesday. 

Quay,  Joseph  M. ;  Pacific-Union  Club. 

Queen,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Richard  E.,  Mrs.  Margaret,  Miss  Nora  A.;  2212  Sacra- 
mento.    (Tel.  East  118.)     1st  and  3d  Tuesday. 
Quinlan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Richard  D.;  1101  Seventeenth.     Tuesday. 

Raas,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Albert;  2022  Bush.     Tuesday. 

Raisch,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  J.;  910  Oak.    (Tel.  Steiner  1121.)     Friday. 
Rambo,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  B.;  2503  Gough.     (Tel.  Pine  1311.) 
Radgesky,  Louis  D. ;  1008  Haight. 
Rankin,  George  A.;  29  Willard. 

Ransom,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.,  Miss  M.,  Thomas  W.;  1120  Bush.     Thursday. 
Ranlett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Horace  D.;  1322  Grove.     Monday. 
Rampillon,  Miss  E.,  Miss  M.,  L.;  1509  Sacramento.    Sunday. 
Rathbone,  Harry  B. ;  Bohemian  Club,  or  1600  Taylor. 
Rathbone,  Maj.  and  Mrs.  J.  L. ;  S.  E.  cor.  Jones  and  Clay.     Tuesday. 
Raymond,  Mrs.  J.  W.;    1611  Larkin.     (Tel.  East  63.)     Tuesday. 
Raymond,  Mrs.  Samuel  A.;  920  Polk.     Monday,  except  last. 
Read,  Miss  May  G. ;  778  Clayton.    1st  Thursday. 
Redding,   Fred  G. ;  810  Leavenworth. 
Redding,  Dr.  George  Huntington;  222  Post. 

Redding,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  P.;  2324  Devisadero.     (Tel.  West  22.)     Wed. 
Reddy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.;  2717  Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  Pine  821.)     Monday. 
Reddington,  Alfred  P.,  A.  H.,  John  P.;  426  Scott. 
Reddington,  Henry  W. ;  905  Sutter.     San  Rafael. 

Redington,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  P.;  Miss;  California  Hotel.     Monday. 
Redman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lander  A.;  2017  Sacramento. 

Reed,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  I.,  Miss,  Miss  Julia;  2413  Fillmore.    Wednesday. 
Reeve,  C.  C.  V. ;  418  Sutter. 

Regensburger,  Dr.  Alfred  E.;  330  Sutter.     (Tel.  Black  155.) 
Regensburger,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Arthur  T. ;  409  1-2  Post.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Regensburger,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  M.;  3342  Clay.     (Tel.  West  380.)     1,  4  Friday. 
Reid,  James  W. ;  Pacific-Union  Club. 
Reid,  Merritt  J.;  2110  Green.     (Tel.  West  223.) 

Reinstein,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  B.;  906  Ellis.     (Tel.  West  380.)    1st,  4th  Friday. 
Reis,  Merritt  J. ;  2110  Green.     (Tel.  West  223.) 

Reis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ferdinand;  2201  Sacramento.     (Tel.  Steiner  881.) 
Reis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C,  Christian,  Jr.,  Ferdinand;  835  California.     Tuesday. 
Reis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  O.;  1935  Clay. 

Reis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Julius  C,  Miss  May,  Miss  Lillian;   2201   Sacramento. 
(Tel.  Steiner  881.)    1st  and  3d  Tuesday. 


Reiss,  Bernard:  1245  Franklin.     (Tel.  Hvde  1371.) 

Reiss.  Mrs.  I.:   1500  Post.     (Tel.  Pine  3071.) 

Reiss.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S..  Miss  X..  Miss  ('.:  1500  Post.     (Tel.  Pine  3071). 

Reneborne.   Mr   and    Mrs.    R.    H.;   814   Powell.     1st   and    3d   Thursday. 

Repsold.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.:  L828  Ellis.     2d  and  3d  Tuesday. 

Rethers,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Theo.:  2111  Jones.     (Tel.  East  719.) 

Reynolds.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  M.:  3004  Steiner.     Thursday. 

Reynolds,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  A.:  504  Broderick.     Thursday. 

Reynolds.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  H.:  1919  Pierce.     Tuesday. 

Reynolds.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  B..  Miss  M.,  Miss  G.:  Hotel  Bella  Vista.     Thur. 

Reynolds,  Miss:  1812  Van  Ness  Avenue.     Friday. 

Rhodes.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  D. :   The  Berkshire.     Monday. 

Rhodes,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  L. :  2922  Clay.     (Tel.  Pine  1031.) 

Rice.  Miss  Clara:  2618  Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  West  86.) 

Rich.  A.  J.:  108  Oak.     (Tel.  South  566.) 

Richards,  David  M„  Dr.  Harry  G.:    931  Sutter. 

Richards.  Dr.  C.  W.,  Mrs.  A.  M..  Miss  I.  E.;  1512  Pine. 

Richards.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  E.:  2405  Webster.     Tuesday. 

Richards.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  D. :  2915  Washington.     1st  and  2d  Thursday. 

Richards.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  H. ;  1508  Point  Lobos  Ave.     Thursday. 

Richardson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  F.:  Colonial  Hotel.     (Tel.  East  333.)     Monday. 

Richardson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  G.,  Beni.  F.:  109  Frederick.     Wednesday. 

Richter.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C.  Max.:  2608  Webster.    (Tel.  West  690.)     Friday. 

Rideout.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  X.  D. :  1950  Washington.     Marysville. 

Ridling.  Mrs..  Miss.  Alexander  G.:  Hotel  Beresford.     Monday. 

Rietzke.  Dr.  Gustave:   2502  Washington.     (Tel.  West  737.)     San  Rafael. 

Rigdon.  Dr.  R.  L. :  914  Page.     (Tel.  West  96.) 

Rinaldo.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.:  Hotel  Richelieu.     1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 

Ripley.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  H..  The  Misses:  1028  Pine. 

Rine.  Dr.  F.  A.:  108  Stockton. 

Ring.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Byron.  Miss  Clara.  Miss  Kate:  3919  Twenty-fourth.  Wed. 

Rinder.  Capt.  and  Mrs.  J.  H.:  1216  Haight.     Wednesdav.     St.  Belgic. 

Riordan.  Archbishop  P.  W.;  1122  Eddy.     (Tel.  West  456.) 

Riordan.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  D..  Miss  Mamie:  The  Colonial.     Thursday. 

Rising.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Richard:   1101  Laguna.     Thursday. 

Rithet.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  P..  Miss:  220  California. 

Rivas.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  I..  Miss  E.:  1716  Sacramento.     (Tel.  Sutter  1771.) 

Rix.  Judge  and  Mrs.  Hale:  42  Twelfth. 

Rixford.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  H.:  1814  Baker.     Wednesday.     Woodside. 

Rixford.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  P.,  Miss  Carrie,  Dr.  Emmet.  Loring  P.:  1713  Pierce. 

(Tel.  Pine  2231.)     Tuesday.     Sansalito. 
Roach.  Mrs.  Mary  T.,  Miss,  Miss  Helen:  2532  Washington.     Friday. 
Robbins.  Mrs.  M.  E..  James  C:  217  Broderick.     Wednesday. 
Roberson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  D. ;  2112  Green.     Thursday. 
Roberts.  Capt.  and  Mrs.  B.  K.,  U.  S.  A..  Miss  Mary:  Presidio.    1st,  3d  Friday. 
Roberts.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  F.:  2518  Clay. 

Roberts.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Oliver.  Oliver  L. :  1803  Broadwav.     1st  and  4th  Friday. 
Roberts.  Capt.  and  Mrs.  M.  R.,  Martin  R..  Jr.:  904  Washington.     Tuesdav. 
Roberts.  Dr.  Samuel  H.:  120  McAllister. 
Robertson.  Sidney:  Colonial  Hotel. 
Robertson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alexander  M.:  1321  Page. 
Robertson,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  John  W. :  903  Sutter.     Friday.     Livermore. 
Robinson.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  B.:  813  Sutter.     1st  and  4th  Thursday. 
Robinson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  W.:   127  Kearney. 
Robinson.    Mr.   and   Mrs.    C.    P.,   Miss   Edna.   Miss  Ida;    2010  Pacific   Ave 

(Tel.  West  342.)     2d  and  4th  Friday. 
Robinson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  B.;  1130  Fulton.     Tuesday.     Vallejo. 
Robinson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  A..  Miss  Elena.  P.:  2226  Clay. 


Robinson,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Luke,  Miss  Lita,  Miss  Bernade:te.  George  Hagar; 

2506  Fillmore.     (Tel.  Pine  901.)     3d  and  4th  Thursday. 
Robson,  Miss  J.;  1012  Pine.     1st  and  2d  Thursday.     Oakville,  Napa  Co. 
Roden,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H.,  Miss  Mamie;  1718  Vallejo. 
Rodgers,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Arthur;  1801  Leavenworth.     (Tel.  Sutter  911.) 
Rodgers,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.   F.,  Miss,  Henry  Crogham,  Robert  Dean;  1023 

Rodgers,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Lee  O.,  W.  C;  817  Grove.     (Tel.  Pine  1591.)     Thur. 
Rodolph,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  G.;  1809  Octavia.     1st  and  3d  'ihursday. 
Rodrigue,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  I..  .Miss;  1806  O'Farrell.     4th  Thursday. 
Roe,  Mrs.  A.  P.,  Miss,  Edward  O.;  Hotel  Pleasanton.     1st  and  3d  Mjnday. 
Roe,  Mrs.  Geo.  H.;  2618  Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  WesL  86.)     Friday. 
Roeckel,  Mine.  Helen  Coursen;   1C60  Fulton,  cor.  Grove. 
Roeding,  Fiederick,  Miss  Mary;  1010  Washington. 
Rogers.  Mr.  Daniel;   2400  Fillmore. 
Rohr,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  H. ;  321  Hyde.     Wednesday. 
Rohrbacher,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.,  Miss  E.,  Miss  A.;  310  Fulton.     Monday. 
Rolph,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James,  James,  Jr.;  808  Twenty-first. 
Roma,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  M..  Miss,  R.  L.;   1820  Pacific  Ave.     Friday. 
Rcmaine,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.,  X.  T..  B.:  2200  Devisadero.     Friday. 
Roos,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Adolph ;  Palace  Hotel. 

Roos,  Mr.  and  Mme.  Adolphe;   1362  Post.     2d,  3d  and  4th  Wednesday. 
Roos,  Achille;  1336  Post. 

Root,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Elliot  M..  Miss;  003  Steiner.     1st  and  2d  Wednesday. 
Root,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  H. ;  717  Taylor. 
Root,  George  W.;  517  Page.     (lei.  Pine  1301.) 

Rose,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  W.,  Jr.;  2000  Broadway.     Friday.     San  Mateo. 
Rosenbaum,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  M.;  2108  Jackson.     (Tel.  Steiner  351.) 
Rosenberg,  Mrs.  Hannah,  Joseph;  90S  Ellis.    Tuesday.     Sebastop:l. 
Rosekrans,  Mrs.  H.  L.,  Newton:  770  Oak.     Wednesday.     Belvedere. 
R:sencrantz,  Mr.  and  Mis.  I.:  2413  Washington.    (Tel.  Pine  911.)     2d  Wed. 
Rosener,  Mr.  and  Mr?,  famuel,  Miss  N.,  Miss  D.,  Charles  S. ;  1611  Bush. 

(Tel.  East  393.)     1st  and  3d  Tuesday. 
Rosenfeld,  Henry:    Lick  House. 

Rosenfeld.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John;  Lick  House.     Monday. 
Rosenstirn,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Julius:  932  Sutter.     (Tel.  East  187.) 
Rosenthal,  Mrs.  Fannie;  418  Montgomery. 
Rosenthal,  Adolph;  1007  Devisadero. 

Rosenthal,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles:   218  Haight.     Thursday. 
Rosewald,  Mme.  Julie;  1824  Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  Hyde  1691.)     Wednesday. 
Ross.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas,  Thomas  P.;  433  Third  Ave.     Thursday. 
Ross,  Judge  and  Mrs.  E.  M.;  Palace  Hotel.     Los  Angeles. 
Rossi,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.  C;  716  Union      Tuesday.     Asti,  Sonoma  Co. 
Rossi,  D.  P.;  1400  Dupont. 

Roth,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Daniel;  401  Baker.     (Tel.  Pine  2531.) 
Rcthchild,   Mr.   and   Mrs.    J.   M.;   1700  Broadway.     (Tel.   West   125.)     Wed. 
Rothermel,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.;  913  Fillmore.     Thursday. 
Rothschild,  Joseph;  The  Martinet. 

Rothwell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Percy;  514  Lombard.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Rouleau,  Mrs.   F.    A..   Miss  Laura,   Miss  Estelle.   Miss  Blanche,  Oscar  A.; 

1209   Leavenworth.     Wednesday. 
Rountree,  Mrs.  J.  L..  Miss  M..  M.  E. ;  800  Lyon.     Friday. 
Rountree,  James:    2235  Howard. 
Rountree,  Richard  H.,  Walter  B. ;  1450  LQavpn worth. 
Rountree,  Mr.  William  G.:  2348  Union. 

Rountree,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  F.:  2^00  Fillmore.     Friday.     Alameda. 
Rousseau.    Mr.   and    .Mis.    Chas   M.,    M'ss   Minnie,   Miss    Fannie,   Charles; 

2616   Folsom.     Wednesday. 


Wine  and  Liquor  flerchants 

c^o     ^ 












Telephone  563. 

Free  Delivery  Oakland,  Berkeley,  Alameda  &  San  Francisco. 



Schrainsberger  Wines,  St.  Helena,  Cal. 
Barton  &  Guestier,  Bordeaux,  Sauterne, 

Bordeaux,  France 
Duff  Gordon  Sherry  Port  St.  Marys,  Spain 
Mackenzie  Port  and  Sherry, 

Oporto,  Portugal 


Appollinaris,  Shasta  and  Almaden 
Vichy  Water. 

Johannis,  Bartlett,  Bethesda 

Aetna,  Lithia 

S.  R.  &  J.  C.  Mott's  Carbonated  Sweet  Cider 


Dallemand  &  Co's  Cream  Rye  Whiskey. 
Flemings  Pure  Malt  Whiskey 
Flemings  Pure  Rye  Whiskey. 
J.  H.  McBrayer,  Kentucky  Bourbons. 
J.  W.  M.  F"ield,  Kentucky  Bourbons 
Hermitage  Rye  Whiskey 


Schlitz  Milwaukee  Export  Beer 
Pabst  Milwaukee  Export  Beer 
Bartholomay  Rochester  Export  Beer 
W.  J.  I<emps  St.  Louis  Beer 
Anheuser-Busch  St.  Louis  Beer 
Everards  Malt  Lager 
Everards  Alf  Alf 

Daily  Free  Deliveries  to  Oakland,  Alameda  and  Berkeley 


911-915  14th  Street,  Opp.  Free  Library,   ^    j  ,        J     /^    1 
Branch,  915  Washington  Street,   Uaklaildj    Cal* 

Vineyard,    Livermore,    Cal. 


Rowand,  Dr.  Joseph  T. ;  Lick  House. 

Rowe.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Purcell;  Hotel  Beresford,  600  Bush.     4th  Wednesday. 

Rowell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Leonard  F.:   2407  Octavia.     (Tel.  West  115.) 

Rowell.  Rev.  Joseph;  1416  Sacramento. 

Rowlands,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas.  Miss  Elizabeth,  Miss  Winifred,  Thomas; 

820  Green.    Wednesday. 
Ruddell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel  J.;  California  Hotel.     1st  and  2d  Monday. 
Ruef.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M..  Miss  Marie.  Abraham;  422  Lombard. 
Ruggles.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  D.;  2210  Jackson. 
Ruggles,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  D..  Jr.:  2210  Jackson. 
Ruggles,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  E.;   1641  Bush. 
Runvon.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Albert  J. ;  1102  Green.     (Tel.  Sutter  1011.) 
RunVon.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  F. :  409  Fillmore.    1st  and  3d  Thursday. 
Runvon.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  W..  Frederick:  Brooklyn.  N.  Y. 
Runvon.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  W.:  406  Sutter. 

Russ   Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  B..  Miss  Alice  B.:  6  Columbia  Spuare.    Tuesday. 
Russell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  A.:  126  Laurel.    (Tel.  Pine  301.) 
Russell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James:  1090  Eddy.     2d  and  4th  Tuesday. 
Russell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  A..  Miss  A..  John  A..  Jr.:  686  McAllister. 
Russell.  John  L.:  Hotel  St.  Nicholas. 

Russell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Monson.  Miss  B..  T.:  2215  Pacific  Ave.     Friday. 
Russell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.  H..  Miss  S.  A.,  H.  A.;  126  Laurel.     Wednesday. 
Rutherford.  The  Misses.  A.  H..  Jr.;  110  California.     New  York.  N.  Y. 
Rutherford.  S.  Mc.  P.:   Second  Lieut..  Fourth  Cavalry:  Presidio. 
Ruthrauff.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  A..  Miss  C    A.:  718  Twenty-fourth.     Monday. 
Rutledge.  Miss  Alice:  609  Broderick. 

Rvan.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  Black.  Miss  Daisy,  S.  B.:  Occidental  Hotel.     Wed. 
Rver.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fletcher  F.:   California  Hotel.     Monday. 
Ryst.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Otto,  Miss.  Otto.  Jr.:  2905  Washington.  1st  and  3d  Thur. 

Saalburg,  Mrs.  Wm..  Miss,  Miss  Dora.  Samuel  W.;  1208  Ellis.     1.  2  Saturday. 

Sabatie.  Mrs.  P.  G..  Miss  Marie.  Alex.  E.:  2u08  Washington.     Wednesday. 

Sabin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  I..  Miss:  2828  California.     1st  and  2d  Tuesday. 

Sachs,  Samuel  L..  Sanford,  Louis:  6"i  Leavenworth.     (Tel.  East  423.) 

Sachs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.,  Miss  Rosie.  Henry.  Amson:  820  Post.     Monday. 

Sadler  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  J..  Miss  Agnes.  Erwin  L.:  906  Van  Ness  Ave.    Thur. 

Sahlein.   Mr.   and   Mrs.   H.;    1717   Jackson.    (Tel.   Sutter  141.)     1.  4   Thur. 

Salcido.  Miss  M.  G.:   743  Pine.     Thursday  evening. 

Salz.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.:  2115  Broadway.     (Tel.  West  543.) 

Sampson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  A.:  1412  California. 

Sampson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Rudolph  R.:  2000  Bush.     (Tel.  West  885.) 

Samuels.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D. :  1624  Octavia.     (Tel.  West  394.) 

Sanborn.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick  G.:  1020  Dolores.    Mountain  View. 

Sanborn.  Mrs.  Lucius:    The  California.    Monday. 

Sanborn.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  D. :  1406  Buchanan. 

Sanchez.  Mrs.  R.  B.;  2140  Sutter. 

Sand,  Dr.  J.  E.:  406  Sutter.     Martinez. 

Sanders,  George  H..  Miss:  923  Pine. 

Sanderson,  Judge  Austin  A..  Miss  C.  Miss  E.;  2310  Washington.    2.  4  Tues. 

Sanderson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Geo.  R.:  3708  Jackson.     (Tel.  Pine  1191.)     Thur. 

Sanderson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  W.:  717  Broadway.     Thursday. 

Santisteban,  G.  C. ;  1540  Jackson. 

Sargent,   Mrs.    A.    A.   (Tuesday),     Miss    Elizabeth    (Wednesday    evening). 

George  C;  1630  Folsom.     (Tel.  Jessie  221.) 
Sargent,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W  .W.;  Berkeley. 

Saunders.  Dr.  Bertha  A..  Miss  Dora  B. :  531  Sutter.     (Tel.  Main  "534.) 
Saunders.  Miss  M.:  Van  Ness  Seminary.  1849  Jackson. 
Savage,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Theodore:  700  Broderick.    Tuesday. 


Savant-Jerome.  Dr.  Frances  S. ;  1000  Golden  Gate  Ave.     Saturday. 

Sawyer,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  A.  F.,  Albert  F.,  Jr.;  Palace  Hotel.     Monday. 

Sawyer,  Dr.  Anna  M.;  70  Crocker  Building. 

Sawyer.  E.  D.;  819  Bush. 

Sawyer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  S.  B. ;  617  Hyde.     Wednesday. 

Sawyer,  W.  F. ;  Mills  Building. 

Sbarboro.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.;  3401  Washington.    (Tel.  Pine  1331.)     Thursday. 

Sbarboro,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.,  Miss  A..  Alfred  E. ;  3401  Washington.     Thur. 

Schell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  W.,  Miss  Lena;  627  Twenty-first.     Tuesday. 

Schiff,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  G.,  Edwin  R.,  Max  L.;  1820  Pine.    2d  and  4th  Thursday. 

Schloh.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  B.  A.;  Waldo  Point,  Marin  County. 

Schmidt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Val.;  2216  Van  Ness  Avenue.    1st  Thursday. 

Schmitt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Maurice,  Miss  E.,  Milton  L. ;  1501  Gough.     1st  Thur. 

Schmieden,  Mrs.   Henry,   Mr.  and   Mrs.   Edward;  Palace  Hotel.     Monday. 

Schreiber,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph,  Jr.;   The  Strathmore,  207  Larkin.     Thur. 

Schroeder,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  B. ;  Redwood  City.     Wednesday. 

Schroeder,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  Gustav;   299  Hyde.    Tuesday.     Elsinore. 

Schroeder,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William;  938  Howard.     Tuesday. 

Schroth,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles,  Miss  F.,  John;  1005  Geary.    Monday. 

Schulte,  J.  G.  W.;  710  Haight. 

Schumacher,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  G.  F.;  3310  California. 

Schussler,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.,  Miss,  F.  A.;  1905  Van  Ness  Ave.     1,  3  Friday. 

Schussler,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry;  541  McAllister. 

Schuyler,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  J.;  2812  Washington.     1st  and  2d  Friday. 

Schwerin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  P.;  1111  Pine.     (Tel.  East  465.) 

Schwabacher,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.,  Miss  J.,  L.  A.;  2100  Jackson.    1,  3  Thursday. 

Schwabacher,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.;  1820  Clay.     (Tel.  Hyde  921.) 

Schwabacher,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.,  Miss  M.,  Max;  1900  Jackson.     2,  4  Friday. 

Schweinfurth,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  C;  1322  Washington.     Tuesday. 

Schweitzer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  B.,  (1st  and  3d  Monday):  Miss  (2d  and  3d  Monday); 

703  Leavenworth.     (Tel.  Sutter  1961.) 
Scott,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  A.  E. ;  1032  Market.     Wednesday. 

Scott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.   A.  W.;  305  Buchanan. (     Tel.  Pine  3301.)     2,  4  Wed. 
Scott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  W.,  Jr.:  3  Buena  Vista  Ave.     Wednesday. 
Scott.  Miss  M.  C,  Miss  L.  S..  Henry  H.,  Jr.,  Tod  Robinson;  1524  Vallejo.Fri. 
Scott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Blair  T.;  Oriel  Hotel.    1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 
Scott,  Miss  I.  W. ;  1840  California.     2d  and  4th  Tuesday.     Santa  Cruz. 
Scott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  Otis;  The  Berkshire,  711  Jones.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 
Scott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  W. ;  Alameda. 

Scott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  T..  Miss;  S.  W.  cor.  Clay  and  Laguna. 
Scott,  Miss  Josephine,  Robert:  1112  Clay.     Tuesday. 

Scott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Irving  M.,  L.  I.;  507  Harrison.     (Tel.  Main  5215.)     Wed. 
Scott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Irving  M.,  Jr.;  546  Indiana. 
Scott,  John  A.;  The  Oliver,  899  Pine. 
Scott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Harry;  1550  Page.     Friday. 
Scrivener,  Arthur;  Pacific-Union  Club. 
Scurlock,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  D.;  1514  Jones.     Thursday. 
Searby,  Prof,  and  Mrs.  Wm.  M.:  605  O'Farrell.     2d  and  3d  Tuesday. 
Searle,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles;  1548  Page.     Tuesday. 
Searle,  Capt.  Robert  R.;  Palace  Hotel. 

Seawell,  Judge  and  Mrs.  James  M.;  421  Baker.     (Tel.  Steiner  641.) 
Sedgwick,  John,  Miss  Flora  S. ;  Hotel  St.  Nicholas.     Monday. 
Seely,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  Warren;  1318  Washington.     Wednesday. 
Seely,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  Howard;  1015  1-2  Dolores.     Wednesday. 
Seibel,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Philip  S.,  Misses  M.,  E.,  Dr.  P.  H. :  2102  Post. 
Seiler,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  I.,  Miss  Carrie,  S.;  704  Fell.     (Tel.  Pine  561.)     Tuesday. 
Selby,  Mrs.  Elena  A.,  Percival  W.;  Menlo  Park. 
Selby,  Mrs.  Thomas  H.,  Miss  Annie,  Ralph  R;  2119  Buchanan.  (Tel.  West  81.) 



Selbv.  Prentiss:  1360  Madison.  Oakland. 

Selfridge.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  A..  M.  L. :  2615  California.     Tuesday. 

Selfridge  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  C:  243s  Jackson.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 

Selfridge.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Grant:  1931  Pacific  Avenue.     Thursday. 

Seller.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry.  Miss  Edith:  The  Berkshire.  711  Jones.    Monday. 

Selling.  Dr.  Nathalie.  Miss  Emma-  731  Sutter.     (Tel.  Sutter  221.) 

Sesnon.  John  J..  Robert:  320  Page. 

Sessions.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  B. :  2904  Bush. 

Sessions.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  R.:  171S  Baker. 

Severance.  J.  Seymour:  University  Club.     Menlo  Park. 

Severns.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  B.  E.:  3409  Washington.     Wednesday 

Sewall.  Oscar  T. :  Pacific-Union  Club. 

Sewell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Amos  F.:  Hotel  St.  Nicholas. 

Sewell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Daniel.  Miss  L.  E..  Dottie:  1105  Shotwell.     Monday. 

2d  Thursday. 
Miss   Nettie. 

Santa  Cruz. 

Wm.    A.:    3032 


4  Sat. 



Claude  S. 

Seymour.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  H.:  The  Baldwin. 
Sexton.    Mr.    Wm..    Miss    Kate.    Miss   Emma 

Washington.     4th  Thursday. 
Shackleford.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  J.:  1006  Leavenworth. 
Shatter.  Col.  and  Mrs.  W.  R..  U.  S.  A.:  Angel  Island. 
Shatter.  Dr.  J.  C:  1406  California. 

Shainwald.  Mrs.  Nathan.  Miss  Martha  W..  Herman:  The  Colonial.  1. 
Shainwald.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  S.:  1919  Baker.     (Tel.  West  232.) 
Shannon.  Mr.    and  Mrs.    Michael.  Miss    May.  J.  Warren.  Wm. 

Jackson.     Fridav. 
Shannon.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  M.:  624  Twelfth.     (Tel.  331.) 
Sharon.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  E..  Miss  Florence.  Miss  Blanche  W..  Mr. 

1402  Franklin.    Wednesday. 
Sharon.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  D..  Miss:  Palace  Hotel.    Monday. 
Sharon.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  W. :  Palace  Hotel.     Monday. 

Sharp.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm..  Miss.  Dr.  Wm.  P.;  2315  California.     1.  3  Friday. 
Sharp.  Dr.  James  Graham:  1145  Polk. 
Sharpstein.  Mrs.  John  R. :  901  Fillmore. 
Shattuck.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Arthur  E.:  2315  California. 

Shattuck.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  D.:  814  Powell.     (Tel.  Main  1796.)     Thursday. 
Shaut.  Col.  and  Mrs.:  1105  Bush.     Thursday. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  E.:   1317  Clay. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  B. :  1906  Vallejo. 

Nelson  Towne:  1101  California. 

Miss:  1304  Post. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  P.:  1920  Van  Ness  Ave.     Friday.     Cortez.  New 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Elton  R. 

:  1325  Golden  Gate  Ave.    (Tel.  Steiner  51.) 
Mary  T..  Miss  Annie  B..  Miss  Maggie  E.. 







Shea.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J..  The  Misses 

Shea.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Micheal.  Miss 

Miss  Virginia 
Shea.  Frank  T 
Shea.  William  D.;  2613  Polk. 
Sheath.  A.  G. :  University  Club. 
Sheehan.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  F..  J.  F 
Sheehy.  Mrs.  Margaret 
Sheldon.  Miss  Clarisse, 

2613  Polk. 
773  Haight. 


Jr..  511  Page.     Wednesday. 
The  Misses:  $03  Van  Ness  Ave.     1st  and  3d  Thur. 
Leonce  D. :  1920  Jackson.     Friday. 

Sheldon,  Edward  H. :  2413  Pierce. 

Sheldon.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  E..  N.  E.  cor.  Sutter  and  Hyde.     Tuesday. 

Sheldon.  L.  C:  1917  Pierce.     (Tel.  West  427.  i 

Sheldon,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M..  J.  A.:  1001  Golden  Gate  Ave.     (Tel.  Steiner  731.) 

Shepard.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  A..  Miss:  Hotel  Bella  Vista.     Menlo  Park. 

Shepard.  Morgan:  1423  California.     San  Rafael. 

Shepard.  John  P..  Miss  Bessie  C.  John  A.:  2122  Steiner.     1st  and  3d  Tues. 


Sheppard,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Eli  T.,  Miss  Annie  G.,  Miss  E.  Louise;  Taylor  and 

Vallejo.     (Tel.  Black  2011.)     Friday.     Napa. 
Simpson,  Dr.  William  P.;  229  Geary.     (Tel.  Main  5425.) 
Sherman,  Frank  P.;  2010  Laguna.     (Tel.  West  713.) 
Sherman,  Mrs.  F.  C,  Mrs.  M.  R.;  1310  Page.    4th  Tuesday. 
Sherman,  Leander  S.;    Hotel   Pleasanton. 

Sherman,  Mrs.  Leander  S.,  Miss  Claire,  Miss  Elsie;  Berlin,  Germany. 
Sherrard,  Miss  L.  B.,  John  B.;  2129  Green.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Sherwood.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  H.:  1100  Sacramento.  (Tel.  Main  5187.)  Tues. 
Sherwood.  Robert  L.,  Wm.  R.;  1123  California.     (Tel.  East  77.)     Tuesday. 
Sherwood,  Robert  L.;   1123  California. 
Shetterley,  J.  L.  M.;  303  California. 
Shumate,  Dr.  Thomas  E.;  813  Sutter. 
Shiels,  Miss  Belle,  William:   California  Hotel. 

Shiels,  Dr.  Geo.  Franklin;  Pacific-Union  Club,  or  California  Hotel. 
Shipman,  Miss  Elizabeth  H. ;  1012  Washington.     Sausalito. 
Shorb,  Mrs.  J.  de  B.,  Miss  Inez;   Occidental  Hotel.     Monday.     San  Gabriel. 
Short,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  John,  John.  Jr.;  1508  Jackson. 
Short,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  N. :  806  Jones. 

Shortridge,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  M.;  2224  Washington.     (Tel.  West  966.) 
Shortridge,  Mrs.  T.  C. :  321  Van  Ness  Ave.     Monday. 
Shortridge,  Samuel  M.;  Palace  Hotel.     (Tel.  Black  131.) 
Shreve,  Mrs.  George  C,  Miss  Bessie;  1117  Pine.     (Tel.  East  23.) 
Shreve,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  R.;  2640  Steiner.     (Tel.  Pine  321.) 
Shrieve,  Miss  S.  T.,  George  T.:  1803  Broadway.    (Tel.  Pine  4011.)     1,  4  Fri. 
Shumate.  Dr.  Thomas  E.;  2420  Sutter.     (Tel.  West  646.) 
Siblev,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  D.;  1034  Pine.     Friday. 
Sichel,  Dr.  G.  W.;  California  Hotel. 

v"m,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Harold.     Montecito.  Santa  Barbara  Co. 
Ri'ebe,  Frederick  C.  George  H.:  1119  Push.     (Tel.  East  154.)     Wednesday 
Siebe,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  D..  Miss  Freda  John  F. ;  2217  Sacramento.  1st  Wed. 
Sieberst,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  G.,  Miss  Emilie  J.,  Vanderlyn,  George;  2  Liberty. 

Tuesday.     "Clarita  Vinevard."  Mayfield. 
Sieberst,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  H. ;  761  Valencia.     2d  and  4th  Monday. 
Simonson,  Joseph;   Union  League  Club. 
Simmons,  Mrs.  P.  B. ;  Palace  Hotel.     Monday. 

Simpkins,  Mrs.  K.  R.,  Harry  R.;  Palace  Hotel.    (Tel.  Black  541.)     Monday. 
Simpson,  Mrs.  Ada  C;  431  O'Farrell. 

Simpson,  Consul  and  Mrs.  J.,  Miss  A.;  1927  Webster.     2d,  and  4th  Thursday. 
Simpson,  Dr.  James;  234  Post.     (Tel.  Grant  504.) 
Simpson,  Dr.  William  P.;  229  Geary.    (Tel.  Main  5424.) 
Simpson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  B..  Miss  Mariana,  Robert  N. ;  3408  Clay.     Tuesday. 
Simpson,  Mrs.  R.  W.,  Miss  Mollie,  Miss  Maggie,  Waldie;  526  Devisadero. 
Sims,  Mrs.  John  R. ;  Hotel  Pleasanton. 
Sinton,  Mrs.  R.  H.;  714  Bush. 

Sisson,  Mrs.  A.  W.,  Joseph  H.,  A.  W.;  1500  Larkin.     Del  Monte. 
Skeele,  Miss  Mary;  Occidental  Hotel. 
Skelton,  E.  W.;  410  Montgomery. 

Slack,  Judge  and  Mrs.  Charles  W. ;  1737  Sutter.     2d  and  3d  Friday. 
Slade,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  E.;  212  Ashbury.     (Tel.  Steiner  71.) 
Sleeth,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  V.;  910  Lombard.     Thursday. 
Slessinger,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lewis,  Miss  M.,  L.;  1809  Broadway.     1,  3  Tuesday. 
Slevin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  E.,  Thomas  E.,  Jr.;  2413  Sacramento. 
Sloss,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Leon;  1516  Van  Ness  Avenue.     (Tel.  East  464.) 
Sloss,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis,  L.,  Jr.,  J.,  M.  C;  1500  Van  Ness  Avenue. 
Slosson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  P.;  2330  Fillmore. 
Small,  A.  H. ;  University  Club. 
Smart,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  C,  the  Misses;  Hotel  Pleasanton.     Monday. 


Smedberg,  Col.  and  Mrs.  William  R .,  Miss;  1611  Larkin.     Tuesday. 

Smedberg,  Lieut.  W.  R. ;  1th  Cavalry,  U.  S.  A.;  Presidio. 

Smiley.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  P.;  15a  Belvedere.    2d  and  4th  Friday. 

Smiley,  Dr.  Virginia  W.;  1214  Hyde.     (Tel.  Hyde  661.)     Monday. 

Smallman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  H.  M.;  1550  Page.     (Tel.  Pine  3841.) 

Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alexander,  Miss  A.  M.,  E.  E.,  E.  I.;  427  Ellis.     1st  Wed. 

Smith,  Dr.  Sidney  H.;  427  Ellis. 

Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  A.;  2501  Steiner.     (Tel.  West  112.)     1,  2,  3  Friday. 

Smith,  Mr.  Barclay  J.;  431  Seventeenth. 

Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Arthur  H.;  1719  Green.     Wednesday. 

Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Byron  G.     Oakland. 

Smith,  Mrs.  Bessie  T.;  1011  Pine.     (Tel.  East  144.)     Thursday.    Sausalito. 

Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  S.;  728  Fell.     Tuesday. 

Smith,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C.  A.,  Miss  Daisy,  Rusie,  Lillv;  lll1/^  Polk.    Thursday 

Smith.  Charles  W.;  2120  Filbert. 

Smith,  Colin  McRae;  Bohemian  Club. 

Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  W.  M.;  1719  Clay.     Thursday. 

Smith.  Mr.  Christian  W.;  Palace  Hotel. 

Smith.  Edwin  Du  Bose;  1034  Pine. 

Smith,  Mrs.  Emily  A.  P.,  Miss  Maud  A.;  2226  Jackson.     Friday. 

Smith,  Mrs.  E.  O..  Miss  Kittie:  Palace  Hotel.    Monday. 

Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ernest  R..  Miss  Z.  E.;  8  Fair  Oaks.    1st,  3d  Friday. 

Smith.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  T.;  2614  Howard. 

Smith,  Capt.  G.  F. ;  The  Berkshire. 

Smith,  the  Misses;  Hotel  Pleasanton.    Tuesday. 

Smith,  Dr.  H.  L. ;  California  Hotel. 

Smith,  Hiram  G. :  Palace  Hotel.     Stockton. 

Smith,  Henry  W..  Miss;  2212  Van  Ness  Avenue.    Friday.     San  Rafael. 

Smith,  Henry  W..  Miss,  Miss  A.,  G..  Herbert  R.,P.  W.,  H.;  2212  Van  Ness 
Avenue.    Friday.     San  Rafael. 

Smith,  Rev.  and  Mrs.  J.  Cummings;   The  Berkshire,  711  Jones.     Monday. 

Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  J..  Miss  Lillian;  817  Hyde.     Oroville. 

Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  J.,  Miss  Li  Hie:  424  Eddy.    Oro\ille. 

Smith,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  J.  T.;  California  Hotel.     Steamer  "Rio  de  Janeiro." 

Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Julien;  2124b  Broderick. 

Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Phillip;  Miss  Anita,  Miss  Genevieve;  Palace  Hotel. 

Smith,  Mrs.  Louise  Humphrey.  Miss  Katherine  E.,  Franklin;  741  Sutter. 

Smith,  Mrs.  M.  A.;  1217LJ  Golden  Gate  Ave.    Wednesday.     Mill  Valley. 

Smith,  Mrs.  M.  H.,  Miss  Lizzie  Blacker;  1827  Pacific  Ave.    (Tel.  Sutter  1691.) 

Smith.  Mrs.  M.  L.,  Miss  Marion:  Ethel;  1418  Washington.     Monday. 

Smith.  Capt.  and  Mrs.  Nicholas  T.;  San  Carlos,  San  Mateo  Co. 

Smith,  Miss  Helen;  1724  O'Farrell.     San  Jose. 

Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  W.;  606  Haight. 

Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  Harrison;  2311  Clay.     (Tel.  Pine  3293.) 

Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  M.;  Miss  Ethel  S.,  Miss  Helen  J.;  N.  E.  cor.  Broad- 
way and  Webster     (Tel.  Steiner  121.)    1st  and  2d  Friday.     San  Rafael. 

Smith.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Prentiss;  Miss  Alice;  3400  Clay.    (Tel.  Pine  491.)    Wed. 

Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  E.,  Miss,  Miss  Lucile,  L.  H.;  1619  Washington.    Fr. 

Smith.  Rev.  and  Mrs.  W.  E.;  Miss  Grace  P.;  717  Franklin.     Thursday 

Smith.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  F.;  2203  Scott.     (Tel.  West  61.) 

Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H..  Miss  Belle:  Hotel  Baltimore.    Wednesday. 

Smurr,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  F.;  .906  Devisadero.    (Tel.  West  958.) 

Smyth,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Horace;  2127  Broderick.     (Tel.  West  800.)     Monday. 

Sneath,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  G.:  California  Hotel.     Monday. 

Snedaker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H.:  California  Hotel.     Tuesday. 

Snowgrass,  Mrs.Louise;  Miss  Lily  M.;  Robert  B.;  Allen  B.;  1526  Eddy. 
Wednesday.     Blithedale. 

Sobey,  Dr.  A.  L.;  810  Twentieth. 


Somers,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  C,  Miss  Ida  0.,  Frank  A.;  2906  Folsom.     Monday. 
Somers,  Mr.  and  Mrs.   W.  J.;  Dr.  George  B.;  Burbank    G.;    1034    Mission. 

(Tel.  Jessie  571.)     Thursday.    Mountain  View. 
Somervell,  William  S.;  828  Geary. 

Son,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Adolph  A. ;  2124  Broadway.    1st  and  2d  Thursday. 
Sonnenfeld,  S.;  331  Kearny. 

Sonntag,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles;  California  Hotel.    Monday.     Del  Monte. 
Sontag,  Mrs.  and  Mrs.  H.  P.;  Hotel  Richelieu.     Wednesday.     San  Rafael. 
Sonntag,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Julian;  1617  Lyon.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Sonntag,  Lincoln;  2126  Howard.     (Tel.  Mission  123.) 
Sosso,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  E. ;  514  Eddy.     Friday. 
Soto,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  M.  F.;  413  Jones. 

Soule,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  K.  B. ;  Miss  Violet;  Lick  House.    Monday. 
Southard,  Mrs.  Clare;  Palo  Alto.    Tuesday. 

Southard,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  F.;  Carroll  0.;  603  Sutter.    Tuesday. 
Spalding,  Rev.  and  Mrs.  E.  B.;  3300  Washington.     (Tel.  West  676.)     Wed. 
Spalding,  Charles  W.;  H.  W.;  208  Octavia. 
Sparrowe,  Miss  S. ;  1101  Pine. 

Sparrowe,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thos.  W.;  1909  Eddy.     2d  and  4th  Friday. 
Sparrowe,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chas.  G. ;  531  Alvarado.     Tuesday. 
Spaulding,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred.  D.;  1817  Vallejo.     1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 
Spaulding,  Mrs.  G. ;  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  G. ;  1332  Clay.    Wednesday. 
Spaulding,  Jerome;   908  Valencia. 
Spaulding,  John;  1715  Clay. 

Spear,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  A.  F.;  Miss  Mayme  A.;  2908  Folsom.     Thursday. 
Spear,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lewis  E.;  1279  Weber,  Alameda. 
Spear,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Gustavus  L.;  1715  Broadway.     2d  and  4th  Friday. 
Spear,  Mrs.  Joseph  S.;  Joseph  S.,  Jr.;  Palace  Hotel.     1st  and  3d  Monday. 
Spear,  Arthur  W. ;  Union  League  Club,  or  Occidental  Hotel. 
Speck,  A.  M.;  518  Geary. 
Speck,  John  H.;  1109  Bush. 

Speers,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  H.;  Beresford  Hotel.     Thursday. 
Spence,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  David  J.;  San  Jose.     Wednesday. 
Spence,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  B.;  2203  Sacramento.    (Tel.  Pine  881.)    Wednesday. 
Spence,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  R.;  Miss  Mabel  C;  409^  Fillmore.     Thursday. 
Spencer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  W. ;  Hotel  Bella  Vista.    Thursday.     San  Jose. 
Spencer,  H.  McD.;  California  Hotel. 

Spencer,  Mr.  and  Mrs,  J.  C;  N.  E.  cor.  Baker  and  Haight.    Wednesday. 
Spencer,  Dr.  John  C;  901  Powell.     (Tel.  Black  71.) 
Sperry,  Mrs.  Austin;  2100  Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  Pine  861.)     Friday. 
Sperry,  Miss  Beda  S.,  Horace  B.,  Austin;  2515  Washington.  (Tel.  Pine  1631.) 
Sperry,  Dr.  Mary  A.;  816  Sutter.     (Tel.  Sutter  229.) 
Sperry,  Mrs.  George  B. ;  California  Hotel.     Sausalito. 
Speyer,  Mrs.  Morris;  2412  Washington.     (Tel.  West  368.) 
Speyer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter;  2121  Jackson.    Friday. 
Spiers,  James  Jr.;  Palace  Hotel.     Berkeley. 
Spinetti,  Judge  and  Mrs.  J.  A.;  608  Filbert.     Thursday. 
Spinney,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  R. ;  1615  Larkin.    Wednesday. 
Spinney,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Waldron  S.;  Miss  Emma;  30  Hawthorne.    Wednes. 
Splivalo,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  D. ;  Miss  Kate;  1120  Washington.    Wednesday. 
Sponogle,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  F.  M.;  Oriel  Hotel.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 
Spooner,  Mrs.  Sarah,  Miss;  2610  Pacific  Avenue.     (Tel.  Seiner  1221.) 
Spottiswood,  Dr.  John;  Mill  Valley. 

Spottiswood,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John,  Miss  Madge;  2010  Eddy.     Wednesday. 
Spotts,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Albert  T. ;  2420  Pacific  Avenue.     Friday 
Sprague,  Dr.  Frances  R.;  1201  Sutter.     (Tel.  Hyde  311.)    Monday  eve. 
Sprague,  Richard  H.;  Pacific-Union  Club. 
Sprague,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Richard  T.;  2014  Webster.     (Tel.  Pine  1571.) 


Spreckels,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Claus,  Miss  Ailene;  2027  Howard.  (Tel.  Mission  58.) 

Spreckels,  Adolph  B. ;  2027  Howard,  or  Palace  Hotel. 

Spreckels,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  August;  Palace  Hotel.    Monday.     San  Mateo. 

Spreckels,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  D.;  2504  Howard.     (Tel.  Mission  73.) 

Spreckels,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Rudolph;  2000  Gough,  cor.  Clay.     (Tel.  West  507.) 

Sprigg.  Mrs.  Marguerite;  Occidental  Hotel.     Monday. 

Spring,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  S.;  802  Van  Ness  Avenue 

Spring,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  R.;  1912  Clay. 

Sproule,  James;  828  Green.     (Tel.  Main  5864.)     Palo  Alto. 

Spruance,  John;  2504  Jackson.     (Tel.  Pine  1741.) 

Sresovich,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  G.;  515  Baker.     (Tel.  West  193.)     Wednesday. 

Staack,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George;  818  Bush. 

Stadtfeld,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.,  Jr.;  1310  Jackson. 

Stadtfeld,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  C;  1506  Taylor.     Thursday. 

Stallman,  Mrs.  M.,  Misses,  Dr.  G.  E.;  1824  Sutter.     Thursday. 

Stadtmuller,  Frederick;  819  Eddy.     (Tel.  East  436.) 

Stafford,  H.  J. ;  724  Twenty-third. 

Stafford,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  F.;  1625  McAllister.     Thursday. 

Stafford,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  G.;  202  Broderick.     (Tel.  Steiner  2161.)  1,  3  Thur. 

Stahle,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  F.  H. ;  City  and  County  Hospital.    Last  Friday. 

Stahle,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  F.  H.,  Miss  Hazel  Carolyne,  Roland  Clark;  City  and 

County  Hospital.     Last  Friday.     San  Rafael. 
Stallman,  Mr.  nd  Mrs.  Chrles;  1902  Devisdero.     (Tel.  West  1006.) 
Stamper,  Mrs.  Frances,  Miss  Lea  C;  1509  Post. 
Standart,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H.,  The  Misses;  763  Capp. 

Stanford,  Mrs.  Leland;   California  and  Powell.     (Tel.  East  44.)      Tuesday. 
Stanford,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jerome  B.;  1711  Broderick.     Tuesday. 
Stanly,  Mrs.  E;  Palace  Hotel.     Monday.    Napa  Soda  Springs. 
Stanton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  H.,  Mr.  and  Mrs  J.  L.,  Mr.  Paul  K.;  Turk  and 

Van  Ness  Avenue.     First  Wednesday. 
Stanton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Leon  I.;  1132  Jackson.     1st  Thursday. 
Stanyan,  Mrs.  Jennie  G;  2006  Bush.     (Tel.  West  630.) 
Stanyan,  Mrs.  Jennie  G.,  Charles  H.;  2006  Bush.     (Tel.  West  630.) 
Staples,  Mr.  D.  J.;  711  Taylor.     (Tel.  Hyde  811.) 

Starbird,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  W.,  Miss  Sadie;  1055  Golden  Gate  Avenue. 
Stearns,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  D. ;  Hotel  Lenox.     Thursday. 
Stebbins,  Rev.  and  Mrs.  Horatio;  1609  Larkin. 
Stebbins,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  E. ;  734  Sutter. 
Steel,  William;  London  and  San  Francisco  Bank.     Mill  Valley. 
Steele,  Dr.  Charles  H. ;  704  Post. 
Steele,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  G. ;  406  Sutter. 
Steiger,  Mrs.  Frances  E.,  Miss  Grace  A.;  15  Liberty 

Steiger,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  D. ;  3329  Twenty-first,  near  Valencia.     1  Tues. 
Steiger,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis  A.;  1321  Hayes. 

Steil,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry,  Miss  L.  M.,  Sebel,  Arthur  H.;  920  Eddy. 
Stein,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Aaron;  1816  Larkin.     Wednesday 
Stein,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  G. ;  1333  Broadway.     Tuesday. 
Stein,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  M.;  417  Baker.     1st  Tuesday. 
Steinhart,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William;  1090  Post.     (Tel.  East  240.) 
Steinegger,  Prof.  Emil;  300  Post. 

Steinhart,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ignatz;  916  Sutter.     (Tel.  Sutter  2201.)     Thursday. 
Ste  Marie,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  H.;  1223  Bush.     Wednesday 
Stephens,  J.  A.;  2042  Scott     . 

Stephens,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  J.:  1420  Taylor.     Tuesday. 
Stephens,  Dr.  Wm.  Barclay;  231  Post.     Alameda. 
Stern,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  M.;  417  Baker.     (Tel.  Pine  641.) 
Stern,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.;  621  Leavenworth.     (Tel.  East  47.)     Monday. 
Stern,  Sigmund,  Lewis  Abraham;  2319  Buchanan.     (Tel.  Pine  1501.) 


Stetson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Albert;  1416  1-2  Washington.     Wednesday. 
Stetson,  Mr.  James  B,  Harry  N.;  1801  Van  Ness  Avenue.     Tel.  Sutter  351.) 
Stetson,  William  W.,  Miss,  Miss  Rose;  912  Pierce. 
Stevens,  Miss  Carrie  E,  Miss  Bella;  702  Powell.    Wednesday. 
Stevens,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  E.;  1531  Sacramento.     Santa  Clara  County. 

-     vens,  Cxeorge  H.;  126  Eighth. 

Stevens,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H. :  2405  Octavia.     Wednesday. 

Stevens,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  K. ;  1907  Bush.     Tuesday. 

Stevens.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edgar  R.;  713  Twenty-third. 

Stevens,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Martin;  419  Ellis.     2d  and  4th  Monday.     San  Mateo. 

Stevens,  Mrs.  H.  A. ;  1111  Hyde.    1st  and  3d  Thursday.     Del  Monte. 

Stevens.  Lieut.  G.  W.  S.,  U.  S.  A.;  Fort  Sheridan,  111. 

Stevens.  Miss  N.;  1300  Taylor. 

Stewart.  Mr    H   J.;   1126  Hyde.     (Tel.  Hyde  591.)     1st  and  4th  Wednesday. 

Stewart,  Miss  M.;  429  Ellis.     (Tel.  East  954.) 

Stewart,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Granville  W.;  502  Bush.     Sausalito. 

Stewart,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James;  2505  Pacific  Avenue.     1st  and  last  Friday. 

St.  Goar,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry,  1920  Franklin      Friday. 

Stice,  Dr.  F.  H.;  1049  Market. 

Stilwell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  J.;  724  Cole.     (Tel.  Steiner  161.) 

Stilwell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  C;  Maple,  bet.  Washington  and  Jackson.    Friday. 

Stincen,  Miss.  Miss  Ella;  816  Chestnut.     Tuesday. 

Stinson,  W.  H.,  Miss  Fannie  J.,  Ida  W.;  3136  Washington.     1,  3  Thursday. 

St.  Hubert,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  J.  de,  Miss  Nina;  822  Ellis.     Wednesday. 

Stock,  Ernest  C;  636  Post. 

Stockwell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  P.     Highland  Springs,  Lake  County. 

Stokes,  James  Brett;  University  Club. 

Stolp,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred  A.;  815  Hyde.     Tuesday. 

Stone,  Mrs.  A.  L.,  Miss  Kittie;  1882  Washington.     Friday. 

Stone,  Miss  A.  L.,  Hotel  Savoy. 

Stone,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Bertody  W.;  210  Locust.     Wednesday. 

Stone,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  B.;  2217  Buchanan.     (Tel.  West  388.)     1,  2  Friday. 

Stone,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  F. ;  1040  Dolores.     Thursday. 
Stone,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  P.,  Miss.  H.,  B.;  1030  Dolores. 

Stone,  Frank  F.;  1023  Vallejo.     (Tel.  East  499.) 

Stone,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  M.;  2918  Howard.     (Tel.  Blue  91.) 

Stone,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  D.;  1409  Van  Ness  Avenue.     Thursday. 

Stone,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  N.  J.;  1010  Dolores.     Thursday.     Mountain  View. 

Stone,  Mrs.,  B.  Wilder;  210  Locust. 

Stoney,  Miss  Kate;  Gateland. 

Stoney,  Mrs.  Kate  M.,  Miss  Kate,  Gilliard;   31  Fair  Oaks.     Wednesday. 

Storror,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  W.;  711  Broderick.     (Tel.  West  236.) 

Stoney,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Donzel;  1016  Broderick.    1st  and  3d  Thursday. 

Story,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  R. ;  1778  Green. 

Story,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  A.;  "Yellow  Jacket."     Sausalito. 

Stoutenborough,  Charles  H. ;  1921  Octavia. 

Stovel,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  J.;  2613  Buchanan.     1st  and  2d  Thursday. 

Stow,  F. ;  California  Hotel. 

Stow,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Vanderlyn;  1922  Sacramento.     (Tel.  East  236.) 

Stow,  Mrs.  A.  E.,  Miss  Nellie;  1013  Pine.     (Tel.  East  239.) 

Stradley,  Walter  P.;  7S1  Sutter. 

Strain,  Dr.  Edward  L.;  21  Powell. 

Straus,  Emanuel;  2018  Webster. 

Strauss,  Levi;  621  Leavenworth. 

Stratton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick  S.;   1301  Harrison.     Oakland. 

Straut,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George;  2028  Scott. 

Strickland.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Geo.  D.;  1917  Webster. 

Strong,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Colin  G.;  Hotel  Pleasanton.     Monday. 


Strother,  Lieut.  L.  H.,  U.  S.  A.    Angel  Island. 

Stuart,  Mrs.  C.  A.,  Miss  Mabel  G.;  418  Bartlett.     Thursday. 

Stuart,  Charles  A.;  1209  Powell. 

Stuart,  Francis;  1016  Sutter. 

Stuart,  William  A.,  James  F.;  2441  Larkin. 

Stubbs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  C,  The  Misses.  J.  P.;  2519  Pacific  Ave.    1,  2  Friday. 

Stuparich,  P.   J.;   1217  Greenwich.     (Tel.    Hyde  171.) 

Sturdivant.  Mrs.  L.  M.,  Miss  Belle,  Benjamin  B.;  422  Page.     Friday. 

Sturdivant,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  H.;  1432  Leavenworth. 

Sullivan,  Miss  Ada.  Miss  Georgia;  525  Oak.    (Tel.  West  70.)     1.  2  Tuesday. 

Sullivan,  Hon.  and  Mrs.  F.;   S.  E.  cor.  Van  Ness  Ave.  and  Washington. 

Sullivan,  Judge  Jeremiah  F. ;  1G11  Sacramento. 

Sullivan,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  F.,  Miss  Angela,  Dr.  Wm.  N. ;  1105  Van  Ness 
Avenue.     (Tel.  East  341.)     Thursday. 

Sullivan,  D.  and  Mrs.  Maurice  J. ;  724  i-2  McAllister.     Thursday. 

Sullivan,  Mrs.  Thomas.  Miss  M.;   S.  W.  cor.  California  and  Scott.     Wed. 

Sumner,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  W.,  Mrs.  W.  B.;  810  Van  Ness  Avenue. 

Summerhayes,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  J.;  23  Baker.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 

Sussdorff,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  G.  E.;  2916  Sacramento.     (Tel.  Steiner  2141.) 

Suter,  Col.  E.  R.;  Occidental  Hotel. 

Sutherland,  Dr.  Fred  B.;  21  Powell.     (Tel.  Bush  10.) 

Sutro,  Adolph;  Sutro  Heights;  Miss  Clara  A.,  N.  W.  cor.  Hayes  and  Fill- 
more;  Charles  W.     (Tel.   Steiner   3012.)     Tuesday.     Arcadia. 

Sutton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Albert;   "Brookside,"  Hay  wards.     1st  and  3d  Fridav. 

Suydam,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  H.;  3315  Washington.     (Tel.  West  612.)     1  3  Wed 

Suydam,  James  W. ;  2932  Clay. 

Swain,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  A;  2331  Fillmore.  (Tel.  Steiner  2541.)  1.  3  Thur. 

Swain,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  R. ;  406  Sutter.     Monday. 

Swain,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  A.,  Miss  Amy;  2813  Clay.     Mountain  View. 

Swain,  Mrs.  M.  H.,  Miss;  The  Colonial.    2d  and  4th  Tuesday. 

Swan,  Dr.  Benjamin  R.;  2214  Hyde,  or  Bohemian  Club.     (Tel.  East  532.) 

Sweeney,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.,  Miss  Mary,  Miss  Rose  E.,  Geo.  J.,  Jas.  P.,  Frank 
H.;  2936  Jackson.     2d  and  4th  Thursday.     San  Antonio. 

Sweet,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.;  2230  Pacific  Avenue.     (Tel.  West  234.) 

Swett,  Mrs.  Emma  R.,  Miss  Ruth:  2517  Sacramento. 

Swett,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Wilber  M.;  2417  Washingon.     1st  and  3d  Tuesdav. 

Swinerton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  A.;  1910  Baker.     2d  and  4th  Tuesdav." 

Swinnerton.  James;  "Examiner"  Editorial  Rooms,  or  931  Fillmore. 

Swift,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  J.;  Hotel  Bella  Vista.    Thursdav. 

Swift,  Mrs.  John  F.;  824  Valencia.     (Tel.  Blue  631.) 

Sylvester,  Mrs.  H.,  Miss  Freda,  Miss  Armada,  Dr.  H.,  Jr.,  Dr.  A.  J.;  727 
Golden  Gate  Avenue.     1st  Wednesday. 

Sylvester,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  G.;  727  Golden  Gate  Avenue.     1st  and  3d  Thur 

Symmes,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  J.,  Miss,  W.  W..  H.  S.;  630  Harrison.     Thur. 

Taafe,  Mrs.  William;  2111  Broderick.     (Tel.  West  406.)    Thursday 

Taber,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  A.;  609  Broderick.     Wednesday. 

Taggart,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Clayton,  Miss  Jessie;  2417  Fillmore.     1.  3  Tuesday. 

Talbot,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Andrew  P.:  2601  California.     (Tel.  West  996  )     Friday 

Talbot,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  F.  A.;  1819  California.     (Tel.  East  112.) 

Taliaferro,  Miss  M.,  916  Greenwich.     1st  and  3d  Tuesday. 

Talbot,  Mrs.  W.  C,  Miss;  1730  Jackson.     (Tel.  West  39.)     Friday. 

Talbot,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  H.:   2680  Jackson.     (Tel.  West  356) 

Tallant,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  J.;  1001  Bush. 

Tallant,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick  W. ;   L426  Clay.     (Tel.  East  166.)     Tuesday 

Tallant.   Mr.  and   Mrs.  John  D. ;    2211   Washington.     Thursday. 

Tallant,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Nathaniel  W.:  323  Scott. 

Tamm,  Mr.  Charles  L.,  Mrs.  A.  J.,  Belgian  Vice-Consul;  329  Bartlett. 


Tarns.  Sampson;  Pacific-Union  Club.     Monterey. 

Tarrant,  Miss  Rowena  M.;  531  Sutter.     1st  Thursday. 

Tatum,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  L;  2525  Pacific  Ave.     Friday.    Del  Monte. 

Taussig,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  J..  Miss;  2540  Vallejo.     (Tel.  West  632.) 

Tauszky,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edmund;  The  Colonial.     1st  and  last  Monday. 

Tay,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  F;  3005  Jackson.     (Tel.  West  907.)     Friday. 

Tay,  Miss  Irene  M.,  Miss  Harriett  B.;  1902  Pierce.     (Tel.  Steiner  661.) 

Taylor,  Dr.  Albert  H. ;  422  Ellis.     (Tel.  Sutter  1651.) 

Taylor,  Howard  P. ;  1719  Geary. 

Taylor,  Col.  and  Mrs.  Charles  L.;  709  Bush. 

Taylor,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  R.;  2308California.     2d  and  4th  Thursday. 

Taylor,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  D.;  2308  California.     Thursday. 

Taylor,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edwin  M. ;  Hotel  Bella  Vista.    Thursday. 

Taylor,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  F.:  2250  Bush.     2d  and  4th  Tuesday. 

Taylor,  Henry  H.;  1333  Leavenworth. 

Taylor,  John,  Miss  Augusta;  2518  Broadway.     Redwood  City. 

Taylor,  Dr.  R.  L. ;  224  Noe. 

Taylor,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  G.,  Miss  Mary  L.,  Miss  Henrietta  E,  Miss 

Bessie,  Thomas  G.,  Jr.;  1911  Pine.     Wednesday. 
Taylor,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  E. ;  215  Geary.     (Tel.  Main  1382.) 
Taylor,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  William  H.,  Miss  Carrie,  Augustus,  W.  H.  Jr.;  2128 

California.     (Tel.  Steiner  2481.)     Tuesday. 
Taylor,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Phillips  T. ;  3326  Sacramento.     Thursday. 
Temple,  Judge  and  Mrs.  Jackson;  Hotel  St.  Nicholas. 
Temple,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Warner,  Miss  Helen  Marguerite,  Miss  Carina  Majorie. 

Philip  Corolus,  Robert  Herrick;  2524  Sutter.     Sunday  afternoon. 
Terrill,  Dr.  George  M. ;  Cosmos  Club,  or  336  Post.     (Tel.  Black  291.) 
Terry,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Reel  B. ;  Miss  Birne;  1902  Broadway. 
Terry,  Dr.  Wallace  I.;  Hotel  Pleasanton. 
Tevis,  Hugh;  107  Front.     Resides  Oakland. 

Tevis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lloyd;  Dr.  Harry  L. ;  1316  Taylor.     Tuesday. ( 
Tevis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  S.;  2548  Jackson.     (Tel.  West  317.)     Friday. 
Tewksbury,  Mrs.  Emily  S. ;  2901  California.    Tuesday. 
Tharp,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  H.;  400  Oak.     Monday. 

Thayer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  N.;   Miss  Rose;  Piedmont  and  Pacific  Ave. 
Theobald,  Mrs.  G.  J.;  Miss  Annie;   Miss  Emma;  1912  1-2  Lyon.     Thursday. 
Theobald,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  John;  Hotel  Bella  Vista.     Thursday. 
Thiedemann,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William;  1724  Page.     2d  Friday. 
Thomas,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  David  R. ;  2417  Washington. 

Thomas,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.  J.;  The  Misses;  1307  Vallejo.    2d  and  4th  Friday. 
Thomas,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Richard  L.;  1722  Sutter.     Thursday. 
Thomas,  Mrs.  Stephen;  104  Devisadero. 

Thomas,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm;  2614  Pacific  Ave.    Wednesday. 
Thomas,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.;  Miss  Molly;  Miss  Helen;  2614  Pacific  Avenue. 

(Tel.  Pine  1601.)     Wednesday. 
Thompson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  B. ;  830  Sutter. 
Thompson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  W.;   Miss  Marie,  Wallace  L. ;  913  Twentieth. 

Thompson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  I.  D. ;  516  Eddy. 

Thompson    G.  Howard;  Miss  Meta;  G.  H.,  Jr.;   1307  O'Farrell. 
Thompson,  Capt.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  R. :  1501  Van  Ness  Avenue.     Thursday. 
Thompson,  Miss  Roberta  A.;  2517  Washington. 
Thomson,  Stuart  C;  410  Post. 
Thorn,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  F. ;  Grand  Hotel. 

Thome,  Andrew;  Miss  May;  Isaac  N. ;  Walter  S.;  1511  Washington. 
Thorne,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  S.;   Miss  Grace;  Dr.  W.  M.;  2327  Sacramento. 
Thornton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C;  Palace  Hotel,  or  Cosmos  Club.     Santa  Cruz. 


Thornton,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  P.  H.;Bruee  P.:  435  Golden  Gate  Avenue. 

Thornton.  Judge  and  Mrs.  James  P.;  2908  Jackson.     (Tel.  West  814.1 

Thors.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis;   1309  Gough.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 

Throckmorton.  Miss  S.  M.;  Hotel  Bella  Vista.     Thursday. 

Thurston.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  P.;   925  Pine.     (Tel.  East  244.)     Thursday. 

Tibbitts,  Mrs.  Jennie:  Howard  C;  504  Geary. 

Tiedemann.  Dr.  J.:  847  Devisadero. 

Tierney.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  Lawrence:   2021  Broderick.     1st  and  3d  Tues. 

Tiffany.  Mr.  nad  Mrs.  Peer:  3035  California.     Monday.     San  Leandro. 

Tilden.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  August:  Miss  Irnia;  170S  Waller.     1st  Thursday. 

Tilden.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  N. :  Herber  C. :  2005  California.     1st  Friday. 

Tilley.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  R.:  207  Steiner. 

Tillev.  Mr.  William  J.:  S13  Scott. 

Tilmann.  F. :  2006  Washington.     (Tel.  West  259.)     Fruitvale. 

Tilton.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  S:  193S  Vallejo.    Friday.     Napa. 

Tilton.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  S.:  1824  Vallejo.     Friday.    Napa. 

Titcomb,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C.  B. :  701  Sutter. 

Titcomb.  John  H. :  618  Grove. 

Titus.  Dr.  F.  H.:  1632  Eddy.     (Tel.  Pine  1511.) 

Tobin.  Mrs.  Mary  A..  Miss  Agnes.  Miss  Beatrice.  Alfred,  Richard,  Clement; 

S.  E.  cor.  California  and  Taylor.     (Tel.  Black  1421.) 
Tobin.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  S.:  1299  Taylor.     Tuesday.     Burlingame. 
Tobin.  Mr.  nad  Mrs.  R.  C:  71S  O'Farrell.     (Tel.  Sutter  1991.)     Tuesday. 
Tobin.  Robert  J.:  1322  Geary.     (Tel.  West  440.) 
Toby.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  B. :  Hotel  Pleasanton.    Monday. 
Todd.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph;  1324  Page.     Wednesday. 
Toland.  Hugo  H.:  California  Hotell. 
Toliaferro.   Miss  Mary:  916  Greenwich.     1st  Tuesday. 
Toohey,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.    Mill  Valley. 

Toohv,  Judge  and  Mrs.  D.  J..  George  W. :  1906  Bush.     Thursday. 
Topping.  Mrs.  H.  E..  Frank  P.:  1826  Vallejo. 

Topping.  Miss  Daisy:  S.  W.  cor.  Union  and  Fillmore.     2d  and  4th  Friday. 

Tormey,  Dr.  John  V.:  14  McAllister.     (Tel.  South  656.) 

Torrey.  Mrs.  E.  N.:  1812  Van  Ness  Avenue.     Friday. 

Touchard.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Gustav:   2217  Octavia.     Wednesday. 

Tourny.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George.  Julius:  1316  Jones. 

Tourny.  Miss  Louise:  1023  Sutter.     Saturday. 

Tourtillotte.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Arthur  D. :    1417b  Clay.     1st  and  2d  Tuesday. 

Towne.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Arthur  G:   2424  Pierce.     (Tel.  Steiner  41.)     Friday. 

Towne.  Mrs.  A.  N.:  1101  California.     Tuesday. 

Townsend.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  de  K.:  2618  Laguna.     (Tel.  Pine  761.)     Thursday. 

Townsend.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  R. :  1028  Pine.     Thursday. 

Toy.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  D.:   309  Lott.     (Tel.  Steiner  431.)     Wednesday. 

Tracy.  Mrs.  A.  F..  Theodore  F.,  William  E.:  Hotel  Bella  Vista.     Thursday. 

Tracy.  Miss  Etta:  1007  Pine.     Thursday.     Napa  Soda  Springs. 

Trask.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alden  Y.:  2334  Pacific  Avenue.     Friday. 

Traverse.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  A.  W.:  1170  Market.     Monday. 

Treat.  Lieut.  Charles  G.,  D.  S.  A.:  Alcatraz  Island. 

Treat.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Archibald  J..  Miss  N.  L. :  1812  Broadway.     Friday. 

Treat.  Mrs  Helen  S..  Dewitt  C:  1S12  Broadway.     Friday. 

Treat.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  Parker:  2615  Laguna.     Friday. 

Trezevant.  Mrs.  H.  B.,  Gray.  Lewis  K..  Paul  A.:  2203  Sacramento.     Thur. 

Trittenbach.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G..  Alfred:  1212  Fulton.     1st  and  2d  Thursday. 

Tnmtt.  Judge  and  Mrs.  James  M. ;  510  Clayton.     1st  and  2d  Thursday. 

Trov.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  P..  Miss:  103  Scott.     Wednesday.       Sausalito. 

Truesdell.  Mrs.  A.  \V. :  711  Jones.  The  Berkshire.     (Tel.  Sutter  1871.) 

Truffert.  Mademoiselle  A.:   1611  Washington.     San  Rafael. 

Truman.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  I.  J.:  812  Twentieth.     (Tel.  Blue  511.)     Wednesday. 


Trumbo,  Col.  and  Mrs.  I.;  1533  Sutter.     (Tel.  East  21.)     1,  2,  3  Thursday. 

Trumbo,  Howard  T.;  1533  Sutter. 

Trumpour.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.;  2302  Howard.     3d  Thursday. 

Tubbs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  L.;  Palace  Hotel.     (Tel.  Main  5297.)    Monday. 

Tubbs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  C. ;  2510  Jackson.     (Tel.  West  587.)     Thursday. 

Tubbs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  B..  Miss  Nettie  K.;  2311  Clay.     (Tel.  Steiner  1491.) 

Tubbs,  Alfred  S.;  Palace  Hotel.    (Tel.  Main  1098.) 

Tuchler,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  G.  S.;   1133  Polk.     (Tel.  Hyde  1241.) 

Tucker.  James  E.;  Pacific-Union  Club. 

Tuggle,  Dr.  S.  P.;  302  Stockton.     (Tel.  Grant  503.) 

Turner,  Mr.  J.  W.;  1418  Sutter. 

Turner,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C,  Arthur;  830  California.     Wednesday.     Pescadero. 

Turner,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Geo.  Webster;  2803  Washington.     Thursday. 

Turner,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Howard:  1101  Pine.     1st  and  2d  Thursday. 

Turner,  Mrs.  J.  A.;  525  Oak.     (Tel.     Wst  70.)     Wednesday. 

Turnbull,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter,  Miss.  Walter,  Jr.;  2217  Van  Ness  Avenue. 

Tuska,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wall.  J.;  934  Haight.     4th  Monday. 

Tuttle.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  R.:  614  Capp.     2d  and  3d  Tuesday. 

Tuttle,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  W.;  1209  Sutter.     (Tel.  Sutter  1391.) 

Twiggs,  John  W.;  1011  Bush. 

Tyson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  H.;  1501  Central  Avenue.     Friday.     Alameda. 

Umbsen,  G.  H.;  101  Scott.     (Tel.  Pine  2811.) 

Umpsen,  Henrv  P.;  101  Scott.     (Tel.  Pine  2811.) 

Underhill,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  L.;  1807  Pierce.     (Tel.  Steiner  2231.) 

Underhill,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  B.;  1926  Pine.     (Tel.  West  156.)     Thursday. 

Underwood,  Dr.  M.  F.;  1148  Sutter.     (Tel.  Hyde  421.) 

Unna,  Mr.  Harry;  222  1-2  Page. 

Upham,  Mr.  Isaac,  Isaac  O.,  Benjamin  P.;   800  Van  Ness  Avenue. 

Upton.  Mrs.  Mary  A.,  Thomas  B.,  Vernon,  John;  735  Pine. 

Uriosto,  George  de,  Adolph  de:  1916  Jackson.     (Tel.  East  918.) 

Urruella.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Juan;  1916  Jackson.     (Tel.  East  918.)    Paris.  France. 

Vaccari,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  V:  1427  Mason.     2d  Thursday. 

Vail,  Mrs.  J.  R.:  1101  Laguna.     Thursday. 

Vale,  Baldwin:  St.  Nicholas  Hotel. 

Valentine,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  W. ;  1900  Broadway,  cor.  Octavia.     Friday. 

Valentine,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  D.;   San  Clemente,  Marin  County. 

Van  Arsdale,  M.  W.  W.;  2233  Washington. 

Van  Balvaren,  W.  E.  J.;  Hotel  Richelieu. 

Van  Bergen,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  A.:  2501  Gough. 

Van  Bergen,  Henry;   1612  Van  Ness  Avenue.     (Tel.  Sutter  821.) 

Van  Bergen,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  W.;  1720  Broadway.     2d  and  4th  Friday. 

Van  Bergen,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  N,  Theodore;  834   Post.     Thursday. 

Van  Bergen,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  F. ;  1610  Van  Ness  Ave.     (Tel.  Hyde  821.) 

Van  Brunt  R. ;  Palace  Hotel. 

Vanderslice,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  K.  The  Misses,  M.  T.;  2702  California.  Thur. 

Van  Every  E.     Edenvale,  Santa  Clara  County. 

Van  Fleet,  Judge  and  Mrs.  W.  C;  2721  Pacific  Avenue.     Friday. 

Van  Laak,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.,  Miss  Hattie,  Miss  Lottie,  Lambert,  Jr.;   2018 

Howard.     Tuesday.     Menlo  Park. 
Van  Ness,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  C,  Miss  Daisy;  1310  Taylor.     Monday. 
Van  Norden,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  H.;  1143  Polk.     Monday. 
Van  Orden.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  H.;  2813  Howard. 

Van  Orden,  Mrs.  L.,  Miss  Emily,  George  N.;  2813   Twenty-fourth.     Wed. 
Van  Reynegom,  Mr.  and   Mrs.  F.  W.;   630  Church.     Wednesday. 
Van  Trees,  Mrs.  Julia.  Mr.  Frank  S.;  396  Waller.     Tuesday. 
Van  Winkle,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  L.     Friday.     San  Rafael. 


Van  Winkle.  Mrs.  I.  S.,  Miss  Helen.  Lawrence  E.;   2120  Jackson.     Friday. 
Van  Wyck.  Mrs.  Sidney  M..   Miss  Nannie  C.  Miss  Laura  S.,  Sidney  Mc- 

Mechen.  Jr..  Crittenden;  1914  Webster.     Tuesday. 
Varney.  Thomas  H.  B.;  33  Julian  Avenue.     (Tel.  Mission  93.) 
Vassault,   Mr.   and   Mrs.   Ferdinand.  Miss   Virginia  N.,   Miss   Theodora   E., 

Ferdinand  I..  Lawrence  S.:   1513  Washington.     Thursday. 
Vecki,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Victor  G.:  1502  Jackson,  cor.  Larkin.     1st  and  3d  Wed. 
Verrinder,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  R.   Ford.     Thursday.     San  Rafael. 
Veuve.  Henry  H.;  Pacific-Union  Club.     Del  Monte. 
Vickery.  William  K. :  224  Post.     Oakland. 

Vidaver.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  N.  J.:  774  Geary.     (Tel.  5503.)     4th  Sunday. 
Vignier.  Mr.  and  Mrs.   A.:   916  Greenwich.     1st  and  2d  Tuesday. 
Vining.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  P..  Miss  Ellen  P..  Miss  Annabel  B.:  Hotel 

St.   Nicholas. 
Virgin.  William  Tyler:  Hotel  Fairmount. 
Vogel.  Edward  J.:  1001  Pine. 

Volkmann.  George  F.;   2307  Broadway.     (Tel.  Steiner  2071.) 
Von  Hoffman.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C;  1014  Sutter. 

Von  Rhein.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  O.  F..  Otto  E.:  2119  Broadway.     (Tel.  Hyde  2041.) 
Von  Schmidt.  Alexis  W.;  808  Montgomerv. 

Von  Sshroder.  Baron  and  Baroness  J.  H.:  1321  Sutter.     Eagle  Rancho. 
Voorhies.  Dr.  and  Mr.  A.  H..  Mis-  Marie:  2111  California.     Tuesday. 
Voorman.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry.  Miss  Alice.  Miss  Ida:  800  Bush.    1st  Friday. 
Voorsanger.  Rev.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Jacob:  1249  Franklin.     (Tel.  Hyde  371.) 
Vowinckel.  Dr.  F.  W.:  1298  Van  Ness  Avenue.     (Tel.  East  430.) 

Wadsworth.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry.  J.  A.     Wednesday.     1347  Alice.  Oakland. 
Wagner.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  H.  L. :  2321  Buchanan.     (Tel.  Steiner  481.) 
Wagner.  Joseph.  Miss  Helen  L..  Will::  271(5  Scott.     (Tel.  Pine  1991.)     Fri. 
Wagoner.  Mr.  and  Mrs.   Luther:  703  Chestnut.     Thursday. 
Wainwright.  M.  and  Mrs.  Ed.  W.:    1822  Lyon.     Wednesday. 
Wainwright,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  W..  Miss  Amy.  Miss  Lizzie.  James  W..  Jr.; 

808  Taylor.     2d  and  3d  Tuesday. 
Wainwright.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William.   Miss  Lizzie.  Miss  Annie.   H.  Harvey. 

William  G. :   1511  Jackson.     2d  and  4th  Friday. 
Wakeman.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  H.;  1164  H.iisht.     1st  and  2d  Monday. 
Walcot,  Earle  A.:  37  Scott. 
Walcott.  Mrs.  J.:  The  Alexandria,  7S1  Suter. 
Waldeck.  Hugo:  515  Eddy. 

Walker.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  E..  Miss  Ada.  Mis  Irene:  2325  Gough.     Thursday. 
Walker.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  L.:   St.  Nicholas  Hotel.     Thursday. 
Walker.  George  B.-  Hotel  St.  Nicholas. 

Walker.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  D. :   1502  Pacific  Avenue.     Friday. 
Walker.  Mr.  and   Mrs.  Oscar  V.:   1116  Fulton.     1st  and   3d   Wednesday. 
Walkington.   Mr.  and   Mrs.  T.   G.:  Occidental   Hotel.     Monday.     San   Jo 
Wall.  Miss  Clara:  2407  Octavia.     (Tel.  Steiner  931.)     1st  nd  3d  Thursday. 
Wallace.  Dr.  A.  H:  731  Sutter.     (Tel.  Hyde  551.) 
Wallace.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  H.;  Hotel  St.  Nicholas. 
Wallace.  Mrs.  L.  E.:  1811  Post. 

Wallace.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ryland  B.:  2210  Clay.     (Tel.  West  201.)    Friday. 
Wallace.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  G.:  30  Post. 

Wallace,  Mrs.  W.  H.  Miss  Cora.  Wm.  H.  .Jr.:  2220  Broadway.     Friday. 
Wallace.  Judge  and  Mrs.  W.  T.;  Miss  Romie:  799  Van  Ness  Ave.    Thursday. 
Waller.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  P.  F.;   Sam  1..:  Julian  L. :  Newton  B.;   2104  Bush. 

(Tel.  West  >;42.     2d  and  4th  Tuesday. 
Walsh.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Martin:  Miss  Saidee;   Frank;  925  Haight.     2.  4.  Thurs. 
Walter.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  N. :  Miss  Rosa;  Herbert;  1700  Van  Ness  Ave. 
Walter.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  I.  N.;  1S03  Franklin.     Friday. 


Walter,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Solly;  26  O'Farrell.    (Tel.  West  531.) 

Walters,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  H.  S.;  2213  Webster.    Friday. 

Walton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  C,  500  Capp. 

Walts,  Geo.  W.;  1814  Bush. 

Ward,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  James  W.;  Palace  Hotel.     (Tel.  Red  251.)     Thursday. 

Wardell,  Mrs.  Mary.  Miss  Fannie;  1405  Van  Ness  Ave. 

Warfield,  Gen.  and  Mrs.  R.  H.,  George  H.,  California  Hotel.    Monday. 

Warner,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Alexander;  2323  Franklin.    Wednesday. 

Warner,  Dr.  James  K.;  202%  Stockton.     (Tel.  Black  81.) 

Warren,  A.  M.;  1322  Page. 

Washington,  Frank  B.;  Bohemian  Club.    Mill  Valley. 

Wate,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.  T.  M..  Miss  Charlotte  N.;  769  Capp.  1st  and  3d    Wed. 

Waterhouse,  Dr.  Amelia  A.:  2213  Howard.    (Tel.  Mission  23.) 

Waterhouse,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Columbus:  2213  Howard.     (Tel.  Mission  23.) 

Waterman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.,  W.  B.,  Hugo  A.,  2409  Devisadero.    Monday. 

Waters,  George  L..  Miss  Lillian  N.;  Belvedere.     3d  and  4th  Tuesday. 

Watkins,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  A.;  1302  Laguna.     (Tel.  Pine  3821.)    Thursday. 

Watkins,  George  O.;  The  Oliver,  899  Pine. 

Watson,  Mrs.  Charles  L.;     (Tel.|  West  130.)     Friday. 

Watson,  John  C. ;  1152  Guerrero. 

Watson,  Jerome  W. ;  712  Sutter. 

Watson,  Mrs.,  Miss,  Hotel  Bella  Vista.    Thursday. 

Watson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  S.;  1615  Larkin.    Wednesday. 

Watt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  H.;  Hotel  St.  Nicholas.    Monday. 

Watt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  Alva;  18  Devisadero.     (Tie.  West  325.)     Friday. 

Watt,  Mrs.  L.  J.;  641  Haight.     (Tel.  Steiner  3731.)    1st  and  3dTuesday. 

Watt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Rolla  V.;  641  Haight.    (Tel.  Steiner  3731.)    1st,  3d,  Tues. 

Watters,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  H.,  James  A.,  Frank  H.  Jr.,  711  Sutter. 

Watters,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  S.;  711  Sutter. 

AVatts,  W.  P.;  207  Larkin.    Tulare. 

Wayman,  Willard  O.,  Guy  T.,  California  Hotel. 

Weber,  Adolph  C;  1422  Sutter. 

Weber,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Adolph  H.;  2516  Clay.     2d  and  4th  Tuesday. 

Webster,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Artemas;  1004  Jones.     Wednesday. 

Webster,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  AValter  B. ;  622  Sutter.    1st  and  3d  Monday. 

Webster,  Mrs.  B.  F.,  Miss  Sadie  A..  Frank  W.;  2411  Washington.    Thursday. 

Webster,  Fred  R.;  Pacific-Union  Club.    Del  Monte. 

Webster,  Resrinald  H.;  1005  Fillmore.    Del  Monte. 

Weed,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  F.;  304  Turk. 

Weed,  Mr.  M.  H.;  1917  Sacramento.     (Tel.  Sutter  1591.) 

Wegener,  Mrs.  Frederick  O.,  Frederick  G,  William  B.,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry 

A.;  2  Columbia  Spuare.    (Tel.  South  633.) 
Wehe,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alfred  W.;  502  Stockton.     Monday. 
Weighel,  Wm.  McM.;  2106  Pacific  Ave. 
Weihe,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  F.;  Oakland.    Wednesday. 
Weihe,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alfred  W.;  2S17  Pine. 
Weil,  Dr.  Conrad;  103  Larkin.     (Tel.  Jesse  211.) 
Weil,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ed.;  1429  Van  Ness  Ave.     Thursday. 
Weill,  Raphael;  Bohemian  Club. 

Welburn,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  O.  M.;  920  Grove.    (Tel.  West  848.) 
Welch,  Mrs.  Andrew,  Charles  J.:  1090  Eddy.    (Tel.  West  139.)    2,  4  Tuesday. 
Welch,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel  B.:  2626  Steiner.    (Tel.  West  988.)    Friday. 
Wellman,  Mr.  and  Mrs  W.  B.;  1924  Vallejo.    (Tel.  Pine  541.)    Fruitvale. 
Wells,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Asa  R..  Miss  Laura,  Miss  Susie  :2118  Pacific  Ave.    Fr'y. 
Wells,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  S.;  S.  W.  cor.  Pierce  and  Fillmore.    2d  Thursday. 
Wells,  Lester  K.;  2431  Pacific  Ave.    (Tel.  Pine  1441.) 
Welsh,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  C;  1915  Pierce.    (Tel.  Pine  661.) 
Welsh,  Mrs.  Sharles,  Miss,  Charles  E. ;  705  Chestnut.    Thursday. 


To  secure  prompt  attention 
ask  Telephone  for 

»  No.   122  Main  " 


Carriage   Stands 



In  addition  to  our  regular  Carriages 
and  One-Horse  Coupes,  which  we  can 
furnish  at  all  hours.  Day  or  Night,  we 
have  an  assortment  of  elegant  Carriages, 
Broughams,  Double  Coupes,  Victorias, 
Four-in-hand  Waggonettes  and  Coaches, 
with  Stylish  Teams  and  Harness.  These 
can  be  turned  out  on  Special  Order  at 
short  notice. 


Within  District  hounded  by  Broadway.  Cough  and  Twelfth  Streets,  and  the 

City  Front,  or  forgone  mile. 

Hand  Baggage  Free.  Two-Horse  Coupe 

One=Horse  Coupe  or  Carriage 

|     oo     One  or  two  passengers $i  50 

More  than  two  passengers 2  00 

25     Each  additional  mile  (each  passenger^ 25 

1  5°     Calling  and  Shopping,  first  hour 2  00 

1  00     Calling  and  Shopping,   subsequent  hour 1  50 

3  00    Theatres.  Balls  and  Parties,  both  ways  reserved 4  00 

3  00    Weddings 4  00 

2  50     Black  Point 3  00 

3  00     Oakland  Point  (ferriage  extra) 4  00 

4  00     Park  Drive 5  00 

5  00     Park  Drive  and  to  End  of  Beach  Road 7  00 

6  00     Ingleside.  via  Park 8  00 

6  00     Cliff  House,  via  Park  and  return S  00 

Cliff  House  via  Park  and  return,  via  Ingleside 10  00 

4  00     Alms  House 

3  °°     Tresidio 

4  00    Presidio  and  Fort  Point 

5  00     Presidio  and  Fort  Point  Drive 

7  00     Presidio.  Fort  Point  and  Park  Drive 

Presidio.  Fort  Point.  Cliff  House  and  Park  Drive 10  00 

Detention  after  the  time  for  which  Carriages  and  Coupes  are  ordered   will  be  chareed 

trip    Vi*-hit- 

5  00 

4  00 

5  00 

6  00 
10  00 

bv  the  hour. 

Telephone  Main  146 




THE  PACIFIC  TRANSFER  CO.  has  the  sole  right 
to  solicit  Baggage  and  sell  Carriage  Tickets  on  all 
incoming  Trains  and  Steamers  and  to  check  Baggage 
at  Hotels  and  Residences  for  all  outgoing  Trains  and 

Travellers  will  thus  avoid  the  rush  at  the  Ferry. 
Steamer  Landings  and  Railroad  Stations  when  arriving 
at  or  departing  from  San  Francisco. 

Established    1873 


Office:  20  SUTTER  STREET 


Welton,  Miss  Belle;  712  O'  Farrell.    1st  and  3d  Tuesday. 

Wemple,  Dr.  E.  L.;  517  Devisadero.    (Tel.  West  804.) 

Wenban,  Mr.  and  Mrs.;  1920  Van  Ness  Ave.    2d  and  4th  Friday. 

Wendell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Clarence  T.;  2142  Post.    3d  and  4th  Friday. 

Wenzell,  Prof,  and  Mrs.  Wm.  T. ;  436  Oak.    Wednesday.     Napa  Redwoods. 

West,  Miss  Mary  B. ;  2014  Van  Ness  Ave.    1st  and  3d  Friday. 

Westerfeld,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.,  Carl,  Hermann  W. ;  1003  Geary. 

Westphal,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  O.  F. ;  Belvedere.    3d  Thursday. 

Wethered,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J..  Miss  M.,  Woodworth;  2109  Pacific  Ave.    Friday. 

Wetmore,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  J.;  101  Sansome.    Sausalito  and  Livermore. 

Wetmore,  George  P.;  441  Golden  Gate  Ave. 

Whaite,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Rene;  728  Fll. 

Wheaton.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Milton  A.;  1104  Sacramento. 

Wheaton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward;  1617  Sacramento.    3d  and  4th  Monday. 

Wheeler,  Dr.  Albert;  913  Sutter.     (Tel.  Sutter  161.) 

Wheeler,  Miss  Anna  J..  Miss  Blanche.  Miss  Agnes  B. ;  1400  Post.    Thursday. 

Wheeler,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chas.  S.;  2020  Broadway.     (Tel.  West  727.)     Friday. 

Wheeler.  Mrs.  S.  G.,  Miss  Helen  V.;  Sausalito. 

Wheeler,  Alfred  A.;  The  California. 

Wheeler,  Harold;  University  Club. 

Wheeler,  William  R.;  1317  Hyde.    Sausalito. 

Whelan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  I.;  2017  Webster.  (Tel.  West  952.) 

Whipple.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hugh  L. ;  Hotel  Pleasanton.    1st  and  3d  Monday. 

Whipple,  G.  H.;  Berkeley. 

Whitaker.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  E.,  Miss  Alfreda  Hortense:  Sausalito.     Friday. 

Whitcomb,  Frank  R.;  538  Parrott  Building. 

White,  Mrs.  L.  E.;  Occidental  Hotel.    Monday. 

White,  Douglas:  Bulletin  Office. 

White.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lovell:  1616  Clay.     Thursday.     Mill  Valley. 

White,  Ralston  L. ;  University  of  California. 

White,  Mrs.  J.  C,  Miss  May,  Miss  Lola  A.;  2928  Jackson. 

White,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  L.  L.;434  Ellis.    Thursday. 

White.  Mrs.  R.,  Robert,  E.:  1253  Octavia.     (Tel.  Pine  2221.)     1  2,  3,  Thurs. 

White.  Mr.  and  Mrs.RobertH.:  1216  Haight.     Wednesday. 

Whitelaw,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  T.  P.  H..  Miss  Daisy,  Thomas  A.,  631  Harrison. 

(Tel.  Main  1580.)    Wednesday. 
Whiting,  H.  C;  9  Guerrero.  (Tel.  White  691.) 
Whitney,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  L. ;  Hotel  Richelieu.    San  Mateo. 
Whitney.  Mrs.  F.  L.;  2030  Laguna.  (  Tel.  West  210.)     1st  and  2d  Tuesday. 
Whitney,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Francis  L. ;  2030  Laguna.    1st  and  2d  Tuesday. 
Whitney,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  James  D. ;  Palace  Hotel.    Monday. 
Whitney,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  B..  Miss;  The  Beresford,  600  Bush.     Monday. 
Whittell,  Mrs.  A.  P.;  1025  Pine.  (  Tel.  Sutter  1781.)    Tuesday. 
Whittell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George,  George  Jr.;  1155  California.    (Tel.  Hyde  701.) 
Whittier,  Mi-s.  J.  F. :  Hotel  St.  Nicholas.    Tuesday. 

Whittier,  Mr.  W.  Frank,  Miss  M.  S.,  W.  Robinson;  2030  Jackson.     Friday. 
Whittemore,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  H. ;  San  Rafael. 
Whitwell,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  William  S.;  San  Mateo. 
Wickson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  G. ;  Berkeley.    1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 
Wkkware.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  C;   Occidental  Hotel.     Monday. 
Widber,  Mrs.  J.  H.;  158  Golden  Gate  Ave.    Thursday. 
Widber,  Augustus  C:  New  City  Hall. 
Widber,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  H.;  616  Powell. 
Wieland,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chas.  S.;   424  Page. 
Wieland,  Mr.  Robert  P.:  2129  California.     (Tel.  West  614.) 

Broadway.     (Tel.  Steiner  871.)     Friday. 
Wight.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick  L. :  1542  Page.     2d  and  4th  Thursday. 
Wightman,  Mrs.  A.;  Palace  Hotel. 


Wightman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John:  459  Guerrero. 

Wightman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  B.,  Miss;  California  Hotel.     Monday. 

Wigmore.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alphonso  A.,  George  H. ;  The  Wenban,  606  Sutter. 

Wilber.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  C. ;  608  Baker.    Tuesday. 

Wilber.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Harry  C;  1005  Hayes. 

Wilberforce.  Alee  Basil:  1247  California.     San  Rafael. 

Wilbur,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Clinton  ML;  Pacific  Mail  S.  S..  Co. 

Wilbur.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  B.,  Miss  Cora  C. :  313  Steiner.    Friday. 

Wilcox,  Lieut.  C.  A..  U.  S.  A.;  California  Hotel. 

Wilcox.  Mrs.  M.  A..  Miss  Fannie.  Alfred  H.;  Palace  Hotel.    Monday. 

Wilcox,  Dr.  Walter  I.;  223  Leavenworth. 

Wilcox,  Miss  Janette;  771  Pierce.    1st  and  3d  Tuesday. 

Wilde.  Gustave  M.;  2211  Van  Ness  Ave. 

Wilder.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  J.:  Menlo  Park. 

Wilder.  Consul  Charles  T. :  206  Sansome  or  Occidental  Hotel. 

Wilder,  Miss  Helen  K.:  Occidental  Hotel.     Monday. 

Wildman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Rounsevelle:  2201  Webster.    Tuesday. 

Wiles,  Prof.  James  A. :  1236  Market. 

Wiley.  Walter  J.;  2217  Buchanan.    San  Mateo. 

Wilkins,  Prof,  and  Mrs.  J.  Wesley;  S27  Geary.     Tuesday. 

Wilkinson,  Mrs.  Marv  D. ;  "Oakmead."  Fulton  P.  O.,  Sonoma  Co. 

Will.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  A.,  Frederick  G.,  Will  R.    Walter  N.;  806  Van    Ness 

Ave.     Wednesday. 
Willard.  Edwin  A.;  808  Van  Ness  Ave. 
Willcutt.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  B.;  2615  Laguna.     Friday. 
Willett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  M.:  202S  Scott.    (Tel.  West  726.)    Wednesday. 
Willey,  Harry  I. ;  1S49  Jackson. 

Willey,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  O.  F..  Frank  D.:  2115  California.   (Tel.  West  571.)  Fr'y. 
Willey,  Rev.  Dr.  and  Mrs    S.  H.:  IS  19  Jackson.     Thursday.     Santa  Cruz. 
Williams,  Hon.  and  Mrs.  A.  P.;  Palace  Hotel.    Monday. 
Williams,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  H. :  70S  Ashbury.     Monday. 
Williams,  Edward  W.:  1544  Jackson. 
Williams,  Fred.  S. :  820  Sutter. 

Williams.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  Alston;  2218  Devisadero.    Wednesday. 
Williams.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  F..  Miss  Charlotte:  2422  Howard. 
Williams,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry.  Miss  Marv:  1925  Octavia.     Thursday. 
Williams.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Philip  A.;  2114  Vallejo.    (Tel.  West  548.) 
Williams,    Mrs.    H.  B.;    Miss    Marion    Poett,    Henry     Wm.  Poett;     Hotel 

Williams,  Mrs.  P.:  Occidental  Hotel.     Monday. 
Williams,  Miss  Nellie:  Hotel  Bella  Vista.    Thursday. 
Williams,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  E. :  722  Bay.    Wednesday. 
Williams.  Rev.  and  Mrs.  W.  D.;  1719  Post.    2d  and  4th  Monday. 
Williams,  Mr.  Thomas  T.:  2421  Washington.     (Tel.  West  691.) 
Williamson,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  M.;  301  Devisadero.     1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 
Williar,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Harry  R. ;  Hotel  Savoy.     Mondav. 
Willis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.M.:  28  Liberty. 
Willis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  R.:  919*  2  Capp. 

Willis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank:  1001  Bush.    1st  and  3d  Monday. 
Willis.  Mrs.  Wm.;  1840  California.    (Tel.  West  9.)    2d  and  4th  Tuesdav. 
Wills,  Miss  M.  E.;  121  Post. 

Wilshire,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  B.;  6  California.     Residence  Los  Angeles. 
Wilson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  W. :  2225  Broadway.    1st,  2d  and  3d  Wednesday. 
Wilson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  E.;  706  Broderick.     Del  Monte. 
Wilson,  C.  H. ;  Hotel  Savoy. 
Wilson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  R.:  1201  Laguna. 
Wilson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edgar  M. ;  2214  .T.-ukson.  Friday. 
Wilson,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  P.;  1101  Van  Ness  Ave.    1st  and  3d  Monday. 


Wilson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Horace,  Allen,  H.  L.;  1108  Broadway.  Thursday. 

Wilson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  K.,  Miss  Marie  B.,  Miss  Grace,  Miss  S.  M.;  3196 
Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  West  615.)    2d  and  3d  Friday. 

Wilson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  L.;  2612  Webster.     2d,  and  4th  Tuesday. 

Wilson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  Scott:  2617  Buchanan.     (Tel.  West  8.)     Friday. 

Wilson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  A.:  1110  Larkin.     Wednesday. 

Wilson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  N.  E. ;  Occidental  Hotel.     Ross  Valley. 

Wilson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  E. ;  618  Harrison. 

Wilson.  Mrs.  Ramon  E.,  Miss  Marion;  2414  Webster.    1st  and  3d  Thursday. 

Wilson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Russell  J.;  2027  California.     (Tel.  West  997.)     Friday. 

Wilson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Mountford  S.;  711  Pine.     (Tel.  Main  5409.)     Tuesday. 

Wilson,  Mrs.  Samuel  M.:  711  Pine.     (Tel.  Main  1421.)     Tuesday. 

Wilson  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  F.,  Miss  Marie;  1145  Turk. 

Wilson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick  A.;  1807  Scott.     Thursday. 

Wilson,  John  M.,  Henry    B..  Geo.  L.:  1616    Steiner.  (   Tel.    Steiner    1261.) 

Winans,  Mrs.,  Miss;  926  Clay.    Wednesday.    Calistoga. 

Windele,  Dr.  Edwin,  316  Page.     (Tel.  Pine  1321.) 

Winchester,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  P.;  2646  Howard. 

Wingate,  Mrs.  Jennie,  James  B.;  2564  Market.     Thursday 

Wingerter,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  P.;  2007  Steiner.     Monday. 

Wingerter,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  J.;  2714  Sacramento.     Monday. 

Winn,  Lieut.  F.  L.,  U.  S.  A.;  1750  Franklin. 

Winslow,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chauncey  R. ;  1801  Van  Ness  Ave.    Friday. 

Winston,  Lieut.  Thomas  Winfield;  Presidio. 

Winston,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  H.:  Hotel  Savoy.    Monday. 

Winter,  Dr.  J.  W.:  114  McAllister. 

Winter.  Mrs.  W.  G.,  Miss  Harriett,  Miss  Annie,  Miss  Grace;  620  Twenty- 
first.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 

Winterberg,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.,  W.  H.;  1208  Sutter.     1st  and  2d  Thursdav. 

Winterburn,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph,  Miss  Louise:  1617  Gough.     1st,  3d  Wed. 

Winterburn,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  F.;  1617  Gough.    1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 

Winton,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  H.  N.;  Occidental  Hotel.    Monday. 

Wise,  Mr.  B.  J.,  Miss  M.  E..  Miss  Isabel:  1508  California.    Tuesday  evening. 

Wise,  Dr.  Sara  E.;  1508  California.    (Tel.  Hyde  281.) 

Wise,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Harry  E.;  1409  Leavenworth.    West  End,  San  Rafael. 

Wise,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  H. :  1409  Leavenworth.     Wednesday.    Gilroy. 

Wise,  David  W.:  1622  Ellis. 

Wissel,  Albert  F.;  904  Steiner. 

Witcher,  Maj.  John  S.,  U.  S.  ,\.;  Occidental  Hotel. 

Withrow,  Mrs.  K.  H.,  Miss  Marie.  Miss  Eva:  1216  Jones.     Thursday. 

Witter,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Willis  G.;  San  Carlos,  San  Mateo  Co.    Wednesday. 

Wittram,  Mrs.  Frederick,  Miss  Stella.  Miss  Gretta;  2319  California.  2d  and 
4th  Wednesday. 

Wocker,  August  C;  3918  Sacramento. 

Wolff,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.,  Miss  Paula;  Carl  William,  Henry  Norbert;  1314 
Washington.     (Tel.  East  256.)    Thursday.     Haywards. 

Wood,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  M.,  Miss  Mabel;  1516  Devisadero.     Tuesday. 

Wood,  Miss  Dora,  Chas.  S. :  1424a  Washington. 

Wood,  Miss  N.  V.;  2024  Jackson. 

Wood,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel  A.,  Will,  Samuel  Jr.;   1014  Bush.     Thursday. 

Wood,  William  H.;  1309  Jackson. 

Wood,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  S.,  Miss  Eleanor:  1920  Clay.     (Tel.  West  37.) 

Wood,  Mrs.  W.  S. ;  1115  Bush.    Thursday. 

Woodhams,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Maurice  S.;  830  Union.    Tuesday. 

Woods,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  H.:  923  Pine.    (Tel.  Black  1231.) 

Woods,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick  N..  Miss  Lottie,  Miss  Maud,  Miss  Dottie; 
2000  California.     (Tel.  West  886.)     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 

Woods,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  F.;  923  Pine. 


Woods.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  J.:  2714  California.     (Tel.  West  297.)     Friday. 
Woodward.  Dr.  Albert  Pearson;  2103  Fillmore.     (Tel.  West  495.) 
Woodward.  Gideon  P.;  1917a  Fillmore. 
Woodward.  Robert  P>.:  Pacific-Union  Club. 

Woodward.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thos.  P.:  2741  Pine.     1st,  2d.  and  3d  Tuesday. 
Woodwortb.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Abijah.  Fred.  Ralph;  Tomales,  Marin  Co. 
Woodworth.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Selim  E.:  2121  Lyon.     Thursday. 
Woolrich.  George  L..  Charles:  2629  California. 
Woolsey.  Dr.  M.  H.;   The  Colonial. 

Woolworth.  Mrs.  Ralph  C.    Miss  Helen;  1616  Sacramento.     1st.  2d.  3d  Wed. 
Wooster.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  L.;  1001  Bush.    Friday. 
Wooster.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Philip  L. :  San  Mateo. 

Wooster.  Mrs.  A.  L. :   72(i  Sutter.     Thursday.     Napa  Soda  Springs. 
Worden.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Clinton  E.:  1101  California.     (Tel.  Main  64.)     Tues. 
Wormser.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  I..  Isaac;   1819  Washington.     (Tel.  Hyde  511.) 
Wormington.   Mr.   and  Mrs.   H..   Miss  L.   Franke.  Miss    Alice    Maud;   1601 
Golden  Gate  Ave.    Monday.    Menlo  Park. 

Wormser.  Miss  P.:  2312  California.     (Tel.  West  573.) 

Worth.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Sidney:  1721  Vallejo.     (Tel.  Sutter  1671.)    1,  3d,  Wed. 

Worthington.  B.  A.:  224  San  Jose  Ave. 

Wright.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cyrus  S. :  1201  Jones.     (Tel.  East  336.)     Tuesday. 

Wright.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  C;   1324  Leavenworth.     (Tel.  East  575.)    Tuesdav. 

Wright.  F.  W. :  1006  Pine. 

Wright.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John   A..  Miss  Jessie  S.;   2222  Washington.     Friday. 

Wright.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  M.:  2930  Clay.    Wednesday.     Santa.  Barbara. 

Wright.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick  S. ;  1542  Page.     2d  and  4th  Thursday. 

Wright.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  S.;   Occidental  Hotel.     Monday. 

Wright.  John.  Miss  Jessie  S.,  Miss  Agnes:  1615  Jackson. 

Wright.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  M.;  Hotel  St.  Nicholas.     Tuesday. 

Wright.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  T.;  2410  Pacific  Ave.     (Tel.  Steiner  2921.) 

Wright.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kirkham:  2504  Scott.     (Tel.  Pine  591.) 

Wright.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Paxton;   2140  Sutter. 

Wright.  Mrs.  Selden  S..  Miss  Annie.  Ralph  K.,  William  H.:  910  Lombard. 

(Tel.  Sutter  1251.)     Friday.    Haywards. 
Wright.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H.:  1913  Pierce.     (Tel.  West  238.)     Wednesday. 
Wyatt.  Mrs.  C.  B.:  Occidental  Hotel.    Monday. 

Yates.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  H.:  2529  Bush. 

Yerex.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Albert  E. :  70S  Gough.     Wednesday. 

Yerrington.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  M.:  Palace  Hotel.     Virginia,  Nevada. 

Yocum,  George  A.;  2104  Van  Ness  Ave. 

Yost.  Mrs.  John  D. ;  1820  Pacific  Ave.    (Tel.  East  531.)    Alameda. 

Young.  Carlos  G. :  706  Ashbury. 

Young.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  B. :  203  Central  Ave.     Wednesday. 

Young.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Andrew  S.:  2211  Broderick. 

Young.  Charles  S.:  1S02  Market. 

Young.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  B.;  303  Lott      Wednesday.    Santa  Cruz. 

Young,  George  A.:  1904  Broadway. 

Young.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  P.;  902  Devisadero.     (Tel.  West  879.)     1st  Thursday. 

Young.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  H.:  1303  Gough.     1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 

Young,  Mrs.  H.  J..  Miss  Louise.  Hemy  H.,  Fred  J.;  1799  Pine.    Wednesday. 

Young.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  C:  114  Cumberland.     Wednesday.     Los  Gatos. 

Young,  William  R.  K.:  The  California  Hotel. 

Young.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas:  314  Lombard. 

Young.  Walter;  HI 4  Twenty-third. 

Young,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  W..  Miss,  .Miss  Edith:  Occidental  Hotel.     Monday. 

Younger.  Dr.  Alexander  J.;  826  Sutter. 



Younger,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  J.,  Miss  Maude,  Miss  Bessie,  Herbert;  1414  Cali- 
fornia.    (Tel.  East  168.)     Tuesday. 

Zane,  Miss  Marie;  1100  O'Farrell.    Thursday.     San  Rafael. 

Zeck,  Frederick,  Jr.;  1229  Bush. 

Zeile,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  W.;  2023  California.     (Tel.  Steiner  2371.)     Friday. 

Zeman.  Mrs.  C.  J.,  Cass;  2104  Bush.     2d  and  4th  Tuesday. 

Pacific  Ammonia  BottliM  Co. 

Geo.  Hehhmanx.  President 

...Telephone.  Front  1)4 


GREER'S  .   .    . 

Washing  and  Toilet 

309-311  Sacramento  Street 

"  Improvement,  the  Order  of  the  Age" 










Many  Improvements  heretofore  overlooked   by  other  manufacturers 
Illustrated  Catalogue  Mailed  on  Application 

L  &  H.  ALEXANDER  &  CO. 

Pacific  Coast  Agents 




£.  BIANCHI... 

Attorney  and  Counselor  at  Law 

Practices  in  all  State  and  Federal  Courts 

Business  Transacted  in  Italian,  French 
and  Spanish. 


San  Francisco.  Cal. 

DR.  W.  E.  DAVIS 


Hours  9  to  5 

:iJRRY,  R.  B.  )HHYO... 

REAL  ESTATE  BROKER         Attorney  and  Counselor  at  Law 

240  Montgomery  Street, 

San  Francisco,  Cal. 



san  Francisco, 


Rooms  13,  14  and  15 

John  C.arber  Eugene  Oarber 

J.  15.  Garber 

Garber  $  6arber 




305  SANSOME  STREET,  —STUDIO—  Room  55 

San  Francisco.  Cal.         14    MCALLISTER   ST. 

S.  Homer  Henley 


Mrs.  M.  Chappelle  Henley 

Uocal  Culture  and 
Cone  Production  «  «  « 

eademy  of... 


Volmer  A.  H.  Hoffmeyer 


STUDIO:     514    EDDY   STREET        office  Hours  i  to  2  P.  M. 

ROOM  26 

C.  A.  SMITH,  President 

M.   A.  TERRY,  Secretary 



ON   SALE... 

Call  and  See 
Working  Model 


Telephone  South  760 

927  MARKET  STREET.   ROOMS  320-321 




W.  MARTIN  &  CO. 


118   GEARY    STREET. 




Khalil  Khouri 

Importer  of  and  Dealer  in 

Bo  Co  CordelLoo 



JEWELRY,       . 


27    POST   STREET 

San  Francisco,  Cal. 



If  you  wish  a  Brilliant,  Perfect, 
Steady  Light  at  a  Moderate  Cost 
use  the  welsbach  burners 


If  vou  wish  to  see  the  lights  in  operation  or  get   any 

information    concerning   them,    it    will    be    cheerfully 

given  at 

134  Ellis  Street,  San  Francisco 


H.  D.  HUTT, 

Formerly  in  the  Y.  M.  C.  A.  Building 






Customers'  Own  Material  Made  Up 

Will  Call  on  Customers  for  Orders  when  requested. 

22 ! ,  GEARY  STREET, 

Telephone  Black  141 

San  Francisco 

&j*A1c)    ^pjj  ;    - 

&  - 



Studebaker  Bros. 






Market  and  Tenth  Streets,  San  Francisco,  Cal.,  U.  S.  A. 

1 1 » tV •  «.jS  1 1 1 
*•  i  •  »Trr?Ti  «  i  •* 

Our  Society 
....Blue  Book 

"-  J 



2»«  mi^ 




Except  when  designated  Fruitvale.  Piedmont,  Etc.. 
the  address  is  Oakland 

Abbott,  Rev.  and  Mrs.  Granville,  S..  Granville  Davis;   118  Eleventh. 

Acker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  X.  A. ;  12G5  Twenty-sixth  Ave. 

Aekermann,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  S.;  808  Tenth.     (Tel.  Red.  1971.)     Saturday. 

Aekermann,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Albert  H.;  Portland,  Or. 

Adams.  Edson  F. :  146  Lake. 

Adams,  John  C;  Bay  Place  near  Oakland  Ave. 

Adams,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  L. ;  1311  Clay.     (Tel.  Main  866.) 

Adams,  Henry  H.,  Harry;  1351  Madison.     (Tel.  Red  241.) 

Adams,  Jas.  C,  T.  Selby;  949  Filbert. 

Adams,  Dr.  J.  S.:  514  Albion.     (Tel.  Red  2211.1 

Ainsworth,  Mrs.  J.  C.  Miss  Maude.  Miss    Belle,  John    C,  Jr.;  Rose    Lawn, 

Claremont  Ave.     (Tel.  Red  1702.)     Wednesday. 
Akerly,  Rev.  Benjamin.  Dr.  James  C.  Morris  K.:  1247  Adeline. 
Albright.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  W.,  Miss  Marion  V..  Miss  Violet  K.:  977  Seventh 

Ave.    Thursday. 
Albright.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  T.:  977  Seventh  Ave.    Thursday. 
Albright.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  Frank:  977  Seventh  Ave.    Thursday. 
Alexander,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  T..  Miss  Juliet.  Miss  Annie  M..  Wallace  M.:  1006 

Sixteenth.     (Tel.  Red  1371.) 
Allardt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  F..  Miss  Lottie.  Charles  F..  Fred  A.:  1127  Linden. 
Allardt,  Mrs.  M.:  1127  Linden. 
Allender,  Mrs.  Wm.;  300  Twenty-eighth  Ave. 
Allen,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  R..  Miss    Gertrude;  130    Ninth,  cor.  Madison. 

Allen,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James;  1325  Jackson.  Wednesday. 
Allen,  Dr.  Reginald  H.,  Harry  S..  Lewis  W.,  William  C:   560  E.  Sixteenth. 


Ames,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John;  538  Thirty-second. 

Ames,  Judge  and  Mrs.  J.   P.,  Miss  Martha,  Josiah  P.,  Everett,    Fletcher, 

James  H.;  1132  Adeline.    Thursday. 
Angus,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William;  1363  Sixth  Ave.    Wednesday. 
Anthony,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  M.;  964  Eighteenth. 
Archibald,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  A.,  Miss  Clara:  966  Eighteenth. 
Armes,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  W.;  1201  West. 
Amies,  Mrs.  G.  W.,  Prof.  Wm.  D.;  1116  West. 
Armes,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chas.  W.,  Geo.  H.;  1201  West. 
Atherstone,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  S.,  Miss  Ethel  M.,  Thomas  E.,  Harold  B., 

George  H.;  1368  Grove.    Monday. 
Augur,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  George  J. ;  1257  Jackson.     (Tel.  Red  121.) 
Aydelotte,  Mr.  and  Mrs. J.  H.;  578  Twelfth.     Wednesday. 
Ayer,  Mrs.  H.  G.,  Richard  B.,  D.  Edward;  1018  Sixth  Ave.    Tuesday. 
Ay  res,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Irvin,  Albert:  1205  Oak.    Tuesday. 

Babbitt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  M. ;  1954  Webster.     Thursday. 

Babcock,  Allen  H.;  1214  Webster. 

Babcock,  George;  Alameda. 

Backus,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Oscar  J.;  Monte  Vista  Ave.,  nr.  Wallsworth  Ave. 

Bacon,  Mrs.  Henry  D.,  Miss  Carrie;  960  Oak.  (Tel.  Black  371.)    Wednesday. 

Badgley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  0.;  306  E.  Fifteenth.     Thursday. 

Bailey,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H..  Miss  Minnie  H.,  Wm.  H.,  Jr.;  1369  Jackson. 

(Tel.  Black  891.)     -st  and  2d  Tuesday. 
Bain,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  B.,  Charles  H.;  1251  Twenty-seventh  Ave.     1  2  Fri. 
Baker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Geo.  W.,  Miss  Irene;  1155  Madison.  1st  and  3d  Wed. 
Bakewell,   Rev.  and  Mrs.  John,  Miss    Ann    S.,  Miss    Harriet,  Benjamin, 

Thomas  V.;  1219  Telegraph  Ave. 
Baldwin,   Mrs.   Lloyd,   Lloyd,  Mrs.  J.   G.;    Vernon,    near    Twenty-fourth. 

Vernon  Heights.     Thursday. 
Bangs,  Mr.  and   Mrs.   Franklin;  118  Ninth.     Friday. 
Banning,  Mrs.  Clara  H.;  1219  Adeline.     (Tel.  Black  1441.) 
Barnev.  Mr.  and   Mrs.   Alfred  S. ;   Oakland  Ave.,   Vernon   Heights.     Wed. 
Barrett,   Mrs.   E.   J.;    482    Orchard.     (Tel.    Red    551.)     Thursday. 
Barry,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.,  Miss  J. .Newton  H.,  Herbert  M. ;  1012  Adeline.  Tues. 
Barstow,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Anson;   1356  Franklin. 

Barstow,  Mrs.  A..  Miss,  Miss  J..  Frederick,  Alfred,  Jr.;  1018  Eighteenth. 
Bartlett,  Mr.   and  Mrs.   E.;  1018  Sixth   Ave.     Wednesday. 
Bartlett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Pliny;   1311  Franklin. 
Bartlett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  C. ;  477  Prospect  Ave.     Thursday. 
Bates,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  D.,  Miss   A.  M.,  Miss  C.  M.,  Miss  E.  J.,  C.  D.,  Jr.; 

1413  Market. 
Baumgartner,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  F.;  51  Eighth.     Thursday. 
Baxter,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  S. ;  1419  Myrtle.     Wednesday. 
Bayley,  Mrs.  Gertrude  B.,  Miss  G.  N.,  Miss  Novine,  Arthur  N. ;  1307  Castro. 
Beck,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Eugene  B.;  1339  Alice.     (Tel.  Black  2031.) 
Beck,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  F. ;  512  Twenty-second.     (Tel.  Black  381.) 
Beeby,  Mrs.  R.  J.,  Miss  Esmeralda;  624  Twelfth.     Tuesday. 
Bell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  T.,  Miss  Alice;  1169  West.     Tuesday. 
Bell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  H.,  Miss,  Miss  Maud,  Miss  Helen,  Miss  Alexandria; 

810  Twelfth.     Tuesday. 
Bendel,  Col.  and  Mrs.  H„  Miss  E.,  Miss  J.,  H.  S.,  Jr.;  700  Alice.     Tuesday. 
Benham,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Azel  M.;  568  Twelfth. 

Benjamin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ed.  H.;  726  Tenth,  cor.  Castro.     (Tel.  Red  2341.) 
Bentley,  Frank  S.;  215  Ninth. 

Bernays,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.  H.,  Miss  Edith,  Bernard;  491  Merrimac.     Tuesday. 
Bigelow,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  W. ;  573  Sixth. 
Bishop,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  W.;  573  Fifteenth.     Wednesday. 


Bishop.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E. ;   1165  West.     Wednesday. 

Blake-Alverson,  Mrs.,  William  E..  Alverson.  D.  W.;  1108  1-2  Broadway. 

Blake.  Mrs.  Frances,  Miss  Alice:  1121  Telegraph  Ave. 

Blake.  Mrs.  ML  K.;  528  Eleventh.     (.Tel.  Main  519.)     Wednesday. 
Blasdel,  Capt.  and  Mrs.   H.  G.,   Miss  F.,   Miss   L. ;  Orange   Ave.,  cor.   E. 
Twenty-fourth.     Thursday. 

Blethen.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Eugene  O.:  1002  Linden.     Tuesday. 

Blood.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  F.;  976  E.  Twenty-ninth.     Tuesday. 

Blood,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H. ;  S55  Center.     (Tel.  Red  1654.) 

Blow.  Mrs.  W.  W..  Miss  Mary.  A.  H.:  755  Jackson.     (Tel.  Black  1011.) 

Bon,  Mrs.  J.  B.;  2355  Telegraph  Ave.     Tuesday. 

Boalt.  Judge  and  Mrs.  John  H.:  1003  Twelfth.     Cloverdale. 

Bon,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  A.;  2349  Telegraph  Ave.     Tuesday.     Livermore. 

Boardman.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  E.;  822  Thirteenth. 

Boardman.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  F.:  1315  Grove.     (Tel.  Black  431.) 

Bonnemort.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chas.  M..  Miss  J.,  Miss  C:  955  Jackson.     Thur. 

Boole.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George.  Miss  E.  J.:   913  Poplar.     Wednesday. 

Booth.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  A..  Miss:  Highland  Ave.,  near  Terra  Bourne  Ave.. 
Piedmont.     Wednesday. 

Borland.  Mrs.  Archibald:  1925  Webster. 

Bosley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  B.;  Chetwood,  near  Perry.     Wednesdav. 

Bowen.  Mrs.  P.  ML,  Miss:  1112  Fourteenth. 

Bowles.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.  E. :  317  Boulevard  Terrace.     1st  and  2d  Thursday. 

Bcwman.  Mrs.  Alice  C.  Miss  A.  E..  Miss  A.  W..  A.   W.    H.  C. :  May  Ave., 
near  Vernal  Ave. 

Bowman.  H..  Wm.  J..  Charles  A.:  630  Ninth. 

Boyes.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  E.  J.:  943  Linden.     (Tel.  Black  1601.) 

Boyes,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  H.  D.:  Thirteenth  and  Clay. 

Bradley.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John.  Miss.  Miss  L..  H.  T.:  364  Fourteenth.     Thur. 

Bray.  Mrs.  W.  A..  E.  ML,  Robert  A.:  Fourteenth,  near  Twenty-eighth 

Bradley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  T.,  Miss.  Miss  L..  H.  T,:  364  Fourteenth.    Thur. 

Brewster.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  V.:   1470  Ninth  Ave. 

Breck.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S..  Miss  N.  B.,  Miss  M..  James:  Orchard,  cor.  Summit. 

Breck.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel:   483  Orchard.     Thursday. 

Breed.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.   H.:  2071   Webster.     Monday. 

Brett.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  R.:  Fruitvale  Ave.,  opposite  E.  Sixteenth. 

Brigham.  Mr.  and  Mis.  Calvin  O..  Miss:   1007  Oak.     (Tel.  Black  331.)     Fri. 

Brigham,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  E.:  1007  Oak.     (Tel.  Black  331.)     Tuesday. 

Brinckerhoff.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  G.  E..  Miss  Ida:  582  Albion  Ave.  (Tel.  Black  451 1. 

Bromley.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  Ray:  Felton.  near  Idaho.  Golden  Gate. 

Bromwell,  Col.  and  Mrs.  L.  L..  Miss  L.  C:  953  Madison.     Thursday. 

Brooks.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  E. :  565  Seventeenth.     Thursday. 

Brown.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A..  Miss  A..  Miss  A..  A..  Jr..  Fred;   1387  Alice.    Wed. 

Brown.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A..  A.  Jr.;  1031   Filbert.     (Tel.  Black  1321.1 

Brown.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  L. ;  606  E.  Twentieth. 

Brown.  Mr.  and  Mrs.   Harvey;  1215  Poplar.     Wednesday. 

Brown.   Mr.   and    Mrs.    R.   G..    Miss    F. :    1..S9   Jackson.     Wednesdav. 

Brown.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  ML,  Miss  D.,  Miss  M..  W.  M.:  974  Center.    Thurs- 
day and  Monday. 

Browne.  Miss  Erne,  Gustav;  1015  Sixth  Ave.,  near  E.  Eleventh.     Monday. 

Browne.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.  D.,  Miss  E.,  F. :  f>77  E.  Twenty-eighth. 

Browne,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S  C..  Miss  L.  M..  Miss  F.  E..  S.  C.  Jr.;  430  Edwards 

Buck.  Mrs.  L.  W..  Miss.  Miss  A.  M.:  929  Adeline.     Tuesday. 

Buckleton.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  E..  Miss  I)  :  228  E.  Fourteenth.     Thursday 

Bugbee.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  W. :  146  Lake.     (Tel.  Red  311.) 

Bull.  Mr.  find  Mrs.  E.  B.;   1205  Fourteenth. 

Bulkley.   Mrs.   Kate  A..   Milton:  541    Albion.     (Tel.   Black  2221.)     Friday 

Bunce,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  E..  Miss  May  L. ;  1355  Broadway.     Thursday.  2:30. 


Bunnell,  Prof,  and  Mrs.  George  W.;  1305  Telegraph  Ave. 
Burnham,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  O.  H.,  Lee  C;  1017  Madison. 

Cadman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  O.;  1677  Valdez.     Thursday. 

Campbell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alexander;  163  Valdez.     Thursday. 

Campbell   Mr.  Fred  M.,  Miss,  Miss  Grace;  1262  Webster.     Thursday. 

Campbell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  C,  Miss  M.,  George  A.;  1084  Twelfth.     Tuesday. 

Campbell,  Miss  J.,  Donald  Y.;  480  Orchard,  near  Telegraph  Ave.     Wed. 

Cane,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  A.,  Miss  N,  A.;  Butler  Ave.,  cor.  Idaho.    Thursday. 

Cary,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  H.;  San  Leandro. 

Carlton,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Harry  P.;  1395  Harrison. 

Carmany,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cyrus  W.;  Thirteenth  Ave.,  near  Millbury. 

Carmany,  John  H.,  Miss  M.  A.;  Thirteenth  Ave.,  near  Millbury. 

Carneal,  Thomas  D.;  720  Seventeenth. 

Carrick,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.;  602  E.  Fifteenth. 

Catton,  Mrs.  Elizabeth;  1060  Poplar. 

Catton  Walter  D.;  Broadway,  near  Fortieth. 

Catton   Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  R.;  1060  Poplar.(Tel.  Red.  171.) 

Caulfield   A.  B.,  Miss  G.  M..  Miss  E..  Miss  M.;  1445  Myrtle.     Thursday. 

Chabot,  Mrs.  M.  A..  Miss  N.  W.;  104  E.  Fifteenth.     (Tel.  Black  21.) 

Chabot!  Mrs.  R.,  Miss  C,  Miss  J.  E.,  Miss  R..  Miss  K.;  Eleventh  &  Madison. 

Chambers.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George;  1224  Eighth  Ave.     Friday. 

Chamberlain,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  N.  H.;  562  E.  Fifteenth.    (Tel.  Black  1031.) 

Chamberlain,  Mrs.  S.  G. ;  1382  Webster.     Wednesday. 

Chapman,  J.  J.;  1021  Ninth  Ave. 

Chapman,  Rev.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  E.  S.,  Miss  S.;  Myrtle,  cor.  Eighteenth.  Mon. 

Chapman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Melvin  C;  532  Simpson  Ave. 

Chapman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  F.;  120  E.  Fourteenth. 

Chapman,  Mr.  W.  W.;  1457  Eighth  Ave. 

Chase,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George.  Miss  N.  E.,  Albert  B.,  George  M.;202  E.  Ninth. 

Chase!  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Q.  A.,  Miss  Helen  E.,  George  I.;  2065  Webster.  Monday. 

Chickering,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  H.,  A.  L.,  H.;  970  Sixteenth. 

Clark,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Carlton  H.,  Miss  E.  J.;  768  Nineteenth.     Thursday. 

Clarke,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  H.;  1418  Myrtle. 

Clay   Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  C,  Miss  A.,  P.,  H.;  E.  Fourteenth,  near  Twenty-eight. 

Clement,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  B.,  Miss  K.,  A.  W.,  J.,  G.;   1703  Telegraph  Ave. 

Clough,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edwin  H.;  1225  Twenty-third  Ave. 

Cockroft  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  F. ;  Fairmont  Ave.,  near  Pearl.  Prospect  Heights. 

Coburn,  Mrs.  S.  M.;  822  E.  Fifteenth. 

Coghill,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  B.;  1304  Jackson.     (Tel.  Black  601.)     Wednesday. 

Colby,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  E.,  Miss  L.  H.,  A.  D.;  Claremont  Ave.,  near  College 

Ave.     Wednesday. 
Cole,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Leander  G.;  1545  Webster. 
Colvin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  L;  574  Ninth. 
Coleman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  E.;  San  Leandro.     Friday. 
Coleman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  W.,  Miss  Jessie,  John  W.,  Jr.,  Harry  L.;  754 

Eighth.     (Tel.  Red  131.)     Wednesday. 
Comstock,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chas.  N.;  "Glen  Echo."  Piedmont.     Friday. 
Conklin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  G.,  Miss  A.,  Fred;  1326  Fourth  Ave.     Wednesday. 
Conklin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  L. ;  570  Twenty-fourth. 

Conners,  John  F.,  Miss  Mollie,  Miss  Maggie:    1209  Jefferson.     Wednesday. 
Connor,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  W.,  Miss  N.  M.:  Eden  Park.     Tuesday. 
Cooks,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis;   1524  Eighth.     Thursday. 

Cooke,  Mrs.  H.  E.,  Miss  Grace  M.,  Wm.  G.;  1227  Linden.     (Tel.  Black  1371.) 
Cope,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  W.,  Miss,  Miss  G.;  1427  Filbert. 
Cordiell,  Mrs.  J.  F.;  1405  Webster.     1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 
Cornell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  E.;  35  Bella  Vista  Ave.     Monday. 


Cooper,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  F.;  Hay  wards. 

Corwin,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Cecil,  Mrs.  E.  A. ;  1457  Grove. 

Costigan,  Mrs.  J.  H.;  1427  Eighth  Ave.     4th  Friday. 

Coyle,  Rev.  and  Mrs.  C;  970  Grove.     (Tel.  Red  2031.) 

Coyle,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hugh;  1405  Ninth. 

Craft,  Miss  Mabel  C;  1551  Ninth  Ave.     (Tel.  Red  91.) 

Craig,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  A.,  Miss  D.,  H.  T.;  121  Lake.     (Tel.  Black  3001.) 

Craig,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hugh,  Miss  Evelyn  S.,  Miss  Margaret,  Miss  Jessie  A., 

Roy  H.,  Donald  C,  Eric;  Vernal  Ave.  near  May  Ave.,  Piedmont.    Thur. 
Crane,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  M.;  1717  Thirteenth  Ave. 
Crellin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.,  Miss,  Arthur;  1061  Oak.     (Tel.  Red  291.) 
Crellin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.,  Miss,  Miss  Laura,  Stanley;  1364  Broadway. 
Crist,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  F.,  Miss  F.;   1061  E.  Fourteenth.     Thursday. 
Crist,  Mrs.  G.  F.,  Miss  Clara,  Fritz  G.;  1053  E.  Fourteenth. 
Crist,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  A.;  1053  E.  Fourteenth. 

Crittenden,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  L. ;  631  San  Pablo  Ave.     Thursday. 
Crouch,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.,  Miss  Bertha;  1513  Webster. 
Crowley,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  D.  D.;  1164  Alice.     (Tel.  Main  299.) 
Cullen,   Mrs.   Jeffery,    Miss   Alice,   Miss   Edith,   Miss    Elizabeth,   Wm.    O.; 

1219  Eleventh  Ave. 
Cunningham,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  A.  L. ;  N.  E.  cor.  Sixteenth  and  Grove. 
Gushing,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John,  Henry;    1228  Franklin. 
Cuvellier,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  B.  C,  Miss  Beatrice:  1212  Poplar.     Wednesday. 

Dam,  Mrs.  L.  E.,  Cleveland  L.;  493  Twenty-third. 

Dargie,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  T. ;  Hotel  Crellin. 

D'argie,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  E.,  Miss  Annie  R.,  W.  E.,  Jr.;  1664  Webster.     (Tel. 

Black  441.)    Wednsday. 
Dart,  Mrs.  H.  A.,  Miss,  Walter  C;  1129  Myrtle. 
Davis,  Miss  Maud  L. ;  1424  Franklin. 
Davis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  R. ;  322  Twenty-second. 
Daw,  Mr.  John,  Miss  Mae,  Miss  Essie;  1161  Eighth.     Tuesday. 
Day,  Mrs.  J.  L.,  Miss  Maud;  559  Seventeenth. 

Dayton,  Mrs.  J.  B.,   Miss  J.,  W.   L.;  1168  Jackson.    (Tel.   Red   31.)     Wed. 
Dean,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Elisha  B. ;  1219  Grove. 
Dean,  Mrs.  J.  B.,  John;  1325  Jackson.     Wednesday. 
Dearborn,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  W.;  608  E.  Fifteenth.    Thursday. 
DeFremery,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.,  Miss  V.,  Miss  G.,  Miss  Louise,  Miss  A.,  Wm. 

C;  Prospect  Ave.,  Prospect  Heights.     Wednesday. 
De  Golia.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  E.;  1390  Harrison.     (Tel.  Black  2061.)     Thursday. 
Derby,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Augustus  B.:  1320  E.  Fourteenth. 
Derby,  Mrs.,  Oscar:  E.  Fourteenth,  near  Twenty-eighth  Ave.,  Fruitvale. 
De  Troost.  Mr.  George,  cor.  San  Pablo  and  Central  Ave.,  Golden  Gate. 
Dewing,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  A.;  275  E.  Twelfth.     Tuesday. 
Dietz,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alfred  C,  Miss,  Miss  A.:  San  Pablo  Ave.  near  Villa  Ave. 
Dingee,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  J.;  460  Eighth.     (Tel.  Main  101.)     Havs  Canyon. 
Dingley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  L.,  Jr.;  830  E.  Fifteenth. 
Dingley,  Mrs.  H.  B.,  Miss  A..  H.  H.,  W.  E..  F.  E.;  876  E.  Fifteenth. 
Dodge,    Mr.  and  Mrs.  Clinton  G.;  1264  Twelfth  Ave. 
Downing,  Mrs.  T.  H..  Miss  R.,  G.  J.,  F.  A.;   1556  Ninth  Ave.     Tuesday. 
Driscoll,  Mrs.  J.  M..  T.  A.;  1405  Webster.     1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 
Drum,  Miss  C.  M.,  Miss  S.  G.,  F.  G.,  J.  S..  Jr.,  Wm.  G.;  953  Market.     Tues. 
Dukes,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  C,  C.  A.,  H.  C;  Hudson,  near  Claremont  Ave. 
Dunsmoor,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  H..  Miss  G.   0..   C.   F. ;  584  Thirty-fifth. 
Dunwoody,  Lieut,  and  Mrs.  F.  M. :  1120  Twelfth.     Tuesday. 
Dunham,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  B.  F..  Miss  M,.  Miss  F.;   1397  Alice.     Friday. 
Dyer,  Mrs.  J.  V.;  312  Fourteenth. 
Dyer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  B. ;  312  Fourteenth. 


Dyer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  B..  Jr.;  1253  Jackson. 

Earl,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Guy  C;  10  McClure.     (Tel.  Black  2291.) 
Elsev,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles;  653  Eleventh,  cor.  Grove. 
English,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  M.,  Miss  G.  M..  Fred  B.;  1017  Jackson. 
English.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  B.,  Miss  H.,  W.  B.,  Jr.;  1268  Harrison. 
English,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  D.,  Wm.  D.  Jr.;  128  Tenth. 
Evans.  J.  F..  Miss.  Miss  J.  V.,  C.  J.,  James;  1668  Webster.     Friday. 
Evans.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  W.:   304  E.  Fourteenth.     Friday. 
Everett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.,  Miss  L.;  719  Eighth. 
Everett.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  L.;  1210  Tenth.     Wednesday. 

Everson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.,  Miss.  Miss  Lillian,  Miss  Marion,  Wallace  R.; 
1269  Filbert,  cor.  Sixteenth.     Friday. 

Fairchild,   Mr.   and   Mrs.  G.  E..   Miss  E..  Miss  K.  L.;  1305  Madison. 

Farnum,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  E.;  558  Twenty-third.     2d  Tuesday. 

Parr,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  T.,  Harry  L..  Albert  L.;  678  Sixteenth.    Wednesday. 

Farrier.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  L.,  Miss  E.  L..  Miss  A.  P.;  1253  Sixth  Ave. 

Fearn,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  John:  1165  Clay.     (Tel.  Red  1181.) 

Fillmore,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Luther:  Hotel  Crellin. 

Fine,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  A.,  Miss  Pearl,  Henry  M.,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  A.; 

278  E.  Eleventh.     (Tel.  Black  731.)     Monday. 
Finnegan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  E..  Miss  K.,  Miss  A.;  1357  Webster.     Thursday. 
Fisher,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  H.;  1219  Webster.     (Tel.  Black  471.)     1st  Thur. 
Fisher,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  W.;  1219  Webster.     (Tel.  Black  471.)     1st  Thur. 
Fitzgerald,    Mrs.    K.,   Miss    Maggie,  Miss    May,  Robert    M.,  Edward    L. ; 

313  Fourteenth. 
Fletcher,  Frank  A.;  1451  Adeline.     Applegate,  Placer  Co. 
Flint,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  du  Bois;  cor.  Fairmount  and  Moss  Ave. 
Flint,  Mrs.  E.  T.,  Miss,  Miss  A.  K.,  J.  P.,  H.;  1269  Castro.     Monday. 

Heights.     Tuesday. 
Flint,  rs.  E.  T..  Miss.  Miss  A.  K.,  J.  P..  H.;  1269  Castro.     Monday. 
Flint,  George  B.;   550  Hobart.     (Tel.  Black  931.) 
Folkers,  G.  A.  W.;  915  Myrtle. 

Folkers.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  H.  A.,  Miss  M.,  C.  T.  A.,  J.  H.  L.;  915  Myrtle. 
Folger,  Mrs.  J.  A.,  J.  A.,  E.  R.:  1308  Jackson.     (Tel.  Red  601.)     Wednesday. 
Foote,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  W.;  1154  Brush.     (Tel.  Black  1831.) 
Fountain,  Mrs.  W.  H.,  Miss  Ethel:  536  Telegraph  Ave.     Wednesday. 
Fox,  Judge  and  Mrs.  C.  N.,  Miss;  1057  Market.     (Tel.  Red  921.) 
Fear,  Rev.  and  Mrs.  Walter,  Miss  C.  Miss  H..  Dr.  P.  F.;  1461  Tenth  Ave. 
French,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  D.;  1475  Tenth  Ave.     Tuesday. 
Friend,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  H..  Roger  B.,  Wm.  N.;  222  Eleventh.     Friday. 
Fry,  Willis  B.,  Miss  E.  B.;1661  Webster.     Wednesday. 

Gage,   Mr.   and    Mrs.   Stephen   T..   Miss    Mabel.    Miss  Bessie,    Miss   Ethel; 

George  G.;   1300  Harrison. 
Garber,  Judge  and   Mrs.   John,   Miss,  Joseph  B.;   Claremont  Ave.,   North 

Temescal.     (Tel.  Red  1781.) 
Gardiner,  Miss  F.  A.,  Geo.  H.  T.  M.  J.;  1376  Nineteenth  Ave. 
Gardiner,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  H.;  1370  Nineteenth  Ave.  2d  and  3d  Thurs. 
Garthwaite,    Mr.   and   Mrs.   W.    W.;    El    Dorado  Ave.,    near  Linda   Vista. 
Gaskill,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  W.  C,  H.  D..  P.  D.;  1395  Harrison. 
Gaskill,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Varney  W. :  511  Hobart.     Thursday. 
Gaskill,  Mrs.  B.  A.,  Miss  B..  Miss  E..  Miss  M.;  573  Fifteenth. 
Georges,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Leonard,  Egbert  T.;  Fruitvale.      1st  and  last  Sun. 
Gibbs,  William  C:  154  Third.     (Tel.   Red  1011.) 

Gibson,  Judge  and  Mrs.  E.  M.,  Miss,  Miss  G.,  Miss  CMiss  G.  ;Morgan  Road. 
Gier,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Theo.;  561  Sixteenth.     Friday. 


Gilman.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  S.  M.:  462  Prospect  Ave. 

Gilmore.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  .1.  S.:   544  William.     Friday. 

Gilpin.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Z.  T.:  1954  Webster.     Thursday. 

Ginn.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick  B. :  670  Thirteenth.     Monday. 

Glascock.  Hon.  and  Mrs.  John  R.:   829  Jackson,  cor  Sixth.     (Tel.  Black  321.) 

Glenn.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  G. :  366  Twelfth. 

Glenn.  John  Q.:   1311  Twenty-seventh  Ave. 

Glenn.  W.  C:   1323  Twenty-seventh   Ave. 

Goodale.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  John  R. :  049  Union.     Monday. 

Goodall.  Capt.  Charles  Miner.  Charles  F..  Irvine  W.;  150  Lake.     Wednesday. 

Goodall.  Cant,  and  Mrs.   E..  Miss  Ella.  Arthur:    1317  Jackson.     (Tel.  Red 

211.)     1st  Tuesday.  September  to  June. 
Goodfellow.  Mrs.  M.  J..  Miss.  Miss  B.:   135"  Webster. 

Goodfellow.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  S.:  923  Fifth  Ave.,  cor.  E.  Ninth.     Wednesday. 
Goodman.   George:  572  William. 
Gordon.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Harry  F.:    1265  Harrison. 
Gorrill.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Richard  W..  Miss  G.  H. :  1231  Myrtle.     (Tel.  Red  1401.) 

1st  and  3d  Wednesdav. 
Gove.  Mr.  and  C.  A.:   1523  Ninth. 

Gowell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Orrin.  Miss  E.  L..  F.  B.:  676  Thirteenth.     2.  3  Wed. 
Graham.  Alexander  E. :  S36  Caledonia  Ave. 
Grant.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George:  Highland  Park.     Wednesday. 
Grant.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  E..  Miss  Abbie:   1253  Third  Ave. 
Graves.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H.  H..  Walter  Huddleston:   1220  Linden.     Thurs 
Gray.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edmund  S.:  S36  Alice. 
Gray.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  S.:  1053  Center.     (Tel.  Black  921.) 
Grayson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  W..  R.  R.:  Ninth  and  Madison.     (Tel.  Main  67.) 
Green.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Milton  J.:  1664  Webster.     (Tel.  Black  401.)  2    4  Wed 
Greene.  Judge  and  Mrs.  W.  E..  Miss  M.  E..  Miss  E.:  1417  Grove. 
Greenhcod.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jacob:  524  William. 

Gregory.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Win..  Miss  Jeanie.  Miss  Agnes:  13S4  Franklin. 
Grimes.  E.  M..  Miss:   1206  Fifth  Ave.,  cor  E.  Fourteenth. 
Grove.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  E. :   1302  Franklin.     Tnesdav. 
Gunn.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  F. :  1986  Webster.     Thursdav. 
Gunn.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  Herbert:  525  Hobart. 
Gurnee.  Mr.  Clinton.  Clinton.  Jr.:   1421  Twenty-first  Ave. 

Hackett.  Capt.  and  Mrs.  E..  Capt.  John:  1303  Jackson.     Wednesdav 

Hackett.  Dr.  Samuel  A.:  1055  Washington. 

Hadley.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  L.:  Piedmont  Ave.,  between  Moss  and  Laurel  Aves. 

Haight.  Mrs.  A.  E..  Miss  Janet  C.   Louis  ML;  1201  Alice      Wednesday 

Haight.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  H.:  1210  Harrison.     (Tel.  Black  2171.)     Thursday 

Hale.  Warden  and  Mrs.  W.  E..  Miss  Sadie  P.;  San  Quentin    Marin  Co 

Hall.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  M..  Jr.:  1211  Fifth    \ve..  cor.  E.  Fifteenth. 

Hall.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  M..  Mrs.  John  Lathrop.  Miss  Hattie:  Hallsworth  Ave 

Hall.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederic  W.:   1409  Grove.     2d  and  4th  Friday 

Hall.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.   M.:  216  Thirteenth.     Tnesdav. 

Halsted.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Manderville:  1312  Myrtle.     Wednesdav 

Hanford.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  M..  Miss  G.  B..  J.  M..  Jr.:  1205  Pe'ralta 

Hardy.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lovell.  Jr..  Miss  E.   L..  L.  E.,  G.  M.:  616  E.  Twentv- 

fourth.     Wednesdav. 
Hardy.  W.  B..  Miss  S..  Miss  L..  T.  S..  J.  R..  C.  G..  D..  C.  S.:330  Prospect  Ave. 
Harmon.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  K.  P.  Jr.:   E.  Fourteenth  and  Park  Ave. 
Harries.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H..  Miss  R..  H.  J.:   1361  Jackson.     1st  Tuesday 
Harrold.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  K.:  1341  Twenty-stxith  A\,  . 
Harrold.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  H.:  1309  Monroe.     Wednesdav. 
arrold,  rs.  S.  R..  Miss  Mamie.  Miss  Mary:   1307  Monroe. 


Harrub,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  B.,  Miss  K.  W.,  Miss  T.  K.;  568  Twenty-fifth. 

Hathaway,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederic  M.;  1018  Myrtle. 

Hatton,  Geo.  F.;  1051  arket.    (Tel.  Main  230.) 

Haven,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  D.,  Miss  C,  E.,  L.,  C.  D.,  Jr.;  1074  Eighth.     Monday. 

Haven,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  M.,  Miss  M.  E.,  P.  A.;  1329  Harrison.     Wednesday. 

Haven,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  P.;   946  Magnolia. 

Havens,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  W. ;  97  Vernon. 

Havens,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  M.;  961  Harrison.    Thursday. 

Havens,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  C;  97  Vernon,  Vernon  Heights. 

Havens,  Mrs.  H.  H.,  Miss  E.  M.,  H.  H.;  528  Twelfth.     Wednesday. 

Hawley,    Mr.   and   Mrs.    G.   T. ;   Prospect   Ave.,   near  Broadway. 

Heath,'  Mrs.  John;   268  Twenty-third.     Thursday. 

Heaton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  O.  G.;  411  E.  Sixtneenth.    2d  and  4th  Wednesday. 

Helmke,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  W. ;  1535  Franklin.     Friday. 

Henderson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  L.;  535  Eighteenth.     Tuesday. 

Henderson,  Charles,  Miss  S.  Ello;  923  Pine.     Wednesday. 

Henry,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  C. ;  1221  Harrison. 

Henshaw,  Judge  and  Mrs.  F.  W.;  Sixth  Ave.  and  E.  Fifteenth. 

Henshaw,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  G.;   276  E.  Fourteenth,  cor.  Fifth  Ave. 

Henshaw,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  T.,  Tyler;  941  Myrtle. 

Herron,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  A.;  Santa  Clara  Ave.;  (Tel.  Black  185.)    1,  3  Wed. 

Herrick,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  M.,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L. ;  2081  Webster.     Wednesday. 

Herrick,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  F.,  Miss  Alice  F.,  Miss  Annie  M.,  Miss  Bertha 

F.,  Miss  Florence  L.,  Miss  Lucy  A.,  Miss  Margaret  C. ;   1302  Twelfth. 
High,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H,.  Jr.;  1432  Webster.     Tuesday. 
Hilborn,  Hon.  and  Mrs.  S.  G.,  Miss  G.  A.;  354  E.  Fourteenth.     Tuesday. 
Hinckley,  D.  B.,  Edward  R. ;    Fruitvale  Ave.,  near  Hopkins.     ( 
Hinkle,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  M. ;  1504  Franklin.     Tuesday. 
Hinkins,  Mr.  and  Mrs.,  Miss  M.  T.,  Miss  G.,  Dr.  H. ;  Herber. 
Hodghead,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Beverley;  Tenth,  near  Powell,  Golden  Gate.   Tues. 
Holcomb,  Miss  Lulie,  Miss  L.  S. ;  522  Seventeenth.     Wednesday. 
Hook,  Mr.  and  Mrs.   Henry,  Miss  Elizabeth   B. ;  1016  Jackson. 
Hornung,  Mrs.  P.;  561  Sixteenth.     Friday. 
Horton,  Miss  Sarah  W.;    964  Eighteenth. 
Hosmer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.;  949  Chestnut.    Wednesday. 

Hosmer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.:  Miss  B.  E.,  Miss  G.  M.;  1229  Thirteenth  Ave., 
Houghton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  S.;  120  Webster.     Thursday. 
Howard,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  L. ;  Vernon,  near  Twenty-fourth.    Thursday. 
Howard,  Mrs.  C.  W.,  Miss,  Karl,  Shatter  (Boston),  Harold  (Southborough): 

1206  Alice.     (Tel.  Black  261.))     Friday. 
Howard,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  P.;  914  Adeline,  near  Eighth. 
Howell,  Albert;  109  Mattie  Ave. 

Hubbard,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.l  C.  P.,  S..  Jr.;  118  Thirteenth.     Thursday. 
Hufschmidt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry;  1664  Seward.     Thursday. 
Hughes,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Daniel  P.,  L.  A.,  Robert  M.;  1020  Myrtle. 
Hume,  Mrs.  L.  K.;  1428  Franklin.     (Tel.  Black  531.) 
Hunt,  Mrs.  J.,  Miss,  Miss  D.,  H.  O.;  Piedmont  Ave.,  near  Echo  Ave.,  Glen 

Echo.     (Tel.    Main   7973.) 
Huntington,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  D.;  862  Adeline.     (Tel.  Red  2321.) 
Hush,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  V.  G.,  Miss  J.  M.,  Miss  F.  B.;  1340  E.  Fourteenth.   Mon. 
Hussey,  Mrs.  E.  N.,  Miss  Anita,  Miss  Ella;  1221  Linden.     Tuesday. 
Hutchinson,  Mrs.  T.  R.,  Miss  Mollie,  Miss  Martha,  Bell,  Dwight;  N.  E.  cor. 

Eighth  and  Brush.     Wednesday. 
Hyde,  Mrs.  G.  I.,  S.  E.,  O.  C,  W.  E.;   323  Durant.     Wednesday. 

Irish,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  P.,  Miss  Frances,  John  P.,  Jr.;  1438  Adeline.  Thur. 
Isaacs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  D.;   1154  Alice. 


Jackson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  H.,  Miss  O;  1211  Seventh  Ave.     Wednesday. 

Jacobs.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred  A.,  Miss  E.,  Henry;  963  Oak.     Monday. 

Jacobs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  A.,  Frank  W. ;  963  Oak.     Monday. 

Jerome,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  B.,  E  B.,  Jr.;  1331  Chestnut.     2d  and  4th  Wed. 

Johnson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John;  767  Alice. 

Johnson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  P.;  461  Merrimac.     (Tel.  Black  2271.) 

Jones.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  H.  Isaac;  228  E.  Sixteenth.     Thursday. 

Jones.  Mrs.  eVrnon;  480  Orchard,  near  Telegraph  Ave.     Wednesday. 

Jordan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  C;  1615  Ninth  Ave.,  near  E.  Twenty-second. 

Kaeser,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.,  A.  E.;  1003  Fifth  Ave.     Monday. 

Kales,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  W.;  176  Lake,  cor.  Jackson.     (Tel.  Red  611.)     Tues. 

Katzenbach.  Fred,  Miss  B.,  C.  A.;  1008  Tenth.     Tuesday. 

Kaufman.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  C;  1510  Franklin. 

Keller.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  J.;  674  E.  Twenty-seventh.     (Tel.  Red  1191.) 

Kellogg.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  W.,  Miss  A.  M.,  Miss  A.  O.,  H.  F.;  1253  Grove.  Tues. 

Kellogg,  Mrs.  Etta;  1350  Franklin.     Thursday. 

Kendall,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  I.;  1076  Fourteenth.     Thursday. 

Kendall,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  N.  C,  Miss  L.  W.;  1012  Filbert. 

Kenna,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.  J.  G. ;  1505  Thirteenth  Ave.     2d  and  4th  Wednesday. 

Kerr,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  F.,  A.  F..  Jr.;  1067  Grove. 

Kenney,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  A.;  1360  Harrison.     (Tel.  Red  2301.)     Wednesday. 

King,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  H.;  1029  Sixth  Ave.,  cor  Eleventh. 

King,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  L. :  Wadsworth  Ave.,  near  Santa  Clara.     Tuesday. 

Kinrkham,  Mrs.  R.  W.;   58  Eighth,  cor  Oak. 

Kinsev,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  W.,  F. ;  578  Twenty-fifth.     (Wednesday,  except  last. 

Knight.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  S.;  122  Tenth.     (Tel.  Red  331.)     St.  Helena. 

Knight.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H.;  1300  Webster. 

Knowles.  Mrs.  J.  N.,  Miss  M.  M.,  Miss  A.,  H.  J.;  Jackson  and  Fifteenth. 

(Tel.  Red  181.)     Tuesday. 
Knox,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  H.  E.,  Miss  M.,  H.  I.:   480  Merrimac. 
Knox,  Mrs.  Dr.  Myra  W.,  Miss  B.   D.,  Miss  P.  A.;  958  Fourteenth. 
Knox.  Mrs.  Dr.  M.,  Miss  B.,  Miss  P.;  958  Fourteenth. 

Lake,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  B.,  Miss  E.  L.;   1302  Tenth.     Wednesday. 

Lake,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred  W.;  932  Union.     Wednesday. 

Lamb,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Isaac:  cor.  Forty-fifth  and  San  Pablo.  Golden  Gate. 

Landers,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  J.;  San  Leandro  Road.     (Tel.  Main  722-5.) 

Langstroth,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  A.:  110  East  Twelfth. 

Langdon,  Mr.  Walter  G. ;  Pardee  House. 

Lathrop,  Rev.  and  Mrs.  H.  D..  Mss  H. :  Fruitvale  Ave.,  near  Hopkins.  Thur. 

Lavfance.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  W.;  963  Fifth  Ave.     (Tel.  Red  2821.) 

Laymance.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  J.;  1375  Sixtxh  Ave.     (Tel.  Black  1291.) 

Leach,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  A.,  A.  P.,  F.  A..  Jr.;  541  Hobart.     2,  4  Wednesday. 

Lehnhardt.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Emil;  1115  West. 

Lewis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C. ;  560  Fifteenth.     Monday. 

Lewis,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  F. ;  El  Dorado  Ave..  Linda  Vista  Terrace.     Tuesday. 

Lewis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Irving  C;  977  Sixth  Ave.    near  E.  Sixteenth. 

Lewis.  John  M. ;  1302  Franklin. 

Leckie,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  S.:  1320  Fourth  Ave.     Monday. 

Liliencrantz,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  A.;  359  Telegraph  Ave.     Wednesday. 

Liliencrantz,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  A..  Miss  E.  L..  H.  T.,  G.  H.;  359  Telegraph  Ave. 

(Tel.  Red  2401.)    Wednesday. 
Little,  Col.  and  Mrs.  W.  C. ;  Broadway,  near  Hawthorne  Ave. 
Livermore,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  P.,  Miss;  P.  O.  Box  131.     Thursday. 
Logan,  Charles  W. ;  855  Market. 
Lohman,  Mrs.  Fannie  E..  Miss  Helen,  Ralph  W.;  1387  Madison,  cor.  Lake. 

(Tel.  Red  1111.)     Wednesday. 


Long,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  Oscar  F.  A.;  Highland  Ave.,  Piedmont.  (Tel.  Main  20.) 
Lowell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  P.;  1366  Tenth  Ave.     Tuesday. 
Ludlow.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  B.,  Miss  M.  G.,  Miss  M.  E.,  Dr.  W.  B.;  1614  Eighth. 
Lukens,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  G.,  Miss,  G.  R.,  F.;  1350  adison.     Tuesday. 

MacDermot,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  F.,  Miss,  Miss  F.,  L.  M.     Center  and  Seventh. 
(Tel.  Black  711.)     Thursday. 

Macdonald,  M.  and  rs.  J.  A.;  1261  Fourth  Ave.     Wednesday. 

Mac-Donald,  John  H.,  Miss  B.,  A.  S.,  R.  P.;  804  Thirteenth.     Thursday. 

Magee,  Thomas,  Frederick  E.,  Walter;  Alder  Farm,  Fruitvale. 

Magee,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  A.;   1305  Twenty-seventh  Ave.     Monday. 

Magee,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas,  Jr. ;  1340  E.  Fourteenth.     Monday. 

Magill,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  Arthur  E.,  A.  E.,  Jr..  P.  W. ;  706  Eleventh. 

Makins,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  N.,  Miss  E.  L.,  Jos.  H.,  Jas.  W.;   1318  Market. 

Mallory,  Mrs.  M.  B.;  228  E.  Fourteenth.     Thursday. 

Manuel,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  W. ;  678  Fourteenth. 

Manuel,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  G.;  1423  Chestnut.     (Tel.  Black  101.) 

Marston,  E.  W.,  Fred  C;  1391  Webster. 

Martenstein,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John,  Miss  Maggie;  Claremont  Ave.,  near  Web- 
ster Ave.,  North  Temescall. 

Martin,  Capt.  D.  E.;  1323  Harrison. 

Martin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  West,  Shelby  P.;  720  Fourteenth.     (Tel.  Red  1821.) 

Marwedel,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  H.,  Miss  E.  H.;  Fruitvale  Ave.,  opp.  Six- 
teenth.    Friday. 

Mathews,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edgar;  1129  Myrtle.     Wednesday. 

Mathews,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  J.;  1159  Alice.     Tuesday. 

Mathiew,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Julian:  Fairmont  Ave.,  Prospect  Heights.     Tuesday. 

Mauzy,  Mrs.  R.  C,  Alice;  730  Eleventh.     Tuesday. 

Mauzy.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  P.;  654  Fourteenth.     (Tel.  Black  461.)     Wednesday. 

Mav,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  W.,  Miss  Rosa;  527  E.  Eleventh.    Thursday. 

May,  N.  E. :  963  Oak. 

McCarthy.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  P..  Miss  L.  Estelle;  1225  Third.     Thursday. 

McClure.  Rev.  and  Mrs.  David:  586  Caledonia  Ave. 

McCoy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  I..  Miss  F.,  H.;  62  E.  Twelfth.    Thursday. 

McCoy,  Mrs.  Josephine  L.:  631  San  Pablo  Ave.     Thursday. 

McElrov,  Judgre  and  Mrs.  James  P.;  574  Twenty-second.     Tuesdav. 

McElrath.  Maj.  and  Mrs.  J.  E..  Miss  M. :  Elmwood.     (Tel.  Red  1974.) 

McGraw.  Mrs.  E.  W..  Misses  E.,  E.,  E.  I..  N.,  S.,  Edward  W.;  945  Chestnut. 

McKeand  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  W..  Miss  Constance;  810  Thirteenth.    Tuesday. 

McK>e.  Mrs.  Samuel  B..  Miss  Nellie,  Miss  Amy,  S.  B.,  J.  C;  1033  Adeline. 
(Tel.  Black  1551.)     Tuesday. 

McKillican.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert.  Miss  L.,  L.  R. ;  560  Twenty-fifth.     Tues. 

McKisick,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  D..  Miss  M..  R.  T..  H.:  S.  F.  address,  104  Sutter. 

McMenomy.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  H..  Miss  Lvdia;  Golden  Gate.     Tuesdav. 

McKnight.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Andrew  J.;   Fruitvale  Ave.,  near  E.  Sixteenth. 

McLean,  Rev.  and  Mrs.  J.  K.:  1653  Telegraph  Ave. 

McNear.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  W.,  Miss  B.,  J.  A.,  F.  W.,  S.;  557  Linden,  cor. 
Tenth.     (Tel.  Main  13.) 

McNear.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  W..  Jr.:  1207  Castro.     (Tel.  Black  2771.) 

Meade,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Calvert;  1064  Fourteenth. 

Meehan,  Mrs.  E.,  309  E.  Fourteenth. 

Meehan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  P..  Miss  Elizabeth;  309  E.  Fourteenth. 

Meek,  H.  W.;  San  Leandro  Road.     (Tel.  Main  722-6.) 

Meek,  Dr.  R.  W.;  558  Frederick.     (Tel.  Red  681.) 

Meeks,  Wm.  Newton;  Columbus  Ave.,  near  Broadway,  N.  Temescal.     Fri. 

Meeks,  Wm.  Newton,  Miss  C.  A.;  Columbus  Ave.,  near  Broadway,  North 

Temescal.     Friday. 
Melvin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  S.;  811  E.  Twenty-second. 


Melvin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Harry  A.,  Bradford  M.;  720  Seventeenth. 

Melvin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  B.,  J.  Garland;  3G8  Franklin. 

Melvin,  William  P.;  366  E.  Fourteenth. 

Melvin,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  S.  H.;  Clinton  House. 

Merriman,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  A.  F.,  Miss  M.,  Miss  F.  J.,  Dr.  Will  C;  Oakland 
and  Hillside  Ave.,  Piedmont.     Thursday. 

Merriman.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  A.  F.,  Jr.;  772  Twelfth.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 

Merrill,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  L. ;  1215  Brush. 

Merritt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  B.;  1228  Adeline.     (Tel.  Black  1171.) 

Merritt,  Mr.  and  Mrs,  Frederick  A.;  Haywards. 

Metcalf,  John  W.;  568  Caledonia  Ave. 

Metcalf,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Victor  H.;  1263  Harrison.     (Tel.  Red  2101.) 

Meyer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A. ;  2327  Grove.     Thursday. 

Mhoon.  Maj.  and  Mrs.  John  B,  Miss  Belle,  S.  McKee;  1017  Adeline. 

Miller,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Albert,  Miss  A.,  H.  E.,  H.  H.,  P.  L.;  1264  Union.     Mon. 

Miller,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  O.  G.;  1271  Jackson.     (Tel.  Black  211.) 

Miller,  Mrs.  E.  J.,  Miss  Burdette,  Miss  Ada,  Miss  Flora;   Golden  Gate. 

Miller,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George,  Miss;  cor.  Alice  and  Thirteenth. 

Miller,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  M.  A.;  1228  Madison.    (Tel.  Black  201.) 

Miller,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  R. ;  328  Boulevard  Terrace. 

Miller,  Dr.  J.  Austin;  1561  Eighth.     (Tel.  Black  1681.) 

Miller,  Robert  W.;  1120  West. 

Miller,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  E.;  1277  Webster.     Wednesday. 

Mills,  Mrs.  C.  T.  Mills  College,  Seminary  Park. 

Mitchell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  D.;  1564  Ninth  Ave.     2d  and  4th  Thursday. 

Moffit,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  J.;  1337  Filbert.     (Tel.  Black  1361.)     Thursday. 

Moffit,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.,  Miss  A.,  Miss  L.;  corner  Webster  and  Twenty- 
second.     Wednesday. 

Moller,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William;  476  Prospect  Ave. 

Moore,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  A.,  Miss  C;  cor.  Sixth  Ave.  and  E.  Twentieth.  Tues. 

Morgan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  B.;  754  Fourteenth. 

Morgan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  H.;  1068  Broadway. 

Morgan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  L.;  1165  Jackson.     (Tel.  Red  191.) 

Morris,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William,  Malcolm;  170  Ninth.     Tuesday. 

Morrow,  Mrs.  George,  George  P.;  Columbus  Ave.,  nr.  Second  Ave,  Temescal. 

Murdock,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  F. ;  120  Perry.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 

Nelson.  Capt.  Charles,  Miss  E.,  Mrs.  C.  McM.;  Seminary  Park. 
Newland,  Mr.  Edward,  Miss  S.  Miss  M.;   1677  Valdez.     Thursday. 
Newsom,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel;  Vernon  Ave.  and  Santa  Rosa  Ave.     Thur. 
Newsom,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel,  Sidney  B. ;  Vernon  Ave.  and  Santa  Rosa 
Nicholson,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  I.  E.,  Miss  I.  E.,  Jr.;  626  Eighth.     Tel.  Black  2461.) 
Newton,  Mrs.  Charles,  Miss  A.,  Miss  J.,  Miss  F.,  Harry:  Peralta  Heights; 

Hanover  Ave.,  cor.  Lake  Shore  Ave.     Tuesday. 
Nichols,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  M.,  Henry  D.;   1334  Clay. 
Nordhausen,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  C;  1322  Adeline.    Wednesday.     Monterey. 
Nye,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  B.;  130  Vernon,  Vernon  Heights. 

O'Brien,  Col.  and  Mrs.  W.  H.;  526  Telegraph  Ave.     Wednesday. 
O'Brien,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  H.,  Miss  Myra;  1168  Jackson.     Wednesday. 
Oliver,  Wililam  Letts;  1110  Twelfth.     (Tel.  Red  1571.)     Santa  Cruz. 
Olney,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Warren,  Miss,  Miss  Ethel,  Warren,  Jr..  Thomas  M.; 

481  Prospect  Ave.     Wednesday.     Danville. 
O'Rourke,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  J.;  Temescal. 
Osgood,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred  S.:  1120  Linden. 
Osgood,  Howard;  953  Linden. 
Overend,  Mrs.  Dr.  Annie  L.;  532  Eighth. 


Palache,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J„  The  Misses;  Claremont  Ave.    Wednesday. 

Palmer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  E.,  Miss  Ida  Bell,  Silas  H.;  1157  Oak. 

Parcells,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  B.,  Chas.  E.,  Frank  M.;  1396  Harrison. 

Pardee,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  H. ;  Vernon  Ave.     (Tel.  Red  721.) 

Pardee,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  George  C;  1512  Ninth  Ave.     (Tel.  Black  91.), 

Partington,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J,  H.  E.,  Miss  Blanche,  Miss  Gertrude,  Miss  Phyl- 
lis, Richard  L.,  Edward  H.;   E.  Twelfth  cor.  Third  Ave.     Tuesday. 

Paulsen,  H.  C;  Mt.  Eden,  Alameda  Co. 

Pearne,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  W.  G. ;  1419  Eighth  Ave.    Tel.  Black  456.) 

Pearson,  Mrs.  A.  M.;  1335  Myrtle.     (Tel.  Red  1331.) 

Pearson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Winfield;  1335  Myrtle  Ave.    3d  and  4th  Friday. 

Penniman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hiram  P.,  Miss  Bessie,  Miss  Mary  A.;  2439  Pied- 
mont Ave. 

Percy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  W. ;  318  Boulevard  Terrace.     Thursday. 

Perkins,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Paul  B.;  S63  Center.     Tuesday. 

Perine,  Mrs.  W.  D.,  Miss  Madge,  Fred;  809  Oak. 

Perkins,  Sen.  and  Mrs.  Geo.  C..  Miss  Pansy,  Miss  Mary;  Vernon  Heights. 
(Tie.  Red  1891.)     Thursday. 

Phelps,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  B.,  Miss  Mary  A.;  Pryal  Ave.,  near  Vernon  Ave., 
Pagoda  Hill,  Claremont. 

Pheby,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  B.,  Fred  S.,  Thomas  B.,  Jr.,  Joseph  J.;  1275  Alice. 

Philip,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  H. ;  1257  Harrison.  Wednesday. 

Phillips.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  W.,  Miss  Mary;  977  Sixth  Ave.    Monday. 

Pierce,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  D.;  585  Thirtv-third.  (Tel.  Red  111.)     Wednesday. 

Pierce,  Marshall,  Miss  Josephine:  455  Merrimac.     (Tel.  Red  2271.) 

Pierce,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Orestes;  103  Vernon,  Vernon  Heights.    (Tel.  Main  365.) 

Pierce,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  Frank;  1389  Harrison.     (Tel.  Red  491.)     Wednes. 

Pinkham.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank;  cor  Tenth  and  Chestnut.    Thursday. 

Pinney,  H.  B.,  907  Broadway. 

Plomteaux,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  H.  J.,  Miss  Daisv  M. ;  1651  Twenty-third  Ave. 

Pope,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  E.,  Miss  M.  G.;  1604  Seventeenth  Ave.,  High- 
land Park.     Thursday. 

Posey,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  A.  C;  560  E.  Twentv-second.     Monday. 

Potter.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  O.  S.:  1014  Eighteenth. 

Powell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  A.:  921  Myrtlp.     1st  and  3d  "Wednesday. 

Prather,  Mr.  and  Mrs  T.,  Thomas:   1253  Alice.     (Tel.  Red  2fil.)     Thursday. 

Pra.ther,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  L..  Miss  Laura,  Miss  Myra  G. ;  1004  Tenth. 

Prather,  Mr.  W.  L.,  Jr.;  537  Caledonia  Ave. 

Pratt,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  A.  H.;  1659  Grove.     (Tel.  Black  2521.) 

Prescott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  S.,  L.  F.,  N.  S.,  F.  G. ;  452  E  Twenty-fourth. 

Price,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  E.;  960  Sixxth  Ave..  Clinton  Station.     Tuesday. 

Priest,  Mr.  and  Mrs  Daniel  H.;  B.  Frank;  934  Myrtle.    Wednesday. 

Pringle,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  J.,  Miss  Cornelia,  Miss  Mary  M.,  Edward  J.,  Jr., 
William  B. ;  326  E.  Nineteenth.    Wednesday. 

Rabe,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  B.  A.,  F.  M.,  Dr.  John:  1553  Eighth.     Tuesday. 
Rabe,  Mrs.  F.  M.,  W.  H.;  300  Twenty-eighth    Wednesday. 
Ralston,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  J.,  Lewis  C;  1170  Madison.     Thursday. 
Ralston,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  C;  Ninth  and  Madison.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 
Randall,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  W.;  Piedmont  Springs.     (Tel.  Red  1791.) 
Randall,  Mrs.  M.;  Highland  Ave.,  near  Terra  Bonne  Ave. 
Ransome,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ernest  L.,  A.  W.,  V.  C:  Chicago,  111. 
Ransome,  B.;  Reliance  Club. 

Rank,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  M.;  LLaundry  Farm.     (Tel.  Red  2831.) 
Redfield,  Horace  A.;  478  Tenth. 

Remillard,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.  N.,  Miss  Emma,  Phillip  H.,  Edward;  654  Thir- 
teenth.   Wednesday.     Pine  Villa,  San  Jose. 
Remillard,  Miss  Eveline  C;  Forty-second  and  Adeline.     Tuesday. 


Requa,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  I.  L.;  Highland,  Piedmont.     (Tel.  Main  20.)    Wednes. 

Requa,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Mark  L.;  Highland  Ave.,  near  Terre  Bonne. 

Ricketts,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  H.;  1323  Tenth  Ave.    Wednesday. 

Risdon,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  N.;  1051  Market. 

Robinson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  M.;  559  Twenty-first. 

Robinson,  Mrs.  J.,  Miss  May  C,  Thomas  P.;  Galindo  Hotel.     Tuesday. 

Rodolph,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C.  T.;  573  Seventeenth. 

Rogers,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry,  1209  Jackson.     Wednesday. 

Rosborough,  Judge  and  Mrs.  A.  M.,  Alex.  J.,  Joseph,  1769  Nineteenth  Ave., 

Rosenbaum,  Fr.H  .,  Miss  Bertha,  Miss  Emma;  1357  Eleventh  Ave.     Wed. 

Ross,  Miss  Willette  B.;  Hotel  Crellin.     Thursday. 

Howe,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  D.;  1254  Eleventh  Ave.    Monday. 

Rudgear,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.;   1107  Eighth,  cor.  Chestnut. 

Russ,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John,  Raymond  J.;  513  Albion. 

Russell,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  A.  J.;  Hotel  Metropole. 

Russell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  M.;  1680  Webster.     (Tel.  Red  401.) 

Sanborn,  Mrs.  E.  B.,  Miss  Grace,  William  B.,  ohn  A.;   Fruitvale  Ave.    nr 

E.  Sixteenth,  Fruitvale.     Thursdav. 
Sanborn,  Sheffield  S.;  670  Thirteenth. 

Sands,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  A.,  Mrs.  E.  I;.;  1222  Thirty-fourth 
Sargent,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  L. ;  1361  Tenth  Ave.     Tuesday. 
Sather,  Mrs.  Pedar;  664  Twelfth,  cor.  Grove.     1st  Monday 
Saxe,  Dr.  F.  J.,  A.  M.;  1216  Filbert. 

Schilling,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  August,  Miss,  Carl;  1403  Jackson 
Schlesinger,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  C;  1207  Filbert.    (Tel.  Red  1501  ) 
Schrock,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  A.;  1503  Twelfth. 
Sohulze,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  A.;  512  E.  Seventeenth. 
Schulze,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Max  C;  567  Fifteenth. 
Seaman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  B. ;  1204  Harrison. 

Seaton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  M.;  1604  Seventeenth  Ave.  Highland  Park 
Selby,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.,  Miss  Coralle,  Miss  Florence,  Prentiss    Jr     Paul-' 

1360  Madison.     (Tel.  Black  231.)     3d  and  4th  Thursday 
Selfridge,  Dr.  J.  M.;  312  Fourteenth.     (Tel    Red  471) 
Selfridge,  Dr.  C.  M.;  216  E  Sixteenth.     (Tel.  Black  701) 
Sessions,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  C,  Miss  Annie,  E.  C,  Jr.,  George-    1353    Alice 
Seymoor,  Fred  A.;  1211  Chestnut.  ' 

Sharon,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  E.,  Miss  Florence,  Miss  Blanche  W     Claude  S  ■ 

1402  Franklin.     (Tel.  Red.  531.)     Wednesdav.     Virginia  City    Nev 
Shepard,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  L.  N..  Miss  Madeline.  Miss  Louise    Miss  Evviine- 

San  Pablo  Ave.    (Tel.  Red  2451.) 
Sherman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Richard  M.,  Miss  E.  M.,  Miss  Ethel-   6^0  14th 
Shew,  Miss  Laura  F. ;  1064  Fourteenth. 
Shuey,  Dr.  Granville  E.;  651  E.  Fourteenth. 
Sinclair,  Miss  S.  F.;  Level  Sea,  E.  Fourteenth  cor    28th  Ave 
Smith,  B.  J.;  Miss  Phiebe;  1013  Jackson.     Monday 
Smith,  Miss  Blix:  1505  Thirteenth  Ave.    2d  and  4th  Wednesday 
Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  W.,  Miss  Fannie  B.;  710  Eighteenth     " 
Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  M.,  Miss  M.,  Mrs.    M  .J.    Thompson-  E     Twentv 
fourth  and  end  Seventh  Ave.    1st  and  2d  Thursday 

**bS'iS*F  StL^M'SS  ^  E'    MISS  Sa''ah  H"  MiSS  **•— i 

Soule.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  Frank:  960  Oak.  cor.  Tenth      Tuesday 

Spaulding.  r.  and  Mrs.  Nathan  W..  E.  W.,  N.  W.,  Jr.;  1723  Nineteenth  Ave 

Highland   Park.     Friday. 
Spencer   Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  A.',  Edward  A.;  Fairmont  Ave.,  Prospect  Heights 
Spuire,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  P.;  576  Jones.  'neignts. 

St.  John,  Chauncey  M.;  "Live  Oak,"  Lake  Shore  Ave.,  near  Pen. v. 

134  Oakland 

Standeford,  Mrs.  W.  W.,  W.  B.;  963  Market.    Wednesday. 

Stanley,  Judge  and  Mrs.  John  A.;   1221  Jackson.     (Tel.  Black  121.)     Wed. 

Stanford,  Mrs.  J.,  Miss  Gertrude,  Johiah  W.;  1218  Oak.     (Tel.  Black  761.) 

Stark.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  James;  1416  Eighth.     Thursday.     Yolo  Co. 

Steele,  Mrs.  B.  L.  G.,  Miss  Beatrice,  William,  Edward  A.; 824  Jackson.  Thur. 

Stetson,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  B.;  1264  Eleventh  Ave.    (Tel.  Red  1031.)    Wednesday. 

Stevens,  Miss  A.  E. ;  Fruitvale. 

Stolp,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Gordon  M. ;  160  Lake.     Monday. 

Stone,  A.  L.;  Elmhurst,  San  Leandro  Road. 

Stone,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  B.  P.,  Byron  F.,  Jr.;  1311  Harrison.     (Tel.  Black  2111.) 

Stratton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick  S. :  1301  Harrison.     (Tel.  Red  2111.    Tues. 

Sturtevant,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  G. ;  1441  Myrtle.     Tuesday. 

Sturtevant,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cullen  K.;  1315  Linden.    2d  and  4th  Thursday. 

Sunderland,  Rev.  and  Mrs.  J.,  Miss  L.  Grace,  Clyde  H.;  525  E.  Fifteenth. 

Sutton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Albert;  "Brookside",  Hay  wards.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 

Swenarton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  A.;  1010%  Washington. 

Swift,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel,  Miss  M.  H.;  1112  E.  Sixteenth. 

Taft,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  C;  1363  Harrison.     (Tel.  Black  841.)    2  and  4  Thurs. 

Taclott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Harvey  D.;  1035  Chester. 

Taylor,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chauncey;  704  Eighth,  cor.  Castro.     (Tel.  Black  521.) 

Tevis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joshua,  Carter,  Dr.  Samuel,  Hugh;  2051  E.  Fourteenth. 

Theller,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  L.,  Miss  Florence,  Samuel;  1513  Ninth. 

Thibault,  Mrs.  W.,  J.;  833  Madison.     (Tel.  Red  1241.) 

Thomas,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F. ;  Miss  Lulu,  Eugene  G,  Leon  B.;  964  Eighth.  Thur. 

Thomas,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  R.,  Miss  Mary,  Harry  W. ;  816  Eleventh.  Thurs. 

Thompson,  Mrs.  M.  J.;  E.  Twenty-fourth  and  end  Seventh  Ave.    1,  2.  Thur. 

Thomrson  R  B.;Sumnit   \\e.,  Prospect  Hoi f Ms. 

Thompson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  D. ;  122  Lake.     (Tel.  Red  221.)     Wednesday. 

Thornton,  Mrs.  Louise;   Fruitvale. 

Tillmann,  F.  Jr.;  Fruitvale  Ave.,  near  Twenty-seventh.     (Tel.  Red  1124.) 

Titus,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Daniel,  Miss  Edith;  956  Myrtle.     Wednesday. 

Titus,  F.  E. ;  956  Myrtle. 

Toler,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  P.,  James  H.;  546  Albion  Ave.     Tuesday. 

Tompkins,  Mrs.  Sarah,  The  Misses,  Gilbert;  San  Leandro.     Wednesday. 

Tompkins,  John  W.;   561  Seventeenth. 

Todd,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  P.;  Ben  Venue,  Piedmont.     Friday. 

Tormey,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  James  P.;  San  Leandro.     Tuesday. 

Touchard.  Mrs.  M.  A..  Miss  L.,  Miss  Marie;   1065  Eighth. 

Townsend,  Mrs.  Addie;   949  Union. 

Townsend.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.;  1511  Eighth  Ave.     (Tel.  Black  671.) 

Treadwell,  James,  John,  Edward;  Broadway,  near  Clifton. 

Trembly,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  B. ;  cor.  Eighth  and  Myrtle. 

Trew^  Rev.  and  Mrs.  A.  G.  L..  Miss,  Niel  C. ;  918  Grove. 

Tripp,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  M.;  1021  Seventh  Ave. 

Tripp,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ricbard  B.;  1365  Thirteenth  Ave. 

Trowbridge,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  O.;  541  Nineteenth.     (Tel.  Black  681.) 

Tubbs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.,  Miss  E.,  H.  A.;  266  E.  Twelfth,  cor.  Fifth  Ave. 

Turner,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  L.  H.;  1108  Twenty-fourth. 

Tuttle,  Mrs.  N.  L.;  150  Hanover  Ave.,  Peralta  Heights. 

Valentine,    Mr.    and    Mrs.    J.    J.;    Cedar   Craft,   Thirteenth    Ave.,    cor.    E. 

Twentieth.     (Tel.  Red  661.)    1st,  2d  and  3d  Thursday. 
Vandercock,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  P.;  1530  Twelfth  Ave. 
Van  Loben  Sels,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.  J.;  1305  Adeline. 
Veitch,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Richard  M.;  1969  Summit. 
Veitch,  William;  333  Wallsworth  Ave. 
Vesper,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  0.  M.;  1453  Tenth  Ave.     Tuesday. 


Vinzent,  Ed.  G.,  Miss  C.  A.,  Miss  G.  A.;  604  Seventeenth.     Thursday. 
Vrooman.  Mrs.    H.,   Miss,  Miss  May;    1167  Oak.     (Tel.  Black  901.)     Wed. 

Wade,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  E.;  1365  Eleventh  Ave. 

Wade,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  H.,  Miss  E.;    13S0  Tenth  Ave.     1st  and  3d  onday. 

Wadsworth.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H..  H.  E..  J.  A.:  1347  Alice.  (Tel.  Red.  2061.)  Wed. 

Waldron,  Vernon;  573  Fifteenth. 

Wall,  Mrs.  K.  E.;  829  Fifteenth. 

Wall,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  S.,  Miss  L..  Miss  B.,  Miss  E.;  829  Oak. 

Wall,  Mrs.  K.  E.;  829  Oak. 

Walz,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  A.,  T.  C,  C.  S..  E.  A..  Jr.;  cor.  Perry  and  Chetwood. 

Waltz.  Mr  and  Mrs.  Charles;  466  E.  Seventeenth. 

Wandesforde,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  B.;   Haywards. 

Ward,  Mrs.  J.  W..  Miss  K.  A.,  Miss  H.  H.;  166  Tenth. 

Ward,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Walter;  553  Twenty-fifth.     Monday. 

Watkinson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  H.  T.;  455  Merrimac.    Monday. 

Watkins,  Mrs.  P.  T.;   Webster. 

Watson,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  H.  H.,  H.  H.,  Jr.;  456  Twenty-sixth.     Tuesday. 

Watson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  M.;  920  Brush.     Thursday.     Bakersfield. 

Watt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert.  Miss  Janet  McAlnin.  Miss  Elizabeth  L  ;  1204 
Madison.     (Tel.  Red  901.)     2d  and  3d  Thursday. 

Webster,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  A.,  Miss  abel  E. ;  658  Eighth. 

Webster.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  A.;  964  Tenth. 

Weihe,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  F.;  735  Telegraph  Ave.,  cor.  Twenty-fourth.     Wed 

Wellman,  Mrs.  R.  A.,  Miss  A.  K.,  Miss  E.  R.    Miss  R.  E..  Wm  B. ; Fruitvale! 

Wellman.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  M.;  1315  E.  Fourteenth.  Fruitvale 

Wells,  r.  and  Mrs.  C.  B. ;  586  Twenty-fifth.     Thursday. 

Wentworth,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  O. :  629  E.  Fourteenth.  "  Thursday. 

West,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Albert  A.;  1977  Webster.     Wednesday 

West,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  T. ;  269  Durant. 

Weston.  Mrs.  Sarah  S..  F.  P.,  Dr.  C.  S.;  1302  Webster. 

Wetherbee,  Mrs.  Henry;  E.  Fourteenth,  cor.  Fruitvale  Ave.  (Tel.  Black  2601 ) 

Wetmore,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  A.;  569  Eleventh.     Tuesday. 

Wetmore,  Clarence  J. ;  814  Tenth.     Tuesday. 

Wheaton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  H..  Miss  E.  S..  G.,  Wm.  R.;  154  Lake      Tuesdav 

Wheaton,  Mrs.  Wm.  R.,  The  Misses:  542  Albion. 

White.  Capt.  and  Mrs.,  Miss:  Highland  Park. 

White,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  D..  Miss  R..  Miss  K.  H..  G.  D.,  Jr..  J.  A.:  1253  Web- 
ster.    Wednesday. 

Whitney,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  B..  Miss  E..  F.  E.;  Merritt  House      Thursday 

Whitman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  W. :  Perry,  cor.  Chetwood. 

Whitman,  T.  Dwight;  577  Eighth. 

Whitney,  Mrs.  George  E.,  Miss  Violet.  Miss  Anita.  Miss  Mary    eGoree  S  ■ 
576  Eighth.     (Tel.  Red  1621.)     2d  and  4th  Tuesdav.  " 

Wilcox,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  J.;  461  E.  Fourteenth.     (Tel.  Main  7033) 

Wilkie.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alfred;  1406  Alice.     1st  and  3d  Friday 

Willard.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  A..  Miss  Mary  M.;  555  Hobart 

Wilcox.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  David,  Miss  M„  Miss  B.;  1308  Madison.     Wednesday 

Willcutt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  L.,  Harry  V.:  918  Eighteenth.     Thursday 

W  llhams,  rs.  A.  F.,  Miss  F.,  A.  F..  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  F.;  1400  Alice  '  Wed 

Williams,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  C,  Miss  May.  Miss  Mary,  Flovd;  969  Brush 

W  llhams,  Mrs.  J.  R.;  150  Lake.     Wednesday 

Wilson,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  J.  C;  563  Hobart.  '  (Tel.  Black  1211.)     Wednesday 

W  llson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  C.  Jr.:  563  Hobart.     Thursday 

Winten.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  X.  \V. ;  130  Ninth,  cor.  Madison 

Wise,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Clark;  1108  Broadway. 

Wixon,  Mrs.  aKte;    560  Hobart. 

Wood,   Mrs.   Annie;  805  Jackson. 



Woodward,  Maj.  and  Mrs.  E.  W.;  Lake  View,  Peralta  Ave.,  cor.  Oak.    Thur. 
Woodward,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  J.,  Miss  Gwendolen;  41  Bella  Vista  Ave.     (Tel. 

Black  1221.)     2d  and  4th  Monday. 
Woodward,  Mrs.  F.  A.;  509  E.  Fourteenth. 

Wordell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.;  1416  Eighth.     Thursday.    Capay  Valley,  Yolo  Co. 
Worden,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  W. 
Wright,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Benjamin;   Galindo  Hotel. 
Wright,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  T.;  1313  Madison.     (Tel.  Black  181.) 
Wright,  Mrs.  S.  C;  758  Eighteenth. 
Wright,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  E.;  E.  Fourteenth  and  Twenty-eighth  Ave.     Wed. 

Yorker,  Mrs.  Elizabeth,  Miss  Eva  Maie;  320  Fourteenth.     Monday. 
Yelland,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  D. ;  1464  Seventh  Ave. 
Yule,  Judge  and  re.  John;  1315  Franklin. 

Zimmerman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  C. ;  1321  Sutter.    (Tel.  East  683.) 

Zirms,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  H.;  916  Market. 

Ziska,  Mme.  B.;  1606  Van  Ness  Ave.     Friday  except  Last. 

Zook,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  K.  cor.  Belle  and  Grand  Ave.,  San  Rafael. 


Residence:  1614  8th  Street 

Telephone  2661  Black 

W.  B.  LUDLOW.  D.  D.  S. 


11034  Broadway 

Union  National  Bank  Building 

Oakland,  Cal. 

Telephones : 

Office,  2851  Black 
Residence,  451  Black 


382  Albion  St. 


Oculist  and  Aurist 

1155  Broadway,  near  Thirteenth  Street 
Office  Hours :  Si  to  12  Oakland,  Cal. 

3  to  4  by  appointment.    Sun.  excepted 


Residence  1257  Jackson  Street 

N.  W.  Cor.  13th  and  Clay  Streets 

Hours,  11  to  12,  and  3  to  5 
Sunday,  9.30  to  10.45 

Tel   Red  121 



Allen,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  I.  P.,    A.  F.,  S.  F.,  C;  462  Santa  Clara  Ave. 
Ames,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  H.;  886  Cedar. 
Anthony,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edwin  R.;  1617  Alameda  Ave. 
Anthony,  Mrs.  John  A.:  1630  Central  Ave. 



J.  C,  Jr.; 


Bacon,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  P.,  Miss  J.  C,  H.;  1505  Fourth.    Tuesday 

Ballance,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  H.:  917  Chestnut.     Thursday. 

Barber,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  S.,  Miss  M.  H.:  3101  Jackson/ 

Bartlett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Colombus.  Miss  Ellen  M.,   C.  Julian    Francis 
Louis  de  F.;  1223  St.  Charles. 

Barton,  r.  and  Mrs.  John,  Miss  Grace,  William  F.;  cor.  Broadwav  and  Cen- 
tral Ave.     Palace  Hotel,  S.  F. 

Barton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Phineas  W. ;  1117  Morton. 

Bates,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  C,  Miss  G.  V.;  2049  Central  Ave 

Bates,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  C,  Miss  C.  H.,  Miss  L.  H.,  Miss  G.  V. 
Central  Ave.     Friday. 

Baum.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alexander  R.:  cor.  Kings  Ave  and  Bay 

Bennett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Sanford:  2311  Buena  Vista  Ave. 

Bennett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  H. 

Benson,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  H.,  Miss,  Percv.;  2311  Santa  Clara 

Bew,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  H.,  G.  H..  Jr.;  1222  Grand  Ave. 

Binder.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred.  Miss  Hazel:  1345  Park  Ave.     Friday 

Boselly,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  J.,  Miss  Bessie;  2707  Central  Ave      Monday 

Bradford.  Charles  A.:  1901  Pacific  Ave. 

Bradley,  Mrs.  B.  E..  Miss  Louisa  D.,  Giles.  Henry  W..  Jr 
Ave  and  Morton.     Thursday. 

Bradley.  Cant,  and  Mrs.  R.:  1836  Santa  Clara  Ave. 

Bramhall.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  M.;   1824  Clinton  Ave. 

Brand.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.;  2311  Buena  Vista  Ave. 

Brand.  Lncien.  Miss  Mary:  2241  Pacific  Ave. 

Brooks,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H..  Miss  B.  B..  J.  W. :  1417  Grand 

Brooks.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Shelly  A.:   1813  San  Antonio  Ave. 

Brown,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Arthur  M.;  1 123  Unoin. 

Brown,  Mrs.  a.  E.,  Dr.  Maurice  \\\:  3223  Central  Ave. 

Brown,   Mr.   and    Mrs.    Edward.   .Miss  Jessie    II..    .Miss    Edifch     Miss   Ethel 
Herbert  H.;  1823  Santa  Clara  Ave.     Thursday. 

Browning,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  rFank  E.;  1515  Sherman. 

Browning,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jacob.  Edward:   Grand,  near  Railroad   \ve 

Hull.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  George;  2015  Central  Ave 

Ace.    Friday. 

N.  E.  cor.  Railroad 




Bullock,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward,  Miss  M.;  812  Paru,  near  Clinton. 
Byrne,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  T.:  2165  San  Jose  Ave. 

Carnes,  Mrs.  Caroline,  Miss  Edith;  770  Railroad  Ave. 

Carr,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  B.,  Ralph;  1400  San  Jose  Ave. 

Cashman,  Mrs.  W.  P.,  Miss  M.,  Miss  H.,  W.  F.,  Jr.;  1804  Central  Ave.    Tues. 

Chadbourne,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jabez;  1203  Court. 

Champion,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  Noble;  1816  Clinton  Ave. 

Chappell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Scott  R.,  Miss  Mary  W.;  2211  Central  Ave. 

Chipman,  Miss  A.  M.,  Mass  F.  J.,  Sheridan;   1270  Weber. 

Chipman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  F.;  1290  Weber. 

Chisholm,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  F.,   Miss  Ethel,  Harry:  1005  Central  Ave. 

Clemnt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alfred;  518  Taylor.     1st  Thursday. 

Clark,    Dr.    and   Mrs.   Edward   S.,   Miss  Bessie   Yates;    2161    Central   Ave. 

(Tel.  Main  22.)     Thursday. 
Clark,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  F.;  1808  Alameda  Ave.    Monday. 
Clay,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Allen  M.;  1428  Oak.     3d  Thursday. 
Cohen,  Mrs.  H.  G.,  Miss  A.  H.,  Miss  I.  A.,  Miss  M.  G.;  833  Santa  Clara  Ave. 
Cohen,  Donald,  A.;  2941  Lincoln  Ave. 

Cohen,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edgar  A.;   1605  Versailles  Ave.     Monday. 
Colby,  Mrs.  D.  T.,  Miss,  G.  W.;  1118  Lafayette.     1st  and  3d  Monday. 
Cole,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Foster  P.;  1713  Alameda  Ave. 
Cook,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Morton  L. ;  25  Powers  Court. 
Cowing,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  H.;  924  Union,  cor.  San  Jose  Ave. 
Cranz,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Louis  T. ;  1411  St.  Charles.     Thursday. 
Cubury,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  M.;  1527  Mintern. 

Darneal,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hervey,  Miss  S.;  903  Grand. 

Delanoy,  Mrs.  M.  F.;  1120  Grand. 

Delanoy,  Miss  Florence,  Fred  N.,  Austin  B. ;  1709  Encinal  Ave. 

Deardo'rff,  Mr.  and  Mrs. Frank:  1106  Grand.     Thursday. 

Dennis,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  S.  W.;  Santa  Clara  Ave.  and  rGand.     Thursday. 

Dennis,  Dr.  Cecil  C;  Santa  Clara  Ave.  and  Grand. 

Dodson,  Rev.  and  Mrs.  G.  R. ;  2207  San  Jose  Ave. 

Dolliver,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  J.  S.;  1828  Clinton  Ave.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 

Durbrow,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.,  Miss  Dodge;  2135  Alameda  Ave.     Thursday. 

Durney,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph;  2249  San  Antonio  Ave. 

Dwinelle,  Mrs.  C.  E.;  1270  Weber.     Tuesday. 

Eckley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry,  Miss  C,  Miss  E..  Miss  M.  L.;  3267  Briggs.  Ave. 
Ellery,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.,  Miss  Alice  E.,  Miss  Edith  G.;  1506  orton. 
Elliott.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George;  1207  Grand. 

Epstein,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry,  Miss  Elsa,  Miss  Olga:  1832  Pacific  Ave. 
Estes,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  W.,  Miss  Alline;  1252  Pearl.     Wednesday. 

Fagan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  J.;  1900  Central  Ave. 
Farrar,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred  W.;  2042  Pacific  Ave. 
Field,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  K.,  Charles  K.,  artin,  H.  Willard;  717  Paru. 

(Tel.  Main  32.)     1st  Thursday. 
Fletter,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  J.,  Charles  F.,  Benjamin  F.;  2225  Central  Ave. 
Foley,  Edgar,  T.,  1219  Regent. 

Fox,  Mrs.  Julius,  Miss  Lulu  M.,  Miss  Anna  E.;  1525  Benton. 
Francis,  George  H.;  1909  Santa  Clara  Ave. 

Fraser,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Duncan,  Miss  E.,  Miss  M.  M.;  2103  Santa  Clara  Ave. 
Friedrich,  Col.  and  Mrs.   Robert  A..  Miss  Augusta  H.;  2117  Buena  Vista 

Ave.     Thursday. 
French,  Miss  Susie  A.;  20,000  Santa  Clara  Ave.,  cor.  Chestnut. 
Fricke,  Mrs.  George  C;  1827  Alameda  Ave.     1st  Wednesday. 
Frost,  Mrs.  M.  L.,  Charles  H.,  Horatio  T.;  2105  Buena  Vista  Ave. 


Gavlord.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  E.  P.,  Miss  Grace  N.:  2116  Central  Ave. 

Geiisoul.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  J.;  1015  Central  Ave.     Thursday. 

Gerald.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  F..  The  Misses;  1521  Chestnut. 

Gibbons.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Rosibnon.  Miss  Alice:  2534  Central  Ave. 

Gibbons.  Dr.  William  P.;  2434  Central  Ave. 

Graves.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hiram  T..  Miss:  1424  1-2  aPrk. 

Graves.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  E.:  1213  Central  Ave.     Wednesday. 

Green.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  F..  Miss  Lillian:  1520  Grand. 

Hammersmith.  Mrs.  M..  Miss  M..  Miss  C.  G..  F.  A.;  1174  Park. 
Harnden.   Mrs.  F.  A..  Miss  M..  Miss  S..  Miss  N..  Miss  E..  W.  H.;  1137 

Broadway.     Wednesday. 
Haslett.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  0.  C:  1412  Benton. 
Haslett.  r.  and  Mrs.  S.  M. ;  1605  Central  Ave.     Thursday. 
Hatch.  Miss  Emma  C:  Central  Ave.,  between  Grand  and  Union. 
Havens.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Howard:  1427  San  Antonio  Ave. 
Hays.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  C:  760  Central  Ave.     Wednesday. 
Heise.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  E.,  Carl;  cor.  Morton  and  Central  Ave.     Friday. 
Hellman.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  H.:  1620  Clinton  Ave. 
Henkenius.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  C,  Frederick:   1210  Paru. 
Henn.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  O.;   1830  San  Jose  Ave. 
Hibbard.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  A.;  1820  Clinton  Ave.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Hickok.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Arthur  M.:  1410  Santa  Clara  Ave. 
Hinchman.  W.  H.:  1528  St.  Charles. 

Holmes.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  B..  Edward  L..  Robert  J.:  912  Paru. 
Holt.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  J.:  1625  Dayton  Ave. 

Hooper.  Mrs.  Charles  A.:  1234  Hawthorne.     (Tel.   Black  591.)     2.  4  Tues. 
Hovey.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  E.:  1424  Oak.     Monday. 
Humphrey.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  G.:  917  Grand. 
Hunter.    Mr.    and    Mrs.    Edward    F. ;    Miss   Emma.    Miss   Isabelle,    James, 

Walter  V..  Richard  B.:  2050  Santa  Clara  Ave. 
Hutt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  de  Angelis;  1545  Bay.     Thursday. 

Ingerson.  Mrs.  M.  P.,  Miss  May  M.,  Harry  F..  Edward  B.:  1901  Alameda 
Ave.     Thursday. 

Jacobi.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis  H.:  815  Grand,  near  Clinton.     (Tel.  Main  16.) 

James.  Miss  Linda.  Edward  P.:  2310  Central  Ave.    Tuesday. 

Johnson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  C:  1343  Versailles. 

Johnstone.  Mrs.  M.  S..  Miss  Imogene:  1800  Alameda  Ave.     Friday. 

Jones.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Reed.  Reed.  Jr.;  1834  San  Antonio  Ave. 

Junkins.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  K.;   1603  Paru. 

Junkins.   Mrs.    O.   C:    1603   Paru. 

Kahn.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William:  924  Railroad  Ave.     Wednesday. 

Knowland.  Joseph;  2426  Lincoln  Ave. 

Knowles.  Edwin  I.:  1008   Pacific  Ave. 

Knowles.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  S.  E.:  1015  Santa  Clara  Ave.     Tuesday. 

Kollofsrath.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward:  1117  Union. 

Kunz,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry:  1720  San  Antonio  Ave. 

Lallv.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry.  Henry.  Jr.:  1615  Central  Ave.     Monday. 
Lamb,  Mrs.  D.  F..  Miss  Xeva  F..  George  W.:  1604  Central  Ave. 
Landsberger.  Henry  S.:  1417  San  Antonio  Ave. 

Landsberger.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  I.    Miss  Florence.  J.  A.;  1615  San  Jose  Ave. 
Leonard.  Mr    and  Mrs.  J    A.:  902  Lafayette.     (Tel.  Main  10.) 
Lissak.  Mr.  and  Mis.  Adolphus.  Miss  Edna  H..  Miss  Maud  A..  Miss  adaline; 
-<<■::■  San  Jose  Ave. 


Lubbock,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  H.;  2255  Central  Ave.     Thursday. 

Lubbock,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  W.  M.;  2255  Central  Ave. 

Lunt,  Mrs.  O.  A.,  Miss  Olita,  Hall;  2101  Central  Ave. 

Lutgen,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.,  Miss  L.,  Miss  A.;  917  Santa  Clara  Ave.    iFriday. 

Lynch,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  K.;  1236  Sherman.     Friday. 

Mackie,  Alexander;  2033  San  Antonio  Ave. 

Magill,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  H.,  Fred  M.;  1915  Buena  Vista.  Ave. 

Magill,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  H.,  Jr.;  1036  Railroad  Ave. 

Mansom,  iss  Florence;  1815  Central  Ave.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 

Marriott,  Mrs.  F.,  Miss  A.,  F.  A.,  E.  R.;  2151  Clinton  Ave.     Thursday. 

Martin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  David  W.;  1247  Park  Ave. 

Masten,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  M.;  2044  Central  Ave.     1st  Thursday. 

Mastick,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  H.;  Pacific  Ave.,  cor.  Wood. 

astick,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  H.;  1528  St.  Charles. 

McChesney,  R.  W.,  George  G.;  1815  Central  Ave. 

McCormick,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  H. ;  1803  Alameda  Ave. 

McLaughlin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  W.,  Miss  I.  M.,  L.  W.,  Jr.;  2250  San  Antonio. 

Melcher,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph;  1532  Pacific  Ave. 

Michaels,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry,  Miss  Alice,  Fred;  1637  Central  Ave. 

Millington,  James;  1340  Versailles  Ave. 

Mitchell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  B.;  1224  Chestnut.    1st  and  3d  Thursday. 

Moebus,  Frederick;  1833  Pacific  Ave. 

Moore,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wellesley;  1626  San  Jose  Ave. 

Morris,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  David;  Artesian  Block. 

Moreal  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  P.,  Miss  Minnie;  1566  Pacific  Ave.     Tuesday. 

Morrison,  Col.  and  Mrs.  G.  H.,  Miss  L.,  Miss  M.;  899  Union,  cor.  Clinton  Ave. 

Murdock,  George  H.;  1809  San  Antonio  Ave. 

Nahl,  Mrs.  Annie  J.,  Miss  Edna;  1601  Central  Ave.     Wednesday. 

NahL  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Resham  W.;  1420  Oak.     Monday. 

Naylor,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  E.;  1439  Morton. 

Neal,  Allen  S.;  1415  Union. 

Neal,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  S.,  Charles  S.,  Jr.;  1224  Encinal  Ave. 

Noble,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Burr,  Miss  P.,  Miss  M.,  P.;  1341  Broadway. 

Okell    Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  J.;  1833  Clinton  Ave.    Thursday. 
Osborn,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Homer  E.,  Robert  F.,  E.  T.;  1014  Paru. 
Owens,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John,  Miss  M.;  1909  Santa  Clara  Ave. 
Otis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank;   1609  Santa  Clara  Ave.     Thursday. 

Painter   Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edgar;  1912  Clinton  Ave.     Friday. 

Painter  Mr  and  Mrs.  Edward  R.,  Miss  J.  G.,  Miss  O.  M.;  1917  Regent. 

Pariser.'Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  A.,  Miss  I.,  Miss  E.,  M.  H.,  Russell;  2310  Central 

Ave.     Tuesday. 
Perry,  r.  and  Mrs.  A.  B.;  2215  Central  Ave. 
Plummer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  E. :  1438  San  Antonio  Ave. 
Prosser,  Mr.   and  Mrs.  A.  M.;  2016  San  Antonio  Ave.     2d   and  4th  Wed. 

Randolph,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Daniel  L.;  1251  St.  Charles. 
Read   Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  W.;  2039  Alameda  Ave. 
Reynolds,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  G.  P.,  Miss  Grace  E.;  2256  Central  Ave. 
Reynolds,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  eGorge  A.;  2065  Alameda  Ave.     Wednesday. 
Rigby,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.;  Paru  and  San  Antonio  Ave. 
Rix,  William;   1013   Paru. 

Robertson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  W.:   2028  Encinal  Ave.     Thursday. 
Rofljinson,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H,  Miss  S.  Mae,  Miss  Clara  S.,  Miss  Matie, 
Leo  S.';  2237  San  Antonio  Ave.     Thursday. 


Rosetter,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George,  Miss  Anita,  Hiss  Bessie,  James,  George  R. ; 
2030  San  Jose  Ave. 

Rosseter,  Mrs.  J.  H.,  Miss  M.,  Miss  B.,  John  H.;  900  Grand.     1.  3  Wed. 

Rountree,  James  O..  Miss  Laura,  Miss  Louise;  1023  Central  Ave.     Tuesday. 

Rountree.  James  O..  Jr.;  1918  Lafayette. 

Russell,  John  A.,  Miss  A.,  Miss  Nettie  J.,  John  A..  Jr.;  Pacific  Ave.,  oppo- 
site Fourth. 

Rue,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  D.;  2029  Encinal  Ave.    Thursday. 

Schemmel.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  E.,  Edward:  1224  Park  Ave. 

Schenck,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  Y.  T.;  2071  San  Jose  Ave. 

Schneider,  J.  M..  Miss  Lena,  August  A.:  2025  Clinton  Ave.     Wednesday. 

Scott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  eGorge  W.;  1723  Central  Ave.     Tuesday. 

Scribner,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  D. ;  100S  Central  Ave.     Wednesday. 

Sellier,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis  J.,  Miss  Anna:  1732  Alameda. 

Sevening.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry.  Miss  Lulu;  1320  Park. 

Shattuck.  Mrs.  C.  H.:  1729  Central  Ave.     Thursday. 

Shattuck.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  F.:  1836  Clinton  Ave.     Monday. 

Sherwood,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Eugene.  Miss  Isabel,  Miss  Rose,  Miss  Jessie,  Miss 

Winifregd,  Lionel:  Encinal  Ave.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 
Shreve,   Mr.   and  Mrs.   George  W..   Miss   Minerva,   Miss  May;   1805  Santa 

Clara  Ave.     Thursday. 
Siegfried.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  C.  Mi_ss  H..  Alfred  W.:  2044  Alameda  Ave. 
Smith.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  A.:  2067  San  Jose  Ave.     Wednesday. 
Smith.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Clarence  M..  Miss  D.  B.;  1S25  Clinton  Ave.     Tuesday. 
Smith.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  Minor:   2721  Buena  Vista  Ave. 
oule.  Mrs.  Mary  X..  Miiss  G..  William  F. :  1232  Sherman. 
Stedman.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  M.:  1219  Regent.     1st  and  4th  Thursday. 
St.  Sure.  Alophus:   1215  Regent. 

Stiefvater.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S..  Miss  E..  A.  P.  de  W..  G.;  907  Central.     Tuesday. 
Stoddard,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  A.:  155  Encinal  Ave. 
Stratton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  A.,  Miss  Carrie:  1834  San  Jose  Ave. 
Strauss,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Martin;  1519  Encinal. 
Sutter,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.;  1522  Willow.    Wednesday. 
Swain,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  R. :  1717  San  Antonio  Ave.     Thursday. 
Swayne,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W..  Miss  Alice  E..  Miss  Helen  M. :  1005  Morton. 
Swayne.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  H.:  1717  Alameda  Ave.     Wednesday. 
Swyney.  W.  J.,  Miss  Kate.  Robert.  George:  1506  Railroad  Ave. 

Tardiff,  Frederick:  1821  Encinal  Ave. 

Tavlor,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  K.:  1375  Resent. 

Teller,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.  S.:  2132  Central  Ave. 

Thorn.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles.  Jr.:  cor.  San  Jose  Ave.  and  Paru. 

Tisdale.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C.  L. ;  X.  E.  cor.  Alameda  Ave.  and  Paru. 

Tisdale.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  T.  P..  Miss  Blanche.  Dr.  Dio  L.;  2300  Central  Ave. 

Tyson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  H. :  1501  Central  Ave.     Friday. 

Vail,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  H..  Frank  A..  Stanley  M.:   1423    Central    Avt 

Van  Brunt,  Mrrs.  E.  E..  Miss  Ruth:  1211  Park  Ave. 

Van  Brunt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  R.;   1727  Encinal  Ave. 

Van  Meter.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  L. :  Santa  Clara  Ave.,  opp.  Mozart. 

Van  Orden.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  .L:  1125  Paru.     Tuesday. 

Van  Sicklen.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  W.,  Miss  Hilda;  1831  Central  Ave.    Thursday. 

Voogt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  W..  Miss  Edna;  1113  Chestnut.     Wednesday. 

Voogt,  George  W.;  1205  Lafayette. 

Wall,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  J.  G.,  Miss  Maggie.  William  F.;  1836  Santa  Clara  Ave. 
Ward.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  H.,  Harold  < '.:  72::  Paru. 


Ward,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  G.,  Miss  Emma,  Miss    Maybelle,  Walter.;    1539 

Versailles  Ave. 
Waterman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Augustus;  728  Paru.     Friday. 
Waymire.  Judge  and  Mrs.  James  A.,  Miss  Maud  W.,  Miss  Edna  M.;  cor. 

Buena  Vista  Ave.  and  Walnut. 
Weihe.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  F.;  268  Eleventh.     Wednesday. 
Wever,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  H.;  1502Park.     Tuesday. 
Whitney,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  B.,  Roy  L. ;  1530  Pacific  Ave. 
Weller,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  L. 

Wiggins,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Marcus  P.,  Miss  Helen.  Marcus  H.;  1357  Broadway. 
Williamson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  David  E. ;  2124  Central  Ave.    Tuesday. 
Winter,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  P.;  Central  Ave.  and  Oak.    2d  Tuesday. 
Wood,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  L.,  Miss  Mary  K.:   1420  Oak.     Monday. 
Wright,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  T.;  1417  San  Antonia  Ave. 
Wright,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H.,  Pacific  Ave.,  near  William. 

Youngberg,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  John  E.,  Frederick  C,  Charles  J.;  1403  Morton. 
Younger,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  A.;  cor.  Pacific  Ave.,  opp  Fourth. 

Ziel,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fedor;  Alameda  Ave.,  near  Paru. 

G.  L.  BRESSE  &  CO. 

Real  Estate  Agents 

House  and  Insurance  Brokers 

Real  estate  sold  at  private  or  public  sale,  A~\  Q   -p-rvr-n   QTTJTTT 

loans  negotiated,   insurance   affected,   and  mTzlZi   riJNJj  blxtLLl 
houses    rented,    rents    collected    and    full 
charge  taken  of  property.  above  Montgomery 

.   ,        _  Nevada  Block         San  Fham  imo 

Appraisements  made  a  specialty.  Country 
property  sold,  bought  and  exchanged.  Telephone  Main  5456 

B.  L.  STONE  >&> 

328  Sutter  Street  Rugs,  Grills,  Drapery,  Upholstery,  Cosy  Corners 

San  Francisco  Down  and  Floss  Pillows-  Chinese  and  Japanese 

Telephone  Grant  113  Mattings.  Furniture  and  Carpets   Renovated, 

Shades  Poles.  Mattresses.  Etc..  Etc.    .     . 


Bounded  by  Market.  Eighth  and  Mission  Streets  OPPOSITE  NEW  CITY  HALL 

D,  R,  McNEILL.  Proprietor 

Office        ....        H89   MARKET   STREET 
Also  Office  of  California  League  Base  Ball  Grounds 









Ul     e] 

O    <U 





Low  Prices  and  Superior  Quality  a  Special  Feature- 

4(in(J,  A\055  &  ©ompanv 

.    .    .    MANUFACTURING    .    .    . 


Jewels  Re-mounted  by  Skilled  Artists  in  tlw  Latest  European  Designs. 
The  Most  Unique  and  Attractive  Display  of  Sterling  Silver  on  the  Pacific  Coast 

639  Market  Street,  San  Francisco. 


Students  prepared  for  entrance  into  the  California  State  and  Leland 
Stanford.,  Jr.,  Universities,  Harvard  and  all  Law  and  Medical 
Colleges.      Teacher  of  Mathematics  in  the  I  'niversity  of  California. 

Instruction  given  strictly  private  or  if  desired  in  small   classes. 
Oftirr,  'i407  South  Atherton  St..  'Berkeley.        "Residence,   I'il4  Leavenworth  Street, 
Hours,  i  to  5.  bet.  Clay  &  Sacramento,  San  Francisco. 


Brokers  and  Commissionmen 
New   York    Stocks    and    Chicago   Grain   and   Provisions  a  Specialty 


Principal  Office,  No.  4  Leidesdorff  Street,   corner  Pine,   near  Stock   Exchange, 
and  Palace  Hotel,  San  francisco,  Cal. 

PARLOR   FOR   LADIES.    318   PINE  STREET.    ROOM    3  Telephone,  Main  1954 

Branch  Offices— Los  Angeles,  125>2  West  Second  Street  ;  San  Jose,    13  South   First  Street  ; 
Stockton,  40  North  Fl  Dorado  Street ;  Sacramento,  1005  Fourth  Street. 





telephone  pine  ,821  Page,   near  Stanyan  Street 

A.  E.  PLISE  &  CO. 

Late  with  H.  E.  Furner, 


Rattan  and  Bamboo  Eurniture 

Staining,   Enameling,  Gilding,  Carpet  Laving,   Upholstering 



Adams,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  H.;  1531  Prince.     Thursday 
Adcock,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.,  Charles  E.;  Hopkins,  near  Sacramento. 

Bacon,  Prof    and  Mrs.  T.  R.,  Miss  Annie  S.,  Miss  Harriett  B.;  Bushnell 

near  College  Way.     Tuesday. 
Ballard,  John:  Claremont  Ave.,  near  Russell. 
Barker.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  L.,  Miss  Georgie.  Frederick  P.;  2031  Dwight 

Bell,  Charles  D.;  2313  Durant  Ave. 

Bergen,  Judge  and  Mrs.  B.  F.,  Miss  Annie  M.,  Miss  Emily  M    Ben  C  •  <>934 

Telegraph  Ave.     Thursday. 
Beals,  Mrs.  C.  R.;  2214  Atherton.     Wednesday 
Blood,  Mrs.  Ellen.  Miss  May  E.,  George  D. ;  25*26  Durant  \ve 
Blake,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Sherman  T.;  Ash  by  and  Fulton.    Wednesday 
Bonte,  Rev.  and  Mrs.  'J.  H.  C,  Miss  Fannie:  2610  Dwight  Way      '  ' 
Boone,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Philip  R. ;  2029  Durant  Ave 
Booth,  William  F. ;  2302  Dana. 

Brooks,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Harrison.  Miss  Bessie,  J.  W     Tuesday 
Bradley,  Prof,  and  Mrs.  Cornelius  B.;  2317  Bancroft  Wav     " 
Bunnell    Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  S.:   2730  Dwight  Way.     Thursday 
Bush,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  C,  Miss  Florence,  Reed;  2438  Durant  Ave.     Thurs. 

Carlisle,  Albert;  821  Vine,  near  Spring- 
Carlson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward,  Miss  Edna:  2324  Fulton 
Chick    Mrs.  F    H..  Guy,  H..  Ralph  A.,  Maurice  A.;  2611  Durant   We 
Clark,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  K.;  2301  Durant  Ave.    Wednesdav 
Clark,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  H.:  Mark  and  Dwight  Way.    2d  and  4th  Tuesday 
Clayes,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  M..  iss  Edith  M..  Miss  Mary  B.;  2420  Dwight  Way 
Connor,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred  F.;  2014  Cedar  Ave.     Tuesday. 

Day,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Clinton;  2747  Bancroft  Way 

Be%l^ "annS: Miss  Edna  M/Miss  Dorothy- °—  3100 

Deane,  Mrs.  John,  Miss  Esma,  Miss  Mary  R.;  Claremont  Ave     cor    Tyler 
Dunn    Dr   and  Mrs.  Martin  J.;  2522  Dana.     2d  and  4th  Wednesday 
Dutch,  Miss  Mary  A.;  College  Ave.,  near  Dwight  Way 

Eames,  Mrs.  Ninetta;  N.  W.  cor.  Fulton  and  Parker.    Tuesday 
Eames,  Roscoe  L.;  N.  W.  cor.  Fulton  and  Parker. 


Ellston,  Charles  A.,  Miss,  John;  Shattuck  Ave. 

Eastman,  Mrs.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  S.;  2164  Center. 

Eggleson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ambrose  T.,  Charles  P.;  2006  Dwight  Way.    Wed. 

Everding,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John,  John,  Jr.;   S.  W.  cor.  Second  and  Bristol. 

Fitzgerald,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  L.;  2218  Dana.     Tuesday. 
Flagg,  Prof,  and  Mrs.  Isaac,  Miss;  2001  Francisco. 
Fletcher,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  W.;  2701  Dwight  Way. 

Garber,  Judge  and  Mrs.  John,  Miss  Juliet  W.,  Miss  Lida  B.,  Joseph  B.; 

Claremont  Ave.     Thursday. 
Gayley,  Prof.  Charles  M. ;  Oxford,  near  College  Way. 
Gibbons,  Mrs.  E. ;  2316  Dana,  cor.  Durant  Ave. 
Gray,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  S.;  "Scenic  Tract." 
Gray.  John,  Jr.;  Louisa  and  Cedar. 

Green,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Adam  T.,  Miss  Florence  E.;  Dwight  Way,  nr  Bowditch. 
Gross,  Miss  Mabel  H. ;  2538  Dwight  Way. 

Haley,  Dr.  Charles  S.,  Miss,  Charles,  Jr.;  John  J.;  1019  Channing  Way. 

Hanscom,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  O.;  Lancaster  Block. 

Hart,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  H.;  2511  Durant  Ave.     Thursday. 

Hayne,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Brewton  A. ;  2421  Piedmont  Ave. 

Henry,  Miss  E.;    Allston  Way  and  Ellsworth.     Wednesday. 

Hilgard,  Prof,  and  Mrs.  E.  W..  Miss,  Miss  Alice  R.;  2728  Bancroft  Way. 

Hoag,  Edward  H.;  Allston  Way  and  Ellsworth. 

Hoffman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  H. ;  2147  Addison.     Wednesday. 

Howison,  George  H.:  2731  Bancroft  Way. 

Hume,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph,  Joseph,  Jr.;  Dwight  Way  cor.  Milvia. 

Hunt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  H..  Miss  Pearl;  2151  Center.    Tuesday. 

Hurlburt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  R.;  2025  Virginia.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 

Husted,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  M.,  Miss  Edith;  2032  Bancroft  Way.    Tuesday. 

Jones,  Prof,  and  Mrs.  William  Carey;  2211  Ellsworth. 
Jones,  Cecil  K. ;  Allston  Way  and  Ellsworth. 

Keith,  William;   2207  Atherton,  near  Allston  Way. 

Kellogg.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  Martin.  Miss  Annie;  Bushnell,  near  College  Way. 
Kennedy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Richard  T.;  2643  Telegraph  Ave. 
Ketchum,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  A.,  Miss  M.  E.,  Miss  B.,  W.  F.:  2201  Atherton. 
King.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  G..  Miss  N.  W.,  Miss  M.;  2313  Durant  Ave. 
Kinghorn- Jones,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  A.,  Miss  E.,  Miss  A.,  Frank;   Virvinia 
and  LeRoy. 

Lange,  Prof.  Alexander  F. ;  Bancroft  Way,  near  Shattuck. 

Lawson,  Prof.  Andrew  C. ;  2511  Dwight  Way. 

Lawton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  H.;  2211  Durant  Ave. 

Le  Conte,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.,  Miss  C,  Joseph,  Jr.;  2739  Bancroft  Way.    Tues. 

Le  Conte,  Jouis  J.;  2501  Mark. 

Leechman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John;  2655  Dwight  Way.     2d  and  4th  Tuesday. 

Leuschner,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  O. ;  2226  Chapel.    YWednesday. 

Little,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  K. ;  2223  Durant  Ave. 

McCleave,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  Wm.,  Miss  M.,  T.;  1515  Walnut,  near  Vine. 

McGovern,  Miss  Anna;  Ellsworth  and  Mark.     Thursday. 

McMicheal,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  M.  J. ;  Channing  and  Piedmont  Ways. 

Merriam,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  C;  2223  Durant  Ave. 

Merrill,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  S.;  2031  Bancroft  Way. 

Metcalf,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  D.,  John  B. ;  Bushnell,  near  College  Way. 

Meyer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Henry;  2216  College  Ave. 


Mighell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Win.  E..  Frank  E.;  1533  Oxford. 

Miner,  Dr.  Henry  N.;  2227  Wwight  Way 

Moffett,  Samuel  E.:  Highland  Place  and'College  Way 

Montealegre.  Mrs.  S.  M.:  2122  Bancroft  Way 

Morgan.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Benj.:  2747  Channinv  Way.     Tuesday 

Morse    Mr.  and  Mrs.   Ralph  E.,   Miss  B.,   Clinton  R.;  cor."  Shattuck  Ave 

and  Bancroft  Way. 
Moses,  Prof,  and  Mrs.  Bernard;  College  Ave.  and  Allston  Way. 

Niehaus.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ernest  C;  1018  Bristol. 

Palache,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James.  Miss  Eliza.  Miss  Mary,  Charles,  Whitnev 

Claremont  Ave.     Wednesdav. 
Palmer.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  T.  H.*;  Piedmont  Ave.  and  Bancroft  Way 
Partridge.   Mr.   and  Mrs.  Sam  C:  2003  Ha?te      Tuesday 
Peck.  Edwin  P.:  2229  Channing  Way,  near  Ellsworth  ' 
Pennoyer   Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  A.:  2647  Bancroft  Way.     1st  and  3d  Tuesdav 
Powell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter:   2203  Atherton 
Preble,  Charles  S.:  1534  Arch,  near  Cedar. 
Putzsker.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  Albin;  2600  Telegraph  Ave. 

Rhodes,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Godfrey:    174S  Oxford. 

Richardson.  Prof.  George  M.:    221S  Chapel 

Rising.    Prof,    and    Mrs.    Willard    B..    Miss   Ruth.    Miss   Alice,    Lawrence- 

Chapel,  cor.  Allston  Way. 
Ritter.  Prof.  William  E..  Dr.  Mary  Bennett:  2222  Durant  Ave 
Robinson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  P..  Miss  E..  Miss  I.;  2425  Durant  Ave.     2.  4  Fri. 

Scitchler.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  L.:  2214  Atherton.     Wednesdav 

Spiers.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.,  J.  H..  Wm.  G.:  2401  Durant  Ave."    2d  and  4th  Thur 

Shattuck.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  K..  Miss:  Shattuck  Ave.,  near  Bancroft  Wav 

Stringham,  Prof,  and  Mrs.  Irving.  F.  D. :  Prospect  Ave.  and  Bancroft  Wav 

Squires.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  A.:  2102  Vine. 

Stuart,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alex  C:  2424  Dwight  Wav. 

Taylor,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry;  1020  Albina. 

Taylor.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel;  Oxford,  near  Eunice 

Tidball.  Miss  Gertrude:  1615  Hopkins. 

Tompkins,  Perry  W. :  2504  Dana. 

Thomas.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  P.;  "La  Lonia."  Vine,  near  Spring. 

Vance,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James,  Miss  Effie;  2225  Wwight  Way.     Friday. 

Wall,  Miss  Lillie  B.,  Dr.  Benj.  P.;  2200  Atherton 
Wattles.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  S.:  2136  Universitv  Ave 
Webb,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Earl  H.;  Virginia,  near  Euclid.     Mondav 
We  lendorff,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis,  Miss  Maud;   1601  Walnut 
Wells,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Amassa  H.;  2000  Bancroft  Wav 
Wells,  Mrs.  M.  A.:   2000  Bancroft  Wav.  cor    Milvia 
\\  l.-kson,  Prof,  and  Mrs.  E.  J..  Miss  Ednah  H.:  2723  Bancroft  Wav 
Wiley.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  R.:  2132  Ellsworth.     Tuesdav 
Wilkinson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  T. :  2644  Dwight  Wav 
Whirlow,  Mrs.  H.  E.;  2214  Atherton. 
Whitcomb,  Frank  R. 

Whitcomb,  Ralston;  2136  Universitv  Ave. 
Whitworth,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  George  F. ;  2200  Fulton 
Wilson.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  William  A.:  X.  W.  cor.  Fulton  and  Ward 
Woolsey.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  B..  Miss  Edna  B..  Walter  P..  Dr    Frank  R     C    H 
Roy  I.;  Fairview,  near  Telegraph  Ave.     Thursdav 








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Is  the  most  luxuriously  furnished 
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ator   of    many    years    experience    in    Train   Dispatching.    Railroad  and  Commercial   work. 
Our    LIFE    SCHOLARSHIP    entitles    the    student    to    ;ill    of   the   advantages    in    each 
department,    for   the   one   fee   of   $50.00. 

Low  rates  per  month  and  week;  Day  and    Evening   Session.     Send   for  Catalogue. 

_. i.    -         S'  ^ 





Haik  and  Manicure  Goods 

56  South  First  St. 
San  .lose.  Cal. 




Residence :    •".::  Lenzen  Ave. 

Telephones  :  [  2"J5' ***  ^  *  ,,. 
'  i  Residence,  Ki'd  n  i 

110  South  Second  street 

San  Jose.  (  al. 


The  Leading  Journal  of  California 

Outside  of  San  Francisco 

Published  at  SAN  JOSE 

The  Center  of  the  Greatest  Fruit  Section 
of  the  World  -J*  J*  -J* 

Issued  Every  Morning  of  the  Year 

DAILY    : 

°/£<P  0)0(0 





VKH5AXK    : 


The  Santa  Clara  Valley's  Great  Weekly 


Editor  and  Proprietor 

Clifford  J.  Owen 


Eastern  Office 

D.   M.    FOLTZ,    Representative 

34  Park  row 

New  York  City 

Our  Society 
....Blue  Book 



Miss  G.  H.;  510  N.  First. 
347  S.  Tenth.     Thursday. 


St.  John.     Wed. 

B.;    cor.    Senter 

Adams,  C.  L.;  509  S.  Third. 

Adel,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  W.  T.,  Miss  M. 

Alexander,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  J.; 

Allen,  Prof,  and  Mrs.  C.  H.;  419  S.  Third. 

Allison,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  D.;  752  S.  Second.     Wednesday. 

Andrews,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  C,  Miss  M.;  98  N.  Third,  cor. 

Angevine,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  G.;  Northrup,  near  Paula. 

Archer,   Judge  and   Mrs.    Lawrence,    Lawrence,   Jr.,   Leo 

and  Keyes  Road.    Thursday. 
Arques,  Mrs.   Nellie  G.,  Clement  R.;    301   Market.     (Tel.  Red  811.)     Thur. 
Arguello.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Luis;  400  S.  Second. 

Austin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Paul  Page.    083  S.  Second.     (Tel.  Black  021.)     Mon. 
Auzerais,  Mrs.  Louisa;  145  E.  San  Carlos.     Tuesday. 
Auzerais,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  E.,  Miss  Amy;  343  E.  Reed. 

Baker,  Capt.  W.  B.,  Miss  Mattie  S.,  Miss  Emily  L.,  Miss  A.  Hollis;  217  S. 

Eleventh.     Wednesday. 
Ballou,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Q.  A.,  Miss  A.  S.;  Milpitas  Road,  near  St.  Charles. 
Barker,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Albert  M.:  330  N.  Third.     Wednesday. 
Barnett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  C. ;  205  W.  San  Fernando. 

Bassler,  Mrs.  A.,  Miss,  Miss  Alice;  cor.  Stockton  Ave.,  cor.  Newhall.  Wed. 
Beach,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Tyler,  William  H. ;  St.  James  Hotel.     Thursday. 

Mrs.  Charles  S.j   104  S.  Tenth. 
Miss  F.  E.,  Edward  H.;  Sunol,  near  San  Fernando.     Tues. 

Mrs.  T.  Ellard,  Miss  M.  V.,  Miss  F.  L.,  Miss  R.;  Ivyhurst. 
(Tel.  Black  1191.)     1st  and  3d  Friday. 
Beans.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  K.;   411  N.  Third.     Tuesday. 
Belden,  Mrs.  David;  189  S.  Eleventh. 
Bethell,  Miss  Laura;   344   S.   Second. 

Bishop,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  A.  B.,  Miss  M.  G.,  Miss  M.  W..  G.  W.;  32  N.  Eight.  Fri. 
Blackford,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  W.,  Miss  Alice,  Miss  Florence;  53  S.  Sixth.  Mon. 
Blanchard,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  W.;  The  Alameda,  cor.  Polhemus.    Tuesday 

Beach,  Mr.  and 
Beal,  Mrs.  H.  L. 
Beans,  Mr.  and 

152  SAN  JOSE 

Blaney,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  D.,  Miss  C;  Stevens  Creek  Road.     Tuesday. 

Boring,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  W.;  1041  S.  Second. 

Boschken,  J.,  J.  William;  136  S.  First. 

Boschken,  Mrs.  Henry;  79  E.  San  Fernando.     Tuesday. 

Bothwell,  Mrs.  J.  L.,  J.  Louis;  95  N.  Seventh. 

Borthwell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  A.;  422  S.  Fifth. 

Boulware,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  A.,  Miss  Jennie  L. ;  271  N.  Fifth.     Wednesday. 

Bowden,  Wm.  A.;  The  Alameda,  near  Sunol. 

Bowden,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  N.;  The  Alameda,  near  Fremont.     (Tel.  Main  256.) 

Bowman,  Mr.   and   Mrs.  George  M.,   Miss  Edna,   George  W.,  Melville  B.; 

480  N.  First.     (Tel.  Red  1191.)     Wednesday. 
Brackett,  Miss  Dora,  J.  N.  Bruce;  469  Second. 

Brainard,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  A.;  Guadaloupe  Road.     Wednesday. 
Brainard,  Mrs.  M.  D. ;  Guadaloupe  Road. 
Brassy,    Mr.    and    Mrs.    F.,    Miss    Louise,    Miss    Irene,    Albert,    Ferndale, 

Lucien;   Alum  Rock  Ave.     1st  and  2d  Thursday. 
BellevueCottage,IY!2,E  7890$..  ETAOI  NSHRDLU  7890$.  .ETAOINSHRDL 
Breyfogle,  Miss  Stella  M.,   Miss  Vida  F.,   Charles  E.;  cor.  Third  and  St. 

James.     Wednesday. 
Brown,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  A.;  44  N.  Fifth.     Thursday. 
Bruce,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  M.,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  M.;  55  Stockton  Ave. 
Bruner,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  S.;  Hotel  Vendome.    Monday. 
Bryant,  D.  T.;   35  N.  First. 

Burchard,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  W. ;  478  N.  Third,  cor.  Breyfogle  Ave. 
Burke,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  P.;  341  Alum  Rock  Ave.     (Tel.  Black  991.) 
Burke,  Dr.  R.  H. ;  Hotel  Vendome. 
Burkholder,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank;  310  S.  Tenth. 

Cadwallader,  Mrs.  E.  J.;  The  Alameda,  bet.  Hall  and  Sunol.     Tuesday. 

Caldwell,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Robert;  340  Second.     Friday. 

Callisch,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis;  201  W.  San  Fernando.    Thursday. 

Campbell,  Mr.  A.  C;  Campbell,  Cal. 

Campbell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  H.;  N.  E.  cor.  First  and  Empire.    Tuesday. 

Carson,  R.  N. ;  47  Santa  Clara,  cor.  Second. 

Chapin,    Mrs.    M.    E.,    Miss,    Miss    Maria    Endicott,   John    E.;    University 

Ave.,  cor.  Elm.     2d  and  4th  Friday. 
Childs,  Prof,  and  Mrs.  C.  W.,  Miss  Beatrice,  Miss  Blanche,  C.  L. ;  98  N.  Ninth. 
Chipman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  J.;  410  San  Salvador. 
Clark,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  B.;   168  S.  Tenth.     Thursday. 
Clayton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  W.;  358  N.  Seventh. 
Clayton,  Mrs.  J.  A.,  Miss  Ethel,  John  J.;  471  N.  First. 

Clayton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  S.;  Sunol,  cor.  Park  Ave.     (Tel.  Black  611.)    Mon. 
Cochrane,  Mrs.  A.  H.;  216  S.  Second. 

Colombet,  Mrs.  Ann,  Miss  A.,  C.  M^  Wm.  A.,  L.  N.;  731  Santa  Clara. 
Colombet,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  F.;  45  N.  Eighth. 

Compton,  Mrs.  W.  F.,  Louie:  Fourteenth,  bet.  Taylor  and  Jackson.    Wed. 
Connelly,  Mrs.  A.  P.,  Miss  Alice  B. ;  310  S.  Seventh.     Wednesday. 
Cook,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  W.;  75  Pond. 

Coppock,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Enos,  Miss  L. ;  9  Pleasant  Ave.     Wednesday. 
Cory,  Mrs.  S.  A.,  Miss  S.,  Miss  H.;  435  S.  Second.    Thursday. 
Cox,  Mrs.  C,  Miss  S.,  Miss  F.  M.;  456  N.  Second.     1st  and  3d  Monday. 
Coykendall,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank:  362  Senter.     Wednesday. 
Coykendall,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.,  362  Senter. 
Coykendall,  Horatio  G. ;  Alum  Rock  Ave. 
Curnow,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  R.;  360  S.  Second. 

Davisfi,  Mrs.  E.  L.,  Miss  F.,  Miss  B.;  cor.  Hedding  and  Elm. 

Dawson,  Mrs.  J.  M.,  Miss  E. ;  Alameda  Ave.,  near  Polhemus.     Tuesday. 

SAX  JOSE  153 

De  Saisset.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Pedro.  Miss  H.  M..  Miss  I.  A.;  243  S.  Market 

Dougherty,  Mrs.  \Y.  P.;  460  Forst,  cor.  Henslev  Ave 

Dow,  Miss  Annie:  587  E.  Santa  Clara.     Thursday 

Dunne,  Mrs.   Catherine,  Miss  Kate;    436  S.  'third.     (Tel.   Red  141)     Wed 

Dusing,  H.  P.;  Safe  Deposit  Building. 

Earle.  Mrs.  E.  R.;  329  X.  Third.     Thursday 

Edwards.  Mr.  anci  Mrs.  H.  W..  Miss  C.  M..  W.  J.;  094  S.  Second.     Thursday. 

El  wood.  Prot.  and  Mrs.  J.  H.;  223  S.  Second. 

Enright.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  G.;  St.  James  Hotel 

Eaton,  Alfred  C;  530  X.  P'irst. 

Faull,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  H.;  329  N.  Third      Tuesday 

Fay,  Charles  W.;  St.   Claire  Club. 

Field,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Arthur  G.:  455  S.  Third.     (Tel.  Red  1181) 

Field,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  M.;  411  X.  Second.     Monday 

Finch.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H.;  63  S.  Xinth 

Findley.  J.  \Y.:  St.  Claire  Club. 

p!«hfn,TD^  a^duIr^L'  Frank:  COr'  E1^enth  and  San  Fernando, 
r  isner,  J.  E.;  63  Hedding. 

Flickinger.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  H..  Miss  S.,  C.  S.;  306  S.  Eleventh. 

Flickinger.   Mr.   and   Mrs.   H.   Allen:    2S0   S    Eleventh 

Foley,  Miss  A.  E.;  The  Berrvessa,  56  S   First 

Friant.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alfred.  Miss  L..  Miss  F.;  149  S.  Second.     Thursdav 

Friant,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alfred  E.;  533  S.  Third.     Wednesday 

Friant.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Antonio;  S.  W.  cor.  Sixth  and  William.     Monday. 

Gaines.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  S..  Miss  Alice:  503  X.  Fourth.     Mondav 

George.  Mrs.  Fanny.  Miss  Mattie;  256  X.  Third 

Gill.  William  L.:  26  S.  First;  Sainte  Claire  Club 

Gillespie.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  J..  Miss  C.  Charles  F.:  441  W.  San  Fernando 

Goodrich,  Mrs.  Knox:  346  X.  First 

G°rLindaMvtstaM\rve    MiS"   ****    L''    ^   Rancho-    McKee   Roa^    near 

Gordon.  Dr.  W.  A    Miss  F.  B.:  cor.  Seventh  and  Santa  Clara.     Monday 

Gosbey.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.  F.:  4S9  X.  Fourth.     Wednesday 

Gossard.  W.   D.:  110  X.  Fourth 

Granadino  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  B..  Miss  H.,  Mr.  M.  B.,  Jr.:  107  S.  Tenth     Thur 

GUPSlwardSa^9^TSrdH-    ""    ^    **    ^    —    *~ 

K?  £  Sdd  K  g^^:aH2ff%J2S Red  751J  lst  Monday- 

Hall.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  A.:  917  X.  Fourteenth.     Friday 

Hall.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  U..  Miss  Pearl:  25  E.  St  James 

Hall.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  P..  Jr.;  216  Autumn.     (Tel.  Main  143  ) 

Harmon,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  H.:   303  S.  Xinth 

Hart.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry:  843  E.  Julian,  cor.  Fourteenth 

Hatch.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jackson:  354  Alum  Rock  Ave.     (Tel.'  Red  991  )     Tues 

awley.   Mr.   and    Mrs.    W.    G.:    430   X.    Fifth.     Tuesday 

Hawey.    Mr.   and    Mrs.   W.    G.:   430   X.   Fifth.     Tuesday. 

Hawley.  Miss.  G.  A.,  F.  W.;  McKee  Road 

Haydock.  Mr  and  Mrs.  C:   175  X.  Fifth.     (Tel.  Red  361.)    Thursday 

Hernngton.  B.  A.;  105  E.  Julian.  ursuay. 

JJm8^  MHAarIld  ,!-\R-  M'  McLa«gMi*    ^ve.,  cor.  Lendrum. 
Hill.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  B.:  715  W.  Julian.     Friday 
Hoagland.   Mrs.   Rose  A.:  189   S.   Eleventh 
Hobson.  T.  W.;  83  Hobson. 

154  SAN  JOSE 

Hoklen,  Prof.  Edward  S.;  Lick  Observatory. 

Holly,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  R.;  lo4  S.  River. 

Huggins,  Mr.  and  Mrs.   A.   G.;    The  Alameda,  cor.  McKendrie.     Tuesday. 

Hugnes,  Mrs.  W.  P.,  Miss  Mamie  P.;  351  S.  Fourth.    Monday. 

Hunkins,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  B.,  Miss  E.,  A.,  R.  S.;  149  E.  St.  James. 

Hyland,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  H.;  273  E.  St.  John.     Thursday. 

Ingalsbe,  A.  W.;   Sainte  Claire  Club. 

Johnson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  B.;  White  Road,  N.  of  Julian.     Wednesday. 

Johnson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  C;  450  N.  Fourth. 

Johnston,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  N.;  80  N.  Eighth. 

Johnston,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  S.;  375  E.  St.  John. 

Johnson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas;  The  Alameda. 

Johnson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  E.;  Schiele  Ave.     (Tel.  Black  1951.)     Monday. 

Kalfus,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  L.;  Alum  Rock  Ave.,  near  McLaughlin  Ave. 
Kell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Martin  D.,  Miss,  T.  B.,  M.  B.;  New  Almaden  Road. 
Kelley,  Mrs.  James  V.,  Miss  Elene;  Alameda  Ave.,  near  Emory. 
King,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  Loui,  Miss  Luena  M.,  Loui  F.,  Frank  G.;  259  N. 

Second.     (Tel.  Black  1421.)    Wednesday. 
King,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.;  843  E.  Julian,  cor.  Fourteenth. 
Kirkpatrick,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  J.;  81  Pierce  Ave.     Tuesday. 
Kittredge,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  S.,  Ashbel  H.,  Henry  S.;  557  E.  St.  John. 
Kleeberger,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  R. ;  Lincoln  Ave.,  near  Willow.     Tuesday. 
Knickerbocker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E. ;  404  N.  First.    Thursday. 
Kraus,  Frank;  Hotel  Vendome. 

Ledyard,   Mrs.  J.  A.;  441  S.  Second.     Thursday. 

Ledyard,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  F.  K.,  Miss  May  F.;  441  S.  Second.     Thursday. 

Lieb,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  F.;   Alameda  Ave.     (Tel.  Balck  191.)     Tuesday. 

Lendrum,  Miss  Maggie;  McLaughlin  Ave.,  near  Lendrum.     Thursday. 

Lenzen,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Theodore;  53  Lenzen  Ave.     Tel.  Red  111.)     2,  4  Tues. 

Lenzen,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louie  Theodore;  53  Lenzen  Ave.    2d  and  4th  Tuesday. 

Lewis,  Mrs.  E.  M.,  Miss  Helen,  Miss  Carrie;  60  N.  Fifth.     Wednesday. 

Lion,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  J.;  121  E.  Julian.     (Tel.  Black  1351.)     Wednesday. 

Lion,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.,  Miss  E.  M.,  E.;  94  N.  Second.     (Tel.  Red  781.)     Fri. 

Lion,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Gus;  Third  and  Julian.     Wednesday. 

Lion,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ernest;  Third  and  Julian.     Wednesday. 

Lorigan,  Judge  and  Mrs.  W.  G.;  408  S.  Fifth. 

Lotz,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  A.;  118  S.  Ninth. 

Lowery,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  W. ;  93  Devine.     Thursday. 

Lowe,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  R.;    322  N.   First. 

Lusson,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  P.  M.;  cor.  Second  and  San  Fernando.     Thursday. 

Lux,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles;  408  N.  First. 

Lux,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry;  Alum  Rock  Ave.     Friday. 

Lyndon,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  H.,  William;  333  S.  Fourth. 

Mabury,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hiram,  Miss  B.,  Miss  C,  Miss  E.,  Paul;  McKendrie, 

cor.  Morse.     Tuesday. 
Mahony,  Rev.  D.  J.;  San  Fernando  and  Market. 
Machefert,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L. ;  350  Vine.     Wednesday. 
Machefert,  Fred  L. ;  Santa  Clara. 

Macpherson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  C,  Miss  B.  E.,  Miss  G.  L. ;  106  S.  Eighth.     Thur. 
Malarin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.,  Miss  Mariana;  Santa  Clara. 
Manning,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Will  H.;  576  N.  Second. 
Mangrum,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  S. ;  1053  Julian.     Wednesday. 
Marckres,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  A.,  Miss,  Claire;  191  S.  Tenth.     Wednesday. 

SAN  JOSE  I:,:, 

Marquett,  Miss  Lilhe;  205N.  First.     Thursday. 

.Marten,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  H.;  293  S.  Second. 

Martin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  J.,  Miss,  Miss  A.;  296  S.  Third.     Wednesday 

Masson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Paul;  445  S.  Market.     Wednesday. 

Mauvais,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Romeo,  Miss  Edith,  Miss  Juliette  C,  Romeo,  Jr 

Ernest;  50  Stockton  Ave.     Thursday. 
May,  Mrs.  A.  C,  Miss  C,  Miss  E.,  C.  A.;  611  Stockton  Ave.  (Tel.  Black  1151.) 
Maynard,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  W. ;  223  W.  San  Fernando. 
Melvin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  W.;  170  E.  San  Carlos.     Friday 
McComas,  Mrs.  Ella;  540  N.  Third. 
McComas,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Rush,  Miss  Annie,  Miss  Hattie,  Miss  Kate,  Allen  W. 

Henry  W.;  540  N.  Third. 
McGeoghegan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  T.,  Miss  Lolita;  cor.  Chapman  and  Emery. 
McGraw,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  D.  F.;   353  E.  San  Fernando.     Thursday 
McKee,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  B.:  220  S.  Second.     Tuesday. 
McKiernan,  Mrs.  Charles;  445  N.  Eighth. 

McLaughlin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.,  Miss  C,  Miss  M.;  592  S.  Seventh,  cor  Reed. 
McLellan,  Mrs.  G.  W.,  Miss  C.  F.;  Alameda  Ave.,  cor.  McKendric.    Tuesdav 
McMillan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  G.;  353  S.  Eleventh. 

McMillan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Y.,  Miss  Ida,  Miss  Meda,  John;  67  S    Fifth 
Miller,  Rev.  and  Mrs.  W.  Y.,  Miss  L.,  Miss  E.,  Dr.  John;  234  S.  Second    Wed 
Miller,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  J.;  234  S.  Second. 
Montgomery,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.   S.:  474  N.  First. 
Moody,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  E.;  381  N.  Sixth.     Tuesday. 
Moody,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  B. ;  57  Devine. 
Moore,  Judge  and  Mrs.  John,   Miss  Bessie,  Murray  H.;    cor.   Schiele  and 

Alameda  Ave.     Tuesday. 
Moore,  Howell  C;  Sainte  Claire  Club. 
Morehouse,  H.  V.;  441  S.  Sixth.     (Tel.  Red  51.) 

Morrison,  Miss  A..  Miss  F.  E.,  Miss  W.,  Miss  J.;  cor  Fifth  and  Julian     Wed 
Morrison,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  F.;  Fourth  and  Julien.    (Tel.  Red  131)     Wed 
Muirson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George;  211  S.  Tenth.     Tuesday. 
Murphy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  B.  D.,  Miss  E.,  Miss  L.,  M.;  357  S.  Third  ( 
Murphy,  Dan  M.;  Sainte  Claire  Club,  or  Fifth,  cor'.  William 
Murphy.  James  T.:  361  S.  Market. 
Murphy,  Mrs.  J.  M. ;  307  N.  First. 

Naramore,  Mr.  F.,  Miss  Alice,  Asher;  247  N.  Third.     Thursday 

Nesmith,  L.  G.;    Sainte  Claire  Club. 

Newhall,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.,  Miss  G.;  Lincoln  Ave.,  near  Willow.     Thursday. 

O'Bannon,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  S.,  Miss  C,  Wffl.;  71  E.  San  Salvador.     Monday 

O'Connor,  Judge  and  Mrs.  M.  P.;  Race,  near  San  Carlos. 

Otter,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  W.;  23  N.  Third. 

Owen,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  P.;  177  Devine. 

Owen,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  J.;  cor.  San  Fernando  and  Delmas  Ave 

Owens.   Mr.  and  Mrs.   Fred;  St.  James   Hotel. 

Park,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  T.:  508  N.  First,  cor.  Empire. 

Parker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wilbur  F.:  Moorpark  Ave.,  near  Infirmary  Road 

Parkhurst.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  A.;  518  S.  Second. 

Paulsell.  Mrs.  A.,  Frank;  763  S.  Second. 

Payne,  Judge  and  Mrs.  D.  S.,  Miss  T.,  Miss  R  ,  Miss  E.  G.;  587  E   Santa  Clara 

Peckham,  Judge  and  Mrs.  R.  F.:  615  E.  Santa  Clara. 

Pettes.  Miss  Anna  W.;  917  Fourteenth.     Friday. 

Pfister,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.,  Miss  Emily:  The  Alameda,  near  Morrison 

Pfister,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Herman  C.  D.;   Second,  cor.  Santa  Clara 

Pfister.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  A.:  374  S.  Third. 


Phillips,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.;  121  E.  St.  James.     Wednesday. 

Fierce,  Mr.  nad  Mrs.  J.  H.;  Alameda  Ave.,  cor.  Villa. 

Pierce,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  P.;  Santa  Clara. 

Pierce,  Dr.  and  Mrs.   R.  tel.;  Hotel  Vendome.     Monday. 

Pierce,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  K.  T.;  Santa  Clara. 

Plank,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Pred,  Miss,  F.,  Jr.;  The  Alameda,  near  Fremont.    Tues. 

Polhemus,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  B.,  Miss  Marjorie,  Miss  Josephine,  Miss  Nellie, 

Charles  B. ;  cor.  Polhemus  and  Stockton  Ave.    Tuesday. 
Popp,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William;  14  Pleasant  Ave.     (Tel.  Black  1781.)     Thur. 
Popp,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  C;  45  Lenzen  Ave.     2d  and  4th  Tuesday. 
Porter,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  A.;  185  E.  San  Fernando.     Tuesday. 
Porter,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  J.;  95  S.  Fifth. 
Porter,  Norman,  Miss  Evangeline,  Miss  Anna,  Miss  Elizabeth,  Miss  Mary; 

75  E.  St.  James.     Wednesday. 
Potts,  Dr.  J.  S.;  S.  W.  cor.  First  and  Devine. 

Randol,  J.  B.;  Almaden. 

Reed,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Elliot;  279  N.  San  Pedro. 

Reed,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  P.;   269  N.  Market. 

Reed,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  eGorge;  97  W.  Julian.     Monday. 

Reynolds,  Judge  and  Mrs.  John ;  cor.  Third  and  Julian. 

Rhodes,  Mrs.  A.  J.,  James  H.;  The  Alameda,  opposite  Sunol. 

Rhodes,  Judge  and  Mrs.  A.  L. ;  The  Alameda,  opposite  Sunol.    Tuesday. 

Richards,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  S.;  cor.  Third  and  San  Salvador. 

Riley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  J.;  164  S.  Tenth. 

Rinaldo,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.;  280  N.  Third.     (Tel.  Red  1621.)    1st  and  3d  Wed. 

Ross,  Mr.   and   Mrs.   F.    H.,   Mr.   and  Mrs.   F.    C,   F.   H.,   Jr.,   Herbert   M.; 

70  E.  Julian.    Thursday. 
Rucker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  T. ;  275  N.  Third.     Wednesday. 
Rucker,  Mrs.  J.  E.;  271  N.  Fifth.     Wednesday. 
Rucker,  Samuel  N. ;  Sainte  Claire  Club. 
Rucker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  H. ;  418  S.  Third.     Wednesday. 
Russell,  Prof,  and  Mrs.  F.  P.;  cor.  Second  and  Keyes. 
Ryder,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  eGorge  W. ;  356  S.  Second.     Wednesday. 
Ryder,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William;  356  S.  Second. 
Ryland,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  T.,  Miss  Ada,  Miss  Norman,  C.  T.,  Jr..  John  W., 

Dwight  E.;  431  N.  First.     (Tel.  Black  1341.)     Los  Gatos. 
Ryland,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  R.;  Azule  Vineyard,  Saratoga. 
Ryland,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  R. ;  Los  Gatos. 

Schemmel,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  L.,  Miss  L.  M.;  Alameda  Ave.     Thursday. 

Secord,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  James  K.;  449  N.  Fourth. 

Siefert,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  George  W.;  68  S.  First. 

Seybolt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  L.,  Miss  Nellie,  Fred  L.;  328  N.  First. 

Shaw,  Miss  Jeanette;  72  S.  Sixth. 

Sheehan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  M. ;  Alum  Rock  Ave.,  cor.  Wooster. 

Shortridge,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  M. ;  "San  Jose  Mercury."     San  Francisco. 

Singletary,  Charles  F.,  Miss  Lois,  M.;  257  S.  Third. 

Simpson,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.,  Mrs.  H.;  142  N.  Third.     (Tel.  Black  81.)     Thur. 

Singletary,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  E.;  349  S.  Tenth. 

Singletary,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  C;  Stockton  Ave.,  cor.  Cinnibar.     Tuesday. 

Smith,  Mrs.  D.  E.,  Gilbert  F. ;  Lincoln  Ave.,  near  Minnesota. 

Smith,  Mrs.  E.  O.,  Miss  Kathryn;  336  N.  First.     Wednesday. 

Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  E.;  1127  S.  Second.     Friday. 

Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  O.;  336  N.  First.    Wednesday. 

Somavia,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  Y.,  Ramon;  St.  James  Hotel. 

Southworth,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  M.  A.;  225  N.  Third.     (Tel.  Red  1321.)     1,  3  Thur. 

Snell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  P.;   488  N.  Second.     Tuesday. 

SAN  JOSE  157 

Snell,  George  P.;  Hotel  Vendome. 

Spence,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  A.;  The  Alameda,  opposite  Villa  Ave. 

Spencer,  Judge  and  Mrs.  Frances  E. ;  216  Autumn.     (Tel.  Main  143.)     Tues. 

Spitzer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  A.,  Miss  Sallie  E..  Miss  Florence  B.,  Miss  Ethel  L., 

Frank  E.,  Lewis  A.,  Jr.;  339  N.  First. 
Spring,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  M.  N. ;  cor.  Seventh  and  San  Antonio. 
Steiger,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis  A.;  Autumn,  near  Cinnabar.     Friday. 
Steiger,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  eGorge  A. ;  Cinnabar,  cor.  Autumn. 
Sterling,  Edward  T. ;  452  S.  Third.     P.  O.  Box  386. 
Stern,  Mrs.  Fred;  cor.  Eighth  and  St.  James.     Wednesday. 
Stern,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  M.;  cor.  Seventh  and  St.  John. 
Stevens,  Rev.  and  Mrs.  A.;  Hotel  Vendome. 

Taffe,  Miss;  250  S.  Second.     Thursday. 

Tennent,  Miss  Sara  E.,  Miss  Isabel:  Seventh  and  San  Antonio. 

Tennyson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  D.,  Howard  A.,  Julius;  355  N.  Third. 

Thayer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  P.;  357  N.  Third. 

Thorpe,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  M.;   272  E.  Washington. 

Tisdale,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  D.,  Miss  Bettie;  Los  Gatos.     Tuesday. 

Trader,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wells  S.;  123  S.  Eleventh.    Wednesday. 

Travis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  C,  Walter  C;  1128  S.  Second.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 

Trimble,  Mrs.  A.  M.,  Miss  Mattie;  412  N.  Fifth. 

Tupper,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  O.  M.;  758  S.  Third.     Wednesday. 

Urmy,  Clarence  T.;  Hotel  Vendome. 

Wagener,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  H.;  82  E.  San  Salvador. 

Wakefield,  Rev.  J.  B.,  Miss  H.,  George  F.;  81  N.  Second. 

Wallace.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  T.:  1301  S.  First.     Tuesday. 

Walthall,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  W.;  304  S.  Second.    Monday. 

Walter,  Mrs.  Carrie  Stevens,  Miss  Mariam;  71  N.  Ninth. 

Ward,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  B. ;  S.  W.  cor.  San  Fernando  and  S.  Market. 

Wayland.  Dr.  Charles  A.;  Hotel  Vendome. 

Welch,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.,  Miss  Cassie,  Miss  May;  205  N.  First.     Thursday. 

Wharton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  H.;  350  N.  Third. 

Whitton,  Col.  A.  K. ;  Sainte  Claire  Club,  or  Hotel  Vendome. 

Wilcox,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  J.,  Miss  Annie,  Miss  Edith;  97  S.  First. 

Wilder,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  E.;  553  N.  Fourth. 

Williams,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  S.;  Prevost,  near  San  Carlos. 

Williams,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  W.;  530  N.  Second. 

Williams,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.,  Miss  Edith,  Miss  Emily;  609  S.  Third. 

Wood,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Uriah;  425  S.  Second. 

Woodrow,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  L.,  Miss  G.  E.;  260  N.  Third.     Wednesday. 

Wooster,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  M.;  61  N.  Sixth. 

Worcester,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  B.;  Alum  Rock  Ave.     Wednesday. 

Wright,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  D.;  217  N.  First. 

Wright,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  V.;  521  E.  Santa  Clara.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 

Wright,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  W.;  426  N.  First.     (Tel.  Red  221.) 

Wright,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  E. ;  258  N.  Fourteenth.     (Tel.  Black  171.) 

Wright,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  K.;    141   S.  Eighth. 

Wyllie,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alexander;  72  S.  Sixth.     Wednesday. 

Yoell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  A.,  Miss  Gertrude;  The  Alameda,  opposite  Race.  Fri. 
Yoell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  H.,  H.  A.;  The  Alameda,  opposite  Race.  Fri. 
Younger,  Mrs.  A.,  Miss  C,  Ed.;  "Forest  Home,"  Alviso  Road.     Tuesday. 



Allen,  Judge  and  Mrs.  James  M. 
Atherton.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Faxon  D. 
Adams,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  J. 
Adams,  Dr.  W.  L. 
Avy,    Mrs.  Eugene. 

Barney,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 

Bassett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  C. 

Berson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.,  Miss  Adolphine,  Maurice. 

Bonestell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cutler. 

Bolles,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  L. 

Butterfield,  Jones,  Miss  Ada. 

Butterfield,  Mrs.  and  Mrs.  William,  Fred. 

Crocker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  H.    (Tel.  59  1-2  bells.) 

Donahue,  Mrs.  Annie.     (Tel.  28.) 

Doud,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Aaron. 

Donohoe,  Mrs.  J.  A.    (Tel.) 

Donohoe.  J.  A.    (Tel.  17.) 

Doyle,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  T.,  Miss  Fannie,  Miss  Emily,  Miss  Marie,  John  T.,  Jr. 

Eyre,  Col.  and  Mrs.  E.  E.    (8-  3  bells.) 
Eyre,  Col.  and  Mrs.  E.  L. 
Eyre,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Perry  P.     (7-3  bells.) 
Eyre,  Miss  Mary,  Robert. 

Flood,  Mr.  James  C.     (Tel.) 
Flood,  Miss. 
Felton,  Hon.  Charles  N. 
Felton,  Charles  N.,  Jr. 

Holbrook,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles,  Miss,  Harry. 
Hopkins,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  W. 
Hopkins,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T. 

Loomis.  Mrs.  George. 

Miller,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edgar,  Miss  Addie. 

Macondray,  Mr.  Fred  W. 

Macondray,  Faxon  A..  H.  A. 

Moore,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  J.    (Tel.  8-4  bells.) 

Prior,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  K.,  The  Misses,  James. 
Patrick,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 

Rathbone,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  L.    (Tel.  8.) 
Ryan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  B. 
Ryan,  Miss  Daisy,  Miss  Ruth. 

Stallard,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  H. 

Stanford,  Mrs.  Leland.     (Tel.) 

Stanley,  Dr.  and  Mrs. 

Selby,  Mrs.  Thomas  H.,  Miss  Annie. 

Selby,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Percival,  Jr. 

Smith,  Christian. 

Stevenson,  Mrs.  R.,  Miss. 

Tubbs,  A.  C. 

Wilder,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  J.     (Tel.) 


Alexander,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  0. 
Alexander.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chas.  O. 

Baldwin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  A. 

Borel.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Antoine.  Miss  Chonita,  Miss  Sophia.     (Tel.  6.) 

Bronifield.  Dr.  and   Mrs. 

Bradshaw.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  F.  E. 

Brewer.  Rev.  and  Mrs.  A.  L.,  Miss  Adeline,  Miss  Susie,  Dr.  E.  D 

Brewer.  Rev. and  Mrs.  W.  A. 

Byrnes,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  D..  Miss  ary.  Bigley,  T.  E. 

Callagahan.  Rev.   Father. 

Carrick.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  R. 

Casey.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Maurice. 

Cheney.  Miss  Margaret. 

Coleman.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  L.     (Tel.  59  1-3  bells.) 

Corbett.  William. 

Cowie.  Rev.  and  Mrs.  J.  R.  de  W. 

Dick,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  Douglas.     (Tel.  4.) 

Dickie,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  W. 

De  Guire.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.    (Tel.  4-4  bells.) 

Douty.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  S.     (Tel.  1.) 

Doyle.  Mr.  and  Mrs. Henry.  Miss  Jenny  A..  J.  J.,  E. 

Easton.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  M.     (Tel.  13.) 
Eaton.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lloyd  R.     (Tel.  13.) 
Eaton,  F.  W.    (Tel.  IT.) 

Fairclough,  Prof,  and  Mrs.  H.  R.     Friday. 
Ford,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alfred  B     (Tel.  14.) 

Goodspeed.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  R..  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  R. 
Grant.  Joseph  D.    (Tel.  58  3  bells.) 

Hayne.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Duncan.     (Tel.18.) 

Hayne,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  Y.    (Tel.  4—2  bell.) 

Hay  ward,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.    (Tel.  3.) 

Hoitt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ira  G. 

Howard,  Mrs.  and  Mrs.  W.  H..  Miss  Frances  S.,  William  0.  M.,  Edward  W. 

Howard,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  H..  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  H. 

Hobart.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  S. 

Husing.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  A..  Miss  Ethel,  Ernest. 

Jury,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  H. 

Knapp,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  E..  Miss  Ethel. 

Lathrop,  Dr.  and  Mrs. 

Lawrence,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  15..  Miss  Carrie  Grace.  (Tel.  L'l.) 
Lee.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J..  Miss  Sarah,  Ed..  Hotel  Mateo.  (Tel.  9.) 
Le  Warne.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  B.  F. 

Maynard.  Mrs.  John.  J.  S.,  J.  Heath. 
Mac  Monagle,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  B. 
McDougall,  Rev.  and  Mrs. 


McLellan,  L.  E. 

Moody,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred  S.    (Tel.  59-4  bells.) 

Parrott,  Mrs.  A.  M.    (Tel.  4-4  bells.) 

Parrott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John.    (Tel.  4-6  bells.) 

Payson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  H.     (Tel.  4-5  bells.) 

Perkins,  Prof.  P.  A. 

Perkins,  Chas.  L. 

Polastri,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Richard  S. 

Reid,  W.  W. 

Ripley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Geo.  H.,  Miss  Elizabeth  C,  Miss  Frances  C,  Miss  Edith 

C,  Miss  Annah  C,  G.  Clinton;  Burlingame. 
Robinson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chas.  J.,  Miss  Ruby,  Charles  R. 
Roedel,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Phil.  M. 
Rose,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  W. 
Rose,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  W.  Jr. 

Schussler,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.    (Tel.  28.) 
Schwerin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  P.     (Tel.  27. 
Scott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  T.  (Tel.58.) 
Sprague,  R.  H. 
Spreckles,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  A. 

Taylor,  Mrs.,  Fannie. 

Thomas,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Malcom. 

Tobin,  Mrs.  R.     (Tel.  59  3  bells.) 

Tobin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  T.     (Tel.  59  1  bell.) 

Walker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  F. 
Wallace,  Rev.  and  Mrs.  George. 
Ward,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  James  W.  (Tel.  8.) 
Whitwell,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  S.     (Tel.  29.) 
Worthington,  B.  A.     (Tel.  25.) 


Anderson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  B. ;  Menlo  Park. 

Argell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank;  Palo  Alto,  Bryant. 

Allardice,  Prof.  R.  E.;  33  Alvarado  Row,  or  Bachelors'  Club. 

Abbott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Nathan;  23  Salvatierra. 

Acworth,  Miss  Nnnie;  Palo  Alto,  Bryant  House. 

Beal,  Mrs.  Luther;  6  Alvarado  Row. 

Brim,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  J.;  College  Terrace.     Friday. 

Branner,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  C;  28  Alvarado  Row.     Sundays. 

Barnes,  Prof,  and  Mrs.  Earl ;  12  Alvarado  Row.     Wednesdays. 

Brown,  Prof,  and  Mrs.  B.  C;  Palo  Alto. 

Brown,  Miss  Anna  L. ;  24  Alvarado  Row. 

Campbell,  Mrs.  E.  L. ;  Palo  Alto,  Forest  Ave. 

Clements,  Mrs.;  Roble  Hall. 

Clarke,  Prof,  and  Mrs.  A.  B. ;  College  Terrace.     Friday. 

Campbell,  Prof.  D.  H.;  Bachelors'  Club. 

Charles,  Mrs.  E.  W.;  Palo  Alto,  Romero  Hall. 

Decker,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C.  W. ;  Palo  Alto.     Thursday. 

Dayan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  W.;  Palo  Alto. 

Davidson,  Prof,  and  Mrs.  j.  A.  D. ;  Palo  Alto. 

Diggles,  Mrs.  H.  J.,  Miss  M.  E.;  Palo  Alto,  Charming  Ave. 

Elliott,  Prof,  and  Mrs.  O.  L.;  24  Alvarado  Row. 

Flugel,  Prof,  and  Mrs.  Ewald;  Palo  Alto,  Forest  Ave.     4th  Friday. 

PALO  ALTO  161 

Fish.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  J.  C.  L.;  Palo  Alto. 

Gilbert.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  C.  H.:  Palo  Alto:  Waverlv.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 

Gorbel.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  Julius:  Menlo  Park.  Santa  Cruz  Ave.     2.  4  Sundays 

Green.  Prof,  and  Mrs.   R.   L.:  3  Salvatierra. 

Griffin.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  J.  O.:  32  Alvarado  Row. 

Griggs.  Prof.  E.  H.:  11  Salvatierra. 

Greenleaf.  Mrs.  E.  L.;   Palo  Alto.  Scott. 

Gilman.  Mrs.  Charles  H. :  Palo  Alto.  Addison  Ave. 

Howard.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  G.  E.:  20  Alvarado  Row.     Sundavs. 

Hoskins.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  L.  M.:  Palo  Alto.  Brvant.     4th  Fridav 

Hudson.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  W.  H.:  Alondra  Hall. 

Hutchinson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph:  Palo  Alto.  Waverlv. 

Humphrey.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edgar  C:  College  Terrace*    Friday. 

Jordan.  President  and  Mrs.  David  Starr:  Haznim  House.  Sierra  Ave.    1  Sat 

Jenkins.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  O.  P.:   Cedro  Cottage.     Monday. 

Kirtland.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  J.  C:  Palo  Alto. 

Kellogg.  Prof.  V.  L.;   Bachelors'  Club. 

Kappu  Alpha  Theta :  Alvarado  Row.     4th  Saturdav. 

Kappu.  Kappa  Gamma:  Palto  Alto.     1st  and  3d  Saturdav. 

Little.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  C.  X.:  16  Alvarado  Row. 

Lenox.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  L.  R. ;  Castro. 

Lathrop.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  H.  B.:  Palo  Alto.  Addison  Ave. 

L"Hote.   Mrs.    M.    F.:    Peers  Grove.  Mayfield.     2d   Saturday. 

McCray.  Mrs.  F.  P.;  Palo  Alto.  Hamilton  Ave. 

Marx.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  C.  D.:   Palo  Alto.  Kingslev  Ave. 

Matzke.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  E.  M.:  Palo  Alto.  Hamilton  Ave.     2d  and  4th  Fridav 

Miller.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  Walter:  College  Terrace. 

Marx.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  G.  H.:  Palo  Alto.  Lincoln.     Friday 

Morton.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  M.:  Salvatierra. 

Murray.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  A.  T.:  Palo  Alto.  Bryant. 

Newcomer.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  G.  X. :  Palo  Alto.  Lytton  Ave. 

Parkinson.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  B.:   Palo  Alto.  Addison  Ave 

Perrine.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  F.  A.  C:  Palo  Alto.  Brvant. 

Price.  Prof,  and  Mrs.   G.  C. 

Powers.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  H.  H.:  S  Alvarado  Row.    1st  and  3d  Thursdav 

Parkinson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Geo.  R.:  Palo  Alto.  Forest  Ave. 

Ross.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  E.  A.:  5  Salvatierra.     2d  and  4th  Wednesdav. 

Richardson.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  G.  M.:  18  Alvarado  Row. 

Stillman.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  J.  M.:  2  Alvarado  Row.     1st  and  3d  Mondavs. 

Sanford.  Prof  and  Mrs.  Fernando:  Palo  Alto.  Kingley.  Ave 

Smith.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  A.  U. :  Palo  Alto.  Waverlv.    4th  Friday. 

Show.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  A.  B.:  alo  Alto.  Florence. 

Smith.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  J.  P.:  Palo  Alto 

Smith.  Emery  E.:  Palo  Alto    Waverlv. 

Southard.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  F.:  Palo  Alto.     Tuesdav. 

Southard.  Mrs.  Clare  O.:  Palo  Alto.     Tuesday. 

Southard.  Carroll  O.:   Palo  Alto. 

Thoburn.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  W.  W.:  Palo  Alto.  Lincoln.     4th  Friday 
Taylor.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  M.  E. :  Palo  Alto. 
Wood.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  T.  D.:  10  Alvarado  Row. 
Wing.  Prof,  and  Mrs.  C.   B.:  Palo  Alto.  Lincoln. 
Wickham.  Mrs.  Margaret  M.:  3  Lasuen  Ave.     4th  Fridav 
Woodworth.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  L.:  3  Lasuen  Ave. 
Wright.  Mayor  and  Mrs.  E.  B.;  5  Lasuen  Ave. 
Young.  Prof.  S.  W.;  2  Alvarado  Row. 



Britton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Nat. 

Cosgrove,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.,  The  Misses;  Walnut  Creek. 

Gooding,  Mrs.  M.  A.    Wednesday. 

Jones,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hugh;  Laurel  Creek. 

Kellogg,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  B.;  Laurel  Creek. 
King,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frederick  R. 

McLellan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.,  Miss  M.  P.,  M.  B..  W.  S.;  Laurel  Creek. 

Phelps,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Timothy  G. 

Smith,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  Nicholas  T.    Friday. 

Witter,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Willis  G.    Wednesday. 


Chamberlain,  P.  P. 
Cunningham,  Mrs. 

Gordon,  Hon.  and  Mrs.  Alex. 

Hopkins,  Mrs.  Moses. 

Josselyn,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles. 

Kirkpatrick,  Mrs.  M.  B.,  The  Misses. 
Kirkpatrick,  Harold  C. 

McDevitt.  Mrs.  S.  A.,  Miss  Anna  R.,  Miss  Minnie,  Edward  F.  Wednesday. 

Robinson,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Ross,  Dr.  and  Hrs.  J.  L. 

Schroeder,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  B. 

Thompson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  P.,  Miss,  Miss  Helen. 


Davidson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles. 
Drausfield,  Miss  Alice  W. 

Fay,  I.  W. 

Gregg,  W.  W. 

Hackett,  Maj.  H.  E. 

Le  Fort,  Peter. 

Morey,  Mrs.  E.  C. 

Reid,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  T.,  Miss  Julia  Frances. 
Rielen,  Henry. 

Spivalo,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  R.,  Miss  Beatrice. 
Sweeney,  Miss  Margaret. 

Thompson,  Miss  Sarah  L. 


Anderson,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C.  L.;  87  Front 
Bailey.  Dr.  Alex.  H.;  110  Front. 

Bowman.  Mrs G 3STn^         ^    "      ^°n-     {Tel  Black  «0 

Brooks.  J   Terry:  Sea  Beach  Hotel. 

Bunting   Gen.  and  Mrs.  T.  B.;  Bl.  Gulch 

Chace  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  R.;  41  Wal.  Ave 

Cope.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.:  Wal.  and  Ches 

Crane.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ed.;  50  Wal  Ave 

Cunningham,  Mr.  and  Mrs    J    f 

L>e  Puys,  Ed.;   Pixley 

Donohoe   Mrs.  Mildred;  Pope  House 

FSMrIlaiu;iMrs1'c JE  ^wllauf^'  ^  L°Bta*  ^  Jose^  Beach 
Gray,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  E. ;  Mission 
Hammer.  Chas.;  Pacific  \ve 

lush    Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  E.;  28  Spruce 

JESTS  MnS  'L  E-:  LaUrel  a"d  W^h. 
Kirby.Mise  Ora;  Mission 

EK^^^g'  £"  Edith-  ^sS  Ida  M..  Benj.  K,  26  Locust  Ave 

tally,  Mr  and  Mrs.  C.  E.;  Walnut  Ave 

Madeira.  Miss  Nellie.  Miss  Nellie;  Green 

McCreary.  T.  G. ;  City  Bank 

McGuire,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  A.;  56  Pacific  k*e 

Martin.  Mr.  J  M^  a  l££K£, 2™*    ™"  **"  ^ 

Martin,  Mrs  C  C;  Mirimar.  Beach  Hill 

Mathews.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  V  ■  89  Mission 

Menefee.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  G  ■  Church 

Mynck  Miss  Geradine.  Miss  Kathleen   Miss  Lilv  Hi^h 

Palmer.  S.  A.;  40  Pacific  Avenue       UnUrcn" 
Pena.  Mr  and  Mrs.  A.  D.;  81  Walnut  Ave 

Radke,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  X  •  18  I  in 

Raymond.  Mrs.  I.  H.-  Ralnh  Win  h  ■  101  d„   •«     . 

Robinson.  Mr.  and  Mrs   F   L  Paf'lfiC  Avenue" 

SR;S°?:,  Mr«-  M-  J-.  Miss  Carrie.  James. 
Smith.  Miss  Eliza  M.;  Sea  Beach  Hotel. 

f.nm         ;fand  MrS-  J-  R     ,Tel-  Main  24.) 

*££?£!'£?  M^c^lnT^'^1'  Mi^  *;  Sea  Beach  Hotel. 

Taylor.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  A;;  Wells  Ave.   ' 
Thome,  Mr.  ami  Mrs.  S.  F. ;  Glenwood 

winev11  RBishop  aml  Mra-  The  SEE  Epworth 

W     ey,  Herny;  Miss;  cor.  Sylvar  and   Mission 
Williamson,  John  R.,  Jr.:   Pacific  atwST 



In  its  broadest  sense,  may  be  defined  as  embrac- 
ing not  only  the  ' '  Four  Hundred  ' '  of  the 
aristocracy,  but  the  respectable  middle  and 
plebian  classes  as  well.  They  comprise  the 
progressive  element  of  the  world  at  large.  It 
is  this  class,  the  select  and  the  mediocrity, 
that  is  reached  bv 

the  Traveler 

the  popular,  progressive  monthly  journal  of 
travel  and  recreation.  All  people  of  taste  read 
it.  It  is  bright  and  breezy,  and  its  illustra- 
tions are  superior  to  those  of  any  other  maga- 
zine in  the  country.       Therefore, 

When  you  desire  to  place   your  advertising;  in  a         9 
profitable  channel,  bear  these  facts  in  mind,  J> 

t^*  *^*  t&*  t&*  t^r* 


$1.50  A  YEAR 
WA\.  V.  BRYAN 

Editor  ciivl  Proprietor 
20  MONTGOMERY  STREET,  San  rrcmciSCO,  Cal. 



Our  Society 
•.Blue  Book 





Adams,  Miss  E.  F..   Detroit. 

Adams,  Miss  A.  (i..  Detroit. 

Adams,   M.   L.,    Detroit. 

Archibald,  James  F.  J. 

Artsimovich,   V.   Russian   Consul. 

Baker.  Lieut.  A.  C.  F.  S.  X. 

Baker,  C.  H. 

Bateman,  M.  C. 

Bateman,  .1.   c. 

Beach,  Dr. 

Boardman,  S.  H. 

Boardman,  George  ('. 

Bradley,  .Mrs.  <;.  L. 

Braun,  Dr.  and  .Mrs. 

( 'a'derwood,  Mr.  ami  Mrs. 

Callahan,  Miss  Lillie  E. 

Cameron,  George  T. 

Cariin,  J.   W. 

C«  risen,   Etobi  H 

Cochran,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  F. 

Coleman,  Mr.  ami  Mrs.  Robert 

Cox,   Mr.  ami  Mrs.  Ernest 

(';cnks.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  .?.  .1. 

Cunningham,  Miss 

( lurry,  Mr.  ami  Mrs.  M.  S. 

<  lurry,  Miss  Francis 

Curtis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.   V,'.   <;. 

Davidson.   Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  B. 

Dwyer,  Mrs.  J.  A. 

Eells,   Miss  Adelaide 

Eisert,  .Miss  E. 

Elivert,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  c.  p. 

Ely.  AY.  S.,  Dei n.ii. 

Ely,  S.  F. 

Pinch,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Will  I. 

Pinigan,  P.   A. 

Pinigan,  The  Misses. 

Foote,  Mrs.  II.  s. 


the  Society  Resort,  Winter  and  Summer  of  the  Pacific  Coast.  «  « 



Average  therometer  in  the  winter  months  t>4  degrees,    excelling  the  temperature  of  Ittentone  the 

famous  health  resort  of  Southern  Trance. 

The  climate  is  shown  by  statistics  to  be  the  healthiest  resort 
on  the  Pacific  Coast.  It  will  give  immediate  relief  to  the 
worst  case  of  asthma  and  seldom  fails  to  permanently  cure. 

There  is  no  more  handsome,  comfortable  or  desirable 
Resort  Hotel  in  the  United  States  than  the  HOTEL 
RAFAEL,  with  its  beautiful  grounds,  handsome 
cottages,  elegant  drives  and  all  forms  of  amusement. 
No  finer  Tennis  Court,  Bowling  Alleys  and  Club 
House  can  be  found. 

The  Management   is   personally  supervised   by   Genl. 

Warfield  of  the  California  Hotel,  San  Francisco —  \ 

R.  T).  Cdarfield  &  Co.,  proprietors 



Fortime,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  I.  B. 
Forman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  B. 
Franklin,   Mr.  and  Mrs.  Max. 
Freshman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  I)..  N.   Y. 

Gerst,  Miss  May  Belle 
Greenway,  E.  M. 
Glynn,  James 
Glynn,  Miss  Nellie  G. 
Greenwood,  F.  A. 
Hamlin.    Miss   S.    I). 
Halstead,   Mr.  and  Mrs.  E. 
Haswell,  C.  H. 
Havilan.l.   Mrs.  II.   W. 
Harkness,    H.   W. 
Heydenfelt,  Mrs.  E.  A. 
II. .hart,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  S. 
Hounold,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  L. 
Hunt.  A.   M. 
Huntington,  Miss 
Howard.  Mrs.  George  H. 
Jarboo,  Mr.  and  Mrs.   R.  R. 
Jerome,  Mrs.  Lillie  Hastings 

Kimber,  Miss  L. 
Keith,   Miss  Eliza   D. 
Kelly.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T. 

Lalande,  Consul  de  and  family. 

Lansdale,  P.  Y..  U.  S.  N. 

Levy,    Mrs.    M. 

Levy.   Miss. 

Liitell,  William  Jackson,  U.  S.  N. 

Lilienfeld,   Mrs.  Win. 

Lowengart,  Mr.  Mrs.  Ignatz. 

Lyons,  Miss. 

Lyons,  C. 

Mackay,   William  D. 

Maxwell.  J.  D. 

Manson,  Marsden 

Martin.  Andrew  D. 

Martin.    Walter   S. 

McAllister,  Judge  Ward. 

McCreary,  A.  R. 

McNulty,  Mrs.  James. 

Xtttlall.   Mr.  ami   Mrs.  J.   R.    K. 

Olney,   Mr.  and   Mrs.    P.   .1,.  S. 

I  >'(  Jonnor,  Cornelius. 

O'Connor,  The  Misses. 

Payne,   Mr.  and   Mrs.   Theordrc  F. 

Parker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Richard  A. 

Pardee*  S.  C. 

Paxton,  Mrs.  B.  E. 

Perry,  John  Jr. 

Perkins,  Governor  and  Mrs.  George. 

Peorman,  Miss  Alice. 

Pratt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  C. 

Reel.  Miss  Mabel. 

Reed,   Miss  Julia. 

Rice,  George  H. 

Rice,  Miss  Birdie. 

Rithet,  R.  P. 

Rosenwald,  Mr",  and  Mrs.  A. 

Hosenstock,  Mr.  and   Mrs.   S.  M. 

Safford,   .Miss. 

Schloss,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  B. 

Schroder.  Mr.   and  Mrs.  J.  B. 

Schonefeld,  Mrs.  J. 

Srholle,  Mr.   and   Mrs.  A.  W. 

Sehmidell,  -Mrs.   Henry. 

Seward,   Mrs.   J.   L. 

Sherard,  Miss. 

Sprague,  H.  P. 

Steinberger,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A. 

Sutton.  Mr.  ami  Mrs.  J.  B. 

Sutro,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  (iustav. 

Tay.  Mr.  ami   Mrs.  Charles  F. 

Taylor,    Miss. 

Tevis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lloyd. 

Tevis.  H.  P. 

Tobin,  R.  J. 

Throckmorton,    Miss. 

Umbsen,  Miss  P. 
Umbsen,  Henry. 
Pmbsen.  Miss. 

Yon   Schroeder,    Baron  and   Baroness 

Warfield,  Gen.  and  Mrs.   R.  H. 

Warfield,  R.  E. 

Wallace,  Mr.  and   Mrs.   R.  B. 

Wallace.    Mrs. 

Wallace.   Miss. 

Walters,  Mr.  ami  Mrs.  IX  W. 

Williams.   Charles   II. 

Wilson,    Mrs.   Win. 

Woodham,  Mrs.  I.  B.  C. 

Woodworth,  Fred. 

Zane.    Miss   Marie. 



Alexander,  Rev.  and  Mrs.  Wm.,  Newton,  Paul;  Ross  Valiey.     Thursday. 
Alexander,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Richard  S. ;  Mission,  near  Nye.     (Tel.  Black  151. ' 
Alexander,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  E. ;  Mission,  near  Nye.     (Tel.   Black  151. > 
Allen,  Mr.  and   Mrs.   Harry  H.:   cor.   Mission  and   Nye. 
Allen,  John  De  Witt;  Mission  and  Nye.     Pacific-Union  Club,  S.  F. 
Angellotti,  Judge  and  Mrs.  F.  M. ;  H,  near  Center.     (Tel.  Black  281.) 
Augustine,  S.  M.;  Latham,  between  Sharer  and  F. 

Babcock,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.;  Acadia  and  Palm  Ave.     (Tel.  Main  3.) 
Babcock,  Harry;  Acadia  and  Palm  Ave.     (Tel.  Main  3.) 
Barstow,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  F. ;  Fifth,  between  E.  and  F. 
Berry,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  F.;    cor.  Fifth  and  G. 
Bonneau,   Thomas  S. ;  First,  near  Sharer. 
Boyle,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  J.  L. 

Boyd,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  F.;  Sixth,  between  C  and  D. 
Boyd,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  D.     (Tel.  Main  12.) 
Brander,  George  L. 

Bradord,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  B.,  Miss  G.,  D.  F. ;  G,  near  Sixth. 
Buck,  Charles  G.,  Miss;  cor.  Fourth  and  Sharer. 
Burke,  J.  T.     (Tel.  Black  201.) 
Christensen,    Maj.    and    Mrs.    Charles;    Center.     Thursday. 

Crane,    Mrs.    Byron    G.,    Miss    H.    Edith,    Arthur    H. 

Crosby,  Rev.  and  Mrs.  A.,  Miss  L.,  Miss  J.;  Fifth,  between  B  and  C. 

Corrigan,  W.  L.     (Tel.  Main  98;  5  bells.) 

Cornwall,  Dr.    and   Mrs.   Frank;  Lomita  Park.    Wednesday. 

Corbaley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  G. ;  cor.  Mission  and  Nye.     (Tel.  Black  181.) 

Currier,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  P. 

Curlett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William;  Marin,  near  San  Jose  Ave. 

Curtis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Allen  A.;   Laurel,  near  Nye. 

Cushing,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  B.;  Fourth,  bet.  Looten  and  Court. 

Darwin,  Charles  B.,  Miss  Lillian,  Miss  Margaret;  cor.  G  and  Sixth. 

Decourtieux,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 

Davis,  Mrs.  J.  B.  F.     (Tel.  Main  99;  3  bells.) 

Davidson,  Mr.    and    Mrs.    D.   B. 

De  Young,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  H. ;  cor.  Palm  and  Grand  Aves. 

Dixon,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  Watt. 

Donahoe,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Dennis.     (Tel.  Black  121.) 

Donahoe,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Dennis,  Jr.     (Tel.  Black  121.) 

Dodge,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  M. ;  Irwin,  near  Mission. 

Du  Bois,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  A.;  Fifth,  between  E  and  F.     (Tel.  Black  191.) 

Duffy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas;   Petaluma  Ave.,  between  Third  and  Fourth. 

Dickson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  W. 

Fells.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  P.     (Tel.  Main  100;  5  bells.) 

Evans,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Evan  C. ;  Fifth,  near  d'Hierry.     (Tel.  Red  251.) 

Fechteler,  Lieut,  and  Mrs.  A.  F. ;  Mission  and  Grand  Ave.     (Tel.  Red  111.) 
Fish,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  H.,  Miss;  cor.  Sixth  and  C. 
Forbes,  Mrs.  Alexander,  Miss  Edith,  Miss  Kate,  William  R. 
Foster,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  W. ;  Forbes  Ave.,  opp.  H.     (Tel.  Main  5.) 
Fugazi,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  F. 

Gerstle,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis;  San  Rafael  Ave.,  near  Clarke.     (Tel.  Red  301.) 
Griffith,  Mrs.  Millen,  The  Misses;    (Tel.  Main  13.) 


Hecht.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  H.     (Tel.  Black  172.) 
Hasson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  \V.  F.  C.     (.Tel.  Red  101.) 
Howitt.   Dr.  H.  O.     (.Tel.   Black   221.) 

Jenning.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  B.;  Hotel  Rafael.     (Tel.  Main  11.) 

Johnson.  Mrs.  W.  B.;  Center,  near  H.     (Tel.  Main  78.) 

Johnson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  S. :  Center,  near  H.     (Tel.  Main  78.) 

Josselyn.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  M.;  Mission,  opp.  d'Hierry.    (Tel.  Black  241.) 

Leviston.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George.  Miss  Stella,  Frank,  William. 

Lichtenberg.  Mr.  and  Mrs.W..  Miss  A.,  Miss  L.;  Locust  Ave.  (Tel.  Black  171.) 

Lichtenberg.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.,  Miss  Kate.  Miss  Gertrude;  Locust  Ave. 

Lccke.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  L. :  Marinita  Park. 

Lilenthal.    Mr.   and   Mrs.   F.   R. 

Lilenthal,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Leo. 

Lucas.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  H.;  cor.  Fifth  and  D. 

McDonald.  Rev.  and  Mrs.  J.  S..  Miss  E..  Miss  G.:  Ross,  bet.  Clark  &  Marin. 

McMahan.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  B..  The  Misses. 

Menzies,   Mr.   and   Mrs.   Thomas:   G.    near  Sixth. 

Moore.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  P. :  cor.  D  and  Third. 

Morris.   Mrs.   Thomas.   Miss   Mary. 

Morrow.  Judge  and  Mrs.  W.  W..  Miss:  cor.  Mission  and  Grand  Ave. 

Murison.  William  A..  Miss:  cor.  Sixth  and  G. 

Page.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  T. :  Locust  Ave.     (Tel.  Red  171.) 

Parrott.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis  B.:  Sixth,  bet.  Wilkins  and  B. 

Park.  Mrs.  Trainor  W.     (Tel.  Red  261.) 

Parker,   Mr.    and   Mrs.   Richard    A.     Tuesdav. 

Pinckard.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  M.:    Fourth,  bet.  E  and  F.     (Tel.  Red  281.) 

Perry.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Grattan:  Julia,  bet.  A  and  B. 

Pomeroy.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  P.:  Fifth,  near  Looten.     (Tel.  Red  231.) 

Pratt.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  C:    Hotel  Rafael.     (Tel.  Main  11.)     Wednesday. 

Rolls,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  S.:  Mission,  bet.  Petaluma  Ave.  and  Nye. 

Scott.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.:   Forbes  Ave.,  opp.  I. 

Sloss.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis.  Jouis.  Jr..  Leon:  Hotel  Rafael.     (Tel.  Main  11.) 

Sherwood.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  H. 

Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Sidney;  Arcacia  Ave.     (Tel.   Main   1.) 

Stetson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  G.:   Fifth,  near  Looten. 

Stoy.  Rev.  Wm.  H..  The  Misses,  Sam  B. :  Fourth,  opp.  Shearer. 

Thomas,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William.     (Tel.  Main  100:  1  bell.) 
Towle,  George  W..  Miss  Kate:  cor.  Mission  and  Nye. 

Van  Winkle,  Mrs.  I.  S..  Miss. 

Walker.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert,  Miss:  Colloden  Ave. 

Wilkins.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.:  Fifth,  bet.  Petaluma  Ave.  and  Nye. 

Wheeler.  F.  A.;  Fifth,  bet.  G  and  H. 

White,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Franklin  J.;  B. 

Whiting.  Henry  C:  The  Cedars. 

Whittemore,  Miss;  Hotel  Pleasanton.  S.  F. 

Wilson.  James  H.:  d'Hierry  and  Fifteenth. 

Wintringham.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas:  Laurel,  near  Nye. 

Wise,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Harry  E.:  Hotel  Pleasanton,  S.  F.    (Tel.  Red  271.) 

Wood,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  P.;  Fifth,  bet.  D  and  E. 

Zook.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  K.:  cor.  Belle  and  Grand  Ave.     Friday. 



Baker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wakefield.     (Tel.  9.)     Friday. 

Barrett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  G.;  "Casa  Madrona." 

Bartlett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  E.;    "Oneonta." 

Belknap,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  David  P.;  "Owl  Ridge." 

Bell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  D.;  "Elderberry  Cottage." 

Bell,  James;   "The   Roost." 

Bent.  Wilson  D.,  Jr.;  Corte  Madera. 

Borrowe.  Capt.  and  Mrs.  Wm.,  The  Misses;  "El  Nido." 

Boyle,  Mrs.  H.  A.,  Miss;  "Cypress  Knoll." 

Brown,   Harvey   S.;   "Hazel   Del." 

Case,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C;  "Sunnyside." 

Cobb,  Maj.  Harry  A.,  Miss  Mamie:  "Bird's  Nest."     Thursday. 

Cochran,  James  H.;  "Live  Oak  Cottage." 

Crall,  Maj.  and  Mrs.   George  A.;  "Buckeye  Cottage." 

Crumpton,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  H.  J. 

dishing,  Sydney;  Blithedale. 

Cushman,  Mrs.  M.  B.;  Byron  Mayr. 

Dickinson,  Gen.  and  Mrs.  John  H.;  "Craig  Hazel." 

Fielder,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.,  The  Misses,  Frederick;  "Ivanhoe." 
Foster,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  J.;  "Hacienda." 
Freese,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  C;  "Encino  Cottage." 

Gardner,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  H.;    "The  Bower." 
George,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert,  Miss;   "Loma  Vista." 
Gray,   Capt.   Emmet;    "Cabana   Bonita." 
Gregory,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  N.;  "Oak  Cliff." 

Harmes,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  T.,  Miss;  "Oak  Knoll."     Friday. 

Harrison,  Com.  and  Mrs.  C.  H. ;  "Hazel  Mount." 

Harrison,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Louis  J.;  "Hillside." 

Harrison,  J.  W. ;  "La  Vuelta." 

Hill,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  L. ;  "The  Promontory." 

Hungerford,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  N.,  Miss  A.;  "Gilead."     Waldo  Point. 

Hunt,  Mrs.  A.  B.;    "The  Heights." 

Le  Count,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  P.,  Miss;  "Cliff  Haven." 
Lee,  Mrs.  Rowland;  "Alcazar  Cottage." 
Little,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  R. ;  "Rockwood  Cottage." 
Luman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  A.;  "La  Paloma." 

Macdonald,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  G.  C;  "Beasley  House." 

Marvin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  T.;  "Cliff  Cottage." 

McCullough,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  C;  "Magnolia  Cottage." 

Miel,  Rev.  and  Mrs.  Charles  L.;  "Beasley  Cottage." 

Miller,  Maj.  and  Mrs.  O.  C,  Miss  M.,  Miss  R.  F.,  H.  O.,  A.:  "The  Pines. 

Mills,  Mrs.  W.  G.;  "Barnstead  Cottage." 

Reed,  Maj.  and  Mrs.  G.  W. ;  "Mossbrae." 

Richards,   Mr.  and  Mrs.  John;   "Spring  Bank." 

Ritchie,  William;  "Madrona  Cottage." 

Roche,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  J.,  Miss  Ethel,  Marshall;  "Hazeldean." 

Sawyer,  Mrs.  R.  H.;  "Hollyoaks." 

S.U  SALITO  171 

3    .ultz.  Mr.  and  .Mrs.  Charles.  Miss  Mary  O.;  "Vera  Cottage. 

Schultz.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.   A.;  El  Monte  Hotel. 

Shearman.    Miss   Helen:  "Cliff  Haven. " 

Stauf.  Capt.  Werner:   "WiW  Idle." 

Slinkey.  Col.  and   Mrs.  J.  E.:    El  Monte  Hotel. 

Tasheira.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George;  Vista  Redondo." 

Thomas.  Capt.  and  Mrs.  George  \V. :    "Casapais." 

Thomas.   Math.:   "Fairview." 

Thomas.  Mrs.  L.  Wolcott;  "Casapais." 

Thomas.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  J.:  "Mt.  Thomas." 

Tillingast.  D.   P.,  The  Misses.  W.  D.:  "The  Bungalow." 

Tyrrell.   A.   J.:  "Blue  Cottage." 

Wheeler.   Mrs.    S.    G.:    "Rose   Bank." 
Windsor.  Mrs.  T.:  "Cheddar  Villa." 
Woods.  E.  L. :  "The  Roost." 


Alkn.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  F..  Miss  Harriet.  Wvatt. 

Boole.  Mr.  and  Mrs..  The  Misses. 

Bowman.  Mrs.  G.  M:EP  .yHo.P  F(Hda  sCOIbh  .a„  tb-        vkqj  cmfwy  shrdlu 

Barber.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William.  Miss  Alice,  Miss  Mary. 

Berry.  Thomas  C,  T.  B.     (Tel.  Main  100;  4  bells.) 

Bosqui.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E..  Miss  Laura  E..  Miss  Helen  A..  Daniel  D. 

Bothim.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  E.     (Tel.  Main  1006.) 

Butler.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  E.     (Tel.  Main  S4:  1  bell. 

Carrigan.  Mrs.  Andrew.  Miss.  Louis  R.    (Tel.  Main  98;  5  bells.) 
Carrigan.  Mr.   and  Mrs.  Andrew. 
Coffin.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James. 

Davis.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.   F.     (Tel.   Main  99:  4  bells.) 

Davis.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G. 

Dibblee.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Albert.  Miss  Anita.  A.  J.,  Harrison.  Benj.  H. 

Griffith.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edwin  L.     (Tel.  Main  100;   3  bells.) 

Hasbrouch.  Mr.  J.  C.     (Tel.  Main  79.) 

Jones.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Clinton. 

Jones.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Webster.     (Tel.  Main.  99.)     California  Hotel.  S.  F. 

Kent.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  E.     (Tel.  Main  14.)     Tamalpias. 
Kittle.  Mrs.  Jonathan  G..  Miss  Kittie.    (Tel.   Main  8;  1   bell.) 

Latham.   Mr.  and   Mrs.   Frank  B.:  San  Anselmo. 

McAllister.  Mrs.  Hall.  Miss:  Tamalpais. 
McCurchen.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  J.,  Miss. 

Parsons.   Miss. 

Porteous.  Mrs. ;  Tamalpais. 

Pringle.  Mr.  J.  R.     (Tel.  Main   98;  3  bells.) 

Richards.  Mr.  C.  O. 
Ross.  Mrs.   Anna. 

Stearns.  Miss:  Tamalpais. 

Tompkins.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  M..  Miss:    M.  M..  Jr..  P.  W.:  San  Anselmo. 
Worn,   Miss  Annie  S.     Thursdav. 


Pacific  Coast  Jockey  Club 




econd  Annual  Meeting,  1896=97 


President  Vice-President  Secretary 




Winter  Meeting,  1896-97 
Oakland  Race  Track 

Racing  Monday,  Tuesday,  Wednesday,  Thursday,  Friday  and  Saturday 


Five  or  more  races  each  day.  Races  start  at  2:15  P.  M.  sharp 

Berkeley  Trains  Stop  at  the  Gale. 



Armstrong,  Hon.  and  Mrs.  J.  W.;  917  0. 

Barrett,  Miss  Mary  C;  701  Twelfth. 

Baldwin,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H.;  1100  H.    (Tel.  Black  431.) 

Briggs,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Wallace  A.;  1300  I. 

Briggs,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  E.;  1830  N. 

Brown,  Mrs.  W.  B.  C;   1100  H. 

Breuner,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John,  2223  M.    (Tel.  Red  201.) 

Breuner,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  F. ;  1420  O. 

Brusie,  Mrs.  Jud.  CJudson;   1220  Tenth.     (Tel.  Black  373.) 

Budd,  Gov.  and  Mrs.  James  H.;  1220  N. 

Buchanan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  N.;  720  Ninth. 

Burr,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.P.;  2011  M. 

Burnham,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  E.;  1412  N. 

Carey,  Mrs.  R.  S.;  1003  H. 

Catlin,  Judge  A.  P.,  Miss  Ruth,  John,  Don,  Harry;  1021  H. 

Clark,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  F.,  Miss  Effie  R.,  Miss  Dilly  A.;  1017  Fourth. 

Clark,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  H.;  1019  Fourth.     (Tel.  Red  991.) 

Cosby,  Gen.  and  Mrs.G.  B.;  Miss  Anita,  Miss  Elizabeth,  Geo.  B.,  Jr.,  1208 

Cothrin,  Mr.and  Mrs.  W.  K.;  1228  N. 

Cox,  Hon.  and  Mrs.  Frederick,  Miss  Freda:  2020  T. 

Crouch,  Mrs.  M.  E.,  Miss  M.  C,  Miss  B.  L.;  229  O. 

Crouch,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  A.;  308  O. 

Curtis,  William  A.;  1502  Second. 

Davis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  G,  Miss  Lotta,  John  F.;  612  M.    Thursday. 

Deming,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.,  Miss  Ella,  Miss  D.,  Miss  M.;  2022  W. 

Devlin,  Robert  T.:   1514  O. 

Devlin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H.;  622  O. 

Dillman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  J.;   1202  O. 

Dizon,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  G.  M.,  Miss  Grace;  1601  L. 

Dray,  Hon.  and  Mrs.  F.  R.;  1323  I. 

Flint,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  V.;  1808  P. 

Flint,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  O.  S.;1711  N. 

Foster,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  R.,  Miss;  1003  L. 

Foye,  Mrs.  A.  L.;  1228  N.    (Tel.  Black  851.) 

Frazer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  F.;  707  N.    (Tel.  Main  320.) 

Hahn,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph,  Miss  Florence;  309  H. 
Hammer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  S.;   1237  I.     Wednesday. 
Hassett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  J.,  Miss  Regina.  Miss  Alice;  713  H. 
Hickman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank;  1313  I. 
Hubbard,  Maj.  and  Mrs.  C.  H.;  1431  I. 
Huntington,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  T.  W.;  1515  H. 

Jackson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  W.;  427%  K.     (Tel.  Main  52.) 
Johnson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  M.;  2019  M.    (Tel.  Black  201.) 
Johnson,  Hon.  and  Mrs.  G.  L.,  Miss  Mabel:  1103  I. 
Johnson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  W.;   821  Eighteenth.     (Tel.  Black  71.) 
Johnston,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  J.;  717  M.    (Tel.  Black  321.) 
Johnston,  Hon  andMrs.W.Courtland. 

La  Rue,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  M.,  H.  M.,  Jr.;  1602  H. 

Lewis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  L.,  Miss  Edna;   1623  H.    (Tel.  Red  71.) 

Lindley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  A.;  1521  I. 


Lindley,  Mr.  T.  M..  Miss  Helen;  1314  H.     (Tel.  Black  461.) 
Lord,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred;  1126  F. 

McClatchy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  K.;  1015  O. 

McClatchy,  Mrs.  C.   M.,  Miss  Emily  P.;  300  P. 

McClatchy,   Mr.  and   Mrs.    V.   S.;   2207  J. 

McCreary,  Mrs.  C,  Robert  C;  1128  Tenth.     (Tel.  Red  481.) 

McKune,  Judge  and  Mrs.  J.  H.;  1511  H. 

Miller,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.;  831  N.    (Tel.  Black  191.) 

Mills,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  E.;  617  Eleventh. 

Mott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  M.,  Miss  Nellie,  Miss  Cora,  Miss  Jessie;  1515  I. 

Oatman,  Mrs.  V.  C,  Miss  May  M.;   1027  G. 

Oatman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  H. ;  1700  H. 

Orcntt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  L.;  1803  H.     (Tel.  Black  181.) 

Ormsby,  W.  R;  Sutter  Club. 

Ottman,  Rev.  and  Mrs.  G.  A.;  Fourteenth  and  H. 

Parkinson,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  H.;  1430  H.     (Tel.  Main  171.) 
Phinney,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Geo.  A.:  1107  F. 

Ray,  Mrs.  F.  E.:  1431  K.  Wednesday. 

Reith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Jr.;  1318  H. 

Ross,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Thos.;  805  H. 

Ryan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  D.;  1200  P.     (Tel.  Red  31.) 

Seymour,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  I. :  1631  I. 

Sheehan,  Gen.  and  Mrs.  T.  W.;  Twenty-first  nr.  V.     (Tel.  Main  220.) 

Shock,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  A.  W. ;  1921  H. 

Simmons.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  G.  L.;  1328  Tenth.     (Tel.  Red  891.) 

Simmons.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  G.  C;   1000  N.     (Tel.  Black  261.) 

Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  F.;  1618  O.     (Tel.  Black  211.) 

Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  G.;  927  H.    (Tel.  Main  110.) 

Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.;  1501  N. 

Stanton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.;  1309  Sixth. 

Stokes,  E.  H.;  1603  Second.     (Tel.  Main  388.) 

Sullivan,  Miss  J.  C,  Miss  S.  E.;  Miss  A.;  Miss  L.;  1526  Third. 

Sullivan,  W.  L.;  2123  M. 

Terry,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  E.;  1114  N. 

Terry,  Mrs.  L.  A.,  Miss  Laura  A.,  Miss  May  A.;  1236  N. 

Thompson,   Miss  E.   M.;   927  M. 

Thompson,    Mr.   and    Mrs.   Herbert   R.;    1725  P. 

Tozer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.,  Charles  W.;  1429  H. 

Tracy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Felix;   1706  P. 

Tufts,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  C;    1605  H. 

Towle,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.,  Miss  Alleen,  Miss  Orra  H. ;  2026  M. 

Upson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  S.,  Miss  L.,  Miss  A.,  Miss  Nellie;  1010  F. 

Van  Voorhies,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  A.;    1403  H. 

Weinstock,  Mr.  and  Mrs.   H.;  1631   H.     (Tel.   Red  181.) 

Whitbeck,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  D. ;  1314  Tenth.     Thursday. 

Whitbeck,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  L. ;  1310  Seventh. 

Wilcox,  Mrs.  M.  B.,  Miss  Florence,  Miss  Nellie;  1020  F. 

Williams,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  Y. :  1104  I. 

Willis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  B.;  616  M.     (Tel.  Black  151.)     Thursday. 

Wright,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  E.;   1221  O. 

Wright,  Col.  and  Mrs.  J.  B.;  1402  H.    (Tel.  Main  172.) 

Wright,  Gen.  and  Mrs.  M.  J.;  1316  Tenth. 



Adams,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  E.:  45  W.  Magnolia.     (Tel.  Black  701.) 
Arnold,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.,  Miss  C,  P.,  Jr.;  630  N.  S.  Joaquin. 
Atherton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  A.;    349  E.   Rose.     (Tel.  Black  34.) 
Atwood,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  S.;    604  E.  Market. 
Austin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  B.;  1140  E.  Main.     (Tel.  Black  531.) 

Baggs,  Mrs.  A.  N.;  945  N.  San  Joaquin.     (Tel.  Black  281.) 
Baggs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.;  940  N.   San  Joaquin.     (Tel.  Black  281.) 
Baldwin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.;  129  W.  Park.     (Tel.  Red  121.) 
Belding,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C;  725  N.  El  Dorado.     (Tel.  Red  191.) 
Belding,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L. ;  231  E.  Weber  Ave. 
Bennett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  O.;  627  E.  Channel.     (Tel.  Black  51.) 
Bidwell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  A.;  1429  E.  Lafayette. 
Bostwick,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  I.  S.;  313  Weber.    (Tel.  Black  221.) 
Budd,  Governor  and  Mrs.  J.  H.;  Sacramento.     (Tel.  Main  142.) 
Budd,  Judge  and  Mrs.  Joseph  H.;  219  N.   Sutter.     (Tel.  Red  221.) 
Budd,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  E.;  700  W.  Poplar.     (Tel.  Black  511.) 
Buell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.  A.:  El  Dorado.     (Tel.  Black  271.) 
Bulson,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  H.  R.;  San  Joaquin.     (Tel.  Red  671.) 
Bulson,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C.  H.;  636  E.  Lindsay.     (Tel.  Red  471.) 
Burton,   Dr.   and   Mrs.   F. ;  8   E.   Magnolia. 

Cadle,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  F.:  527  S.  California.     (Tel.  Black  521.) 

Cadle,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  F.;  527  S.  California. 

Castle,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  O.;  421  S.  California.     (Tel.  Red  661.) 

Cavis,   Hon.   and  Mrs.  J.   W.;    11  E.  Park. 

Chalmers,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.,  Miss  Harriett;  105  E.  Lindsay.     (Tel.  Black  401.) 

Clark,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Asa;  Asylum  Grounds. 

Clark,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  F.  P.;   Center,  cor.  First.     (Tel.  Black  571.) 

Clark,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  C;  645  N.  San  Joaquin.    (Tel.  Red  151.) 

Cobb,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  D.:  430  N.  Sutter.     (Tel.  Black  291.) 

Corcoran,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  J.;  106  W.  Flora.     (Tel.  Red  721.) 

Cross,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  L.  E.;  207  W.  Acacia.     (Tel.  Red  241.) 

Cross,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  S.  N.;  1017  N.  El  Dorado.     (Tel.  Red  321.) 

Cutting,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  M.,  Miss  Maria.     (Tel.  Red  91.) 

Dagget,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  C;  E.  Miner  Ave.     (Tel.  Black  351.) 

De  Vries,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.;  105  E.  Acacia.    (Tel.  Red  641.) 

De  Vinney,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C.  L.;  535  E.  Main.     (Tel.  Red  771.) 

Dickenson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  L.j  621  H.  Ave. 

Doak,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  K.,  Miss  Elizabeth  S.,  John  E.;  437  N.  Hunter. 

Dohrman,  Mrs.  C.  W.,  Miss,  Miss  L.,  Miss  M.;  745  W.  Park.     (Tel.  Red  511.) 

Dorrance,   Mr.   and  Mrs.   H.   T.;    Flora. 

Dudley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  L.,  Miss  M..  W.  L..  Jr.;  241  E.  Flora.  (Tel.  Red  331.) 

Farrington,  Mrs.  G.  G. ;   329  E.  Magnolia. 

Fraser,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P.  B.,  Miss  M.;  945  N.  Center.     (Tel.  Red  391.) 

Gerlach,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.,  Miss  Laura;  231  E.  Flora.     (Tel.  Main  148.) 
Gray,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.,  Miss  H.;  315  E.  Fremont.     (Tel.  Red  261.) 
Gross,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  E.,  Miss  R.;  6  W.  Park.     (Tel.  Black  121.) 

Hatch,  Miss  Gertrude:  Poplar,  cor.  Center. 

Henderson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.;  Flora  and  San  Joaquin.     (Tel.  Black  91.) 

Henderson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  O.  S. ;  cor.  Center  and  Magnolia. 

Hewlett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  H.,  Harry  H.;  177  E.  Oak. 


Hough,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  H,  Miss  Sarah;  10  E.  Park.     (Tel.  Black  801.) 
Hubbard,  Mrs.  H.  F.,  Miss  M.,  Miss  L.;  149  El  Dorado.     (Tel.  Black  1231.) 
Hudson,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  A.  S.;  Hunter.     (Tel.  Black  431.) 
Hyatt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  C;  635  Min.  Ave.     (Tel.  Black  541.) 

Johnson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  S.,  Miss;  11  W.  Park. 

Kearns,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.;  222  E.  Flora.     (Tel.  Main  38.) 

Kile,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  M.;  122  N.  Stanislaus.     (Tel.  Black  561.) 

Lane,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  E.;   325  E.  Flora.     (Tel.  Red  171.) 
Lane,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  P. ;  725  N.  El  Dorado. 

McKee,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H.;  613  N.  Hunt.     (Tel.  Red  1331.) 

McKenzie,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  A.;  325  N.  El  Dorado. 

Moore,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  B.  W.;  725  N.  El  Dorado. 

Moore,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.,  Miss;  27  E.  Park. 

Moore,  Mrs.  H.  H.;  746  El  Dorado. 

Morrissey,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  A.;  1439  Weber.     (Tel.  Red  371.) 

Newell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  H.;  18  E.  Flora.     (Tel.  Red  381.) 

Newell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  W.;  221  E.  Miner.     (Tel.  Red  1171.) 

Newell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  W.;  227  E.  Miner.     (Tel.  Red  361.) 

Noble,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  M.;  Flora. 

Noble,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  B.:  348  E.   Flora. 

Nunan,  Mrs.  J.  J.;  905  E.  Oak.     (Tel.  Main  412.) 

Nutter,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  B.;  113  E.  Acacia. 

Phelps,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  L.;  747  W.  Poplar.     (Tel.  Main  80.) 

Ramsey,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  C;  508  Channel. 

Reid,  Mr.  R.  A.;  809  N.  El  Dorado.     (Tel.  Red  271.) 

Robinson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  A.;  740  E.  Lafayette. 

Rosenbaum,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  S.;  241  Fremont.     (Tel.  Black  161.) 

Ruggles,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C.  A.;  429  S.  California.     (Tel.  Black  661.) 

Ruggles,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  L.;  209  E.  Vine.    (Tel.  Main  201.) 

Sargent,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C.  S.;  San  Joaquin.     (Tel.  Red  831.) 

Sargent,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  S.;  Park. 

Sargent,  R.  C,  Miss  Mattie;  703  E.  Channel.     (Tel.  Red  441.) 

Simpson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  W.,  Miss  E.,  Miss  B.;  E.  Oak  and  El  Dorado. 

Swain,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.;  1045  N.  Commerce. 

Wallace,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  G.;  821  N.  El  Dorado.     (Tel.  Black  381.) 
Welsh,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  M.,  Miss  Grace;  901   N.  El  Dorado. 
West,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred  M.;  28  W.  Park.     (Tel.  Black  341.) 
West,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  eGorge,  Miss  H.  R.,  F.  A.;  El  Pinel  Voneyard. 
Westbay,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.;  105  E.  Magnolia.     (Tel.  Black  201.) 
White,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  C;  Poplar,  near  El  Dorado.     (Tel.  Black  21.) 
Wilhoit,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  L;  608  N.  El  Dorado.     (Tel.  Red  541.) 
Wilhoit,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  E.,  Miss  M.  L,  Miss  E.  G.;  347  Flora. 
Wilhoit,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  E.;  328  E.  Flora.     (Tel.  Red  541.) 
Williams,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  E.;  104  W.  Park. 
Wolf,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.;  741  E.  Weber.     (Tel.  Red  311.) 
Woods,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  N.;  135  N.  Stanislaus.     (Tel.  Black  341.) 

Yardley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.,  Miss  Carrie;   128  E.  Sonora.     (Tel.  Black  32.) 

r*SH?  #  #  *j?  #  #  #^ 


Ackerman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  H.,  Miss  E. ;  St.  James  Park.     Wednesday. 
Austin,  Judge  H.  C.,  Miss  A.  D.,  S,.  C.  R.;  3118  Figueroa.     Wednesday. 
Aylsworth,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  W.,  Miss,  Howard  G.;  442  S.  Griffin  Ave. 

Babcock,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  D.;  736  S.  Alvarado. 

Banning,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William;  416  N.  Broadway. 

Banning,  Mrs.  Mary  H.;  535  N.  Broadway.     (Tel.  Black  91.)     Thursday. 

Banning,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H. ;  416  N.  Broadway.     Thursday. 

Banning,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  B. ;  W.  Tenth  and  Westlake  Ave.    Thursday. 

Barker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  A.;  322  W.  Twenty-eighth.     Wednesday. 

Baruch,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J. ;  945  S.  Olive.     1st  and  3d  Thursday. 

Bicknell,  Judge  and  Mrs.  J.  D.,  Miss  E.,  Miss  M.;  226  S.  Hill. 

Bicknell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  F. ;  7575  Burlington. 

Bicknell,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  F.  T.,  Miss  E.  F. ;  419  N.  Broadway.     Thursday. 

Bishop,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  T.,  Jr.;  511  W.  Twenty-seventh.     2d  and  4th  Mon. 

Bonsall,  Maj.  and  Mrs.Wm.  H.,  Miss  J.,  Miss  B.,  Miss  E.;  2622  S.  Grand  Ave. 

Bradbury,  Mrs.  S.,  Miss  L.,  Miss  M.;  406  Court. 

Bradbury,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J. :  620  Temple. 

Braly,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  H. ;  St.  James  Park.     Wednesday. 

Braly,  Arthur  H.;    8495  Burlington. 

Brotherton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  W. ;  216  W.  Adams.     Wednesday. 

Burnett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  W. ;  cor.  W.  Eighth  and  Beacon. 

Campbell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Warren  I.,  The  Misses;  2807  Flower. 

Carpenter,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  C;    W.  Twenty-seventh  and  Orchard.     Wed. 

Caswell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  M.;  1003  E.  Washington.     Wednesday. 

Chandler,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Durdette;  2021  E.  First.    Tuesday. 

Chandler,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Harry;  503  N.  Broadway. 

Chandler,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  P.,  Miss;  N.W.  cor.  St.  James  Park  and  W.  Adams. 

Chase,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C;  3083  E.  Twelfth.     Wednesday. 

Childs,  Mrs.  O.  W..  Miss,  Miss  H.  C.  S.  V.;     (Tel.  West  184.)     1st  Tuesday. 

Childs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  O.  W.,  Jr.:  Santa  Monica. 

Clark,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  R.;  2433  S.  Grand  Ave.     Wednesday. 

Cochran,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  G. ;  218  Loma  Drive.     (Tel.  Red  81.) 

Cole,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  George  L. :  1425  S.  Hope.     Monday. 

Conroy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  F. :  500  W.  Thirtieth.     1st  Wednesday. 

Coulter,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  B.  F..  B.  F.,  Jr.,  T.;  219  N.  Grand  Ave.     Wednesday 

Coulter,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  M.;   1015  S.  Pearl.    Wednesday 

Creighton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.;  1023  W.  Twenty-third.     Wednesday. 

Creighton,  W.  S.;  1934  Bonsallo  Ave. 

Desmond,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  C. ;  Santa  Monica.     Wednesday. 

Earl,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edwin  T.;   1012  W.  Pico.     Monday. 

Easton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Langdon,  Miss  A.,  Miss  S.  M.;  344  S.  Grand  Ave.     Wed. 


Elderkin,  Maj.  and  Mrs.  W.  A.,  U.  S.  A.;  26  Ellendale  Place.     Wednesday. 

Flint,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  N.;  029  Westlake  Ave. 

Ford,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  W.  R. ;  N.  E.  cor.  N.  Hill  and  Bellevue  Ave. 

Forrester,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Arthur  W.;  949  W.  Seventeenth. 

Forrester,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles;  846  S.  Pearl.     Wednesday. 

Foy,  Mr.  and  S.  C,  Miss  M.,  Miss  E.,  Miss  C;  651  S.  Pearl.     Tuesday. 

Fuller,  Mrs.  H.  B.,  Miss  H.,  Miss  K.  W.;  7  Colonial  Flats.    2d  and  3d  Wed. 

Gates,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Carroll  W.;  1434  S.  Flower.     Thursday. 

Hazard,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  T.;  2826  S.  Hope.     1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 

Hellmann,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  S.;  1137  S.  Hope.    Thursdav. 

Hellman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  W.;  958  S.  Hill. 

Hellman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel;  130  W.  Seventeenth.     1st  and  2d  Friday. 

Henderson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  A.;  Hotel  Lincoln.     Monday. 

Hollenbeck,  Mrs.  Elizabeth;  573  Boyle  Ave. 

Holliday,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  H.;  139  S.  Hill.     Wednesday. 

Holmes,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  B.  A.  862  W.  Washington. 

Holterhoff,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Godfrey,  Jr.;  2824  S.  Flower.     Wednesday. 

Hooker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  D. ;  325  W.  Adams.    Wednesday. 

Hotchkiss,  Albert  B.;  221  W.  Fourth.     Santa  Monica. 

Howland,  Charles  T.;  779  Central  Ave. 

Hunt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  N. ;  Pasadena. 

Irvine,  Mrs.  Margaret;  Westminster  Hotel.     Monday. 

Jevne,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.,  Miss  Mina  A.,  Jesse  A.,  Burdette;  849  S.  Burling- 
ton Ave.     1st  and  3d  Friday. 

Johnson,  Gen.  and  Mrs.  E.  P.,  Miss.  Miss  Sadie,  Miss  Gertrude,  E.  P.,  Jr.: 
947  S.  Hope.     Thursday. 

Johnson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  B.  F. ;  142  W.  Twenty-fifth.     Wednesday. 

Jones,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Cummins  B.;  2302  S.  Flower.     Wednesday. 

Kellam,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Milton  Y.,  Miss  Anna  J..  Miss  Lvdia,  Edward   R.. 

Milton  Y.,  Jr.;  325  Ficket. 
King,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  W.:    903  Westlake  Ave. 
Kingsbaker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T. ;  1830  S.  Figueroa.    1st  and  3d  Friday. 

Lacy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William:  Washington,  near  Estrella  Ave. 
Lacy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William.  Jr.:  1101  W.  Ninth. 
Lacy.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Richard  H.;  1455  Wright. 
Lankershim.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  B.:  950  S.  Olive.    Monday. 
Lee,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Bradner  W. :  1105  S.  Hope.     Wednesday. 
Lynch,  Joseph  D. ;  212  S.  Broadway. 

Mason,  Mr.  and   Mrs.   George;  2527  Grand  Ave. 

Masser,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H. :  1815  Cherry.     Friday. 

Mathews,  Mrs.  Mary  L. ;  813  S.  Spring. 

Mathews,  Hon.  and  Mrs.  J.  R.;  813  S.  Spring. 

Mathews,  Mr.  Lowry  J.;  726  S.  Spring. 

Maxwell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  S.,  Miss  Carmalita,  Miss  Mercedes;   609  S. 

Main.     2d  Thursday. 
Merrill,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  C,  Miss,  John  C.  Jr.;   1610  S.  Figueroa.     Wed. 
Meserve,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  A.;  139  S.  Spring.     Monday. 
Millard,  Mrs.  Spencer  G. ;  1343  Kellam  Ave.     Wednesday.     Sacramento. 
Montgomery,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  A.;  1033  S.  Pearl.     Tuesday. 
Montgomery,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  A.:  7i".»  \V.  Twenty-eighth.     Tuesday. 


Moore,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Melvin  L. ;  746  Westlake  Ave. 
Moore,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  S.;  1367  Figueroa.     Wednesday. 
Mortimer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  W.;  2822  S.  Grand  Ave.     Wednesday. 
Mora,  Right  Rev.  Bishop  and  Mrs.  118  E.  Second. 

Mullins,  Col.  and  Mrs.  George.  G.,  U.  S.  A.,  Miss  Anna.  Miss  Ethel,  Miss 
Mary  G. ;  1006  Washington.     Wednesday. 

Parsons,  George  W.,  Miss,  Miss  E.  H.,  S.  S.;  1026  Olive.     Tuesday. 

Patrick,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  M.;  1661  W.  First. 

Peck,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  H.  F.;  941  W.  Beacon.     1st  and  4th  Monday. 

Pendleton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  W. ;  2212  S.  Figueroa.     4th  Wednesday. 

Perkins,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Gregory,  Gregory,  Jr.;  505  W.  Twenty-first. 

Perry,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  H.;  708  Vallejo.     Tuesday. 

Petsch,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  P.  A.;  2110  S.  Figueroa.     Wednesday. 

Praeger,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel;  2321  W.  Pico. 

Prager,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles;  Baker  Block.     1st  and  3d  Monday. 

Preuss,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward;  118  N.  Broadway.     1st  and  3d  Wednesday. 

Rodman,  Willoughby;  2631  Orchard  Ave. 

Rose,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  J..  Miss  Maud,  Miss  Mabel:  400  S.  Grand  Ave.     Mon. 

Ross,  Judge  and  Mrs.  Erskine  M.,  Robert   E.   (University  of  California); 

Hotel  Westminster. 
Ross,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Percy  W. ;  845  S.  Hope.     Thursday. 
Ross,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.  W.;  845  S.  Hope. 
Rowan,  Maj.  and  Mrs.  T.  E.,  Miss  Josephine;  533  S.  Main. 

Sanders,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  W. ;  N.  W.  cor.  Eighth  and  Bonnie  Brae. 

Sanderson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  H. ;  1632  Pleasant  Ave. 

Sargent,  Edward  W. ;  109  S.  Broadway. 

Sartori,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  F. ;   725  W.  Twenty-eighth.     4th  Wednesday. 

Scarborough,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  B.,  James  W. ;  911  W.  Twelfth.     Wednesday. 

Seligman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Carl;  633  S.  Grand  Ave.     2d  and  4th  Thursday. 

Sessions,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  H.;  1330  Carroll  Ave. 

Severance,  Mrs.  C.  M. ;    806  W.  Adams.     Wednesday. 

Severance,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Mark  S.;  758  W.  Adams.     Wednesday. 

Sheward,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  T.;  1636  Rockwood.     Friday. 

Shoemaker,  Mrs.  F.  H. ;  St.  James  Park.     Wednesday. 

Shorb,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Andrew  S.,  Miss  L. ;  N.  W.  cor.  San  Pedro  and  Adams. 

Shumacher,  Frank  G. ;  107  N.  Spring. 

Schumacher,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Percy  F. ;  921  Grand  Ave. 

Silent,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ed.  D. ;  2714  Severance.     Wednesday. 

Slauson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  S.,  James;  2345  S.  Figueroa.     Wednesday. 

Small,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  E. ;  956  S.  Broadway. 

Steckel,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George;  1427  S.  Hope.     Wednesday. 

Stephens,  Judge  and  Mrs.  A.  M.:  133  S.  Hill. 

Stevens,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  O.  A.;  235  N.  Soto.     2d  and  4th  Monday. 

Stewart,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  H.;  237  S.  Bunker  Hill  Ave. 

Summer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  A.,  Miss;  1301  Orange  Ave. 

Taylor,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  G.;   1663  Girard. 
Teale,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred  H.;  443  S.  State. 

Thorn,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  C.  E.,  U.  S.  A.,  Cameron  D. ;  C.  C;  118  E.  Third. 
Thomas,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  J.;  S.  E.  cor.  Figueroa  and  Jefferson.     Wednesday. 
Tolhurst,  Dr.  and  Mrs.   S.   H.;  1210  W.   Adams.     Thursday. 
Tufts,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  Q.,  Miss  Eva  S.,  Miss  Maud  S.,  Miss  Mamie  W.. 
John  Q„  Jr.,  W.  A.;  3203  S.  Grand  Ave.     Tuesday. 

Utley,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Jay  H.;  939  S.  Hope.     Tuesday. 


Vail,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hugh  \\\;  722  \V.  Twenty-third.     Monday. 
Vail,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  L.;  720  N.  Burlington. 
Van  Dyke,  Judge  and  Mrs.  Walter;   321  S.  Olive. 
Vetter,  Louis  F. ;  Hotel  Lincoln. 

Waehtel.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  V.:  215  Sickel.    Friday. 

Wade,  Kirtland  H.;  Pasadena,  Cal. 

Wedemeyer,  Maj.  and  Mrs.  W.  G. 

Wells,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  Wiley;  1019  S.  Hill.    1st  and  2d  Thursday. 

Wheeler,  Col.  and  Mrs.  J.  0.;  Baker  Block.    Monday.    Washington,  D.  C. 

Winston,  Mrs.  Margaret,  Miss,  Miss  Margaret;  729  W.  Seventh. 

Wellborn,  Judge  and  Mrs.  Olin,  Miss  Lillian,  Miss  Dat.;   1374  S.  Figueroa. 

Wolters,  Mrs.  Mary,  Miss  C.  M.;  Miss  L.  A.;  John  W.;  1110  Ingraham.    Tues. 


Alexander,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.;  21  E.  Valerio. 
Anderson,  Dr.  Charles;  Arrellaga,  nr.  Garden. 

Bates,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C.  B.;  1601  Chapala.     (Tel.  Red  131.) 

Beckman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.;  Hawley  Heights. 

Bigelow,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  E.;  cor.  Islay  and  Santa  Barbara.    (Tel.  Red  321.) 

Boeseke,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  A.  J.;  Chapala,  near  Ortega.     (Tel.  Black  51.) 

Boeseke.  Dr.  E.  J.;  Chapala,  near  Ortega.     (Tel.  Black  51.) 

Canfield,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  B.;    1620  State.     (Tel.  Black  11.) 
Coffin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  W. ;  cor.  Sola  and  Anacopa. 
Culbertson,  Mrs.  J.  C;  129  Micheltorena.     (Tel.  Black  361.) 
Dayton,   Miss  Jennie;  Anacopa,   bet.   Valerio  and    Islay. 
Deimel,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  H.  L.;   1S22  Santa  Barbara. 
De  Laney,  Mrs.  C;  Anapamu,   bet.   Canal  and   Quarentina. 
Douglass,  Mr.;    cor.  Victoria  and  Bath.     (Tel.  Red  291.) 
Dunshee,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  M.;  208  Micheltorena. 

Eddy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  M.;  W.  Mission,  nr.  Castillo.    (Tel.  Red  28.) 
Edwards,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  A.;  1332  De  la  Vina.     (Tel.  Black  401.) 
Edwards,  Mrs.  John:   cor.  Anacopa  and  Sola.     (Tel.  Black  71.) 
Edwards,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel;  cor.  State  and  Valerio. 

Fernald.  Mrs.  Charles,  Miss  Florence;  Santa  Barbara,  near  Haley. 
Frink,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  H.:  cor.  Bath  and  Arrellaga.     (Tel.  Black  241.) 

Gorham,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  W.J  15  E.  Valerio.     (Tel.  Main  48.) 
Greenwell,  Mrs.  A.  C;  cor.  Bath  and  Montecito.     (Tel.   Black  121.) 

Hale,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Clinton;  Islay  and  New  Mission.     (Tel.  Mission  95.) 
Hall.   Dr.   and   Mrs.   R.  J.;    Mission  Hall.     (Tel.   Main   125.) 
Hawley,  Mrs.  W.  N.,  Miss  W.  A.:  Miss  F.  S.;  Canal,  nr.  Mission. 
Hazard,   Mr.  and  Mrs.  Roland;  Mission.     (Tel.   Main  78.) 
Holder,  Miss  Abby,  Miss  Fannie;    cor.  Victoria  and  De  la  Vina. 

Kellogg.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  L.;  33  E.  Valerio.     (Tel.  Red  171.) 

Knight,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H..  Miss:  cor.   Anacopa  and  Victoria.  (Tel.  Black  191.) 

Lawton,   Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.   P.;  2030    Anacopa.     (Tel.  Red  31.) 

Low.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  P.;  Mesa. 

Lunt.    Mrs.   Clara   W.;    20   W.    Valerio. 


McLaren,  Mrs.  W.   S.,  The  Misses;  cor.    Anacopa  and  Arrellaga. 
McNulty,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  M.:   Bath,  nr.  Victoria.     (Tel.  Red  221.) 
Metcalf,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  B.;  Hawley  Heights. 

Perkins,  Mr.;  cor.   Anacopa  and   Pedregassa.     (Tel.   Black   171.) 
Poett,  Mr.  Alfred,  Miss;  New  Mission,  nr.  Garden.     (.Tel.  Red  261.) 
Raisey,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  W.;  1312  Castillo. 

Sheffield,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  S.;  210  Victoria. 

Stearns,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  P.;  cor.  Chapala  and  Haley. 

Stoddard,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  C.  S.;  cor.  Anaconda  and  Anapama.  (Tel.  Red  191.) 

Truslow,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  L.;  1305  Bath.     (Tel.  Red  181.) 

Waterman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  I.  G. ;  Montecito. 

Whitney,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  M.;   937  Micheltorena.     (Tel.  Red  271.) 


Anderson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  H. ;  1269  Twelfth.     Wednesday. 

Arey,  Capt.  and  Mrs.,  Miss;   Sixth,  nr.  Ash. 

Arndt,   Dr.   and  Mrs.  H.   R.;  1732  Third.     Wednesday. 

Bancroft,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hubert  H.;  Fourth  and  Fir.     Wednesday. 

Blancharde,  Mrs.  M.  B.;  1307  Twelfth.     Thursday. 

Bowers,  Hon.  and  Mrs.  W.  W.,  The  Misses;   Second,  below  Jupiter. 

Britt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  W. ;  Fourth  and  Maple. 

Brodrick,  Mrs.  I.  D. ;   Second  and  Hawthorn. 

Brooks,  Mrs.  H.   N.;  Third  and  Brooks  Avenue.     Thursday. 

Buck,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  S.,  Miss;  Twenty-first  and  Fir.     Wednesday. 

Chase,  Maj.  and  Mrs.  Levi;  D  and  Twelfth.     Thursday. 
Christian,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  T. ;  1940  Third.     Tuesday. 
Clark,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  G. ;  2144  A.     Wednesday. 
Clough,  Mrs.  J.  H.;  1041  Sixth.     Sweetwater. 

Daley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas;    713  Tenth.     Thursday. 
Douthett,  Mrs.  M.  A.;  cor.  Eleventh  and  B.     Tuesday. 

Edwards,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  William;  cor.  Fifth  and  Laurel. 
Edwards,  Mrs.  S.  A.;  cor.  Fourth  and  Fir. 

Fields,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  S.;  Coronado  Beach,  Third  and  C  Ave. 
Fox.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  J.;  845  Tenth.     Wednesday. 

Gassen,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  G.;   cor.  E  and  Eleventh.     Thursday. 
Gibson,  Judge  and  Mrs.  J.  A.;  Second  and  Cedar. 
Ginty,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John;  Seventh  and  Ash.     Monday. 
Gray,   Mr.  and  Mrs.  William;  Twenty-seventh  and  Logan  Ave. 

Haight,  Mrs.  E.  G.;  1167  Union. 

Hamilton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chas. ;  cor.  Seventh  and  Beech. 
Hannahs,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Geo.;   cor.  Second  and  Laurel. 
Hazzard,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  W.;  2418  Fifth. 
Henderson,  Miss  Lizzie;  Tenth  and  B.     Thursday. 
Hickman,  E.  C. 

SAN  DIEGO.  183 

Hyde,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  G.  F.;  Fifth,  nr.  Cedar.     Friday. 

Jewitt,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.;  cor.  Fifth  and  Palm. 
Jorres,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  G. ;  cor.  Union  and  A. 
Julian,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  H.,  Miss;  1052  Twelfth. 

Kellogg,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  E.  T.,  Miss;  cor.  Third  and  Ivy.     Thursday. 
King,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wm.  Neil,  Miss;  N.  E.  cor.  First  and  Kalmia.     Friday. 

Leifchild,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  L.;   925  Thirteenth. 

Loomis,  Mrs.  E.  C;   1029  Fifteenth. 

Loring,  Dr.  and  Mrs.   Leonard,  U.  S.  A.;  cor.  Fourth  and  Fir. 

Matfield,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Geo.  H.,  Miss;  cor.  Sixth  and  E.     Thursday. 
McDonald,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  Wade;  cor.  Seventh  and  Ash. 
McLure,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  S. ;  Twenty-fourth  and  H.     Thursday. 

Parker,  Mrs.  Albert;  1132  Cedar. 

Pauly,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  W.,  Miss;   1340  Cedar.     Tuesday. 

Peery,  Dr.  Dessie  E.,  Herbert;  Fourth,  above  A. 

Pierce,  Mrs.  E.  M.;  1835  Third.    Friday. 

Palmer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  H.;  Eleventh  and  C. 

Preston,  Mrs.  J.  W.,  Miss;  First  and  Laurel.     Wednesday. 

Rodes,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph,  Miss;  Fourth  and  A. 

Scott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chalmer;  cor.  First  and  Ivy.     Tuesday. 

Slade,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Samuel;  1312  Front. 

Smiley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  V.  W.;  cor.  First  and  Elm. 

Smith,  Mrs.  E.  A.,  Miss  Ada;  2355  Fifth. 

Smith,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  M. ;  Lafayette. 

Turner,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  H.;  1917  D.     Tuesday. 
Turner,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  C;  1058  Second.     Tuesday. 

Van  Arman,  Mrs.  J.;  cor.  Fourth  and  Grape.     Friday. 

Whitney,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  W. ;  Hotel  del  Coronado. 

Wood,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  C;  N.  W.  cor.  Fourth  and  L.  Langham. 


■  UP  TO  DATE 

1026  Market  Street.  Eoom  1 



:  :  The  El  MONTE  :  : 

'Phone  Sutter  1591  Corner  Taylor.  San  Francisco 


Thoroughly  renovated  and  newly  furnished  with  the  latest  sanita.iy 




All  Sunny  Light  Rooms.         Play  Grounds  for  Chihh-en 


Branch  ef  the  well  known  "El  Monte"'  Hotel  at  Sausalito.  Boarders 
from  one  establishment  can  change  to  the  other  at  will  if  desired.  Billiard 
and  Smoking  Parlors  for  gentlemen  connected  with  the  hotel. 

J.   E.  SLIXKEY,  Proprietor. 


Preventives  in  season  are  much  surer  than  belated 
drugs.     A  healthy  condition  of  the  Kidneys,  Liver 
and  Bowels  is  the  strongest  safeguard  against 
Headaches,  Racking  Colds  or  Fevers. 

Syrup  of  Figs 

Acts  as  a  perfect  laxative  should,  cleansing 
and  refreshing  the  system  without  weaken- 
ing it.  Permanently  curing  Constipation 
and  its  effects. 

Mild  and  Sure. 

Pleasant  to  the  taste  andfre? 
from  objectionable  sub- 
stances.    Physicians  re- 
commend it.       Millions 
have  found  it  invaluable. 

Manufactured  by 

California  Fitf  Syrun  Co. 

U.  S.  flf^MY 

Brigadier-General  James   W.    Forsyth,    Commanding. 

Headquarters San   Francisco,  Cal. 

First    Lieutenant    J.    Frankliu    Bell.    7th   Cavalry.    Aide-de-Camp. 
First  Lieutenant  J.  F.  Reynolds,  Landis.  1st  Cavalry.  Aide-de-Camp. 


Colonel  O.  D.  Greene.  Assistant  Adjutant-General  (Brevet  Brigadier- 
General,  i 

Major  Stephen  W.  Groesbeck.  Judge  Advocate. 

Lieutenant-Colonel  Amos  S.  Kimball.  Deputy  Quartermaster-General.  Chief 

Major  Wells  Willard.  Commissary-General  of  Subsistence.  Chief  Commis- 
sary of  Subsistence:  also  on  duty  as  Purchasing  Commissarv. 

Lieutenant-Colonel  Johnson  V.  D.  Middleton.  Deputy  Surgeon-General. 
Medical  Director. 

Major  Alfred  E.  Bates.  Paymaster.  Chief  Paymaster. 

First  Lieutenant  Frank  Greene.  Signal  Corps.  Chief  Signal  Officer. 

Major  Edward  Field.  2d  Artillery.  Artillery  Inspector. 


Major  John  S.  Witcher.  Paymaster. 

Alcatraz    Island.    Cal.— Battery   A.    3d    Artillery. 
Major  Wallace  F.  Randolph  (absent  on  duty.  Fort  Riley.  Kan.) 
Captain  James  Chester.  Commanding  Post. 
First  Lieutenant  Benjamin  H.   Randolph. 
First  Lieutenant  David  J.  Rumbough  (absent.) 
Second  Lieutenant  Thalis  L.  Ames.  Adjutant   Recruiting  Officer. 

Battery  L.  3d  Artillery. 
Captain  Frank  W.  Hess. 

First   Lieutenant  Henry   H.  Laidlaw   (in  charge  of  School.) 
First  Lieutenant  William  G.  Haan.  Quartermaster  Commissary. 
Second  Lieutenant  Frank  L.  Mauldin  (absent.) 

Captain  Harlan  E.  McVay.  Assistant  Surgeon.  Treasurer  and  Librarian. 
Angel  Island.  Cal.— Headquarters.  Field.  Staff  and  Band.  3d  Artillery. 
Colonel  Edmund  C.  Bainbridge. 

Lieutenant-Colonel  Edward  B.  Williston  (absent  on  duty.  Presidio.) 
Major  Wallace  F.  Randolph,  assigned  to  Alcatraz  Island." 
Major  John  A.  Darling  (absent  on  leav^  until  June  2.     -   ' 
Major  David  H.  Kinzie  (absent,  commanding  Fort  Canby.  Wash.) 
First  Lieutenant  Charles  F.  Menoher.   Adjutant  and  Recruiting  Officer. 
First  Lieutenant  Charles  G.  Woodward.  Quartermaster.  Commissary  and 
Police   Officer. 

Battery  D,  3d  Artillery. 

Captain  Charles  Humphreys. 

188  U.  S.  ARMY. 

Fiist  Lieutenant  John  R.  Williams  (absent  on  duty  at  A.  G.  O,) 
First  Lieutenant  Charles  A.  Bennett  (under  orders  to  join.) 
Second  Lieutenant   George   Le   R.    Irwin. 

Battery  H,  3d   Artillery. 
Captain  James  O'Hara. 
First  Lieutenant  George  T.  Bartlett  (absent  on  duty,  Ag.  and  Mac.  College, 

First  Lieutenant  Eugent  T.  Wilson. 

Second  Lieutenant  Edward  F.  O'Hearn,  Odrnance  Offiver  and  Treasurer. 
Additional  Second  Lieutenant  Lloyd  England,  S.  O. 

Battery  I,  3d  Artillery. 
Captain  Henry  C.  Danes. 
First  Lieutenant  Charles  W.  Foster. 

First  Lieutenant  George  O.  Squir  (absent  Fort  Monroe,  Va.) 
Second    Lieutenant   Jay    E.    Hotter    (absent    at    Military    Academy,    West 

Point,  N.  Y.) 
Major  Benjamin  F.  Pope,  Surgeon. 
First  Lieutenant  Paul  F.  Straub.  Assistant  Surgeon. 
John  H.  Macomber,  Post  Chaplain. 

Benecia  Barracks,  Cal. — Company  B.  1st  Infantry. 
Lieutenant-Colonel  Evan  Miles,  1st  Infantry. 
Captain  Leopold  O.  Parker. 
First  Lieutenant  Robert  H.  Noble. 
Second    Lieutenant    Lincoln    F.    Kilbourne,    Quartermaster,    Commissary, 

Treasurer  and  in  charge  of  Exchange. 

Company  C,  1st  Infantry. 

Captain  William  E.  Dougherty  (absent  at  Hooper  Valley.) 
First  Lieutenant  Frank  O.  Ferris,  Commanding  Company. 
Second  Lieutenant  Frank  A.  Wilcox,  Adjutant,  Recruiting.  Ordinance  and 
Signal  Officer  and  in  charge  of  Schools. 

Company  D.  1st  Infantry. 
Captain  James  S.   Pettit. 

First  Lieutenant  Lewis  H.  Strother  (absent  aid  Major-General  Merritt.) 
Second  Lieutenant  John  R.  Binns. 
Major  Curtis  E.  Munn,  Surgeon. 
Captain   Merritt   W.   Freland,   Assistant   Surgeon. 

Fort   Mason,    Cal. — Battery    E,    3d    Artillery. 

Captain  Sedgwick  Pratt,  Commanding  Post. 

First  Lieutenant  Charles  W.  Hobbs. 

First  Lieutenant  Henry  C.  Davis  (absent.) 

Second    Lieutenant  James   Hamilton    (absent.) 

Captain  George  M.  Wells,  Assistant  Surgeon. 

Presidio   of    San    Francisco,    Cal. — Headquarters    Field,    Staft    and    Band 

1st  Infantry. 
Colonel  William  R.  Shafter. 

Lieutenant-Colonel  Evan  Miles  (absent,  Commanding  Benecia  Barracks.) 
Major  Thomas  M.  K.  Smith  (absent.  Commanding  San  Diego  Barracks.) 
First  Lieutenant   Lewis  P.   Brant,   Adjutant  and   Recruiting  Officer. 
First  Lieutenant  Leon  S.  Roudiez,  Quartermaster,  Commissary,  in  charge 

of  Exchange  and  Police  Officer. 
Lieutenant-Colonel  Samuel  B.  M.  Young,  4th  Cavalry. 
Lieutenant-Colonel   Edward  B.  Williston,   3d   Artillery. 

Troop  B,  4th  Cavalry. 
Captain  James  Parker  (absent  on  duty,  West  Point,  N.  Y.) 

D.  S.  ARMY.  1S9 

First  Lieutenant  Alexander  F.  Dean. 

Second    Lieutenant    William    R.    Smedberg.    Jr.    (absent    on    duty.    West 

Point.  X.  Y.i 
First  Lieutenant  John  M.   Xeall.  Troop  C   (attached.) 

Troop  C.  4th  Cavalry. 
Captain  H.  G.  Gale. 

First  Lieutenant  John  M.  Xeall.  temporarily  Commanding  Troop  B. 
Second  Lieutenant  Thomas  G.  Carson. 
First   Lieutenant  John  A.  Lockwood.   4th  Cavalry   (attached  to  Troop.) 

Troop  I.  4th  Cavalry. 
Captain  James  Sackett. 
First   Lieutenant  James  E.  Xolan. 
Second  Lieutenant  Milton  F.   Davis. 

Troop  K.  4th  Cavalry. 
Captain  Alexander  Rodgers. 
First    Lieutenant   Harry   C.    Benson. 
Second  Lieutenant  Samuel  McP.  Rutherford. 

Light  Battery  C.  3d  Artillery. 
Captain  James  M.  Lancaster  (absent.) 

First  Lieutenant  William  E.  Burkhimer.  Commanding  Battery. 
First  Lieutenant  John  D.  Barrette. 
First  Lieutenant   Archibald  Campbell. 

Light  Battery  F.  3d  Artillery. 
Captain  Ramsey  D.  Potts. 

First  Lieutenant  Charles  B.  Satterlee  (absent.) 
First  Lieutenant  Charles  D.  Palmer  (absent.) 
Second  Lieutenant  John  P.  Hains. 

Battery  G.   3d   Artillery. 
Captain  James  B.  Burbank  (absent.) 

First  Lieutenant  Joseph  M.  Califf.  Commanding  Battery. 
First  Lieutenant  Elmer  W.  Hubbard  (absent  on  leave.) 
Second  Lieutenant  Henry  D.  Todd.  Jr.  (absent.) 
Second  Lieutenant  William  S.   McNair  i absent.) 
Additional  Second  Lieutenant  James  W.  Hinckley.  Jr. 

Battery    K.   3d   Artillery. 
Captain  Lewis  Smith. 
First  Lieutenant  John  K.  Cree. 
First  Lieutenant  Walter  A.  Bethel  (absent.) 
Second  Lieutenant  Rogers  F.  Gardner. 

Company  A.   1st  Infantry. 
Captain   Thomas  H.   Barry  ton   duty.   Washington.    D.   C.i 
First  Lieutenant  Richard  C.  Croxton.  Commanding  Comapny. 
Second  Lieutenant  Charles  L.  Bent. 

Company  E    1-t  Infantry. 
Captain  John  J.  O'Connell. 

First  Lieutenant  Everett  E.  Benjamin  (absent  on  G.  R.  S.  at  S.  F.) 
Second  Lieutenant  Sydney  A.  Cloman. 

Company  F.   1st  Infantry. 
Captain  Charles  G.  Starr. 
First  Lieutenant  George  A.   Detchmedy.  Range  and  S.   0..   Librarian  and 

Second   Lieutenant   Dana   W.    Kilburn. 

Comnany  G.  1st    Infantry. 
Captain  Francis  E.  Pierce. 

First  Lieutenant  Tanison  L.  Faison  (absent  on  duty.  West   Point.  X.  Y.) 
Second  Lieutenant  Dennis  E.  Xolan. 

190  U    S.  ARMY 

Company  I,  1st  Infantry  (Skeleton  Company.) 

Captain  Frank  de  L.  Carrington  (absent  on  duty,  N.  G.  Cal.) 

First  Lieutenant  Charles  B.  Vogders  (on  duty,  State  University  of  Iowa.) 

Second  Lieutenant  William  M.  Crofton  (absent,  Fort  Leavenworth,  Kan.) 

Company  K,  1st  Infantry  (Skelton  Company.) 

Captain  Frank  H.  Edmunds  (absent  on  duty,  St.  John's  College,  N.  Y.  City.) 
First  Lieutenant  Nat.  P.  Phister  (absent  on  duty,  Fort  Leavenworth,  Kan.) 
Second  Lieutenant  Harry  A.  Smith  (absent  on  duty,  N.  G.  Kansas.) 
First  Lieutenant  John  D.  Niby,  5th  Artillery  (attached  Ordnance  Office.) 
Captain  Robert  R.  Stevens,  Assistant  Quartermaster. 
Major  Robert  H.  White,  Surgeon. 
Captain  Guy  L.  Edie,  Assistant  Surgeon. 
Captain  Euclid  B.  Frick,  Assistant  Surgeon. 

San  Diego  Barracks,  Cal. — Company  H,  1st  Infantry. 

Major  Thomas  M.  K.  Smith,   1st  Infantry. 

Captain  Marion  P.  Maus. 

First  Lieutenant  Thomas  Connelly. 

Second  Lieutenant  Amos  H.  Martin. 

Captain  William  L.  Kneedles,  Assistant  Surgeon. 


Inspector-General's  Department. 

Colonel    George    H.    Burton,    Inspector-General    of    Pacific    District,    San 
Francisco,   Cal. 

Quartermaster's  Department. 

Lieutenant-Colonel  James  G.    C.    Lee,   Deputy   Quartermaster-General,   in 

charge  of  General  Quartermaster's  Deparment. 
Captain    Oscar    F.    Long,    Assistant    Quartermaster,    on    duty    at    General 

Quartermaster's  Department. 

Subsistence    Department. 
Major  Wells  Willard,   Commissary  of  Subsistence,   Purchasing   Commis- 
sary; also  on  duty  as  Chief  Commissary  of  the  Department. 

Medical   Department. 
Colonel  Charles    R.    Greenleaf,   Assistant   Surgeon-General,   in   charge    of 
Medical  Supply  Depot,  San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Corps  of  Engineers. 
Colonel   Charles   R.   Suter,  Division  Engineer   Pacific   Division,   etc..   San 

Francisco,  Cal. 
Major  Charles  E.  L.  B.  Davis,  Engineer  Twelfth  Lighthouse  District,  etc. 
Captain  C.  E.  Gillette,  on   duty  with  California  Debris  Commission,  etc. 
First  Lieutenant  C.  L.  Potter,  under  immediate  orders  of  Captain  Gillette. 

Ordinance  Department. 
Lieutenant-Colonel  Laurence  S.  Babbitt,  Benecia  Arsenal. 
First  Lieutenant  Edwin  B.  Babbitt,  on  duty  at  Benecia  Arsenal. 
Second  Lieutenant  Lincoln  F.  Kilbourne,  Quartermaster. 

U.   S.    NAVY 


Captain  Henry  L.  Howison.  Commandant,  and  family. 

Captain   A.  S.  Barker  and  family. 

Commander  B.   H.   McCalla  and  family. 

Lieutenant-Commander  F.  M.  Symonds  and  family. 

Lientenant  F.  H.  Lefavor  and  Family. 

Lieutenant  W.  E.  Sewell  and  family. 

Lieutenant  R.  H.   Miner  and   wife:  Vallejo. 

Ensign  G.  R.  Slocum  and  wife. 

Ensign  S.  S.   Robison  and  wife:  Vallejo. 

Surgeon  G.  P.  Bradley  and  family. 

Pay  Inspector  W.  W.  Woodhull. 

Paymaster  H.  T.  Skelding.  wife  and  daughter. 

Chief  Engineer  George  F.  Kutz  and  family. 

P.  A.  Engineer  Solon  Arnold  and  family:  Vallejo. 

Naval  Constructor  W.  I.  Baxter  and  family. 

Assistant  Naval  Constructor  Eliot  Snow  and  family;  Vallejo. 

Civil  Engineer  F.  0.  Maxson  and  family. 

Chaplain  A.  A.  McAlister  and  wife. 

Gunner  William  Halford  and  family. 

Carpenter  O.  H.  Hilton  and  family:  Vallejo. 

Sailmaker  John  Roddy  and  family;  Vallejo. 

Medical  Director  G.  W.  Woods  and  family:  Naval  Hospital. 

P.  A.  Surgeon  C.  H.  T.  Loundes. 

P.  A.  Surgeon  G.  Rothganger;  Naval   Hospital. 

P.  A.  Surgeon  I.  E.  Page;  Naval  Hospital. 


*Civil  Engineer  Calvin  Brown  and  wife:  2640  Howard,  San  Francisco. 

*Ensign  C.  P.  Welch:  1213  Taylor,  San  Francisco. 

*J.  S.  Dungan.  Medical  Director:  care  Navy  Pay  Office.  San  Francisco. 

*Carpenter  R.  A.  Williams:  Pleyto.  Cal. 

*Gunner  W.   C.    Seymour:    Oakland.   Cal. 

*Medical  Inspector  Somerset  Robinson:  Paso  Robles,  Cal. 

*Ensign  W.  H.  Masser.  cor.  Second  and  Broadway.  Los  Angeles.  Cal. 

Chief    Engineer   J.    W.    Moore,    wife    and    three   daughters:    Union    Iron 
Works.  San  Francisco. 

P.   A.   Surgeon  H.   B.  Scott.  Denver.  Col. 
*  Assistant  Engineer  William  Stuart  Smith  and  wife:  Berkeley.  Cal. 

Naval  Constructor  A.  W.  Stahl:  Union  Iron  Works.  San  Francisco. 
*  The  names  marked  *  are  on  the  retired  list. 
Gunner  H.  R.  Yewell  and  wife:  Albuerque.  N.  M. 

Sailmaker  T.  O.  Fassett  and  wife:  Cnion  Iron  Works.  San  Francisco. 
P.  A.  Engineer  W.  B.  Dunning  and  wife:  Union  Iron  Works.  San  Francisco. 
P.  A.  Surgeon  M.  H.  Crawford:   Bohemian  Club.  San  Francisco. 
Lieutenant  J.  N.  Jordan  and  wife:  1021  Haight.  San  Francisco. 
Lieutenant   O.    E.    Lasher  and    wife:    Twenty-seventh   and   Central    Ave.. 

East  Oakland. 
Lieutenant  J.  C.  Burnett:  Bohemian  Club.  San  Francisco. 
♦Gunner  W.  A.  Ferrier  and  wife;  San  Jose.  Cal. 

192  U.  S.  NAVY. 

Assistant  Naval  Constructor  T.  F.  Ruhm ;  Bohemian  Club,  San  Francisco. 
Lieutenant-Commander  F.    P.   Gilmore  and   wife;  2330   Pacific  Ave.,   San 

Commander  H.  E.  Nichols  and  wife;  Oakland,  Cal. 
Carpenter  William  Macdonald;  Union  Iron  Works,  San  Francisco. 
Lieutenant  C.  G.  Calkins;  Portland,  Or. 

*Surgeon  Howard  Smith;  St.  Nicholas  Hotel,  San  Francisco. 
*Chaplain  J.  S.  Wallace  and  wife;  1900  Clinton  Ave.,  Alameda. 
Gunner  H.  J.  Tresselt  and  wife;  1668  Thirteenth  Ave.,  Oakland. 
Ensign  J.  B.  Blish;  Portland,  Or. 

*Rear  Admiral  D.  B.  Harmony  and  wife;   Hotel  Pleasanton. 
Lieutenant  J.  C.  Fremont;  Twenty-eighth  and  Hoover,  Los  Angeles,  Cal. 
Chaplain  Joseph  P.  Mclntyre;  1830  Sherman  Ave.,  Denver,  Col. 

Marine  Barracks.   Mare  Island. 

Major  P.   C.   Pope  and  wife. 
Captain  O.  C.  Berryman  and  family. 
First  Lieutenant  C.  M.  Perkins  and  family. 
First  Lieutenant  T.  C.  Prince  and  family. 
First  Lieutenant  H.  L.  Draper  and  family. 
First  Lieutenant  T.  P.  Kane. 
First  Lieutenant  R.  McM.  Dutton. 

U.  S.  R.  S.  Independence. 
Captain  J.  J.  Read. 

Lieutenant  T.  S.  Phelps,  Jr.,  and  wife;  Vallejo. 
Lieutenant  C.  A.   Clarke  and  family;  Oakland. 
Lieutenant  H.  R.  Tyler  and  wife;  Vallejo. 
P.  A.  Surgeon  N.  J.  Blackwood  and  wife;  Vallejo. 
P.  A.  Paymaster  L.  C.  Kerr. 
Assistant  Paymaster  G.   G.  Rodgers. 
Chaplain  Frank  Thompson  and  family;  Vallejo. 
Mate  P.  C.  Van  Buskirk. 
Boatswain  Alex.  McCone. 
Boatswain  T.  Shean. 
Sailmaker  William  Redstone  and  family;  Vallejo. 

At  San  Francisco. 

Lieutenant-Commander  F.  P.  Gilmore  and  wife:   2330  Pacific  Ave. 

Lieutenant  A.  F.  Fechteler  and  wife;  San  Rafael. 

P.  A.  Surgeon  C.  J.  Decker  and  family;  Naval  Rendezvous,  20  Ellis. 

Pay  Inspector  Edward  Bellows  and  wife;  Naval  Pay  office,  San  Francisco. 

Union  Iron  Works. 

Lieutenant  Jno.  A.  Jordon  and  wife;  1021  Haight,  San  Francisco. 

Chief  Engineer  F.  A.  Wilson;  Union  Iron  Works,  San  Francisco. 

P.  A.  Engineer  W.  B.  Dunning  and  wife;  Union  Iron  Works. 

Assistant  Engineer  R.  E.  Carney  and  wife:  Union  Iron  Works,  San  Fran. 

Assistant  Naval  Constructor  T.  F.  Ruhm;  Bohemian  Club,  San  Francisco. 

Assistant  Naval  Constructor  L.  Spear;  Union  Iron  Works,  San  Francisco. 

Carpenter  M.  F.  Roberts;  Union  Iron  Works,  San  Francisco. 

Assistant  Carpenter  Wm.  McDonald;   Union  Iron  Works,  San  Francisco. 

Sailmaker  J.  G.  Fassett  and  family;  Union  Iron  Works,  San  Francisco. 

*The  names  marked  *  are  on  the  retired  list. 


»   » 

Che  T>igl>e$t  Grade  Champagne  in  the  Uiorid 

«s   « 


Carte  Blanche 

«    « 

Grand  Uin  Sec 

7\  magnificent, 
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the  Perfection  of  a 
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Acknowledged  by  Connoisseurs  to  be  the  Finest  Champagne 
J>     J-     Imported  into  the  United  States     J-     £• 

Used  by  all  the  Ceading  Clubs,  fiotels  and  Restaurants,  and  may  be  bad  of  all 
first-class  Grocers  and  UMne  merchants 


Sole  Agents  for  the  PACIFIC  COAST 

124  Sansome  Street,    «    «    San  Trancisco,  Cal. 


Club  Building,  Northwest  Corner  Post  and  Stockton  Streets. 


Joseph    B.    Crockett President 

Chas.    Webb    Howard    ..     ..Vice-President 

Henry  J.    Crocker Secretary 

Jas.    D.    Phelan Treasurer 


Abbot.    Geo. :   Cambridge.    Mass. 
Abbott.    C.    H. ;    Fifth   and   Bluxome. 
Addison.    Thomas:    15   First. 
Allen.   J.    He   Witt;    Pacific-Union   Club. 
Alsip.    E.    K.:    9    Rotunda.    Mills    Building. 
Alvord.    Wm. ;    Bank   of   California. 
Armsby.    J.    K. :    Chicago. 
Artsimovich,   V. ;  418  California. 
Atherton,    F.    I). ;   427   Market. 
Babcock.   Harry;  306  California. 
Babcock.    Wm. ;   306   California. 
Bailey.    W.    H.:  331   Montgomery. 
Baker.   W. :  X.   W.  cor.  Pine  and  Davis. 
Baldwin.    A.    S. ;   10   Montgomery. 
Baldwin.  C.  A. :  Pacific-Union  Club. 
Balfour,    Robert:    Liverpool,    England. 
Bandmann.  Julius:  508  California,  r.  7. 
Barnes.  Wm.  S. :  175  Crocker  Building. 
Barrett.  W.  G. :  S.  E.  cor.  First  &  Natoma. 
Beale.   Truxton;  41S  California,   r.   1. 
Belden.   Chas.  A. ;  309  Market. 
Belknap.    C.    H. :    Carson    City. 
Benson.  J.:  St>3  Stockton. 
Berg,   William:  307  California. 
Itergin.    Thos.    I.:   3S   Nevada   Block. 
Bermingham.  J.:  230  California. 
Bigelow,    S.    C;    101    Montgomery. 
Bishop.  Charles  R. ;  Honolulu. 
Bishop.   T.    B. :  532  Market,   r.   41. 
Blanding,   Gordon;  22  Mills  Bid.,   9th   floor. 
Bliss,  Duane  L. ;  Carson  City. 
Boalt,   J.H.:   532   Market,    r.    41. 
Boardman.    G.    C. :    514   California. 
Bonner.  Charles  G. ;  14  Sansome,  r.  8. 
Bonny.    Geo. ;    Shreve   &    Co. 
Bonynge,   C.   W. ;   Pacific-Union   Club. 
Boomer.   A.    II. :   14  Sansome,   r.   11. 
Borel,    Antoine:    311    Montgomery. 
Bostwick,   I.   S. ;   Stockton. 
Bourn,    W.    B. ;    401    California,    r.    41. 

Bouvier.    Alfred;    936    Market. 

Bowie,   A.    J.;   1913  Clay. 

Bowie,    Henry   P.;    32   Mills    Building. 

Bowles,    Philip    E.  ;    306   California. 

Bowman,  Geo.  F. ;  510  California. 

Boyd.   Geo.   D. .   126  Kearny,   r.    19. 

Boyd,    J.     T.;    324    Pine,    r.    11. 

Boyd.   John   F. :   33   Nevada  Block. 

Branehi.    Giovanni;    Italian    Consul. 

Bradbury.    John. 

Byerfogle,  E.  S. ;  213  Geary. 

Bringham.  C.   B. ;  .Mills  Bldg..  2d  floor. 

Brittan.   N.  J.:  41  Mills  Building,  6th  floor. 

Butten,    H.    A. 

Bond.    H.    G. 

Brown.   Thos. :    Bank   of   California. 

Brown.   W.   E. ;  Union  Trust  Building. 

Browne,   Ross  E. ;    14  Nevada  Block. 

Bruguiere,   E.   A. ;  520  Montgomery,   r.   1. 

Buckbee,    S.    C. ;   21S    Montgomery. 

Burke.    Martin   J.;   626    Market. 

Byrne.   James   W. ;   University  Club. 

Cahn.   David:   Paris. 

Center.  A.:  Pacilir   Mail  S.   S.  Company. 

Chambers.    R.    C.  :    2220    Sacramento. 

Chapman.    W.    B. ;    123   California. 

Cheyney,  S.   W. 

Chesebrough.    A  ;    204    .Market. 

Clark.    Joseph;    Pacific-Union    Club. 

Clark.   Warren   D. ;   204    Market. 

Clay,  C.  C. ;  S.  W.  cor.  Kearny  and  Sutter. 

Cluness,    w.    R.;    106   Sutter. 

Cofran.    J.    W.    G. ;   313   California. 

Coleman.    Evan    J.;    20    Slitter. 

Coleman.  James  V.;  31  Mills  Bldg..  5th  fl. 

Cooper,  G.   D. ;  641  Market. 

Corning.   C.    R. :  223  Crocker   Building. 

Cornwall.    Pierre    B. :    450    Main. 

('iistigan.    James    M.;    2'>::    Battery. 

Crocker,  Chas.   F. ;  52  Union  Trust  Bldg. 



Crocker,   George;  52  Union  Trust  Bldg. 
Crocker,    Henry   J.;    508   California. 
Crocker,    William    H. ;    600    Market. 
Crockett,  J.  B. ;  S.  E.  cor.  First  &  Natoma. 
Cross,    James;   532  Market. 
Culbertson,    Arthur;     123    California. 
Cunningham.    J.    M. ;    39    Sutter. 
Cutter.    Horace   F. ;   Pacific-Union  Club. 
Daggett.   John;    U.    S.    Mint. 
Danforth.  E.  P.;  S.  E.  cor.   Bat'y  &  Broad'y. 
Day,   Clinton;  222  Sansome. 
Dean,  Walter  E. ;  81  Nevada  Block. 
Dean,    Walter    L. :    331    Pine,    r.    20. 
DeGuigne.    Christian;    2   Montgomery. 
Delmas,    D.    M.:  28  Crocker  Building. 
Denman.  James;  2101  Webster. 
Denson,  S.  C;  17  Mills  Bld'g,  8th  floor. 
DePue,    Edgar  J. ;     222   Sansome. 
DeVecchi,  P.;   79   Crocker   Bld'g. 
Dingee,  William  J. ;  Oakland. 
Dodge.    Henry   L. ;   116   Market. 
Donohoe.    Ed. ;   100   Montgomery. 
Donohoe,   J.   A.,   Jr.;  100  Montgomery. 
Donahue,   Peter  J. ;  55  Nevada  Block. 
Dorn,  Diademus  S. ;  306  Pine,  r.   9. 
Door.  L.  L. ;  6  Crocker  Bld'g. 
Douglas-Dick,    A. :    2120    Broadway. 
Douty,  Frank  S. ;  58  Union  Trust  Bld'g. 
Doyle.  John  T. ;  916  Market,  r.   36. 
Drown,  Albert  N. ;  104  Sutter,   rms,  2  &  4. 
Dunham.   Benjamin  F. ;  17  Beale. 
Dunsmuir  Alex.;   Victoria.    B.    C. 
Dutton.    William  J.;   401   California. 
Earl,   Daniel   W. ;   Crocker   Bld'g. 
Eastland.  Joseph  G. ;  604  Commercial. 
Eells,   Chas.   P. ;  222  Sansome. 
Eld  ridge.  Oliver;  222  Sansome. 
Ewing,   Thomas;   Seattle,  Wash. 
Eyre,    Edward   E. ;    124    Sansome. 
Fahnestock,  G.   D. ;  609  Market. 
Failing,    Henry;    Portland,    Oregon. 
Fargo,    Calvin  F. ;    Pacific-Union   Club. 
Faymonville,  Bernard;  401  California. 
Felton,    Charles    N. ;    13   Pine. 
Felton,    Charles   N.,  Jr.;   13   Pine. 
Fry,   R.    D. 

Fillmore,   J.    A.;   44   Union   Trust   Bld'g. 
Fletcher,   Montgomery;  Walsh,    D.   C. 
Flood,   James  L. ;  7  Nevada  Block. 
Follansbee,   J.   G. ;  Chihuahua,   Mexico. 
Forbes,  A.  B. ;  S.  E.  cor.  Cal.  and  Sansome. 
Forman,    Charles;   316   California. 
Forman,   Robert  B. ;   316  California. 
Foster,  Arthur  W. ;  222  Sansome. 
Freeborn,    James;    Paris. 
Fretwell,  E. ;  N.  E.  cor.   Bush  &  Mont'y. 
Froelich,   Christian;  102  Market. 
Fry,    John    D. ;   411   California. 

Fuller,   W.   P.;   S.   W.   cor.   Pine  &  Front. 

Gallatin,    Albert;    320    Sansome. 

Galpin,  G.  P.;  45  Crocker  Bld'g. 

Gamble,   James;   230  Montgomery,   r.    23. 

Garber,   Eugene  R. ;   New  City  Hall. 

Garber,  John;  532   Market,   r.   41. 

Gardner,   M. 

Garthwaite.    E.    H.;   Oakland. 

Gerald,    E.    F. ;  Union   Trust   Bld'g. 

Gerber.   W.   E. 

Gest,     Erasmus;     Reno,     Nevada. 

Gibhs.    George    W. ;    33    Fremont. 

Gillette.   D.   B..  Jr.;  Pacific-Union  Club. 

Oilman,    Byron;    Eureka,    Nevada. 

Gilson,   Livingston;  211   Sansome. 

Girvin,    R.    D. :  307  California. 

Givens,  C.   S. ;  161  Crocker  Bld'g. 

Glass.   Louis;   216  Bush. 

Goad,   Wm.    F. ;   40  Mills   Bld'g.,   9th   fl. 

Goewey,   James  M. ;  300  Page. 

Goodall.    Charles;    10   Market. 

Goodall,  Charles  M. ;  10  Market. 

Goodall.  Edwin;  10  Market. 

Grant.    Adam;   100   Sansome. 

Grant,    George   F. ;   501   Montgomery. 

Grant,    J.    D. ;   100   Sansome. 

Grant,   Tom  C. ;  212  Pine. 

Graves,  William  H. ;  310  Pine. 

Gray,    George    E. ;    1115   Bush. 

Grayson,    Robt.    R. :  331  Pine,    r.   20. 

Green.  C.  E. ;  52  Union  Trust  Bld'g. 

Grow.  Charles  A.;  27  Mills  Bld'g.,   5th  fl. 

Guardiola,    Jose;    Paris. 

Gunn,   Jas.    O'B. ;    222   Market. 

Guthrie,   Alex. ;  Liverpool.   Eng. 

Hagar,  George;  Colusa,   Cal. 

Haggin,  Louis  T. ;  30  Mills  Bld'g..   9th   fl. 

Hague,  James  D. ;  18  Wall  St.   N.   V. 

Haldan,  Edward  B. ;  413  California. 

Hall,  Henry  E. ;  528  Market. 

Hall,  W.    H. ;   324  Haight. 

Hallidie,    A.    S. ;   509   Market. 

Hamilton,  Alex. ;  N.  W.  cor.  Pine  &  Davis. 

Hamilton,  Alonzo  C;  Gold  Hill. 

Hammond.   J.   H. ;  South  Africa. 

Hammond,    William    H.;    Visalia. 

Darkness,    H.    W. ;   819   Market. 

Harries,   Wm.    H. ;   436   California. 

Harrington,   W.   P. ;   Palace   Hotel. 

Harris,   N.   H. ;   Crocker   Bld'g. 

Harrison,    Henry    D. ;  202   California. 

Harrison,  Ralph  C. ;  305  Larkin. 

Hart,   James  W. ;  302  California. 

Hart,  Jerome  A. ;  213   Grant  Ave. 

Harvey,   J.   Downey;   916   Market,   r.   36. 

Haslett,    Samuel;   403   Spear. 

Haswell,  C.  H.,  Jr.;  N.  E.  cor.  Cal.  &  Fr 

Hatzfeldt,    Prince    F. 




Hawes,  A.   G.;    17  Mills  Bld'g.,  2d  floor. 

Hayden,    Brace;   17   Beale. 

Haggin.  James  B. ;  30,  Mills  Bld'g.,  itth   H. 

Hayne,    R.    Y. ;    103   Crocker   Bld'g. 

Hayward,    Alvinza;    532    Market. 

Head,    Addiso-n    E. ;    1105    Taylor. 

Hearst,    \Y.    R. ;  Market  and  Grant  Ave. 

Heatley.  Edward  D.;  326  Clay. 

Herrin.  William  P.;  64  Union  Trust  Bld'g. 

Hesketh,  Sir  Thomas,   England. 

Hewlett,    Henry   H. ;   Stockton.    Cal. 

Hicks.   Frank  S. ;  Los  Angeles.   Cal. 

Higgins.    M.    R. ;    401    California,    r.    8. 

Hihn,    F.    A.;    Santa   Cruz,    Cal. 

Hill.    Harry    C. ;    Salt    Lake    City. 

Hill,  H.  L. ;  124  Sansome,  r.  7. 

Hobart,  W.  S. ;  S.  W.  Wash.  &  Van  Ness. 

Hodges.   A.   D.,   Jr.;   510  California. 

Hoffman,   S. :  63  Appraiser's  Bld'g. 

Holbrook.  Charles;    225  Market. 

Hooker,  C.  G. ;  917  Bush. 

Hooker,    CO.;    li;    Drumm. 

Hopkins,  E.  W. ;  27  Mills  Bld'g...  5th  floor. 

Hopkins.   T.  ;   29   Mills   Bld'g.,   5th   floor. 

Hopkins,    \Y.    E. ;  533   Sutter. 

Hotaling.   Anson  :P. ;   429  Jackson. 

Houghton.   J.   F. ;   303  California. 

Housset,    Leon:    122    Sansome. 

Howard,    Charles  W. ;    516   California. 

Howard.  John  L. ;  16  California. 

Howard,    William    H.  ;    523    Montgomery. 

Hubbard.    Samuel;    Oakland. 

Huntington,  H.  E. ;  52  Union  Trust  Bld'g. 

Hussey,    H.    P.;    New    York. 

Hutchins.    E.    R. ;   Chicago. 

Hyde.    Fred   A.;   630  Commercial. 

Eves,   George  1.;   324  Pine. 

Jackson.  Andrew;  Napa  Soda  Springs. 

Janin,    Henry:   New  York. 

Janin,    Louis;   211   Sansome,    r.  6. 

Jaynes,    Frank;   302   Montgomery. 

Jennings,    Hennen;   Africa. 

Jerome.    Henry   A.;    New   York. 

Jewett.    John    H.:   931   Bush. 

Johnson.   Covington;  Pacific-Union  Club. 

Johnson.    H.    A.;    Denver. 

Jones,  John  P. ;  Nevada. 

Jones,   Samuel;   161  Crocker  Bld'g. 

Jones,  Samuel  L. ;   Nevada. 

Josselyn,    Charles;   38    Market. 

Kellog,    M.    B.;  508  Montgomery,    r.   5. 

Kenney,  Charles  A.:  Fngland. 

Keyes,    Erasmus    I).;    Oakland. 

Keyes,    Winfield  S. :  915  Van  Ness   Ave 

King,    Homer  S. :    Market    &    Sansome. 

Kittle,    Nicholas    G. ;    2525    Steiner. 

Kittle,    Wm.    S.  ;    2525    Steiner. 

Larkin,    Alfred    O. ;    Portsmouth,    Me. 

Lathrop,   Chas.   819  Market,   r.   1. 

Le  Roy,   Eugene;  311  Montgomery. 

Lent,  Eugene;  175  Crocker  Bld'g. 

Lent,   Wm.  M.;  699  Polk. 

Lincoln,    Jerome;   222   Montgomery. 

Lindsay,    E.   N. ;   14  Sansome,    r.   7. 

Llewellyn.    Wm.    H. ;    Seattle.    Wash. 

Lloyd,    Reuben    H.;    9    Nevada   Block. 

Logan.    Frank. 

Low,    George    A.;    New    York 

Lukens,    Edward    G. ;    200    Market. 

Lusk.    F.    C. ;   Pacific-Union   Club. 

Lyons.    Thomas    L. ;    832    Bush. 

Macdonald,   William;  315  Montgomery. 

Macdonough,   W.   O'B. ;  106  Crocker  Bld'g. 

Mackay,   Jno.   W. ;  7  Nevada  Block. 

Macneil,   H.   L. ;  Los  Angeles. 

MacMonagle,   B. ;  91  Crocker  Bld'g. 

Madden,   T.    P.;   Occidental   Hotel. 

Magee.   W.    H. ;   119   Bush. 

Mann,    Henry   R. ;    322   California. 

.Marshall.    Benj. ;    924   Sutter. 

-Martin,    Wm.    H. ;    204   Crocker   Bld'g. 

Marye,    Geo.   T.,    Jr.;   234   Montgomery. 

Maxwell,   Geo.   H.;  67  Nevada  Block. 

-Maxwell,  John  W.  C. ;  426  California. 

Mayer,   Josef;   Germany. 

Mayne,  Charles;  Palace  Hotel. 

McAfee,  L.  Carroll;  104  Montgomery. 

-McAllister,   Ward,   Jr.;  14  Sansome.   r.   6. 

McBean.  P.  McG. ;  1358  Market. 

McCoppin,  F. ;  Battery  &  Washington. 

McCutchen,  E.  J.;  35  Mills  Bld'g..  9th  fl. 

McFarland,  Dan. 

McKinstry,    E.    W. ;    4    Sutter,    r.    20. 

McKittrick,    W.    n.;    Bakersfield. 

.McLaughlin,    Frank;    Oroville. 

-McMullen.   J.;    42   Market. 

McMurray,    Robert;  14    Sansome.    r.    11. 

McNear,    Geo.    W. ;   306  California. 

McNutt,    AY.    F. ;   104   Sutter. 

Menzies,   Thomas;   310  Pine.    r.   18. 

Merrill,   John   F. ;  225   Market. 

Meyer.   Hermann  L.   E. ;  210  Battery. 

Meyer,   William;    210   Battery. 

Mills.    D.    O. ;    27    Mills   Bld'g..    4th    floor. 

Mills.   Edgar;  2322  Devisadero. 

Mintzer.   W. ;   2901   California. 

Molera,   Eusebius  J.;  606  Clay. 

.Montague.   Wilfred  W. ;  309  Market 

Monteagle,  L.  P.;  116  Leidesdorff. 

Moore.   John   J.;   302  California. 

Moore.    K.   S. ;  S.   E.  cor.  Howard  &  Beale. 

Morrow.    W.    G. ;    414    California. 

Morgan,   Percy  T. ;  216  Bush. 

Morrow.     Robert     F.  ;    114    California. 

JOHN   W.    CARMANY,       Importer  of  Fine   Furnishing  Ooocls.   and   Shirt 

Maker.  25  Kearny  St..  S.   F. 



•Moses,   Charles   S. ;   652  Fifth. 
Mullins,    Charles    F. ;    301    California. 
.Murphy.    Daniel    M.;    San  Jose. 
Murphy.  Daniel  T. ;  1601  Van  Ness  Ave. 
Murphy,    P.    \V. :    Pacific-Union    Club. 
Murphy,   Sam  G. ;   First  National  Bank. 
Murphy.  Samuel  J. :  England. 
Neff.   J.    H. ;   Fresno. 
Newhall.  E.  W. ;  307  Sansome. 
Newhall,    George   A. ;   309   Sansome. 
Newhall,    W.    Mayo;   209   Sansome. 
Newhall,    Walter   S. ;    307   Sansome. 
Newlands,   F.   G. ;  305  Sansome. 
Nickle,  J.  Leroy;  508  California,   r.   17. 
Norris,    William;    516   California. 
Oelrichs,    Hermann;    New    York. 
Oxnard,   James    G. ;    327    Market. 
Oxnard,    Robert:   327    Market. 
Page,   Charles;   210   Montgomery. 
Paige,    Calvin;    Lick   House. 
Palache,    Gilbert;    309    Sansome. 
Parrott,  John;  414  Montgomery. 
Parrott,    Louis   B. ;    306   California. 
Parson,  Edward;  14  Phelan  Bld'g. 
Pattee.    Solon;    507    Montgomery,    r.    9. 
Payne,    H.  W. ; 

Payne,    T.    F. ;    507    Montgomery,    r.    5. 
Payson,    A.    H. ;    San   Mateo. 
Pease.    Richard    H. ;    577    Market. 
Peltier,  George  W. ;  Lovelocks,  Nev. 
Perkins,    George   C. ;    10    Market. 
Perkins,    H.    C. ;   320   Sansome. 
Petre,   Reginald  W. ;  Baltimore,   Md. 
Phelan,  Jas.   D. ;  301  Phelan  Bld'g. 
Pichoir,    H.;   320   Sansome,   r.   24. 
Pierson,  Wm.  M.;  28  Mills  Bld'g.,  4th  fl. 
Pillsbury,    E.    S. ;    101   Crocker    Bld'g. 
Plater,  John   E. ;   Los  Angeles. 
Piatt,  Horace  G. ;  42  Mills  Bld'g.,  9th  floor. 
Polhemus,   Charles  B. ;   San  Jose. 
Polhemus,    George    B. 

Pond,    Edward  B. ;   328   Montgomery,    r.   7. 
Pope,    George   A.;   204  California. 
Powers,  Geo.   H. ;  533  Sutter. 
Prescott,  G.  W. ;  222  Market. 
Preston,    E.    F. ;   147   Crocker  Bld'g. 
Pringle,  Edward  J.;  35  Mills  Bld'g.,  5th  fl. 
Quay,    Joseph    M. ;    124   Sansome. 
Ralston,  W.  C. ;  331  Pine,  r.  20. 
Randol.   James   B. ;  320   Sansome,    r.   23. 
Rathbone,   J.   L. ;  202  Crocker  Bld'g. 
Reade,    Francis    R. ;    69    Chronicle    Bld'g. 
Redington,  W.  P. ;  S.   E.  cor.  Stev'n  &  2nd. 
Reed,   Simeon  G. ;  Portland,  Ore. 
Rcid,  James  W. ;  Spreckels  Bld'g. 
Reis,    John    ON. ;    408    California. 
Rice,   Geo.  A. 
Richter,   C.   Max;  614  Geary. 

Richards,   C.   O. ;  Golden  Gate. 

Rideout,    N.    D. ;    1950   Washington. 

Ripley,  George  H.;  6-12  Crocker  Bld'g. 

Rithet.    R.    P.;   220   California. 

Rix,    Edward   A.;   38   Fremont. 

Robins.   Thomas. 

Ryer,    F.    F. 

Robinson,    James    A.; 

Robinson,    Luke;    813    Sutter. 

Rodgers,    Arthur;    16  Nevada   Block. 

Rose.   A.   W,,   Jr.;  532  Market. 

Russell,    Wm.    F. ;    14   Sansome. 

Sabin,    John   I.;   216   Bush. 

Sawyer,  A.  F. ;  Sutter  cor.   Leavenworth. 

Schroeder,  Bar.  J.  H.  von;  P-U  Club. 

Schussler,   H. ;  516  California. 

Schwerin,   R.    P.;   74  Union  Trust  Bld'g. 

Scott,   Henry  T. ;  222  Market. 

Scott,    Irving   M.;   222   Market. 

Scrivener,  A.;   London  and  S.   F.,   Bank. 

Searls,  Niles;  Nevada  City,  Cal. 

Selby.  P.;  32  Mills  Bld'g.  3rd  floor. 

Sewall,  Oscar  T. ;   204   Market. 

Sharon,    Frederick   W. ;    New   York. 

Sheldon.    Mark;    4    Sutter,    r.    32. 

Sherwood,    H.   H. ;   212   Market. 

Shiels,    Geo.    F. ;    32   O'Farrell. 

Sloane,   Henry  T. ;  New  York. 

Smith,  C.  W. :  S.  E.  cor.  2nd  &  Stevenson. 

Smith.   F.    M.;   101    Sansome. 

Smith,    Hamilton    Jr.;    London. 

Smith,    H.    C. ;  319   Pine. 

Smith,   J.    Henley:   Pacific-Union  Club, 

Smith.    S.    P. ;    Bank    of   California. 

Smith,  S.    V.;   35  Mills  Bld'g.,   10th   floor. 

Smith,    Wm.    F. ;   206   Sansome,    r.    27. 

Southgate.   James  J.;  London. 

Spencer,    Geo.   W. ;   323   California. 

Sperry,    G.    B. ;    134   California. 

Sprague,  R.  H. ;  327  Market. 

Spreckels,   Adolph  B. ;  327  Market. 

Spreckels,    Claus;   327   Market. 

Spreckels,  C.   August;  119  Bush. 

Spreckels,   John   D. ;  327  Market. 

Spreckels,    Rudolph;   119   Bush. 

Stanly,    J.    A.;    4   Sutter,    r.    26.    , 

Steele,   E.   L.   G. ;  208  California. 

Steinhart,    Ignatz;    Anglo-Cal.    Bank. 

Steinhart.  Sig. ;  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Stephens,   John  D. ;   Woodland. 

Stetson,    E.   G. ;   508   California,    r.    37. 

Stetson,    James   B. ;    225    Market. 

Stone.    Charles    B. ;    33    California. 

Stoutenborough,    C.    H. ;  324   Pine. 

Struve,    Tl.    G. ;    Seattle. 

Stubbs,  J.  C;  51  Union  Trust  Bld'g. 

Stump,    I.    C;   33    Mills   Bld'g.,    9th    floor. 

Summerhayes,    H.    J. 




S      in.    Benj.    R. ;    222    Sansome. 

Symmes,    Frank   J. ;    222   Sutter. 

Staples.     D.     J. 

Sutton.    Albert .  -MS  Safe  Deposit  Building 

Talbot.    Wm.    H. :    204    California. 

Tallant.  F.  W. :  X.  E.  cor.  Cal.  ft  Battery. 

Tallant.  John  D. :  X.  E.  cor.  Cal.  &  Battery. 

Tams.    Sampson:    Cosmos   Club. 

Terry.    J.   E. 

Taylor.    H.    H. :   1   Mills  Bld'g..   2nd   floor. 

Taylor.  John  W. ;   New  York. 

Taylor.  Wm.  H. ;  S.  E.  cor.  Howard  &  Beale. 

Ten    Bosch.  John    If. ;    Liverpool. 

Techemacher.    H.    F. :    P-TJ   Club. 

Tevis.  Lloyd:  29  Mills  Bld'g..   9th  floor. 

Tevis.    Wm.    S. :    2548    Jackson. 

Theller.    Samuel  L. :   330   Pine.    r.   5. 

Thomas.    F.   F. 

Thomas.  H.   A. :  Chicago. 

Thompson.  J.   P. :   Pacific-Union  Club. 

Thorne.   W.    S..   M.    D.;   S13  Sutter. 

Thornton.   H.   I. :  1123  Leavenworth. 

Tobey.   W.   D. :   Carson  City. 

Tobin.   A.:  X.   W.   McAllister  &  Jones. 

Tobin,    Richard   M. :    Pacific-Union   Club. 

Tobin.  R.  J. :  McAllister  &  Jones. 

Townsend.    Fred. ;    Portland.    Ore. 

Tubbs.   Alfred  L. :  607  Front. 

Tubbs.    Alfred   S. :   607   Front. 

Tubbs.    Austin    C. :   607    Front. 

Tubbs.  William  B. :  Calistoga. 

Tucker.  James  E. :  31  Appraisers'   Bld'g. 

Tuttle.    C.   W.;   12   Mills   Bld'g..   10th   floor. 

Upham.   Isaac:   Battery  and   Pine. 

Valentine.    J.    J.:    Wells.    Fargo    &    Co. 

Van  Fleet.  W.   C. :  306  Larkin. 

Van   Xess.   T.   C. :   2^  Mills   Bld'g..   loth  fl. 

Veuve,   H.   11.:  124  Sansome. 
hies,    A.    H. :   709   Sutter. 
Vowinckel,   Dr.   F.   W. :  129S  Van  Ness. 
Wadsworth,   H.:   Wells  Fargo  Bank. 
Wagner.   H.   L. :  :.ot>  Sutter. 
Wallace,   Wm.  T. :  New  City  Hall. 
Walz.    Edgar    A.:    Crocker    Bld'g. 
Watt.   Robert:  34  First. 
Wattles.    John    B. :    Healdsburg. 
Webster.   F.   R. :  450  Townsend. 
Wenban.    Simeon:    1920    Van    Xess. 
Wensinger.   Francis  S. 
Wheaton.    Geo.    II.:    101   California. 

H. ;    222   Sansome. 


F.    L. :   450   Townsend. 

Joel    P.:   Rocklin. 

George;  39  Sutter. 

Wm.   F. :  214  Pine. 
A.    A.:    129    Spear. 


'•Wilder.    C.    J.:    Fourth   &   Townsend. 
Williams.    Evan:    Carson   City. 
Williams.    G.    F. :   Africa. 
Wilshire.   Wm.   B. :  6  California. 
Wilson.  John  Scott:  322  California. 
Wilson.  M.   S. :  26  Mills  Bld'g..  6th  floor. 
Wilson.  R.  J.:  26  Mills  Bld'g..  6th  floor. 
Winslow.    C.    R. ;    44    Second. 
Wood.    Wm.    S. :   9   Xevada   Block. 
Woodward.   H.   W. ;   418  California. 
Woodward.   R.  B. :  419  California, 
Woodworth.    F.    H. ;    St.    Louis. 
Worden.    C.    E. :    214    Townsend. 
Wright.   E.   C. :  34  Hobart  Bld'g. 
Wright.    John  A.:   212   Sansome. 
Yerington.    Henry    M. ;    Xevada. 
Zeile.  F.  W. :  26  Mills  Bld'g..  5th  floor. 

B.  J.  S.  CAH1LL 


Donohoe  Buildin<r 

1  ITo  Market  Streel 





No.   237    BUSH    STREET. 

L'nder  Occidental  Hotel 


OFFICE    TELEPHONE,    MAIN     1116 

Golden  Gate^z^* 
Champagne   Company 


Producers  of 

Pure  California  Champagne 




502-504-506    MARKET  STREET 

Champagne  Vaults,  4th  6c  Minna  Sts. 
Telephone,  Red  1124 


W.    H. 




Imported  Exclusive  Novelties 
a  Specialty . 






San    Francisco,    Cal. 


Club   House.  130  Post  Street. 


George  Chismore.    M.    D President 

Peter   Robinson Vice-President 

H.   B.  Rathbone.    . 


Donald   de    V.    Graham.. 

Jas.   A.   Thompson Treasurer 

.Asst   See.   and   Man. 


Arditi.   L. :  41  Albany  St..   London  Ens. 

Bear,    Dr.    H.    H. :   .V19   Kearny. 

Bowers.    Mrs.    P.    P. 

Bromley.    G.    T. :    1418    Washington. 

Bromley.    Isaac   H. 

Clemens.    S.    L. :    Hartford.    Conn. 

Coolbrith.    Miss    Ina    D. :    Oakland. 

Fletcher.    Robert    H. :    Bella    Vista. 

Gilman.    D.    C. 

Harte.    F.    Bret. 

Irving.   Sir  Henry;  London.   Eng. 

Irwin.   B. :     146  W.    Fifty-fifth.    X.   \ 


Jefferson.  Joseph:  New  York  City. 

Lippineott.  Sarah. 

Miller.    J.;    The    Heights.    Oakland. 

Xeweomb.    T. :   Albany,    x.    y. 

Salvini.    Tomaso. 

Stanley.     Henry    M. .    London.     Eng 

Stoddard,  C.   \V.:    Washington.    D    C 

Sullivan,    Sir   Arthur:   London.    Eng 

Wallace,    W.    T. :   799   Van   Ness    We 

War.le.   F. :  i>7  Halsey  St..   Brooklyn. 

W  ilson,    J.    Crawford. 

Winter.   W. .    tiem   Brighton.    X.    v. 


Bancroft.    Albert    L. 

Bender,    A.    S. 

Bosworth.    H.    M. 

Brady.    H.    J. 

Brittan.    Xathaniel    J. 

Burke.    Hugh    M. 

Cox,    Jennings    S. 

Davis.     Andrew     McP. 
Dean.    Walter    E. 
Fargo.   Jerome    P.. 
Head.   Addison   i-2. 
Hewston.    John.    J-. 
Hickox.    George   C 
Hill.    Horace    L. 
Irwin.  Joseph:  X.   H. 
Ives.    George   I. 
Lloyd,    Reuben    H. 

Martinet     F.    x.    R. 
M<  Donald,   James     1. 
McDonald,   M.   Jasp?r 
McDonald.  Mark  L. 
Menzies.   Stewart. 
Xorris.    William. 
OConnell.    Daniel. 
Payne.    Warren    R. 
Rix.    Julian    W. 
Ruggles.    James    D. 
Stoutenborough.     C. 
Swan.    Benjamin   R. 
Teschema -her.    H.    F. 
Wandesforde.  Juan  B 
Wells.    F.    Marion 
Wilson,     Russell    J. 
Yale.   Charles  G. 



Abbott.    Augustus:    Sacramento. 
Abbott,    Charles    H. :    Fifth    and    Bluxome. 
Acker,  X.  A.;    137  Montgomery,  r.  7. 
Adams,  J.   C  g   nsome.  r.  9. 

Aldrieh,    W.    P.;    SH    Fremont. 
Ames.  Geo.   E. ;  328  Market. 
And.rson,    Wtnslow;    603  Sutter. 
Archibald.  J.  F.  J. ;  303  California,   r.   82. 




Arnold.   J.   D. :  530  California. 

Ashe,    Gaston    M.;    438   California. 

Ashe.   K.    Porter;   438  California. 

Aspland.    Algernon    S. 

Austin,   Joseph;  Pacific  Mail  S.   S.   Co. 

Babcock,    Harry;    306  California. 

Babcock,    William;    306   California. 

Bacon.    E.    H. ;   50S   Montgomery,   r.   20. 

Bancroft.    A.    L.  :    324    Post. 

Barendt.    A.    H. :    1450   Leavenworth. 

Barnes.    W.    H.    L. ;    50   Crocker   Bld'g. 

Bartlett.    G.    X. :   84    Beaver.   X.    Y. 

Barton.    Willard  T. :   228  Crocker  Bld'g. 

Batchelder.   Geo.   A. ;   530  California. 

Bauer.    Adolph:   Tivoli   Opera   House. 

Beach.    A.    N. ;   Bohemian   Club. 

Beard.  J.   L. :  Warm  Springs.   Alameda  Co. 

Beaver.   G.    W. :   508   Montgomery. 

BeDell.    Win.    11    Montgomery. 

Beck.   Francis  E. :   Anglo-Cal.   Bank. 

Belknap,    D.    P. ;   7  Mills   Bld'g..    5th   floor. 

Belshaw.    M.    W. :   402  Front. 

Bender.    A.    S. ;    Old    People's    Home. 

Benson,    John:    803    Stockton. 

Bernard.  Oliver  A. :   Palace   Hotel. 

Berry.    Fulton    G. :    Fresno.    Cal. 

BirVford.   C.   E. :  38  California. 

Bigelow,    Geo.    T. ;    Detroit.    Mich. 

Bishop,  T.  B. ;  532  Market,  r.  41. 

Black.  A.   L. :  London  and  S.   F.  Bank. 

Boalt.    J.    H.;   532    Market,    r.    41. 

Boardman,   G.    C. :    514   California. 

Boardman,  S.  H. ;    316  California. 

Bocqueraz,   L.   E. ;  S.   W.  Front  &  Jackson. 

Boericke,    William;    234   Sutter. 

Bolton.    Robert   C:    604    Merchant. 

Bonestell.   John   T. ;    134   Sutter. 

Bonynge.    C.    W. :    Pacific-Union    Club. 

Boomer,  A.   H.:  14  Sansome.   r.   11. 

Bosworth,   H.   M.:  139  Kearny. 

Bourn.  W.   B. ;  401  California,   r.   41. 

Bourne.  John  B. ;  12  Leidesdorff. 

Bowen.    E.    J. ;    815    Sansome. 

Bowie.  Allan  St.  J.:  916  Market,  r.  ■■-. 

Bowers,    Robert:    Jersey    City. 

Brady,    H.    J.;    Bohemian    Club. 

Brastow.  S.   D.  .  X.    E.   Xew  Mont'y  &  Mis. 

Brayton.   A.   P..   Jr.::  121   Main. 

Breon.    Paul;    101    California. 

Brittan.    X.   J.;  41  Mills   Bld'g..   6th   floor. 

Bromley.    G.    T. ;   141s   Washington. 

Brown.    A.   P.;  238  Crocker  Bld'g. 

Hiown.    Charles   A.:    Honolulu. 

Brown,    R.    G. ;    420    California. 

Brown,    R.    M. ;    Bohemian    Club. 

Buckingham,    G.    H. :  413  Montgomery. 

Bundsr  hu,  C. ;  S.  E.  cor.  Market  &  Second. 

Bunker.   W.    M. ;  238  Montgomery. 
Bunten.   Laurie;    Bohemian   Club. 
Burdell.    J.    B. ;    Xovato.    Marin   Co. 
Burgess,    Frank    G. ;    1031    Vallejo. 
Burgin.  J.   F. :    14   Mills  Bld'g.,  3rd  floor. 
Burke.    John    Xaglee;    San    Jose. 
Burke,   H.    M. :  26  Mills  Bld'g..  10th  floor. 
Burke.    M.   J.:   626  Market. 
Burke.    J.    T. :    211    Sansome. 
Burns.    D.    M.:    134    Crocker    Bld'g. 
Bush,    David:    11   Montgomery. 
Butler.    Alban    B. :    2101    Pacific    Ave. 
Butler.    G.    E. :   310  California. 
Cahn.    David:   205   Sansome. 
Callingham.    W.  J.:   420  California. 
Campbell,   D.   Y. :  530  California,   r.   53. 
Campbell.    J.    C. :    Crocker   Bld'g. 
Carlsen.    Emil:   Xew   York. 
Carlson,    Chas.    J. ;   523   Pine. 
Carolan.    F.    J. :    3    California. 
Carr.    George    G. ;    Bakersfield. 
Carroll.    Edgar    B. :    Sacramento. 
Cartan.    F.    M. :    312    Sacramento. 
Chadbourne,    F.    S. 
Chapman.    W.    B..    123    California. 
'Chase.   H.   B. :   401  California,   r.   13. 
Chismore.  Geo. :   705  Sutter. 
Churchill.  Clark;   Phoenix.   A.   T. 
Clark.    C.    J. ;    French    Gulch.    Cal. 
Clark.  Wm.  C. ;  Pittsburg,   Pa. 
Clement.    H.   X.:   11   Mills   Bld'g.,   4th   floor. 
Clough,  Charles  L. ;  122  California. 
Clunie.   Thomas   J. :    202    Sansome. 
Coffin.    Frank    M. 
Cole,    R.    Beverley;    826    Sutter. 
Coleman.    Barry:    20  Sutter. 
Coleman.    Evan    J.;    20    Sutter. 
Coleman.   J.    V.:  31   Mills  Bld'g..   5th  floor. 
Coney.    Alex.    K. ;  604  Clay. 
Conrad,    John   G. ;   204    Sansome. 
Cool,    Geo.    W. 

Cool,   R.  H.:    1115  Broadway,  Oakland. 
Cowles.  W.  X. :    228  Crocker  Bld'g. 
Cox.    J.    S. :   17   Wall    St.    Xew   York. 
Cragin.    Geo.    A.;   10   Pine. 
Cramer.    F.    A. ;    730   Sutter. 
Crawford,  John  J. ;  24  Fourth. 
Crocker,  C.  F. :    52  Union  Trust  Bld'g. 
Crocker,   C.   H.;   217  Bush. 
Crocker.    Henry    J.;    508    California. 
Crocker.    Wm.    H. ;   600   Market. 
Crockett.  J.  B. :  S.  E.  cor.  First  &  Xatoma. 
Crooks.   J.   J. :   42"  Montgomery,   r.   8. 
Crowley,    D.    1). ;    Oakland. 
Curlett.    Wm.;    314   Phelan    Bld'g. 
Curtis.   W.  G. :   Union  Trust   Bld'g. 
Cushing.   Clinton;    636   Sutter. 


Shirts  for  Full  Dress,  Traveling  and  Business, 
j:,  Kearny  St.   S.   F. 



Cushing,    S.     B. ;    508    California. 

Davis,    A.    McP. ;    Cambridge. 

Davis,    David;   30  Montgomery. 

I 'avis.    W.    E. :    401    California. 

Dean,    W.    E.;    si    Nevada  Block. 

Deering.    F.    P. :   14   Sansome. 

Delmas.    D.    M.;   28  Crocker, Bld'g. 

DeMarville,  H.  B. ;  533  Sutter. 

Denicke,    E.   A.:  320  Sansome. 

Denison.    E.    S.:    Oakland. 

DeOjeda.    Louis :    1050   California. 

DePue.    E.    J. :    222    Sansome. 

DeYalcourt.    Vermont   E. 

DeVeccbi,    P..    M.    D. :  79  Crocker   Bld'g. 

Dibble.   H.   C;   105  Montgomery,    r.   25. 

Dickman,   C.   J.:  512  Folsom. 

Dimond.    E.    R. :   20-1   Market. 

Dimond.    H.   W.;    Bohemian   Club. 

Diss.    J.    W.    F. 

Dodd.  Willis  G.  :  225  First. 

Donahue.    P.    J. :    Bohemian    Club. 

Donnell,    A.    C;    111   California. 

Dornin.    Geo.    D. :    409    California. 

Douty.    F.    S. :    58  Union   Trust   Bld'g. 

Doxey.    Wm. :    031    Market. 

Driffield.    V.    C. :   213   Sansome. 

Dunsmuir.   Alex. :   620   East. 

Durbrow.    Harry:    324   California. 

Duvergey.    H. :    14   Sansome.    r.    17. 

Dwyer.    J.    W. 

Easton.   George:  63S  Market. 

Edwards.   J.   W.  :  5'o   Kearny. 

Edwards.    J.    G. :   SOS   Montgomery,    r.    21. 

Edwards.    William:  304   Montgomery. 

Elder.   R.    B. :    15   First. 

Eldridge.    Z.    S. :    128    California. 

English.   \V.   D. :   Custom  House.   3rd   floor. 

Ewer.    Warren    B. :    22o   Market. 

Fargo,  C.  F. ;  Pacific-Union  Club. 

Fargo.   Jerome  B. ;  316  Front. 

Fay.    C.    S.    234    Sutter. 

Field,  H.   K. :  18  Mills  Bld'g.  3rd  floor. 

Fisher.    E. :    Schome.    Wash. 

Fletcher.    Geo.    W. :    613    Market. 

Flood.   James  L. :  7  Nevada   Block. 

Follis.    Frederick   F. ;   315   Montgomery. 

Foote.    L.    H.:    819    Market,    r.    8. 

Forsyth.    Wm. :    Fresno.    Cal. 

Forstmann.    H.    F.  •    308    Market. 

Foster.    A.    W. :    222    Sansome. 

Foster.    C.    J.;    Shreve    ft    Co. 

Foster.  11.   H.:  Fourth  &  Townsend. 

F"\.    J.    M.:    Montana. 

Francis,    Harry:   501    Montgomery. 

Froelirh.    C.    J.:    202    Market. 

Gallois.   Eugene:   Kearny  and  Post. 

Garter,   C.   A       163   Crocker   Bld'g. 

Geary.    Thomas    J.:    Santa    Rosa. 

Gerberding.   A.:  222  Sansome. 
Gibbs.   Wm.  C. :  303  California. 
Gill.     W.     W.:    202    California. 
Gillette.    D.   B..   Jr.;   Pacific-Union  Club. 
Gillig.   Henry   M.;   New   York. 
Gilman.  C.   H. ;  S.  E.  Battery  &  Broadway. 
Gilman.   Granville   B. :   224   Front. 
Goodfellow.    G.    E. ;   Tucson,    Arizona. 
Gould.    Eugene    H. :    1713     McAllister. 
Graham,    Chas. ;    Crocker    Bld'g. 
Graham.   D.   de  V.;  308   Market. 
Graham.   James   H. :  135  Fremont. 
Grannis.   G.    W. ;   620   Montgomery,   r.   37. 
Grant.  Angus   A.:   58  Chronicle   Bld'g. 
Grant.    Geo.    F. :    501    Montgomery. 
Grant.     J.     D  ■     100    Sansome. 
Grant.    Tom.    C:   212  Pine. 
Grant.    Wm. ;   104   Sutter. 
Gray.   H.   N. :  316  Montgomery. 
Gray.   L.  L. :  Fresno. 
Greathouse,    C.   R. ;   Soule   Korea. 
Green.    C.    E. :   52   Union  Trust    Bld'g. 
Greene.    C.    M.:    Marlborough.    N.    Y. 
Greenway.    E.    M.:    50    Nevada    Block. 
Greenhood,  F.  A.:  35  Market. 
Grim.    A.    R.:    416    California. 
Grismer.  J.   R. :  Bohemian  Club. 
Gunter.   A.   C. :  66  W.  Fifty-second.   N.   Y. 
Gutte.    Isador;   303   California. 
Haldan.  Edward  B. :  413  California. 
Hall.    F.    W. :    11   Mills   Bld'g.    6th   floor. 
Hall.   Geo.   E.   P. :  212  Sansome. 
Hamilton.    Alex. :    Pine. 
Hamilton.    Ed.    H. :   Bohemian  Club. 
Hamilton.    James   M. :    Bohemian    Club. 
Hammond.   A.    B. :   224   Front. 
Hammond.   R.   P. :   10  Montgomery. 
Hampe,    Theo. :   33    Union    Square.    N.    Y. 
Haraszthy.     Arpad;     530     Washington. 
Harcourt.    Jas.    M.:    106    Liedesdorff. 
Hardin.    C.    H.    E. :    Bohemian  Club. 
Harrington.    Tennant :   Colusa.    Cal. 
Harris.    D.    D.  :   2120  Yallejo. 
Harrison,    Ralph    C. :    230    Montgomery. 
Harrison.    Wm.   G. :   305   California. 
Hart.   Jerome  A.:  213  Grant   Ave. 
Hartshorne.    B.    M. ;    Bohemian  Club. 
Harvey.    J.    D. :   916    Market,    r.    36. 
Harvey.    LeRoy    G. :   518    Montgomery. 
Ilasbrouck.  Joseph:  438  Montgomery. 
Haslett,   Samuel,    103   Spear. 
Hasson.    W.    F.    C.  :    310    Pine.    r.    24. 
Hatch,   Francis  C;  Chicago. 
Haven,    Charles    c. :    422   California 
Hawes,  Alex.  C;  17  Mills  Bld'g..  2nd  t 
Hawkes,   Henry   D.;  318  Pine. 
Hawks,   .las.    l..:    Hank  of  California. 
Head.  Addison    E. :    1106  Taylor. 




Hearst,    Wm.    R. :    S.    F.    Examiner. 

Heazelton.  Geo.:  Crocker  Bld'g. 

Hecht,    M.    II.:    312    Pine.  , 

Hellman,    A.   C:  308  California. 

Hellman.   Horace  G. ;  525  Front. 

Henshaw.  F.   \V. :  305  Larkin. 

Henshaw.  W.   G. :   Union  Savings  Bank.  Oak. 

Herold.    Rudolph.   Jr.:   415  California. 

Herrin.    W.    F. ;   64  Union   Trust    Bld'g. 

Herzog.    Theo.    D. :    414    Ellis. 

Hewston.    J..    Jr.:    Mills    Seminary. 

Heyman.    Henry:    02:',    Eddy. 

Hickox,    Geo.    C. :    222    Sansome. 

Hilborn.  S.  G. :  11  Mills  Bld'g,   6th  floor. 

Hill.   Charles  B. :   212  Pine. 

Hill.    Horace    L. :    124    Sansome. 

Hill.   Thos. :    Wawona,    Mariposa  Co. 

Hogg.   James:   134  California. 

Hohweisner.    F. :    232    California. 

Ilolloway.   E.   L. ;  430  California. 

Holman.    Alfred    D. :    220    Market. 

Hood.    Wm. :    75    Union    Trust    Bld'g. 

Hooker.   C.    Osgood;   IT   Drumm. 

Hooker.    Robert   G. :    Seattle.    Wash. 

Hooper.    Wm.    B. ;    Occidental    Hotel. 

Hopkins.  E.   W. ;   27   Mills   Bld'g..  5th  floor. 

Hopkins.    W.    B. ;    315   Montgomery. 

Hopkins.   W.    E. :  533  Sutter. 

Hotaling.    Anson    P.  :    429    Jackson. 

Hotaling.   A.   P..   Jr.:  429  Jackson. 

Houghton.    H.    B. :    212   Sansome. 

Houghton.    H.    C. :    123    Beale. 

Howard,   Chas.    W.  :   516  California. 

Howell,    Josiah    R. :    10    Montgomery. 

Hug.    Chas.    A.:    ::27    Market. 

Huahes.    J.    A.:    42    Oak. 

Huntington.    H.    E. :   52  Union  Trust  Bld'g. 

Hussey,   H.  P. ;  Lotus  Club.   New   York. 

Husted,    F.    M.:    530    Montgomery,    r.    65. 

Hutchinson.    E. :   1ft  Mills  Bld'g..  0th  fl. 

Hut.hinson,    J.    S. ;   Sather   Banking   Co. 

Hyde,    Frederick    A.:    630    Commercial. 

Irwin.    J.    X.    H. ;    Market    &-    Grant    Ave. 

Ives,    George    I. ;    324    Pine. 

Jackson,   J.    Ross;  207   Larkin. 

James,    N.    T. :    416    California. 

Jarboe.    Paul   R. ;   57   Nevada   Block. 

Johnson.    H.    A.;    Denver,    Col. 

Jones,    H.   I.;  222  Post. 

Jorgensen,    Chris.    A. ;    Montgomery. 

Josselyn.    Charles;   40   Market. 

Joullin,    A.:    609    Sacramento. 

Judson.    W.     R. :    Kingman.     Ariz. 

Keith.    William;    1538    Eddy. 

KellOg,    Tyler    V.;    410    California. 

Klrkpatrick,    John   C. ;    Palace  Hotel. 

Kittredge.    E.     II.:    1!:;    Market. 

Knight,    Geo.    A.;   74   Chronicle  Bld'g. 
Knowles.   S.    E. ;   139  Post 
Landers.    John;   24o   Montgomery. 
Landers.    W.    G. ;    205    Sansome 
Landers.   iWilliam  J.;  205  Sansome. 
Lane.   F.   E. ;  Stockton,   Cal. 
Lansing,   G.    L.;   41  Union  Trust  Bld'g. 
Larkin.    A.    O. :   Portsmouth,    X.    H. 
Lash.   Lee:  Bohemian  Club. 
Lathrop.    B. :    115    Monroe.    Chicago. 
Lathrop.    J.:    P.   O.    Box   562,    Oak. 
Latimer.   L.   P. ;  232  Crocker  Bld'g. 
Lent.   Wm.   M.:  699  Polk. 
Leonard.   C.    L. :    Bohemian    Club. 
Levison.    H.;   134  Sutter. 
Levison.    J.    B. :    401   California. 
Lilienthal.  P    X. ;  Ansjlo-Californian  Bank. 
Lillis.   S.   C. :   Lillis.  Cal. 
Lipman.    F.    L. :    Wells    Fargo   Bank. 
Lloyd.    Reuben    H. :    9    Xevada    Block. 
Loring.    Francis    H. ;   221  Post. 
Lowden.   Wm.   H. ;  212  Pine. 
Lundborg.    J.    A.    W. ;    336    Post. 
Luther.    J.    B. :   115   Bush. 
Lynch.    Henry   H. ;   532    Market,    r.    19. 
Lynch.    J. ;   1302   Leavenworth. 
Macdonald,    Burns;    315    Montgomery. 
Macdonough.    W.    O'B. ;  106  Crocker  Bld'g. 
Macfarlane.    E.   C. :   Honolulu.    H.    I. 
Mackay,   F.   J.;  Chicago,   111. 
Maddox.   Cabel    H.;    Bohemian   Club. 
Magill,  A.   E..   S.   E.  cor.   Sansome  &  Cali 
Mahony,   John   J.;   200  Crocker  Bld'g. 
Malpas.    A. :    Los    Gatos. 
Malter.   G.    H.;   P.    O.    Box  765.    Fresno. 
Mangels.  John  H. :  325  Battery. 
Mann.   H.    R. :   322   Sansome. 
Marshall,   Henry:  Bohemian  Club. 
Marshutz.   L.   C.  :  X.   W.  cor.   Main  &   How 
Martin.    A.    A.:    123    California. 
Martin.     William. 

Martinez.    F.    X.    R. :   999    Wall    St.    X.    Y. 
Martinez.    Henry;    413    Kearny. 
Maiye,    Geo.    T. ;    234    Montgomery. 
Mastick,    Geo.    H. :    520   Montgomery. 
Mathews.    A.    F. :    72S    Montgomery. 
Mau.    William    F.  ;    122    Market. 
Maxwell.    James   I).;    421   California. 
Mayer.    Samuel    D. ;    301    California. 
McAfee.   C.    Wm. ;  104  Montgomery. 
McAllister.    M.    Hall:    109   California. 
McCopppin,   Frank:   Post  Office. 
McCreary,    A.    B.;   211   Sansome. 
McDonald.    .1.    M. :  33   Mills   Bld'g.,    10th   fl. 
McDonald.    Mark   L. ;   Santa  Rose 
McDonald,    M.   J.:  :::;   Mills  Bld'g.,   10th   fl 
Mclver,   Charles   C. ;    San   Jose. 


Gloves   for    Driving   and    Walking.    25    Kearny 
St.,  San  Francisco. 



McKee,    J.    D. ;   Tallant   Banking   Co. 

McLane,  C.  A.;  17  Mills  Bld'g.,  2nd  floor. 

McMurray,   Robt. :    r.    11,    14   Sansome. 

McMurtrie.    J.    A. ;    Santa    Margarita. 

McQuesten,   0.   A.:   131  Post. 

Mead.   L.   R. :  S.    E.   cor.   Howard  &  Beale. 

Meade.    Calvert;   420  California. 

Mellis.    1>:   E. ;   :,24    Sacramento. 

Menzies,    Stewart;    512    Battery. 

Merritt,     Frederick    A.;     Oakland. 

Miles.    I).    E.;   315    Montgomery. 

Miller.    Albert;  532  California. 

.Miller.   C.   O.  G. ;  S.   W.   cor.   Annie  &   Stev. 

Miller.    F. :    Box    K.    Sacramento. 

Miller.    H.    E. :    216    Bush. 

Miller,    H.   H. :   S.   W.  cor.    Annie   &   Stev. 

-Miller.    II.    M.   A.;  326  Montgomery. 

Mills,    F.    G.    B. ;   31  California. 

Mills.    11.    F. 

Mitchell.    R.    B. ;   28    Mills  Bld'g..    1th    floor. 

Mix,   L.    \Y. ;   Noagles.   A.  T. 

Mizner,    Edgar  A.:    Benecia,   Cal. 

Molera.   E.   J. ;   40  California. 

Mondt.    P.    A.;    327    Market. 

Montealegre,    C.    F. ;    230    California. 

Montealegre.    F.    G. :    230   California. 

Moore,    A.    \Y. ;    413   Montgomery. 

.Moore,    Thomas;    Santa    Barbara. 

Moore,    Wm.    P. ;    307    Sansome. 

Morrow.    R.    F. ;    414    California. 

Muecke.   G.   A.   E. :  319  California. 

Mundy.   J.   II.;  16  Front. 

Murphy.   Bernard  D. ;   San  Jose. 

Murphy,     E.    P.;    533    Kearney. 

Murphy.   S.  G.;  1st  National  Bank. 

Nagle.    George    W. ;    212    Sansome. 

Naughton.    YV.    W. :    75G   Market. 

Nesmith,    Loring   G. ;    San   Jose. 

Neumann,    Paul;    Honolulu. 

Neumann,  Rudolph;  310  Sansome. 

Newell.    M.    A.;   318  California. 

Newhall.    Geo.    D. :    Bohemian    Club. 

Noble,   F.   L.   H.:  113  Larkin. 

Noble.    Patrick;    100   Market. 

Norris.    Wm.;    :.h;    California. 

Nugent,    John    F. :    312    Sacramento. 

O'Connell.     Daniel:    Bohemian    Club. 

Oelrichs,  H. ;  N.  W.  cor.  Pine  and  Jones. 

Ogden.    Richard  L. ;   Pioneer  Bld'g. 

Okell.    Charles   J.;   411   California. 

Oliver,  F.   B. ;  207  Battery,  r.  10. 

Oliver,    \Vm.    L. ;    218   California. 

O'Neill,   Jas. ;   New   London,    Conn. 

Oothout,   Wm..  Jr.;  228  Crocker  Bld'g. 

O'Sullivan,   C.    D. ;  1025  Bush. 

"u^n.   Frank  L.  :  17  Mills  Bld'g..  Sth  Floor. 

Paddock.   Charles  J.;   104   California. 

Page,  X.  Clifford;  Alameda. 

Palmer,  C.   M.;   Northwestern   Miller,    Min. 
Parks.   J.    F. ;    (Jackson.) 
Parrott,    Louis   B. ;  306  California. 
Partridge,    John;   212   California. 
Paterson,   Van   R. :  16  Nevada  Block. 
Payne.   Clyde   R. ;   731   Sutter. 
Payne,    T.    F. ;   507    Montgomery. 
Payne.    W.    R. ;    507    Montgomery. 
Payne,    Wm.    H. :    Reno   Nov. 
Peixotto.    E.    I).;  175  Crocker  Bld'g. 
Penneii.   T.    M.;   516   California. 
Perkins.    George  C. ;    lo   Market. 
Peters.    Charles    11.;    Paris. 
Pew.  John  W. .  310  Pine.   r.  15. 
Phelan.   James   1).;   301    Phelan   Bld'g. 
Pierson.   F.   H.:  211   Drumm. 
Pillsbury,    E-ans   S.  ;    101    Crocker   Bld'g. 
Pischl.    Kaspar;   63  Crocker  Bld'g. 
Pissis.    Albert:    307    Sansome. 
Piatt.   H.   G. ;  12   Mills   Bld'g.   9th   floor. 
Pomeroy,   E.   B. ;  1865  Telegraph  Ave.   Oak. 
Pond,   E.   B. ;  328  Montgomery,   r.   7. 
Pope,    John   F. ;    2723    Pine. 
Porter,   Bruce;  606  Jackson. 
Powers,  George  H. ;  533  Sutter. 
Powning.    Wm.   A.;   220  California. 
Pratt,    Geo.    C. ;    405    Montgomery. 
Preston,    E.    F. :    1 17   Crocker    Bld'g. 
Randall,  C.  W. ;  S.  E.  cor.   Bush  6   Montg' 
Rank.    W.    M.:   1003^  Broadway.    Oakland. 
Rankin,     James;     Martinez. 
Redding,    A.    P. ;    308  Sansome. 
Redding,    J.    I).;    35  Chronicle    Bld'g. 
Reed,   C.  Jerome;  Portland.  Ore. 
Reed,    George    W. ;    502    Battery. 
Reynolds.    Frank   B. :  205  Sansome. 
Richter.    C.    M. :    614   Geary. 
Rickard.  Thomas;  21  Fremont. 
Ritchie,   Wm.    J. ;   756   Market. 
Rix,  Julian  W. :  Lotus  Club.  X.  Y. 
Robertson,    A.    M.;    126    Post. 
Robertson,    Peter;   319    Sutter. 
Robertson.   T.   F. ;   Sehome,   Wash. 
Robinson.   Charles  D. ;  610  Montgomery. 
Rodgers.    Arthur:    16    Nevada   Block. 
Rollins.    Edward    W. ;    Denver.    Colo. 
Rose,    A.    \\\.   Jr.;   532   Market. 
Kosenstirn.   .1.:   N.    E.  cor.   Sutter  A    Hyde. 
Rowell,    Leonard  F. :   W.    F.    &   Co. 
Ruggles.    James    D.  :    2210    .la.kson. 
Runcie,  James  E. ;  Cosmos  Club. 
Runyon,    E.    W. ;    234    Sutter. 
Sabin,  John  I.;  216  Bush. 
Sanborn,    Wm.    D. ;   32   Montgomery. 
Sanderson,    George    R.  :    228    Montgomery. 
Scheel.    Fritz:   1118  Sutter. 
Schmidt,   Rupert;  207  Larkin. 
Schmidt,    Louis;    914   Sutter. 




Schmieden.   E.   G. ;  530  California. 
Schussler,    Hermann;  516  California. 
Scott,    I.    M.;   222   Market. 
Sexton,  Wm. :  401  California. 
Sharon.  Fred  W. :  305  Sansome. 
Shaw.   Wm.  P.;  214  Pine.  r.   29. 
Sheehan.   J.   F. ;  24  Mills  Bld'g.   10th  floor. 
Sheldon.    E.    H. :    327  Market. 
Shepherd.  Wm.  A. :  1118  J.   Fresno. 
Sherman.    H.    M.:   705   Sutter. 
Sherman,    L.    S. ;  137  Kearny. 
Sherman.    M.    H. :   National   Bank,    L.    A. 
Sherwood.    Jno.    I).;    Spokane,    Wash. 
Sherwood.    Wm.    R. :    303    California,    r.    35. 
Shetterley,    J.   L.    M.;   316   California. 
Shoekley.   AY.   H. :  Candelaria.   Nev. 
Shortridge.   Samuel   M.;   28  Crocker  Bld'g. 
Sieeklen,    John    H. ;  416   California. 
Simpson.    John    H.:    Fresno.    Cal. 
Simpson.    Robert    N. :    116   California. 
Simson.     R. ;    Mills    Seminary    P.     O. 
Sloss.   Joseph ;  IS  Fremont. 
Sloss,   Leon :  310  Sansome. 
Sloss.   Louis.  Jr. :  508  Folsom. 
Sloss.    M.   C.  :   17   Yarmouth,    Boston. 
Small.  A.   H. ;  University  Club. 
Smedberg.   W.  R. ;  314  California. 
Smith.    B.    F. :    Represa.    Sacramento    Co. 
Smith,    Chester  W.    M. ;   310   Pine.    r.    48. 
Smith.    Colin    M. ;    Bohemian    Club. 
Smith.    H.   H. :   400   California. 
Smith,    Herbert  G. ;   134  California. 
Smith,    Sidney    M.;    123    Market. 
Snelling.   Jas.   F. :  101  Battery. 
Southard,   W.   F. ;   603  Sutter. 
Sperry,    Geo.    B.;    134   California. 
Sperry,   James  W. :   134  California. 
Spiers.   James.   Jr. :   213  First. 
Spreckels.   Adolph  B. :  327  Market. 
Spreckels,    C.    A. ;    119    Bush. 
Spreckels,   John  D. ;  327  Market. 
Sproule,    Wm. ;  32  Union   Trust   Building. 
Stafford,    William    G. ;    216   East. 
Stanton,    John   A.;    Bohemian   Club. 
Staples.    David   J. ;   401   California. 
Steinhart.   I.:  200  Sansome. 
Stewart,   H.  J.:  2417  California. 
Stewart.  James;  2505  Pacific  Avenue. 
Stockwell.    L.    R. ;    Columbia   Theater. 
Stone.    Charles    B. ;    33    California. 
Stone,    Frank   F. ;   1023  Vallejo. 
Stone,    George;   508   California. 
Stone,   Walter  S. ;  132  Sutter. 
Story,   George  A.;   33  Post. 
Stoutenborough.  C.  H. ;  324  Pine. 
Stow,    S.    P.;   Galeta.    Santa   Barbara. 
Stow,  Vanderlynn;  222  Sutter. 

Straus.    Meyer;   96   Flood    Building. 

Strong,   Geo.   H. :  220  Market. 

Strong,   J.    D. ;   Sydney,    Australia. 

Stuart,  H.  C. ;  Denver,  Colo. ;  Box  1815. 

Stuart.  John;  Colon,  Colombia. 

Stubbs,  J.  C. ;  51  Union  Trust  Building. 

Sullivan.  Emmet  V. 

Sullivan.   F.   J.;   130  Phelan   Building. 

Sumner,    Frank    W. ;    415   Front. 

Swan.    B.    R; ;   222   Sansome. 

Swayne.   R.    H. ;  504  Battery. 

Syz,   Harry  W. :  410  California. 

Tallant,  J.  D. ;  X.  E.  cor.  Battery  &  Cal. 

Tarpey,    M.    F. :    Alameda.    Cal. 

Taylor.   Charles   F. ;  14   Sansome. 

Taylor.  John   W.  ;   Xew   York. 

Teschemascher.  H.  F. ;  Pacific-Union  Club. 

Thompson.   James  A. :  100  Montgomery. 

Thornton.   C. :   426   California. 

Thresher.    F.    L. :   600   Bush. 

Tichenor,   J.    Fred. 

Tickner,    EL   L. ;  35  Xew   .Montgomery. 

Tilden.    Douglas. 

Tillmann,    Frederick.    Jr. ;    327    Battery. 

Tourny.  George;  526  California. 

Towne.   Arthur  G. ;  512  Sacramento. 

Townsend.  E.  W. :  Xew  York. 

Trumbo.   Isaac:   1533  Sutter. 

Tufts.  W.  F. :  1204  Haight. 

Turnbull.   W. ;  Tipton,  Tulare  Co. 

Twiggs,  John  W. ;   20  Xevada  Block. 

Uhler.  J.  C. ;  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Unger.    Frank   L. ;    76S   Harrison. 

Upton.    M.    G. :   622   Montgomery. 

Vail.   A.   H. :  741  Market. 

Vail.   F.   H.;  741  Market. 

Valentine.    J.    J. ;   Wells.    Fargo   &   Co. 

Van  Bergen,  H. ;  S.  W.  cor.  2d  &  Folsom. 

Van  Bergen.  J.  W. ;  418  Clay. 

Van  Xess,  T.  C. ;  28  Mills  Bldg.,  10th  floor. 

Van  Sicklen.   F.   W. ;    114  Market. 

Van  Wyck,  H.  L. ;  Spreckels  Building. 

Vickery.   Wm.   K. :  224  Post. 

Vogt.  A.  Theodore  C. 

Von  Buncken.   L.   C:  301  California. 

Von  Gerichten.  C:  700  Jones. 

Yoss.    Frederick   G. ;   204  Sansome. 

Vowinckel.   F.   W. ;  1298  Van   Xess  Ave. 

Wadsworth,  H. ;  S.  E.  Sansome  &  Market. 

Waldron,  W.  B. ;  215  Sansome. 

Walker.  James  G. :  224  Front. 

Wallace,   J.    H. ;   418  California. 

Wallace,    Ryland    B. ;    214    Pine.    r.    43. 

Walter,    Solly    H. ;    26   O'Farrell. 

Walter,   Wm.  51  White,   Xew  York. 

Wandesforde,  J.   B. ;   Haywards,   Cal. 

Warde.    Frederick. 


Importer  of  Fine  Furnishing  Goods  and  Shirt 
.Maker,  25  Kearny  St.,   S.   F. 



Warner.    Alexander:    120   Sutter. 

Washington.    F.    rt. ;   33   Post. 

Watkins,   A.  A.;  313  Market. 

Watson,    James    R. ;    12    Drumm. 

Watson.    Thomas;    302    California. 

Watt.   James  A.:  21   .Mills  Bldg..  loth  floor. 

Waymire.    J.    A.;    77    Chronicle    Building. 

Weed.   M.    FT.:  S.  W.  cor.  8th  &  Brannan. 

Weill.    Raphael:   Bohemian  Club. 

Weil.    Sylvain;    585    .Market. 

Wells.   F.   Marion:   West  Berkeley. 
Wells,   Geo.    K. :   51    Xevada  Block. 
Wenban.   S. :  1920   Van   Ness   Avenue. 
Wethered.    W. ;    2109    Pacific    Avenue. 
Wheaton,  Geo.  H.  101  California. 
Wheaton,   Geo.   S.;   101  California. 
White.    Stephen   M.:   Los   Angeles. 
White.    Wm.    H.:   New   York. 
Whittell.   Geo.:   39   Sutter. 
Whilwell.   W.   S.  ;  23   Mills  Bldg..   3d   floor. 
Wiggin.   M.   p.:   Chronicle  Office. 

Wildman,   R. ;   508   .Montgomery,    r.   26. 
Wilkomm.   Adolfo;   San  Jose. 
Willard,  Edward  A.:  610  Commercial. 
Williamson,   J.    M.;   21   Powell. 
Wilson.  C.   H.;  530  California,   r.   41. 
Wilson.    F.    P.:    609  Sutter. 
Wilson.    EL;    1001    Pine. 
Wilson.   J.    Scott:  321  California. 
Wilson.  M.  S.;  26  .Mills  Bldg..  6th  floor. 
Wilson.  Russell  J.;  26  .Mills  Bldg.,  6th  floor. 
Winans,  J.  C;  220  Fremont. 
Woods.    R.    J.  ;    Front    and    Vallejo. 
Wores.  Theodore;  351  .Market. 
Worthington.   B.   A.:  221  San  Jose  Ave. 
Wright.    George   S. ;    Westchester.    X.    Y. 
Wright,   Henry   \\\.   San  Jose,  Cal. 
Wright,    K.;   Tallant   Banking   Co. 
Wright,    W.    II.:   27   Xew   Montgomery 
Yale,    Chas.   G. ;  220  .Market. 
Younger.  W.  J.;  300  Stockton. 
Zeilin,  W.   S. ;  400  Sutter. 

Army  and  Navy  Officers   and   College  Faculties. 

Adams.    T.    R.,    Lieut.;    Alcatraz    Island. 

Almy.   A.   C.  Lieutenant.  U.  S.  A. 

Bates.    A.    E. ;    Phelan    Building. 

Beardslee.   L.   A..   Rear  Admiral.   U.   S.   X. 

Bell.    J.    F..    Lieutenant,    U.    S.    A. 

Benjamin.    E.    E..    Lieutenant.    U.    S.    A. 

Benson,  H.  C.  Lieutenant.  V.   S.  A. 

Bogert.  E.  S..  Past  Asst.  Surgeon.  U.  S.  X. 

Boughter.    F..    Ensign.    U.    S.    X. 

Burgdorff.   I.  F..  Past  Asst.  Engr.   U.  S.  N. 

Carlin.    James   W..    Lieutenant.    U.    S.    N. 

Carson.   T.   G..   Lieutenant.   U.   S.  A. 

Cloaman,   S.   A..   Lieutenant,   U.   S.   A. 

Coffin.   W.   H.,   Lieutenant,   U.   S.   A. 
Crandall.  R.  P..  Past  Asst.  Surg'n,  U.  S.  X. 
Crofton.  W.   M..   Lieutenant.   U.   S.   A. 
Croxton,   R.   C..   Lieutenant.    U.    S.   A. 
Dean.    A.    T..    Lieutenant,    U.    S.    A. 
Decker.  C.  J..   Past  Asst.   Surgeon,   U.   S.   N. 
Dougherty,    W.    E..    Captain.    U.    S.    A. 
Drake.  J.   C.   Lieutenant.   U.   S.   X. 
Dunning.   W.   B.,   P.  Asst.   Eng'r,   U.   S.    X. 
Button,    Robt.    McM.,    Lieut.,    I  .    s.    M.    C. 
Fechteler,    A.   F.,   Lieutenant,    U.    S.    X. 
Forsyth.  J.  W..  Brigadier  General,  I  .  S.  A. 
Galbraith.  W.    \\\,   Lieutenant,  U.   S.   A. 
Gorgas,    M.    C,    Lieutenant,    U.    S.    N. 
Graham.    W.    M..    General.    U.    S.    A. 
Haan,    W.   G.,   Lieutenant.   U.   S.   A. 
Hughes.  Walter  S..  Lieutenant.  U.  S.  X. 
Joyes,    J.    W..    Lieutenant.    U.    S.    A. 

Kilburn.    I).    W..    Lieutenant.    V.   S.   A. 
Kirkman.  George  W..  Lieutenant.  U.  S.  A. 
Kneedler.    W.    L..    Doctor.    U.    S.    A. 
Landis.    J.    T.    R..    Lieutenant.    V.    S.    A. 
McCaw.    W.    D..    Doctor,    V.    S.    A. 
McCully,    X.    A..    Ensign.    U.    S.    X. 
Middleton.   J.   V.   D.,   Colonel.   U.   S.   A. 
Xeal.   John   M..    Lieutenant,    l".    S.    A. 
Nicholson,    R.    F..    Lieutenant.    U.    S.    X. 
Noble,   Robert   H..    Lieutenant.    V.   S.    A. 
O'Connell,   J.   J.,   Captain,    U.    S.    A. 
Pence,   W.   P.,   Lieutenant.   U.    S.    A. 
Pope,   P.   C,   Major,   U.   S.   M.  C. 
Potter,   Charles   L.,   Lieutenant,   U.   S.    A. 
Prince.   Thos.   C.   Lieutenant,   U.   S.   M.   C. 
Reilly  H.   J.,    Captain.   D.    S.    A. 
Reynolds,  Z.  W..  P.  A.  Paymaster.  U.  S.  X. 
Roberts,   B.    K.,   Captain,   U.   S.    A. 
Roudiez,   Leon   S.,    Lieutenant.   U.    S.    A. 
Ruhm,  T.   P.,  As.   Naval  Consfr.   U.   S.   X. 
Rutherford.   S.   McP.,   Lieutenant.    U.   S.   A. 
Ryan.  E.   D..   Asst.   Paymaster,   U.   s.   X. 
Sawyer,   J.    E..   Captain.    C.    S.    A. 
Skelding.    H.    T.,    Paymaster,    U.    S.    X. 
Spear,   L..   As.   Naval  Const  r.    U.    S.   X. 
Starr.   Charles  G.,   Lieutenant,   r.    s.    A. 
Thompson,    W.   J.,   Paymaster.    I".    S.    X. 
Thorp.   Frank,  Captain.   U.   S.   A. 
Trilley.  Joseph.  Chief  Engineer.  U.   S.   X. 
Vogdes,    A.    W..    Captain.     V.    S.    A. 
Whiting.   Robert,   Surgeon.    l\   S.   X. 




Wilcox,  P.  A..  Lieutenant.  U.  S.  A. 
Winn,  F.  L.,  Lieutenant.  U.  S.  A. 
Young,  S.  B.  M.,  Colonel,  U.  S.  A. 

Armes,  W.  D.,  University  of  California. 

Hayne,  A.  P..  University  of  California. 
Howard,   C.    H.,   University  of  California. 
Huntington,    S.    D.,    University   of   Cal. 
Payne,    F.   H. ;   University  of  California. 

o      o      o      o 

AM  N.   LEVY 

113    SUTTER    STREET 

San   Erancisco.    Cal. 

Cable  Address  "  Walterford ' 

Telephone  No.  84 

C.    W.    R.   FORD   &   CO. 


HEADINGS,  .... 

522    MARKET    STREET, 

San  Francisco. 


W.    G.    LANGDON 



MURPHY,  GRANT  &   CO.,  Wholesale  Dry  Goods  Merchants 
A.   J.    RALSTON,  President  Selbv  Smelting  4  lead  Co. 
1RVIN   AYRES,  President  Eagle  Automatic  Can  Co. 

Room    15 


John   M.    Curtis 

Residence,  2321   Webster  St. 

126    KEARNY    STREET,    Room    51 

Telephone,  Main  1223 

^T?  o^&T.?  §&&@  §>^^T-   s>^^T?  g^^TS  S^^k  g> 

Printing  Shop  of 

The  E  D. 

YLOR  *£  ^ 


523  Mission  Street  «$ 


jxlv  X        £^   *Z^*   *&P*   *^*   *P*   *^* 

ORIGINALITY  ,•*  .•* 

<§  -}££<?  ^SHKs    y^^<^    ^C<^     >2C<r    >9C<s    > 



Pacific  Coast  Agents  for  Finest 
Foreign  and  Domestic 

Wines,  Liquors  and  Groceries 


("White  Seal,"  Dry;  Brut  Imperial,"  Very  Dry) 

Fschenauer  &  Co's  Red  and  White  Wines 
Mackenzie  &  Co's  Spanish  Sherries  and  Oporto  Ports 
Crosse  &  Black  well's  Pure  Lucca  oil,  Pickles,  Jams,  Etc. 
Column's  London  Mustard,  Kpps's  Cocoa,  Fry's  Cocoa 

Curtice  Bros.  &  Co's  Preserved  Meats,  Fruits  and  Vegetables 
Burke's  Bass  Ale  and  Burke's  Porter 

Ross's  Royal  Ginger  Ale,  Club  Soda,  Anchor  Brand  Cider,  Ftc. 
Schlitz  Milwaukee  Beer;  "Pilsener"  and  "Light  Sparkling" 
Pi  van's  India  Pale  Ale.     Chalmers'  Gelatine 

Keystone  JVIonogram  Cdbishey 

Pure  California   Wines 
Straight   Kentucky   Whiskies 

214  Market  Street,  San  Francisco 

216  North  Main  St.,  Los  Angeles         24  north  front  St..  Portland 



American  Brewing  Co... 


The  A.  B.  C.  BOHEMIAN  BEER>  at  the  brfwfrv 





And  its  Hop  Aroma.  Purity  and  Strength  cannot  be  excelled 


101   103  Powell  St.  SAN  FRANCISCO,  CAL. 




Club    Rooms,   722   Sutter   Street. 


lames   E.    Tucker President        J.    S.   Severance 1st  Vice-President 

J.    S.    Severance Sec.    and   Treas. 


One  Year 

Hall  McAllister 

Two  Years 

G.   W.    McNear,    Jr. 

James    E.    Tucker 

Hugh    Tevis 
W.    W.    Haskell 

J.  S.  Severance 
A.    II.    Small 

House  Committee— A.   H.   Small  Restaurant   Committee— Hugh   Tevis 

Wine  Room— G.   W.   McNear,   Jr. 
Auditing   and    Literature   and  Art   Com.—  W.    W.    Haskell 
Entertainment  Committee— Hall  McAllister 


Adams,    E.    M. ;   No.   508   Montgomery   St. 
Adams.   J.    C. ;   Oakland 
Addison,   Thos. ;  15   First  St. 
Agar.   J.   G. ;   10  Montgomery  St. 
Alexander.   C.    B. ;   Crocker-Woolworth   Bk. 
Allen,  A.   F. ;  320  California  St. 
Allen.    H.    F. ;    202    California    St. 
Allen,   J.   M. ;  305   Sansome  St. 
Allerdice,    R.    E. ;   Stanford   University 
Ames,    P.    W.;    516   California   St. 
Aimes,    \V.   1).;   Berkeley. 
\rtsmovitch.    V.;   411  Va   California   St. 
Ashe,     G.     M.;    2315    Sacramento    St. 
Aver.    C.    F. :    Lowell,    Mass. 
Babcock,    Harry;    306  California   St. 
Babcock.     Wm. ;    300    California    St. 
Bacon,    T.    R. ;    Berkeley. 
Baldwin,   Barry;   U.    S.   Appraisers'    Bldg. 
Baldwin,  C.  A.;   University  Club. 
Baker,    Wakefield;    2   Pine   St. 
Bangs,    Benjamin;    120    Sutter    St. 
Barnard,    A.;    Emporium    Bldg. 
Bartnett,   W.    J.;  328   Montgomery   St. 
Barzellotti,    L. ;    Nevada    City,    Cal. 
Bates,    George;    Berkeley. 
Beatty,    Judge    W.    H.;    825    Market    St. 
Beaver,  F.   H. ;  Pac.   Mutual  Bldg. 

Beazley,    F.    C;    Saratoga.    Cal. 

Bee.    E.    N. ;   109  California   St 

Belshaw,    C.    M. ;    Antioch.    Cal. 

Berry.    T.    B. ;    120   Sutter   St. 

Berry.   T.   C. ;  202  California  St. 

Berry.    W.    F. ;   120   Sutter    St. 

Bishop.   T.    B. ;   Hobart   Buldg. 

Blake.    A.    S. :    Berkeley,    Cal. 

Blake.    C.    T. ;    Berkeley.    Cal. 

Blanding.    Gordon;     Mills    Building. 

Bordman,    S.    H. ;   316  California   St. 

Bond,    Marshall;   Santa  Clara,   Cal. 

Boone,    P.    R. ;    Berkeley,    Cal. 

Booth,   A.    G. :   32S   Montgomery  St. 

Borden,   Rhodes;  2128  Pine  St. 

Baum,   W.    B. ;  401  Cal. 

Bowie.    A.    J.:    217   Sansome    St. 

Bowles,   P.   E. ;  1st  Nat.  Bk..  Oakland.  Cal. 

Boyd,    G.    I"). :    Thurlow    Block. 

Bradford,   Wager:   Buffelsdoom.   Transvaal, 

South    Africa. 
Brayton,    E.    L. ;    121    Main   St. 
Breeden,   II.   C. ;  421  Market   St. 
Breeze.  T.   II.;  1330  Sutter  St. 
Brewer,   W.    A.;   San   Mateo. 
Breyfogle,    Dr.    E.   S. ;   213  Geary  St. 
Brown,    Dr.    P,    K. ;   1213    Sutter    St. 



Brown,    \V.    E. ;   2010    California    St. 
Brown,   R.   E. ;  Nevada  Block. 

Banguiere,    E.    A.:   520    .Montgomery    St. 
Buekbee,    S.    G. :   218   Montgomery    St. 
Buckingham.    G.    H.:    413    Montgomery   St. 
Bunnell.  G.  W. :  1305  Telegraph  Av..  Oak'd. 
Burns.    John    McK.;    3026   California   St. 
Bush,    W.    X.  :    1003    Pine    St. 
Byrne,    J.    W. :    Pac.    Union    Club. 
Campbell,    D.    H. :    Stanford   University. 
Campbell.    D.    Y. :    S.    F.    Saw    Union    Bldg. 
Campbell.    H.    C. :    520   California    St. 
Canfleld,    R.    B.;    Santa   Barbara.    Cal. 
Capps.    W.    L. ;    University    Club. 
Carlan.   J.   W. ;   U.   S.   Pay  Office,   S.    F. 
Carolan,    F.   J. ;   3  California   St. 
Cary,    J.   H. ;  320  Sansome   St. 
Casserly.    J.     B.    University    Club. 
Castle.   X.   H.;   San  Jose. 
Chase.    H.    B. ;    Stag's    Leap.    Xapa    Valley. 
Chetwood.    John.    Jr.  :    212    Sansome    St. 
Chickering.   W.    H. ;    206   Sansome   St. 
Churchill.    E.    W. :    Xapa.    Cal. 
Clapp,    E.    B. ;   Berkeley,    Cal. 
Cohen.    A.   H. ;  320  California  St. 
Coleman,     R.     L. ;     Crocker     Bldg. 
Corning,    C.   R. ;   Crocker   Bldg. 
Cory.  C.  L. ;  Berkeley. 
Crocker.    Geo. ;   4   Montgomery    St. 
Crocker.    H.   J. ;    508    California. 
Crocker,    C.    F. ;    Fourth    and    Townsend. 
Crocker.    W.    II. ;    Crocker-Woolworth    Bk. 
Crockett.   J.    B. :    First   and  Xatoma   Sts. 
Crosby.    Rev.    Arthur:    San    Rafael.    Cal. 
Cunningham.    J.    M.:    39    Sutter    St. 

Davidson.    D.    B. ;    Nevada    Block. 

Davidson,   G.   F. :  2221   Washington  St. 

Davis,    Horace;   134  California    St. 

Davis,   R.   J. ;   229  Stevenson  St. 

Day,   Clinton;   222   Sansome    St. 

Deering,   F.  P. ;  14  Sansome  St. 

Deering,    J.    H.,   Jr.;    New   City   Hall. 

DeLong,   F.   L. ;   728   Sutter  St. 

DeVecchi.     Dr.    P.;    Crocker    Building. 

Dibble.   A.   J. ;  320  Sansome  St. 

Iiiinohoe,  Edw*d:  c|o  Donohoe.  Kelly  &  Co. 

Donohoe,   J.    A..    Jr. ; 

Donahue,    P.    J.;   04    Nevada    Block. 

Douty,    F.    S. ;   4    Montgomery    St. 

Doyle,  J.   J. ;   University   Club. 

Drown,   A.   X. ;  114  Sutter  St. 

Dunbar.    Dr.    L.    L. ;    Westminster   Hotel. 

Duval.    W.    S. ;    421    California    St. 

Dwyer.   J.  J.;   Mills   Building. 

Edwards,   W.    O. ;    Upper   Lake.    Lake    Co., 

Edwards,    G.    C. ;  Berkeley. 

Eells,    C.    P.:     Mills    Building. 

Ely.    S.    P. :    222    Sansome    St. 

Eyre,    E.    L. ;   307   California    St. 

Eyre,    P.    P.;    222   Sansome    St. 

Eyre.    R.    M.;    307    California    St. 

Farquharson.   C.   D. ;   801   Van  Xess  Ave. 

Fisher.    \V.    B. :    North    Star    Mine,    Grass 

Fisher.    W.    II.;    8    Broadway. 
Fisk,   A.   G. :    119  California   St. 
Fitzhugh,    W.    M.;    Mills   Building. 
Flint.    Thos..    Jr.;    San    Juan.      San    Benito 

Co..    Cal 
Follanshee,    J.    G. ;    30    Mills    Building. 
Follis.  James;   523   Mission   St. 
Foote.  H.   S. ;  305  Larkin  St. 
Foote.  W.  M.;  310  Pine  St. 
Forbes,    A.    B. ;    Mutual    Life    Building. 
Forbes,    Cleveland;   516   California   St. 
Forbes,    Stanley;    Mutual    Life    Building. 
Forman,    R.    B. ;    310    California    St. 
Frazier.   A.  H. ;  Rutherford.  Xapa  Co.,  Cal. 
Gale,    H.    B. :    Xatick.    Mass. 
Garber,    E.    R. :    Palace   Hotel. 
Garber.    Jno. ;    305   Sansome   St. 
Garber,    J.    B. ;   305   Sansome   St. 
Gardner,    F.    A.:   1312  Taylor   St. 
Gayley.    C.    M. :    Berkeley.    Cal. 
Gillette.    D.    B..    Jr.;   Pac. -Union   Club. 
Girvin.    R.    D. ;    307    California    St. 
Goodall,    Arthur:    Jackson    St..    Oakland. 
Goodfellow,    W.    S. ;    230   Montgomery    St. 
Goodrich.    E.    E. ;    Santa    Clara,    Cal. 
Grant.   J.   D. ;   100   Sansome  St. 
Grant.   Patrick;  University   Club. 
Grayson.    R.    R. :    327    Pine    St. 
Green.    C.    E. ;    Union    Trust    Co.'s   Bldg. 
Greenwood.   G.    D. ;   35    Market   St. 
Gregory,    Warren;    206    Sansome. 
Goad,    W.     F. ;    Mills    Building. 
Griffith,    C.    L. ;    30    California    St. 
Griffith,    E.    L. :    30   California    St. 
Grimes,   E.   M. ;   Oakland. 
Grimwood.    C.    P.;   214   Pine    St. 
Greenwoldt,    C.    M. ;    Union    Club. 
Haight,     H.    H. ;    206    Sansome    St. 
Hall,  G.   E.   P.;   222  Sansome  St. 
Hamilton,    Alexander;    2    Pine    St. 
Hammond.    J.    II.;    Union    Club. 
Hammond.   \Y.    II.;   Visalia.   Cal. 
Harding,    R.    T. ;    Mills    Building. 
Harker,    C.    G. :    4    Sutter    St. 
Harrison,    G.    F.     E. ;    Fort    Adams.      New 

Port,    R.    I. 
Harrison,    R.    C. ;    101    Crocker    Building. 
Harvey.    F.    H.:    Gait.    Cal. 

mtJXT  „.     „.„,,..,„        Latest  Styles  in  Scarfs  and  Gloves.     Shirts  to 
JOHN  W.   C  ARM  ANY,  0rde].     R  Kearny  St     s    F. 



Haskell.    M.     \V. ;    Berkeley,    Cal. 
Hayes,    W.    B. :   330    Sutter   St. 
Hayne,    B.    A.;   Crocker    Building. 
Hayne,    K.    Y. :    Crocker    Ituilding. 
Hayne,    S.    D. :    Crocker    Building. 
Henshaw,   Judge    F.    W. ;   Oakland.   Cal. 
Herrin,   W.    P.;    Union  Trust    Building. 
Hewitt.  Dixwell;  323  Cal.  St..  c  o  Ins.  Dept. 

■  s.    F.    S. :    Los    Angeles,    Cal. 
Hill.    H.    L. ;  124  Sansome   St. 
Hobart,   W.   S.;   Van   Ness  &  Wash.    Sts. 
Hoffmann,  Southard,   Jr.;  1626  Sac.  St. 
Holbrook,    11.    V.:   cor.    Beale  and   Market. 
Hooker.   C.    O. :   10   Drumm    St. 
Hooker.    R.    G. ;    917    Bush    St. 
Hopkins.    E.    W. ;    Mills    Building. 
Hopkins,    Dr.   \V.    B.;   803  Sutter  St. 
Hopkins,   Timothy;    Mills   Building. 
Howard,  C.   W.,   Jr.;  1206  Alice  St..   Oak'd. 

ird,    G.    II.:    523    Montgomery    St. 
Howard.   J.   H.   P.:   San    Mateo,  Cal. 
Howard,   F.  P.;  516  California   St. 
Howard.     W.     H. ;    523    California    St. 
Howard,   O.    S. :   Stock    E:  Building, 

Boston,    c  o    R.    F.    Simmes. 
Howison,    G.    II.:    Berkeley,    Cal. 
James.    G.    A.;    Selby,    Cal. 
Janin,    Alex.:    915   Hyde   St. 
Janin,    Louis:   202 

Jarboe.   P.    R. ;   230   Montgomery   St. 
Johnson.    Covington;       Diamond,     Alameda 

Co..    Cal. 
Johnson.    W.    P.;    T:j    Montgomery    St. 
Johnson.    Walter    Perry;    206    Sansome    St. 
Johnstone.    Dr.    B.    K. ;    108    Stockton    St. 
Jones.    W.    C:    Berkeley.    Cal. 
Jones.    \V.    S. ;    Mills   Building. 
Kellogg.    L.    O. :    University    Club. 
Kellogg.     Martin;     Berkeley.     Cal. 
Kellogg.   M.   B.:  508  Montgomery  St. 
Kerr.   Dr.    Wm.   Watt;    1200    Van    Ness   Ave. 
Keyes,   W.   S.;  915  Van   Ness  Ave. 
King.   F.   K.:  508   Montgomery  St. 
Kirkpatrick,    J.    C. :    Palace    Hotel. 
Kittle,    N.    G. ;    Fresno,    i 
Kline.   G.    W. ;   Crocker-Woolworth    Hk. 
Knight.    Samuel:    2106    Van    Ness    Ave. 
Knowles,    H.   J.;   30  California    St. 
Kohl,    C.    Fredk. ;    310    Sansome    St. 
Lake.     F.    li.  ;     Union    Trust    Bldg. 
Latham,    M.    S. :    1104    Post    St. 
Lawson,    John;    University    Club. 
Lee,  Col.  J.  G.  C;  36  New  Montgomery  St. 
Lengfeld,     Felix;    University    of    « "  1 1 i - 

Chicago.     Ill, 
Lent.    Buge'ne;    699    Polk    St. 
Lent,    G.    ll.:   2229    Washington    St. 

LeRoy,    Georges;   e|o   Alfred   Borel   &   Co., 

Nevada   Block. 
Leuschner,    A.    O. ;    Berkeley,    Cal. 
Lewis.    Austin;    San    Rafael.    Cal. 
Lewis,    D.    C;    University    Club. 
Little,    W.    C.J    30   Montgomery   Block. 
Lincoln,    J.    B.j    Mills    Building. 

LCdonough,   J.    M.J   10  Montgomery   St. 
Macdonough,    H.    O'B. ;    University    Club. 

cLymont,    V.    II.    M.:    University    Club. 
lagle,     Dr.    Beverly:    Crocker    Bldg. 
F.    A.:    425    Market    St. 
Mackenzie,   Dr.    Robert;  2021  California  St. 
Madison.    F.    I).:   Crocker   Building. 
Mann.    A.    L.J    Penman    Schools. 
Manson,    Marsden;    Bureau    of    Highways. 

Sacramento,  Cal. 
Magee,    F.    B.j    4    Montgomery    St. 
Magee,    W.   A.;   4    Montgomery   St. 
Magee,    Thos.,    Jr.;    4    Montgomery    St. 
Martin.    C.    A.;    Palace    Hotel. 
Martin,    P.     !>.:       I 'owning      Block.       L 

geles,   Cal. 
Marvin,     A.     F.j    516    California    St. 

T.,   Jr.;   234  Montgomery    St. 
Sansome  St. 
Hall;    305    Sansome    St. 
McClune,   David.  Jr.;  Valley  Springs,  Cal 
McCutchen,    B.    J.;    Mills    Building. 

illivray,   J.    D.J   1047  McAllister  St. 
McKay,    I 'avid:    121    Safe   Deposit   Bldg. 
McKinstry,    J.    C;    1237   O'Farrell 
McLean,    Dr.    R.    A.;   305    Kearney   St. 

Lennan,   F.   P.;  1515  Clay   St. 
McNear,    F.   W.;   Union  Club. 
McNear,  G.  AY..  Jr.;  326  California  St. 
McNear,    S.    B.j   326   California    St. 
McNutt,    Dr.    W.    F. :    104    Sutter    St. 
Meek,    II.    W.j   San    Lorenzo,    Cal. 
Meek,    W.    B.j    San    Lorenzo.    Cal. 
Mendell,  G.  H.,  Jr.;   101   California  St. 

ritt,    Dr.    G.    W.;    814    Sutter   St. 
alf,  c.   D.;  969  Broadway,  Oak'd.   Cal. 
S.    E.;    19th    and    Rio    Grande    Sts.. 

Austin.    Text 
Michael.    M.    F. ;    University   Club. 
Middleton,   Dr.  J.  V.   D.j  220  Phelan   Hldg. 
Mills.    Edgar,   Jr.;  2311   Clay  St. 
Mills.    W.     II.:    26    Hobart    Bldg. 
Mintzer,    Wm.;    2901    California    St. 
Mizner,    Lansing;   Benicia,   Cal. 
Momtt,   J.    K.:    Firs!    Nat.   Bank.   City. 
Molera,    E.    J.;    606  Clay    St. 
.Moody.    F.   s.;    122  Townsend  St. 
Moore,    A.    D. ;  319  Pine  St. 

P,    P.;   319  Pine  St. 
M c.    K.    II.:    Risdon   Iron   Works. 




Moore,   R.   S. ;  Risdon  Iron  Works. 
Morrison,   A.    F. ;    Crocker  Building. 
Morrison,  F.   P.:   Redlands.   Cal. 
Morrow,    G.    P.;   39   Clay   St. 
Morse.    Dr.    J.    F. :    200  Stockton   St. 
Moses,  Bernard:  Berkeley.   Cal. 
Muir,  John:   Martinez,   Cal. 
Murison.   W.   A.:   Occidental   Hotel. 
Murphy.    D.    T. :    Pac. -Union    Club. 
Myrick,   M.    H.;  11  Sansome  St. 
Newhall,    G.    A.:    309   Sansome    St. 
Newhall,    W.    M.;    309    Sansome    St. 
Xoble.     F.    L.    H. :    c  o    Examiner. 
Noble.   R.    H.:   19G5  Locust   St..   San  Diego, 

Olney.    Warren:   101    Sansome   St. 
Olney.    Warren.    Jr. :   101  Sansome    St. 
O'Neill,    Edmond:    Berkeley.    Cal. 
Otis.   Judge  G.    E. :   San   Bernardino.   Cal. 
Otis.    James;    109    California    St. 
Oxward.    Robert:   327   Market   St. 
Page.    Arthur:    302    California    St. 
Page,    Charles;    Mills    Building. 
Palache.    T.    H. :    307    Sansome    St. 
Palache.    Whitney;    313    California    St. 

Parrott.   Jno. :  414  Montgomery   St. 

Payne.    Dr.   F.   H. :   Berkeley.   Cal. 

Perkins.    D.    T.   C. :   1454    Franklin    St. 

Peyton.    Bernard:    Santa    Cruz.    Cal. 

Peyton.    W.    C. :    Santa    Cruz.    Cal. 

Phelan.    J.    D. :    Phelan   Building. 

Pierce,  Orestes:   722   Montgomery  St. 

Pillsbury.   II.    T). :  101  Crocker  Building. 

Pinckard.    G.    M.:    135    Fremont    St. 

Pissis.   Albert:  307  Sansome. 

Pitcher.    H.    H. ;    Livermore,    Cal. 

Poett.    H.   W. :   202   Market   St. 

Pollock,    A.    F. ;   Pinole,   Contra  Costa  Co., 

Pomeroy,   C.    P. ;    Mutual   Life   Bldg. 

Pomeroy.   J.    M.;    Mutual   Life  Bldg. 

Pond.    Edw. ;    122    Davis   St. 

Pope,   G.   A. ;   214  California  St. 

Powers,  Dr.  G.  H.;  533  Sutter  St. 

Pringle,    E.   J.:   Mills   Building. 

Pringle.    E.    J..    Jr.:    Mills    Building. 

Pringle.    H.    B. :   116    California    St. 

Pringle.    J.    R.;    San    Rafael.    Cal. 

Ralston.    YV.    C. :    331    Pine    St. 

Randol.    W.    M.;      c|o    Laidlaw    &    Co.,    14 

Wall    St. 
Rathbone.    Maj.    J.   L. :   Crocker  Building. 
Redding,    A.   P.;   308   Sansome    St. 
Redding,  J.  D. ;  35  Nasson  St.,  N.  Y.   City. 
Redington.    H.    W.;   308  California  St. 
Reid,    W.    T. ;    Belmont.    Cal. 

Reynolds,    G.    P.;   2256   Central   Ave.,    Ala- 
meda,   Cal. 
Richardson,    G.    M.;   University  Club. 
Ripley,   G.    H. ;   7  Crocker  Building. 
Robins.    Thos. ;      2023    De    Lancey      Place, 

Philadelphia.    Penn. 
Robbins,    R.    D.    Jr.:    Suisun.    Cal. 
Roberts.    Edwards:    ejo    Union    Club.    Bos- 
ton.  Mass. 
Robinson.    Dr.    Luke:   813   Sutter   St. 
Rodgers.   Arthur:    Nevada  Block. 
Rogers,    A.    G. :   U.    S.    X.    Pay   Office,    City. 
Ropp.    Alfred:    Selby.    Cal. 
Russell.    H.    A.:    15    First    St. 
Ryer.    F.    F. :    130   Sansome   St. 
Sage.    G.    E.;    San    Rafael.    Cal. 
Sanford.    F.    F. ;    Hotel    Albany,    Oakland. 
Scheidel.    Dr.    August;    University   Club. 
Schmeidell.    E.   G  :  530  California   St. 
Scott.    H.    T. :    Union   Iron    Works. 
Scott.    Irving    M.:    Union    Iron    Works. 
Seawell.    Judge    J.     M.;    New    City    Hall. 
Selby.    P.    W. :   307    Sansome    St. 

Selfridge,   Dr.   Grant;  Crocker  Building. 

Senger.    J.    H. ;   Berkeley,    Cal. 

Severance,    J.    S. :    University    Club. 

Sewall,    O.    T. :   202   Market   St. 

Sharon,    F.   W. :    4    New    Montgomery   St. 

Sheath.    A.    G. :    1312    Taylor    St. 

Shennan,    Dr.    H.    M. :   1313   Van    Ness    Ave. 

Sherwood.    H.    H. :    212    Market    St. 

Shiels.   C.    H. ;   314   Bush   St. 

Shiels.    Dr.    G.    F. ;    108    Stockton    St. 

Simpkins.     H.     R. ;    University     Club. 

Skaife,    I  >r.    F.    YV. :    1008   Bush    St. 

Slack.    Judge    C.    W. ;    New   City   Hall. 

Slate.    Fredk. ;    Berkeley,    Cal. 

Sloss,    Louis,    Jr. ;    310    Sansome    St. 

Small,    A.    H. ;    University   Club. 

Smedberg,  W.   R. ;  314  California  St. 

Smedberg,    W.   R.,   Jr.;   Presidio. 

Smith,    F.    M.;   101   Sansome    St. 

Smith,    S.    V.;    Mills    Building. 

Soule.    Frank:    University    of    California. 

Southard.   Dr.   W.   F. ;  603  Sutter  St. 

Spencer,    G.    V\V.    514    California    St. 

Spencer.    Dr.    J.    C:    Crocker   Building. 
Sprague,  R.  H.;  Western  Sugar  Refinery. 

Spreckels.    C.    A.;  119  Bush   St. 
Spreckels,    Rudolph;   119   Bush    St. 
Stanton,    J.    R. :    .Mare   Island. 
Stetson,    H.    N.;    1801   Van    Ness   Ave. 
Stillman,    Alfred;   University   Club. 
Stillman,   J.   M. :   Stanford   University. 
Stillman.    Dr.    Stanley;    229   Geary   St. 
Stoney.    Gaillard;    31     Fair    Oaks    St. 


Scarfs  in  Latest  Colorings  and  Shapes  for  all 
Match,  25  Kearny  St.,   S.   F. 




Storey.   W.    U.,  Jr.;  321  Market  St. 
Stow.    II.    P.;   Forbestown,   Butte  Co. 
Stow.   Vanderlynn,    222   Sutter  St. 
Stratton,    F.    S. ;    Crocker   Building. 
Stringham,    Irving;    Berkeley,    Cal. 
Sutton,    A.    M.;    202    Market   St. 
Swift,     C.    J.;    216    Bush    St. 
Symnies,     Frank    J. ;    222    Sutter    St. 
Synionds.    F.    M.;    .Mare    Island. 
Tallant,    P.    W.  ;Cal.    and    Battery    Sts. 
Tallant.    G.    P.:    Tallac,    Cal. 
Taylor,    E.    R. ;   530   California    St. 
Taylor.  J.  W. ;  Temple  Bldg.,  Chicago.    III. 
Taylor,    Augustus;   2128  California   St. 
Taylor,  W.  H.,  Jr.;  2128  California  St. 
Tevis,    Hugh;    107    Front    St. 
Tevis,    W.    S. ;    Bakersfield.    Cal. 
Thomas,    F.    F. ;    Valley   Springs.    Cal. 
Thomas,    William:   206   Sansome    St. 
Tilden.    H.    C. ;    2626    California    St. 
Tobin,  Clement:  Taylor  and  California  Sts. 
Tobin,  J.   S. ;  Jones  and  McAllister   Sts. 
Tobin,    R.    M. ;    Taylor   and    California   Sts. 
Tompkins,   Gilbert:   San  Leandro.   Cal. 
Treat,    C.    G. ;    Alcatraz    Island. 
Tubbs,    A.    C. :    611    Front   St. 
Tubbs,   A.   S. ;  (ill   Front  St. 
Tucker,    James    E. ;    Appraisers'     Building. 
Tuttle.    C.    W.;    .Mills    Building. 
Van  Loben  Sels.  P.  J. ;  508  Montgomery  St. 

Van    Winkle,    L.    E. ;   413    Market    St. 
Vassault,    F.   J.;  213  Grant  Ave. 
Vassault,    L.    S. ;    213    Grant    Ave. 
Van  Bolveren,   \V.  E.  J.;  2727  Dwighl  Way. 

Van    Hoffmann,    Dr.    C. ;   1014   Sutter   St. 
Wagner,    Dr.    II.    L. ;   506   Sutter   St. 
Wabb,    H.    II.;    Selby,    Cal.,    c[o    A.    Ropp. 
Wheelan,    F.    H. ;   224  California    St. 
Wheeler,    Harold;   University  Club. 
Whitromb,     F.     R. ;    Crocker     Building. 
Whitney,     A.     II.;    122     Davis    St. 
Whitney.    A.     L.  ;    122    Davis    St. 
Whittier,    W.    R. ;    214    Pine    St. 
Wilcox,  A.  H. ;   Wilcox  Bldg.,   Los  Angeles, 

Wilkinson,    W. :    Berkeley,   Cal. 
Willett.    W.     .M.;    42    .Mil    floor.     Mills    Bldg. 
Williamson.    A.    B. ;    University   Club. 
Wilson.    E.   .M.;   207   Sansome   St. 
Wilson,    M.    S. :    Mills    Building. 
Wilson,    N.   N. ;   University  Club. 
Wilson.    K.   J.;   .Mills   Building. 
Wiltsee.    E.    A.;    212    Crocker   Building. 
Woods.    E.    L. ;    222   Sansome    St. 
Woods,    Dr.    G.    W. ;    Mare    Island. 
Wright,    A.    G. ;   1703   Gough    St. 
Wright.  J.   A.;   212  Sansome  St. 
Zeile,    F.   W. ;   26   Mills  Bldg. 


Late  of  "  Lobb's"  London.     First-class  Medal  for  Workmanship  at  Vienna,  Philadelphia, 

London  and  Paris  Expositions. 





32%    GEARY    STREET 




Club  Building,  317  Powell  Street. 


\V.    B.    Bradford President 

J.     P.     Langhorne Vice-President 

Geo.  S.  Folsom Hon.   Secretary 

A.    Carrigan Treasurer 

R.  B.      "Wodward 

H.   A.   Williams 

F.    H.    Green 

John    H.    Miller 

F.    il.    Birdsall 


Adams.    Charles   P. ;    413   California. 
Adams.  Charles  H. 
Adams,  W.  L. ;  Menlo  Park. 
Alexander.   S.   C. 
Alexander.   J.    H. 
Alvord,   Henry  B. ;   San  Jose. 
Ball,  H.  M.;  190S  Stockton. 
Bandman.   C.   J. 
Bates,    Geo.    W. 
Berg,   Wm. ;  307  California. 
Birdsall.    Dr.    Fred   W. 
Bowen,  J.  J.:  36  Fremont. 
Boyd.  Colin  M.;  Cosmos  Club. 
Boyd,    John   F. ;   Nevada   Block. 
Bradford.   Wm.    B. :   308   Market. 
Bresse,    E.    A. ;   309  California. 
Brison,    William    M. ;    116   California. 
Brooks,   Thos.   W. ;  19  Beale. 
Brown.    F.    L. ;   8-10  Pine. 
Browne.    C.    R. ;   315    Montgomery. 
Buck,    Ralph    S. ;   15   Bluxsome. 
Buckman,   A.    E. ;  302   Montgomery. 
Byrne.   Callaghan. 
Cahill.   E.  J.;  325  Montgomery. 
Carrigan.   Andrew;  19  Beale. 
Carrigan,  W.  L. ;  19  Beale. 
Chapman,    E.    K. ;   315   Montgomery. 
Chappell.    J.    J.;    Cosmos    Club. 
Church.    1).    R. 

Clarke,    E.    K. ;   2119  California. 
Cole,  Thomas,  327  Pine. 
Coleman,   N.   I). ;  New  Orleans. 
Coon,  Frederick  H. :  2  Pine. 
Cooper,   Dr.   Chas.   E. ;  823  Sutter. 
Costigan,    A.    B. ;   203    Battery. 
Costigan,   James  M. ;   203  Battery. 

Coxhead.   A.   W.   S. 

Cottingham,  H.  P.;  Tallant  Bkg.  Co. 

Cunningham.   John   M. 

Danforth,   E.   P.:  723  Battery. 

Davis,   Henry  C. ;  131  Post. 

Dietrick,  James. 

Dimond,   H.  P.;  Mission  San  Jose. 

l>oe.    Loring   B. ;    130   Sansome. 

Dorsey.  J.  W. :  67  Nevada  Block. 

Drysdale,  D. ;  116  California. 

Dunne.    Peter   F. ;   310   Pine 

Easton.  Ansel  M.;  Ill  Battery. 

Easton.    Wendell;    638    Market. 

Eliot,    J.    B. ;    Chronicle   Office. 

Farrell,   P.   J.   H. 

Ferris.  John  W. ;  327  Sansome. 

Flood,   James  L. :   Nevada   Bank. 

Folger.  J.   A.:  104  California. 

Folsom.  George  S. ;  Cosmos  Club. 

Folsom.   J.    R. ;    Fourth  and  Townsend. 

Fortman,   Henry  F. ;  308  Market. 

Freeman.   J.    E. ;   212   Sansome. 

Friedlander.  T.  C. ;  1913  Clay. 

Fuhveiler.    J.    M. ;   Auburn. 

Gould,   James   L.;    14   Post. 

Gould,    Eugene    H. ;    Los   Angeles. 

Green.   Frederick  H. 

Gunn,  J.   OB. 

Gregory.    James  N.  ;    215    Hush. 

Greer,   R.   P.;  Pacific  Amm.   &   Chem.   Co. 

Hamilton,   Claude  T. ;  19  Beale. 

Hanson    W. ;    Telephone    Building. 

Harrison,  A.  D.;  106  California. 

11  awes.   B.   C. ;  205  Sansome. 

Harrell.    A.    S. 

Herold.    Rudolph,    Jr.;    415   California. 

Holberta.    G.    C. ;    Oakland. 



Hooper.    B. :  Salt  Lake  City. 
Hooper.    R.    Li.:   316   California. 

Huie.   Robert  B. :  803  California. 

I  jams.    P.    M. 

Johnson.    T.    L.  ;   Fort   Bragg. 

Jones.  Alfred. 

Jones.    Edw.    B. 

Jones.  B.  C. :  S.  F.  Gas  Light  Co. 

Judd.    Edwin   V.  ;   424  Townsend. 

Kelly.    Joseph    P.  r    Nevada    Block. 

Kellogg.    Chas.    W. :   -;o7   Front. 

Kerr.   Mark  B. 

King.  Fred  L. :  Pine  and  Front. 

King,    Henry   A. :   Pine  and   Front. 

Knighton.    Robert.    Jr. 

Langhorne.   James  P.  :  14  Sansome. 

Lloyd,  C.  R. 

Loudovii-i.    F.    W. 

Long.   L.   H. :   Fourth  and  Townsend. 

Loughhead.   H.  W. ;  London  and  S.   F.  Bk. 

Lowry,   Dr.    E.   X. :  213  Geary. 

Lyman.   W.  W.;  St.   Helena. 

Marwedel.  E.   H. :  712  Mission. 

Maclean.   J.   A.:  317  Powell. 

Mcintosh.    Chas.    K.:    First    Nat    Bank. 

MacLymont.    V.    H.    M. 

Mclver,  C.  C:  Mission  San  Jose. 

Miller.   John   H.:   419  California. 

Morrison.    \Y.    H. :    Mills   Building. 

Morse.   H.   G. 

Moseley.  A.  S. :  310  California. 

Murray.   A.   S. 

Xihell.    Geo.    A. 

Pease,   Luman  S.  :   414   Montgomery. 

Page.    F.    X. 

Peterson.    E. ;   314    Bush. 

Pitman.   F.   H. 

Potter.  E.  E. :  508  California. 

Plummet-.    W.    P. :   22   Market. 

Pomeroy.   Carter  P. :   222  Sansome. 

Randolph.   Daniel  L. :   14  Sansome. 

Reis.    Ferdinand.   Jr.:   410  Pine. 

Riordan.   T.    I>.:  •>   Montgomery   Ave. 

Ross.   John   \Y. 

Runyon.    F.   \Y. 

A.    L. :   IS   Fremont. 
Smith.  J.  P.:  Livermore. 
Sonntag,   Julian:    430  California. 
Spreckels,  C.   A. ;  119  Bush. 
Spreckels.  Rudolph;  113  Bush. 
Stent.  E.  A.  Tuolumne  Co. 
Straut.    George;   305   Front. 
Sullivan.   Maurice  J.;    30  Post. 
Sullivan.    Thos.  :   74:'.    Mission. 
Tarns.    Samson. 

Tappenberk.    Wm.  ;    205  California. 
Tatum,   H.   L. :  3>5  Fremont. 
Ten   Bosch.    J.    M. :   London. 
Terrill.  Geo.   M.;   400  Stockton. 
Thornton.  C;  42rt  California. 
Tillinghast.   D.   F. :  315  Montgomery. 
Tillottson.  J.   M.:  Baldwin  Hotel. 
Timlow,  Wm.  F. :  Xew  York  City. 
Tucker,  S.  E. ;  302  Montgomery. 
Tucker.    Geo.    Edwin;   317   Powell. 
Yogelsang.  A.  T:  Mills  Building. 
Wagoner,    Luther. 

Walker.   Xorman  S. :  Xew  York  City. 
Walker.    H.    D. :   Xevada   Block. 
Ward.   Captain  William. 
Ward.    B.    E. ;   Los  Angeles. 
Wheeler.  W.   R. ;    225  Market. 
Wheeler,    C.    S. ;    327    Pine. 
Williams.    Geo.    X. 
Whitney.  J.  D. ;  Crocker  Building. 
Wigan.  Frederick;  London.  Eng. 
Williams.    H.    A.:   lit!   California. 
Wise.  H.  E. :  Fifth  and  Townsend. 
Wise.   John   H. ;   Fifth  and  Townsend. 
Wood.   C.    H. 
Wilmans.    F.   W. 
Wood.   David:  Xew  York. 
Wood.   H.    P.;   San  Rafael. 
Woodward.   R.  B. :  419  California. 
Woodworth.   B.  R. :  Fresno. 
Zeigler.    Wilbur   G. :    Crocker    Building. 
Zeilin.    W.    S. 


Ackley,    S.    M..    Lt.    Commander.    V.    S.    X. 
Adams,    ("has.    A..    Lieutenant.     I".    S.    X. ; 

Xavy    Pay   Office. 
Almy.  A.  C,  Lieutenant.  X.  S.  X.:  X.  P.  O. 
Auzul.    Dr.   E.   \\\.   I".   S.   X. 
Babcock,    \V.   C.   Lieutenant.    U.   S.   X. 

:le.  Joseph.   Lieutenant.    I'.   S.   X. 
Belknap.    E.    G. :    Admiral.    U.    S.    X. 
Bell.    J.    A. .Lieutenant.    I'.    S.    X. 
Blow.   G.   P..    Ensign.    U.    S.    X. 
Blue.    V.,    Lieutenant.    Ensign.    I".    S.    X. 

Brant.    L.   P..   Lt..   U.   S.   A.:   Angel  Island. 
Brown.    George.    Admiral.    Q.    S.    X. 
Brumby.   T.    M.;   Lieutenant.    U.    S.    X. 
Bull.  J.  H..   Lieutenant,   I".   S.  X.;   X.   P.  O. 
Burnett,  J.  C,  Lieutenant.  U.  S.  X. 
Cabell.    H.   C.    Lieutenant.    V.    S.    A. 
Chapin.    F.   L..   Ensign.   U.   S.   X. 
Dapray,  J.  A..  Lieutenant.    U.  S.   A. 
Davis.   Cleland,    Ensign,    I'.    S.    X. 
Dougherty.   W.  E..  Capt.   I'.  S.  A. 
Edgar.    Dr.   J.    M.,    U.   S.    X. 




Faison,   S.    L.,    Lieutenant. 

Fechteler,   A.   P.,    Lieutenant,   U.    S.    N. 

Ford,   H.   L..  Navy  Pay  Office. 

Forney.   S..   Captain.    U.    S.    A. 

Forsyth,  Robert:  Union  Iron  Works. 

George,   Harry;   Lieutenant.    U.    S.    X. 

Gibbon.  J..   General.   V.   S.   A. 

Gibbons.   J.    H.,    Lieutenant.    C.    S.    N. 

Gilmore.   F.   P.,   Lt.   Commander.   U.   S.   X. 

Greble,   E..   St.   John.   U.   S.   A. 

Helm,  J.  M.,  Commander.  U.  S.  X. 

Hill.   F.   K..   Ensign.  U.   S.   X. 

Hughes.  R.  P..  Colonel.  U.  S.  A. 

Hutehins,  C.  T.,  Lt.  Commander,  U.  S.  X. ; 

Navy  Pay  Office. 
Janeway,  Dr.  J.  H.  U.  S.  A. 
Kerr.    Leeds     C    Paymaster.      U.    S.    X. : 

D.   S.   S. :   Independence,    Mare  Island. 
LeFavor.   F.   H..   Lieutenant.    U.   S.   N. 
Lovering.   L.   A.,  Lieutenant,   U.   S.   A. 
Lyman.   C.   G.,   Lieutenant,   U.    S.   A. 
.Martin.     John     R..      Paymaster.    U.    S.    X; 

Phelan    Building. 
.Mayer,   A.   N.,   Lieutenant.    U.    S.    X. 
McGuiness.  J.  P..   Ensign.   U.   S.   X. 
McVay,    C.    B.,    Ensign,    U.    S.    X. 
Miller.  W.  G..  Ensign,  U.  S.  X. 
Moore.   W.   I.,   Lt.   Commander.   U.   S.   X. 
Morrell,    Henry.    Lieutenant.    U.    S.    X. 
Xiblac.  A.  P..  Lieutenant.  U.  S.  X. 
Xelson,   Thomas.   Commander.   U.S.   X. 
Xoble,    R.   H.,   Lieutenant.   U.   S.   A. 

Oliver,   J.    H..    Lieutenant.    U.    S.    X. 
Parker.  L.  O..  Captain.  U.   S.   A. 
Perry.    Dr.   T.    P..    U.    S.    X. 
Poundstone,    H.    C.    Lieutenant,    U.    S.    X. 
Randolph.   B.   H.,    Lieutenant,   U.    S.    A. 
Rogers.    A.    G..    Lieutenant.    U.    S.    X. 
Ross,  J.  W.,   Surgeon,  U.   S.  X. 
Ruhm.  T.  F.,   Lieutenant,  U.   S.  X. 
Runcie.  J.  E.,  Lieutenant.  U.   S.  A. 
Shearman,  J.  A..  Lieutenant.  U.  S.  X. 
Shoemaker.  W.  R.,  Ensign,  U.  S.  X. 
Shipley.    J.    H..    Lieutenant.    U.    S.    X. 
Spear.    L..   Lieutenant.   U.   S.   X. 
Stahl.   A.   W.,   Lieutenant,   U.   S.   X. 
Stanton.  J.   R..   Paymaster.   U.   S.   X. 
Stevens.   T.   H..   Lieutenant.   U.   S.   X. 
Stoney.   G.   M..   Lt..   U.   S.   X.;   Mare  Island 
Tisdall.  W.  U..   Lieutenant.  U.  S.  A. 
Tripp.    F.   A..    Lieutenant,    U.    S.    A. 
Watson.    J.    C,    Captain,    U.    S.    X. 
Welles.    B..    Lieutenant,    U.    S.    X. 
Welles.   R.,   Ensign.  U.   S.  X. 
White.    W.    P.,    Lieutenant.    U.    S.    X. 
Whiting.    R..    Doctor,    U.    S.    X. 
Wiley,   H.   A..    Ensign,   U.   S.   X. 
Wilson,   J.   C   Lieutenant.   U.   S.   X. 
Wood,   A.   X.,   Lieutenant,   U.   S.   X. 
Wood,  J.   L.,   Lieutenant.  U.   S.  X. 
Wood,   S.   S.,   Ensign,   U.   S.   X. 
Woodruff,  T.  M.,  Captain,  U.  S.  A. 
Zane.   A.   V.,   Lieutenant.   U.    S.    X. 


Club  Rooms,  222  Sansome  Street,  S.  E.  Corner  California   Street. 


Willard    B.    Harrington President        C.    W.    Coburn Vice-President 

R.    W.    Gorrill Treasurer        W.    E.    Erzgraber Secretary 

W.    B.    Harrington 


C.    W.    Coburn 

E.    Greenebaum 

R.    W.    Gorrill 

K.    [>.    Jones 

A'  kerman,  S. :  529  Market. 
Adams.    W.    J.;    10    .Market. 
Allen,  C.  R. ;  144  Steuart. 


Ames.  J.    II.:   Drumm  and  Sacramento. 
Ames,    F.    H. :    ?.   California,    r.    T2. 
Allen,  H.  F. ;  28  Merchants'  Exchange. 



Ayres,   G.   P.;  225  .Market. 

Atherton,   P.   D. ;  425  .Market. 

Babcock,    Wm.;   306  California. 

Baehr.    Win..  .Jr.;  222  Sansome. 

Bain.   Robt.  B. ;  114  California. 

Baker.    Wakefield:   2  Pine. 

Baker.  Edmund:  329  .Market. 

Balfour.  Robert:  316  California. 

Bandenstein.  M.  J. :  118  Market. 

Bannister.  Alfred:  309  Sansome. 

Barker.   T.   L. :    Market  and   Main. 

Bates.    Frank   1).:   203   Front. 

Beck.   F.    E. :  Anglo-Californian  Bank. 

Belden,    H.    K. :   313   California. 

Bellingall,    P.    W. :    510   Battery. 

Benjamin.    E.   J.  ;  215  Front. 

Beyfuss,    Carl:    123    California,    r.    13. 

Bickford,   C.    E. ;   38   California. 

Bothin.  H.  E.:  S.  W.  cor.  Howard  &  Beale. 

Bowers.    W.    F. :    42   Sacramento. 

Bolton.    A.    E. :    318   Pine. 

Bowen,     II.    A.;    432    Pine. 

Boynton.    H.    R. ;    4S   Fremont. 

Brayton.  A.  P..  Jr.:  121  Main. 

Bresse.   Eugene  A.:  .Merchants'  Club. 

Brigham,    F.    E. :    125   California. 

Brison.   W.   M.;  Ill  California. 

Brown.   A.    L. :   416  Clay. 

Brown.   Thomas;   Bank  of  California. 

Brown.   Ed.;  405  Montgomery. 

Bruce.    C.    C. :   34   Steuart. 

Bruce.    Robert:   316   California. 

Bunker.    H.   C. ;    Front  and   Clay. 

Campbell.  J.  C. :  116  Crocker  Building. 

Chapman.    E.   K. :   cor\    Mont'y  &   Summer. 

Chapman.   W.    B. ;   123   California. 

Chesebrough.    A.:    202    Market. 

Cheesebrough.  H.  C:  4S  .Market. 

Chiekering.  W.   II.;  206  Sansome.  r.  29. 

Christensen.   Chas. :  317  California,   r.   13. 

Cluff.   William:  20  Front. 

Clift.   William:  220  California,    r.   1. 

Coburn,    C.    W. ;    107    Front. 

Coffin.  James:  132  Market. 

Cohen.    E.    A. ;   203  California. 

Conklin.   F.  G. :  507  .Market. 

Coogan,  T.   C. ;  310  Pine,  r.   :'".. 

Costigan.    A.    B.  ;    203    Battery. 

Costigan.    J.    M.:    203    Battery. 

''ruig.    II.   A.;    105  Montgomery. 

Craig.   Hugh:  312  California. 

Cumberson,  C.  E. ;  304  Sacramento. 

Curtis,   C.    M.:   19   Beale. 

Curtis.    W.    B. :   214   Pine. 

Curtis.    Jonathan;    101   Battery. 

Cutler,   A.   I).;  125  .Market. 

Cutter,    E.    I-..:   310   California. 

Cutting.    Francis;    125    Market 

Cuvellier,   B.   c. ;  410   Battery. 

Dalton,    Frank;  30S   Davis. 

I 'avis,  Horace;  134  California. 

De  Guerre.  A.  S.  J.;  4oi  Montgomery. 

Detrick,   E. 

Devlin.    Frank   J.;   309   Sansome. 

Dewing,  A.  A.:  508  Montgomery. 

De   Young.    M.    II.;   Chronicle    Building. 

Dimond.   W.   H.;  202  .Market. 

Dingley,    W.    F. ;   Seattle.    Wash. 

Dolbeer,   John:   10  California. 

Donnell,    A.    C. :   411   California. 

Driffield,    V.    Carus;   213   Sansome. 

Dunham,    B.    F. :   17   Beale. 

Dutard.    H. ;   125   Davis. 

Du   Val.    W.    S. :   321   Pine. 

Ehrman.    M.;    104    Front.. 

Ehrman.    S.    W. ;    104    Front. 

English.   John  F. :  217  Drumm. 

Esberg.  Mendel:  California  and  Battery. 

Eva,    James:   30  Cuning   Building. 

Evans,    E.   C. ;   502  California. 

Fahnestock,   Gates   D. ;  609  Market. 

Felton,  Chas.   X. ;  13  Pine. 

Field.  A.  B. ;  126  California. 

Fletter.    F.    J.;  218  California. 

Folger.    J.    A.:   104   California. 

Fontana.    M.    J. ;    134    .Market. 

Forbes.  A.   B. :  S.  E.  cor.  Cal.   &  Sansome. 

Forbes.    Cleveland:    516    California. 

Forbes.  Stanley:  S.  E.  cor.  Cal.  &  Sansome. 

Forman,  R.  B. :  316  California. 

Foster.    A.    W. :    222    Sansome. 

Freeman,    A.    G. :   128   Market. 

Fries.  William,  134  Market. 

Fuller,    Geo.    H.;    63S    Mission. 

Fuller,   W.    P.;   cor.   Front  and   Pine. 

Gerberding,  A. :  222  Sansome. 

Gerstle,   Louis;  310  Sansome. 

Gerstle.  M.   L. :    206  Sansome. 

Gerstle.   W.    L. ;  310   Sansome. 

Ghirardelli,   D.;  617  Sansome. 

Goldstein.   S.   L. ;  134  Market. 

Goodall.    Chas.;    10    Market. 

Goodall.    Edwin;   10  Market. 

Gorrill.    R.    W. ;   4   California. 

Gow.    George:    23    Stevenson. 

Gray,    Geo.    D. ;   3   California. 

Gray.   Giles   II.;   s   Mills  Bldg..   7th   floor. 

Greenebaum.   E. ;  300  Broadway. 

Greenebaum,  Sig. ;  Lon.,    Paris  ,<:  Am.    TVk. 

Grinbaum.   M.   S. :   215   Front. 

Gunn,   A.    F. ;   300  Battery. 

Haas.  William:  100  California. 

Hall.  Jennison  C. ;  316  Sacramento. 

11, ins, .11.  Chas. :   tv  Market 

JOHN  W.   CARMANY      Silk  '""'  ltal,>riE:gan  Underwear,   Half-Hose  to 

Occasions,  25  Kearny  St..  S.   F. 



Harries.    W.    II.:    136   California. 

Harrington,  \v.  B.;  ins  Sacramento. 

Harrold,  J.    H. :  101  California. 

Hart.  .las.  \V. :  302  California. 

Haslett,    P.   E.;   Firsl   and   Battery. 

Haslett.    Sam'l:    Spear   St.    Wharf. 

Haslett,   S.    M.;   1201   Battery. 

Haswell,  C.  II.:  204   Front. 

Hecht.  M.   11.:  312  Pine. 

He.  hi.    I!.    R.;    312    Pine. 

Hellman,    I.    W.,    Jr.:    Union   Trust   Co. 

Henshaw.  Tylef";^8  Fremont. 

Herrick,    E.    .\1.:   121    .Market. 

Hewlett.    Fred;   300   Davis. 

Hills.    A.    H.:    126   Market. 

Hills.    R.    W.;    124    Market. 

Hinsdale.  G.  S. :  22  California. 

Hirshfeld.    I).:   3   Mills    Building.    7th    floor. 

Hobbs.  J.  K.  C.:V,14  Spear. 

Hogg.  James:  134  California. 

Holbrook.  Chas. ;  22."   Market. 

Holbrook.  H.   M.:  225  Market. 

Holmes.   C.   S. :  Pier  3.   Steuart. 

Holmes.    H.   C. :   10  California. 

Hooper.    F.    P. :   4  California. 

Hooper.  J.   A.:  4  California. 

Hooper.    A.    A.:    213   Front. 

Hooper.    R.    B. :    313    California. 

Howard.   John  L. :   16  California. 

Hubbard.   B.       S. :  316  Sacramento. 

Huddleston.    11.:    50    Market. 

Hueter.   E.    L. :  14   Ellis. 

Huntington.   H.    E. :   Union   Trust   Bldg. 

Hutchinson,  J.:  10  Mills  Bldg..  9th  floor. 

Hyde.    F.    A.:    630   Commercial. 

Jackson.    A.   W. ;   2o4  California. 

Johnson.   F.    S. :   201   front. 

Jones.    E.    D. :   207   California. 

Jones.   Webster:  28  Fremont. 

Johnson.   W.   P.;  722   Montgomery. 

Johnson.    Lewis   M. ;   204   Front. 

Kellogg.  Sheldon  G. :  71  Crocker  Bldg. 

Kennedy.  J.   F. :  403  Montgomery. 

Keil,  11.  D.;  430  Pine. 

Kline.    G.     W. :    Crocker-Woolworth    Bank. 

Koster.    F.   .1.  :   :'27   Mai'ket. 

Knudson.  C.   X.:  122  Davis. 

Knuttschnett,  Julius;  Union  Trust  Bldg. 

Lawson.    John:   316   California. 

Lawton,   A.   F. ;   222  Sansome. 

Lemcke,    Martin:    10S    Davis. 

Lilienthal,    E.    R.:   loo   Front. 

Lilienthal.    .1.    W.  :    202    Sansome.    r.    2. 

Lilienthal.     P.    X.:    Anglo-California    Bk. 

Livingston.  John:  204  California,   r.  2. 

Locke,    W.   L. ;   124  CalfTornia. 

Lovell.    M.:  124   California. 

Bow.   C.    P.:   YokilTiama.   Japan. 

Low.    J.    O. ;    14    Main. 

Lowenthal.   M.   S. ;  302  California. 

Lund.    Henry;   214  California. 

MacDermott,  C.  F. ;  222  Sansome. 

McArthur,  W.  1).;  132  California. 

McCann,   Frank:   121  Market. 

Mangels,    J.    H. ;   313   Battery. 

Mann.   H.   R.  ;  X.   E.  cor.  Cal.  &  Sansome. 

Martin.     John;    2o    Luning    Building. 

Man.    William   F. :    124   .Market. 

McCormick,   F.   H. ;  228  California. 

McKenna,    James;   46   Steuart. 

McMullin,   J.:   42  Market. 

McNear,    G.    W. ;   306   California. 

MtaNear,  G.  W.,  Jr.;  306  California. 

McNear,    George    P.:    Petaluma. 

Mejia.    E. :   San   Salvador. 

Memrath,    Ariel:    125    Market. 

Metson.  W.  H. ;  116  Crocker  Building. 

.Merrill.    Jno.    F. ;   225  Market. 

.Michaels.    Henry;    38   First. 

Miles.   I).  E. :  315  .Montgomery. 

Miller.  Cha.   E. ;  18  Fremont. 

Miller.  T.   L. :  320  California. 

Mills.  W.   F.  ;  2nl   Front. 

Mitchell.    Geo.    M. ;  314  California. 

Mitchell.    W.    A.:   1    California. 

Moody.    I>.    B.;  134   California. 

Moore,   Chas.   C. ;  32  First. 

Morgan.    E.    H. ;    124    Market. 

Morrow.    Geo.    P. ;    39   Clay. 

Moseley,    A.    S. ;    310   California. 

Xaunton,    Robt.    II.;    401    California,    r.    20. 

Xelson,    Chas.:    6    California. 

Xeal.    Geo.    F. ;    34    California. 

Xeustadter.   J.   H. ;  Cor.   Sansome  &  Cal. 

Xiebaum.  Gustave;  310  Sansome. 

Olney.    Warren:    101    Sansome.    r.    7. 

Owens.    J.    B. :    52    .Market. 

Page.    G.    T. ;   302   California,    r.    11. 

Page.    Chas. :   222   Sansome. 

Palache,    Gilbert:   309   Sansome. 

Perine,  G.  M.;  8  Honohoe  Building. 

Phelan.   James   D. ;   301  Phelan   Building. 

Pike.   Chas.   W. :  124  California. 

Polhemus.    E. ;  208  California. 

Pond.   Edward;  328  Montgomery,   r.   7. 

Pomeroy,  Carter  P. ;  222  Sansome. 

Potter.    E.    E. ;  508  California,    r.   3. 

Potter.    O.    S. :    511    Market. 

Pringle,     H.     B. 

Palache,  Jas. ;  202  California. 

Palache.   Whitney;  313  California. 

Palaehe.   T.    H.;  309  Sansome. 

Perkins.    Geo.    C. ;   10   Market. 

Peterson.  F.  C. ;  301  California. 

Randall.  C.  W.  ;  S.   E.  cor.   Monfy  &  Bush. 

Richardson.    W.    G. ;    527   Commercial. 



_    ■ 

Rosenfcld.    H.:    808    Sansome. 
Rosenfeld.   L. :  202   Sansome. 

Roussel.   W.   H.;   U3  Davis. 

Rossi.   P.   C;  109  Battery. 

Rowley,    B    X      203  California. 

Ruggles.  J.   E. :  114  .Market. 

Sadler.    H.   J.:   124  .Market. 

Schacht.    H. ;    109    Davis. 

Schmidt.  M. ;  25  Main. 

Schwabacher,    Louis:   112  California. 

-     field.  D.  G. :  13  Pine. 

Scrivener.  A.:  London  &  S.   F.   Bank. 

Shattuek.    C.    H.;   520  Commercial. 

Siegfried.   J.    C. :   2<)2   Market. 

Siebe.    J.    P.;    415    California. 

Simpson.    A.    M. :   48   .Market. 

Sloss.   Leon;  310  Sansome. 

Sloss.    Jos. ;    IS    Fremont. 
Sloss.    Louis:   310   Sansome. 

Sloss.    Louis.   Jr. :   310  Sansome. 
Smith.   S.    M.:   125   Market. 
Smith.    Holland:   307   Montgomery. 
Smith.    F.    M.:    101    Sansome. 
Smith.    A.    A.:    124   California. 
Somers.  H.  C. :  534  Sixth. 
Spencer.   D.  A. :  215  Sansome. 
Sperry.    James    W. :    134    California. 
Spiers.  James:  213  First. 
Spreckels.    Claus;   327  Market. 
Spreckels.    A.    B. :   327   Market. 
Stallman.    Charles:    inn    First. 
Stern.   J.;  14   Battery. 
Stone.  B.  F. :  126  California. 
Strauss.  Levi:  14  Battery. 
Stratton.   F.  S. :  123  Crocker  Building. 
Sussman.   Samuel:  l"4  Front. 

ne,    R.    H.;    508   Battery. 

Sutton.    A.    M.;   308   Market,    r.   5. 

Suydam    J.    H.  :  203   Front. 

Sweeney,  L.  11.:  111  Market 

Talbot.    W.    B.;   204   California. 

Tay.    Charles    P.;    610    Battery. 

Thayer.    I.    E       _■      'alifornia. 

Thomas,  J.  P. ;  S.   W.   cor.   Clay  &  Davis. 

Toohey.   Cornelius;   123  California 

Towle.   Geo.    \V..    Jr.:    222    Sansome. 

Tyson.    James:    6    California. 

Tyson.   George   H. ;  435  California. 

Van  Sicklen:  F.   \V. ;  114  Market. 

V-n    Laak.    L. :    218    California. 

Wadham.   L. ;  530  California,   r.     • 

Walter.  I.   N.;  529  Market. 

Walter.    Clarence   R. :   529   Market. 

Watt.    Rolla   V. :    502   Montgomery. 

Weil.    Mayer:    Europe. 

Wendell.   C.   T. :   610  Battery. 

Wetzlar.    A.    J.;   106   Leidesdorff. 

Wheaton.    G.    S. :    124   California. 

White.    C.    E. :   22   Market. 

Whitney.  A.  L. :  122  Davis. 

Wiel.  L.  P. :  225  Bush. 

Wisrhtman.    J..    Jr.;    309    California,    r.    1. 

Wise.     Harry:    212    Sansome. 

Williams.    H.    A.:   ll>:   California. 

Williamson.   A.    B. :  316  California. 

Wilson.  J.   S. :   X.   E.   cor.   Sansome  &  Cal. 

Wolff,   William:   329   Market. 

Woods,   F.   X. :   51   First. 

Woods.  R.  J.;  Front  and  Vallejo. 

Wormser,   S.   I.:   104  Front. 

Wright    H.    E. :   518   Montgomery. 

Yates.  C.   M.:  711   Front. 

E.  ROSAIA  &  CO. 


Roses.  Chrysanthemums.  Violets  always  in  Stock.    The  finest  line  in  the  State. 

Parti.  n.AK  Attention  pa  in  to  Parties  and  Balls 

«  v  -  VERS.TV  X!  RSKRY.  San   Bruno  Bed  Tel.  Grant   m 

E.  ROSAIA  ^  CO.  --..  224  Sutter  Street 


Ofpicb:  _ 

•>..    r--L-  11    <-...  KBS1DKNCB: 

28  G  Parrel]  Street  2:fo4  Clav  gt 

Mondays  and  Thursdays.  1  to  5  p.  M. 


26  Hobart  Building 

A.  B.  Ford Secretary 


Alexander.   C.    B. 
Artsimoviteh,  V. 
Babcock,    H. 
Babcock,    W. 
Baldwin,  A.   S. 
Baldwin,   C.  A. 
Bishop,   T.   B. 
Bond.    Marshall. 
Borel,    Antoine 
Bourn,    W.    B. 
Bowles.   P.   E. 
Bowie.    A.    St.   John. 
Bowie,   H.   P. 
Brewer,    H.    P.    A. 
Breyfogel,   B.   S. 
Byrne,  J.  W. 
Beylard.    B.    D. 
Bates.    Maj.    A.    E. 
Bradbury,  John. 
Breeden.    H.    C. 
Carroll,   J.   R. 
Carolan.    F.    J. 
Casey,   Maurice 
Casserley,    J.    B. 
Chapman,    W.    B. 
Clifton.   J.   T. 
Coleman,  R.  L. 
Cowles,  W.   N. 
Crocker,  C.   F. 

Crocker,    Geo. 
Crocker.  H.   J. 

Crocker,  W.   H. 

Crockett,    J.   B. 

De  Guigne,  C. 

Dimond.    H. 

Donahue.   P.   J. 

Donohoe,    Ewd. 

Donohoe,  J.  A.,  Jr. 

Douty,   F.   S. 

Doyle,  J.   J. 

Dutton,  W.  J. 

I).-  Marville,   Dr.  H.  B. 

Byre,    P.   P. 

Ford.    A.    B. 

Froelich,   C. 

Forsyth,  Gen.  J.  W. 
Girvin,    R.      D. 
Grant,    Adam. 
'     Grant,    J.    D. 
Grayson,  R.   R. 
Greenway,   E.    M. 
Hall,    Geo.    E. 
Harvey.  J.  Downey. 
Head,    A.    E. 
Hobart,    W.    S. 
Howard,   G.    H. 
Howard,  J.    H.   P. 
Howard,    W.    H. 
Hinshaw,  H.  H. 
Hopkins,  E.  W. 
Hopkins,    Timothy. 
Huntington,  C.  P. 
Hopkins,  Mrs.   E.   B. 
Kirkpatrick,   J.   C. 
Kearney,    M.    Theo. 
Kohl,  C.  Frederick. 
Landers,    W.    G. 
Lawson,    John 
Le    Roy.    George    S. 
Lincoln,    J.    B. 
Macdonough,   W.  O'B. 
MacMonagle,  Dr.  B. 
Martin.    P.    D. 
Mezes,    S.    E. 
Mills,    Edgar. 
Mills.   D.   O. 
Moody,    F.    S. 
Moore,   J.  J. 
Murphy,    D.    M. 
Maguire.    Jas.    A. 
McBean,  P.  McG. 
McAllister,  Hall. 
Mclvor,  C.  C. 
McNear,   F.   W. 
MeCreery,   W.   A. 
McCreery,    A.    B. 
McKittrick,   W.   II. 
Newhall,   G.   A. 
Newlands,  F.  G. 
Newlands,  Jas.,   Jr. 


Noble,  F.  L.  H. 
Oelrichs,  H. 
Parrott,   John. 
Parson,  Dr.   E. 
Phelan.    Jas.    D. 
Preston.    E.  F. 
Poett,    H.    W. 
Pope.    G.    A. 
Rathbone.   Maj.  J.   L. 
Redington.    A.    P. . 
Reid.    Wbitelaw. 
Richardson.    Dr.    Geo.    M. 
Ripley,    Geo.    H. 
Rithet.    R.    P. 
Robinson, J.  A. 
Rose.   A.   W.  Jr. 
Seott,    H.   T. 
Sharon.  F.  \V. 
Sharon.  W.  E. 
Simpkins,   H.  R. 
Spreckels.   Claus 

Spreckels,  C.  A. 
Smith,  X.  T. 
Stone.   C.  B. 
Tobin,  Alfred 
Tobin.  C.  P. 
Tobin.  J.  S. 
Tobin.   R.   M. 
Webster.   F.    R. 
Wheeler.    H. 
WMtwell,  Dr.   W.   S. 
Williamson,    A.    n. 
Wilson,   M.   S. 
Wilson.   R.   J. 
Worden.  C.    E. 
Wright.   H.   Ward 
Whitney.  A.  L. 
Wiltsee,    S.    A. 
Wainewright.   A.    Fane 
Shiels.   Dr.   G.    F. 
Bocquerez.    Leon 


Mark    Hopkins    Academy    of   Art,   California   and    Mason   Streets. 


Horace    G.    Piatt President. 

L.  P.  Latimer First  Vice-President. 

Edward  Bosqui See.  Vice-President. 

Louis    Sloss.    Jr Treasurer. 

Wm.    G.    Stafford Secretary. 

J.    R.    Martin Assistant   Secretary. 

H.   J.    Crocker. 
Henry    Ileyman. 

Alvord,  Mrs.  William. 
Bierstadt,    Albert. 
Breuil,    Edmond. 
Butler,    Wm.    Allen. 

Arthur   Rodgers. 
Frederick  W.  Zeile. 

Cerrutti.    G.    B. 
Crocker.    Mrs.    E.    B. 
Gilman,  D.  C. 
Hubbard.  Thomas  H. 
Wandersford.   J.  B. 

J.   B.    Crockett. 
Horace   G.    Piatt 

Mezarra.  Joseph. 
Rogers.    Ford    H. 
Searles.   Edward 
Stillman,  Thomas 

\lexander.  Harriet  C. :  Xew  York. 
Alvord.    William;    Hank  of  California. 
Babcock,  Harry;  300  California. 
Babcock.   Wm..   Jr.;  306  California. 
Baird,  Mrs.  J.  H.;  1434  Franklin. 
Bancroft.    A.    L. ;    1005   Franklin. 
Barnes.  W.  H.   L. ;  821  Sutter. 
Barron,   Mrs.   Edward:  1822  Sacramento. 
Beard.  J.    L. ;  Warm   Springs. 
Bendel,  Hermann;  327  Battery. 


Bergin.    Thomas    I.  ;    2021    Franklin. 
Benson.    John:    803    Stockton. 
Blakeney.    T.    J.:    Appraisers'    Building. 
Blanding.    Gordon;   324   Pine. 
Bixler.  David;  320  Sansome. 
Bixler,    Mrs.    D. :    Union   and  Pierce. 
Booth.  H.  J. :  San  Mateo. 
Bosqui,    Edward:    523    Clay. 
Bourn.  W.   B. :   ("1  California. 
Boyd,  Jas.  T. :  324  Pine. 

toux*   w     r<  \  TJYf  \  xTV       Importer  of  Fine  Furnishing  Goods  and  Shirt 
JOHN    W.    CAKMA.N  \  .  Maker.  35  Kearny  St..  S.  F. 



Boyd.   John    F.  :   33   Nevada   Block. 
Breede.  Henry  L. ;  1014  Stockton. 
Brittan,   X.   J.:   Pacific-Union  Club. 
Brittan.    Mrs.    X.   J.:   1004  Jones. 
Brown.   Mrs.  James. 

Bruguiere.    Mrs.    E.    A.:    1800   Franklin. 
Burnett.    W.    C;    1916   Broadway. 
Callandreau.   J.    M.    D.;   1307  Stockton. 
Carlson,  Ctaas.  J.:  523  Pine. 

ian,   J.   C. :  1801   Octavia. 
Coleman,  C.  C;  16  Fremont. 
Coleman.    J.    W. :    n    Sansome. 

nan,    Mrs.    W.    T. ;    2516    Fillmore. 
Collins.  W.   J. :   429  Pine. 
Colton.    Mrs.    D.    D. 

Crocker.  C.   F. :  Leavenworth  and  Pine. 
Crocker,    Mrs.    H.    J.;   2220   Washington. 
Crocker.   Mrs.   W.   H. :   California  &  Jones. 
Crocker,   Mrs.  George:  1100  California. 
Crocker.    George:    1100    California. 
Dean,   W.    E. ;  Nevada   Block. 
DeFremery,   W.    C.    B. :    110  Battery. 
Dennison,    Mrs.    L. :   Occidental   Hotel. 
He   Santa   Marina.    J.    E. ;   1S27  Pacific   Ave. 
Dewey.   W.   P. :   Xew  York. 
De  Young.   M.    H. :  Chronicle  Building. 
Dodge.  Henry  L. ;  114  Market. 
Donahue.    P.    J.:    Nevada    Block. 
Drexler.    L.    P. :    1003    Van    Xess    Avenue. 
Duncan.    Wm.    L. :   306   Montgomery. 
Eldridge.  Oliver:  615  Sutter. 
Eyre.   E.    E. :   124   Sansome. 
Faull.    John    A.:    1209   Sutter. 
Felton.  Charles  X. :  Palace  Hotel. 
Fitch.   J.   R. :  310  Pine. 
Flood.    Miss:   California  and   Mason. 
Forbes.  A.  B. :  29  Essex. 
Fry.    J.    D. :   1812  Jackson. 
Garnett.  Louis  A.:  35  Essex. 
Gibbs.    Geo.    W. :    2857   Sixteenth. 
Glazier.  Isaac:  412  California. 
Goad.   W.   F. :   Washington  &  Gough. 
Grant.    Adam:    1112    Bush. 
Graves.    Robt.    X.:    106   Montgomery. 
Gray.    R.    B. :    Bush   and   Sansome. 
Griffin,    O.    P.;   1812   Pine. 
Gunn.    Mr.    J.   Oil.;   1833   Clay. 
Hager,    Mrs.   John  S. ;  1815  Gough. 
Haggin.    James    B.;    1250   Taylor. 
Hall.    Harry    P.:    Salt    Lake. 
Hanscom,    J.    O. :    Bo?   337.    Berkeley. 
Hardin.    C.    II.    E. :    Bohemian   Club. 
Harmon.   A.    K.    P.:   Xevada  Block. 
Hastings.  C.   F.   D. :  2400  Fillmore. 
Hayward.    A.:    San    Mateo. 
Heald.    E:.    P.:    24    Post. 
Head.  A.   E. :  1105  Taylor. 

rat,   Mrs.  P.  a.:  Palace  Hotel. 

Hickox,   G.   C. :  43   Merchants'   Exchange. 

Hill.    Harry   C. 

Hill.    Horace  L. ;   124  Sansome. 

Holbrook.   C. :  1901  Van   Xess  Avenue. 

Holbrook.   Mrs.   Charles. 

Holcomb.   W. :  522  Seventeenth.  Oakland. 

Hooper,    George    F. ;    Sonoma. 

Hopkins.   .Mrs.   E.   W.  :  Cal.  and  Laguna. 

Hopkins.  E.  W. :  California  and  Laguna. 

Hopkins.    Mrs.    M.    K. 

Hopkins.   Mrs.   M. :  Clay  and  Buchanan. 

Hopkins.   W.   S. 

Hotaling,   A.   P.;     Franklin  and  California 

Howard.   Chas.   W. :   516  California. 

Howard,    Mrs.    Chandler. 

Howard.    Mrs.    Emma    S. ;    Oakland. 

Irwin.    R.    B. 

Jackson,   J.    P.:   720   Sutter. 

Janin.    Henry. 

Jarboe,   Mrs.   Mary  H.:  912  Pine. 

Keene.  James  R. ;  Xew  York. 

Kohl.   Miss   M.   E.:   San  Mateo. 

Kohl.    Mrs.    William;    San    Mateo. 

Lent.  William  M. ;  699  Post. 

Livingston,    Lewis:    Xew   York. 

Loomis,   Mrs.   George;  Menlo  Park  . 

Madden.  T.  P.;  Occidental  Hotel. 

.Mangels.  J.     H. ;    2518    Howard. 

Mayne.    Charles:    Palace    Hotel. 

McCreary,   A.   B. :   Bohemian  Club. 

McLane.   Louis;  43S  Bryant. 

Meinecke,    Chas. ;   514   Sacramento. 

Merrill,   John  P.;   1732  Washington. 

Mills.    Edgar.   Pacific   Union   Club. 

.Mills.  D.  O. ;  Bank  of  California. 

Moore.    H.    H. ;   California  and   Kearny. 

Morrison.    Alex.    F. :    124    Sansome. 

Morrow.    R.    F. ;   916   Leavenworth. 

Murphy.   E.   P.:   533  Kearny. 

Muybridge,    E.    J.;    Xew   York. 

Xewhall.  Geo.  A. ;  309  Sansome. 

Xewhall.    Mrs.   M. :   12<i6  Post. 

Norton,    Edw. :   Irvington. 

Parrott,   Mrs.  A.   M.:  517  Sutter. 

Parrott.    Louis   B. ;   306   California. 

Payne.  Mrs.  Theo.'F. ;  1409  Sutter. 

Payot.   Henry;  922  Ellis. 

Phelan,  Jas.  D. ;  Seventeenth  &  Valencia. 

Pierce.    Henry:   72S   Montgomery. 

Piatt.   Horace  G. :   .Mills  Building. 

Piatt.    Rev.    W.    H. 

Prescott,   Geo.   W.  ;   Palace  Hotel. 

Prescott.    Mrs.    Geo.    W. ;   Palace   Hotel. 

Requa,    Isaac    L. :    Piedmont. 

Reinstein.  J.   B. ;  906  Ellis 

Roman.   Anton;  331   Montgomery,   r.  3. 

Rose.    Mrs.    A.    \\\.   Jr.:   2000   Broadway. 

Sabin.   John   I.:   216   Bush. 




Sawyer,    L.   S.    B. :  617   Hyde. 
Schussler,   ll.;  L905  Van  Ness  Avenue. 
Scott.    Irving    .\l.  ;    222    Market. 
Scott.    H.   T. :   Clay  and   Laguna. 
Sloss.   Mrs.   Louis;  1500  Van  Xess  Avenue. 
Steinhart    Mrs.    [.;   916   Sutter. 
Stetson.  Mrs.  J.   B. ;  180]   Van  Xess  Ave. 
Stum.  Adolph:  Sutro  Heights. 
Tevis.    Lloyd;   Jackson  and  Taylor. 
Toland.   Mrs.   M.    B..M.;  Occidental   Hotel. 
Tubbs.    A.    L. :    Palace    Motel. 
I'pham.    Isaae;    Battery    and    Pine. 

Wallace.   Geo;   Nevada   Block. 
Walter.  Mrs.  I.  X.;  1803  Franklin. 
Weill.    Raphael:   101    Kearny. 
Whittell.    George:   1200  Jones. 
Whiteomh.    A.    C. :    228    Montgomery. 
Wiggins.    W.   W. ;   1810  Broadway. 
Wilson.     Russell    J.:    711    Pine. 
Winter.    William:  71"  Capp. 
Woodbury.   F.  C. :  24  Post. 
SYoodworth,    Selim:    2512    Capp. 
Zeile,   P.   W:  2023  California. 
Zeile,  Mrs.  F.  W.;  2023  Ca'ifornia. 


Club  Rooms,  Palace  Hotel.  New  Montgomery  Street. 


George   Stone President.        Dan  T.  Cole 2d  Vice-President. 

C.   M.  Shortridge 1st  Vice-President.         Charles    G.    Clinch Treasurer. 

George  H.   Pippy Secretary. 


Alger.    Russell   A.;    Detroit.    Mich.  Stanford.    J.    B.  ;    San    Francisco. 

Francis.   John    M.  :    Troy.    X.    Y.  Sawyer.    Philetus:    Oshkosh.    Wis. 

Fuller.    Levi    K. :    Battleboro.    Vt.  McKinley    Wm.,   Jr.:  Canton.   O. 

Harrison.  Benj.  :    Indianapolis.    Ind. 

Crocker,  C.  F. :  S.  Pac.   Co..   S.   F.  Crocker,    W.    H.:   Crocker  Bldg..    S.    F. 


Aitken,    Jno.    R. :    402   Montgomery. 
Atkins.    L.    G.    F. :   123   Montgomery. 
Babcock.  Madison:  New  City  Hall. 
Backus.   S.    W. :   ll   Montgomery. 
Bandmann.  C.  J. :  61  First. 
Banneman.    T.    R. ;   111-121    Post 
Barnes.    W.    H.    L. :    Crocker    Building. 
Barnes,    W.   S.;   175  Crocker  Building. 
Barry,  J.   E.;   New  City  Hall. 
Bassett.    C.    F. ;    10   California. 

imish.  Percy;  918-922  Market. 
Belcher,    Edward   a.:   New  City  Hall. 
Berwin.    Sam;    21    Battery. 
Boomer.    A.   H. :   14  Sansome.    r.   11. 
Booth.    Andrew    G. :   32S   Montgomery,    r.    9. 
Bouvier.  Alfred:  Baldwin  Theater. 
Breyfogle,   Dr.    E.    S. :   213  Geary. 
Brown.    Dr.    H.    R. :   21"   Geary. 
Brown.    Win.    H.  :    mi    California. 

Buckman,    A.    E.     302   Montgomery,    r.   4. 
Bucknall.   Dr.   Geo.   J. ;  330  Sutter. 
Burns.  Daniel  M. :  134  Crocker  Building. 
Burns,   Isidore:  20  Steuart. 
Carmany,  John  W.;  25  Kearny. 
Castle,    Albeit    E.  :  200   Davis. 
Castle.   A.    II.  :   200    Davis. 
Chadbourne,    P.   S. ;  26  O'Farrell,   r.  3. 
Clinch.    Charles   G. :    9   Front. 
Clark.   George  D. ;  17-19   Spear. 

nent.    L.    H.:   5S   Merchants'    Exch 
duff,    William:    18-20    Front. 
Cole.    Daniel  T. :   10  California. 
Coulson,  Dr.  Nat.  T. :  1236  Market. 
Cook.   Carroll:   17   Chronicle    Building. 
Cooney,    M.;   102   Phelan    Building. 
Cornwall.   P.    B. :   150  Main. 
Crawford.   J.   J.:  Pioneer  Building. 
Crotbers,    R.    A.:    Bulletin   Office. 

JOHN  W.   CARMANY      Gloves  for  Driving  and  Walking,  85  Kearny  St., 

San  Francisco 



Currier,  J.   C;  320  Sansome,   r.   13. 
De  Young,   M.   H. ;   Chronicle  Building. 
Dibble,  Henry  C. ;  405  Montgomery,  r.  25. 
Dimond,   William   H. ;  204  Market. 
Dolbeer,    John;    10   California,    r.    3. 
Donnelly.    Ed.    T. :    601    California. 
Durst.  John  H.:  20  Mills  Bldg.,  10th  floor. 
DuVal,   W.   S. :  321  Pine. 
Easton.    George:    638    Market. 
Easton,   Wendell;  638  Market. 
Eckart.    W.    R. :    217    Sansome. 
Edwards.   Geo.    D. :   414  California. 
Estee.    Morris  M. :   419  California. 
Evans.    J.    J.:    411    1-2   California,    r.    3. 
Farley.  Capt.  D. ;  217  Oak. 
Field.   H.    S. ;  118   Sutter. 
Frink.   G.   W. ;  638  Market. 
Fuller.   S.   W. :  750  Mission. 
Gerstle,    Lewis;   310  Sansome. 
Gibson.  William  F. ;  71  Crocker  Building. 
Giesting,    Joseph  G. ;   609  Market. 
Gray.    Harry  X. ;   316   Montgomery. 
Gunn.  J.  OB. .  222  Market. 
Hart.  W.    H.   H. ;  149   Crocker   Building. 
Havens.  C.  I. ;  55  Flood  Building. 
Hawes.    A.    G. :    17    Mills    Bldg..    2d    floor. 
Hebbard.   J.   C.   B. :  New  City  Hall. 
Hecht,   Marcus  H. ;  312  Pine. 
Hegler.  John  H.;  22S  Haight. 
Hendy.    Samuel  J. :   44  Fremont. 
Holcom.    W.    1).:    328    Montgomery,    r.    3. 
Hooper.   F.  P. :  4  California. 
Hughes,   Edward  C. :  511  Sansome. 
Jacobs.    Meyer:   212   Sansome. 
Jacoby.   Franz:   216  Sansome. 
Jennings.  C.  M.:  10  -Mills  Bldg..  7th  floor. 
Joachimsen.   H.   L. :   Xew  City  Hall. 
Keeney,    C.    M. :   100   Market. 
Kenyon,   Dr.   C.   G. ;  901   Sutter. 
Kilburn.   Paris:  530  California,   r.   19.         4 
Koster,  Jno.   A. ;  327  Market. 
Laidlaw.   R.  D.:  304  Sacramento. 
Laumeister,    C.    S. ;   203-207   Mission. 
Lawlor,   Dr.   Wm.    X. :   506   Battery  . 
Lilienthal.    P.    X. :    Anglo-California    Bk. 
Litchfield,    J.    M.;    12    Post. 
Livingston,  Joseph;  206  Davis. 
Lloyd,    Reuben   H. ;     9   Xevada   Block. 
Long,  W.   G. ;  1318  Page. 
Lyn.h.   11.   IL:  19  Hobart  Building. 
.Macdonald.    Wm.;    315   Montgomery   . 
Mahony.  J.  J.;  199  Crocker  Building. 
Mangels.    John   H. ;   325  Battery. 
Masten,  X.  K.;  3  Crocker  Building. 
Maxwell,    George    H. ;    67    Xevada    Block. 
M clone.    Drury;   419  California,    r.   22. 
Miles.  D.  E. ;  315  Montgomery. 
Morton,  Thomas;  630  Geary. 
Montague.   W.   W. :  309  Market. 

McComb.   John;  95  Donohoe  Building. 

McDougall,  Charles  C:  330  Pine. 

McFarland,    T.    B. ;    305   Larkin. 

McMullen,   D.  K. ;  4  Sutter. 

McXab.    James:    205    Davis. 

McNeil,    Wm.    H. ;   2211   Van   Xess. 

O'Connor,    Cornelius:    7    Xevada    Block. 

Palmeiri.   E.    C. ;   5   Montgomery   Ave. 

Parsons.    T.    J. ;    107    California. 

Paterson.   Van   R. ;   16  Xevada  Block   . 

Patrick.  A.  B. ;  324  Battery. 

Peixotto.    E.    D.  :    175    Crocker    Building. 

Pippy,  Geo.  H. ;  17  Chronicle  Building. 

Pratt.    Charles    C. :    1917    Vallejo. 

Pratt.    Wm.    H. :    508   Montgomery,    r.    18. 

Quinlan.    P.    B. ;   516  California. 

Quinn.    John   C. :    Mills   Building. 

Regensburger.    Dr.    M. :    114   Geary. 

Root.  George  W. ;  Clay  St.  Wharf. 

Sanborn.    W.    D. ;   32    Montgomer\ . 

Scott,  Irving  M. ;  222  Market. 

Sherman.  F.  P. :  6-8  Sutter. 

Sheehan.   J.   F. ;   24  Mills   Bldg..   10th  floor. 

Sexton,    Wm.    401    California. 

Shortridge,   Chas.   M. ;   San  Francisco  Call. 

Shortridge.    S.    M. ;    28   Crocker   Building. 

Siebe,    John    F. ;   210   Sansome. 

Simonson.   Joseph:   123  Geary. 

Slade,    S.    E.:  20  Luning  Building. 

Sloss.  Leon:  310  Sansome. 

Sloss.    Louis;   310  Sansome. 

Sloss.    Louis.   Jr. :   310   Sansome. 

Smith.   C.   W. :  S.   E.  cor.   Stevenson  &  2d. 

Spear.    Arthur   YV. ;  33  Sutter. 

Spear,   Jos.    S.,   Jr.:   33   Sutter. 

Spreckels,    A.    B. :    327    Market. 

Spreckels,    Claus:   327   Market. 

Spreckels,   John   D. ;   327   Market. 

Stone,    George;    SOS    California. 

Stephens.  J.   A.:  27  Mills  Bldg.,  10th  floor. 

Stump.  I.  C. ;  33  Mills  Building.  9th  floor. 

Sutcliffe.    Ed.   C:   56  Xevada   Block. 

Swan.  Jabez  S. :  759  Market. 

Talbot.   William   11.:    2"4  California. 

Taffinder.   W.   G. :  316  California. 

Thornton,   S.   K. ;  Clay  St.   Wharf. 

Trask.  A.  Y. ;  439  California. 

Trumbo.   Isaac;  1533  Sutter. 

Tubbs.  A.  C;  607  Front. 

Van    Fleet,   W.   C;   Emporium    Bldg. 

Walts.    Geo.    W. ;    220    Sutter. 

Walt.   J.   A.;  21   Mills  Bldg.,  10th  floor. 

Wegener,  W.  B. ;  510  Market. 

Westphal,   Dr.   O.   F. ;  935  Market,   r.   3. 

Wieland,  Albert  G. ;  28  Crocker  Bldg. 

Williams.  A.   P.;  206  Davis. 

Wilson,   J.   X.   E. :  530  California,   r.  13. 

Willett.   Walter  M. :  230   Monfy,   r.   15. 

Winner.   John   J. ;   109   California,    r.    29. 


126  Kearney,  Thurlow  Block. 

President,    C.    M.    Coe  Third   Vice-President.    W.    P.    Bogart 

First  Vice-President,   J.   P.   Booth  Secretary,   F.   S.   Myrtle 

Second    Vice-President,    James    McMullen  Treasurer,    P.    S.    Montague 

Librarian,  W.  K.   Briggs 

C.   A.   Low 
Paul  Cowles 

Aiken,  Chas  A. 
Adams,  E.  M. 
Allen,  H.  S. 
Ashe,    R.   Porter. 
Aiton.    John. 
Anderson,   Dr.  W. 
Arnold,  Dr.  J.  D. 
Ashe,  A.  Sidney. 
Allen,    P.    C. 
Barendt,  A.  H. 
Brook.    H.    Li. 
Backus,   S.   W. 
Black.    O. 

Baggerley,   H.  L. 
Burke,    W.    F. 

Booth,  James  P. 

Bogart,  W.  F. 

Bush.  H.  P. 

Brooke,  F.  V. 

Baldwin,    Barry. 

Barnes.   W.   S. 

Barcar,  Raleigh. 

Benton,   W.   G. 

Briggs,    W.    K. 

Burke.  J.  J. 

Bouvier,    Al. 

Hunker.    \V.    M. 

Bishop,  T.   B. 

Bradley.  T.  M. 

Bush.   E.  E. 

Burns.  D.   M. 

Burke.   Frank  H. 

Bushnell.  Dr.  G.  E. 

Beel,  Sigmund. 

Belcher,  E.  A. 

Brandenstetn,   H.  U. 

Black,    A.    P. 


L.  L.  Levings 
Dr.   P.    M.  Jones 


Benson,   A.   L. 
Benjamin,   Benj. 
Barry.    James    H. 
Bunner.   W.   C. 
Batchelder,   W.   J. 
Burns,    R.    J. 
Byrnes,   Callaghan. 
Berry,    Dr.    W.    L. 
Conlan.    C.    T. 
Clark,    E. 
Coleman,    J.    V. 
Coe,  C.  M. 
Colnon,   E.   L. 
Crcthers,    R.    A. 
Carpenter,  L.  G. 
Cooney,   Jos.   T. 
Coffey,   J.   V. 
Cook.    Carroll. 
Cross,  C.  W. 
Cowles,     Paul. 
Curry,   C.   F. 
Carleton,   Dr.   11.   P. 
Cormac,  T.   E.  K. 
Coffin.  Frank. 
Creswell.   II.  T. 
Curtaz,   H.   J. 
Costello,  S.  V. 
Cromwell.    B. 
Dunning.    John   P. 
Drury,    Wells. 
Dobson,  Alfred. 
Durst.  John  II. 
Dreypolcher.  \V.  S. 
Dunne.    F.    II. 
Dement.    B5.    D. 
Dickinson,  J.  H. 
Dye,   W.   L. 

C.  A.  Webster 
E.  D.  Dement 

Dunnigan,    John    S. 
Erwin.    J.    W. 
Dwyer.  J.  J. 
Eppinger,  J.  L. 
Finlay.    John. 
Fouga,  John. 
Flynn,   T.    E. 
Fitch,    L.    E. 
Forsythe,  Alex. 
Friedlander,    S.    H. 
Ferral,    Robt. 
Fraser,  Geo.  B. 
Gagan,  W.  H. 
Goldsmith,    Paul. 
Garber,  Eugene. 
Graham,   Dr.   G.   F. 
Grant.    Wm. 
Gutterson.  F. 
Green,    Carlton. 
Grayson,  G.  W. 
Groezinger,    G.    C. 
Hume,   Hugh. 
Hamilton,   E.   H. 
Hunt,   John. 
Hanlon.  C.   F. 
Hoeffler,  L.  M. 
Hart.   W.    H.    H. 
Harrison,    W.    Greer. 
Hebbard,   J.   C.   B 
Hilliard.  Dr.  S.  W. 
Henley,  S.  Homer. 
Howe,  J.   H. 
Haskell.  S.   M. 
Hughes.   E.   C. 
Hamilton.  James   M. 
Healy,   P.   A. 
Harrison.  John  J. 



Jackson,    J.    Ross. 
Joachimson,   H.   L. 
Judd.   X.   A. 

Jones,    Dr.    Phillip  Mills. 
Jorgensen,    Chris. 
Jackson,   S. 
Jordan,  W.  H. 
James,   Henry. 
Knight,    G.    A. 
Kahn.   Julius. 
Kelly    Jos.    P. 
Kellogg.  M.  B. 
Kaufman.    W.    W. 
Kirkpatrick.    Thos. 
Low,  C.  A. 
Lynch,    Jere. 
Lemmon.    A.    B. 
Levings.   L.    L. 
Larkin,   A.    O. 
Levingston,    Dr.    M. 
Linder.    R. 
Lustig.   Dr.   D.   D. 
Lloyd.   Lewis. 
Levy,   W.   H. 
McEwen.    Arthur. 
Moren,    Edward   F. 
Mills.  Wm.  H. 
Montague.    P.    S. 
McXair,    W.    W. 
.Medina.    F.    P. 
Martens.  Carl. 
McCraney,   H.   A. 
McMullen.  Jas. 
Maxwell.   G.   H. 
Maxwell,    J.    D. 
Mollenhauer,    B. 
McEnerney,   G. 
Shortridge,    S.    M. 

Mann,    Harry. 
Myrtle,    F.    S. 
Morey,    E.   P. 
Martin,  W.  J. 
Molera,   E.   J. 
Mutch,    E.    A. 
McLeod,  D. 
Morrissey.   John. 
McDonald,    Wm. 
Melvin.    Harry. 
Metcalf.   J.   W. 
Xaughton.    W.    W. 
Osborne.  H.  Z. 
O'Connor.   J.   C. 
Owens.    L.    D. 
Pennycook,   W.   D. 
Price.   W.   W. 
Pippy.   G.    H. 
Pounstone.    A.    E. 
Painter.    Edgar. 
Powers,   A.   H. 
Phillips.    L.    E. 
Powning,    C.    C. 
Paterson.  Van  R. 
Powers.    F.    H. 
Phelan,   Jas.   D. 
Roberts,   F.   C. 
Ross,  Gordon. 
Riordan.  T.  D. 
Ralston,  W.  C. 
Rodgers.    A. 
Raffael,    J.    J. 
Reinstein.   J.    D. 
Reynolds.   J.   B. 
Reis.  W.  B. 
Shortridge,    C.    M. 
Stover,    L.    E. 
Sheehan.   John  F. 

Stevens,   Martin. 
Simpson,    Dr.    J. 
Sanderson,  A.  A. 
Shetterly,    J.    L.    M. 
Slack,   Chas.   W. 
Sutherland,   H.   V. 
Stone.  W.  J. 
Syle,    L.    D. 
Schmitz,    E.    E. 
Storer.   L.   W. 
Swan.  J.   S. 
Smith.    J.    F. 
Sheldon,   J.    A. 
Stoney,   G. 
Timmins.    John. 
Trumbo.    Isaac. 
Tuiker.  S.  E. 
Tilton.   R.   F. 
Travers.  J.  \Y. 
Trevenlyan.   H.  A. 
Troutt.    J.    M. 
Trumbo.   H. 
Truman.  B.  C. 
Van  Frank.   E.   M. 
Van  Frank.  T.  H. 
Williams,    T.    T. 
Webster,    C.   A. 
Willis.  E.  B. 
Waymire,   J.    A. 
Warde,    D.    M. 
Walker,    D.    H. 
Wilson.  J.  P. 
Watkins,    G.    O. 
Walser.  Mar'  . 
Zeigler,    W.    G. 


Shirts  for  Full  Dress,  Traveling  and  Business, 
25  Kearny  St.  S.  F. 

Our    New  D    9    MACHINE,    with   Ball 
Bearing's,  is  a  marvel   of  perfection. 


Attachments  Perfect. 

Liberal  Terms. 

Wheeler  &  Wilson  Manufacturing  Co. 

Xext  to  Hale  Bros.  SAX  FRAXCISCO 



A.  Herbert..  . 
G.  C.  Landis.. 
Dr.  G.   Gutsch 


Club  Rooms,  336  Post  Street.  Corner  Powell. 


President.        M.  Copmann Financial  Secretary 

.    ..First    Vice-President.         Wm.   Wirthhle Recording  Secretary 

.    .Second  Vice-President.        Franz    Jacoby Treasurer. 


Ankele.   J.    H. :   225   Sansome. 

Avents.    A.:    561    Railroad    Ave..    Alameda. 

Bach.    Charles :    537    Sacramento. 

Baum.   Dr.   R.  W.;  139  Post. 

Barkan.   Dr.    A.:   14  Grant   Avenue,    r.   6. 

Beck.    Dr.    G.    C:    121    Post. 

Becker.  B.  A. :  52>>  California. 

Beel.    Sigmund:  1925  California. 

Bendel.   Herman:   3  California. 

Bendix.  Otto;  140S  Van  Xess  Avenue. 

Bendixen.  C.   Ed. :  211  California. 

Berendsen.  J.  C. :  543  Market. 

Bertheau.  C. :  210  Sansome. 

Beyfuss.  C. :  123  California,  r.  13. 

Berg.   A.:  303  California. 

Bienl.    L. :   3006   Green. 

Bogen.  W. :  X.  W.  cor.  Powell  &  Eddy. 

Brandt.    A. :    Crocker    Building. 

Brandt.    Herman:    715   Post. 

Brune.   Henry:  323  Market. 

Braunsehweiger.   H. :  5  Drumm. 

Bryant.    Dr.    W.    A. :   73"   Sutter. 

Bundschu.  C. :  S.  E.  cor.  Market  &  2d. 

Capelie.    Robert :    US    Montgomery 

Cellarius.   C. :  21   First. 

Copmann.    M. :    415   Post. 

Daseking.    H. :    815    Market. 

Denicke.    E.   A. :   32"  Sansome. 

Dohrmann.   A.   B.  C. :  122  Sutter. 

Dohrmann.    F.   W. ;   122   Sutter. 

Dohrmann.  F.  W..  Jr.:  122  Sutter. 

Dohrmann.  Dr.  W.  F. :  >B  Crocker  Bldg. 

Dresel.    Carl:   Sonoma  Co. 

Dresel.    Dr.   Gustav:  139  Crocker  Bldg. 

Drewrtz.  A.  C. :  N.  E.  cor.  Eddy  &  Taylor. 

Duisenberg.    C:    508    California. 

Ehrenberg.    Dr.    A.   T. :   180S   Market. 

Ehrenberg.  Th.   E. :  150  New  Montgomery. 

Elloesser.    A.:   33-36   Battery. 

Fay.  Julius:  S.  E.  cor.  Geary  &  Grant  Ave. 

Frese.   W. :  419  California. 

Freygang.    P. ;   113   Davis. 

Frauenholz.    Hugo:    419    Montgomery    Ave. 

Goeker.    Charles:    305    Scott. 

Graf.    H. :   126   Kearny,   r.   34. 

Greenblatt.   M. :  411  Bush. 

Gutsch.   Gustav:  310  Pine.   r.   30. 

Gutschow.    Ernst    F. :    218    Sansome. 

Gutte.  Julius:  300  California. 

Habenicht.   F. :  41S  Clay. 

Hanford.  O. :   Flood  Building. 

Heimbruch.    F. :    311    California. 

Herold.    R..   Jr.:   526  California. 

Hennisch.  Adam:  2rt  Main. 

Herrmann.  James:  313  Sacramento. 

Herrmann.    Wm. :   526  California. 

Hess.    Frank:   519   Kearny. 

Hess.   F. :  411  Bush. 

Herbst.    A.:    1533    Geary. 

Heymann.    H.:   623    Eddy. 

Hilbert.   Christian  H.:   101  Powell. 

Hinrichs.   A. :  1129  McAllister. 

Hinz.   A.   C:  513   Market. 

Hinz.   W. :   543   Market. 

Hirs.'h.    A.:   303   Kearny. 

Hochstein.  W. ;  730  Haight. 

Hueter.   Ernest:  IS  Ellis. 

Hundesser.  O. ;  210  Sansome. 

Jacobson.  James:  520  California. 

Jacoby.  Franz:  210  Sansome. 

Jantzen.  Carl:  ~m  Haight. 

Jockers.   L. :  410  Post. 

Kampf.    W. :    II."    CaHfgrnta, 

Kinkelin.    C. :    Lon.,    Paris    fi    Am.    Bank. 

Kir.  hhoff.   Th. :   Sn9  Scott. 

Klitzing.    Max:   323    Market. 

Kohlberg.    H.:    Kearny    and    Pine. 

Kollofrath.    E. :   58  Flood   Building. 

Tnuv-    ™-     niowiiro        Importer  of  Fine  Furnishing  Goods  and  Shirt 
JOHN    W.    CARMA.W.  Maker    ...  Rearny  ^  g    F 



Kreutzman,    Dr.    H. ;   1018   Sutter. 

Landis,    G.   C.J   521   Market. 

Leege,  C.  F. ;  410  Clay. 

Leichter,  Charles;  2016  Vallejo. 

Leichter,  W.;  2210  Vallejo. 

Leusehner,  A.  O. ;  Berkeley. 

Link,  A.;  108  Stockton. 

Lisser,  L. ;  1241  Franklin. 

Lloyd,   R.   H. :  9  Nevada  Block. 

Lohan.  O. ;   Vice  Consul,  318  Sacramento. 

Mangels.    H. :   Clay   and   Battery. 

Mayer,   Carl;  417  Battery. 

Mayer.   Charles,   Jr. :  105  Post. 

Mayrisch,  A. ;  405  Battery. 

McKee,   Dr. ;  14  Grant  Avenue. 

Meinecke,  Charles;  314  Sacramento. 

Meneke,    Werner;    419   California,    r.    4. 

Meussdorffer,  O. ;  532  Third. 

Meyer,   E. ;   Produce   Exchange. 

Michalitschke,   A. ;  237  Kearny. 

Michalitschke,    J.;   237   Kearny. 

Morse.  Dr.  J.  F. :  200  Stockton. 

Mohr,   Emil;  39  Flood  Building. 

Oldelehr,   J.   G. ;  415  California. 

Otto,    E.   A.;  81  St.   Ann's  Building. 

Paasit,   C. ;   411  Bush. 

Pischl,   Dr.   K. ;  63  Crocker  Building. 

Pollak,  J. ;  405  Battery. 

Priber,    E.    C;    29    Scott. 

Regensburger.  Dr.   M. ;  114  Geary. 

Rethers,   Dr.   Theo. ;  200  Stockton. 

Richter,   C.   Max;  614  Geary. 

Roeding,   F. ;  1910  Washington. 

Roehte,    E. ;   209   Front. 

Roehte,   F. ;  219  Front. 

Roese,    Dr.    Ch. ;    German    Hospital. 

Rosenthal.    Adolph;  318   Sacramento. 

Rosenthal,  Dr.  G.  A. ;  Lane  Hospital. 

Ruither,    F. ;   211   California. 

Russ,  Henry  B.;  203  Montgomery. 

Ruthe,   Charles;  415   California. 

Schacht,   Henry;   114  Davis. 

Scherpel,  M. ;  220  California,  r.  7. 

Schilling,   C;  230  Brannan. 

Schilling,   H. ;   112  Market. 

Schmidt,  A.  H.  R. ;  526  California. 

Schmidt,   Rupert;  207  Larkin. 

Schmitt,   Henry;  422  Ellis. 

Schmitt,  Herm;  422  Ellis. 

Schucking,  T.  E. ;  1011  Scott. 

Schulte,  J.  G.  W. ;  710  Haight. 

Schussler,    H.;  516  California. 

Siebe,   F.   C. ;  322  Sansome. 

Siebe.  J.   F.,   Jr.;  2018  Devisadero. 

Siegfried.  J.  C. ;  3  Pine,  r.  8. 

Speyer,    W. ;   225   Sansome. 

Stahle,   Dr.   F.   H. ;   Receiving  Hospital. 

Stauf,   W. ;   232  1-2  Montgomery. 

Stadtmuller,  F.  D.;  819  Eddy. 

Strauch,  W.  G. ;  230  Brannan. 

Thiedemann,   W. ;   1627   Fulton. 

Tillman,    F.,    Sr. ;   313-17   Battery. 

Tillman,   F.,  Jr.;  313  Battery. 

Tourney,    G. ;   526   California. 

Trubenbach,  H.  E. ;  113  Clay. 

Uhlig,  Carl.:  10  California. 

Ulrichs,  J.   F. ;  114  Davis. 

Van  Bergen,    E.   A. ;   509   Post. 

Van   Bergen.    H. ;   1612   Van   Ness   Ave. 

Van   Otterndorfs,   Capt.   K. ;   Alameda. 

Van  Perbant.  C. ;  Eighth  and  Mission. 

Vocke,  G.  C. ;  1122  Vallejo. 

Volkmann,    G. ;  112   Market. 

Von  Geldern,   Otto;   819   Market. 

Von  Loesecke,   P. ;  Alameda. 

Vowinkel,   Dr.   F.  W. ;  1298  Van  Ness  Ave. 

Westerfeldt,    L. ;    1003    Geary. 

Westhoff,   W. ;  221  Front,   r.    4. 

Winterberg,    Dr.   W. ;   1132  Sutter. 

Wissel,   A. ;   214  California. 

Wolff,   Wm. ;   329   Market. 

Wores,   Thomas;  728  Montgomery. 




F.    H.    Rosenbaum President.        W.  Alfs Recording  Secretary. 

Joseph    Brandenstein    ..     ..Vice-President.        L.  Schumacher Financial  Secretary. 

Mrs.  H.  Hildebrandt Vice-President.        L.    S.    Rose Treasurer. 

Mrs.   E.   Bahls, 

Leo   Maurer,  T.    F.    W.    Sohst, 

Mrs.    W.    Westhoff,  Wm.   Westerfeldt. 


Importer  of  Fine  Furnishing  Goods,  and  Shirt 
Maker,  25  Kearny  St.,  S.  F. 


421  Post  Street San  Francisco 


Sylvain    Weill President.         Em.    Meyer 

Dr.  J.  de  Chantreau Vice-President.        Paul    Bellemaus 

.  .Treasurer. 
. .Secretary. 

A.    E.    Grogan, 

A.    Calleau. 



A.     S.     Roos. 

Jos.    Kali  n 


Bellemans.    P. :  421  Post. 

Berges,  P.  B. ;  710  Sansome. 

Berson,    G. ;    206   Post. 

Bloch,    A.;    1919    Bush. 

Bloch.   F. ;   119   Sutter. 

Bloch,   S. ;  532  O'Farrell. 

Blum,    J.;    217    Battery. 

Blum,   L. ;  201  California. 

Bocqueraz.  L. ;  cor.  Front  and  Jackson. 

Brandt,  J.  B.  L.';  306  Pine. 

Cahen,    A. :   419  Van   Ness   Avenue. 

Cailleau.   A. ;   48  Geary. 

Callandreau,  Dr.  J. ;  Powell  and  Post. 

Caro,   A. ;  911  Laguna. 

Carpy.    C. ;    517    Sacramento. 

Corere,  P. ;  Tortoni. 

Clayburgh,  Simon;  830  McAllister. 

Charpentier,    J.    C. ;   14   Sansome. 

Chantreau,    Dr.  J.    D.   de;   607   Sutter. 

Coblentz,  F. ;  411  Battery. 

Coblentz,  G. ;  215  Battery. 

Coblentz.    J. :   215  Battery. 

Dahlman,  N. ;  232  Post. 

Debret,    M. ;  117  Grant  Avenue. 

Dennery,   L. ;  214  Pine. 

Dubedat,   Edward;  426  Jackson. 

Dubedat,   Eugene;  426  Jackson. 

Duvergey,  H.:  14  Sansome. 

Eisenberg,    A. ;   208   Kearny. 

Eisner,  M.  S. ;  217  Sansome. 

Falk.  J. ;  303  Sutter. 

Fleury,  P. ;   Sausalito. 

Friedman,    J.;    Palace    Hotel. 

Gallois.   Eugene;  White  House. 

Godchaux,  A. ;  1429  Webster. 

Godchaux,   S. ;  1429  Webster. 

Goodman,    M. ;    1603   Gough. 

Greenzweig,  G. ;  6  Sutter. 

Grogan,    A.   E. ;  421  Post. 

Gump,   A. ;  cor.  Geary  and  Grant  Ave. 

Hallgarten,    B. ;   14  Battery. 

Hamburger,  M. ;  The  Maze. 

Heurtevant,    F. ;    Junction    City,    Cal. 

Hirsch,    L. ;   cor.    Bush   and  Battery. 

Hirschfeld,   A.;  14  Battery. 

Hirschfeld,   A.    C. ;   328  Pine. 

Hirschfeld.    E. ;   14   Battery. 

Housset,  L. ;  122  Sansome. 

Jacob.   E. ;  830  Fulton. 

Jellett.    J.    H. ;    California    and   Sansome. 

Kahn.  A.;  932  McAllister. 

Kahn.   E.   E. ;  932  McAllister. 

Kahn,    Jos. ;   1216  Geary. 

Kahn,   Jacob;  306  Sacramento. 

Kahn,   M.;  932  McAllister. 

Kauffman,    L. ;    222   Sansome. 

Klein,  A.  A. ;  421  Post. 

Klein,    Laz. ;    11    Sansome. 

Klein.    M.;   421  Post. 

Kullman,    A. ;   White    House. 

Kullman.   S. ;   Nevada   Block. 

Ladagnous.  J. ;  104  Grant  Avenue. 

Legallet.  A.;  215  Clay. 

Levy,    Dan;   1351   Post. 

Levy,    Emile;   7   Sansome. 

Levy,   F.   N.;  209  Sutter. 

Levy,  J.  W. ;  215  Battery. 

Levy,   Jos. ;  519  Clay. 

Levy,    Jules;   Paris,    France. 

Levy.   L.   A.;   1012   Van  Ness  Ave. 

Levy,    Laz. ;    319    Market. 

Levy.    Max;   7  Sansome. 


Gloves   for    Driving   and    Walking,    25    Kearny 
St.,  San  Francisco. 



Levy,   Simon;   418  Sacramento. 

Lievre.  J. :  711  Sansome. 

Lipman.  J.;  1105  Sutter. 

Loewe,   J.   M. ;  217  Battery. 

Louis.  B.  F. ;  211  Pine. 

Lowenberg.  E. ;  119  Pine. 

Lyons.   Charles;   815  Haight. 

Martin.    H.    S. ;   401   1-2   California. 

Mathey.    H.;    421    Post. 

Mayer.   N. ;  510  Jackson. 

Meyer.    Em.:   fi32   Post. 

Meyer,   L. ;   Antioch. 

Meyer,   N. ;   421   Front. 

Myers,  L.  R. ;  20  Gold. 

Nerson,  A. ;  26  Sutter. 

Neuberger,  G. :  516  Market. 

Pesoli.  E.  A. :  French  Consulate. 

Pierron,    E. ;    304   Montgomery    Avenue 

Pike.  B.  D. ;  215  Battery. 

Raas,   Em. ;  517  Golden  Gate  Ave. 

Ratye,    E. ;    1414    California. 

Reiss,    B. ;  516  Market. 

Reiss,   S. ;  26  Sutter. 

Riordan,    T.    D. ;    Mont'y   Ave.    and   Wash 

Roos,   Ad. ;   37   Kearny. 

Roos,  A. ;  Palace  Hotel. 

Rosencrantz.   Dr.   N. ;  4fi  O'Farrell. 
Roth,   D.;  201  California. 
Rothschild,   E.;   209  Post. 
Ruef,   A.  ;  cor.   Montgomery  and  Cal. 
Rousseau,    C.    M. ;   927   Market. 
Schmidt,  A. ;  504  Jackson. 
Siegel,  L. ;  217  Battery. 
Siegel,   M.;  217     Battery. 
Simon.    A. ;    803    Larkin. 
Simon,  C. ;  800  Laguna. 
Simon,    Dr.   J.;  323  Geary. 
Somps,  P.  G. ;  259  Clementina. 
Sondag,  J. ;  332  Sutter. 
Thirion,    A. ;   122   Sansome. 
Vermeil,    J.    L. ;    cor.    Brannan    &    Seventh. 
Wartenweiler,  A. ;  421  Post. 
Weil,   Ach. ;   cor.   Bush  and  Battery. 
Weill,   A.;  Bakersfleld. 
Weill.   R. ;   White   House. 
Weill,    S. ;   cor,   Second  and   Market. 
Westphal.    Dr.   O.   F. ;   935   Market. 
Willard.    L. ;   120   Sutter. 
Willard,  M.;  114  Pine. 
.Wolf,   J.;  7  Montgomery. 
Wolf,  M. ;  304  Battery. 


Club  House  at  Sausalito.  Office  of  the 
Club:  38  Telephone  Building,  216  Bush 
Street.  Officers:  John  H.  Dickinson, 
President;  Hugo  D.  Keil,  Vice  President; 
John  I).  Spreckels,  Commodore;  Martin  B. 
Roberts.  Vice  Commodore;  Alec.  Svenson, 
Measurer;  T.  E.  James.  Assistant  Secre- 
tary, No.  4421  California  Street.  Directors: 
John  H.  Dickinson,  Charles  H.  Crocker. 
Hugo  I).  Keil,  Will  A.  Powning,  John  T. 
Dare.  F.  Hohweisner,  J.  D.  Maxwell,  Sec- 


Address  of  all  members:  Pacific-Union 
Club,  San  Francisco.  Shooting  preserve, 
76,000  acres.  Point  Reyes,  Marin  County, 
California.  Limit  of  membership.  125 
Secretary's  address,  N.  E.  cor.  California 
and  Battery  Streets.  Officers  of  the  Club: 
Alexander  Hamilton.  President;  A.  C. 
Tubbs,  Vice  President;  F.  W.  Tallant,  Sec- 
retary and  Treasurer.  Board  of  Directors: 
Alexander  Hamilton,  A.  C.  Tubbs.  Harry 
Babcock,  W.  S.  Kittle,  F.  W.  Tallant,  R. 
B.  Tuttle,  F.  R.  Webster.  Telephone  Coun- 
try Club— At  12:40  p.  m.  and  6:40  p.  m. 

Rooms,   N.   E.   Cor.  Post  and  Leavenworth 

The  San  Francisco  Verein  was  incorpor- 
ated in  October.  1853,  and  is  largely  com- 
posed of  prominent  German  citizens.  The 
club  rooms  were  located  at  430  Pine  Street 
from  1869  until  1874,  when  they  moved 
to  their  present  rooms,  which  were  fitted 
up  at  a  cost  of  $65,000.  The  membership 
is  limited  to  275.  Officers:  President,  Max 
Ordenstein;  First  Vice  President,  Simon 
C.  Scheeline;  Second  Vice  President.  M. 
C.  Sloss;  Recording  Sekretaer,  Jos.  L.  Din- 
kelspiel;  Finanz  Sekretaer,  Alexander 
Frank;  Treasurer.  I.  W.  Hellman.  Jr.;  Li- 
brarian, W.  L.  Gerstle. 


San  Francisco.  Cal. 
The  Yale  Alumni  Association  of  Califor- 
nia was  organized  February  3rd,  1892,  the 
members  thereof  being  residents  of  this 
State,  who  have  attended  Yale  University. 
The  annual  meeting  of  the  Association  is 
held  in  April  or  May  of  each  year,  and  the 
annual  banquet  in  November  or  December, 
on  such  days  and  at  such  places  as  the 
Executive  Committee  shall  determine. 
Officers  of  the  Club:  Thos.  R.  Bacon,  Pres- 
ident; Charles  Page,  VicePresident ;  Wm. 
Bradford  Bosley.  Secretary;  Wallace  M. 
Alexander,   Treasurer. 




Location,   S.  E.  Corner  Post  Street  and  Van   Ness  Avenue. 


Leon    Guggenheim President 

Chas.  L.  Ackerman   ..   ..1st  Vice-President 
Chas.    Sutro,    Jr 2d    Vice-President 

H.  Schussler Recording  Secretary 

Josua   Eppinger    ....    Financial   Secretary 
Henry    Meyer Treasurer 

Leon   Guggenheim 
Chas.    L.   Ackerman 
Chas.    Sutro,    Jr. 


Henry    Schussler 
Josua  Eppinger 
Henry  Meyer 
Chas.  Hirsch 


Henry    Wangenheim 
B.   Hansmann 
B.   Rosenberg 

Ach.  Henry;  303  California. 

Ach,  Julius;  303  California. 

Ackerman,    C.    L. ;   428   California. 

Ackerman,   I.   S. ;  108  Pine. 

Ackerman,    Edward;   117   Geary. 

Ackerman,  Samuel  J. ;  529  Market. 

Adler,   A.   A.;  212  Sansome,   r.   30. 

Adler,  Jacob;  1306  Post. 

Adler.  M.;  215  Sansome,  r.  1. 

Anspacher,  Simon;  214  Pine. 

Aronson.  Phil.  X.;  18  Battery. 

Bachman,   L.   S. ;  112  Sansome. 

Bachman,    S.;    S.    E.    cor.    Cal.    &    Battery. 

Bastheim,    J.;    129    Sansome. 

Bauer,    M.;    547    Market. 

Bauman,    Sig. ;   12   Battery. 

Bier.  Chas.  S. :  300  Battery. 

Blaskower.    M.;    225    Montgomery. 

Block.   D. ;   125  Sansome. 

Bloom.    Jonas;  303   California. 

Blum,    Leon;    201   California. 

Blum,   Moses;   308  California. 

Brandenstein,   Joseph:   17  First. 

Brandenstein,   M. ;  319  Pine. 

Brandt.    Maurice;    139    Montgomery. 

Brown.   A.;   121   Sansome. 

Brown,  A.  L. ;  416  Clay. 

Brown,  L. ;  121  Sansome. 

Brown.   M. ;  OS  Clay. 

Cahn.    Israel:   1120   Post. 

Cahn.   L.   I.;   129  Sansome. 

Cahen.   I.    \v. :  41$  Sacramento. 

Cerf,  A.;  Ill  Battery. 

Cerf,   J.;   716  Post. 

Clayburgh,   Simon;  339  Kearny. 

Cohen,    William;   3-5   Battery. 

Dinkelspiel,   H.   G.   W. ;  41  Chronicle  Bldg. 

Dinkelspiel,   Samuel;  37  Battery. 

Ehrman,  Jos.;  104  Front. 

Einstein,   M.;  122  Davis,    r.   14. 

Elkus,  L. ;  211  Pine. 

Eppinger,    H. ;   311   California. 

Eppinger.   J.;   311  California. 

Eppinger,  Josua;  311  California. 

Erlanger,   Jonas;  209  Davis. 

Esberg,  M.;  S.   E.  cor.  California  &  Batv. 

Ettlinger,   B. :  311  California. 

Feigenbaum,    L. ;   520   Market. 

Feintuch,  Morris;  13  Battery. 

Feuchtwanger.   S. ;   Sansome   and   Pine. 

Fisher.  Godfrey;  121  Sansome. 

Fisher.   Ph.   I. ;   12  Battery. 

Fleishhacker.   M. ;  520  Market. 

Foorman,  I.  S. ;  330  Pine.  r.  42. 

Foorman,   S. ;  330  Pine,   r.   42. 

Frank.    E.    M.;   1453   Franklin. 

Frank,   Alex.;  406  Battery. 

Frank.   A.   L. :  2121  California. 

Frankenthal.    C. ;   312  Pine. 

Freidenrich.   D. :  426  California. 

Friedlander.  S.    H.;   2018   Buchanan. 

Frowenfeld.  J.;  206  Sansome. 

Gerson.  X:  214  Pine. 

Gerst.   G. :  214  Pine. 

JOHN  W.   CARMANY,      Gloves  for  Driving  and  Walking.  S5  Kearny  St. 

San  Francisco 



Goldman,   M.;  312  Pine. 

Goldstein,  W. :  S.  W.  cor.   Folsom  and  2d. 

Goodman,    T. ;   4   Sutter,   r.   7. 

Greenebaum,   Sig. :   115  Bush. 

Greenzweig.  G. ;  2-4  Sutter. 

Grossmayer,  A.;  ror.   Bush  and  Sansome. 

Guggenhime,    L. ;    11    Front. 

Gunst,  11.  A. :  203  Kearny. 

Haas.    Louis   S. :   100  California. 

Haas.  William;  100  California. 

Hamburger,    Dave:   6  and  8  Sutter. 

Hart.    Charles;   106   Battery. 

Hausman,    B. ;    18    Sutter. 

Hecht,   A.   E. ;  312  Pine. 

Heller,    E.    L. ;    New    York. 

Heller,   E.   M. ;  112  Sansome. 

Heller,    E.    S. :      16  Nevada   Block. 

Heller,   M.,   Jr.:   112   Sansome. 

Heller,    S.   W. ;   212   Sansome. 

Herzstein.    M.;   801   Sutter. 

Hellmann,  I.  W. :  N.  W.  cor.  Mont.  &  Pine. 

Herman,  A.:  324  Pine.  r.  6. 

Tlevneman.  Herman;  119  Pine. 

Hirseh.  Charles;  308  Market. 

Hirseh,  M.  N. ;  308  Market. 

Hirschfelder.     S. ;  125  Sansome. 

Ickelheimer.    PL;   322   Sutter. 

Jacobi,    L. :    42   Chronicle   Building. 

Kahn,   Fred;  1446  O'Farrell. 

Kahn.   Jos. :  7-9  Battery. 

Klau.  Leopold;  100  California. 

Kahn,  S.  S. ;  14  Grant  Avenue. 

Kalisher,   E.;  14  Sutter. 

Klau,   Edward;  100  California. 

Kline,   George;  120  Sutter,   r.   73. 

Korn,   Eugene;  726  Market. 

Kohn,  George  A. ;  300  Front. 

Koshland,    M. ;  220  California. 

Koshland.  S. ;  220  California. 

Kullman,   H.:  106  Battery. 

Levi,   H.;  117   Market. 

Levi,  Jacob,  Jr. ;  117  Market. 

Levy,  Isaac;  519  Clay. 

Levy.    W.    H. :  75  Nevada  Block. 

Levy,    Henry;  705  Sutter. 

Levy,  Jos.;  312  Battery. 

Levy,  Max;  5-7  Sansome. 

Lewis,   Sol;  320  Sansome. 

Lewis,   William;  24  California. 

Liebenthal,  A. ;  21  Sansome. 

Liebes,  Isaac;  133  Post. 

Lievre,  Isidor;  117  Battery. 

Lilienthal,  J.  E. ;  1316  Van  Ness  Ave. 

Lippitt.   Philip:   121    Sansome. 

Livingston,    Jos. 

Loewe,    Jos.    M. ;   216   California. 

Lowengrund,   L. ;  432  Fourth. 

Lyon,   M.  J.;  120  Sutter. 

Mandel,    B. ;   125   Sansome. 

Mandel.   Joseph:   113   Bush. 

Marx,  D.;  12  Battery. 

Mayer,  Oscar  J.;  246  Sutter. 

Meertief,  A. ;  100  California. 

Meyer,  M.  C;  28  Sansome. 

Meyer,  Henry;  214  Pine. 

Michels,   Leopold;  17  Sansome. 

Morgenthau,   G.;   108  Bush. 

Napthaly,  J.;  426  California. 

Neustadter,  D. ;  S.  W.  cor.  Pine  &  Sansome. 

Neustadter,  J. ;  S.  W.  cor.  Pine  &  Sansome. 

Newbauer.   Herman;  412  Front. 

Newman,    J. ;   126   Davis. 

Newman,   S. ;  126   Davis. 

Newman,    Sig.    J. ;   126   Davis. 

Nickelsburg,   M.;  129  Sansome. 

Nickelsburg,   S. ;  129  Sansome. 

Nordman,  Adolph;  121  Post. 

Oppenheimer,   H. ;  117  Battery  . 

Poly,    Isaac;   339   Kearny. 

Patek,    Fred;  965  Market. 

Peixotto,    Ed;    609    Sacramento. 

Raas,    E. :    14    Sutter. 

Reiss,    B. ;    516    Market. 

Re'ss,  S. ;  24  Sutter. 

Rothchild,    J.    M. ;   303   Ca'iiornia. 

Roos,   A.,   St.;  319  Market. 

Roos,  Adolphe;  37  Kearny. 

Roos.  Achille;  37  Kearny. 

Rosenbaum.  A.   M. ;  204  Front. 

Rosenbaum,    E.    D. ;   204   Front. 

Rosenberg,    B. ;   217   Battery. 

Rosenbsrg,   Joseph;   29  Battery. 

Rosenfeld,    John;   202   Sansome. 

Rosenthal,  I.  L. :  107  Kearny. 

Rosenthal,  Meyer;  107  Kearny. 

Roth,    Dan;   201   California. 

Reinstein,   J.    B. ;   217  Sansome. 

Rothchild.  F.  H. 

Rothchild,    M.   A.;  300   Front. 

Rothschild,    Jos. ;    81    Chronicle    Bldg. 

Sachs,   Martin;  212  Sansome. 

Sachs,  Lippman;   Bush  and  Sansome. 

Sachs,    Sam,   Jr. ;   Bush   and   Sansome. 

Sachs,   David;   Bush  and   Sansjm?. 

Sachs,  Ben.;  Bush  and  Sansome. 

Sachs,  S.  L. ;  214  Pine. 

Sachs,    Sanford;   214  Pine. 

Sachs,  D.   M. ;  615  Leavenworth. 

Sachs,  Henry;  Bush  and  Sansome. 

Sachs,  S.  C. ;  615  Leavenworth. 

Sachs.   Isaac;  Bush  and  Sansome. 

Sahlein,  H. ;  Palace  Hotel. 

Salberg,   M. ;  29  Battery. 

Salz,  Edward;  1306  Post. 


Importer  of  Fine  Furnishing  Goods  and  Shirt 
Maker,  25  Kearny  St.,  S  F. 



Salz,  J. :  106  Battery. 
Samuels.   I). :  121  Post. 
Scheeline.   S. :  319  Market. 
Schloss.  Sig.  B. :  303  California. 
Schoenfeld.   D.   M.:  506  Washington. 
Scholle.  A.  W.;  321 
Schmidt.  C.  A.:  Merchants'   Ex. 
Schmitt.    If. :    Merchants'    Exchange. 
Schussler,   Henry ;  27  Grant  Ave. 
Sehussler,  M. ;  104  Kearny. 
Scheideman,    B. 

S^hwabaeher.  A. :  130  California. 
Sihwabacher.    Louis:    130  California. 
Schwaba -her.    Sig.:    13" •   California. 
Schweitzer.  I. ;  519  Clay. 
Schweitzer.   B. ;   29  Battery. 
Schweitzer.   M. :  29  Battery. 
Schweitzer,    Monroe. 
Seller.   Fred. 
Seller.   Henry. 
Silverberg.  J. :  29  Battery. 
Simon.    Louis:   cor.   2d  and   Market. 
Simpson,   A.   D. 

Swinheimer.    H. :   222  California. 
Slessinger.   L. :  9  Battery. 
Solomons.   L.   L. :  508  California. 
Son.  Adolph  A. :  13  Sansome. 
Sondheimer.  M.:  in?  Kearny. 
Spitz,  A. :  13  Sansome. 
Spitz.  J. :  13  Sansome. 
Strassberger.   I. 

Stern.    Abe;   14   Battery. 

Stern.   J.;  14  Battery. 

Stern.  Louis:  14  Battery. 

Stern.  S. :  14  Battery. 

Stein.  A. ;  cor.  2d  and  Market. 

Steinberger.   A. :   19  Battery. 

Steinhart.   William:   215  Sansome. 

Strauss.  M. 

Strauss.  Levi;    11   Battery. 

Strauss.   Louis. 

Strauss.    S. 

Stone.  M.:  733  Market. 

Sussman.  S.;  101  Front. 

Sutro,   Chas..   Jr.:   1010   Van   Ness   Ave. 

Sweet.   S. :  312  Sansome. 

Tauzky.    Edmund:  508  California. 

Taseh.    M. 

Triest.  Bernhard;  116  Sansome. 

Walter,   David  X.;  529  Market. 

Wangenheim.  S.:  126  Davis. 

Weil.   A. :  cor.   Bush  and  Battery. 

Weil.   M. :  4  Sutter. 

Weil.   Leopold:  115  Bush. 

Weil.  Alex.  L. :  906  O'Farrell. 

Weyl.  Cerf:  7  Montgomery. 

Weglein.  J.  J. :  630  Brannan. 

Walter.  I.  X.;  529  Market. 

Willard.   M. :   112  Pine. 

Weinshenk.   Ch. :  220     Sutter. 

Wertheimer.    B. 

Weil.    Sam:   581   Market. 



Bankers  and  Brokers 

Paid  up  Capital.  $100,000 


J.  R.  WILLARD  &  a  i  .  Xew  York 
KEXXETT,  HARRIS  &  CO..  Chicago; 

:«2  Pine  St.,  San  Franci-^o 

Orders  for  Stocks  Grain  and  Pro- 
visions on  the  Xew  York  and  Chicago 
markets  promptly  executed.  Direct 
wires  to  these  cities 

Loans  on  gilt  edged  securities  made  on  commission  realizing  8  to  12  per  cent   per  annum 

to  the  loaner. 



Thos.  Cook  &  Son 






Passe  nger  Agents  for  the  prineipa 
railroad  and  steamship  companies 
throughout  the  world.  Foreign 
Moneys  Exchanged.  Drafts,  Let- 
ters of  Credit.  Cable  Transf.  -. 
Estimates  and  Plans  of  Travel  fur- 
nished, etc..  etc. 

621  Market  Street 

cable  Addns^ :  San  Francisco, Cal. 

•"Coupon.  San  Franci- 


473  Fourteenth  Street,  Oakland,  Cal. 

Ed.    G.    Lukens. 

President.        Andrew   Fine Vine-President. 

H.  R.  Browne Secretary. 

Ed.   G.   Lukens. 


Andrew    Fine.  Prentiss  Selby. 

E.    M.    Herrick. 

A.   P.   Brayton,   Jr. 

Adams,   J.   C. 
Adams.    E.    F. 
Adams.  F.   L. 
Ames,    J.    H. 
Allen,  J.   G. 
Alexander.    O. 
Alviso,    V. 
Abbott,    C.    H. 
Brayton.   A.    P.,   Jr. 
Benjamin,    E.    H. 
Brown,  A. 
Britton,    J.    A. 
Beatie,    W.    C. 
Bartlett,   P. 
Baker.  G.  W. 
Buckleton.   E.   E. 
Bowen,   H.   A. 
Brayton,  E.  L. 
Bortree.    D.    E. 
Brooks,    P.    H. 
Burrell,  A.  W. 
Bishop,   A.  W. 
Belcher,   G.   L. 
Bon,    C.    A. 
Brigham,  F.  E. 
Crowley,    D.    D, 
Cool,  R.  H. 
Cramer,    A.    E.    H. 
Chesebrough,   H.   C. 
Crellin.  Thos. 
Caruthers.    J.    T. 
Cole,    L.    G. 
Coghill,    T.    B. 
He    Golia,    G.     E. 
Dibert.    A.    C. 
Dunn.     J.     M. 
Dunn.  J.   P.   H. 
Denison.   E.   S. 


Dean,   J.   B. 
Dam.    C.    L. 
Delger,    F. 
Dalton,    H.   P. 
Everson.    V.'. 
Ellsworth,   J. 
Edwards,    J.    G. 
Evans.     J.     F. 
Eliason,   H.   D. 
Fish,   G.   L. 
Folger,  J.  A. 
Folger  E.   R. 
Fool-     W.    W. 
Fine,    A. 

Fitzgerald,   R.   M. 
Fisher,    G.   W. 
Frick,   A.   L. 
Gurnett,    A.    G. 
Glascock,   J.   R. 
Gould,  C.  B. 
Greenwood.    G.    D. 
Gaskill,    V.    W. 
Garthwaite,    H.    P. 
Garil.vaite.  E.  H. 
Hei'ick,  E.  M. 
Henick,   L. 
Henshaw,    W.   G. 
Henshaw,   E.   T. 
Henshaw,  T. 
Ilat'.ow,   W.    S. 
Hill.  W.  L. 
Hackett,   E. 
Havens.   H.   R. 
Holt.   C.    H. 
Ilayne.    A.    P. 
Hamilton.    W.    B. 
Jackson,   D.    H. 
Janin.    L. 

Kellogg,    C.    W. 
Knkland,  D.  W. 
Kennedy,    C.    D. 
Knowles,  H.  J. 
Lukens,    Ed.    G 
Lukens,   G.   R. 
Lewi;,    C.    R. 
Laymauce,  J.   \V. 
Laymance,    M.   J. 
Landers,  W.  J. 
Matthews.   W.   J. 
Matthews,  E.  A. 
Miller,   R.   W. 
Melvin.  W.  P. 
Muller,   H.    E. 
Musser.    F.    R. 
Manning,   H.   S. 
Martin.    J. 
Morrow,  G.  P. 
Meek,  W.  E. 
Maedonald,  A.  S. 
McNcar,   G.   W. 
Mi  Near,      G.    W.,   Jr 
MrKee.   S.   B. 
McNear,   J.   A. 
Nusbaumer,  E. 
Ogden,   F.   B. 
Potter,    E.    E. 
Powning,   J. 
Pope,    A.    M. 
Pitman,    F.   H. 
Pitcher,    H.    H. 
Prather,  S.  D. 
Palmer,   C.   E. 
Pheby.    T.    B. 
Paniee.   G.  C. 
Remi  'ard.  P.  X. 
Remillard,  P.  H. 




:      G.    W. 

Kodolph.   C.   T. 
Roberts.    E     W..    Jr. 
Rogers.    H. 
Randall.   C.   W. 
Richardson.    T.    B. 
Selby,   P. 
Smith.    L.   D. 
Smith.    F.    M. 

Boardman.   W.   F. 
Collins.   P.    E. 
Dean.    E.    B. 
Dingee.    W.    J. 
Dargie.   W.   E. 
Flint.    G.    B. 
Grayson.    G.    AY. 
Goodall.   Edwin 

Smith.    H.    H. 
Stratton,   F.    s. 
Shattuck,    F.    k. 
Soule.     F. 
Smilie,   R. 
Taylor.    H.    W. 
Taylor.  J.   P. 
Taylor.   H.    B. 
Taylor.    Sam'l. 


Hamilton.  W.  T. 
Henshaw.  F.  W. 
Metcalf,   V.    H. 

Miller.    H.    E. 
Miller.    II.    E. 
Xeal.    Chas. 
Prather.   Thos. 
Powell.    H.    A. 

Thwaites,   F.   P. 

Thomas.   H.   G. 
Thomson.    A.    I  >. 
Vinzent.    E.   G. 
Wadsworth.  H. 
Weilbye,   \v.   H. 
Wightman.    \V.    B. 
Williams.    T.    H..   Jr. 
Webber.    M. 

Pardee.  E.  H. 
Perkins.    Geo.    C. 
Phillips.   J.  W. 
Tubbs.    Hiram 
Walsh.    E.    M. 
Woolsey,   E.    H. 
Walz.    E.    A. 

Beel.    Sigmund 
Brandt.    Herman 
Baker.   J.    E. 
Coolbrith.   Miss  Ina  D. 
Carlton.   G. 
Clarke.   B. 
Chase.    Q.    A. 

Blockinger.    G. 
Doty.  G.  H. 


Graham.    D.    V.   D. 
Hamilton.    E.    H. 
Heyman.    H. 
Hughes.  D.  P. 
Holden.    E.    S. 
Melvin.   H.   A. 
Meil.    C.    L. 


Healy.  M.  A. 
Hutton.  J.  A. 
Jurgen.   C.   W. 

i  "Sullivan.  C.  D. 
Redtield.   H.   A. 
Todd.   J.    H. 
Watson.   G.   A. 
Yale.    C.    G. 
Clough.    E.    X. 
Lathrop.  J.   M. 

Peacock.    D. 
Shipley.  J.   A. 

Of  the  Pacific  Coast. 
Room  30,  Second     Floor.  Mills     Building. 
Officers:  Henry  J.  Crocker.  President:  John 
Parrott.    Vice    President.    J.    L.    Rathbone 

President:  Geo.  A.  Xewhall.  Secre- 
tary: Obed  Horr.  Assistant  Secretary.  Di- 
rectors: Henry  J.  Crocker.  John  Parrott, 
J.  L.  Rathbone.  Geo.  A.  Xewhall.  Jos.  D. 
Grant.  J.  B.  Crockett,  W.  S.  Hobart,  Mau- 
rice Casey.  Timothy  Hopkins,  Geo.  A. 
Pope.  J.  A.  I  onohoe.  Honorarv  Vice 
Presidents:      W.    Mayo      Xewhall.      A.      B. 

feels  C  Di  Guigne,  Wm.  s.  TVvi-  i 
E.  Wbrden,  C.  H.Hastings,  M.  Theo 
Kearney,  Peter  j.  Donahue,  .1.  M.  Cun- 
ningham, C.  A.  Spreckels,  P.  E.  Howies. 
I  R.  Webster  C.  P.  Huntington.  John 
P.    Boyd,   Frank  Hicks. 

San    Francisco    Alumni    Chapter    of    Phi 
Delta  Phi  Legal  Fraternity.    Annual  meet- 
ing in  May.    t.  A.  Perkins.  Secretary,   130 

>me   Street 


Secretary's  Office.  101  Crocker  Building. 
The  Harvard  Club  of  San  Francisco  was 
organized  January  15,  1874,  for  the  purpose 
of  promoting  social  intercourse  among  its 
members  and  of  furthering  the  interests 
of  Harvard  University.  Its  members  are 
Alumni  of  Harvard  University,  and  are 
one  hundred  and  fourteen  in  number  Bus- 
mess  meetings  are  held  on  the  third 
Thursday  ofj  anuary.  April  and  Juiv.  and 
the  annual  meeting  on  the  third  Thursdav 
of  October.  Officers  of  the  Club:  George 
B.  .Merrill.  President;  M.  F.  Michael  Van- 
derlynn  Stow.  Vice  Presidents:  J.  S.  Sever- 
ance, Treasurer:  Richard  C.  Harrison,  Sec- 


San    Francisco,   Cal. 
The  annual  re-union  and  dinner  are  held 

"ti   the  se.ond   Thursday   in   April,   in    San 

Francisco.    T.    A.    Perkins.    Secretary,    130 

Sansome  Street. 

JOHN  W.   C  UIM  W'Y       Mater  of  the  Latest  and  Most  Artistic  Effects 

in  Shirts,  ffi  Kearny  St.,  S.  F. 




Rooms,    N.    E.    cr.    Post   and   Leavenworth 

The  San  Francisco  Verein  was  incorpor- 
ated ni  October.  1S53.  and  is  largely  com- 
posed of  prominent  German  citizens.  The 
club  rooms  were  located  at  430  Pine  Street 
from  1S69  until  1S74.  when  they  moved  to 
their  present  rooms,  which  were  fitted  up  at 
a  cost  of  $65,000.  The  membership  is  lim- 
ited to  275.  Officers:  M.  H.  Hecht,  Presi- 
dent: M.  Ordenstein.  First  Vice  President; 
Chas.  Kohler,  Second  Vice  President:  Louis 
Greenebaum.  Treasurer:  Benno  Hart,  Fi- 
nancial Secretary;  I.  Marx.  Recording  Sec- 
retary;  Dr.    L.    Stern,   Librarian. 


From  July  1896  to  July  1897 

Location:  5  Pioneer  Place.  President, 
Elliot  M.  Root;  Vice  Presidents.  Niles 
Searls.  San  Francisco;  Jacob  Z.  Davis.  San 
Francisco;  C.  T.  Ryland.  San  Jose;  T.  L. 
Barker,  Oakland;  Howard  Havens,  Ala- 
meda: Treasurer,  John  D.  Tallant:  Secre- 
tarv.  John  I.  Spear:  Marshal.  John  F. 
Pinkham:  Directors.  H.  N.  Tilden,  J.  H. 
Jewett.  H.  B.  Russ.  Wakefield  Baker. 
Charles  M.  Plum,  Aylett  R.  Coton,  E.  T. 
Kruse.   Leon   Sloss,   C.   J.    King. 


Location:  524  Post  Street.  Officers  of  the 
Club:  President,  Geo.  A.  Newhall:  Vice 
President.  Henry  J.  Crocker:  Secretary. 
Milton  S.  Latham:  Treasurer.  H.  B.  Russ: 
Leader.  H.  P.  Taylor.  Jr. ;  Captain.  C.  P. 
Morse.  Directors:  J.  O.  B.  Gunn.  J.  P. 
Kelly.  A.  C.  Forsyth.  F.  P.  McLennan. 


Secretary's    Office,      Room    3.    7th    Floor, 
Mills    Building.        Club      House.    Tiburon. 

Officers:  J.  W.  Pew,  Commodore;  Carl 
Westerfeld,  Vice  Commodore;  A.  J.  Young, 
Secretary:  C.  L.  Barrett,  Treasurer. 


Founded  1890 

President,  Mrs.  Ada  Henry  Van  Pelt; 
Vice  Presidents.  Mrs.  Sarah  B.  Cooper, 
Mrs.  Nellie  Blessing  Eyster,  Mrs.  Laura 
Lyon  White,  Mrs.  James  Neall,  Mrs.  Lil- 
lian Plunkett  Ferguson;  Corresponding 
Secretary,  Mrs.  Marion  Beattie  Foster; 
Recording  Secretary,  Mrs.  Florence  Hardi- 
man  Miller;  Assistant  Recording  Secretary. 
Mrs.  Abbie  Elvenia  Krebs;  Treasurer,  Mrs. 
Florence  Percy  Matheson;  Auditor,  Mrs. 
Barbara  Knell;  Librarian.  Mrs.  Frances 
Fuller  Victor;  Chairman  Program  Com- 
mittee, Mrs.  Ella  M.  Sexton:  Founder  of 
the  Association,  Mrs.  Emelie  Tracy  Y. 


DAUGHTERS       OF       THE       AMERICAN 


Regent,  Mrs.  A.  L.  Bancroft,  1405  Van 
Ness  avenue  Aloha  Farm.  Walnut  Creek; 
Vice  Regent,  Mrs.  S.  M.  Van  Wyck,  1914 
Webster  street;  Corresponding  Secretary, 
Mrs.  Florence  Moore,  cor.  Buchanan  and 
Page  streets;  Recording  Secretary.  Mrs. 
Frederick  Hewlett,  Talcoa  Lodge.  Napa 
Co.,  300  Davis  street;  Treasurer.  Mrs.  Tim- 
othy Hopkins,  Menlo  Park:  Registrar,  Mrs. 
Joseph  L.  Moody,  cor.  Lombard  and  Jones 
streets;  Historian,  Mrs.  C.  Elwood  Brown, 
3201  Pacific  avenue. 


Headquarters:  Club  House.  Sausalito. 
Secretary's  Office:  320  Davis  Street.  The 
San  Francisco  Yacht  Club  was  organized 
in  July,  1869,  and  reorganized  in  July.  1873. 
Officers:  Isadore  Gutte.  Commodore;  Dr. 
V.  P.  Buckley,  Vice  Commodore;  Charles 
C.  Bruce,  Fleet  Captain;  H.  H.  Jenness, 
Secretary;  E.  C.  Bartlett.  Financial  Secre- 
tary; James  F.  Bonnell.  Treasurer;  Capt. 
Matthew  Turner,  Measurer. 


The  Leading  Gents'  Furnishing  Goods  Dealer 
•25  Kearny  St..  S.  F. 

9  to  12 
2    to    7 

Dr.    Harry   St.    Clair 


Evenings  and  Sundays 
By  appointment 

Room  26 
Columbian  Bldg 
916  Market  St. 



Irving  Institute 

j £ 



Ualencia  and  Rill  Streets 
San  Trancisco  •  •  «  « 




primary  and  Kindergarten  Department 

for  Children 


For  Illustrated  Catalogue,  address-==^n 

«  «  «  «  Rev.  Edward  B.  Church,  B.  m.,  Principal 




1606  Van  Xess  Avenue 

French,   German  and  English   Boarding  and   Day   School   for  Girls 

From   Primary   Through   Collegiate 
The  Oldest  and  Best  Known 
on  the  Pacific  Coast 

A  beautiful  and   refined  home 
MME.  ZISKA.  M.   A..   Principal 

Miss  Elizabeth  Moore's  Boarding  and  Day  School. 

This  Institution  offers  the  advantages  of  a  refined  home  together 
with   thorough   instruction  in  the  English  branches  and 
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ing  Music.    Art  and  Languages 

230  Haight   Street 

San  Francisco 


2014  Van  Xess  Avenue 

Preparation  for  College 

Mary   B.   West Principal 

Kindergarten  in  connection   with   School 


Private  Teacher 

English  and  English  Literature 
and  Physical  Culture 

English  Instruction  to  Foreigners  a  Spec- 


427    Sutter    Street.    San    Francisco 


A  Select  Boarding  and  Day  School. 

I6Q5  Franklin  Street       -       -       -        Corner  Pine. 

A  limited  number  of  Parlor  Boarders  taken. 

MISS  EDMONDSOX  and  MISS  E.  D.  FORBES,  Principals. 

Formerly  of  Mise  Lake"s  School. 



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Daily  Chronicle,  including  Sunday,  one  year.  $6.70 
Daily  Chronicle,  including  Sunday,  six  months.  £3.:ii 
Sunday  Chronicle,  one  year,  82.00 
Weekly  Chronicle,  one  year.  $1.50:  six  months,  75  cents 

M.    \\.    de    YOUNG,   Proprietor 



Sar)  praQcisco  C^roQicIe 

Business    Office    and    Editorial    Rooms: 
Intersection  of  Kearney  and  Geary  Streets. 

-\T.   H.  de  Young,   Proprietor 
John  P.   Young,   .Managing  Editor 
Joseph  B.   Eliot.   Business  Manager 

George  H.  Fitch Night   Editor 

\Y.  G.  Smith Editorial  Writer 

Taleisin  Evans Editor  Weekly 

W.  B.  Thompson Commercial  Editor 

Peter  Robertson Dramatic   Critic 

E.  E.    Curtis Telegraph  Editor 

L.  C.   Simpson Coast  Telegraph  Editor 

C.  J.  Van  Eaton Exchange    Editor 

Kirk  Harris Exchange  Editor 

W.    H.    B.    Fowler Exchange  Editor 

B.  Benjamin Sporting  Editor 

James  G.   Chesley Cashier 

J.  S.  Wallace Secretary 

Thos.   S.  Burnes Librarian 


F.  B.   Standish  M.   Newberry  E.   C.  Jenner 
A.    M.    Lewis                                  T.   Langguth  L.   C.  Campbell 
Solly   Walter                                   H.    Winkelman  C.  Vandervort 

George   Lyon  H.    Nesbit 

....LOCAL  STAFF.... 

E.  S.   Simpson,  City   Editor          F.  Stowell,  Assistant 

M.  C.  Allen  H.    Fisher  E.   Crawford 

J.    R.   Rathom  A.    J.    Healy  .Miss  M.  C.  Craft 

H.    R.    Hudson  \V.    H.    Levings  Paul    Edwards 

J.    Choynski  G.  Beachel  J.    L.   Travis 

Mrs.   A.   E.   Pratt  L.    S.   "Whitcomb  C.   L.   Rhodes 

Mrs.   K.   Nesfield  C.  S.  Milnes  E.    Mann 

J.    P.    Cooper  H.   E.   Hunt  W     A.    Ryan 

II.  S.  Scott 



CHARLES.  M.  SHORTRIDGE,  Editor  ami  Proprietor 



The  San  Francisco  & 



Broad  as  tr;e  West 


Charles  M.  Short  ridge 

Editor  and  Proprietor 


■  ■Mtiit"-i„»,^— .i^.,ft'.ir,ft*ttt.'M,i  iii.i 

II  Ml  :  II :  II :  II  :  II :  II  :  ||  :  |  :||  ;|  :|  :|  :||  :||  :|| :  | 


is  one  of  the  features  which    i 
attract    the    attention    of    the 
Society  Feople.   It  presents  the 

1  brightest,  freshest  and  most 
reliable  account  of  all  the  social 
events  in  the  City.  It  is  re- 
liable, not  sensational    .     . 


.  .  .  .  Sixty-five  cents  per  Month  .  .  .  . 
By  Mail,  Postage  Paid,  Daily  per  Year,  $6.00 
.     .     .     .       Weekly,  per  Year,  $1.50       .     .     .     . 






1    r*  /"v       1— ■  l  /  /X  w\  t  #t  /^t       I  1  y\  r^  t 

inG  evening  post... 




Is  a   good,    clean    family    paper,    that 
prints  all  the  news  without  offense  to 

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news    columns,    and    no    objectionable 



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capital  advertising'  medium  for   high- 
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price  is  .   .  . 


flnlv  40    Cents  3    Month 

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Th)e  Ever)ir)g  Post 

Hugh  Hume Editor  and  Proprietor 


J.  M.  Carroll City  Editor 

P.  E.  Roberts Editorial  Writer 

Geo.  D.  Squires EditorialWriter 

John  Finlay Commercial   Editor 

Walter   B.   Cooke Society   Editor 

Robert  Burns.   Jr Telegraph    Editor 

S.   .W   Horton Sporting   Editor 

L.  G.  Carpenter Reporter 

W.    L.    Brown Reporter 

Geo.    H.   Meyer Reporter 

W.  W.   Price Reporter 

J.  Scanlon Reporter 

Mrs.   M.   C.   Johnson Reporter 

Will  Young Special   rWiter 

George  Hatton Special  Writer 

E.    OBrien Special  Writer 

Clarence   Webster Artist 

Edward  Webster Artist 

Lester  Coghlan Assistant 

C.  E.  Schultze ■ Artist 

Cashier — James  R.  Cosgrave 

W.   B.   Winn 

James   Mac    Millan 

Arthur  Filmer 
Hiram   Levy 

Advertising   Department 

Circulation  Department 
Wm.  J.   Kelly 
George    Hepp 

R.  R.   Hill 

George   F.    Macomber 

John  F.  Garvey 
Milton    Clark 

Circulation   Department 
Wilbert    Move  C.    M.    Ewing 



A  Modernized,  Up-to-date  Newspaper 

Largest    Circulation...  Qf  Any  Afternoon  Paper 


West  of  Chicag-o' 

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qpHE  BULLETIN  has  the  entree  of 
*■  the  cultured  and  wealthy  homes.  Its 
Editorials  are  bright,  vigorous,  timely 
and  comprehensive,  presenting  the 
opinions  of  able  thinkers  on  the  engros- 
sing topics  of  the  day — not  following, 
but  leading  public  opinion.  Its  News 
Department  keeps  you  thoroughly 
posted  on  all  current  events,  both  local 
and  foreign.  The  Saturday  Bulletin 
is  a  special  feature,  and  is  a  valuable 
addition  to  current  literature  every 
week.  Aside  from  the  current  hap- 
penings of  the  day,  there  are  special 
stories,  covering  a  variety  of  subjects, 
by  the  best  writers,  and  the  best  fash- 
ion and  woman's  page  in  the  West.  Art, 
Literature  and  Science  are  ably  treated. 

|    i    I    <  1    ',    \    >,    \    \    ]    \    \    1    \    \    \    \ 

Your  weekly  literary  feast  cannot  be  complete  without 

^* The  Bulletin 



4?  ♦  4*  4*  ♦  ♦  *$?  4*  ^  i*  t|*  tff  ♦ 

i    i    i    i    i    i    i ii ii    i 

Th>e  Bulletin 

J3usiness  Office,  622  Montgomery  Street 

Editorial  Rooms,  413  Bush  Street 

R.    A.   Crothers,    Editor  and   Proprietor 

Fremont  Older,    Managing  Editor 

R.  L.  C.   Haines.  Business  Manager 


M.   A.   Upton Editorial    Writer 

Gilbert  B.    Densmore Editorial   Writer 

Arthur   McEwen Special  Writer 

Mrs.  Cora  M.  Older Society  and  Literary  Editor 

B.   C.   Wright Financial    Editor 

Charles  Gerlach Commercial  Editor 

George  E.  Barnes Special   Writer  and    Dramatic   Critic 

....LOCAL  STAFF.... 
Sol.    N.    Sheridan  .lames  S.   Tyler  Elinor   Croudace 

H.    L.    Baggerly  Henry    L.    Brooke  Frank    Sheridan 

Fred   S.    Myrtle 


John  W.   Cantrell.   Artist       Gordan  Ross.  Artist  Chas.  O'Neal,   Artist 

Frank  P.  Malone.  Zinco  Artist 

J : i_i i i_i_i i i i_i.    i     i     i     i     i 

*|*  +  \ «  *|«  +  \ „ » |  <  *  r  +[»  «|«  +1+  +p  +1+  «,  t  „  tf+ 




daily  Report  Pubijshing 

William  M,  Bunker,  President 

is  the  leading  evening 
newspaper  of  the  Pa- 
cific Coast    :::::: 


50  Cents  Per  Month 

THE   REPORT   is   the   Only    Evening   Newspaper   in    San   Francisco  with  a 
Circulation  large  enough  to  require  Three  Lightning  Presses 


of  any  paper 

in  Sim  Francisco 

Business  Office :    238  Montgomery  St. 
Editorial  Rooms  :    203  Sansome  St. 



Sar)  FVaQcisco  Daily  Report 

Eiusiness  Office:  838  Montgomery  Street 

Editorial    Rooms:    320    Sansome    Street 


William  _\1.  Bunker.  President 
William  M.   Bunker.   Editor 

S.    F.   Sutherland Editorial  Writer 

Edward    Booth Editorial   Writer 

William   Booth Editorial   Writer 

S.   F.   Sutherland City  Editor 

Edward  S.   Spring Commercial  Editor 

A.   T.   Brown Exchange   Editor 

Morris   G.    Jonas Telegraph   Editor 

D.    E.    Williamson 
Charles  A.   Lee 
J.   P.   Booth 
George   Faylor 
A    S.    Jones 
Chas.    E.    Edwards 
John    J.    O'Keefe 

..LOCAL    STAFF... 

L.  T.  Sale 
T.    F.    Bonnet 
D.    V.    Clark 
C.   F.   Montague 
R.   S.    Merritt 
J.  W.  Harvey 

George  Dixon 
A.    E.    Shatturk 
A.  Milling 
H.    L.    Banks 
s.   x.   Hancock 
J.    P.   Coghlan 
Bert    Spring 

John   M.  Ward 
S.    B.    Morse 
W.    B.   Allen 


H.   M.   McKenney.   Cashier 
B.    Keppich 
F.    Macpherson 
Alfred  Williams 
Hub.    A.    Wood 

M.    A.    Callinan 
Walter  Snell 
A.     I.    Colby 



26J  Kearney  Street 

.  .  .  SAN  FRANCISCO 

Is  a  Journal  for  the  Cultured,  de- 
voted to  the  leading  interests  of 
California  and  the  Pacific  Coast 

Its  Editorials  are  the  most  incisive 
and  fearless 

It  is  the  Recognized  Authority  on 
Society,  Dramatic,  Insurance, 
Financial,  Fashion  and  Com- 
mercial Matters  ...... 

And  is  the  Mentor,  Whip  and  Mir- 
ror of  the  Town 





^  - 

Sqq  Fra0c'sco  News  Letter 


CaliforQia  Advertiser 

Office:   "!.    Kearney.   Opposite   Chronicle   Bldg. 

F.   MARRIOTT.   Publisher  and  Proprietor. 


Arthur    McBweo       Howard   V.    Sutherland  Arthur   Inkersley 

Win.   A.  Lawson       Daniel  O'Connell  E.    R.    Marriott 

M.   W.   Kermwin       William   M.   Xielson  Ashton  P.  Stevens 

J.  H.  Gilmour  F.   A.   Marriott  John    Finlay 

A.    S.    Lowndes 



Daily   Morr)ir)g   Exan)iQer 

Business   Office.    756   Market    Street 
Editorial     Rooms.     647     Mission     Street 

Ed.   Hamilton Managing  Editor 

Thomas  Garrett City  Editor 

W.    I).   Dressier  ..   ..   Assistant  City  Editor 

J.    N.    H.    Irwin Social  Editor 

F.  B.   Millard Sunday   Editor 

E.  A.  Walcott Weekly  Editor 

Samuel  E.  iloffit Editorial  Writer 

A  G.  G.  Bierce Editorial  Writer 

E.  A.  Walcott Editorial  Writer 

W.    \V.   Naughton    Dramatic  Critic 

K.   A.   Smythe 

W.    R.    Hearst.    Proprietor 
T.    T.    Williams.    Business    Manager 
J.  Van  Antwerp  . .   . .  Res  Washington  Cor 
I.    Allen   . . .   New  York  City  Correspondent 

Charles  Michelson Special   Writer 

Ambrose  Bierce Special   Writer 

H.  James Exchange   Editor 

J.    J.    Corey Telegraph  Editor 

E.  L.  Gruner    .  Assistant  Telegraph  Editor 

John  Timmins Sup  t  Art  Department 

R.  R.  Livingstone  . .  .  Commercial  Editor 
W.  W.  W.  Naughton  . .  . .  Sporting  Editor 
Bicycle   Editor 

W.    I).    Dressier 
A.    H.    Barendt 
Sam'l    Ewing 
F.  T.  Cusack 
A.  O.  Dixon 

...  .LOCAL   STAFF.  ..  . 
F.    B.    Millard         Alphonso  Murphy  Ed.   Moran 
John  Lathrop  O.    Black  Jos.    Mansfield 

W.  W.  Xaughton  Mrs.  O.  Black        Miss  Lamb 
H.  H.  Mills  Alice  Rix  L.    L.    Levings 

C.  B.  Hill  E.    S.    Kelley  C.    W.    Eason 

James  Tufts 
H.    H.    Egbert 
Miss  C.     Cunning- 

TF)e    flrgooaut 

Business  Office  and  Editorial     Address,     213     Grant     Avenue 


Jerome  A.  Hart Managing  Editor 

Lawrence  S..  Vassault Sub-Editor 

Walter  B.  Cooke Society  Editor 

F.   I.   Vassault Business   Manager 

Tt)e   Wave 

HARRISON   M.   PARKER,   Business  Manager. 

Is    published    every    Saturday,    at    The  Wave  Building,  No.  24  Montgomery  street.  San 

Subscription.   $3.00  per  year,   $1.50   six  months.  75  cents  three  months.     Foreign  sub- 
scriptions— countries    in    postal     union — $5per  year. 

Advertising  rates  and  all  other  matters  pertaining  to  the  business  of  the  paper,   ad- 
dress    The    Wave,    24     Montgomery   street. 

Eastern    Agent.    E.    Katz.    230-235   Temple  Court,  New  York. 


-»<-<f-t- : 


513  Market  Street, 

San  Francisco 

I  •  ■!■  pi 1643 

All  the  leading  artists  and  the  best  literary  talent  od 
the  Pacific  Coast  contribute  to  THE  WASP. 


Pacific .  Town  .  Tall' 

A  Society,  .Musical, 

Political  and 

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S.  B.  CAF^LETON      -     -      Editor  and  Manager 

Fourth  year  of  unparalleled  success. 
Every  Department  of  "TOWN  Talk  '* 
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weekly  on  the  Coast. 

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$3.00  Yearly  $1.50  Half  Yearly 

Single  Copies,  10  Cents 

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Editorial  Rooms  and  Business  Office.  -i()  and  31 
Prihting  Department,  Rooms  33,  34,  35,36 

No.  20  Ellis  Street,  SAN  FRANCISCO,  CAL. 

'Phone.   Main  5725 





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i-.  .-I- 

I  ■• » i  ■•  •■  ( *  *^i  ••  (  *  »i  *  ►  j  ■•  » j  *  •■  ( ■•  *- 1  *  •■  i  *  » t  •• ► 4  ■•  *-j  *  *  i  ■•  *  i  -•  •- 1  *  »-|  <•  •■  4  ••  *|* 

Th)e  Oakland  Tribune 

Business    Office    and    Editorial    Rooms. 
413.    415   417  and    119    Eighth   Street.    Oakland.    Cal. 

TRIBUNE  PUBLISHING  COMPANY.    Publishers    and     Proprietors 

. . .  .BUSINESS  OFFICE. . . . 

C.  A.   Doyle,   Advertising  Manager  W.    E.    Dargie,    President 

T.   T.   Dargie.   Secretary  J.    S.    McDowell,   President 

C.    H.    House,    San    Francisco    Representative 


Edward  Plaver  Wm.   Irwin  Frank   Lynch 

Frank   Ball  Miss  Jeanie   Bacon 


George  F.  Hatton Managing  Editor 

Dr.  YV.  C.  Bartlett Editorial   Writer  and   Exchange   Editor 

C.  B.  Morgan Editorial  Writer 

H.    S.    Pugh Sporting    Editor 

B.  A.  O'Brien Coast    Editor 

Miss  Lovatt Social  Editor 


Ed.  Clough  Arther  MrEwen  A.    W.    Bishop 

Taliesin   Evans  J.  C.   Boatman  Miss    M.    Craft 

....LOCAL   STAFF.... 

R.  Ayers  H.    Lyle   Baker  YV.    Eason 

Phil.    Walsh  M.  Grace  Thompson  F.   Robinson 

S.   A.   Calmes  M.  L.  Wakemar-Curtis  D.    Mullins 

Frank   Boek 

A.  Werner 


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card  engravers 


San  Francisco,  Cal. 




Of  the  Palace  Hotel  is  located 
on  North  side  of  the  Court.  .  . 
Has  direct  entrance  from  Mar- 
ket Street.         .         .         .         . 

This  new 


Has  achieved  immediate  popu- 
larity on  account  of  the  excel- 
lence of  its  C  u  i  si  n  e  an  d 


Palace  Hotel 

Market   and    New   Montgomery   Streets. 

JOHN"  C.  KIRKPATRICK,    Manage'. 

GEO.  B.  WARREN.  Asst.  Manager. 

Reception  Day Monday 


Allen.  Judge  J.  M.  Eyre,  R.  \V. 

Anderson,  Col.  P.  Eyre,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Col. 

Eckert,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  R. 
Baldwin.  Mr.  and   Mrs.   Charles   A. 

Barton,   Mr.  and   Mrs.  John  Friete,  Captain  and   Mrs.  D.  E. 

Barton.    Miss   Grace.  Friele,  Captain  and  Mrs.  D.  E. 

Boy  son,  Dr.  Thomas  Finn,  Judge  and  Mrs.  J.  F. 

Byrne,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  E.                            Fuller,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  P. 

Berger,   Mrs.   II.  Fox.   Dr.  and  Mrs.  ('.   W. 

Berger,  Miss  Farrell,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  P.  J.  H. 

Rowers,   A.   B. 

Blanding,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Gordon  Garber'  Jud«e  E"  R 

Goodman,  Mrs.  J.  H. 

Breyfogle,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  E.  S. 
Blown,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  G. 
Buckingham,  Mrs.  E.  P. 

Chapman.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  S. 
Gurry,  Judge  and  Mrs.  John. 
Coit,   Mrs.    L.    H. 

Gillen,    Mr.   James. 

Green,  Mr.  W.  C. 

Grinbaum,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  S. 

Ilallett.    Mr.   and   Mrs.    G.   H. 
Ilnddleston.  Mr.  and   Mrs.  II. 

Coleman,   Mr.   and   Mrs.  John  B.                 Highton,  Judge  and  Mrs.  H.  E. 

Capell,   Mrs.  Hitchcock.   Mrs.   M. 

Capell,  Miss  Ho-e-  The  Miss,'s- 

Chadbourne,  Col.  F.   S.  Harper.  J.  W. 

Corrigan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  Hopkins,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Timothy. 

( 'olvin,  ('.  K.  Judkins,   ('.   A. 

Dean,   Mr.  and   Mrs.  W.  E.  Kirkpatriek.   Mr.  ami    Mrs.  John  C. 

Dean.  W.   L.  Laton,  Mr.  ami  Mrs.  C.  A. 

Dibbern,  J.  H.  Lugsden,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jay. 

Dingee,  Mr.  and  .Mrs.  W.  J.  Luther.  J.  B. 

De    Barrios,    G.  Lane,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  ('.  D. 

De  Bustamente,  Mrs.  L.  G.  Lane.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  T. 





PALACE  HOTEL— Continued 

McDonnell,  Col.  Hugh. 

McCreery,  Lawrence. 

McLaughlin,  Maj.   and   Mrs  Frank. 

Marvin,  Mr.   and  Mrs.  J.  B. 

Mangels,   .1.    H. 

Marks.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph. 

Martin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H. 

Martin.  G.  A. 

Martin,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  G.  H. 

Moses,   Mr.   and   Mrs.   C.   S. 

Murphy.  S.   G. 

Xeal,  Mrs.   Ida. 

Neff,  Hon.  J.  H. 

Newlands,  Hon.  and  Mrs.  F.  G. 

Newton.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Morris. 

Phelps.  Lieut.  F.  J. 

Pillslmry,  E.   S. 

Pillsl.ury.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  II.  D. 

Pillslmry,  Miss  E. 

Payot.  Mr.  and  Mrs.   II. 

Piper,  W.  A. 

Reiehling,  L.  F. 
Rothschild,    Mr.  and   Mrs.   E. 
Rosenbaum,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  0.  \Y. 
Rosenstoek.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  W. 
Rosenshine,   Mi-,  and  Mrs.   L. 

Sharon,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  D. 

Sharon,   Miss. 

Shortridge,   Samuel. 

Simpkins.  Mrs.  0.   H. 

Simons,  Miss  P.  B. 

Spreckles.  Adolph  B. 

Spear,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  S. 

Sehmidell,  Mrs.  II. 

Stowell.  Col.  and  Mrs.  W.  H.  H.,  Mr.  and   Mrs.  J.   S. 

Whitney,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  D. 
Wagenheim,   Mr.  and  Mrs.   S. 
Wood,  J.  W. 

Williams,  Hon.   and  Mrs.  A.  P. 
Warren,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Geo.  B. 

Zalinski,  Captain  E.  L. 




.  .  Hotel  .  . 


attractions  of  hotel  life  with  all  the  comforts  of  a  home,  its  convenience 
to  all  places  of  amusement  and  to  the  business  center  is  an  advantage. 
It  is  surrounded  by  newly  and  smoothly  paved  streets,  and  guests  are  not 
aroused  or  disturbed  by  passing  vehicles  or  clanging  street-car  bells. 
"The  California  Hotel"  is  the  only  modern  fire-proof  hotel  on  the  Pacific 
Coast,  and  offers  to  the  man  of  family  a  quiet  home  at  a  moderate  cost. 
Transient  or  permanent  guests  find  it  an  attractive  stopping  place.  The 
new  American  plan  Dining-room  is  on  the  top  floor.  The  Banquet  Hall 
is  on  the  first  floor. 

R.  H.  WARFIELD.  Proprietor. 


The  California  Hotel 

Bush  Street,  mar  Kearny. 

R.    II.    WARFIELD,    Proprietor. 

(Tel  Main  1220.) 

Reception  Day Monday. 


Abbott,  Tames  W.  Littell,  W.  Jackson,  I".  S.  N. 

Alford,  W.  II.  Lewis,  Mrs.  A.  J. 

Backus,  General  and  Mrs.  S.  W.  Lewis.   Mi--. 

Backus,  Sanborn.  Lewis,  George. 

Baker,  Linn.  A.  C,  F.  S.  X.  Macfarlane,  ('..1.  and  -Mrs.  G.  W. 

Baker,  Dr.  J.  \Y..  L.  S.  X.  Macfarlane,  Mi—. 

Baker.  Mrs.  .1.  W.  MagiU,  A.   E. 

Bent,   C.   I...   L.   S.   A.  Many.   W. 

Bentzoni,  Col.  Charles.  Maxwell.   Mr.  and   Mrs. 

Cotton,  Capt.  C.  R.,  CJ.  S.  X.  Miner,  Mr.  and  Mrs.   F.  T. 

Cotton.   Mrs.   ('.    R.  Mnrry,   Mrs.   S.  C. 

CI. .man.  S.  A..  I".  S.  A.  OM.-r.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fremont. 

Crocker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  II.  .'•.  Owen.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  J. 

Darrington,   Mrs.   B.  Owen,    Mi--. 

De  Bruhl,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  J.  Owen,  T.   C. 

De  Bruhl.  Arthur.  Paxton,  Mrs.   B.  W. 

DeBruhl   .!.--•  .  Paxton,  Miss  Roma. 

Daly.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  .1.  < ".  Paxton,  John  A. 

Elliott.  C.  E.  Perkins.  Lieut.  Com.  C.  P. 

Elliott,  Mi-.  Perkins,  Mrs.  C.  P. 

Elliott   Miss  Rose.  Redington,  Mr.  ami  Mrs.  W.  P. 

Fair.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  ('.   I..  Redington,   Miss. 

Flood,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  .1.  L.  Riddell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  J. 

Gobey,  .1.  Rnddell,   Constance. 

Griffin,  Miss.  Schroeder,   Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  B. 

Griffin,   Frank   AY.  Schroder,  Miss. 

Haggart,  W.  B.,   F.  S.  X.  Sellingshon,  S.  M. 

Ilayden.  Mrs.   I',.  c.  Snedaker,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H. 

Howell,  .1.  W.  Stanford,  Mr.  ami  Mrs.  Philip. 

Humphreys.  AY.   II.  Sneath,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  <;. 

•T'liie-.  Mr.  ami   Mrs.    Wel.ster.  Toland,  Hugo. 

Jones.  Mi--.  Von  Schlutterbach,  Countess. 

Kelley.  T.  J.  AVartield.   General  and   Mrs.    R.    II. 

Kill.ounie.  D..  F.  S.  A.  Warfield,  Mr.  K.  E. 

Lasher.  J.  E..  F.  S.  X.  Wiltsee,  E.  A. 

Lasher,  Mrs.  J.  B.  Willard.  Maj.  Wells. 

Langerman,    A.  Wing,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  AY.  R. 

Lawlor,  W.   P.  W 1.  Dr.  G.  W.,  F.  S.  X. 



Interior  Views— The  California  Hotel 



The  Occidental   Hotel 

Montgomery   St.  bet.   Sutter  and    Bash. 

Gentlemen's  Reading    Room    (Tel.  Main214),   Ladies  Parlor,   (.Tel.  Main 


WILLIAM     B.    HOOPER,    Proprietor. 

Reception  Day Monday. 


Avery.   Mr.   and  Mrs.   W.   II. 

Baldwin.  Mrs.  M.   V. 

Beers,  -Mrs.  II.  W. 

Barrett.   C.  L. 

Bishop,  ('has.  R. 

Brown,  Gen.  and  Mrs.  W.   II. 

Campbell,  A.  J. 

Chapman,  E.  W. 

Carter.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  J. 

Cressy,  Col.  E.  P. 

Crellin,  Mrs.  D. 

Deidesheimer,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Philip 

Dodge,  Mrs.  and  Dr.  Washington  A 

Elliott,  Lieut,  and   Mrs.  W.  P. 

Feist,   Adolph  and    Mrs. 

Fell,   Rev.  James. 

Forman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Sands  \Y. 

Forman,  Miss  Gertrude. 

Harmon.   Mr.    and    Mrs.   S.    II. 

Havens.   Mr.   and    Mrs.   II.   B. 

Ilawley.    Major   William. 

Ilr.'ily.  Capt.  and   Mrs.  M.  A. 

Healy,  Fred. 

Hewes,  David. 

Hooper,  Col.  and  Mrs.  Geo.  F. 

Hooper,  Major  and  Mrs.  Wm.  B. 

Hooper,  Miss  Rose. 

Hooper.   Seidell    S. 

I  low  isoii.  ( Japt.  and  Mrs.    II.  1  >. 

Irwin.  Miss  Lenora. 

I, vie.    Miss    Annie  G. 

Lyle,    Miss    Martha. 

Salhinger,  I. 

Johnstone.  D.  E.  K. 

Kinne.   Col.  and    Mrs.    E.    Mason. 

Madden,  Thos.  P. 

MeXah.    Mr.    and    Mrs.   Gavin. 

Nesmith,    Mr.   and   Mrs.  J.   F. 

Ryan.   Mr.   and   Mrs.   E.  Black. 

Ryan,  Miss  Daisy. 

Seale.  Mrs.   II.   W. 

Sewed,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fane. 

Simpson.    Mr.    and    Mrs.    A.   W. 

Smith.    Francis   W. 

Soule.  Dr.  Milan. 

Sprigg,  Miss  Marguerite. 

Sullivan.   Mrs.  E.   R. 

SussdoitV.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  G.  E. 

SiUer.   Col.   E.   R. 

Taylor,  John. 

Walkington.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thos.  G. 

White,  Mrs.  L.  E. 

Wickware.   Mr.   and  Mrs.   Geo.  C. 

Wilder.  Consul  General  Chas.  T. 
Williams.   Mrs.  Percy. 
Wilder,   Miss  Helen   K. 
Winton,  Dr.  and  Mrs.   II.  N. 
Wright,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Geo.  S. 
Wyatt,  Mrs.  C.  B. 
Young,   Mr.  and   Mrs.  W.  W. 
Young,  Miss. 
Young,   Miss   Edith. 



Occidental  H°tel 

WILLIAM  B.   HOOPER.   Proprietor. 

A  Ouiet  House  of  Peculiar  Excellence 

Its  Location  is  not  only  the  Most  Central  in  the  City,  but  the  Most  Con- 
venient to  Amusements,  Art  Galleries.  Shops,  and  other 
Places  of  Interest  and  Business. 
San  Francisco  . .  .  .  . .  . .  .  .  . .  California. 



Hotel  Pleasanton 

N.  W.  cor.  Sutter  and  Jones. 
(Tel.  Main  370.) 

O.  M.   BRENNAN,  Proprietor. 
Recepl  ion  Day Monday. 

PE  R  M  A  X  E  XT    GU  E  STS. 

Albertson,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph  A. 

Amlmhl.  ('.  R. 

Baker.   Mr.   and  Mrs.  A. 

Balch,   Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  ('. 

Barnett,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  A. 

Benton.  S.  A. 

Brittan,   Miss  M.  B. 

Brown,  Mrs.  A.  Page. 

Buckingham,  Mr.  and  Thos.  11. 

Butler,  (A  C. 

Chapman.  E.  K. 

Chase,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  B. 

Clayt-.n.   Mrs.   ('has. 

Cluness,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  W.   B. 

Cluness,  Miss  Mabel. 

Coulson,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  W.  C. 

Curtaz,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Oscar. 

Davidson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  B. 

Davis.  George  W. 

Davis.  Mrs.  John  A. 

Deimel,  Dr.  II.  L. 

Deming,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  II.  S. 

Doe,  Mrs.  Elanor. 

Doe.  Miss  Margaret. 

Douglas,   Mrs.  X.   S. 

Ellsworth,   Mrs.   E. 

Ellis.  George  B. 

Eustis,  D.  E. 

FitV.  Mrs.   Dr. 

Poster,    Mr.   and    Mrs.    S. 

r'rink.  Mr.  and  .Mis.  George  \\  . 

Garber,  Miss  K.  B. 

Glenny,  Mrs.  G.  B. 

Gonzales.  Mr.  ami  Mrs.  A. 

Gonzales.  Miss  Winifred. 

Gordon,    Mr.   II.  and   Mrs.   W.   II. 

Greenway,  E.  M. 

Greeuw 1.  E.  A. 

Green,  Robert. 

Groesbeck,  Maj.  and  Mrs.  S.  W. 

Harris.  Mrs.  E. 

I  [arris,  Lawrence. 

II  a  it  well.   The   Misses. 

Haslacher,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J. 

Hopkins.   Mr.  ami   Mrs.  W.  G. 

•lacks.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  David. 

•lacks.  The  Misses. 

Jackson,  W.  A. 

Jenkins.   Miss  Neva. 

Jenks.   Mrs.   J. 

Jerome.  Mrs.   L.  Hastings. 

Johnson.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Grove  L. 

Johnson,  Miss. 

Kellogg,  L.  M. 

Kellogg,  Miss. 

Kohler,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry. 

Kohler,  Miss  Anna. 

Kinney.  Mr.  and   Mrs.  W.   A. 

Kinney.  Mrs.  C.  D. 

Kimber,  Miss  Laura. 

Lankershim,  Mrs.  A.   L. 

Lawton,   Mrs. 

Lawton,  Miss. 

Larzelere,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  B. 

Lewis.    D.    C. 

Mathieson,  Capt.  and  Mrs.  J. 

Manchester.    E.    W. 

M.  Bride.   Mrs.    E.    A. 

McCoppin,  Mr.   and  Mrs.   Frank. 

Mcllrath,   Mr.    and   Mrs.    Charles. 

Mizner.  Mrs. 

Morong,  Capt.  ami   Mrs.  J.  C. 

Morong,  Fred  L. 

Murphy.    Mr.   and   Mrs.  Joseph   A. 

Xicodeinus.   Mr.  ami   Mrs.    E. 

Xis.   Edward. 



h|otel  Pleasanton 


The  Select  Family  Hotel  of  the  City 



0.  M.  BRENNAN,  Proprietor 



Osmont,  T.  S.     ■ 

Ojeda,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  F.  de. 

Pardee,  S.  C. 

Perry,  John  Jr. 

Partridge,    Mrs. 

Plummer,  Dr.  and  Mrs. 

Poett,  P.  W. 

Pratt,  Mrs.  o.  0. 

Rawlins,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  E. 

Robinson,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  .1.  S. 

Kami.    Mrs.    0.    A. 

Reynolds,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  W. 

Rodman,  R.  S. 

Roe,  Mrs.       Roe,  Miss. 

Roe,  E.  A. 

Sachs.    Ben. 

Scott,  Walter. 

Seward,   Mrs. 

Sherman,  L.  S. 

Silverstein,   M. 

Sim,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.   Hamilton. 

Soule,  W.  A. 

Spence,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  1).  .1. 


Storey,  W.  B.,  Jr. 

Strong,  Dr.   and  Mrs.  C.  G. 

Stanly,  Mrs.  E. 

Taylor.  F.    1'.. 

Terry,   Dr.   \Y.   I. 

Tobey,  Mr.   and  Mrs.   S.  B. 

Thomas,  Mrs.  W.  G. 

Throckmorton,  Miss. 

Van  Nuys,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  1.  X. 

VTining,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  P. 

Vining,   The    Misses. 

Werner,  W.  J. 

Whipple.   Mr.  and    Mrs.   II.   L. 

Whittemore,  Miss. 

Wightman,   Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.   B. 

Williams,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  E. 

Williams.  Mrs.  Henry  B. 

Wilkinson,  Miss  E.  Forbes. 

Williams.  C.  II. 

Wilson,  Mrs.  L.  S.   Wilson,  Thomas. 

Wise,  Mr.  and  Mrs.   Harry  E. 

Wise,  John  H. 

Zane,  Miss. 

The   Renton 

712   Sutler   Street. 
MRS.   A.   II.   KEELER,   Proprieti 


Bnhne.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  11. 
Barstow,  Mrs.  L.   B. 
Blackman,  Mrs.  A.  M. 
Blanchard,   H.   P. 
Bradford,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Geo.  H.  0. 
Burroughs,  Mrs.  E.  L. 
Chandler.    Mrs.    M.    A. 
Daingerfield,  .Indue  William  R. 
Daingerfield,    Mrs.    E.    R. 
Dodge,   Mr.   and   Mrs.   W.    D. 
Durbrow,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Elbridge. 
Durbrow,  Mr.  R.  Le. 
Durbrow,  Mr.  C.  Walcott. 
Darling,    Charles    E. 
Earl.   Mr.  and   Mrs.  John   O. 
Earle,  <  >.  II. 

Forman,   Mr.  and   Mrs.  George  L. 
French.    .Mrs.    Mary.  French,    J.   L. 

(Tel.  East  78.) 
ess.         Reception  Day Monday 

Jones,  F.  E. 

Kceler.    Mr.    and    Mrs.    II. 
Keeler,  E.  W. 

Longden,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  E. 
Longden  Miss  Mirriam. 
Longden,    Charles   E. 
Mills.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  T. 
Moure.  Mrs.  E.  M. 
Presson  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  R. 

Partridge,     Miss    Jessie    E. 

Roper,  Miss  K.  Roper,   Miss   1'.. 
Salscheiiler.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  J. 
Thomas  W.  II. 
Trover.    Prof.   Carlos. 
Vcr  Mehr.  Mrs.  J.  L. 
Winchester,  Frank. 
Vein     Mrs.    M.    K. 



.  .  hjotel  Bella  Vista  .  . 




Elegant  Furnishings  and  Appointments 

Is  the  Pioneer  First-class  Family  Hotel  of  San  Francisco. 

MRS.  A.   F.  TRACY. 





.  .  h|otel  Bella  Vista  .  . 



Elegant  Furnishings  and  Appointments 

Is  the  Pioneer  First-class  Family  Hotel  of  San  Francisco. 

MRS.  A.  F.  TRACY, 



Napa  Soda  Springs. 

■^f"HIS  favorite  watering  place,  summer  resort,  and  mountain  Spa,  is 
*  yearly  growing  in  favor,  as  its  merits  become  better  known.  Be- 
sides being  most  beautiful  naturally,  it  is  one  of  tbe  most  healthful  of 
our  pleasure  abodes.  This  W'as  officially  determined  and  declared  by  the 
commission  of  learned  doctors  appointed  by  the  Legislature  of  California 

to  select  a  suitable  locality  for  the  erection  of  a  State  Hospital  for  Con- 
sumptives. This  body  of  medical  savants  consumed  two  years  in  their 
investigations.  They  examined  every  portion  of  the  State,  east  and  west, 
and  from  the  northern  line  to  the  southern  boundary.  They  took  into 
consideration  all  the  elements  that  affect  the  lungs — dryness  and  humidity 
of  the  atmosphere,  its  rarity  and  density,  heat  and  cold.  After  having 
given  all  points  due  consideration,  they  finally  reported  in  favor  of  the 
neighborhood  of  Napa  Soda  Springs,  on  the  East  Napa  Range.     The  mean 

temperature  of  that  point  for  July  is  74  degrees,  and  for  January  54  de- 
grees. ,  These  designations  are  considered  the  best  in  the  State  for  con- 
sumptive patients. 

An  admitted  medical  authority  on  health,  in  pointing  out  the  "Best  Cli- 
mate for  Invalids  in  California,"  says:  "So  far  as  statistics  are  obtainable 
here,  we  can  safely  say  that  the  mountain  ridge  east  of  Napa  Valley — it 
may  be  called  the  East  Napa  Range — is  unparalleled  in  the  combination 
of  dryness  of  the  atmosphere  with  mildness  and  equability  of  temperature. 

and  fitness  for  camping  and  spending  the  greater  part  of  the  year  in  the 
open  air.  From  one  thousand  to  fifteen  hundred  feet  above  the  sea  is  the 
most  desirable  altitude.  We  believe  that  no  other  part  of  the  globe  equals 
the  East  Napa  Range  as  a  resort  for  consumptives." 

The  waters  of  these  springs  have  been  on  the  market  for  thirty-five 
years,  and  during  all  that  time  have  been  freely  used  by  the  most  success- 
ful physicians  in  the  sick  room,  who  unhesitatingly  give  their  willing 
testimony  in  its  behalf,  as  follows: 

We,  the  undersigned  physicians,  practicing  in  the  City  of  San  Fran- 
cisco, have  examined  the  result  of  the  analysis  made  of  the  water  from 
Napa  Soda  Springs  of  California.  The  water,  according  to  this  examin- 
ation, possesses  aperient,  anti-acid,  and  fine  tonic  properties,  which  can- 
not fail  to  be  very  beneficial  in  the  treatment  of  chronic  diseases,  and 
affording  a  pleasant,  healthful   and  invigorating  beverage: 

H.  M.  Gray,   M.  D. 
Arthur  B.  Stout,  M.  I>. 
Chas.  Bertody,   M.   1>. 
J.   P.  Whitney,  M.   I>. 
A.  F.  Sawyer,  M.  D. 
Wm.  ii.  Ayers,  II.  I). 
F.  A.  Holman.  M.  D 
.1.   Fonrgeaud,   M.   D.    I'.   Morse,  -M.   Iff. 
II.  Gibbons,  M.  D. 
A.  J.    Bowie,    M.    D. 

W.  F.  McNutt,  M.  D. 
II.   II.  Toland,   M.   I». 
R.  T.  Maxwell,  II.  I>. 
Win.  .Tones,  M.  1>. 
J.  M.  McNulty,  M.  D. 
.1.  C.  Shorb,  M.   I). 
J.  H.  Stallard,  M.  I". 
('.  G.  Kenyon,  M.  D. 
.1.  L.  Meares,  M.  D. 
J.  D.  Whitney,  M.  D. 
A.   M.   Loryea,   M.   D. 

From  a  late  number  of  the  "Pacific  Medical  Journal"  we  take  the  fol- 
lowing: "As  an  auxiliary  to  proper  medical  treatment  in  gastric  catarrh, 
torpidity  of  the  bowels,  kidney  and  bladder  disorders,  anaemia,  etc..  etc., 
as  well  as  a  refreshing,  wholesome  table  water,  nothing  on  earth  excels 
Napa  Soda." 

Besides  being  the  leading  health  resort  of  this  State,  the  Napa  Soda 
Springs  are  a  most  beautiful  combination  of  attractive  features  in  both  art 
and  nature.  The  buildings  are  of  comely  architecture,  built  of  white  stone 
quarried  from  the  hills  pnd  their  arrangement  is  upon  the  most  approved 
plans  for  comfort,  convenience  and  enjoyment.  Surrounding  them,  and 
filling  the  entire  air  with  the  aroma  and  fragrance  of  their  plethoric  full- 
ness,  are  orange  and   lemon   trees,   pomegranate,  lemon  verbena,   palms. 

250  varieties  of  roses  and  oleander.  Clematis,  camellia,  pansies  and  violets 
in   boundless  profusion. 

Nothing  has  been  forgotten  to  give  pleasure  and  comfort  to  the  guests. 
Winding  paths  lead  with  gentle  grade  to  waterfalls  and  commanding 
peaks:  cosy  retreats  invite  to  their  grateful  shade:  lawn  tennis  and 
croquet  grounds  tempt  the  gallant  beaux  and  belles:  swings  serve  the 
children,  and  a  hand  of  trained  "burros"  (donkeys)  just  set  the  young 
masters  and  misses  wild  with  their  delightful  abandon. 

A  new  swimming  pool,  with  naturally  heated  water,  adds  its  tempting 
luxury  to  the  other  attractions. 

On  the  whole,  there  is  no  place  on  the  Pacific  Coast  that  offers  more 
inducements  for  a  visit  than  Napa  Soda  Springs. 































Hotel  Del  Monte 

Few  great  watering  places  are  called  upon  to  adapt  themselves  to  the 
vagaries  of  seasons,  such  as  are  implied  in  the  proud  distinction,  "Open  all 
the  year  round." 

Hotel  Del  Monte  is  one  of  the  few,  and  admittedly  the  leading  one  of 
the  world.  It  is  so  favored  by  nature  that  it  is  always  attractive,  and  its 
varied  social  hues  from  one  season  to  another  are  a  most  interesting  study. 

The  holiday  season,  when  many  great  resorts  are  buried  in  solitude, 
snow,  and  like  forbidding  environments,  is  exceptionally  brilliant  at  Del 
Monte.  The  first  society  of  neighboring  cities  and  some  from  abroad  as- 
sembles there  for  a  week  or  two  of  delightful  festivities. 

The  weeks  that  follow,  far  into  the  Spring,  witness  a  lively  flow  of  East- 
ern and  foreign  visitors,  many  of  whom  have  come  to  regard  Monterey  as 
the  mecca  of  their  annual  pilgrimages. 

In  summer,  when  all  California  outing,  Del  Monte  is  the  refuge  of 
hundreds  of  society  devotees  who  seek  restful  quiet — and  for  just  the  rest 
that  is  most  refreshing  and  beneficial  no  place  could  be  better  suited.  The 
atmosphere  is  pure  and  balmy,  and  there  is  much  to  entertain  that  does 
not  fatigue. 

Autumn  at  Del  Monte  is  anything  but  sombre.  Its  early  rains  have 
cleared  the  air  and  settled  the  dust  on  its  beautiful  drives.  Coaching  and 
lunch  parties,  and  other  forms  of  cut-door  recreation  are  of  almost  daily 

But  Del  Monte  is  always  a  paradise,  whether  in  winter  or  in  summer, 
and  its  seasons  differ  from  each  other  only  as  one  star  differs  from  an- 
other in  glory. 

Tavern  of  Castle  Crag 

The  Tavern  of  Castle  Crags  is  a  mountain  resort  pure  and  simple,  but 
enjoys  the  enviable  reputation  of  being  the  leading  one  of  its  kind  in  the 
West.  Being  under  the  same  ownership  as  Hotel  Del  Monte  it  naturally 
follows  that  only  the  best  is  considered  in  its  maintenance,  and  visitors  are 
always  assured  of  first  class  entertainment. 

Its  location  is  one  of  its  foremost  charms.  It  is  one  thing  to  be  merely  in 
the  mountains,  but  it  is  quite  another  thing  to  be  in  the  great  Shasta 
mountains  comfortably  housed  at  the  Tavern.  When  the  builders  se- 
lected the  site  it  was  not  merely  with  reference  to  room  for  hotel  and 
grounds,  but  quite  as  much  with  reference  to  picturesque  surroundings 
and  convenient  communication  with  neighboring  attractions.  With  the 
frowning  Crags  on  one  side,  majestic  Shasta  on  another,  and  the  entire 
surrounding  scene  a  pan  oramic  succession  of  nature's  sublimest  moods,  at 
first  it  palls  on  the  senses,  then  it  excites  awe,  and  soon  one's  whole  at- 
tention is  absorbed  in  wonder  and  admiration.  The  scene  never  tires  and 
never  grows  commonplace. 

The  builders  have  beautified  the  immediate  surroundings  surprisingly 
and  made  comfortable  trails  to  a  great  many  points  of  local  interest  in  the 
vicinity.  Resorts  of  note,  first  class  hunting  and  fishing,  and  mountain 
climbing  to  suit  any  taste  are  within  easv  reach.  Excursions  to  Mr. 
Shasta  are  frequent,  and  the  ascent  of  the  precipitous  Crags  is  quite  the 

The  Tavern  itself  is  a  creation  of  rare  interest.  It  is  so  roomy  and 
cheerful,  and  there  is  such  an  easy,  comfortable  presence  about  every- 
thing. It  is  open  about  four  months  during  the  summer,  but  a  taste  of 
life  in  the  Shasta  mounains  under  such  delightful  conditions  is  ample 
reason  for  its  existence. 



h|otel  Savoy 


Dining  Room— Hotel  Savoy 

The  most  centrally  located  Family  Hotel  in  San  Francisco 

Overlooking-  Union  Square  Park. 



MRS.  A.  HESTHAL,  Proprietress 

Telephone  Main    1236 



Hotel   Savov 

336  Posl    Street,   X.   B.  cor.   Powell. 
(Tel.  Main  1236.) 

MRS.  A.    IIESTIIAL.    Propriety  ;s 
Reception  Day Monday. 


Arnold,  Mrs.  F.  A. 

Baldwin,    Miss    N. 

Ball.  W. 

Barnes,   Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  S. 

Barrett,    Mr.  and   Mrs.  Win.  G. 

Beverley  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  W. 

Black  well.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  \Y. 

Brand.  .7. 

Brereton,  D. 

CapeUe.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert. 

Carey,  .1. 

Clark.    \Y. 

Coakley,    Frank. 

Cohn,   Mrs.  R. 

Chapman,  S.  G. 

Clark.   Mrs.   A. 

Carry.  J. 

Cowdery,  Mr.  and   Mrs.  J.  T. 

Crane,   P. 

Denting,   Mr. 

Deming,  Miss. 

Du  Bois,  J.  L. 

Fa nsr.    Mr.   and   Mrs. 

Farnsworth.  Mrs.  E. 

Field,  Mr.  George  R. 

Felton,  Charles  N. 

Frost,  Carlton   S. 

Gaffney,  Mrs.   M.   A. 

Geissler,  Mr.  and  Mrs.   A. 

G Irich,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  I>. 

Hassell,  .1.  J. 
Hexter,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Il.sthal.  Mrs.   A. 
Qesthal,  Miss  May. 
Bornby,  Mr.  and   Mrs.  a. 
Hove,   Mr.   and   Mrs.   U.    P. 
[nnes,  Mr.  and   Mrs.  Alex. 
I iiik-s.    Mi>s    (  Mara    I  ». 

Jack.  Mrs.   A. 

Tack.  R. 

Johnson,  Mrs.  J. 

Lerison,  Dr.  < '. 

Long,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  M. 

Long,  II. 

Long,  M. 

Long,  F. 

McCarthy.  J.  F. 

McColeb,  T.  J. 

Maynadier,  Maj.  and  Mrs.  W. 

Mac  Farlane,  F. 

Mnlcahy.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 

O'Connwall,    Miss. 

i  disc.  Mrs.  L.  C. 

<  Miativia.   L. 

Palmer,  Mrs.  A. 

Poheim,Mr.  and  Mrs.  J,,,. 

Poheim,  Miss  K. 

Poheim.  Joe.  Jr. 

Poheim,  II.  G. 

Fuliciin. Master   Arthur. 

Poultney  Mrs.  J. 

Ridley.   Mr.   and   Mrs.   T. 

Reinstein,   Mr.  and  Mrs. 

Schlesinger,  Charles. 

Seaton,  Mrs.  M.  Seaton,  Scott. 

Simpson,  W.  P. 

Smith.   Mrs.  W.  B. 

Smith,  Miss  B. 

Spence,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  S. 

St.rn.    Mr.  and   Mrs.   H. 

Stewart.   I. 

Stone.  Miss  Annie. 

Strybing,  Mrs. 

Swinerton,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A. 

Tashiera,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George. 

Taylor,  W. 



.  .  The  OLIVER.  . 




A  splendid  graded  yard  with  summer  house  for  guests.     In  a  word,  the 
most  desirable  family  hotel  on  the  coast. 

ross  station  Mountair)   View         marin  county 

Its  proximity  to  San  Francisco,  the  trip  consuming  but  45  minutes;  its 
balmy  and  equable  climate,  entirely  free  from  fogs  and  harsh  winds;  its 
numerous  and  beautiful  walks  and  drives;  its  tennis  court  and  bowling 
alley;  its  boating  and  swimming  facilities;  its  entrancing  views  of  valley 
and  mountain;  the  fine  trout  streams  in  the  immediate  vicinity  and  the 
endless  delightful  nooks  and  dells,  making  most  desirable  spots  for  loung- 
ing or  to  those  desiring  a  summer  outing.  Accommodations  for  one  hun- 
dred guests,  and  will  be  open  for  the  summer.    For  terms  and  particulars 

Address:    MRS.   M.   I.    LEACH, 



HOTEL  SAVOY— Continued 

Watkins,  George. 

Willey,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  ( ).  F. 

Wilson.    C. 

Witcher,  Col.  and  Mrs. 
Wright,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Wright,   Miss  M. 

The  Oliver 

899  Tin."  Street,  cor.    Mason. 

MRS.   MARY   I.   LEACH.   Proprietress. 

(Tel.  Main  5510.) 
Reception   Day Thursday. 


Armstrong,  Edwin  W. 

Ball,  Miss  Katherine. 

Birch,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  C. 

Brandt.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 

Bridge,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 

Calder,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Arthur  B. 

Chatfield,   Walter. 

Chase.  Miss  Helen. 

Cline,  Walter. 

Gorbett,  I>r. 

Davis,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Eugene  G. 

Dellepiane,  Prof,  and  Mrs.  p. 

French.  Mrs. 

French.   Miss. 

Gerke.  Miss. 

Haupt,  <  >s<ar. 

Hill.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  T. 

Hill.   Miss. 

Knapp,   Mr.  and  Mrs.  ('has.  E. 

Knapp,  Miss  Ethel. 

Lane.  Miss. 

Leach,  Mrs.   Maty   I. 

Lambley,  Mr.  anil  .Mrs.  George. 
Laurie.  Mr.  and   Mrs.  II.  D.  &  Cam. 

Leonard.    Mrs. 

Lehan.  Mr.  and   Mrs.  Oswaldt. 

Maclean.  Mrs. 

Manning,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 

McGuire,  Mrs.  S. 

Milligan,  Mr.  Andrew  W. 

Merrill.   Isaac   M. 

Michelas,  Mr. 

McGrotty,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 

Mitchell.  George  O. 

Moore.  Mrs.  Annie. 

Xowell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.   Frank  II. 

Partridge,   Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ed.  II. 

Partridge,    Ed.    Jr. 

Polastri,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  V. 

Polastri,  Miss. 

Polastri,  Tony. 

Lost.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  K. 

Scott.  J. dm  T. 

Scott,    John    A. 

Scott.  Walter. 

Trent.   Miss. 

Vaughn,   Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred. 

Vogel,  Edward  .1. 

Wilson.   Mrs. 

Wilson.    Miss. 

Wright,  Miss. 

Westhoff,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William. 





Northwest  Cor.  Stockton,  San  Francisco. 

Two  blocks  from  Kearny  Street. 

MRS.  H.  CHAMBERLAIN  Proprietress. 


The  Table  is  Unsurpassed. 

'i  L^ 


1  ■**.-*  . 

THIS  NEWLY  FURNISHED  HOTEL  combines  the  attractions  of  hotel 
life  with  all  the  comforts  of  a  home.  Its  convenience  to  all  places  of 
amusement  and  to  the  business  center  is  an  advantage.  It  is  surrounded 
by  newly  and  smoothly  paved  streets,  and  guests  are  not  aroused  nor 
disturbed  by  passing  vehicles  nor  clanging  street-car  bells. 

For  the  accommodation  of  guests,  a  billiard  and  smoking  room  is  pro- 
vided for  their  use. 



The   Beresford 

R       i>rii>n  Day.  . 

'•■'in   Bush    Street,    eor. 

Proprie  tress. 

.  Monday. 

urson,  Mr. 

v     son,  Mr. 

Agnillar,  Mr. 
Anvill.  Mr. 
Baker,  Mr.  and  Mis. 
Bane,  Mrs.  and  daughter. 
Butt.  Capt  and  Mrs. 
Cable,  Mrs.  and  daughter. 
Coffin,  Mrs.  and  daughter. 
Dardano,  Mr. 
De  La    Vega,  Mr. 
Dwight,   Mr.  and   Mrs.   W. 
Dwight,   Mr. 
I'nirli.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Frieht,  Mr. 
Gobey,  Mis. 

Gilbert,  Captain  and  Mrs. 
Graham,   Mr. 
Klopenstein,  Mr.  and  sou. 
Kraker,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Laughlin,   Mr. 
McMahone,  Dr. 
Martin.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Mulligan,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Ledbetter,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Ledbetter,  Miss. 
Ledbetter,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jr. 


Lehigh,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  P. 

Lehigh,  Mr. 

Lehigh,  Mr. 

Paull,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 

Phillips.   Mrs. 

Poulin,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Mini 

Reardon,  Mr. 

Riddling,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 

Riddling,   Miss. 

Roberts,  Captain  and  Mrs. 

Roberts,  Miss. 

Rowe,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Pereival. 

K 1,    Mr. 

Ryan,  Mr.  < ». 
Scheffer,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Sehnller,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Stringham,  Mr. 
Sturgeon,  Mr. 

Taylor,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  c.  I.. 
Taylor,  Mr. 
Toomey,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Toomey,  Miss. 
Weighle,    Mr. 
Widman,   Mr. 

Whitney,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  .1.  B. 
Whitney,  Miss. 
Wright  Mr. 

The  Sutherland 

F91  Sutter  Street,  eor.  Tones. 
MRS.   II.     CHAMBERLAIN,     Proprietress. 

Reception  Day. 

Bailey,  .Mr.  and  .Mrs.  .1.  Murray.  Browney,  Mrs. 

Baffin,  Mr.  Browney,  Mr. 

Betsford,  Mrs. 

Fratinger,  Mrs. 

.  Monday, 



Tbe  Sutherland  Hotel 


Corner  of  Jones 

San  Francisco 


THE  SUTHERLAND  is  newly-furnished,  sun  in  every  room,  of  superior 
ventilation,  and  being  so  central,  is  in  close  proximity  to  business,  places 
of  amusement,  etc. 

Very  desirable  suites  and  single  rooms,  with  all  the  modern  improve- 


Tourist  and  Transient  Patronage  Especially  Solicited. 






Fratinger,  The  Mi 

Guild,  Dr. 
Guild,  The  Misses. 
Jones,  Mr. 
Lamotte,    Mrs. 
McPherson,  Mrs. 
McPhersoD,  Mr. 
Mitchell,  I>r.  and  Mrs. 

Russell,   Mr. 
Roussey,    Mrs. 
Roussey,  Gaston. 
Shubert,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Schaffer,   Miss. 
Strausse,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Schaffer,  Mr. 
Wallis,  Col.  and  Mrs. 
Wallis,  Miss  Miriam. 

The  Berkshire  Hotel 

711   Jones,  1  >'r.  Post  and  Sutter. 


C.   c.    FLAGG,    Manager. 

(Tel.  Main  141'lt.i 





Bibby,  Mrs.  A. 

Bibby,  Miss. 

Bryant,   Dr.   E 

CaUender,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  C. 

Callender  Miss    Bessii  . 

Caswell.     Mrs.     E.     E. 

Curtis,  .7.  M. 
Curtis  Miss  Trudie. 

Davis.   Dr.   Ed.    L. 

Donahue.    J.    M. 

Flagg,  C. 

Flagg,  -Mr.  and  Mrs.  E.  C. 

Flagg,    Miss    Enid. 

Frazer,  Dr.  T.  .1. 

Harney,  Mrs.  Col. 

Harney,    William. 

ll<<y\.  Alfred. 

Hucks,  Miss  Annie. 

Linderman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Del 

Mayer.  Josephine  L. 

Melton,  James. 

Melton,  Miss  M.  M. 

Murray.   J.    N. 

Murray,  Miss  Marie. 

Neville.   Mrs.  .7.  M. 

Neville.     Miss    Nelllie. 

Neville.  Owen. 

<  torgard,  Mr. 

Pattison,  Mr.  anil  Mrs.  .">. 

PattiSOn,    Mrs.   Jessie. 

l'eele.    Mrs.    Honora. 

Phillips,    Mrs. 

Pike,  Roy. 

Pike,   Willis. 

Pike,  Thomas. 

Rhodes,   Mr.   and   Mrs.  Charles   D. 

Seller.  Mr.  and  Mrs.   Henry. 

Seller.  Miss  Edith. 

Scott,  Mr.  and  Mrs.   C.  Otis. 

Shawhan.  W.  D. 

Shock,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  71.  S. 

Spencer,  Mrs.  s. 

Spencer,  George. 

Sonnenberg,   Mrs.   Bertha. 

Sonnenberg,  Albert. 

Taylor,  Mr.  and   Mrs.  C.   E. 

Taylor,  John. 

Tru.sdell.   Mrs.    A.   W. 

Wetzler,   Mrs.  Louise. 

Woodrow,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 

Weldon,  Mrs.  T. 

Wei, l,,n.   Miss  May. 

Weldi  ii.  Roy. 



"Toe  Stewart" 


A   Select  and   Quiet 


All  sunny  light  rooms.  With  the  most  central  and  delightful  location. 
Street  cars  leading  to  all  parts  of  the  city  pass  the  doors.  Modern  and 
elegantly  furnished.     First-class  table. 





31- j 

Hotel   Stewart 

S.    E.  cur.   Ellis  and  Leavenworth. 


Tel.   E:isr  954.) 
Reception  Day 

.  Proprietors. 
. . .  .Monday. 

Alexander,  1'.  C. 
Ay  res,  E.  N. 

Balfe,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  .7. 
Battles.  E.  S. 
Rassett.  W.  E. 
BegKs.   W.  P. 
Bell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  N.  L. 
Besore.  C.  J. 
Bixley.   E.  M. 
Bond,  E.  F. 
Bode,   Miss   Grace. 
Rremkamp,   Miss  Clara. 
Brodrick,   Miss  J. 
Burk,  Miss  Kate. 
Burns.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H. 
Calimberti,    Vincent. 
Calimberti,  Miss  Kate. 
Carey.  R.  S. 
Clayton,  Mrs.  J.  A. 
Clayton,  Miss. 
Caldwell.   Mr. 

Clark,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  .1.   W. 
Clingman,  Mr.  and  Mis.  Geo.  E. 
CorreL  Mrs.  M.   C. 
Comiskey,   Mrs.,    &   Son. 
Cummins,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  T. 
( 'nniinins.  Ernst. 
Cunningham,  C.  H. 
Donohoue,   Mr.  and  Mrs.  .1. 
Drake,   Mr.  and   Mrs.  E.   E. 
Dunn.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.   R. 
Eaton.   Mr. 

Edwards.    Mr.  and   Mrs.    M.   H. 
Edwards.   Miss   N. 
Emery,  Mr.  and  .Mrs.  A.  II. 
Farrell,   G.  C. 
Parrell,  Miss   Annie  G. 
Farrell,   Miss  Jennie. 
Kenton,   Miss  A.  F. 
Finch.  A.  B. 
Frost.   Miss   E.  V. 
Frost.    Miss   A.   C. 
Gay,  R.  II. 

G le.    Mr.   and   Mrs.    \Y.   ( '. 

Graham,  Miss  M.  R. 
Gruenhagen,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  G. 
Harrington,  Miss     .1. 

Holmes.    Mr.   and   Mrs. 
Hundley,   Mr.  and  Mrs.   \V.  P. 
Jones,    .1.     E. 

r     GUESTS. 
Johnson,   A.   L. 

Katsch.   A.   E. 
Katsch.  Miss  F.  E. 
Kelly.  Dr.  E.  E. 
Knflppi    Mrs.   A.    A. 
Knapp,  Miss  Laura  A. 
Knapp.    Miss   Rene  A. 
Knapp.  Mr.  and  Mrs.   S.  H. 
Krause,   Mr.  and   Mrs.  F.   W. 

I mis.    Mrs.   C.   C. 

Lovejoy,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  H. 

Lundberg,  A.  F. 

Magee,    H.  M. 

Mantle.   Mr.  and   Mrs.  Byron   G. 

Mantle.   Sheldon. 

McAlcster.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  F. 

McAlester.     Miss    Nellie. 

M.Alester.    A.    F. 

McMahan,   Mr.  and   Mrs.   M. 

McMillan,   Mr.   and   Mrs.   D.   G. 

Mickel.  Thomas. 

Moore.    H.  J. 

Moore,   W.   H. 

O'Connor.    Miss. 

O'Neal,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  E. 

Pierce,  Frederick  B. 

Powell,  Miss   M. 

Pringle,  George. 

Bobbins,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.   S. 

Ross.  Stanley  B. 

Scott,  Mrs.  G.  A. 

Seabury,  Thomas   H. 

Shaw,  Mrs. 

Shaw.    Hartley. 

Sheldon.    Mr. 

Soleno.    Mrs.   F.    S. 

Sprague,  Mrs.   F.  \V. 

Stanford.   Miss   Ida    M. 

Taylor,   Mrs.   M.   A. 

Teggart,  John. 

Thompson,    Mr.    and    Mrs.    .1.    T.   Mr.  and  Mrs.   M.  E. 
Van    Fleet.    R.    C. 
Violland.    H.   H. 
Walsh.    Miss    M. 
Wiles.    .1.    A. 

W Is,  George  F. 

Young,  H.  B. 

Yharra.    Mrs. 



.  BerKshire  . 




The  most  centrally  located  Family  Hotel  in  the  City 

Cars  of  the  Sutter,  Post  and  California  Street 
branch  cable  roads  pass  the  door     :     :     :     :     : 


Sjj|9        <?jj^ 

711  Jones  Street        San  Francisco,  Cal. 



Hotel   Stewart 

S.  B.  cor.  Ellis  and   Leavenworth. 

MISS     81.      STEWART.      CHARLES  STEWART,    Proprietors. 

(Tel.  East  VM.> 

Reception  Day Monday, 


Ayers,  E.  N. 

Balfe,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  J. 

Band,  E.  F. 

Bassett,  W.  F. 

!     __s.  Mrs.  W.   P. 

Bell,  Mr.  and  Mrs.   N.   L. 

Besore,   C.   C. 

Bode,  Miss  (J rati'. 

Burk.  Miss  Kate. 

Calimberti,  Vincent. 

Calimberti,  Miss  Kate. 

Cany.  Mrs.   R.   S. 

Clayton,  Mrs.  J.  A. 

Clayton.   Miss. 

Cunningham.  C.  H. 

Dunn,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R.  R. 

Eaton.  Mr. 

Farrell,   <;.   C. 

Farrell.  Miss  Annie  <J. 

Farrell,  Miss  Jennie. 

Fenton,   Miss   E.   A. 

Finch,  A.  B. 

Frost,  Miss  E.   V. 

Frost,  Mi>>  A.  C. 

Gay,  E.  H. 

G Le,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  \Y.  C. 

Hnndley,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  P. 
James,  J.  E. 
Johnson,  A.   L. 
Jeffery,  Mrs.  E.  L. 

Katsch,  A.  E. 

Katsch,  Miss  T.  E. 

Knapp,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  H. 

Looniis,   Mrs.   C.   C. 

Magee,  II.  M. 

McAlester,  Mr.  and  Mrs.   \Y.   F 

McAlester,  Miss  Nellie. 

McAlester,  A.  F. 

McMahan,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M. 

McMillan.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  <i. 

Mickel,  Thomas. 

Morse,   11.  J. 

O'Connor,   Miss. 

Pierce.    Frederick   B. 

Powell.  Miss  M. 

Seabnry,  Thomas  H. 

Shaw.   Hartley. 

Sprague,  Hartley. 

Sprague,   Mrs.  F.   W. 

Stanford,  Miss  Ida   M. 

Taylor,  M.  A. 

Tobft,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  E. 

Van  Fleet,  R.  »'. 

Violland,  H.   H. 

Walsh.    Miss   M. 

Wiles.  J.  N. 

Woods.  George  F. 

Young,  11.  B. 

Vliana.   Mrs. 



he  Alexandria 


Near  Jones 

San  Francisco 

A  new,  first-class  Family  Hotel.  Most  centrally  located.  Modern 
improvements.  Rates  reasonable.  Tourists  and  travelers  are  specially 

MRS.  R.  J.  WALCOTT,  Proprietress. 



The   Alexandria 

781   Sutter,  near  Jones. 

Reception  Day 



Arroyo,  Ricardo. 
Adams,   William  W. 
At  wood,  A.  L. 
Butler.  George  E. 
Bruce.  Mrs.  Mary  F. 

Bruce.    Miss   Edith    M. 

Baker,    Miss  Alyce   N. 

('unite.   George  A. 

Clark.   Mrs.  C.  A. 

Coleman,  M. 

Coleman,  Jerome. 

Chisholm,  Walter  G. 

De  Beauhar,  .las. 

Ellsworth.   Mrs.   M.    L. 

Eschmann,  C. 

Elliott.  Harry  E. 

Flint.  Mrs.  Annie  G. 

Francouer,  Mr.  ami  Mrs.  George  II. 

Garrett,   Mrs.   E.   S. 

Cray.  De  Witt. 

Hanson.    Miss    Marie. 

1  Icnl.  Mr.  and   Mrs.  John. 

Hyde,    Miss   Katherine. 

Lawrence.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred  W. 

Miles.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  E. 

Martin,   Mrs.  T.  C. 

McCarthy,   Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.    P. 

McCarthy,   Miss  Lulu  E. 

McCarthy,  John   I). 

McNamara,   Miss  Dollie. 

McNair,  W.   W. 

O'Neill,  Miss  Mollic. 

Payne,  E.  L. 

Page,  William  F. 

Pavis.  Mrs.   Harriet;. 

Parker.  Leo  G. 

Peters.    Miss  Mae  E. 

Rohinett.    Miss    Margaret. 

Schemeil,  Emile. 

Sterlein.  Mrs.  George. 

Shaw,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  J. 

Turner.   Robert   H. 

Tedford,  Mrs.  Sarah. 

Walcott,    Mrs.   Josephine. 

Walcott,  Miss  Queen. 
Walcott.  Earl  A. 
Whitely.   Dr.   Eliza  H. 
Whilely.   Miss  Lillian. 
Yordi.  A.  II. 


f\.  E.  Plise  &  Co 

Late  with  H.  E.  Furner 


Staining,  Enameling,  Gilding 
Carpet  Laying,  Upholstering 

Piano  and  Furniture 

1140  Sutter  Street 


F.  W.  SPENCER  Established  1874    Incorporated  1893 


R.  T.  ROSS, 




933  Market  Street 

San  Francisco 



JOS.  SIMONSON,  Pres't 

FRED.  W.  FARRAR,  Sec'y 

California  Gas  Fixture  Co. 


123  Geary  Street 

Starr  King  Building 

Telephone  Main  883 


B.  FR. 

Geo.  J. 

Priest  &  p 

riest  &  btirieve 

Cigar  Man'frV 

215  Front  Street 




La  Sinceridad 

Americas  oho  ices  t 

brand  of  Havana  ci- 
gars in  many  sizes. 
Handled  at  the  lead- 
ing clubs  and  by  the 
prominent  dealers. 

"A  word  to  the  wise 
is  sufficient." 



Continental  iffuilding  and  JLoan  dissociation 

of  £ett*i/brnicr 





222  Sansome   St.,    San    ■J'ranct'sco 

vSubscribed  Capital,  over $4,000,000.00 

Monthly  Income,  over 25,000.00 

Has  done  more  business  in  the  past  12  months  than  any  other  two  Companies  in  the  State. 

Loans  made  for  fiscal  year  ending  June  30,  1896,  only  39  per  cent,  of  appraised  value. 

Rate  of  dividend  declared  on  Installment  Stock,  14  per  cent. 

On  one-year  certificates  of  deposit,  7  per  cent,  per  annum. 

100  honies  built  for  the  members  in  past  13  months,  without  a  single  forclosure. 

if  1         ?  f '  I!  I 


11  HI    f'fff'f 

California's  Conservative,  Prosperous,  Progressive  Company 

The  Only  California  Company  with   an   Absolute  Trust  Agreement 

Dr.  Ed.  !•'..  Hill,  President.  Capt.  Oliver  Bid  ridge,  Vice-President. 

W'm.  Corbin,  Secretary  and  General  Manager. 

California  Title  Insurance  and  Trust  Company.   Trustee  and  Treasurer. 



Northeast   corner  of  Jackson  and  BroJerlck  Streets. 
Tile  and  mantel  work  by  W.  W.  Montague  vV  to. 


EXTRA  FOR  XMAS— Maillards'  Chocolates,  Glace  Fruits  and  Nuts,  Cap 
Bon  Bons  for  Parties,  and  the  largest  assortment  of  Novelties  in  the 

At   ROBERTS'  Polk  ar)d  Bush)  Sts. 

Church  Festivals,  etc., 
Supplied  at  Reduced  Rates. 

Prof.  J.  Sancho 


Studio:  828  ELLIS   STREET 
San   Francisco,   Cal. 

Branch— 359   Devisadero   Street,    cor.   Oak 

A.  V.   Henko 


Carpet   Beating   and   Relaying 

Mattresses  Made  Over 

2116  Fillmore  Street,  near  California,  S.  F. 

Telephone    West    448    Telephone    Pine    141 

Robert  Wallace 


ROOMS  27   AND   28 

San  Francisco 

Manufacturer  of 

Workmanship  Guaranteed 




Remodeling,  Lining  and  Repairing 
done  at  moderate  prices 




Southwest  corner  Van  Ness  Avenue  and  Washington  Streets. 

Win.  Curlett,  Al^chitect.  Tile  and  fireplace  work  by  W.  W.  Montague  &  Co. 





Rooms  54.  55,  56   Columbian    Building 



A.  B.  PERRY  &  CO. 

Importers  and  Dealers  in 


Also  Manufacturers  of 



The  most  Delicious  Champagne  of  the  Age 
Gold  Label  Brut  Yellow  Label  Dry 

'I  YCCPl 

*  V,|,^  *  A.  VIQNIER 

Sole  Agent 
429-431  BATTERY  STREET     San  Francisco 



Northeast  corner  of  Franklin  and  Sacramento  Streets 
Tile  ami  mantel  work  by  W.  W.  Montague  &  Co. 



FRANK  BARKER,  Proprietor. 

Union   Club  Building        301  STOCKTON  STREET      Sau   Francisco,  Cal. 


Furniture,  Pianos,  Trunks,  General  Merchandise,  Etc. 

N.  B. — Furniture  Moving,  Packing  and  Shipping  a  Specialty.     All  orders 
Promptly  Attended  to.     Estimates  given  for  Storing,  Moving  or  Pack- 
ing   Furniture.  Telephone  Main  1285 

August  C.  Wocker          P.  Valdemar  Busch 

Busch  &  Wocker 






Branch  Offlc?: 


325  MONTGOMERY   STREET         Room   34 

Interior  Ait  Decorating,  Frescoing,  Tintirg 


etc.       Artistic   Tapestry   Painting    a 


San  Francisco 

&  CO. 

Specialties : 

Admiral  Dupont 
El  Palencia 
El  Merito 

Cigar  MaQufacturers 

Lehip-h    Ave.    and   15th    Street 

A.  F.  Baumgartner 

R.E.Starr  Managers       BlMCll  H011S6:    217  FlOM  St.,  S.  F.  Philadelphia 

H.    E.    CURZONS                    S.    BERNSTEIN 


Berrjsteio  &  CurzoQS 



Des'gns   for  Interior  Decoiation 
All   Branches  of  Architecture 


Wenban    Building    . .    . .    600   Sutter 


Thos   Kirkpatrick.  President 
San  Francisco 

Sherley  Moore,  Vice-President 
Louisville,  Ky. 


Jesse  Moore  Hunt  Co. 

Wholesale  Liquor  Dealers 

404  Front  Street  San  Francisco,  Oal. 



2I0b'  Pacific  Avenue 
Tile  and  mantel  work  by  W.  W.  Montague  &  Co. 



-Teacher  of — 


(Neapolitan  System) 

Sole  agent  for  the  Celebrated  Vinaccia'S  Nea- 
politan Mandolins.  Concert  Soloist.  Music 
furnished  for  receptions,  dinnerparties,  enter- 
tainments, etc.  Terms  reasonable.  Music 
Studio.  525  Post  St.,  Opp.  Olympic  Club,  S.  F. 

Patients  treated  alone  or  with  their 

X  Ray  Laboratory 


24  Sixth  Street 
Telephone  Jessie  541  San  Francisco 

Telephone  Jessie  541 



Hours : 
1  to  3—7  to  8  p.  m. 

24  Sixth  Street 
Near  Market 

Mn)e.     A.     Betts 


Tailor-made  Costumes 

E\  ening  Gowns 

Formerly  14  years  in  business 
in  New  York 


702  Suiter  Street 


And  send  them  to  A.  BARTHELET,  of  Paris, 


633  SUTTER  STREET  Bet.  Mason  and  Taylor 

Refers  to  Leading  American  and  European  Houses 









X     5 






Accept   Engagements   for 



MR.   H.    B.    PASMORE 

H-,'4  Washingten  Street  San  FrancLco 



Pupil  of  Wm.   Shakespeare.   Director  Stan- 
ford    Choral       and       Appollo      Choral 

14-,'t  Washington  Street 

San  Francisco 

Walter  Clarke  Bellows 


Stage  Director 

Formerly   with   Daniel   Frohman's   New    York    Lyceum   Theater  Co.,   The 

Frawley    Company,    etc.,   etc. 
For  a  limited  period  will  receive  Advanced  Pupils  in 

Stage  Technique  and  the  Dramatic  Arts 
Special  attention  given  to  the  production  of  plays  for  Societies,  Clubs,  etc 


Mrs.    A.    F-    GraQt 

Is  prepared  to  take  a  limited  number  of  pupils  in  Voice  Culture.    Pupils 
prepared  for  Opera,  Oratorio  and   the  Classics. 

Room  501  Hotel  St.  Nicholas 


Artist  of  Grand  Italian  Opera  and  pupil  of 
the  celebrated  Prof.  F.  Lamperti.  conserva- 
tory of  Milan,  will  receive  a  limited  number 
of  private  pupils  in  Voice  Culture  and  In- 
s'ruction  for  Operatic  Stage  and  Parlor. 

Mine.  Casati  with  her  great  experience 
and  superior  Italian  Method  guarantees  a 
complete  finish  for  her  pupils  Instruction 
in  either  English  or  Italian.  For  further 
particulars  call  or  address  : 


510  Eddy  St.,  San  Francisco 

Miss  Emilte  L.  Breen 

Mandolin  Teacher 

Italian  Method 

Take  elevator 
Room  4 

131  Post  Strkkt 

Mrs.  Ernestine  Gray 

Having  lately  returned  from  Europe,  where  she  has  spent  five  years  under 
the  best  masters,  is  prepared  to  give  lessons  on  the  Piano  to  a  select  num- 
ber of  pupils.     Best  of  references  from  London.  Paris  and  Australia. 

Address:   621  EDDY  STREET. 



Photo  by  Knight.  2600  Pacific  Avenue. 


Late  chief  artist  at  Marceau's,  the  Fotographer 



Portraits  in  Oil,  Watek  Colors  ami  Crayon— Decorative  Work 

Studio,  Room  34  Auzerais  Block 
S.  W.  Cor.  Powell  and  Ellis  Sts. 
Residence,  No.  728  Fell  Street 

Hours :  in  a.  m.  to  5  p.  m. 

Ad  die    L.    Ballot 

Addie   L.   Ballot 

Notary  Public 

Portrait  Artist 

Rooni62                   1170  Market  Street 

Room  62                   1 1711  Market  Street 

Over  the  Maze                            San  Francisco 

Over  the  Maze                              San  Francisco 


Ladies'    Tailor 



Over   Maze.         San   Francisco. 
Perfect  Fit  Guaranteed 

Kern  & 

976  Chester  St..  Oakland 

ElbclCll  HENRY  KERN 

-111  Locust  Street 


Frescoing,  Paper  Hanging  Free  Hand  Re- 
lief Painting  and  Wood  Finishing 

Room  105  Donohce  Buildim; 

Mrs.  L.  E.  Wilson 


Room   70.     Fourth   Floor. 

Cor.  Taylor  and  Market  Sts.,  San  Francisco    '    Residence 618  Harrison  Street 

Frank    M.   Pa r<  ells 

Attorney  and  Counsellor  at  Law 

Rooms  21  and  22 
230  Montgomery  Street 

San  Francisco 

J.  Alexander  Walker 

Portrait  Artist 

ii7ii  Market  St.  Dunowk Building 

Room  78 

Fine  Portraits  in  Water  Colors.  Ink  and 
Crayon.  Porcelain  and  Miniature  Painting 
a  specialty. 






-     u 

-  o 

■/.  - 

o  ~ 

+=  0 


d     C 

1  | 

£    2 

0    - 

7  - 

'<!     6 

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Bet.  California  and  Sacramento 

1515   POLK   STREET 

San  Francisco 

J.  E.  HAEDY  &  Co. 


General  English  Tailors 

Riding  Breeches 

and  Liveries 


San  Francisco 

MISS   M.   E.   WILLIS 

|  O  I  Post.  Sti 
,  ,  ,  I  *£.  I  Room  A 


Tel.  Grant  M*3 


^Robes  and  Trousseaux 

jficoB  schmitt  ^BooK  Bir>der 

Books,  Magazines  of  all  kind,  neatly  bound  and  re-bound. 

Sheet   Music   bound  and   guaranteed   to   lay   open. 

Only  First-class  Work  done.     Work  called  for  and  delivered. 

Bet.  Jones  and   Leavenworth. 




Stamps  bought,  sold  and  exchanged.  Hawaiian 
stamps  a  specialty.  Full  line  of  stamp  albums 
on  hand  Fine  books  of  stamps  sent  to  re- 
sponsible parties  on  approval  ::::::: 

506  Market  Street 

San  Francisco,  Cal. 

1318  Market  Street 

Oakland,  Cal. 



2215  Broadway 

Heating,  tile  and  mantel  work  by  \V.  \Y.  Montague  &  Co. 


GulicK  &  Wet^erbee    m 

Gas  and 
Steam  Fitting 


Tel.  Bush  i6 

- — ■ — ; -7 

^!?  K?$C  ^'EltK^Xt  f  CC!li> 


— Branch   of   Chicago — 

Trimmings.     Labor    and     Fit    Guaranteed 

A-Xo.  1. 

Suits  to  order from  $10  up 

Pants  to   order from   $3  up 

Our  Clothes  made  on  the  pr?mises 

"We  carry  the  Largest  Stock  of  Woolens 

on  the  Coast.     We  sell   Cloth  by  the  yard 

at  10  per  cent  above  Manufacturers'  Cost. 

567  MARKET  STREET       Bet.  1st  and  2nd 

San  Francisco.  Cal. 

Miss  M.  G.  Salcido 


Room  10 Y.   M.  C.  A.   Bui  ding 

Hours :4  to  9  o'clock  p.   m. 

Instructor  of  Spanish.     Polytechnic     High 

Mrs.    S.   Julia    Y]'\gY)Warder) 







Room  A 

Tel.  Grant 

5I6  Robes  and  Trousseaux 

X.  E.  cor.  Mason  &  Ellis  H.  J.  McCoy.  Secretary 




JOHN  W.   FLINN,   Prop 

Pavilior)  Auctior)  House 

338-340  POST  STREET 

Near  Powell  St.  San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Telephone  Main  1095. 

Sale  Days:   Every  Monday  and  Thursday. 

F.  S.  Savant-Jerome,  M.  D. 

Consultation   in    English.    French,    German 

and  Spanish. 

1000   Golden   Gate  Avenue,    corner  Laguna 

Office  Hours: 

8  to  9  a.  m..  1  to  4  and  7  to  8  p.  m. 

Sundays   8   to    10    a.    m. 

Mrs.  Rosamond  Fay 


531  STTTER  ST. 

Telephone  Sutter  2591 

Dr.  Mary  M.  Kroetz 

Office  and  Residence, 
Hours  207  Leavenworth  St  , 

1  to  3  and  5  to  7  San  Francisco 

Mrs.  N.  O'Brien 

(Formerly  Forelady  with  M.   Max  Bechtel) 


121  Post  Street Room  53 

San   Francisco 

Dr.  W.  E.  Davis 


Office 115  Powell   Street 

Hours:   9-5 


132^  Jackson  Strket 

Hi't.  Leavenworth  and  Hyde 
Hours:  1  to  2  San  Francisco 



111    Geary    Street San    Francisco 


Swedish   Medical   Gymnastic 


336  Post  St.  (Union  Square)  San  Francisco 

Office   Hours:  9  a.   m.  to  5  p.   m. 
Telephone  Main  5050 




























— — 












i — i 



i — i 



■    7. 





CM      *** 















Evening  Gowns 

Room  45  2-.".;  Geary  Street 

Take  Elevator 


WdQted     your  orders 

Male  and  Female  HELP 


WM.  C.  MARTIN  -  Employment  Agt. 

749  Market  Street 
Tel.  Main  184i>  San  Francisco.  Cal. 



20  KEARNY  STREET  San   Francisco. 

Confections  packed  in  tin  boxes, 
that  reach  their  destination  .  . 
in    perfect   condition       


Sole  agent  for  Pacific  Coast 

West  of    England    Cloth  direct    from    the 


THE  "BILTOR"  PIPE  —  King  of  the 
Smoking  World.  Keeps  nicotine  out  of  the 
system.  Saves  money,  pipes,  tobacco  and 
temper.  From  75  cents,  including  5U  car- 

Office  Hours:  9:9.15,18-1,  3-J,  and  by  ap. 
pointment  at  office  or  elsewhere. 

22VS  Geary  St.,  Room  48  San  Francisco 

Miss  H.  J.  Campbell 


Evening  Dresses  a  Specialty 


Invitations,  Announcements, 
Cards,  Etc.,  Engraved  and 
Printed.  Cornel  style,  low 
rates.  Twenty  samples  and 
directions  for  correct  torm  lor 
modern  weddings,  mailed 
postpaid,  for  ten  cents  in 

BRUNT  li^S^a 

535   Clay  Street    -    -    -     San  Francisco,  Gal. 


and  other  Skin  Diseases 
successfully  removed  at 
Institute,  1310  Pagest 

Mrs,  F.  C.  Sherman  and  Dr.  Edward  L,  Grossman 

Office  410   Kearny 

508  Sutter  Street 


If  you  could  have  your  Shirt  Made  to 
order  for  the  same  price  as  you  pay  for 
them  ready  made,  would  you  do  it? 

That's  the  Price  I  Charge  for  Them. 
Same  as  Ready  Made. 


238  Kearny  St.  Bet.  Sutter  and  Bush 


— and — 
Combination   of   Squares   for    Dresscutting. 
The    Best.    Simplest   and  Only   Perfect   Sys- 

Agent    for    Pacific    Coast 
63   ST.   ANN'S   BUILDING      G  Eddy   Street 
Assisted  by  MADAME  KENNELL,  of  New 




































H  • 
D  £ 
Eh   £ 


o  g" 

§  s 


H  1 



o  g 











Of  California 

Geo.  A.  Moore,  Pres.        Geo.  W.  Beaver,  Vice-Pres.        J.  N.  Patton,  Secy. 

S.  M.  Marks,  Asst.  Secy. 
Its  distinctive  plan  of  organization  gives  Greatest   Safety  and   Profit  to 

Policy  Holders 
Invests  its  Funds  on  the  Pacific  Coast.     Life  and  Endowment  Policies. 

Company's  Building 

N.  E.  Cor.  Sacramento  and  Montgomery  Sts. 
Tel.  Main  5296  San  Francisco 

John  Mellgren  Lewis 

Attorney   and  Counsellor  at   Law 

50S  Montgomery  Street 
Pacific  Mutual  Bldg.       San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Fox  &  Gray 

Attorneys  and  Counselors  at  Law 

Pacific  Mutual  Life  Bldg. 

Room  6  508  Montgomery  St.,  S.  F. 

I.  F.  Chapman 

Pacific  Mutual  Bldg.      San  Francisco 
Cor.  Montgomery  &  Sacramento  Sts. 

Homer  T.  Bickel 

Real  Estate 

508  Montgomery  Street 
Pacific  Mutual  Life  Bldg.        San  Francisco 

Wright  &  Sanders 


336  Sutter  Street 
Tel.,  Grant  74  San  Francisco 

John    A.    Benson 

Engineer  and  Land  Agent 
Dealer  in  Lain!  Serip 

50 !  Montgomery  Street 
Pacific  Mutual  Ins.  Bldg. 

San  Francisco 



Chas.  E.  Willard,  President. 
Sheppard  Homans,  Chairman  Board   of  Directors. 
Geo.  C.  Pratt,  Manager  for  Pacific  Coast. 

Death  Claims  paid  into  the  State  of  California,  $204,000.00 
Good  contracts  given  to  good  agents. 

Wright  &  Sanders.  Architects  X.  E  cor.  Montgomery  and  Sacramento 



Manufacturers  of 


Fine  candies  put  up  in  tin  boxes  and  for- 
warded to  all  parts  of  the  globe.  Delicious 
lee  Cream.  Ice  Cream  Soda.  Hot  drinks- 
Cocoa,  Chocolate. 

Tei..  Black  o-ii  810  Market  Street 

Dr.   J.  S.  Knowlton's 

Dental  Laboratory 

For  the  manufacture  of  all  kinds  of  artificial 

dentures.    Continuous  gum  work  a 



345  Phelan  Building 

Dr.  E.  G.  Eisen 

806  Market  Street        -       -        San  Frsncisco 

Office  Hours : 
From  9  a.  m.  to  5  p.  m. 

Room  122 

Phelan  Bldg. 

Burbank  G.  Somers         William  W.  NcNair 

MoNaik  &  Somers 


Parrot  t  Building 
Room  514 

San  Francisco 

G.    Trittenbach 


Local  agency  Home  Insurance  Co..  of 
New  York— Capital,  $3,000,000 

319  California  Street 

San  Francisco 


Attorney  at  Law- 

Id'.'  and  1(1.3  Phelan  Building 

San  Francisco 

Chris   Jorgensen 


Studio:   131  POST  STREET 

Take  Elevator 

A.  W.  Traverse,  M.  D. 


Special  attention  given  to  the   removal  of 

Superflous  Hair.  Moles  and  Warts  by 


1170  Market  street    -    Over  "The  Maze" 

Office  Hours  :  12  to  4  p.m.  2d  floor  rooms  28-29 


L.  H.  Cart,  Manages 
637  Market  St.,  Palace  Hotel 


Sunday  School  supplies  of  every 
Description— Bibles 


MISS   ROSA  GRUBB,    Manager 
300  POST  STREET  ..       SAN   FRANCISCO 

Tel.    Ma:n   907 

Wedding  Invitations,  Announcements, 
Cards.  Catalogues.  Circulars.  Printed  Mat- 
ter, etc.,  addressed  and  delivered  at  short 


806  Market  Street 


A.  Gerberding  &  Co. 


Room  s  7  and   S  Mutual    Life   Bui'ding 

Cable   Address— Gerding 

Telephone  Main  1519 

Wm.  M.   Abbott 


101  Sansome  Street San  Francis -o 

First    National    Bank    Building 

WM.    H.    H.   HART 


Probate  and  Mining  Laws 
Water  and  Water  Rights 
Municipal  and  Corporation  Bonds 

149-152  Crocker  Building 
Eighth  Floor 

B.   L.    Hesseltine 

Dealer  in  Fine 


1505  POLK   STREET 

Near  California  Street,  San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Wm.   Bistrup 

Forty   Years   in  the  Tailoring  Business 
407    SCTTER    STREET 


Mutual  Life  Ins,  Co. 

Richard  A.  MhCurdy  President 

A.  B.  FORBES  &  SON 

Mutual  Life  Building         -         Second  Floor 
San  Francisco,  Cat,. 

Chas.   Mayer,   Jr. 

Teacher  of  the  Zither 

22l/2  Geary  Street 

Easterbrook  Bldg. 



Elocution  and  Stage 

814  Geary  Street 

Wedding   Invitations,    Announcements   and 

Calling  Cards  Engraved. 

Unexcelled   Engravings — Lowest   Prices 

M.  J.  Slattery 

Fifth    Floor Bancroft    Building 

Main  Office:  Kobe,  Japan 

Ito,    Sotomi    &    Co. 

Direct  Importers  and  Wholesale  and  Retail 
Dealers  in 


Rugs,  art  pottery  and  curios  a  specialty. 
Orders  for  special  importations  promptly 
filled.  11H  Sutter  Strket 

Bet.  Kearny  and  Montgomery 
Telephone  5193  San  Francisco,  Cal. 



•  -at 





A.  M.  ElkiQS 


Rooms  4-5 
Telephone  Red  2251 



Eeal  Estate  Agent  and  Auctioneer 

Rent  Collector 

Insurance  Broker 


Full  charge  taken  of  property  for  absentees App raise ments  made 

Telephone.  Main  110 

E.  Avery  McCarthy 


Lakeview  and  Sunny  Side  Im 

provement  Company     . 
The  McCarthy  Comnany  . 
Stanford  Addition  Land  Co 
Sunnyside  Land  Co.     .     . 
Stanford  Heights  Co.    .    . 


Telephone,  Main  53-28 

040  Market  Street,  San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Homer  T.  Bickel 

Real  Estate 

No.  508  Montgomery  St., 

San  Francisco,  ( 'al. 

M.  0.  CURRY 

Real  Estate  Broker 

1230  Market  Street 
Room  51.  Murphy  Bldg.  Sau  Francisco 


Formerly  628  Market  Street 

...Real  Estate  Exchange 

22',    GEARY    STREET,    SAN    ETiANCISCO 

Room  32  % 



















Elite  Electrolysis  Co. 

Telephone,    Sutter    121 


Near  Leavenworth  Straet 

San  Francisco,  Cal- 

PermaQeQtly    Removes 



in  women's  diseases 



San  Francisco  Savings  Union 

532   California   Street,  San  Francisco. 

Guaranteed  Capital  and  Surplus 
Total  Assets  -  -  - 

$   1,.-.!i4.i>n.-> 

VLBERT  MILLER.  President.  E.    B.    POND.    Vice  President. 


GEORGE    C.    BOARDMAN.  W.   C.    B.   DE   FREMERY. 


LOVELL  WHITE.  Cashier. 

Loans  upon  San  Francisco  and  Oakland  Real  Estate,  and  Farms  and  Farming  Lands 

in  the  country. 
No  charge  is   made  for  pass  book  or  entrance  fee. 


N.    E.    Corner    Pine   and    Sansome    Streets. 

Capital  Authorized $6,000,000 

Subscribed 2,000.000 

Paid  Up 1,500,000 

Surplus 660,000 

Remainder    Subject    to    Call. 

Head  Office:     3  Angel  Court,  London,   E.  C. 

New  York  Agents: 

J.  &  W.  Seligman  &  Co.,  21  Broad  St. 

Ign.  Steinhart.  P.  N.  Lilienthal. 




C  apital  Paid  Up.  $1,000,000. 

Wm.    H.    Crocker President. 

Wm.   E.  Blown Vice  President. 

Chas.    F.    Crocker,      Wm.      H.      Crocker. 
Henry    J.    Crocker.      E.    B.    Pond.      G.    W. 
Kline.  Geo.   W.   Scott,   Wm.   E.   Brown. 


N.  \V.  Corner  California  and  Sansome,  San 

Capital   and   Surplus.    $6,000,000. 

William   Alvord President. 

Charles  R.  Bishop Vice  President. 

Thomas    Brown Cashier. 

S.   Prentiss  Smith Assistant  Cashier. 

I.  F.  Moult  on Second  Asst.  Cashier. 

Allen   M.    Clay Secretary. 

Letters  of  Credit  Issued. 
Available    in   All   Parts   of   the    World. 
Telephone  Main  691. 

THE     BANK       OF       BRITISH       NORTH 


Established  in  1836. 

Incorporated  by  Royal  Charter. 

Paid    Up   Capital 
Reserve   Fund.  .    . 

.  1,338,000 

Location:    Crocker  Building.  Post,   Market 
and  Montgomery  Street. 

Commercial  Credits   Issued. 
Head  Office:     3  Clement's     Lane.     London. 

San   Francisco   Agency:    No.    120   Sansome 


H.    M.   J.   McMichael   and  J.    R.    Ambrose, 


California  Safe  Deposit  and  Trnst  Co- 

Paid  up   Capital,   $1,000,000.  Surplus,   $120,000. 

Coiner   Montgomery   and  California  Streets,    San  Francisco. 

J.   D.   FRY President.       R.  D.  FRY Second  Vice  President. 

HENRY    WILLIAMS    ..    .Vice  President.        J.   DALZELL  BROWN  .  Sec'y  and  Treas. 

This  Company  is  authorized  by  law  to  act  as  Executor,  Administrator  and  Trus- 
tee under  wills,  as  Guardian  of  estates  of  incompetent  persons  and  minors,  as  As- 
signee and  Receiver,  or  in  any  other  trust  capacity,  and  is  a  leagl  depositor  for  court 
and  trust  funds. 

Attends  to  the  collection  of  interest,  dividends,  rents,  etc.,  for  residents  or 

Acts  as  Trustee  of  mortgages  of  corporations  and  individuals,  and  accepts  the 
transfer  agency  and  registry  of  stocks. 

Receives  deposits  subject  to  check,  and  allows  interest  on  daily  balances.  Issues 
Certificates  of  Deposit  bearing  fixed  rates  of  interest.  Receives  deposits  in  its  sav- 
ings  department. 

Information  and  advice  regarding  trust  matters  cheerfully  given. 

SAFE  DEPOSIT  BOXES  to  rent  at  prices  from  $5  per  annum  upward,  accord- 
ing to  size,  and  valuables  of  all  kinds  are  stored   at   low   rates. 



Organized  1870.  U.    S.    Depository. 


Of  San  Francisco.   Cal. 

N.  \V.  Cor.   Hush  and  Sansome  Streets. 

Capital.  $5000,000.     Surplus,  $900,000. 

S.  G.  Murphy.  President. 

James    Moffltt,    Vice   President. 
.lames  K.  Lynch,  Cashier. 

J    K.  Moffltt,  Asst.   Cashier. 

Directors:     S.  G.   -Murphy.  James  .Moffltt. 

Geo.    C.    Perkins.    Geo.    A.    Low.    James    1 ». 

Phelan.    N.    Van    Bergen,    Thos.    Jennings, 

J.    A.    Hooper.  J.    Downey   Harvey. 

Tel.  Main  1326. 


Successor   to    Donohos.    Kelly    &    Co..    San 
N.    E.    Cor.    Montgomery   and   Sutter   Sts. 

Authorized   Capital $1,000,000 

Paid-Up   Capital 650.000 

A  LAM   GRANT,  President. 

JOSEPH    A.    DONOHOE.    Vice   President. 

JAMES    A.    THOMPSON.       Cashier. 

EDWARD    DONOHOE,    Asst.   Cashier  and 


DIRECTORS:  Joseph  A.  Donohoe.  Adam 
Grant.  John  Bermingham,  Gsorge  Whitte'l, 
Eugene  Kelly.  Irving  M.  Scott.  Howard 
Havens.    B.   F.    Dunham.    C.   de  Guigne. 

Issues  Letters  of  Credit  available  in  the 
I'nited  States  and  Europe,  and  transacts 
a  General  Banking  and  Collection  business. 
Tel.   Main   864. 

S.  E.  Cor.   Pine  and  Sansome  Sts. 
Successor  to  Sather  &  Co.,   San  Francisco. 
Established   1851.  Capital.    $1. 01111,000 

JAMBS    K.    WILSON.    President. 
ALBERT    MILLER.    Vice    President. 
L.    I.   OOWGILL.    Cashier. 
DIRECTORS:         Albert     Miller,      W.    P. 
Johnson,    F.    W.    Sumner,      C.    S.    Benedict. 
James  K.    Wilson. 

Issues  Letters  of  Credit  on  Messrs. 
Brown,  Shipley  &  Co..  London:  Messrs. 
Drexel,  Harjes  &  Co..  Paris:  which  are  ex- 
changeable for  travelers'  credits,  available 
in  all  parts  of  the  world. 

Makes  Collertions  in  all  parts  of  the 
I'nited  States.  Tel.  Main  1359. 



Corner    Bush    and   Sansome   Sts. 

Steel   Safes   rented    from   $5.00   a   year    up- 

Absolute   Security   for   Valuables. 

Prompt  and  careful  attention  to  customers. 

Office    Hours— 8  a.    m.    to   t;  p.    m. 

Tel.    Main   1326. 


Founded    1850.  Incorporated   1891. 

N.   E.  Cor.  California  and  Battery  Sts.. 
San   Francisco,   Cal. 

Authorized    Capital $1,000, 

Paid    in    Coin 5011. 000 


John   D.  Tallant.    President. 
Frederick  W.  Tallant,  Vice  President. 
John    Dempster    MeKee,    Cashier. 
Kirkam  Wright.  Secretary. 
Austin   C.   Tubbs  William   E.    Mighell 

Joseph   Knowland 

Draw  Exchanges  and  Issue  Travelers'  Let- 
ters of   Credit 
Available  in  all  parts  of  the  world. 
Tel.   Main  686 

WELLS.    FARGO    &    CO.'S    BANK. 

X.    E.    Cor.    Sansome    and    Sutter   Streets. 
San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Cash   Capital   and   Surplus.   $6,250,000. 

John   J.    Valentine.    President. 
Homer    S.    King.    Manager. 
H.    Wadsworth.    Cashier. 

F.    L.    Lipman.    Assis't   Cashier. 

Directors:  John  J.  Valentine.  Renj.  P. 
Chenev.  Oliver  Eldridge.  Homer  S.  King. 
Henry  E.  Huntington.  Geo.  E.  Gray.  John 
J.  McCook,  Chas.  F.  Crocker.  Dudley 

Tel.   Main  232. 


Capital ■■     $1,250,000 

Corner  of  Montgomery.  Post  and  Market  Streets. 
[SAIAS   W.   HELLMAN,  President.  S.  P.  YOUNG,  Secretary  and  Treasurer. 

CHR.    DE  Gl'IGNE,   Vice   President.  I.    W.    HELLMAN.   Jr..    Cashier. 

DIRECTORS:  Isaias  W.  Hellman.  Antoine  Borel,  Lewis  Gerstle.  J.  L.  Flood.  Geo. 
T.  Marye.  Jr.,  H.  F.  Allen.  Chr.  de  Guigne.  11.  L.  Dodge.  Homer  S.  King.  John  !  >. 
Spreckels.   Robert    Watt. 

This  company  transacts  a  General  Banking,  Trust  and  Sate  Deposit  Business; 
is  authorized  by  law  to  act  as  Trustee.  Executor,   Administrator,  etc. 

SAVINGS    DEPOSITS   received  and  the  usual   Savings    Bank   rates  of   interest    paid. 
SAFES  FOR    RENT  in  new   lire  and   burglar   pro. if    vaults    from    SI. on    per    annum    up- 
wards,  and   valuables  of  all   kinds   stored  at   lowesl    rates.  Tel.   Main  -">>- 1_. 



LONDON,       PARIS       AND       AMERICAN 
BANK    I  Limited). 

Subscribed   Capital $2,500,000 

Paid    Up   Capital 2. i 

Reserve  Fund 850,000 

Head  Office:  58  Old  Broad  Street,   London. 
Agencies:  Paris,  IT  Boulevard  Coissonniers. 
New   York.   10  Wall  Street. 
This   Bank   transacts   a   general    banking 
and    exchange    business,    issues    letters    of 
credit    and   travellers'   credits,    available    in 
the   principal   cities   of   the    world. 
Tel.  Main  316      C.   ALTSCHUL,   Managers. 


236  Bush   Street 
Mills    Building 

I.    J.    TRUMAN President. 

WILLIAM    S.    MILLER    .    Vice   President. 
CHAS.    O.    PERRY    .    M'ger   and   Cashie-. 

Telephone    Main   1602. 


101   Montgomery    Street 

Formerly  619  Clay   St.       Cor.   of  Sutter   St. 

Guaranteed  Capital    and    Reserve    Fund 


S.   C.    Bigelow President. 

Arthur  A.   Smith Vice  President 

Cyrus  W.  Carmany  ....  Sec'v  and  Cashier. 
Edwin   Bonnell Assistant  Cashier. 

Loans  made  at  Lowest  Rates  on  Ap- 
proved Collaterals  and  Citv  and  County 
Real  Estate. 

Term  and  Ordinary   Deposits   Received. 

Oldest  Incorporated  Savings  Bank  in  the 

Telephone   Main   53S2. 


CAPITAL $1,000,000 

CAPITAL    PAID    UP 300,000 

RESERYE    FUND 225. "no 


E.  McLaughlin   .  .  President  and  Manager. 

A.   B.  Wilder Vice  President. 

J.   E.   Auzerais Cashier. 

,M.    P.   O'Connor.       James   Gillon. 

'I'll  10     SAFE     DEPOSIT      DEPARTMENT. 

Safe    Deposit    Hums    to    Rent. 

Valuables    Stored   at   Lowest    Rates. 



(French  Bank). 

DE      PARIS 

Capital $20,011(1,11011 

Reserve  Fund 1,600,000 

Chairman.   M.  Denormandie.  late  Governor 

of  the  Bank  of  France. 

General    Manager.    M.    Alexis    Rostand. 

Head  Office:  14  Rue  de  Bergere 

Principal    Branch   Office:    (Letter    of   Credit 

Dept.)  2  Place  de   l'Opera,  Paris. 

A.    Phillips,    Acting  Manager. 

Telephone  Main  783.  San  Francisco  Branch. 



526  California  Street,   S.   F. 

Capital  actually  paid  in  cash   .  $1,000,000.00 

Deposits  December  31,   1895   .    .   30,727,586.59 

Reserve    Fund 750.01  moo 

Guaranteed  Capital 1,200,000.00 

President,  B.  A.  Becker. 
Vice  President,    Daniel   Meyer. 
Cashier,  A.    H.   R.   Schmidt. 
Assistant  Cashier,  Wm.  Herrmann. 
Secretary,    George    Tourny. 
Assistant  Secretary.  A.  H.  Muller. 
B.    A.    Becker,     Edward    Kruse.    Daniel 
Meyer,  H.  Horstmaun.  Is_rn.  Steinhart,  Nic. 
Van  Bergen,  Emil  RohL-,  H.  B.  Russ,  D.  N. 

Attorney.    W.    S.    Goodfellow. 


33  Post  Street,   below  Kearny, 
Mechanics'   Institute   Building. 

Guaranteed    Capital $1,000,000 

James  D.   Phelan President. 

S.    G.    Murphy    and    John    A.    Hooper,    Vice 

Geo.    A.    Story Cashier. 

Interest  Paid  on  Term  and  Ordinary  De- 
posits. Loans  on  Approved  Securities. 
Deposits  may  be  sent  by  Postal  Order, 
Wells,  Fargo  &  Co.,  or  Exchange  on  City 

When  opening  accounts,  send  signature. 

•  Telephone    Main    5039. 

THE    BANK    OF    SAN   JOSE. 
Established   1866. 

Capital $300,000 

Reserve   Fund   and   Surplus    . .     100,000 

T.  Ellard  Beans  .  .  President  and  Manager. 
Wm.    Knox    Beans    . .     . .    Vice    President. 

Clement   T.    Park Cashier. 

John  T.  Colahan Assistant  Cashier. 

A  General  Banking.  Exchange.  Loan  and 
Collection  Business  Transacted.  Draw  di- 
rect mi  i,nii(i(in.  New  York,  San  Francisco 
and    Chicago. 




O.OO.  '  -;;V.i>c    - 

gouip  secuR|.Tv 

Overf  9 

r£source>U       ^3P  CALIFORNIA  STfl££T. 

*^  -<  ly~  ^         P  SAFE    OEPOSIT    BUILOlNC.  * 



Taid-up   Capital,   and  reserve    ..        (160,000 

Guarantee    and    Casually 
Issues    Guarantee    Bonds 
Insures  Against   Casualty 

Head  Office 30S  Sansome  Street. 

Telephone  621.        Opp.   Bank  of  California. 


Wallace   Everson President. 

John  Bermingham Vice  President. 

A.    P.    Redding Secretary. 


Capital $1,000, 

ROBT.    DICKSON,    Manager. 

B.   J.    SMITH.    Asst.    Manager. 
BOYD  &  DICKSON,  San  Francisco  Agents. 
501   Montgomery  Street. 



WALTER  SPEYEK,    General  Agent 

2-J.")  Sansome  St.,  San  Francisco 


Of  Liverpool,   England. 


Of  America.  X.  Y. 

ROLLA  V.   W  \TT.    Manager. 
X.   E.  cor.   Montgomery  and  Sacramento  Sts. 

Telephone,  Main  113. 

San  Francisco. 



HANOVER       FIRE       INSURANCE       CO. 


Cesar   Bertbeau,    Pacific   Coast   Manager. 

210  Sansome  Street. 

Tel.  Main  272. 

W.  LOAIZA  &  CO., 
Shipping   and    Commission    Merchants   and 
General  Insurance   Agents. 
21S  and   220   SANSOME  STREET. 


General  Agents 
Union  Casualty  &  Surety  Co.  of  St.  Louis, 
Mo.  City  Agents 

Fire — 
Atlas  Assurance  Co.  Norwich  Union 
Fire  Ins.  Society.  Manchester  Fire  Assur- 
ce  Co.  Caledonia  Insurance  Co.  Ameri- 
can Ins.  Co.  of  Newark.  N.  J.  Scottish 
Union  and  National  Ins.  Co.  Orient  Insur- 
ance  Co.  Marine — 

New  Zealand  Insurance  Co.  General  Ins. 
Co.  of  Trieste.  Austria.  Austrian  Phoenix 
&   Imperial   Privileged   Ins.    Co.    of  Vienna. 



Union   Mutual  Life  Insurance   Co. 

San   Francisco. 


YORK        LIFE 


17-2:;    Mills    Building 

Second  Floor 

San   Francisco. 

Chas.  A.  McLane Agency  Director. 

Fred.    G.    Redding Cashier. 

Telephone    Main   1696. 


Its    distinctive    plan   of   organization    gives 

Greatest  Safety  and  Profit  to 

Policy  Holders. 

Invests  its  Funds  on  the  Pacific  Coast. 
Life  and   Endowment   Policies. 

Company's    Building 

N.   !•;.  Corner  Sacramento  and  Montgomery 

Sts..    San   Francisco. 

Tel.  Main  5296.    Gen.  Agents  for  California. 

Manager,    Pacific    Department. 

American   Central     Ins.   Co.    of  St.    Louis. 

Saint  Paul  F.  &  M.  Ins.  Co.  of  St.  Paul. 

Lloyd's  Plate  Glass  Ins.  Co.  of  New  York. 

San  Francisco. 


OF    NEW    YORK. 

—Established  1837— 

D.   A.  SPENCER. 


215   Sansome   Street. 
San   Francisco. 

Tel.    Main   1692. 


Edmund  E.   Hill President. 

V.     P.    Eldrigde.        Capt.    Oliver    Eldridge. 
Win.  Corbin Secretary. 

222   Sansome   Street 

Mutual  Life  Building,  San  Francisco. 

Life.  Health.  Accident. 



General  Offices.  303  California  Street. 

Largest   and    Strongest   Association   of   its 
character    in    the    U.    S. 

1847  —  1896. 



921.   92::.    '.C  Chestnut   Street.    Philadeplhia, 

Assets $27,365,083.50 



Henry  C.  Gesford 

H.  G.  W.  Dinkelspiel 



Chronicle  Building 

Rooms   39-40-41 
Telephone    Red   911 

San    Francisco 

A.   A.  Grant.   President 

.1.    A.    Burton.    Secretary   and    Treasurer 


Subdivision   of  The   Moraga  Rancho.   12.t;nr>  Acres 

Choice  Fruit  Lands  in  Small  Farms Within    Eight    Miles   of   Oakland 

General  Offices:  54  and  .35  Chronicle  Building  San  Francisco 



Chronicle   Building 
s  24,   25,   2<; 

Telephone  Main   887 

San   Francisco 

A.    L.    Hart 

Frank   C.    Cleary 



Chronicle    Building,    Rooms   66,   68  and   G8 

Telephone  Main  1494       San  Francisco,  Cal. 


Chronicle  Building 
Rooms  24,  25,  -•: 

Telephone  Main  887 

San    Francisco 


Managers  of    the 

Penn      Mutual     Life     Insurance     Company 
Of  Philadelphia,  (or  California 

Office:   83,    B4,   85,   Chronicle  Building 

San   Francisco 





Crockei*  Building- 
Corner  Post  and  Montgomery  Sts. 

Sax  Francisco 



E.     F-    MURDOCK    &    CO. 


Washington  office 

( >pp.  Patent  Office 

San  Fraecisco  office 
Rooms  197-198  Crocker  Building 

fur.  Post  and  Montgomery  sts. 

TIREY    L.    FORD 

Attorney  and  Counselor 

Telephone  Main  5000 

Cor.  Post  and  Montgomery  Streets 




JOHN    10.    RICHARDS 

Bye,    Ear,    Nose    and 


Law    Offices 

Rooms    145    and    146,    Crocker    Building 

San    Francisco 

Telephone   Main  5889 

Rooms  26  and  27.  Crocker  Building 

Office    Hours:                              San    Francisco 

1    to    5    P.    M. 

Telephone  Main  75 


Oculist  and   Aurist 


Crocker    Building 


Junction    Market,    Post    and    Montgomery 
Seventh  Floor,   Rooms  139-141 

Rooms  97  to  103                    Crocker  Building 

Residence    511     Devisadero    Street 

Telephone   Pine   101 

Telephone    Alain   167 

Hours:  KIA.  M.  to  12  M.            San  Francisco 

and  2  to  1   P.   M. 

San   Francisco 

D.   M.   ilelmas                        S.   M.   Shortridge 



E.    C.    BONNER 

A1  torney-at-Law 

Rooms   28    to    36    Crocker    Building 

Third    Floor 

106    Crocker    Building 

Telephone    Main    75                 San    Francisco 

San    Francisco,    Cal. 

Ex-j  Attorney-General 

WM.    II.    11.    HART 




Probate    and    Mining    Laws 

Water  and   aWter    Rights 
Municipal  and  Corporation   Bonds 

is.">   Crocker   Building 

L49-152   Crocker    Building 

■  San    Francisco 

Eighth    Floor 

Telephone   Main   66 

PRANK    S.     VAX    TREES 

JOHN    F.    SHEEHAN,    Jr. 


Vttornej   and  Counselor 

Room   156 

Room    196 

Eighth  Floor,  Crocker  Building 

Crocker  Building                     San  Francisco 

S;in   Francicsco 

EDWARD  K.  SWAIN     architect    Rooill  227,  Crocker  Building 


\  hi  W-'.'i  3  fv\     f 

-        -  '  r  ■         lilt 

»  BIRtf'iljMiLi 



f  W  w  f  ?  T  f  ■ !. ?  f  [1 

N.  E.  cor.  Bush  and  Montgomery  Sts.,  H.  H.  TAYLOR,,  4th  Floor 


Attorney  and  Counselor  at  Law 

Kocins  -.'I  ;in. I  \!.V  Fil'tli  Floor 

Mills  Building 

San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Telephone.  Main  5665 



New  York  Life  Insurance  Company 

JOHN'    M.CALL.    President  ('HAS.    A.    McLANE,    Agency   Director 

FRED  G.   REDDING,  Cashier 

Second  Floor.  Mills  Building  Telephone    Main    1G96 


Room    39,    Tenth    Floor 



Telephone  Main  1901 

San   Francisco        Room  19.   Xinth  Floor 

Mills    Building 


Formerly  Assistant  United  States  Attorney 

President    Golden   Gate    Dredging   and   Re- 
Reclamation  Co. 

President   California  and   Nevada  Laud  Co. 

Rooms    17.    IS.    19.    Seventh    Floor 

Mills  Building.   San   Francisco 

J.   J.    I  if  Haven 

S.    C.    Denson 


Attorneys  and  Counselors  at    Law 

Rooms   IT  to   19,    Eighth    Floor 

Mills    Building 

Telephone    Main  San    Francisco 

Mills    Building 



Rooms  36  to  39  Fourth  Floor 

Mills  Building 

Telephone  Main   1043 


Attorney-at-Law— Notary  Public 

Rooms  37-39,   Fifth  Floor 
Mills   Building 

Telephone  Main  5917 


Geo.  A.  Knight 

Tel.  South  563 



Rooms  517-521,  Parrot  t  Building 


Detective  Agency 

Parrott  Building,  Rooms  flir-G18 

Sixiii  Floor 

885  855  Marki  t  St.,        San  Francisco 

Twenty  years  experience  in  civil  and  criminal 
cases  None  bu1  experienced  men  employed.  My 
work  always  speaks  tor  itself.  Agents  in  all  parts 
ui  r.  S.,  Canada  and  Mexico.    I  have  had  extensive 

experience    iii    e \ t  ra il  i  I  ion    cases    in    Canada     and 

Mexico.      No  dfvoroe  eases  handled  unless  oon- 
v idera  ble  properts  is  at  stake. 

Tel.  Jessie  1311  A.  E.  LUCAS,  Manager. 

Residence  Tel.,  White  941 




Attorney  and  Counselor  at   Law 
Telphone  South   131 

Room    139 
Parrott  Building 

825  .Market  Street 

Prom  1  to  i  P.  M. 
Saturdays,    12    to    2    P.    M. 



855    .Market.    Room   614 

Telephone    South    222 

Telephone  Black  1181  Take  Elevator 

DR.  T.  F.   BRENNAN 

Physician  and   Surgeon 

Emporium  or  Parrott  Building 

825  Market  Street 
855  Market  Street 

0:30  A.  M. 

2  to  4  P.   M.        Rooms  397-398  Third  Floor 

7  to  8  P.   -M. 

Sundays.   !   to  2  P.    M. 


Physician   and   Surgeon 

Of  the  Royal  University  of  Turin.  Italy 

Office   Hours: 

885  Market  Street,  The  Emporium.  Third 
Floor.  Rooms  363-364,  10  to  11  A.  M.,  3  to 
5   P.   M. 

Office    Hours: 

Residence,  41.S  Montgomery  Street,  S  to 
9   A.    M.,    12   to   2   P.    M..   7  to  S   P.    M. 

Tell  phone  Jessie  1011 

Stenographer  and  Typewriter 

Room  537,   Fifth   Floor 

Parrott  Building  San  Francisco 

THOMAS   GALVAX.    M.    D. 
Physician   and   Surgeon 

Telephone  Hyde  1381 

Office:    Parrott    Building.    Third    Floor 
Keoms  395  and  39S 

Office   Hours:   2   to  4.    7  to   8   P.    M., 
Sundays  12  to  1 

Residence  :     Hotel  Langham 



San    Francisco, 

isi'   Parrott   Building 
825  Market  Street 

Fhas.    A.    Garter 

Geo.   D.   Campbell 


Room    590 

Parrott    Building 


Shorthand  and  Typewriting 

Stenographers    Furnished.      Copying    Done 

Special  Facilities  for  Giving  Practical   In- 

Parrott    Building.    Booms  ."i7:.'-.<71-r>75-576 

Telephone    Mint     1311 

DR.    P.    H.    TIIORTXTOX 

Special      Attention     to     Female      Diseases, 
Tumors.  Rupture 

Office:    K< i    199   Fourth   Floor 

Parrott    Building 

Hours:    10  A.    M.    to  5   P.    M. 






Rooms  609-610  Safe  Deposit  Building.  San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Telephone  Main  902 

SAFE  DEPOSIT  BUILDING— Corner  California  and  Montgomery  Sts.,  S.  F. 

Room  6 




San  Francisco 



P.    A.    BERLIN 

Attorney-at- Law- 

Room    416 

Deposit    Huilding 

San    Francisco,    Cal. 

Attorney  and  Counselor  at  Law- 
Rooms  204-5-6-7-8 
California  Safe  Deposit  Building 

San   Francisco.   Cal. 
Telephone  418   Main.  P.    O.    Box   2444 

Searcher  of  Records 

Successor    to    Brooks    &    Rouleau 

Searcher  of  Records 
For  the  City  and  County  of  San  Francis    i 

Office:   322   Montgomery   Street 

Safe  Deposit  Building    Telephone  Main  1870 



Of  New  York 

W.   A.   BREWER.  Jr..  President 
Assets $14,000,000 

Reliable.  »•  live  agents  are  invited  to  ad- 
dress   .TAMES    B.    DAY,    Manager    Pacific 
si    Department,    216-211      Safe     Deposit 
Building.   San   Francisco. 

C.    L.    FAY,    General   Agent.    Washington 
Iluilding.  Portland.  Oregon. 

Law   Office: 


Safe  1>  posit  Building  San  Francisco 


Deposit  Building.  328  Montgomery  St. 

A.   J.   Gunnison 
A.    G.    Booth 
W.    J.    Barmen 

San    Francisco 

John  Curtin.  Telephone  No.  955 

Ex-Pinkerton   Detective 


_  ■    Montgomery   Street 
■   Deposit  Building)  San   Francisco 

MRS.  O.   A.   EGGERS 
Notary  Public 

Depositions  taken  at  any  Time  day  or  night 

Residence  312  Haight  Sti 

Safe    Deoosit    Building. 

Room  2"  I,  Second  Floor 

Telephone   Main  5315 



Rooms    113-414 

Deposit    Building 



The  Northwestern  Life  Association  of  Minneapolis 

322  and  324  Hennepin  Ave  Dr,  J.  F.  FORCE,  President 

F.   P.  WEED,  General  Agent         319  Spreckles  Bid 'g,  San  Francisco,  Oil. 

Pure  Lffe  Insurance.        Prompt  Payment.        Perfect  Plan. 

927  Market  Sireet 


No.  11  N.  Broadway,  ST.  LOUIS,  MO, 

San  Francisco  Office  -  927  MARKET  STREET 

Room  '-'^ 



GEO.  F.  SHIELS.  M.  D. 
Edinburgh.         F.  R.  C.  S. 

Physician  and  Surgeon 

108  Stockton  Street— 3  to  5  and  7  p.  m. 
Residence.  California  Hotel — 9  A.  M. 

Telephone  Main  156.S 

DR.  W.  R.  CLUXESS.  Jr. 

No.  40i)  Sutter  Street 

Rooms  26  and  27 
Office     Hours: 

1    to   3     7    to    S    P.    M. 

Telephone  Main  1669 


336  Post  Street 
Corner  Post  and  Powell  Streets 
Hotel   Savoy   Building 

2   to   5   P.    M. 

Telephone    Black    291 

103    Powell    Street 

JOHX  F.  MORSE,  M.  D. 

Surgeon    German    Hospital 

200   Stockton   Street 

Office.  Telephone  Grant  90 

Office    Hours: 
1   to  3.  7  to  8  P.    M. 

Residence.  2522  Pine  Street 
Residence   Telephone   West  533 


406  Sutter  Street 

Office.  Telephone   Main  1669 

Hours:  San    Francisco 

3    to    5   P.    M. 
Saturdays    1    to    4    P.    M. 

Residence  Telephone  Hyde  1401 


Office  and  Residence 

920  Polk  Street.  Corner  Geary 

Telephone    East    177 

1  to  3  o"clock  and  7  o'clock  P.  M. 


Gynaecologist    German    Hospital    and    San 
Northewest  Corner  Post  and  Powell  Streets  Francisco  Polyclinic 

Telephone  Main  5371         Office  Hours:  2  to  4        TelePhone  Bast   401 

101S  Sutter  Street 


Office   200   Stockton    Street 


1  to  3.  7  to  8  P.   M.— Telephone  Grant  90 

Residence   1104    Devisadero    Street— Tele-  1   to  3   P     M 

phone   Steiner  2571. 


Has  removed  his  office  and  residence  to 
1022  Sutter  Street 

Telephone  Sutter   _ 



Residence  Telephone  West  338 
Office  Telephone  Grant  130 

G.  J.  BUCKNALL,  M.  D. 

330  Sutter  Street 


Eye.      Ear.      Xose     and     Throat 

1121  Laguna  Street        Office:   603    Sutter    Street 

Hours,  2  to  5:30  p.  m.     Bet.  Turk  &  Eddy 
San   Francisco.   Cal. 


M.   R.  C.  P.  London 

Office:   813  Sutter  St.  San   Francisco 

Office    Hours: 

11   to  12  a.   m.,   2  to  4  p.   m. 

Sundays,  2  to  3 

Residence:    2506    Fillmore    Street 

Residence  Tel.  Pine  901  Office  Tel.  East  629 

Residence   Tel.    East  33 

Office    Tel.    Main   5392 


Eye.   Ear.   Xose  and  Throat 

Hours:  11  a.  m.  to  3  p.  m..  5  to  6  p.   m. 

Wenban  Building 

N.  W.  cor.  Sutter  and  Mason  Sts. 

L.  DE  CORVAL,  M.  D. 

406  Sutter  Street,  Rooms  5  &  6 

Office  Hours:  San  Francisco 

1  to  3  p.  m. 

Residence,     518     Lombard     Street       (near 

Telephone  Black  2221 
Office  Hours:     11  to  12  m.    7  to  8  p.  m. 

DR.  A.  B.  McKEE 

Eye.  Ear,  Xose  and  Throat 

Office:  533  Sutter,  cor.  Mason 
Hours:  9:30  to  1 
Other  Hours  by  Appointment 
Telephone   Red  841 

Hours:  11  a.  m.  to  3  p.  m. 

Telephone    Main    5572 
Residence.  Palo  Alto 


Office:    S13   Sutter   St.  Tel.    East  029 

Hours:   11   to  12.  1  to  3.   7  to  8. 


Rooms   62  and  63 

14   Grant  Avenue,    San   Francisco 

Office  Hours:  Diseases  of  Women  and 

10-12  a.  m.  and  2-5  p.  m.        of  the  Stomach 


Eye,    Ear,    Xose    and    Throat 
533  Sutter  Street 
Telephone    Main    1155 

C.  G.  KENYON,  M.  D. 

Surgeon    to    St.    Luke's  Hospital 

901  Sutter  Street 

Office  Hours: 
Until  9  a.  m. :  1  to  3  &  7  to  S  p.  m. 
Telephone  East  315 



DR.   C.   E.   COOPER 


Superintendent   of     Waldeek     Sanatorium, 

717  Jones  Street 

Office — Physicians'    Building 

Hours:   11   a.    m.   and   5  r>.   ni. 

Office   Hours: 

Hours:    1   to  3                  Telephone    East   928 

803   Sutter   Street 

Residence,   1412   Folsom    St. 

1.30  to  3.30,    and   at  7  p.   m. 

Hours:    7    to    8   p.    m.     Telephone    Mint   221 

DR.  E.  E.  KELLY 

DR.  E.  F.  GLASER 

Physicians'  Building 
803  Sutter  Street 

Office — Physicians'    Building 

Hours:   1  to  3   and  7  to  8  p.    in. 

803  Sutter  Street 

Office   Tel.    East   924 

Res.,    The   Stewart,    431   Ellis   Street 

Res.,  431  Ellis  Street 
Res.  Tel.   Hyde  1111 

Hours:  3  to  5,   and  7  to  8  p.    m. 
Phone,    East  924 

Residence — 1001  Bush  Street 

Phone,    Sutter    12S1 



Formerly  Resident  Physician  of  St.  Luke's 

Eye.  Ear,  Nose  and  Throat 


Office:   813   Sutter    Street,    San   Francisco 
Hours:  10  to  12  a.   m..   2  to  4  p.   m. 

Office  and  Residence: 
428   Ellis   Street 

Telephone  East  629 
Residence.  1033  Ellis  Street. 

Hours:                                        Telephone 
1   to  3  and  7  to  8   p.    m.                 Hyde   1R51 

Hours:  1  to  4  p.   m.     Telephone,    South  222 
Saturadys.    12   to    2   p.    m. 




Office   Hours:     1  to  4  and  7  to  8  p.   m. 

Sundays  10  a.  m.  only 

855   Market  St. 

Parrot    Bldg. 

Room   i'.l  1                                   San    Francisco 

Office  and    Residence:   1065    Howard   Street 

Telephone    South    63 




Office  and  Residence : 

813  Sutter  Street 

ilin   Mason   Street 
San  Francisco 

Hours:    10   to    3  Telephone    Easl    Ins 

San  FranciscQ 



Heart  and  Lungs 

784  Geary  Street  San  Francisco 

Hours:    1  to  3:30  p.  m. 

Tel.    East   188 


California   Woman's    Hospital 

1298  Van  Ness  Avenue 

S.   E.    Cor.   Sutter  St. 
Office  Hours:  2  to  4  o'clock,  except  Satur- 
day and  Sunday 
Telephone   East  430 


Physician  and  Surgeon 

Office:    21  Powell  Street 

10  a.  m.,  2  to  4  and  7  to  8  p.   m. 

Telephone  Bush  11 


Physician  and  Surgeon 

Office:  406  Sutter  Street,  Rooms  22  and  23. 
Hours:   1  to   3  and   7  to  8  p.    m. 

Telephone   Main   356 
Residence:    2761    Bush    Street,    cor.    Baker 

Telephone    Pine   571 


Physician  and  Surgeon 

611  Washington 

Office  Hours:   9   to  10   a.   m.,    2  to   4  p.    m. 
Res.,    1429    Mason  Tel.    Main    1444 


Office:    624    Kearny    Street 
Telephone    Main   207 

1331  Leavenworth  Street 
Telephone   East  574 
Hours:  1:30  to  4  p.  m.,  7:30  to  9  p.  m. 


Eye,     Ear,     Nose     and     Throat 

16  Geary  Street 

Hours:  10  a.   m.   to  2  p.   m. 

DR.  W.  A.  MARTIN 

Eye,   Ear,   Nose  and  Throat 

302  Stockton  Street 

11  to  12.     1  to  4. 
Tel.   Grant  503 

824  Fell  Street 

Steiner  561 

San  Francisco 

Tel.   Grant  175 

W.  P.  BURKE,  M.  D. 

803  Sutter  Street 
Physicians'  Building 

Tuesday  and  Saturday,  11-4 
Residence:  Altruria,  Sonoma  County. 



DR.  G.  W.  DAY  WALT 

Diseases     of     the       Mucous      Membranes. 

Catarrh   a   Specialty 

Residence:   2123  Jackson    St. 
Office-    1236   Market    St..    Murphy   Building 
Residence:  The  Strathmore 
207  Larkin  Street 
Tel.    South   307  San   Francisco 

San  Francisco 

Telephone  Grant  509 

J.  LEFFLER.  M.  D. 

Physician   and   Surgeon 

Hours:  Office   and    Res. 

From  1-3  and  7-8  p.  m.  114  Geary  St. 

Sundays.    10  to   12 


10  to  12  a.   m. 

Office  and  Residence: 
2720   Sacramento   St. 


Physician  and  Surgeon 

Office:    636    Sutter    Street 

Hours:  10  to  12  a.  m..  7  to  8  p.  m. 
Telephone    East    444 

Residence:    2207    Post    Street 
Telephone  Pine  3251 



336  O'Farrell    Street  San    Francisco 

Cor.   Taylor 
Office  Hours:  3  to  5  and  7  to  8 
Telephone   Mint   1261 

JAMES  F.  McCONE,  M.  D. 
Iff.   R.  C.   S..   England 

Physician  and    Surgeon 

Office  and  Residence:  1132  Sutter 
Tel.   Sutter  631 

Hours:  1  to  3  and  7  to  S  p.   m. 

A.  P.  WOODWARD.  M.  D. 

Diseases     of    the     Skin     a     Specialty 


21    Powell  Street.    Rooms  11  and   12 
OoDosite    Baldwin    Hotel 

Hours:  11  a.  m.  to  1  p.  m. :  6:30  to  7:30  p.  m. 
Telephone  Bush  4 


X.    W.    Cor.    California   and    Fillmore   Sts. 
Hours:  9  a.  m.  and  4  p.  m. 

Sundays.  10  a.  m.  residence  only 
Telephone   West    195 

Telephone.  Office.  Bush  17      Hours:  10  a.  m. 
Residence.    "Mission"    T' ►       2   to    4  ft  7  to 

B   p.   m. 

DR.  W.  M.  S.  BEEDE 


Resident   Physician   and   Surgeon 
City    and    County    Hospital 

San    Francisco 
Private  Office: 

Office:    Y.    M.    C.    A.    Building 

Cor.   Mason  and  Ellis  Streets. 

Telephone.   Office.   Bush   17 
Telephone.    Res..    Red   1M1 

Y.    M.    (\    A.   Building 

Mason  and  Ellis  Streets 

llui-rs:   10  a.    m..   2   to    1   A:   7  to  S  p.   m. 
Residence,    Hotel    YVenban 



DR.   W.   B.   STEPHENS 
Eye,      Ear,     Nose     and     Throat 

San  Francisco: 

231  Post  St..  Rooms  25  and  26 
Hours:    10  to  1 

Alameda:  Central  Block 

Cor.  Central  Ave.  and  Oak  St. 

Tel.    Red    571  Hours:    3    to    6 


fill    Washington    Street 


1427   Mason   St. 

Office  Hours:  8  to  9  a.  m.,  1  to  2:30  p.    m. 

H.  ISAAC  JONES,  M.  D. 

(L.  R.  C.  P.  E.,   Etc.) 

Eye,       Ear,       Nose      and       Throat 


222  Post  St.,  bet.  Grant  Ave.  and  Stockton 

Sts.,  San  Francisco 

Tel.    Grant    101 

Hours:    10  a.    m.    to   3:30  p.    m.        Sunday 



Physician  and  Surgeon 

Of   the    Royal   University    of   Turin,    Italy 

Office    Hours:    855    Market    St., 

The  Emporium,   3d   Floor,   Rooms  363-364 

10   to   11    a.    m.  3   to   5  p.    m. 

Bee  Hours:  Residence,  418  Montgomery  St. 

8  to  9   a.    m. 

12  to  2  p.  m.  7  to  8  p.   m. 


Physician  and  Surgeon 

Parrott    Building.   3rd   Floor 

Rooms  389  and  396 
Office    Hours: 

2  to  4  p.   m. ;   7  to  8   p.   m. 

Sundays:   12  to   1 
Residence:  Hotel  Langham 

Telephone,    Mint    531 
E.  H.  MATTNER,  A.  M.,  M.  D. 

Physician   and    Surgeon 

Special    attention    to    Diseases    of    Women 
and  Children 

Office    Hours: 

1    to  3  p.   m.,   7  to   8  p.    m. 

505   Van    Ness   Avenue,    San    Francisco 

Former    Locality,    322    McAllister 

Office  Telephone:   Grant   92 
Residence  Telephone:   Hyde  891 
Hours:   10  to  11  a.  m. 
2  to  4  p.  m.  and  7  to  8  p.  m. 
Sundays :   9  to  10  a.   m. 


Physician  and  Surgeon 

Consultation  in  all  modern  languages 

22   1-2    Geary    Street  San    Francisco 


1502    Jackson    St.,    cor.     Larkin. 

A.  W.  TRAVERSE,  M.  D. 


170    Market   st.  Over   "The    Maze" 

Second   Floor.   Rooms  28-29 

Special    Attention    Given    to    the    Removal 
of   Superfluous   Hair   by 

Office  Hours:  12  to  4  p.   m. 

Telephone  Black  1181 


Physician   and  Suregon 

Emporium     or     Parott     Building 

825   Market   Street 

855  Market  Street 

Rooms    397-398,    3rd    Floor,    San    Francisco 


9:30   a.    m.,    2   to  4  p.    m..   7  to   8  p.    m. 

Sundays.    1   to  2   p.m. 


499   Parrott   Building.    4th    Floor 


10  a.  m.  to  5  p.  m. 

Home  Office: 

435    Golden    Gate    Avenue 

Hours:  8  to  10  a.   m.  6  to  9  p.    m. 




Hotel   Pleasanton 

406  Sutter  St. 

Hours:  3  to  5  and  7  p.   m. 

Tel.   Red  18C1 

1142  McAllister  St. 

Hours:  12:30  to  2:30  p.  m. 

Tel.    West   447 



813  Sutter  Street 

Hours:  2:30  to  4  p.    m. 

Telephone,    Easr 

2406   Sutter   Street 

Hours:  12  to  2  p.  m. 

Telephone  West  646 


Physician  and  Surgeon 

108   Stockton    St.    and   48    O'Farrell    St. 


1  to  3  p.  m..     to  S  p.  m. 

San    Francisco 
lelephone   Red  1101 


108    Stockton    St.    and   46   O'Farrell    St. 


1:30  to  3:30  p.   m.,  and  7  to  S  p.  m. 

Telephone.   Red   1101 


Physician  and  Surgeon 

776  Geary  St. 

Residence:  936  Haight  Street 
Tel.    West  416 



1142   McAllister   Street 

Hours:  2  to  4  and  7  p.  m. 

Tel.    West   447 

406  Sutter  Street 

Hours:   12  to  2  p.   m. 


Oculist  and  Aurist 


Crocker   Building 

Junction    Market.    Post    and    Montgomery 

Seventh  Floor.   Rooms  139-141 

Residence.   511  Devisadero   Street 
Telephone  Pine  101 

San    Francisco 

Hours:  10  a.  m.  to  12  m.  and  2  to  4  p.  m. 

Police  Surgeon 

Office  and  Residence:  103  Larkin  Street 

Hours:  1  to  3.  7  to  8  p.   m. 
Sundays:   9   to   10   a.    m. 

Telephone.  Jessie  211 

H.  M.  BECK.  M.  D. 

32  O'Farrell  Street 

Shiels'   Building.  San  Francisco 

Office  Hours: 

1  to  4  and  6  to  8  p.  m. 


Physician  and  Surgeon 
Office   and   Residence.   1113   Sutter   Street 

Telephone    East    590 

Office    Hours:   1    to  3   p.   m..   7   to   S   p.    m. 
Sundays.  10  to  11  a.  m. 



DR.  E.   R.   BRYANT 

General    Surgery  Eye   and    Ear 

522  Sutter  Street 

2  to   4  p.   m..    7  to   7:45 
Sundays:   9:30  to  10  a.    m. 

Office    Tel.    Main    5773 
Residence:    The   Berkshire 
711  Jones  Street 

Tel.    Main   1429 


Eye.     Ear,     Nose     and    Throat 

319   Geary   Street 

San   Francisco.  Cal. 
Office  Hours:  10  to  12  a.  m.,  2  to  4  p.  m. 
Telephone  Main  1723 
Residence:    1504    Fell    Street 


The  Wenban 

606  Sutter  Street,   Rooms  36  and  37 
Residence:  1721  Vallejo  Street 

Telephone   West  198 

8  to  9  a.  m.,  1  to  3  p.  m..  7  to  8  p.   m. 
Sundays:   1   to   2  p.    m. 

Telephone    Main    1321 

WM.   BOERICKE,  M.   D. 

Physician  and  Surgeon 

Office    and    Residence: 

1812  Washington  St. 
Telephone   East   163 


Office  and  Residence: 

1023  Post  St. 
Bet.  Larkin  and  Polk 


1  to  3  p.  m.,  6  to  7:30  p.   m. 
Sundays,  8  to  10  a.  m. 

Telephone   East  68S 


Physician  and  Suregon 

606   Sutter   Street  Wenban   Building 

Telephone   Main   5334 

Hours:  2  to  4  p.   m. 

N.    E.   Cor.   Jackson  and   Steiner   Streets 
Telephone   West  189 


Physician   and  Surgeon 

Office:  331  Geary   Street 
Hours:  Residence:    754    Oak    Street 

1  to  3  p.  m.     Sundays.  10  to  11  a.   m.   only  Before  9  a.   m. :  6  to  8  p.   m. 

Telephone  West  894 


The  Wenban 
606   Sutter    Street 
Rooms   38-39-40 

Palace  Hotel 

Telephone  Red  131 

Hours:  1  to  3  p.  m.,  7  to  8  p.  m. 
1  to  2  p.  m. 
Telephone    .Main   5404 



Office  and   Residence: 

The    Wenban 

606   Sutter   Street 

11  a.  m.  to  2  p.  m. 

6   to  7  p.    m.  Telephone   Main   184S 



Cancer.    Tumors 

Diseases  of  Children 



Office  and  Residence 114$    Sutter    St.,    cor.    Polk 

San  Francisco 
Hours:  2  to  4  and    7  to  8  p.  m. 
Sunday.  9  to  10  Telephone  Sutter  2441 


741  Sutter  Street 
San  Francisco 

Office    Hours: 

1  to  3  p.   m. 

Telephone  East   421 

DR.  S.  I.  LEE 

Office:    83fi    Sutter    St..    cor.     Leavenworth 

Hours:    9   to    11;    2   to    4 
Sundays:  3  to  4  p.   m. 

Special   Attention   Given   to 
Diseases    of    Women    and    Children 


531  Sutter  Street 


1  to  3  p.  m. 

Telephone    Main    .".".::  I 


Office:   414   Mason  St. 
Native    Sons'    Building 

Residence:    334    Guerrero    Street 


2  to  4  p.   m. 

Telephone  Main  9. 


11  a.  m.  to  2  p.   m. :  7  to  8  p.  m. 


Office:   732  Sutter  Street 

Telpehone    Sutter   221 

Hours:  12  to  3  and  7  to  8  p.   m. 
Residence:  1310  Geary  Street 

Telephone  Steiner  771 

S.  C.  BALDWIN,  M.  D. 

Office  and  Residence: 

850  .Market  Street.  Rooms  14  and  10 

Cor.   Stockton  and  Ellis  Sts. 

San   Francisco 

Office    Hours: 
10  to  12  a.   m. 
1  to  -1  p.   m. 

Telephone  Main  1160 


Rupture.  Rectal  and     Genlto-Urinary    Diseases 

Office  Hours:  Rooms  3-4 

L0  a.    m.   to  4  p.   m.  838   Market  Street 

Evenings    7    to   8  Elite    Photograph    Gallery    Entrance 

Sundays  10   to  12  m.  San   Francisco 



DR.   H.  W.   HUNSAKER 

Office  and  Residence 

114  Geary  Street 

San   Francisco 

Office  Hours: 

12  to  4  and  7  to  8  p.   m. 
Telephone   Grant   ",11 



208  Mason. 

V.    M.   C.   A.   Building  San  Francisco 


9  to  3  p.  m. 

Telephone  Main  .".177 

DR.   GEO.  G.   GERE 



310  Scott   Street.  S.  F. 

Telephone.  Steiner.  101. 

Hours:   6:30  to   7:30   p.    m. 


225  Geary  Street.   San  Francisco 

Hours:  11  a.  m.   to  2  p.  m. 

Telephone.   Main.   5771 


Physician  and  Surgeon 
928a  Sutter  Street 

Hours : 

1  to  4  and  7  to  8 

C.  N.  MILLER,  M.  D. 

Office:    Spreckels   Building 

Hours:  2  to  5 

Telephone    Main   5654 

Alameda,    2104    Alameda    Ave. 

At  Medical  College 
1422  Folsom  St..  from  9  to  12 
Telephone   South  84 

DR.  W.  A.  HARVEY 

Physician  and  Surgeon 

Office  Hours: 

1   to  3   and  7  to   8  p.   m. 

Office   and    Residence:    211   Taylor    Street 
Sundays  and  Holidays 
11  a.   m.   to  12  m.     Telephone  Jessie  81 



Rupture    Cured                            No    Operation 

Deutscber  Traueu  Hrtz 

1133   Polk  Street 
Cor.  Sutter  Street 

l  [ours: 

1133    Polk,    cor.    Sutter    Street 
Telephone  Hyde  1241 

Daily:   S   to   9,    12    to   3,    7   to   8 


Sunday: 12  to  2 

Daily.    1-3.    7-8 

Telephone   Hyde   1211 

Sunday,  12-2 





Till'  Market  St.,   cor.   Kearny 
Residence.   1725   Pine   Street 

San  Francisco 

Office:  606  Sutter   Street 


9  a.   m.   to  5  p.    m. 

Telephone  Main  r>474  Res..   Belvedere 

L.  L.  WHITE 


Office  and   Residence: 

434   Ellis   Street 

W.  J.    Younger.   M.   D. 

Russell  H.  Cool.   D.   D.   S. 


D.  D.  S. 

300   Stockton    Street 

DR.  A.  T.  DERBY 


206  Kearny  Street,  San   Francisco 

C.  W.  RICHARDS,  D.  D.  S. 
I  tentist 

Special   Treatment  of  Diseases  of  the  An- 
trum  of  Highmore   and   Oral   Cavity 
47    Post   Street 

S.    E.   corner    Kearny 


9  a.  in.  to  5  p.  in. 


Surgeon   Dentist 

:;.".    Easterbrook    Building 
Fourth  Floor 

22-24  Geary   Street 

9-12  and   1-5 

Take  Elevator 

The   Younger  Method   of   Implantation   and 



22  Geary  Street.   First  Floor,  near  Kearney 

San    Francisco 
Formerly    .Murphy    liuilding 

Established  18S4 



218    Noe   Street  San    Francisco 

Telephone  White  241 

Telephone   White  951 


I  lentist 
761    Yaleneia  Street 

X.    E.   corner   19th 
Office    Hours: 

9  a.   m.   in  :>  p.   m. 




Surgeon    Dentist 

1170  Market  Street 
Donohoe   Building  Over   "The   Maze' 

Rooms  3  and  4 

DR.  W.  P.  COOL 


Office  and  Residence: 
22  Kearny  Street  San  Francisco,  Cal. 

A  special  study  has  been  made  for  the  past 

25  years  in  the  treatment  of  Facial 


DR.   E.   G.   EISEN 


806  Market  Street 
Room  122,   Phelan  Building 
San  Francisco 
Office  Hours: 

From  9  a.  m.  to  5  p.   m. 



Phelan    Building,    Room   124 


in  a.  m.  to  3  p.   m. 

DR.  C.  H.  BOWMAN 



Room   10  Murphy  Building 

Corner  Jones  and  Market  Streets 

San  Francisco 

9  to  5 



231   Post   St. 

San  Francisco 

DR.  J.  W.  LIKENS 


Murphy   Building,    Room   41 

Over  J.  J.  O'Brien's 


9  to  12  a.   m. 
1  to  5  p.   m. 

DR.  F.  A.  BLISS 


llTii  Market  Street 

Room   27 

Over     "The   Maze' 


Dental   Laboratory 

For   the    Manufacture   of   All  Kinds  of  Artificial   Dentures 
Continuous   Gum  Work  a   Specialty 
345  Phelan  Building 

Up  Stairs 



DR.  G.   B.  HUSTED 


223  Leavenworth  Street 

Near  Eddy,   S.    P. 


9  a.  m.  to  12  m.  and  1-5  p.  m. 


433   Eddy    Street.    San    Francisco 

Office   Hours: 

9  to  12  a.   m.,   1  to  5  p.   m. 

DR.   R.  C.  GARDNER 


Menesini  Building 

231   Post  St. 
Office  Hours: 

10  a.  m.  to  1  p.  m. 



Office:  22  Donohoe  Building 
1170   Market  Street 



636  Sutter  Street,  cor.  of  Taylor 
San  Francisco 



223  Leavenworth  Street,   near  Eddy 

San  Francisco 

Office  Hours: 

From  1  to  5  p.  m. 

DR.  W.  E.    DAVIS 


Office:  115  Powell  Street 
Hours:   9-5 



Office:  927  Market  Street 
Spreckels  Building 
Room   416  Take   Elevator 

Office  Hours:    9  a.  m.   to  5  p.   m. 
Neuralgia    Pains 

Stopped  Instantly  by 

Local  Applications 


9   to   12,    1   to  5 

Tel.    East    111 


Surgeon,  Operative  and  Mechanical 

906  Market  St.,   near  Stockton.  Opp.   Flood 

San  Francisco,  Cal. 
Office  Hours:  9  a.   m.  to  5  p.   m. 
Sundays:   10  a.   m.   to  1  p.   m. 

W.  A.  BRYANT,  M.  D. 


Office  and  Residence: 
S30  Sutter  Street 

SPECIMEN  Linotype  Print— NONPABEIL  -  128458789 SPECIMEN' 

SPECIMEN  Linotype  Print— BREVIER.— 12345678  SPECIMEN 

SPECIMEN  I  h.otvi.p  PHnt— T()\(l   PKIAIFR  SPECIMEN 

SPECIMEN  ^n0t/P<    1,int  ,^/;/1\1^J;tC  SPECIMEN 

specimen  Linotype  Print — PICA — 12345  specimen 

We  make  a  specialty  of  printing 
Newspapers,  Pamphlets,  Cata- 
logues, Briefs,  Transcripts,  etc. 





All  work  executed  in  one-fifth  the 
time  of  hand  composition  print 
intr  houses.     Write  or  call : : : : : 

WEST  COAST  ADV.  &   PUB.  CO., 

Telephone  Main  11-15 

58  First  Street. 
58  First  Street. 
58  First  Street. 

Composition  on  this  page  done  on  Linotype  Machines  of  the  West  Coast  A.iv.  &  Pub.  Co. 




j»    j*.    Jt    GRADE  IN 
Jt    ,*    jt  IMPORTED  WINE 

Recommended  Especially  by  Club  Members  and  Private  Families. 

It  is  packed  also  in  one-half  pints,  and  in  this  form  is  recommended  be  the  medical  profession 
onaceount  of  their  special  adaptability  to  the  requirements  of  invalids  asthe  only  champagne 
fit  for  the  sick  room. 





143    POST   STREET, 

Bet.  Kearny  and  Grant  Ave.,  San  Francisco 

Quality  Pays .... 

just  as  trulv  in  writing  papers  as  in  any  other  merchandise,    for  your  stationery   i> 
one  of  the  surest  indications  of   refinement.      The  most   fashionable  and  popular 
papers  are: — 
Ehud's  Royal  White  Kurd's  Irish   Linen  Kurd's  Satin  Wove 

Crane's  Old  Style  Bond  Crane's  Kid  Finish  Crane's  Distaff  Linen 

Crane's  Early  English  Crane's  Bond 

We  can  furnish  any  of  these  in  the  latest  fashionable  tints  and  sizes. 


225  Post  Street,  san  Francisco 



EKIES. — Fir;-.  H  irdeanx  and  New  York. 

JULES      WILE.      BROTHER     &     CO.—  IMPORTED 

wines.  Liquors  and  Cordials. — Ne«  ,i 



E.  K.  ARNOLD  ft  i  ".— Fekfi  meky— 
I.  .v  E.  Atkins  m,  London, 


Charles  L.  Doy chert 





XORDLINGER     ft    I  SEEDS.    £ 

-New  York. 



San  Frakcisoo    Cal. 

C.  A.  NICHOLS  &  CO. 






ESTABLISH  ED   1866- 

The  only  store  in  Chinatown  having  one  price  and   a!l   goods   marked  in 

plain  English  figures. 

Chinese  and  Japanese  Bazaar 

614  DUP01MT  STREET, 

Bet.  California  and  Sacramento. 

all  orders  promptly  attended  to. 

Goods  sent  c.  o.  d.  or  on  receipt  of  postal  order 

P.   O.   BOX  2449  Beware  of  Firms   Infringing  Upon  Our  Name 


San  Francisco 

Max  Hoflich... 


s.6  F 


Sealskin  Garments  a  Specialty 



1 2 II  wosr  street; 

ROOMS  7  and  S 


I  import  direct  all  FURS  and  SKINS  for  which  I  manufacture  garments.  Having  been 
with  Revillon  Freres  in  Paris,  France,  and  London,  Kngland,  and  with  H.  Liebes  &  Co.,  of 
this  City,  for  a  number  of  years,  I  am  enabled  to  guarantee  my  patrons  the  LATEST  STYLES 
and  a  PERFECT  FIT. 


Crier  zi  any  Dealer  in  Califcrnia 

Southfield  Wellington  Coal^ 

CHARLES  R.  ALLEN,  Wholesale  Agent. 
144  Stewart  Street,       -         -         SAN  FRANCISCO 

972   Broadway, 

S.   F.  Tel.   Main  1S45 


Oakland  Tel.  Main  68 

BALDWIN  THEATRE— Baldwin  Hotel.  Market  and  Powell  Sts.      Tel  Red  901 

MMi;    pKuny-xiNNS 


S7-88-89  X  94  Columbian  Building 

916  Market  St.,  s./X  FRANCISCO. 



P]Qysicia£  agd  Sur^eoi} 

Telephone  Black  801 

Hours  i  to  3  and  7  to  8  246  SUTTER  ST.,  Cor.  Grant  Ave. 


Attorney  at  Law 


Telephones:  Office.  1343.     Residence  East  249  Room   20 

God's   Remedy   For  Man's   Physical   Ills Discovered  in  Nature's  Laboratory — Earth's  bosom 

No  man-made  concoction,    therefore  cannot  be  adulterated.      Contains  exact 
elements  of  human  blood.      Treats  Locally  and  Generally. 


free  lectures  '•      344  McAllister  Street 

A  series  of  free  parlor  talks  SAN     FRANCISCO. 

upon  Hygiene  will  be  Mrs.  A.  L.  Richards 

given  at  our  office. 


THURSDAYS    AT   2:30    P.M.  OFFICE  HOURS:  1:30  TO   5P.M. 

Health  is  the  foundation  of  Happiness;  Knowledge  points  the  road  to  health. 

J.  W.  LUND " 

22  Geary  Street        Near  Kearny  Street 

Mexicarx  Stamped  LeatKer  Qoods  to  Order 


Ladies'  Purses,  Card  Cases,  Satchels  and  Dress  Trimmings.    Gents' 

Pocket  Books  and  Letter  Cases.      Saddles,  Harness,  Racing 

and  Turf  Goods.      Doctors'  Surgical  and  Instrument 

Cases.      Ladies'  Leather  Belts  a  Specialty. 

Formerly  With  Jhomas  &  Sor\  ar\d  J^edfern  of  London. 
f/.    BETTE,     Ladles    Tailor 












BALDWIN  THEATRE—Baldwin   Hotel.  Market  and  Powell   Sts.    Telephone   Re.)   901 
AL.   Hayman  &  Co..  (Incorporated)   Proprietors.  Mr.  Alfred   Bouvier,  Manager. 


115  Kearny  Street 


San  FranHsco,  Cal. 

Fine  Press  Suits  to  Order,   from    - 
rcoats  $i  1.00, 

Business   suits  $12.50 
Pants  $4.00 


Telephone  Sutter  1791 



Bet.  Pine  and  California  Sts. 



Teacher  of  MILLINERY 
Pupils  in  Class  or  Private.  Fine  Trim- 
ming done  to  order  on  short  notice.  Even- 
ing Hats  a  Specialty.  Goods  bought  for 
Customers  direct  from  Wholesale  Dealers. 

22  &  24  GEARY  STREET 

MR.  F.  MEYER, 

TEACHER       OF      PIANO 



Under  Occidental   Hotel 


Telephone  Main  1357 


Room    72 


—of  the— 
Jii4  1-2  and  206  LEAVENWORTH   STREET 

ST.    GUADALUPE    OIL   and    DR.    COCH'S 
CHARCOAL— A     positive     remedy    for 
Rheumatism    and   Neuralgia.    50    cents 
and  $1.00. 

M.    G.    BRANDT.    Prop. 


322  McAllister 
Voice  Culture,  Histrionic  Culture,  Dy- 
namic Breathing,  and  Delsarte.  Psychical, 
Aesthetic,  and  Physical  Culture,  Statue- 
Posing,  Tableaux  Mouvants  and  Poses 

A    Specialty      is    made    of    the    Delsarte, 
Psychical.  Aesthetic  and  Physical  Culture. 
Eight  lessons  in  class,  $6.00. 
Eight   lessons,    private,    $10.00. 

JOHN  A.   HALL,   Pres. 


Incorporated   1851. 




ISAAC  B.  SNOW,  Supt.  of  Agents. 

C.  M.  T.  PARKER,  Manager  for  California. 




108    STOCKTON    ST.,      SAN    FRANCISCO, 

Old  Collections  Bought  for  Cash. 
Foreign   and   U.    S.   Postage     Stamps     and 

Philatelic  Supplies. 
Publishers  of  "Filatelic     Facts  and  Falla- 


Dr.  \V.    F.    Southard 

K'.ie,    Ear,  Noii  and   Throat 

Office  km  Sitter  Street 

Hours:    n    A.M.    to    3  P.    M.                              By  appointment:  9   to   xi  A.    M. 

Residence.    Palo   Alto  Telephone    Main    5572 

G  ETs'j   12T6I1J 
J  LFT'5  3  1  2.4XS  J 
K  ITT 5  3  I  2  4  6:8j3  * 

M  tE233irJT32lEl2]  * 

p  EXrs2HiI±XB$  p 

5  0rxi3^ir2X53353S  s 



New  California  Theatre 

Street,  above  Kearny.      Al.  Hayman  .V  Co..  (Incorporated)  Proprietors. 

77)e  Latest  Idea  ! 

Ladies'    Belts,   Purses,      Pocket     Books,    Shawl    Straps  and 
numerous    articles     in     Mexican     Stamped      Leather    Work. 

Just   the  thing   for  a  present 
Kindly  call     .*.         .*.     No  trouble  to  show  them 

Main  &  WiQcl^cstcr     -      -      .  M4  Battcrv  St 



Wholesale   and   Retail    Dealer    in 


I      I      ■      I      1      I      I      I      1      I      I      I      I      1      I      I      1      I      1      I      I      I      I      1      I 

103   and    104   CALIFORNIA    MARKET  ....  All  orders  attended  to  at  the  shortest 

Bet.   Pine  and  Summer  Sts.,   San  FranciSi  O  notice.  Goods  delivered  free  of  charge 

Telephone  Main  5591  <"  an>'  Part  "f  tlle  city. 


Dairy  _.  Butter  ^^ 

Produce  Eggs 

35,  36,  43,  &  44  CALIFORNIA   MARKET 
Established    1873  TELEPHONE,    MAIN    1482 





Stalls  7-8-9    California  Market 



MISS.  HARROLD  presents  her  compliments 
and  begs  to  call  your  attention  to  the  fact  that  she 
has  transferred  her  Millinery  business  from  232 
I'm, 1  Street  t yi  Sutter  Street. 

FLYNN  &  CO. 



Separate  Apartments  for  School  of 
Dress  Cutting  and  Making. 

A&  K  BUILDING,  Next    Door  to  Hibernia  Bank 
14  McAllister  Street 
Room  67 

Miss.  M.  B.  Quigg  Miss.  Kate  Welch 



ROOMS  8},  84.  and  85 

San  Francisco 

1    1  ning  Walking  Suits.   Evening  Toilets.  Bridal 

Trousseaux,  and  Morning  Costumes  Manufactured 

on  the  Shortest  Notice  After  the  Latest 

Parisian  Modes 

I  AKL   I  HE  El  I  \      I  '    1 

Formerly  with  Madame  Max   BetcheL 


6  Eddy  Street,  Cor.   Powell 

Room  -6i,  4TH   floor 



Dealers  in  I—  .       I  •>       /"N  «  FROGS 

aiikindsof  fish   and   Uysters      terrapin 

Telephone.    Main    478 

San  Francisco,  Cal 

Goods  delivered  for  Breakfast.  Lunch   and   Dinner 

Eagle  Brand  Frozen  Oysters  always  or  hand  Country  orders  promptly  attended  to 


Bush  Street,  above  Kearny.     Al.  Hayman  &  Co..  (Incorporated)  Proprietors. 

Prompt  Delivery  Tel.  Main  5997 


Wholesale  and  Retail  Dealer  in  all  kinds  of 

Dairy  Prcduoe  Butter  Eggs 

Cheese  Lard  Hams  etc. 

Stall  No.    10  California  Market 


WM.  T.  ROSS. 


Reading           Voice                 Action 

Recitation            Oratory                     Drama 

By    WILLIAM    T.    ROSS,    A.    M. 


The  Baker  &  Taylor  Co..   New   York 

Cor.  Market  and  Taylor  Sts. 

Payot.  Upham  &  Co.,  San  Francisco 



Office    and    Elocution    Parlors: 

12mo.    Cloth,   378  Pages.    Elegantly   Bound. 

Rooms:   70.   71   and  72.    4th   Floor. 

Price,  $1.25.     Special  rates  to  Teachers  and 

Hours:    Day  and   Evening. 


Physical    and    Voice    Culture.      Specialties. 

Address:     W.    T.    ROSS 

Instruction  strictly  private  or  in  class. 


Throat    examined,      voice    tested,    and    ad- 


vice   given    free   of  charge. 

Sixth    Edition   just   issued. 

I.    West.                                                 J.    Gordon. 


J.  Elliott. 



Safe  Deposit   Building 


32S  Montgomery   St..   S.   E.   cor.   Mont,   and 

Cal  Sts. 

31   SIXTH    STREET,    118  THIRD   STREET 


And  1645  POLK  STREET 

Telephone Main    1339 




The    Only    Direct   Importers 

Aux  Villes  de  France 

et  d'  Amerique 


No.   324  Sutter  Street, 


Bet.   Sutter  and   Post. 


Robes  and  Trousseaux. 

Tel.    Red    154. 




128   GEARY    ST.                  SAX    FRAXCISCO 


Weddings.    Breakfasts.    Lunches. 

Dinners,    Banquets,    Surprise  Parties, 

Room  10                          MURPHY  BUILDING 

and  Private  Picnics 


Furnished    at    the    Shortest    Notice. 

9  to   5 

Full    Charge    Taken    and    Everything    Fur- 

Cor.   Jones    and    Market. 

nished.     Telephone  East  358 


House  Fainter 

ii  alive  Paper  Hanging 
And  Tinting 

240    ELLIS    STREET, 



"S"  and   "K"      RANGES 

THE  NEW  CALIFORNIA        .-.         THE  OCCIDENTAL         .\        THE  OCCIDENTAL  JUNIOR 

Made  tur  wood  or  coal  For  Good  Baking  and  Water  Heating  Second  to  none 

Highest  awards   at  State   Fair   and  Mechanics'   Fair 


5tG14?*Cr  &    Keri*  35®   Main   Street,  San  Francisco.  Cal. 

^   **  New  Salesroom,    uS  Geary  Street. 



•  iJRT3y"tTRCLC  • 


Columbia  Theater    Powell,  near  Market.    Telephone  Bush  i. 
Friedlander,  Gottlob  ^N  Co.,  Lessees  and  Managers, 



Formerly  cutter  and  fitter  with  H.  Liebes  &  Co. 


From  London,  England. 


Fashionable    Furriers 

Sealskin  Garments  Made  to  Order 

Repairing  and   Remodelling  at  very 
Moderate    Prices 

Over  Samuels'  Lace  House 
Take    Elevator 

13t  Post  St. 

Room    17 

San  Francisco 

Telephone    Grant    72 




Voice  Improvement  a  Specialty 

Stammering  and  all  imperfections  of  Voice  cured.      Opera  Performances  in 
Historical  Costumes  given  several  times  yearly  by  advanced  pupils. 

Hours,  1  to  2  Daily 

offices,  MURPHY  BUILDING, 
1266  Market  Street,  Rooms  121,  122 

City  of  Paris 

S^iy^ay^  *VteL/vwn,  %u*<^iL     Hair  Dressing  &  Manicuring  Parlors 

MRS.  REED,  Proprietor 

CONCERT  PIANIST  Parlors  26  &  27,      14  Grant  Ave. 


944  Valencia  Street 

Hours  from  10  to  12 

P.  C.  Grandmougin 


flrrSltikiarv  \o  Order 

Bust  Portraits, 

Religious  Statues,  etc. 
Medallions,  etc. 

Marble  or  Bronze,  etc. 


Room   37   Donohue   Building, 

San  Francisco. 

Complexion  Treated  Face  Massage 


Hair  Cutting  and  Dressing 

I.adies'  and  Gentleman's  Manicuring 

Sundays  8  to  12. 

Dr.  N.  Brundage 



26'4    KEARNY   ST. 



Schimmel  &  Stover 

Ladies    Tailor 

330  Sutter  St. 



CALIFORNIA  and  JAPAN  TRADING  CO.,  Y.  FKL10T0,  Proprietor 


Import     Representative    of  1 20  SUTTER  STREET 

Japanese  Crockery  Mfg.  Companies 
Japanese  Art  Collectors'  Association  ROOMS  *o  51  &  ?8 

Japanese  Notions  and  Lacquer  Mttr    C"^.  San    Francisco    Cal 

Kobe.    Japan 

Wholesale  and  Retail. 





16  Ellis  Street 



Private  Rooms  for  Ladies 




gEP   tOSt 





q  to  12  A.  M. ;  1:30  to  5  P.  M. 

Y.  M.  C.  A.  BUILDING,  Room  11 

Corner    Ellis   and    Mason    Streets 







































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Tivoli  Opera  House— Eddy  Street,  near  Baldwin  Hotel.     Mrs.  Ernestine  Kreling. 




9X  C 







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4  53 

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n    in 





C.  C.  Bemis 

Real    Estale   anil   Seneral  Land   Agent 


Box  0 


San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Tivoli    Opera     House — EJJy  Street,   near    Baldwin   Hotel.     A 

tirst-class     and    popular  place  of  amusement. 

Mrs.  Earnestine   Kreling,    Proprietor   and    Manager. 

jet  4/0 



-)4     318 

36   [ 116 

-  .245 


Ti  I  7S  I  7r 





85  1  87 



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,2.   .3' 










Firve  FURS 


Remodeling  ani  Repairing  at 


/\D.  }<0C0Up,  Fashionable  Furrier 


•l'j   Kearney  Street,  San  Francisco.      First  Floor'  Opposite  Chronicle 

Formerly  cutter  anj  practical  Furrier  with  Revillon  Freres.    Paris,  LonJon  anJ  New  York. 


iijui^iejiojoj      Iioi)mJ97J9s{m 

Ut344^H'H    |"4^^4»f..f^j    j.,^^.,,,^..^!  [ggggg 

i^4*44H'H  MH-^s^f^,^"^  iH-^^H^H^R  H'^HH1^7 

i^^^^'M'^l  ^4"^'ti"t74H'H  ^^t^,^^  u^,^^^ 

-    M*l        Ml«o  92  ^4 

p°°H  pH"TT' 

"4"t"*"^"f'3!  |2'i""°^>40»c^°f»j  p-o^Kfa^^"^'^  F-f4"*»»-4^ 

c^5f'frH<3J  ^fj^j»i^iji^    jJyjfofoj.jfe|,4^  ■  [^^.^""gg 

gffoy^foi  hh^H'fer'R  H^W^H'^I  55315 

CT^o^Jayj^j    fe35foA|H'H2tH*s^'*3      ^(y^H^H'*     I^K°3)Jm 

¥">'*'*'       y|3'^ln|.J5Jjii|i<.^'iS         i~in)}l^itjilili»^j      i'^.^^,si51J!l 

«8tsja^t'*wj    J*^'sJw3Ji^JM]1t"c^    [i^M^^Jwf^^     tfojiiips^cks^ 

?M  •|»yPH,"i»4363iJt"3